UNITAR-UNOSAT | Tropical Cyclone ETA, Eta-20 | Population Exposure Analysis in Honduras as of 5 November 2020 UNOSAT Tropical Cyclone ETA-20 Population Exposure Analysis in Honduras 5 November 2020 Population Exposure Analysis 5 November 2020 Geneva, Switzerland UNOSAT Contact: Postal Address: Email:
[email protected] UNITAR – UNOSAT, IEH T: +41 22 767 4020 (UNOSAT Operations) Chemin des Anémones 11, 24/7 hotline: +41 75 411 4998 CH-1219, Genève, Suisse 1 UNITAR-UNOSAT | Tropical Cyclone ETA, Eta-20 | Population Exposure Analysis in Honduras as of 5 November 2020 Overview Tropical cyclone ETA-20 formed on 31 October 2020 over the Caribbean Sea east of Nicaragua with the maximum sustained winds up to 240 km/h. The category 4 Tropical Storm ETA-20 reached the coast of southern Puerto Cabezas in the afternoon of 3 November. With maximum sustained winds up to 240 km/h. According to GDACS, Tropical Cyclone ETA-20 can have a high humanitarian impact based on the maximum sustained wind speed, exposed population, and vulnerability. Based on data of the forecasted tropical cyclone path of wind speeds zones from Joint Research Centre (Issued on 5 November 2020 03:00 UTC), and population data from WorldPop 2020, UNITAR-UNOSAT has prepared a population exposure analysis for the Honduras. About 1% of population of the Honduras living inside wind speed zone of 60-120 km/h and 11% living inside wind speed zone below 60 km/h Population Exposure in Honduras as of 5 November 2020 The population exposure has been calculated using a 100m resolution WorldPoP dataset.