An Analysis of Pragmatic Presuppositions in the Editorial Texts

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An Analysis of Pragmatic Presuppositions in the Editorial Texts AN ANALYSIS OF PRAGMATIC PRESUPPOSITIONS IN THE EDITORIAL TEXTS THESIS BY: JAMIATUL HASANAH HARAHAP (157052001) FACULTY OF CULTURAL SCIENCES UNIVERSITY OF NORTH SUMATERA M E D A N 2 0 1 7 DECLARATION AN ANALYSIS OF PRAGMATIC PRESUPPOSITIONS IN EDITORIAL TEXTS I certify that the thesis I wrote as one of the requirments to obtain the degree of Master of Arts from English Postgraduate Study Program, Faculty of Cultural Sciences, University of Sumatera Utara, is Exactly my own work. I certify that I clearly mentioned the references of the citations I used in some specific parts of this thesis based on norm, rule, and etiquette of the technique o a scientific writing. I certify, in future, that Im willing to accept the sanction of the renovatiob of my academic degree which I receive and other sanction in accordance with the prevailing laws and regulations, provided some parts or all parts of this thesis are invented not to be my own work or to commit pragiarism. Medan October 2017 The writer Jamiatul Hasanah Harahap AN ANALYSIS OF PRAGMATIC PRESUPPOSITION IN THE EDITORIAL TEXTS ABSTRACT The aim of this study were (1) to find out the presupposition triggers in editorials texts of The Jakarta Post, (2) to find out the types of presupposition in editorial text of The Jakarta Post, (3) to describe the presupposition triggers realized in the types of presupposition. The study was qualitative content analysis. The source of data was The Jakarta Post online website. The data of the study were the sentences or clause which triggered the presupposed meaning in editorials. The data were identified, analyzed, and categorized based on Yule and Levinson’s theory of Presupposition. The findings of the study showed that: (1) 13 presupposition triggers were found in the editorial texts namely: definite description, factive items, implicative verbs, change of state verbs, verb of judging, iterative items, cleft sentences, temporal clauses, comparative construction, counterfactual conditional and non-restrictive relative clause, question and nonfactive items while implicit cleft with stressed constituents was not found. (2) 6 types of presupposition were found in the editorial texts namely: existential, lexical, structural, factive, nonfactive, and counterfactual presupposition. (3)The realization of definite description trigger existential presupposition which present assumptions that someone or something is exist. The realization of cleft sentence, question, temporal clause, non restrictive relative clause, and comparative construction trigger structural presupposition which can be used to treat information as presupposed (assumed to be true) and hence to be accepted as true by the reader. The realization of factive verb trigger factive presupposition which present more information in the editorial texts as a fact to make the reader trust the information in editorial text as a fact. The realization of implicative verb, change of state verb, verb of judging, and iterative items trigger lexical presupposition which present an assumption that, in using one word, the writer of the editorial can act as if another meaning (word) will be understood by the reader. The realization of nonfactive verbs trigger nonfactive presuppositionis which present some information which is assumed not to be true. The realization of counterfactual conditional trigger counterfactual presupposition which present some information that contrary to the fact. Keywords: pragmatic, presupposition, presupposition triggers, editorial ANALISIS PERANGGAPAN PRAGMATIKDALAM TEKS EDITORIAL ABSTRAK Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah (1) untuk mengetahui pemicu peranggapan dalam teks editorial Jakarta pos, (2) untuk mengetahui jenis-jenis peranggapan dalam teks editorial Jakarta Pos, (3) untuk mendeskripsikan pemicu peranggapan yang direalisasikan dalam jenis-jenis peranggapan. Penelitian ini merupakan analisis isi kualitatif. Sumber data adalah situs online Jakarta poss. Data penelitian adalah kalimat atau klausa yang memicu dugaan makna dalam editorial. Data diidentifikasi, dianalisis, dan dikategorikan berdasarkan teori peranggapan Yule dan Levinson. Temuan penelitian menunjukkan bahwa: (1) 13 pemicu peranggapan ditemukan dalam teks editorial yaitu: definite description, factive items, implicative verbs, change of state verbs, verb of judging, iterative items, cleft sentences, temporal clauses, comparative construction, counterfactual conditional and non-restrictive relative clause, question and nonfactive items sementara implicit cleft with stressed constituents tidak ditemukan. (2) 6 jenis peranggapan ditemukan dalam teks editorial yaitu: peranggapan eksistensial, leksikal, struktural, faktual, tidakfaktif, dan kontrafaktual. (3) Realisasi definite description memicu peranggapan eksistensial yang menyajikan asumsi bahwa seseorang atau sesuatu ada. Realisasi cleft sentence, question, temporal clause, non restrictive relative clause, and comparative constructionmemicu peranggapan struktural yang dapat digunakan untuk memperlakukan informasi sebagaimana dugaan (dianggap benar) dan karenanya dapat diterima sebagai benar oleh pembaca. Realisasi factive items memicu peranggapan faktual yang menyajikan lebih banyak informasi dalam teks editorial sebagai fakta untuk membuat pembaca mempercayai informasi dalam teks editorial sebagai sebuah fakta. Realisasi implicative verb, change of state verb, verb of judging, and iterative items memicu peranggapan leksikal yang mengemukakan asumsi bahwa, dengan menggunakan satu kata, penulis editorial dapat bertindak seolah-olah makna lain (kata) akan dipahami oleh pembaca. Realisasi nonfactive verb memicu peranggapan nonfaktif yang menyajikan beberapa informasi yang dianggap tidak benar. Realisasi counterfactual conditional memicu peranggapan kontrafaktual yang menghadirkan beberapa informasi yang bertentangan dengan fakta. Kata kunci: pragmatis, presuposisi, pemicu presuposisi, editorial ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS In the name of Allah, the most Gracious and the most Merciful May peace and blessing of Allah be upon all of us All praises be to Allah SWT, the lord of the Universe, on the overflow of graces and mercies to mankind, who remarkably guides the writer in the process of writing the thesis. Peace and salutation be upon the greatest prophet Muhammad SAW, his family, companions and adherents, who had civilized the world from the darkness to the lightness. The deepest appreciation and gratitude are extended to Dr. Umar Mono, Dipl. Trans., M.Hum and Rahmadsyah Rangkuti, M.A., Ph.D as my advisers who have given thier continuous guidance, helpful correction, moral support, advice, and suggestion, without which it is doubtful that this thesis came into completion. My deepest thank also goes to the following: 1. Prof. Dr. Runtung, Rector of University of Sumatera Utara. 2. Dr. Budi Agustono, M.S. The Dean of Faculty of Cultural Sciences 3. Dr. Ridwan Hanafiah, S. H., M.A and Dr. Umar Mono, Dipl. Trans., M.Hum. as the thesis examiners and the chief and the secratary of English Postgraduate Study program with all lecturers. 4. Prof. Dr. Syahron Lubis, M.A. my lecturer and also examiners of this thesis who also gave the time and valuable enlightenment of the theory of Pragmatics. 5. My parents ayahanda H. Sangkot Kiron Harahap, Ibunda Hj. Dahniar Amhani Siregar, whose love and guidance are with me in whatever I pursue. They are the ultimate role models, nobody has been more important to me in the pursuit of this project than both of my parents. 6. The members of my family especially my two elder sisters, and eight elder brothers who always devote their endless love, patience, encouregement, advice and support to me to persue a higher level of education and to contribute for human beings. My special feeling of gratefulness is forwarded to them. Their existence gave me strength, spirit and dignity to overcome the obstacless and not to surrender in any condition. 7. I would also like to thank to my two elder sisters, and eight elder brothers. They were always supporting me and encouraging me with their best wishes. 8. My gratitude also go to My beloved friends Risa Umami, Triana Lestari, Restu Maulia and Putra Pratama who have encouraged me to finish this thesis and who have given me continous support on the process of this thesis writing that I will always bear in mind. 9. My wonder friend Nurhidayah for giving me useful advice, accompanying and helping me through the process of this thesis writing. I thank her for always being my good friend. 10. Bu Adry Wiyani Ridwan, the administration staff of English Postgraduate Study program, for her help during my study. 11. I also thank to everyone I met and spent time together in sharing their insights, knowledge, spirit, experiences, motivations which have motivated me to finish my magister programme. Finally, I realize that this thesis is far from being perfect. I do appreciate any comments and criticisms. I also hope that this thesis can bring some contribution to English Postgraduate Study program. Medan, October 2017 Jamiatul Hasanah Harahap TABLE OF CONTENT ABSTRACT .................................................................................................................... i LIST OF TABLE ........................................................................................................... ii LIST OF FIGURES ....................................................................................................... iii LIST OF SYMBOL.......................................................................................................
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