March/April 2016 Issue 218 Scottish Charity SC000785 RAPEV NE GMayfield Salisbury Parish () Church of


Dear Friends, In Hell there grew a Judas Tree PASSION NARRATIVE Where Judas hanged and died Because he could not bear to see The Passion or ‘suffering’ of Jesus lies at His master crucified. the heart of the Holy Week story. It is a corrective to any notion that God crudely, Our Lord descended into Hell mechanically, intervenes in human history And found his Judas there in the manner of a Hollywood miracle. For ever hanging on the tree God is able to creatively respond to prayer, Grown from his own despair. in and through us, through our thoughts and actions, through our openness to the So Jesus cut his Judas down Presence of the Sacred. And took him in his arms ‘It was for this I came,’ he said Through the days of Holy Week, Jesus is ‘And not to do you harm the calm centre of the story, a story in which He is betrayed, abandoned, My Father gave me twelve good men ridiculed, abused, tortured and brutally, And all of them I kept shamefully, murdered. He is at peace Though one betrayed and one denied during the interrogation by Pilate and, on Some fled and others slept the Cross, with love, He is able to speak to His mother and the disciple whom He In three days’ time I must return loved especially. In all that He faces, Jesus To make the others glad is never in doubt that He and the Father But first I have to come to Hell are one. And share the death you had

In prayer, be with Christ: allow His calm My tree will grow in place of yours and peace to penetrate your soul; let Its roots lie here as well yourself be filled by His Spirit; be aware There is no final victory that He dwells in you. Jesus invites us to Without this soul from Hell’ share in His union with the Father, that we So when we all condemn him may taste eternity now. As of every traitor worst One prominent character in the Passion Remember that of all his men narrative is Judas, who led the authorities Our Lord forgave him first. to Jesus in order that He be arrested. In the end, Judas commits suicide. One of Every blessing, my favourite poems for Holy Week is by Ruth Etchells, called the Ballad of the Judas Tree: Scott

2 PETER GRANT Kirstine Baxter missed out on a lot of the later involvement in my home church.

So when did you first come to Edinburgh? As a student at the Heriot Watt, travelling daily by train from Leven for the first two years and having digs in Edinburgh from Monday to Friday for the third and fourth years. I did electronic engineering; I was a light current man. Then I went to work for Plessey in Portsmouth in the south of England. They were designing parts for military radios. I was working on integrated circuits, trying to make the radios smaller and smaller. In 1966 that was very new. After four years there I returned to Scotland, worked for a year in Glenrothes, and then came back to Were you born and brought up in Edinburgh, to the University this time, to a Edinburgh, Peter? No, I was born in St Andrews and brought up in Leven in Fife. research position. I have two sisters. One sister lives in Ottawa in Canada and the other sister lives Is that when you started coming to in Musselburgh and also in Lochcarron, as Mayfield Salisbury? After I came back to she travels between the two. Edinburgh, I met Marjory. Marjory lived in Mayfield Road and attended Mayfield Church, so I have been coming to Mayfield Was yours a church going family? Yes, my uncle was session clerk for years at with her since 1973. Marjory and I were Scoonie Parish Church in Leven. My married in Mayfield in January 1974 in the father was also an elder, later in his life. He middle of the three day week! There was kept refusing, saying he was too busy no heating in the church and the slates running the Leven Musical! Leven were flying off! I had a house in Currie. So Amateur Musical Association was formed after we were married we lived initially in in 1872 and is the longest running such Currie, but we always came to Mayfield. society in the UK. My father was secretary for 30 years. Mother too was a church goer Have you and Marjory always lived in and we were taken to Sunday school and I or near Edinburgh? Not completely. We was in the Life Boys, but I went to spent a year in California in the 1970s and boarding school when I was 11. So I a year in Boston in the 1980s. When we went to California our daughter, Jennifer,

3 was only 8 weeks old, and our other convener is responsible for the daughter, Lindsay, was under two, and we maintenance of the church buildings and, had no where to stay! A PhD student as they are old buildings which are very drove us around to find some well used, we are constantly trying to catch accommodation! So when we went to up! Recently we’ve been doing quite a bit Boston, and we were living in our present in Church House, the windows have all house in Grange Road by then, we made it been refurbished, for example, but in the clear that we had to have somewhere to church some of the stained glass still needs stay from the start! Both girls were attention and we need some new doors at therefore for a time in elementary school the west entrance. We get contractors in in the Boston suburbs. I remember for these big jobs, of course, but William Jennifer was told to go and wash her hands and I also do quite a bit ourselves. For at the faucet, to which she said, ‘What’s the example, we returfed part of the front faucet?’! Today Lindsay lives in Aberdeen garden, and we repainted the railings, wire where she is a GP and Jennifer, who is a brushing them all first. That was a long lawyer, lives in Morningside. We have three tedious job! We have also been replacing a grandchildren: Catriona and Louise in lot of the fluorescent lights in the halls Aberdeen, and Mitchell in Morningside. entrance with LEDs. Marjory and I look after Mitchell each Wednesday afternoon. Both girls were I’m sure you are involved in other married in Mayfield Salisbury, Jennifer on things at church too? I think it was in our 39th wedding anniversary, which was about 1980 that I became an elder, and I’ve rather nice. been involved with the Salisbury Fund with Alan Paterson since Salisbury joined with And you continued to work at the Mayfield in 1993 and the Shierlaw Fund. University in Edinburgh? Yes, in 1989 I Marjory and I go to the 9.30 service on became Professor of electronic signal Sundays, but I also help at the 10.45 processing. Then in 2002 I was involved in service, for example, on the sound desk amalgamating the different engineering and as a banker for the offerings. departments into one ‘school’ and it was after that that I became Regius Professor And apart from church? The biggest of Engineering. I retired in 2009, but I thing is my involvement with the James volunteered to return part time, working Clerk Maxwell Foundation at 14, India on a Government research exercise Street. I’m the secretary. Last year it was measuring the relative research expertise in 150 years since his famous paper on his each discipline in each University, though equations, which the BBC latched on to I’m fully retired now. and made a TV programme about it. This caused a lot of renewed interest, especially At Mayfield Salisbury, you are now on from overseas visitors. The displays at 14 the Business Committee as Fabric India Street had become very tired. So I’ve Convener. How is that going? The fabric been doing a lot of work, with one of the

4 trustees, on designing new ones on Marjory and I go regularly to the theatre. Maxwell’s life: his scientific achievements There’s always plenty to do in Edinburgh! and his poetry. Also the statue in George Street does not have any panels on it at all, Thank you very much, Peter, and thank you for and so I’ve been working with the Council all your hard work at Mayfield Salisbury on our to get something done about that. At least behalf. We are extremely grateful that you were we now have a brass panel on the stone willing to become Fabric Convener. The care of the work at India Street! I also have a classic fabric is an essential task in any community, but car, a red Triumph TR7, and I play a bit of especially in buildings which offer not only those golf. I play at Prestonfield, often with who worship, but also the wider community, such Michael Sharp and Martin Little. And benefits.


With contributions from very many members of our congregation, this booklet, through prose, poetry and illustrations, is a response to claims that religious beliefs have been overtaken by the amazing progress of science.

Creation in Scripture, the Big Bang, evolution, DNA and consciousness are all discussed. Other topics include how we keep the Bible at the heart of a scientific world view; suffering in an evolutionary world; and ways in which faith illuminates the science of climate change, organ transplantation and genetic modification. and also feel free to take extra copies to Booklets, free of charge thanks to pass around. generous funding from Scientists in Congregations Scotland, are available now Email requests to [email protected]. at the West Mayfield entrance. Download from: Please collect your copy to read and enjoy or 5 SESSION MATTERS Catriona Spratt

Kirk Session met on 26 January when the been no change in the total number of full Very Reverend Dr Gilleasbuig members at 526. Twenty new members Macmillan acted as Moderator. The had been admitted in 2015. A copy of the following was discussed: Roll was duly attested. Session was most grateful to Hugh for his diligence and hard Dr Bill McDonald The Moderator work in maintaining the roll and providing invited the members of Session to stand his detailed report and summary. in silence in recognition of the great debt which Mayfield Salisbury Church owed to Assembly Elder The Presbytery of Dr Bill McDonald and concluded the Edinburgh has invited us to nominate an silence with a prayer of thanksgiving for elder to attend as a commissioner at this Bill’s life and service. year’s General Assembly and we are very grateful to George Ross for agreeing to The Clerk then read extracts from the attend. letters from Patricia McDonald and Sheena McDonald expressing thanks to New Members by Resolution of Kirk everyone at Mayfield Salisbury who had Session Session agreed that two persons made the memorial service to Bill a good be admitted as members by resolution celebration of his life. Salisbury Fund Alan Paterson reported Projection in the Sanctuary The mobile on the fund’s activity during 2015. By way television screen has now been purchased of fund matching £4,000 had enhanced and was used to good effect at the two Christian Aid appeals; £300 enhanced reception following Bill McDonald’s the collection following the Rabbi's three memorial service. evening discussion groups; £500 supported World Mission; and £2,500 was Safeguarding Congregational Register paid to Wycliffe Bible Translators to Hard copies of the updated register were support the work of Oliver Stegen in circulated and one copy was attested.. The response to his letter requesting further hard work of the Safeguarding support from Mayfield Salisbury. Alan Coordinator, Anna Edgar, was greatly reminded Session that the Salisbury Fund appreciated by Session particularly in had supported missionary work over many relation to the recent safeguarding years. It had paid some £27,000 to the clearance of helpers with the First Friday Fucellas. Since 2006, with little matching Friends initiative. from the congregation, £23,000 had been paid to the Stegens. In 2012 the Fund Roll A Roll Report and summary of the committee had concluded that the Roll had been prepared by the Roll diminution of their funds was such that Keeper, Hugh Somerville. Despite a their payments to the Stegens for the number of deaths and moves, there had period 2012/13-2015/2016 would

6 probably be their last. Following receipt of of the Committee, Anne Robertson, has the recent letter from the Stegens the agreed to undertake an investigation of Fund’s committee had met to discuss the data protection requirements and to future of the Fund which now stands at present her findings later in the year to the around £18,000 and to consider Committee for consideration. appropriate beneficiaries. The committee was aware that if it were to recommend to Alvin has also convened a small working Session that the Fund continue to support party, nominated from the 9.30 service, on the Stegens at the current level of £7,500 youth work - especially in regard to the every three years it would be spending a donation offered in this area, together major part of the remaining capital of the with the top-up agreed by Session. The Fund on one beneficiary. The committee donor's particular concerns are with the had accordingly reaffirmed its tentative retention of young people (aged 15-25). conclusion of three years ago that it The working party met for the first time should recommend that the Fund not be on 19 January and reviewed past successes used for the regular support of the and failures in this area . They have invited Stegens in the final years of the Fund. Yvonne McCorkindale, who has There was some support from the meeting responsibility for this area across the for trying to fund the Stegens in some Presbytery, to a second meeting. The other way, possibly by appealing to the working party felt that a particular need congregation. It was decided to hold this was to retain the large number of children discussion over until the next meeting who attended the 9.30 service but who when the Business Committee would have moved away as teenagers and thought had the opportunity to consult the (even allowing for drift to higher Treasurer. education) that there was scope for progress here. Business Committee Alvin Jackson, reported that the Business Committee had Fabric Convener’s Report on Sound met in November to discuss and approve Loop System Peter Grant reported that, the draft budget, which was subsequently having tested the sound loop system with presented to and approved by Session. In a Session member who wears a hearing aid addition the committee received reports with a T setting, the system was operating on the autumn fire drill, health and safety, perfectly well as originally installed. communications, and the ongoing repair and maintenance programme for the Christian Aid Hilary Watkinson reported Church fabric. The committee approved that the final total for 2015 was a record- the purchase of a defibrillator. It met breaking £32,240.73. She gave a huge again in January, the main task being to thanks to the Session and congregation for consider early drafts of some of its key all their support. Future events include the sections of the annual trustees' report and Marmalade Sale on Sunday21 February accounts. The Fabric Convener, presented and a Pizza and Prizes Quiz on Saturday his report on the sound loop system. One 5th March from 5.30 to 7.30pm. The Kirk

7 Session is enormously grateful to Hilary funding received from a member of the and her team for all their hard work in congregation, and the Buttberg and raising funds for this cause. Mission funds.

First Friday Friends (‘FFF’) Sandra AOCB: The Stated Annual Meeting Carter reported that the group meet on (SAM) will take place on 22 March 2016 in the first Friday of every month at 2.30pm the new format introduced in 2015. It will in the Upper Hall. Friends number 10, be followed immediately by the Annual Helpers number 20 and there is capacity to Business Meeting of the congregation. double the number of Friends. The group The congregation will attend the SAM is keen to attract people beyond the along with the Trustees when the annual congregation. Advertising is low key but Trustees’ Report and Accounts will be flyers are available to hand out as an presented. The Trustees present will be introduction to the group. Contact is asked to approve the Accounts and once through any member of the planning approved the meeting will be closed. The group – Anne Mulligan, Jean Minister will then immediately open the MacGilchrist, Elsa Monteith, Sandra Annual Business Meeting, present the Carter or Sheila Bryer. The group is very Accounts, invite questions and then close grateful to the volunteer Helpers who give that meeting. This procedure was up time and energy to bake, drive, and lead approved. and support activities, as wells as for the PASTORAL CARE Sheila Bryer Care home services – these continue to Dorothy Cloughley 667 3565 take place monthly at Camilla House [email protected] Nursing Home and Belleville Lodge on Tuesday and Wednesday afternoons, 2.30 Wendy Mathison 447 5562 – 3.00pm. Pastoral Visitors would be most [email protected] welcome to join us for these short services which are held in the lounge area of the Hilary Watkinson home with residents seated around the [email protected] room. The atmosphere is relaxed and welcoming. Tea is usually served Anne Mulligan 664 3426 afterwards when there is an opportunity [email protected] for conversation. If you are interested, please have a word with Sheila. Changes of address etc. should continue to be passed to the roll keeper, Hugh Contact details for PV team co-ordinators Somerville. are listed below. With best wishes Elspeth Dougall 668 1342 [email protected] Sheila 8 THANK YOU Catriona Spratt

During Scott’s study leave as well as having meant that the services carried on as usual. enjoyed the contributions of the visiting Amongst other things, we have climbed ministers we have also had different mountains, learned about Lent, leaders for the early service. contemplated whether God might not be a ‘he’ and practised sign language for A huge thank you is owed to Shelagh tortoise. And all from the comfort of our Laird, Elizabeth Bomberg and Heather well cushioned pews! and Tom Mole who have ably led the 9.30 services. We are very grateful to them for The photos show how much the their good humour and charm which contributions were appreciated.


Sunday 20 December 2015

Micah 5: 2 – 5a Hebrews 10: 5 - 10 St Luke 1: 39 – 45

Mary, the mother of Jesus, is sometimes the Pope said that, conceived in the womb referred to as the Mother of God; at other of her mother, St Anne, Mary was without times, she is the Theotokos (the God- sin. Coming as it did in the middle of the Bearer). Scholars suggest that, given the nineteenth century, the doctrine of the culture of her society at the time, she Immaculate Conception was intended to would have been 14 or 15 years old when protect the sinless state of Jesus from the her first child was born. It is a matter of advancement of scientific knowledge: the regret and sadness that the mother of Pope feared the possible implications of Jesus is a source of division for the evolutionary theory and genetics. What Church rather than an inspirational figure would they mean for the humanity of that unites us. The cause of that division Jesus? almost certainly stems from a period in the Church’s history when theology tended to In the thirteenth century, there had been emphasise the divinity of Jesus and, at the theological discussion about the same time, obscure His humanity. conception of Mary but, the greatest Enthroned in heaven, Christ had become theologian of the day, Thomas Aquinas, remote, a distant deity. The pastoral gap had resisted a doctrine of immaculate was filled by the humanity, compassion conception on the grounds that, if Mary and sensitivity of Mary. Tragically, her was without sin, she would not need to be continued elevation in the mind of the redeemed by Christ. In the sixteenth Church, particularly the Roman Catholic century, the greatest of the reformers, Church, has been her downfall in the eyes Martin Luther, said that Mary was born in of the Reformed churches. So, can the sin of sinful parents but that, conceived in churches put aside their squabbles of the her womb, Jesus was protected from her past and be open to the spiritual insights sinfulness. On one level, these theological which Mary has to offer in pages of Holy developments are matters of the most Scripture? profound faith: they articulate a community wrestling with the identity and In 1854, Pope Pius IX declared Mary to be importance of Jesus. Yet, on another the Immaculate Conception. In common level, the details, both Catholic and with other churches, the Roman Catholic Protestant, seem bizarre and otherworldly Church believed that Jesus was without in contrast to where we are today. Are we sin. In order to preserve His sinless state, open to the spiritual insights which are

10 offered by Mary in are to discern the pages of Holy anything about Mary Scripture? and learn a lesson for our own spiritual life, Mary is the Greek perhaps the first detail rendering of the to notice is that, Hebrew name despite all that had Miriam. Miriam happened, it is said means to be born, to that ‘Mary treasured stand upright and, in all these things and life, to live to all its pondered them in her fullness. Hidden heart.’ within her name, there is something of For me, in matters of a clue to the role she faith, the stories in would play in history Scripture and the and also play for us imaginative today. The Gospel wanderings of the th writers were not Theotokos of Vladmir 7 Century mystics, the spiritual crafting an historical narrative but writing giants of our tradition, are to be treasured salvation history. Weaving together and pondered. Of course, we cannot fail fragments of history, mythology, to apply our critical faculty but, I believe, spirituality and the liturgy of the Church, in one sense, at least, we are to be childlike the evangelists were inviting us to go on a in our faith. Faith is a love affair more pilgrimage, to explore our own spiritual than a philosophical argument. We are to journey, to examine the inner life for fall in love with the Sacred, the Divine ourselves. Mystery: to treasure all the riches that we have inherited and ponder these things in In the Gospel of St Luke, the drama of our heart. If there are doctrines which events moves at a considerable pace. At bedevil us, the best response is to smile, to the Annunciation, the angel Gabriel visits hold them for what they are and do not be Mary promising her a child. Soon, Mary too Protestant, too literal. hurries to visit her relative, Elizabeth, in the hill country of Judea. Elizabeth is In the New Testament, in the Gospels and pregnant with John, who will one day the Book of Acts, there is precious little become the Baptist at the Jordan. In said about Mary. She is mentioned only almost no time, after enduring the journey once in the earliest of the Gospels, the to Bethlehem, Mary gives birth. An army Gospel of Mark and only twice in the of angels appears to shepherds in their latest of the Gospels, the Gospel of John. fields and they make their way to the Whenever she is mentioned, however, it is stable, to the manger, to see for almost always at a significant moment in themselves the face of the Saviour. If we the life or ministry of Jesus, or in the life 11 of the Early Church. In the Gospel of reflection and meditation, we too can Luke and the Book of Acts, Mary is journey alongside her Son. Though she is present not only at the birth of Jesus, often hidden, she stands at the cross with quite obviously, but also at Pentecost, at Jesus, experiences her own God- the birth of the Church. In the Gospel forsakenness as she hears His cry of of John, she is present desolation. At the at the wedding feast in cross, we do not see Cana, the very start of Peter, James, Andrew or Jesus’ public ministry any of the rest, but and she is there at Mary is there. She Golgotha, at the foot of heard the scoffers mock the cross, at the death her Son, ‘Come down of her son, her firstborn from there if you can?’ child. In the Gospel of From the cross, Jesus Luke, at the tells her to take the Presentation of Jesus in Beloved Disciple as her the Temple, the priest, son; in other words, her Simeon, tells Mary that firstborn Son is taking ‘a sword will pierce her leave of her. Biblical own soul too’. scholars suggest that the Thomas Aquinas 1224 - 1275 binding together of As we treasure and Mary and the Beloved ponder the character of Mary, we see that, Disciple is the embryonic inception of the in Cana, at the wedding feast, Mary Church, the conception that will be born believed in her son. With her whole at Pentecost. Again, at this new birth, being, before any sign or revelation had Mary is present and integral. In Christian taken place, Mary believed in Him. art, in The Pietà, Mary holds the body of Whatever the meaning of the miracle of the One she embraced so often as a child. water into wine, it was preceded by Mary’s She lived through Holy Saturday and faith, her belief in Jesus. In His ministry, experienced for herself the seemingly total Jesus said, ‘Blessed are those who hear the absence of God. Word of God and keep it.’ This is true of Mary. The mystic, Eckhart, wrote of There is no record of Mary encountering three births: the birth of the Son from the Risen Christ and, if we go with the the Father, the birth of Jesus from Mary in original ending of the Fourth Gospel, Bethlehem and, finally, the birth of the there is no record of the Beloved Disciple, Son in the soul of every Christian. Jesus the one whom Jesus loved especially, is to be born in us: spiritually, Mary is our seeing the Risen Christ either. In other model. words, the two people who were closest to Jesus, those who loved Him the most, She is also our model because she whose relationship was the most intense accompanies Jesus. Through our own and intuitive, do not ‘see’ the Risen Christ.

12 Pieta by Michelangelo (c.1498-1500) It seems that they are able to believe the Father and with His disciples. He said, without ‘seeing’. For both Mary and the ‘I am in my Father, and you in Me, and I in Beloved Disciple, Christ was already born you.’ Again, He said, ‘Those who love Me in them. will keep My word, and My Father will love them, and we will come to them and make Christ is to be born in us, in the womb of our home with them’. the soul. In life, we are always moving from one appointment to the next, another Mary journeyed with Jesus, often hidden in visit and another piece of work. Often the background, but there nonetheless, what lies behind our continual busyness is present to all He experienced. If we can a secret fear of failure; activity helps us feel leave aside the disputes of the past, we can important. The religious philosopher, at least agree that in the Gospel narratives Sören Kierkegaard said, ‘If I were a doctor she is a model for us to emulate: we are to and some one asked me what I thought be as present to Jesus today as she was to might best be done, I would answer: First Him then; to care for Him as much as she of all be silent! Help others to be silent!’ did; and, like her, to be sensitive to all that ‘The sound of God is stillness. God He taught and endured. We are to see appears to Elijah, not in the fire storm, but Him in all faces, embrace Him when He in the sound of a gentle breeze.’ Are we suffers in our world, speak for the the inn or the stable? oppressed as she did and nurture a faith that lets Him grow inside us to life in all its As St Paul progressed on his spiritual fullness. In a sense, we are Mary, Miriam, pilgrimage, he was eventually able to say, born to stand upright, born for life in all its ‘Christ lives in me’. In the Gospel of fullness. Amen. John, Jesus spoke of spiritual union with 13 NEWS CRAFT Craft Moments is the group that meets on alternate Thursday mornings in the Fountainhall Room in Church MOMENTS House. Knitting with a purpose is the main activity, primarily baby jumpers for Malawi and hats and scarves for Bethany, but we also kit out our grandchildren and make items for Christian Aid events. Last week we vacuum-packed 51 fish and chip jumpers; 12 child’s jumpers; 1 baby blanket; 85 baby bonnets; and 2 pairs of mittens to send out to Malawi. For more information Thank you to all the knitters, providers of wool, and the contact Sandra on travellers to Malawi who found corners in their suitcases. 667 6052 or email sandra.carter@ We have a supply of wool, needles and helpful advice if you feel your skills are rusty. Knitting is the ideal vehicle for chatting so if you would like to be involved in either, or even both, join us. The next meeting is on 10 March and then on Sandra Carter alternative Thursdays at 10.00am. The next Afternoon Service will take place on Tuesday 8 AFTERNOON March, 2.30pm in the Upper Hall. It will be conducted by SERVICE OF Revd Scott S. McKenna and Sheila Bryer HOLY The service will be followed by Afternoon Tea and fellowship. Everyone is most welcome, as always – assistance COMMUNION will be given on arrival and departure and we all remain seated at tables throughout the afternoon.

Tuesday 8 March These mid-week services are appreciated by the less mobile at 2.30pm in our community, some of whom no longer manage to join us at Sunday Worship.

If you would appreciate further details or help please ask your Pastoral Visitor (PV) or Sheila Bryer. Some people arrange their own transport but if you need extra assistance to enable you to come, please get in touch with Anne I to the hills will Sturrock. lift mine eyes Anne Sturrock The following Afternoon Service is on Tuesday 10 May 2016 14 As you may be aware, the Business Committee is in the HEALTH AND process of installing a Defibrillator in the church complex. SAFETY Although the Defibrillator may be used by anyone, regardless of their previous experience or medical knowledge, it is desirable for individuals to be trained to promote confidence. Nevertheless, it is important to realise that verbal instructions are given from the machine itself, which means that no special knowledge is required.

If you might be interested in attending one training session, we would be keen to hear from you. This expression of interest is without any commitment at this stage. No training dates have yet been arranged. Amr.ar106@ If you think this is something you could do, please send your name and contact details to Anne Robertson. Anne Robertson In September at Mayfield Salisbury we started a small group to support people whose lives are affected by memory loss FIRST FRIDAY or dementia and those who care for them. Six months down FRIENDS the line we have become established, with a small but gently growing group of Friends supported by about 20 Helpers.

It is a local group where people from our community who may be our friends and neighbours or members of this and other local congregations support each other. All are welcome. Our meetings are informal and follow a general pattern that always includes singing and an activity around a theme.

In March the theme is Birds, so look out for the new nesting boxes and bird tables in the garden, and if you are passing you may hear the strains of that Nightingale in Berkeley Square. There is always a cup of tea and, of course, cake.

We meet on the first Friday of the month from 2.30 to 4.00 pm in the Upper (level access) Hall.

If you would like more information please speak to Sandra Carter after morning worship, or call her on 667 6052; email Sandra Carter [email protected]

15 CHRISTIAN AID Hilary Watkinson

Prayer Diary our side, we will succeed This year, Mothering Sunday and in ending poverty. International Women's Day fall in the same week. Take some time to think Thank God for the Kingdom about the women who have influenced proclaimed by the lowly, turning your life, and thank God for them. society’s hierarchies on their heads.

Remember before God all the women Thank God for our partner Deccan who are forced to shoulder unfair Development Society (DDS), which burdens. It is estimated that globally recently worked with Dalit women in time spent on unpaid care work by southern India, teaching them better women is 2.5 times more than that of farming methods and helping them to men and up to 10 times more in some influence government policies. Praise countries. Thank God for Christian God that DDS helped 5,000 women Aid's partners, breaking down barriers turn 5,000 acres of wasteland into to enable more women to live a full productive cropland that can feed and flourishing life. Forced to leave 50,000 of the poorest people in the school when she was very young, region. Soheer Azey from Egypt has now learned to read with the support of Pray for the marginalised Dalit and our partner Bless. tribal women who received training in producing their own films and radio Praise God for the power and hope programmes in order to raise that Easter demonstrates. Thank God awareness about important issues for the reassurance that, with God on affecting them locally and nationally

Our Marmalade Sale was a huge success and made an amazing £442.80. Many thanks to all who donated, bought and sold!

16 ‘MAYFIELD MILERS’ 1991 – 2016

It is now 25 years since the walking group based at Mayfield Salisbury, the ‘Mayfield Milers’, was first set up and it is still a very active successful enterprise! In fact members of the group are in the middle of a major re-think of their future plans which they will be writing about in the next issue of Grapevine . So watch this space! And in the meantime – Happy Anniversary Mayfield Milers!

Upcoming Walks March Mon 7 Straiton/Ellen's Glen. Slight incline Cafe 3 mls I Smith 667 6336 10.00am at Mayfield Salisbury Church Sat 12 Melrose/Abbotsford area 4-5 mls B McNie 667 9391 9.45am for 9.56am train Waverley Stn W H Smith bookstall Sat 19 East Linton/ West Barns 6 mls S Wooding 667 2754 10.24am for X6 bus Leopold Place April Tue 5 Linlithgow loch / exit cafes available 3+2 mls J McCallum 667 2888 10.03am 38 bus Regent Road Wed 20 Gosford Estate (daffodils) Cafe available 2-3 mls R Williamson 667 3249 10.25am X24 bus Leopold Place Thu 28 Almondell Country Park 3-4 mls P Rodgers 447 5373 10.15am 27 First bus Regent Road May Wed 4 7.30pm Planning Meeting in Church House


MARCH Tues 1 9.30am Morning Prayers Sun 6 9.30am All-Age Worship (SSM) 10.45am Morning Service: ‘Science & Religion’ (SSM) 7.00pm Communion round the Table (SSM) Tues 8 9.30am Morning Prayers 2.30pm Afternoon Communion Service (SB/SSM) Thur 10 7.00pm Lorna Soutar’s Service of Ordination at Cockpen Sun 13 9.30am All-Age Worship & Communion (SSM) 10.45am Morning Service: 5th Sunday of Lent & Communion (SSM) 7.00pm Evening Service (SSM) Tues 15 9.30am Morning Prayers Sun 20 9.30am All-Age Worship & Service of Blessing (SSM) 10.45am Morning Service: Palm Sunday (SSM) 7.00pm Evening Service: Godly Play (EB) HOLY WEEK Mon – Fri 7.45am Morning Prayers at Craigmillar Park Church Fri 25 7.30pm Good Friday Service at Mayfield Salisbury (SSM) Tues 22 9.30am Morning Prayers 7.30pm Kirk Session & Stated Annual Meeting Sun 27 7.30am Worship in the Garden (SSM) 9.30am All-Age Worship & Communion (SSM) 10.45am Morning Service: Easter Sunday (SSM) 7.00pm Communion round the Table (SSM) Tues 29 9.30am Morning Prayers APRIL Sun 3 9.30am All-Age Worship 10.45am Morning Service: 2nd Sunday of Easter 7.00pm Evening Service Tues 5 9.30am Morning Prayers Sun 10 9.30am All-Age Worship (SSM) 10.45am Morning Service: 3rd Sunday of Easter (SSM) 7.00pm Evening Service (SB) Tues 12 9.30am Morning Prayers Sun 17 9.30am All-Age Worship (SSM) 10.45am Morning Service: 4th Sunday of Easter (SSM) 7.00pm Communion round the Table (SSM) Tues 19 9.30am Morning Prayers

18 Sun 24 9.30am All-Age Worship (SSM) 10.45am Morning Service: 5th Sunday of Easter (SSM) 7.00pm Communion round the Table (SSM) Tues 26 9.30am Morning Prayers MAY Sun 1 9.30am All-Age Worship (SSM) 10.45am Morning Service: 6th Sunday of Easter (SSM) 7.00pm Evening Service: Godly Play (EB) MAYFIELD SALISBURY THURSDAY CLUB

Meetings Thursdays 2.00pm in the Upper Hall, Mayfield Salisbury Church MARCH 3 Jean MacGilchrist Cycling in Malawi 10 Jo Moulin John Muir’s Birthplace Trust 17 Mavis Bain Botswana and Zambia EASTER BREAK 31 Debbie Hathorn. Flower arranging ‘Ikebana’ APRIL 7 Diana Saunderson & Gus Carmichael Honeysuckle Swing 14 Boyd McAdam Crete 21 Hamish Coghill My Edinburgh 28 Closing Concert with the Ceilidh Band. THE BIBLE IN A YEAR March 6 Numbers 17-19 / Acts 19 March 30 Deuteronomy 31,32 / Romans 8 March 7 Numbers 20,21 / Acts 20 March 31 Deuteronomy 33,34 / Romans 9 March 8 Numbers 22,23 / Psalm 30 April 1 Joshua 1-3 / Psalm 37 March 9 Numbers 24,25 / Acts 21 April 2 Joshua 4,5 / Romans 10 March 10 Numbers 26,27 / Acts 22 April 3 Joshua 6,7 / Romans 11 March 11 Numbers 28,29 / Psalm 31 April 4 Joshua 8,9 / Romans 12 March 12 Numbers 30,31 / Acts 23 April 5 Joshua 10,11 / Psalm 38 March 13 Numbers 32,33 / Acts 24 April 6 Joshua 12-15 / Romans 13 March 14 Numbers 34,35 / Acts 25 April 7 Joshua 16-19 / Romans 14 March 15 Numbers 36 / Deuteronomy 1 April 8 Joshua 20-22 / Psalm 39 / Psalm 32 April 9 Joshua 23,24 / Romans 15 March 16 Deuteronomy 2,3 / Acts 26 April 10 Judges 1,2 / Romans 16 March 17 Deuteronomy 4,5 / Acts 27 April 11 Judges 3,4 / Mark 1 March 18 Deuteronomy 6,7 / Psalm 33 April 12 Judges 5,6 / Psalms 40,41 March 19 Deuteronomy 8,9 / Acts 28 April 13 Judges 7,8 / Mark 2 March 20 Deuteronomy 10,11 / Romans 1 April 14 Judges 9,10 / Mark 3 March 21 Deuteronomy 12-14 / Romans 2 April 15 Judges 11,12 / Psalms 42,43 March 22 Deuteronomy 15,16 / Psalm 34 April 16 Judges 13,14 / Mark 4 March 23 Deuteronomy 17,18 / Romans 3 April 17 Judges 15,16 / Mark 5 March 24 Deuteronomy 19,20 / Romans 4 April 18 Judges 17,18 / Mark 6 March 25 Deuteronomy 21,22 / Psalm 35 April 19 Judges 19,20 / Psalm 44 March 26 Deuteronomy 23,24 / Romans 5 April 20 Judges 21 / Mark 7 March 27 Deuteronomy 25,26 / Romans 6 April 21 Ruth 1,2 / Mark 8 March 28 Deuteronomy 27,28 / Romans 7 April 22 Ruth 3,4 / Psalm 45 March 29 Deuteronomy 29,30 / Psalm 36 April 23 I Samuel 1-3 / Mark 9


Revd Scott S McKenna [email protected] 667 1286 8 8 7 5 1 0 . c

Pastoral Assistant 0 o c Sheila Bryer [email protected] 672 2232 0 e r C G S

l r E

Church Manager e y b b William Mearns [email protected] 667 1522

m n u h o N J

. Organist y t t S

Dr John Willmett [email protected] 334 2011 i

r d a n h a s Session Clerk C e i r Angus McIntyre [email protected] 557 8458 h s a i t M t

o o c w t

Treasurer S


t John Graham [email protected] 667 6331 d i n w

a s l s t o o r Gift Aid Donations c c

Hugh Somerville [email protected] 667 9797 S e h f t

o n o h t

Roll Keeper c s r i r Hugh Somerville [email protected] 667 9797 u h h C C

) h g r

Church Address: Pastoral Care u b

18 West Mayfield, Edinburgh, EH9 1TQ For Home or Hospital visits, please con - n i

tact Sheila Bryer - 672 2232 d E

Church Telephones: [email protected] (

Office 667 1522 h s i

Mayfield Radio 667 7742 Church Office r

By Appointment 667 1522 or a P [email protected] Grapevine Submissions y r

c/o William Mearns - 667 1522 u

Staff Days Off b [email protected] s i

Minister: Mondays (generally) l a

Grapevine Distribution Church Manager: Monday PM & Friday S

Distribution: Janet Moncur - 664 3918 d Print Run: ONLINE l e [email protected] This run 0 Total so far 510 (inc. drafts) i f y a

Copy Date for next issue: 7.30pm on Friday 22 April 2016 M