! CRAIGMILLAR P A RK ASSOCIATION Registered Scottish Charity No. SCO2729 CRAIGMILLAR P A RK ∼ N E W S L E T T E R ∼ ASSOCIATION Registered Scottish Charity No. SCO2729 Issue 21 ! Autumn 2012 ∼ ∼ N E W S L E T T E R AGM 7.30pm ! Thursday 22nd November, 2012 ! In The


Since the last issue planning activity in our area has been fairly quiet, but on a broader front CEC has been busy consulting on a range of issues, some being mentioned below. You will see that we are again indebted to the Royal Blind School for the venue for our AGM in their excellent hall and many thanks to the Principal Julie Fardell, but sadly, looking further ahead, this will come to an end as many of you will have seen the announcement that the Craigmillar Park Campus is to close by August 2014 with the School consolidating onto their Canaan Lane premises. Some residential accommodation may continue until 2016 in the villas owned by the School adjacent to the Craigmillar Park Campus. These changes have been necessitated by falling residential pupil numbers, a reflection of changes in the way the special educational needs of the visually impaired are now met, but this will sever a link with the local community going back for well over a century and of course raise the question of the future of the site. During August and early September those of you south of the railway were consulted by CEC Transport about a Residents Priority Parking Scheme similar to the B1 Scheme north of the railway and now just over a year old. The results of this informal consultation will be used to decide if the scheme should go ahead to the next legal stage if there is a majority in support of it. Another current CEC consultation ending on 31 October is about what will replace the statutory repairs scheme due to end in spring 2013. If you are in a building in shared ownership views can be emailed to:- propertyconservation.redesign@.gov.uk. Continued on page 2 Page 2. CRAIGMILLAR PARK ASSOCIATION NEWSLETTER Issue 21 Continued from page 1 CEC Planning has ongoing consultations on the consolidation of planning guidance into far fewer documents than the present rather large number. This guidance is non-statutory but is used to assess planning applications for compliance with a range of planning policies, particularly affecting listed buildings and conservation areas in which we do take a considerable interest. We think the idea of consolidating the documents is good, but have concerns to ensure that existing polices which have served us well in helping to maintain and enhance our conservation area are not changed or lost and so we are keeping an eye on what is being done. Across Lady Road and just outside our area a planning application for retail kiosks at the entrance to Cameron Toll shopping centre was turned down, principally because the proposals would interfere with a safeguarded future tram route, but perhaps I had better not mention trams again.

Work is nearing completion to establish the care home on the north side of East Suffolk Road in some of the former St. Margaret’s school buildings and we understand it will become operational in early 2013. When the buildings are finished and furnished Four Seasons Health Care has offered to show a group from CPA around and so if you would like to take part in this visit which we expect will be during January, do let me know with your contact details. Before then I hope to see you at the AGM. Tony Harris, Secretary

some useful contacts

Edinburgh Council: 200 2000 Local Police: 0131 311 3131 [email protected] [email protected] www.edinburgh.gov.uk/contact ADivSNTsouthsidenewington@lbp. South Central Neighbourhood pnn.police.uk Partnership. SFC South Local Library Neighbourhood team - 529 5151 http://www.edinburgh.gov.uk/ [email protected] libraries/newington/newington.html Craigmillar Park Information: Clarence: 0800 232323 [email protected] [email protected] www.craigmillar-park.co.uk GAS - Emergency: 0800 111 999 [email protected] NHS 24: 08454 24 24 24 Royal Infirmary: 242 1000 AA: 0845 769 7555 Page 3. CRAIGMILLAR PARK ASSOCIATION NEWSLETTER Issue 21 Introducing Councillor Jim Orr Biography Jim has represented the Southside Newington ward since May 2012. He is from East Lothian and was a self-employed public sector auditor and accountant prior to being elected. Jim is a keen piper and sportsman (enjoying cycling and running). His proudest sporting achievement was a week-long solo cycle trip from Lands end to John O’Groats in 2006, an experience he hopes to repeat one day. Responsibilities Jim’s main committee responsibility is as Vice Convener of the Transport Infrastructure and Environment Committee. On this committee he leads on recycling, cycling and sustainability policies. He also sits on the Culture and Leisure, Audit and Pensions committees and sits on the boards of the environmental charities Changeworks and Transform (as a substitute member) and the transport body SESTran. He is committed to making the historic coalition administration between the SNP and Labour work well for the people of Edinburgh, particularly at a time when the reputation of the Council has suffered due to well-known failings in transport policy and the problems with statutory repairs. His other ambitions are to be a responsive and effective local councillor and to help those worst affected by the economic downturn. Message from Councillor Orr. “As a committed environmentalist, I am determined to drive forward the Zero Waste Scotland agenda and minimize the dumping of waste in landfill. Not only is the unnecessary disposal of landfill waste unethical, but it will soon be unaffordable due to landfill taxes. Residential recycling is only around 33% in Edinburgh at present but the Council has a plan to transform this up to 60% by 2017. Please support us. I am also passionate about strengthening the transport infrastructure in Edinburgh such that it is fit for the 21st century. We have also set aside record sums for cycling in Edinburgh over the next five years (5% of transport budget) and I pledge to do my utmost to ensure that these resources are not wasted. I am a big supporter of 20mph residential zones and sustainable transport.” Councillor Jim Orr Financial report Funds in the bank as at the end of August stand at £4,201. With membership renewals for the coming year now being posted out we would be most grateful if all members could return payments promptly and with gift aid declarations completed accordingly. I look forward to see you all at the AGM where the annual accounts will be put forward for approval. Mark Probert, Treasurer Page 4. CRAIGMILLAR PARK ASSOCIATION NEWSLETTER Issue 21 Packing Shoeboxes One of our local residents brought “Blythswood Care” to my attention. Although a Christian Charity it offers practical help for all those in need at home and abroad, regardless of their political or religious beliefs or ethnic origins. Their “Shoebox Appeal” takes place every year in the Church Hall of Craigmillar Park Church, which is in the centre of our Conservation Area and because of this I asked Norman to write about his work, as I felt some local residents might be interested. More information can be found on their website: http://www.blythswood.org/shoebox/ or (email: [email protected])

The Care Shoebox Appeal sorting centre is at Craigmillar Park Church, Craigmillar Park, Edinburgh. Last year, after sorting 5,500 boxes we finished early as the incoming supply ran out! Even though that was 1,500 fewer boxes than in 2010 our work rate had increased (again) from 700 boxes/day to nearly800 boxes/day. The effort made by all the helpers was fantastic and I thank you all again.

Just to remind you, the process is like this: we receive the boxes in, usually in large black bags, from the collecting lorries in deliveries of about 1200 shoeboxes. Then we open up each shoebox, empty out the contents, check the box and contents for prohibited items (and for any possible contraband), check for and remove any money included to cover shipping, repack the contents into the box, add missing staples such as toothpaste, add a Christian booklet or calendar in the language of the receiving country, tape up the box and pack it into an outer carton. The outer cartons, by now quite heavy, we move to a storage area; then, when the collecting lorry arrives, we manhandle the cartons onto pallets (on the hydraulic tail- lift) and the pallets into the lorry; each shipment is about 180 cartons on 10 pallets. The sorting work is necessary so that the shipments pass unobstructed across international borders. Customs offices in each country will accept the lorries unchecked only if Blythswood Care can state that every box has been examined by its volunteer staff.

As you might realise from the description the work is labour intensive: it's not difficult, it's not hard work, it's not even dull, in fact it's good fun, it's social and it's very rewarding. But to be manageable it needs lots of volunteers each doing a 3- hour shift; the light work of checking shoeboxes can be done by anyone and we have 6th-year school pupils, students, pensioners and even some disabled all helping. Lifting and moving the outer cartons is heavier work, best suited to those of a more physical disposition; usually men, but not always...so, if you would like to help between 12th and 23rd November then please contact Norman Weibye on 0131 668 3545 (email: [email protected]). Norman Weibye is the Sorting Centre co-ordinator for Edinburgh Page 5. CRAIGMILLAR PARK ASSOCIATION NEWSLETTER Issue 21 Message from Councillor Ian Perry

As you may be aware the council elections were held in May this year with again no one party gaining a majority. After intensive discuss between all Parties it was agreed that the Labour and S.N.P parties would form the next administration. As part of the negotiations I was nominated to be the Convener of the Council’s Planning Committee. When agreeing to accept the position I was well aware of its importance in not only preserving and enhancing Edinburgh’s built and natural heritage but also overseeing the economic development of the city. Edinburgh has a proud history and is the home of some iconic buildings which have outstanding design qualities: particularly in the Old and New Towns. These qualities were recognised when Edinburgh was granted World Heritage status. I have given a commitment to work with Edinburgh World Heritage to help them conserve and protect the World Heritage Site. I am also under no illusion about the challenges facing the city in terms of supporting economic growth while looking after our highly valued natural environment. Preserving Edinburgh’s green space is one of the biggest challenges that has faced every Planning Committee but this is vital to ensure that the quality of life that is an essential part of Edinburgh’s attraction remains. As pressure continues for housing development to edge closer to the city boundary we must ensure that green corridors from within the city to the wider countryside are preserved and enhanced. We owe it to future generations who will live and work in Edinburgh. Councillor Ian Perry WEBSITE WINGING ITS WAY

The countdown has started as the long awaited launch of the Association’s new website is imminent! Keeping you up to date with the latest news from our Conservation Area should be much easier with our updated technology (and upskilled website editor!). The format and content of the new website will be a little different and we would welcome your input; if there is any information you would particularly like to see included in the website please do let us know. Thanks for your patience and happy browsing! Tina, Website Editor. Page 6. CRAIGMILLAR PARK ASSOCIATION NEWSLETTER Issue 21 Your Politicians’ contacts details Ian Murray MP 0131 662 4520 Twice weekly Advice Sessions: Mon & Fri at 9.15am 31 Minto street. 3rd Sat of Month Gracemount Leisure Centre 9am. 10 am. Minto street Office 11am The Open Door, 420 Morningside Rd. 12 Noon. Waitrose 1pm [email protected] www.ianmurraymp.co.uk Continued on page 3 Jim Eadie MSP 0131 438 6283 Constituency Office - 13-15 Morningside Drive. Surgeries: 2nd Sat each month Fountainbridge Library 10am-10.45.The Open Door (Marchmont, St Gilles’ Parish Church, 1a Kilgraston Rd. 11 - 12noon. Inch Community Centre (225 Gilmerton Rd) 12.15 - 1pm. 3rd Thurs each month Cameron House Community Centre (34 Prestonfield Rd.) from 6-7pm. [email protected] Councillors Cameron Rose Please email or telephone if you want to arrange to meet. I will be happy to come to where you are. [email protected] Tel: 529 4078 www.cameronrose.blogspot.org Twitter: @cameronrose Jim Orr Surgeries: 3rd Monday each month (not July or December) Cameron House Community Centre 6pm. Newington Library 7pm. 4th Monday each month (not July or December) Southside Community Centre 6pm. (or by appointment) [email protected] 529 3290 http://www.edinburgh.gov.uk/councillors/90/jim_orr Ian Perry Surgeries: 31 Minto St. 1st Monday 7:00pm Southside Community Centre 2nd Monday (not July and August) 6:00pm. Braidwood Centre, Dumbiedykes 3rd Monday 7:00pm. Cameron House Community Centre 4th Monday Monday (during school term) 7:00pm. The Butterflies Cafe, Marchmont St Giles Parish Church, 4th Wednesday (during school term) 12:30pm - 1.00pm [email protected] 529 3288 Steve Burgess Surgeries: If you would like to speak to me about any issue please phone, email or write to me and we can arrange a convenient time to meet at a local venue, your home or the City Chambers. EH1 1YJ. [email protected] 529 3274

Keep an eye on our website, which will be updated soon. It will inform you of what is going on in the area. Get in touch if there is anything that you think we should know about or if you require our help. That is what we are here for! www.craigmillar-park.co.uk Page 7. CRAIGMILLAR PARK ASSOCIATION NEWSLETTER Issue 21 Message from the Editor I hope that you all managed to enjoy the Summer despite the never ending rain!! Maybe we will get a better deal this winter? As Tony mentioned, above, we have very kindly been given the use of the Hall in the Royal Blind School for our AGM. We are still in the process of trying to arrange a speaker and I hope that we will be able to put details on the website as soon as we know. More about the website from Tina, who has been trying to work something out, as we feel our website could do with a re-vamp, so please keep your eyes open. I would like to thank all my deliverers again for their stirling work. I couldn’t do it without you. I have decided that, having now done 21 issues of this Newsletter, I will give up being editor in 2014 and would like to find a replacement who could possibly help with the two Newsletters next year before taking over in the Spring of 2014. I have all the templates and lists of deliverers etc. and it only really involves a couple of week’s work each year. It can be done on Windows with “Publisher” or Apple with “Pages” and I have templates for both. Would anyone interested please get in touch. I know the Newsletter would benefit from a fresh approach and I’m sure that there must be a number of you who are good on computers and could rise to the challenge!?! Once again it is time for the annual subscriptions and you will find forms for Membership and Gift Aid in your Newsletter. If you come to the AGM please can you fill them in and bring them with you and otherwise please send them to Mark in the enclosed addressed envelope. (Please don’t forget to put a stamp on!!) We don’t get any outside financial help, so rely on the subscriptions to pay for the Newsletter and Website, which are our two big expenses. I think it would be a great shame if they were to close. I hope that as many of you as possible will be able to attend the AGM and that we get some new members. We have kept the subscriptions the same for a long time now and I feel it is really good value. We also need new people on the Committee, so if you know of anyone please do get in touch with Tony. Being on the Committee is interesting, can even be fun and you find out what is going on, meet fellow residents and hopefully get our views across in the corridors of Power! So if you feel you would like to contribute to the well being of this lovely area do please give it some thought. I would also welcome any ideas for articles in the Newsletter. They don’t have to be very long, just of interest to the residents of our area. This is later than usual, as I seem to have been rushing around quite a lot this year, attending the wedding of my granddaughter, and going to the Christenings of my two great grandsons! All down in Kent, which isn’t the most convenient place. I am now back trying to catch up and hope to see many of you at the AGM, which might be the last one in the Royal Blind School. Have a good Christmas season and New year. Until the Spring Issue. Merrilie, Editor Page 8. CRAIGMILLAR PARK ASSOCIATION NEWSLETTER Issue 21 Craigmillar Park Association We are a local community Association, with charitable status, covering the area known as “The Craigmillar Park Conservation Area”. This Area is situated between Mayfield Gardens/Craigmillar Park/Gordon Terrace and Mayfield Rd. It is bounded at the North by West Mayfield and goes right down to the bottom of Gordon Terrace. It also includes Cameron March, Crawfurd, Lady, and East Suffolk Roads & East Suffolk Park.

The Association was founded in 1997 and it is run by an elected Committee. We produce two Newsletters a year and run a Website: “www.craigmillar-park.co.uk” which we hope is informative. (This is about to be changed so keep a lookout!)

You can help by joining, making your views known via the website and offering some of your valuable time to sit on the Committee helping to preserve and enhance our Conservation Area. We are always happy to hear your comments.

Annual Subscription: £6 per adult (£10 per couple) & concessions £4 each (£6 per couple). (due in October or at the AGM) We have kept the subscription the same for quite a long time now and think that it is good value. Filling in the Gift Aid form enables us to claim back tax and that is really helpful, as the money pays for things like the Newsletter and Website. If you would like to join, you will find the appropriate forms with this Newsletter or on our website and they can be sent to Mark Probert our Treasurer. (In the enclosed envelope. Please add stamp!)

Craigmillar Park Association Committee Members.

Prof. Joyce Tait 25, Granby Road 622 0279 Chair Marilyn Higgins 4, Crawfurd Road 668 4168 Vice Chair Tony Harris 21, Mentone Terrace 477 9968 Secretary Mark Probert 9, Crawfurd Road 621 0140 Treasurer Liz Philp 8, Crawfurd Road 667 1191 Minutes Secretary Kate Arnott 14, West Savile Road 667 6874 Member Peter Bloomfield 8, Granby Road 667 1295 Member Hilary Vandore 14/2 Brights Cres 662 0242 Member Wilma Elton 5, Wilton Road 667 4079 Member Eileen Francis 49, Gilmour Road 667 3996 Member Allen Simpson 10, Crawfurd Road 667 4288 Advisor Charles Aspinall 3, Crawfurd Road 662 8658 IT Advisor Tina Kelly 21, Crawfurd Road 662 0209 Web Advisor John Flannery 39, Esslemont Road 667 3689 Advisor Merrilie Cameron 12, Crawfurd Road 667 0606 Newsletter Editor

Editor Merrilie Cameron, Printed by Jonathan Tait at Horizon, 36, Mayfield Gardens. The views expressed in this Newsletter do not necessarily represent the views of the Association. Reproduction of material in this Newsletter should not be done without permission from the Association.