Troy Man Admits Smoke Bombing
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T h e D a i l y G a z e t t e )NAL Thursday. October 26. 1995 Troy man admits smoke bombing By MEREDITH KRUSE He said he's helping other fathers and KAREN ROACH Protest against Family Court system who claim to have been wrongly im Gazette Reporters detonated — in area P3, north of the has won the support of some Capital prisoned for allegedly failing to pay child support. But the conversation parking garage on Monday evening, Region fathers who have similar com was cut ofT before he could say how ALBANY — A Troy man who alle Peters said. Capitol Police had gotten plaints, and currently serves on the board of the Capital Region chapter of many people had joined his "De gedly set off smoke bombs in the park a call earlier that day about a smell of smoke in the area. the Fathers Rights Association. f e n d e r s o f J u s t i c e " m o v e m e n t . ing garage of the Empire State Plaza Parker said it's hard to tell how said he planned the stunt to draw at "As best we can determine, they Association member Patrick Yellen much of a threat Collins is. tention to what he claims is wide were just smoke bombs," he said. of Fort Ann said he cheered when he "He tells us he's not a dangerous spread discrimination by state courts "They weren't anything that would saw news of Collins' action on televi against divorced fathers. cause any structural damage of any sion. guy. Now is he just telling us that? We don't know," he said. type." "We've all been trying to think of "I'm trying to put them in a position Yellen said he thinks there is ling up where they can't dismiss the charges But a note left at the scene and also ways to get the media's attention, and hopefully this will do it," Yellen said. "the potential for violence" if di against me. I want what's going on delivered to newspapers on Wednes s EZ-Pass "What he's done to me is like Nelson vorced fathers' demands for joint brought out in the open," said Charles day declared that the smoke bombing Mandela ... he's brought to light the custody and open court sessions "was just a warning" and urged that rity introduced the pro^am to E. Collins III in an interview Tuesday aren't met. the Justice Building at the plaza's corruption in the system." bany area in April. Capital Re- from the Albany County Jail. In a May 1993 letter to President Fathers Rights Association chap ommuters.received their white Collins, 44, of 108 Brunswick Road, north end be evacuated immediately ter president Paul L. McCauley of because "the New York State judicia Bill Clinton and a host of other state •.April. has been waging war against the and federal officials, Collins said Niskayuna wouldn't ofTer an opinion ;er the E-Z Pass system, custom- state's Family Court system since his ry is coming down." that if his demands weren't met, his on Collins' action, but said men are Police searched the building and epay the amount they expect to divorce 14 years ago cost him custody "options" included firebombing becoming increasingly frustrated tolls each month. As the motor- of his three children. He accused state didn't find any evidence of explosives, state and federal office buildings, with the Family Court system, which ves through a toll booth, over- and federal judges of "extortion, case so the building was not evacuated, kidnapping officials, and even dis they believe favors women. antennas read the tag mounted fixing, child abuse, and the deliberate said Robert Hinckley, a spokesman rupting the Belmont Park and Sara The group's membership has ; windshield and deduct the toll violation of constitutional and civil for the state Oflice of General Serv toga Race Course horse racing grown from 25 to about 200 people he customer's account. rights" in a letter to Albany County ices. meets. over the past 18 months, he noted. ; system uses the same technolo- District Attorney Sol Greenberg dated Collins, a former convenience store Collins was charged with a^ravat- "There is extreme discontent upermarket checkout scanners. Monday, the day of the smoke bomb owner and heir to the Collins Lumber ed harassment after sending out here, and we have kicked people Pass was introduced in 1993 in ing. business in Troy, was charged with that letter, but in February 1994, Al out of our organization because of wer Hudson Valley and in BufTa- Collins was arrested late Tuesday at criminal anarchy, a felony, and sec bany City Court Judge E. David Dun their behavior," he said. "People I is scheduled to be installed at the Niskayuna studio of WRGB after ond-degree criminal nuisance, a mis can dismissed the charge. Duncan like to characterize fathers who ob Thruway toll plazas by the end station officials called police and said demeanor. He was arraigned Tuesday ruled that the statements in the let ject to the goings-on in Family Court <t year. Customers will then be Collins wanted to confess on the air to morning in Albany City Court and re ter were Collins' opinions and didn't as angry, out of control. To be cer .0 use the new tag to travel the the smoke bombing, Capital Police In- leased from Albany County Jail later constitute threats. tain we are angry, and we feel we ; Thruway system, Thruway offi- vestigatorThomas Peters said. that afternoon on $10,000 bail. Collins now says he won't take have just reason to be. Out of con ;aid. Two cleaners discovered three While Collins' claims have been dis any action that will hurt people or trol? Well, not as much as the sys smoke bombs — two of them already missed by many as simply bizarre, he destroy property. t e m i s . " mpted murder II lU v^Uiuiliu'ia aiivi Man charged with setting smoke bombs got in a divorce and child custody ■ felony, and cnminal nuisance, a mis Activist unhappy demeanor. wise. over a divorce pact has Capitid Polire Investigatfir Mi In .June PW'l. Collins was charged chael Close sai<l two sm(»ke Iximhs with aggravatisl harassment afUir he history of threatening went off on the P-3 parking level at w niU* In state and fi«denil authorilies public officials the plazii 4italx)ut 2 p.m. Monday. suggesting he could fireUimh the BY Carol DcMarc There is "a gntitl deal of ainslruc- plaza, kidnap govemmenl ofririnls or Stntf wnlcr tion going on in the parking krvel.s iMimh U»e hc»nies of ull4imeys and AIJJANY — A Troy mnn with n right now," Close said, some of which judges. hisl/iiy of ihrLMitcninK ptiblic otriciftlM is causing smoke conditions. lie al.MO claime<l a judge wrongly wnH amnjlud Tucnday night by Cap'- .So. when a aill went it to police gave pissession of his mother's prop lal Tolicc after Hhowing up at a alKHit the smoke, at first "we wi-re erty to his ex-wife in April PJKt;. tclevimon atation to confeaa to delo* not aware it was a smoke homh." he "He was not happy with the out naling two amokc Ixmibs at tbt* said. come of any of it" regarding the Empire Stiitc Plimi parking garage. divorw Capitjd INilice Investi StJite ix)Iio(? pickixl up Charles K. Afler an arraignment in ('ily ('ourl. Collins wits S4*nt to the county gator Thomas M. Peters said Collins 111, 44. of 108 Ilrunswick Wednesday. Itoad shortly nflcr 7 p.m. at the jail in lieu of $IO.O(X) hail and ordered studios of WHCn. Channel 6. in hy dmlge Sti*ph<'n W. Ilerrick to 'Hm' haraHKinenl charge was dis umk'rgo psychiatric t4«Hting. missed alVer a judge niUsI it was a Niskayxinn, and taken t<i Cupitid form of freedom^ if expn-Hsion. Pel4TS Poliw at the plaza when? he was Ciiilins has Isvn disgnrunllcs! over said. chai^jcd with criminal anarchy, a what he fttels was an unfair deal he.