CHRIST THE PRINCE OF PEACE CATHOLIC CHURCH Priests’ House, Portmore Way, , , KT13 8JD email [email protected] website twitter @CPPweybridge

Parish Newsletter for Sunday 15th November 2020

Gospel Reflection The problem with the timid servant who buried his talent is not that he was an ineffective venture capitalist but that he fundamentally misunderstood the nature of what he had been given. The divine mercy—received as a pure gift—is meant to be given to others as a pure gift. Buried in the ground, that is to say, hugged tightly to oneself as one’s own possession, such a talent necessarily evanesces. And this is why the master’s seemingly harsh words should not be read as the punishment of an angry God but as an expression of spiritual physics: the divine mercy will grow in you only inasmuch as you give it to others. Bishop Robert Barron Sunday 15th November 2020 Thirty Third Sunday in Ordinary Time Year A

The Diocese of Arundel & Brighton is a Registered Charity No. 252878

CHRIST THE PRINCE OF PEACE CATHOLIC CHURCH Priests’ House, Portmore Way, Weybridge, Surrey, KT13 8JD email [email protected] website twitter @CPPweybridge

NO PUBLIC MASSES For the duration of the lockdown there will be no public Masses. However, Mass will be live streamed from the every day. There will be a Vigil Mass each Saturday evening at 6:00 pm and a Sunday morning Mass at 10:30 am. Mass will be celebrated at 12:00 noon from Monday to Friday. Please see the parish website to join us for live steamed Masses and prayers. Or you can catch up on our streamed Masses by going to our channel YouTube cpp weybridge The church will be open for private prayer daily - see white panel above for church opening times or visit the parish website.

Parish Bank Details For online contributions Account Name: RCD of AB Christ Sort Code: 40-05-20 A/C No: 8107 7201 Please put in a reference when contributing e.g. collection, parish charity etc. If you have any problems making a payment, please e- mail [email protected]

The Diocese of Arundel & Brighton is a Registered Charity No. 252878

CHRIST THE PRINCE OF PEACE CATHOLIC CHURCH Priests’ House, Portmore Way, Weybridge, Surrey, KT13 8JD email [email protected] website twitter @CPPweybridge MASS INTENTIONS THIS WEEK Saturday 14th November 6:00 pm: Deceased brothers of the Weybridge Catenian Circle Sunday 15th November 10:30 am: Deceased relatives and friends of the Cowper family, Intentions of Sylvester Olele And Deceased members of the Liddell, Quinlan and Packham families Monday 16th November 12:00 noon: Deceased members of the Ondatto and Ogomo families Tuesday 17th November 12:00 noon: Benjamin Narbona RIP & Isobel Keenan RIP Wednesday 18th November 12:00 noon: Canon McGrath RIP Thursday 19th November 12:00 noon: In Thanksgiving and Holy Souls Friday 20th November 12:00 noon: Most forgotten Souls RIP Saturday 21st November 6:00 pm: Liz Drummond RIP Sunday 22nd November 10:30 am: For the Universal Church, Benjamin Narbona RIP And Mary Ann Winterborn RIP

FEAST DAYS THIS WEEK Saturday 21st - Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary Sunday 22nd - Christ the King (Our Parish Feast Day)

MEDJUGORJE PRAYER GROUP (LIVE STREAM ONLY) Thursday evenings at 8:00 pm in the church. For info email: [email protected]

ROSARY (LIVE STREAM ONLY) Monday - Saturday at 9:10 am

DATES FOR YOUR DIARY 🗓️ Monday 23rd November - Mass with Bishop Richard (live stream only) Tuesday 24th November – Science / Religion lecture 2 (live stream only) Wednesday 9th December – Science / Religion lecture 3 (church and live stream)

Mass with Bishop Richard Bishop Richard will celebrate Mass at Christ the Prince of Peace, on Monday 23rd November at 7:30 pm The Mass will be offered for those people from the deanery who died in 2020. The Mass will be live streamed on the parish website.

The Diocese of Arundel & Brighton is a Registered Charity No. 252878

CHRIST THE PRINCE OF PEACE CATHOLIC CHURCH Priests’ House, Portmore Way, Weybridge, Surrey, KT13 8JD email [email protected] website twitter @CPPweybridge House of Prayer Online Weekend Individually Guided Retreat Friday 4th - Sunday 6th December This retreat provides an opportunity to step aside from the busyness of everyday life and spend time in quiet prayer and reflection. A retreat guide will be available for daily individual meetings to accompany you through the retreat. Above all, this retreat is a time of listening to God who is present in the experiences of prayer and daily living. All prayer meetings and spiritual direction will be online using the Zoom platform. Retreat from home cost £60 [email protected]

12 hours for the Lord - Saturday 21st November 5:00 am – 5:00 pm To prepare for our parish feast day of Christ the King on Sunday 22nd November the church will open for 12 hours of private prayer in Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament on Saturday 21st from 5:00 am

The Diocese of Arundel & Brighton is a Registered Charity No. 252878

CHRIST THE PRINCE OF PEACE CATHOLIC CHURCH Priests’ House, Portmore Way, Weybridge, Surrey, KT13 8JD email [email protected] website twitter @CPPweybridge

Online Café Mondays 8:00 pm - 8:30 pm on Zoom Meet other parishioners and friends in a small and friendly format! Barbara and Adam Simon are hosting the cafe for young and old alike and welcome everyone. Please come and try it out! This is the link: or you can ring 0203 901 7895 and enter the meeting ID 824 1083 1268 If anyone feels concerned with the tech, please contact John Hoskins or Adam Simon who will help to get you online for this.

Fr. Barry Wymes R.I.P. Many of you will remember Fr. Barry from his time in Esher parish or from his visits to this parish to help Fr. Tom. Fr. Barry’s funeral Mass will take place on Friday 27th November at 12:00 noon at Holy Name parish, Esher. There will also be a vigil Mass on Thursday 26th at 6:00 pm. These Masses will be live streamed from the Esher parish website

Lecture Series - The False Divide: Science v Religion A fact-based exploration to dispel the myths of incompatibility with Professor John O'Brien, renowned scientist and CPP parishioner. The final two lectures will take place on

Tuesday 24th November and Wednesday 9th December

Over 150 people watched the first lecture but If you missed it you can view it here:

Confirmation Parents and Candidates Tuesday 24th November All Confirmation parents and candidates are required to attend the next science v religion lecture on the 24th November titled: "Science: Challenges and Limitations". It will be hosted live via the 'CPP Weybridge' Youtube channel. Further details will follow in the coming weeks.

The Diocese of Arundel & Brighton is a Registered Charity No. 252878

CHRIST THE PRINCE OF PEACE CATHOLIC CHURCH Priests’ House, Portmore Way, Weybridge, Surrey, KT13 8JD email [email protected] website twitter @CPPweybridge The Passage Our Justice and Peace group support the homeless charity in . This year they are inviting us to the 20th Anniversary of their annual Night Under the Stars concert with a festive virtual event on the 3rd December. The evening will also commemorate 40 years of The Passage. Hosted by comedian Rory Bremner it is set to be an uplifting night of musical entertainment. Join in from the comfort of your living room. Tickets available at their website The Passage are also launching a special 40th anniversary cookbook in aid of the charity. A Taste of Home, exclusive recipes from over 100 well-known names. Priced £25. All profits go directly towards helping the homeless. An ideal Christmas gift.

How Does Non-Violence Resolve Conflict? Pax Christi International is pleased to announce the publication of ‘Advancing Nonviolence and Just Peace in the Church and the World’. The book shares the experiences of on-the-ground nonviolent interventions, explores the scriptural, theological and historical foundations of nonviolence, reviews the most current social science on how nonviolence has been effectively employed, and outlines a vision for how the Church might embrace active nonviolence into every aspect of its life. Advancing Nonviolence and Just Peace is a biblical, theological, ethical, pastoral and strategic resource for anyone seeking to understand or expand Catholic thinking on nonviolence. You can order your copy at

An Idea for lockdown Read the Encyclical letter from Pope Francis Fratelli Tutti francesco_20201003_enciclica-fratelli-tutti.html

The Diocese of Arundel & Brighton is a Registered Charity No. 252878