The Impact of European Freight Transport Strategy on the Slovak Republic in the Context of Logistics

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The Impact of European Freight Transport Strategy on the Slovak Republic in the Context of Logistics Journal of Economics, Business and Management, Vol. 4, No. 5, May 2016 The impact of European Freight Transport Strategy on the Slovak Republic in the Context of Logistics P. Ceniga and V. Sukalova sea shipping and inland waterway) that have safety, Abstract—Paper deals with actual topic concerning efficiency, cost, energy and environmental benefits. The connection between the freight transportation, which is very Commission White Paper on European Transport Policy1 important part of complex international supply chains and its defines as central part of this policy the need to take all impact on the Slovak transport policy in future. However, today necessary measures to facilitate this modal shift. with growing challenges in our European transportation system, we must avoid that transportation becomes the weakest link in Much has already been done to improve the supply of the chain, and threatens the efficiency of conception, production, transport services, particularly the alternative modes by and distribution of our products. This is the reason why people opening markets, laying down common technical rules and responsible for logistics and supply chains have a keen interest applying the competition rules to the transport service sector. in understanding today’s transportation challenges. As the final Issues of transport infrastructure need to be tackled. These user of freight transport, they want to participate in the debate issues are not the subject of the current initiative. Rather, this and in new ideas on the future of the European transport system. The aim of the paper is to assess the impact of European Freight initiative aims at making full use of the potential - sometimes Transport Strategy and Policy on the development of Logistics hidden, sometimes still to be developed – of intermodal in the Slovak Republic in context of integration for intermodal solutions. For this, Europe needs to develop the skills and transport. Partial aims are to present European Freight tools of intermodal freight transport managers – “freight Transport Policy in Future and to analyze new forms of integrators”. They organize door-to-door freight transport by organizing intermodal freight transport and in this context we combing different modes of transport to build high quality, focused on the situation of logistics centers development in Slovakia. In research we used methods of analysis, synthesis, efficient and sustainable intermodal transport solutions. induction, deduction, description, explanation. The result is an In terms of human resource management and education is assessment of the state of development of logistic centres in the an essential element to ensure long-term growth and Slovak conditions as a prerequisite for modern logistics competitiveness; human capital skills lead to increased solutions and identification of the causes of major shortcomings business activity, job performance and innovation. Effective in this field. tool of managerial work is nowadays the competence Index Terms—Transport strategy, logistics, logistics center, approach to managing human resources. EU's strategic intermodal transport. objectives are to develop core competencies in the knowledge society. Key competencies we can define as those competencies which are portable and universally applicable I. INTRODUCTION set of knowledge, skills and attitudes needed by each The operation of transportation determines the efficiency individual for their personal fulfilment and development and of moving products. The progress in techniques and successful employment. Under these circumstances, the management principles improves the moving load, delivery ability of companies to effectively carry out speed, service quality, operation costs, the usage of facilities competency-based human resources management is and energy saving. Transportation takes a crucial part in the becoming more and more crucial for their survival. manipulation of logistics. Implementation of competence approach to the management The European freight transport system needs to adapt to of the human resources is important also in logistics [1]. The the challenges of the 21st century. Growing congestion, paper deals with European freight transport in 21th century, environmental concerns and dependence on imported fossil organizing of the intermodal freight transport and situation in fuel threaten European freight transport which is heavily the field of logistics centers in Slovak conditions. dependent on road freight and fossil fuels. The use of road freight transport will grow rapidly in the next years. However as there are limits to the growth of road transport we need to II. EUROPEAN FREIGHT TRANSPORT POLICY IN FUTURE make better use of alternative modes of transport (rail, short Europe needs an efficient freight transport system. However, the current system, with its rising costs and delays, is not capable of handling the expected growth in freight Manuscript received July 5, 2015; revised December 1, 2015. This work was supported by the project “Education quality and human resources transport without a substantial increase in costs. The development as the pillars of a knowledge society at the Faculty PEDAS, combined challenges of economic growth, sustainable University of Zilina in Zilina.“, ITMS project code 26110230083, University development, rapidly changing logistics trends and of Žilina. The authors are with the Department of Economics, Faculty of the enlargement of the European Union requires shippers and Operation and Economics of the Transportation, University of Zilina, Zilina, operators to develop a more co-operative and planned Slovakia (e-mail: [email protected], approach to freight transport in order to make better use of all [email protected]). doi: 10.18178/joebm.2016.4.5.422 384 Journal of Economics, Business and Management, Vol. 4, No. 5, May 2016 transport modes. The demand for freight transport is B. Integration for Intermodal Transport growing. Summing up, there are significant market opportunities for A. Logistics Trends and the Opportunity for Intermodal intermodal transport. For many shipments on certain routes, Transport intermodal transport is a viable alternative. Integrating the different transport modes In assessing the opportunities for the alternatives modes to Freight integrators with the objective to optimize the provide road-competitive transport services, we must also whole chain, and without a pecuniary or proprietary interest look at the logistics trends in Europe. Logistics processes in any specific mode or shipment, can play a constructive role translate the demand for goods and services into freight in developing intermodal transport and tackling bottlenecks. transport demand. The form of the demand number size, Europe already has some excellent logistics companies who frequency and routing of deliveries is determined by the act as freight integrators, providing sustainable transport requirements of production, distribution and consumption solutions in partnership with shippers and operators. patterns. Only by understanding the characteristics of this However the reality is that best practices are few and far demand is it possible to identify where intermodal transport between. Few seem to have the skills, neutrality or is a viable alternative. In general regular flows, high volumes geographic coverage necessary to meet the needs of and long distances favor intermodal transport. Some logistics European industry. trends, such as the increasing number and reducing size of Freight integrators should have: deliveries, do not favor intermodal freight transport. Others 1) The ability to devise intermodal transport solutions do provide an opportunity: suitable for sophisticated supply chains, 1) European companies are increasingly consolidating their 2) Neutrality in order to advise, build co-operation and operations in order to serve the enlarged market from a mediate in the case of disputes, reduced number of distribution centers. This leads to a 3) Knowledge and experience of all transport modes, as concentration of flows to and from these large hubs and well as the storage and handling of goods, offers opportunities for intermodal transport. 4) Long term relationships with shippers and operators, 2) Manufacturers are simultaneously reducing the number 5) Access to information about transport services, operators of their suppliers and hence increasing transport volumes and shipments, from the remaining suppliers. Congestion around 6) Access to a broad network of contacts and partners. manufacturing sites and high costs related to dealing Integrating different interests with a large number of suppliers lead to pressure to Freight integrators need to integrate the differing interests reduce the number (and increase the size) of deliveries of shippers and transport operators [3]. and the trend towards less suppliers. Shipper interests These concentrations again provide an opportunity for Shippers do not normally favor any particular mode, their intermodal transport: interest is to find suitable transport solutions at the right price, • To take advantage of more favorable manufacturing and coupled with quality. They focus on reducing their total labor conditions factories are moving further away from logistics costs, of which transport is only a part. They are suppliers and markets increasing transport distances. The prepared to accept increases in transport costs if there are increased transport costs related to these developments
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