(Cotur-MUTH, E Fe Iti-U N
JUNE 1985 $1.9 r W)r $2.50 CA DA (CoTur-MUTH, e fe iti-u n-. '! 111_ ( 2, 1 O o g iocnf www.americanradiohistory.com _.pacesetter in amateur radio Scan the World. limits, reducing scan cycle time. Memory scan allows the operator to scan all, or only specific memories. Kenwood's R-2000 receiver has Lithium battery memory backup opened the doors to a new world in (Estimated 5 year life) is built-in. the 150 -kHz to 30 -MHz HF bands, With the sensitive R-2000, only with microprocessor controlled oper- the best in selectivity will do. It ating features and an UP conversion has three built-in IF filters, with PLL circuit for maximum flexibility NARROW/WIDE selector switch, and to enhance the excitement of and an optional 500 -Hz narrow CW R-1000 High performance receiver listening to stations from east to west, filter is available. A noise blanker, 200 kHz - 30 MHz digital display/ clock/timer 3 IF filters PLL UP con- and from pole to pole. An optional and an all -mode squelch circuit version noise blanker RE step atten- VC -10 VHF converter, for 118 to further enhance the operators uator 120-240 VAC (Optional 13.8 VDC). 174 -MHz, allows access to police, control of his listening environment. aviation, marine, commercial, and An AGC switch, and an RF attenu- two meter Amateur frequencies, With ator switch allow selection of the dual digital VFO's, ten memories best signal-to-noise ratio. It has a that store frequency, band and mode large, front mounted speaker, a tone information, memory scan, program- control, an "S" meter, high and low mable band scan, fluorescent tube impedance antenna terminals, and digital display, and dual 24 -hour operates on 100/120/220/240 VAC, clock with timer, this outstanding or on 13.8 VDC, with an optional radio has the versatility needed to DCK-1 DC cable kit.
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