SPORTS: LOCAL NEWS: Bears get the win County sees over Raiders in new electronic extras: Page 9 poll book: Page 7 Cleveland City Schools, CU present budget requests to City Council: Page 7 162nd YEAR • No. 294 16 PAGES • 50¢ CLEVELAND, TN 37311 THE CITY WITH SPIRIT TUESDAY, APRIL 11, 2017 Council hears proposals on three tax options By LARRY C. BOWERS budget. Center at Five Points. Bill Estes was hesitant to commit but would probably be around 6.
[email protected] The first option will retain the city’s Based on comments following to the tax increase, although he is McKay said he is budgeting 6.7 per- current tax rate of $1.77 per hundred Monday’s early morning hearing, it supportive of increased funding for a cent. Members of the Cleveland City dollars of value. Option 2 targets an appears the Council has at least five number of the proposed improve- Fivas’ presentation Monday empha- Council are prepared to increase increase of 9 cents to a tax rate of votes in favor of the third option, with ments envisioned by the city. Charlie sized the growth in the city, a priority property taxes. $1.86, while the third option would the largest tax increase. McKenzie said he would rather wait list of projects which have been out- City Manager Joe Fivas and assis- increase the tax rate by 29 cents, to Richard Banks, Avery Johnson, until the Bradley County reappraisal lined by the mayor and Council, and tant City Managers Shawn McKay $2.06 (a 16.5 percent increase).