

Observation: we continue to observe large amounts of genetic variation in natural populations

Problem: How does this variation arise and how is it maintained.

Here, we look at whether alone can explain this variation. RECURRENT MUTATION MODEL

A simple model to look at the effect of mutation on frequencies

- examine an ideal population in which all the HWE assumptions hold except that occur

µ A1 ↔ A2 ν

µ = forward /generation ν = reverse mutation rate/generation µ ~ 10-5 to 10-8

ν ~ 10-6 to 10-9 mutations/ gene. p0 and q0 - initial gene frequencies of the A1 and A2 . under recurrent mutation model, each generation the of A2 increases by p0µ and decreases by q0ν.

After one generation

q1 = q0 + p0µ - q0ν

The change in gene frequency

Δq = p0µ - q0ν Each generation, the change in frequency is negligible over the long term, an equilibrium is achieved - loss of A2 alleles is balanced by the gain.

At equilbrium,

Δq =

µ - ν = 0 where

and are equilibrium allele frequencies. Substituting

= 1 -

= µ/(µ + ν)

= ν/(µ + ν)

- equilibrium allele frequencies are independent of original gene frequencies

- dependent only on mutation rates.

-time to equilibrium, however, is dependent on initial allele frequencies INFINTE ALLELES MODEL

This mutation model is particularly useful in considering DNA sequences. Consider a gene 900 bps in length.

-each site can have one of four states - total number of possible alleles for this gene is 4900 or 10542.

This is the basis of the IAM - each mutation occurs independent of site, and so an infinite number of alleles are possible. In the IAM

-two alleles that are identical by state must also be identical by descent -thus, homozygous genotypes must be autozygous -to measure homozygosity, we need to measure autozygosity.

Consider the genotype AiAi.

-two alleles are IBD if neither allele has mutated in the course of one generation. - mutation rate is µ, then

Pr(IBD) = (1−µ)(1−µ)

= (1−µ)2 - remember that the coefficient is the probability that a genotype is autozygous (and hence homozygous)

-in an ideal population.

Ft = 1/2N + (1 - 1/2N)Ft-1

-in a population under mutation pressure, probability that two alleles are IBD is dependent on mutation rate µ. Thus

2 2 Ft = (1/2N) (1−µ) + (1 - 1/2N)(1−µ) Ft-1 Thus, every generation random (and inbreeding) increases autozygosity but mutations decrease autozygosity. - equilibrium is reached such that

= 1/(1 + 4Nµ) and the equilbrium heterozygosity

= 1 - = 4Nµ /(1 + 4Nµ) The parameter 4Nµ (or more commonly 4Neµ) occurs often in population and is referred to as Θ. maintenace of genetic variation: mutation-drift balance and neutral theory of

- proposed in the 1960s to explain large amount of genetic variation observed in natural populations. -neutral theory has the following assumptions:

(1) primary selective force is purifying selection (2) most alleles observed are selectively neutral - one allele is not favored over another (3) variation we observe in populations arises from balance between mutation and random genetic drift

The neutral theory (or mutation-drift balance) provides a powerful null hypothesis in evolutionary genetics. FIXATION PROBABILITY

- the probability for fixation of a neutral allele.

- consider two alleles A1 and A2

-probability that allele A2 will be fixed is dependent on

•its initial frequency •its selective advantage or disadvantage (s)

•the effective (Ne) Genotypes A1A1 A1A2 A2A2 relative 1 1 + s 1 + 2s

Under additive selection model, Kimura(1962) showed that probability of fixation of allele A2 over time is

P = (1 - e-4Nsq)/(1 - e-4Ns) where q is the initial frequency of A2. Fixation Probability under Neutrality

Note: since e-x ~ 1 -x when x → 0

When |Ns| → 0, then

P = 4Nsq/4Ns

P = q

The condition |Ns| → 0 is called neutral limit (when selection is weak), or |s| << 1/N. -probability of fixation is dependent only on initial frequency of the allele. - population of size N composed solely of A1 alleles. - A2 allele arises through a mutational event. - population of size N (with 2N alleles) there is now 1 A2 allele. q = 1/2N

P = (1 - e-4Ns/2N)(1 - e-4Ns)

Under neutrality, |Ns| → 0

P = (4Ns/2N)/4Ns

P = 1/2N Fixation Probability under Selection

- under selection.

P = (1 - e-4Nsq)/(1 - e-4Ns) if q = 1/2N

P = (1 - e-2s)/(1 - e-4Ns)

If absolute value of s → 0 and N is very large

P = 2s

Under selection, the fixation probability is dependent on magnitude of selection. RATES OF FIXATION

rate at which a new is fixed in population is equal to neutral mutation rate.

K = rate of fixation of alleles

= (rate of allele formation)(fixation probability)

= (2N )(µ mutation rate/)(1/2N)

K = µ

Under selection,

K = (2N)(µ)(2s)

= 4Nµs

Thus, under selection (|Ns| > 1) the rate of gene substitution is greater than under neutrality.

- under neutrality, since rate of gene substitution is equal to µ, the average time between consecutive fixations is 1/µ. -higher the mutation rate, the smaller time between fixations TIME TO FIXATION

How long does it take for a neutral mutation to be fixed?

Kimura showed that the mean time to fixation under neutrality is

= 4Ne generations

Under selection

= (2/s)ln(2Ne) Thus, if N = 106 and generation time is 2 years

-under neutrality

= 8 million years

-with selected mutations, if s = 0.01

= 5800 years


The heterozygosity H of neutral mutations is given under the

= 4Ne/(1 + 4Neµ)

= Θ/(1 + Θ)