SouthBoston TODAYOnline • On Your Mobile • At Your Door JANUARY 9, 2014; Vol.2 Issue 8 SERVING SOUTH BOSTONIANS AROUND THE GLOBE

Monday, January 6th. His opponent in the quest for the presidency was Ayanna Pressley, who currently holds This Week’s an at-large council seat. Bill Linehan will be taking over as president from Poll On Stephen Murphy. Murphy will remain on the City Council in his at- Page 2 large position which he was reelected to in November. Today extends its congratulations to one of this community’s own for his new position and wishes him much success South Boston Today in the coming year. In the recent city election for the District 2 council seat, which includes all of South Boston, China Town and the South End, Linehan defeated his opponent, Suzanne Lee by a comfortable margin garnering strong support not @SBostonToday Bill Linehan Chosen Boston only from his South Boston base but SOUTH BOSTON TODAY also from other parts of his district. His City Council President Staff Report win in the November final was credited ith the support of newly long time council colleagues, District to the hard work and attention to detail Go to our South Boston Today elected citywide councilor 2 Boston City Councilor Bill Linehan he has been showing to all constituents page to vote on our weekly poll. Michelle Wu and district was elected to the Presidency of that in every part of District 2. Make sure you like & share SBW Today half pg front cover ad:Layout 1 11/12/13 1:08 PM Page 1 councilor Tim McCarthy along with 5 body by a healthy 8-5 vote this past CONTINUED ON page 4

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L U N C H | D I N N E R | W E E K E N D B R U N C H | F I R E S I D E D I N I N G | B A R | W I N E B A R | L A T E N I G H T D I N I N G 2 SOUTHBOSTONTODAY • January 9, 2014

EDITORIAL Global Warming? s the snow piled so melted away due to Global high on the outside Warming. As you know, the Awindow sill, the foot scientists’ ship became trapped high Christmas candle become in ten foot thick ice. The same obscured. The fantasy land fate fell upon the Chinese ice outdoors made it easy to put off breakers attempting to rescue the reality of the next day’s dig them. Is the Flat Earth Society out, although the recent events looking for new members? in Antarctica seem to show some It’s reassuring for Boston’s future otherwise intelligent people live that Mayor Walsh’s first thought as in a state of denial of reality. he looked at the foot and a half of In order to substitute the new snow was to appoint a snow prophecy of their GWRW, Al removal honcho, not a botanist for Gore and a group of scientists the public gardens. sailed to Antarctica to record the That appointment and the disappearance of the Ice Cap. idea that those scientists are Remember! Five years ago this where they can’t do any harm is past December Gore predicted enough to keep me warm even the Ice Cap would have virtually in this weather.

“He that is good for making excuses is seldom good for anything else” -Benjamin Franklin

Menino Era As Defined By Political Observers ith the end of Tom Menino’s reign, and the beginning of a new one in Mayor , there have been many different Wdescriptions of Tom Menino’s tenure. Below are the recent words that some Boston political columnists at several major publications have used to describe Tom Menino during his time in office. : micro manager () Boston Magazine: Thin skinned ruthless sob (September 2013 cover), grudge holder, “when one man makes the rules, there are no Make sure you like & rules” (contributing reporters) Boston Globe: Intimidating, thin-skinned, insecure, petty, imperious share South Boston (Scott Lehigh) Vindictive tendencies (Lawrence Harmon) This week’s South Boston Today Poll asks you to vote on how you would Today with your ! describe Tom Menino: Outstanding • Thin Skinned • Grudge holder • Petty • Vindictive • Fair South BostonToday @SBostonToday

SouthBoston PO Box 491 • South Boston, MA 02127 TODAYOnline • On Your Mobile • At Your Door South Boston Today is not liable for errors appearing in advertisements beyond the cost of Publisher Editor In Chief Managing Editor the space occupied by the error. All South Boston Today produced artwork, design, and layout John Ciccone Brian R. Mahoney Brian P. Wallace remain the sole property of South Boston Today. Reproduction in whole or part is strictly forbidden. South Boston Today reserves the right to cut, edit or reject any copy without notice. [email protected][email protected] South Boston Today is a Series of the Today Publications Series LLC, a Delaware Limited Liability Company

Deadlines 396 West Broadway • 617.268.4032 • Office hours: Mon-Fri 10:00am - 2:00pm

Press Copy - Tuesday at 3:00 P.M - Advertisements - Space Reservation - Monday at 5:00 P.M. Ad Material - Tuesday at 3:00 P.M. Camera Ready Ads - Wednesday at 9:00 A.M. January 9, 2014 SOUTHBOSTONTODAY • 3 InformationThe Center Guns, Tax Dollars, Parades and Cold Waves SOUTH BOSTON TODAY John Ciccone Note: talk back to John Ciccone by email at [email protected]

ome commentary about a need for calls for “revenue increases procession. So yes South Boston, or an event that highlights anyone’s couple of Boston issues in and investments” with taxpayers brace yourselves for the annual sexual orientation. This drives some S the news that sort of got over bearing the burden. onslaught of negativity that will be folks absolutely crazy that they looked with all the storm news as Next issue up: The St. Patrick’s coming our way over the parade. cannot make it such. Everyone of late. First, Mayor Walsh made Day/Evacuation Day Parade. New They will work hard to demonize our knows that they, the radicals, have the decision, over some police brass Year’s Day had not even arrived yet war veterans for wanting to keep the every right in the world to have their objections not to arm selected BPD and the local resident whiner, Boston parade a family themed event. There own parades on any other day and units with AR-15 rifles. He cited Herald ‘columnist’ Peter Gelzinis are those who just can’t stand the fact in any location that do just that. And several reasons for his decision; I’m was already baiting the mayor- that they haven’t been able to get their everyone also knows that this is not guessing it was after being advised elect about who should be allowed way and dissolve this South Boston what these radicals want at all. They by some of the lefties who have his to march and how the new mayor tradition. It’s a parade that celebrates a want to crash this parade, make their ear. Though I personally disagree should stand up to the South Boston military victory and an Irish Catholic statements, get their publicity and with the decision, simply because it’s Allied War Veterans who are the Saint and the content of it is geared to wreck a long standing South Boston not good to have the cops outgunned parade organizers. Gelzinis probably families. It is not an anti-war protest CONTINUED ON page 16 by gang members who illegally couldn’t wait for Christmas to be possess more powerful weapons over so he could get to work stirring than the standard issue 40 caliber up negative controversy in South handguns the city department gives Boston. It’s what he does. His act is SOUTH BOSTON them, it was his decision and only his well known, it’s old and it’s tired. DENTAL ASSOCIATES, INC. to make and must be respected. Mayor Walsh has already indicated 29 Farragut Road, South Boston, MA But if Marty will indulge me I that he probably would not march 617-268-1030 too have a bit of advice. Speaking in the parade if the radical ‘Veterans as someone with knowledge on this for Peace’ and their leftist supporters subject, I can confirm that the price were denied a permit. That too is tag on those proposed AR-15’s was Marty’s choice. The parade got along HAPPY NEW YEAR! said to start at $2500. That’s too just fine without Mayor Menino’s high. You can get good quality AR’s participation for all these years, he Let's start the New Year off with that starting at around $900. Why do I wasn’t missed, and it will do fine with bright white smile! bring this up? Because like most or without Mayor Walsh. But let me taxpayers, I want to see our hard remind Mayor Walsh, the radicals earned tax dollars spent wisely. To be who want so badly to crash the event overcharged for something, anything and turn it into a circus and to all JANUARY that can be purchased for a heck of those in the media who play right a lot less isn’t a wise way to keep a into this tiresome game: It doesn’t Special good wrap on the budget and it has matter a bit what Marty Walsh, the a direct effect on the residents of the media, myself or anyone else wants city. And it isn’t just guns or other when it comes to the parade. And it Save 10% off CLEANING, X-RAY, & EXAM necessary equipment purchases that certainly doesn’t matter what the likes should be scrutinized more carefully. of Peter Gelzinis wants, it doesn’t get It’s everything. The last thing Boston any more irrelevant than that guy. It residents need is more tax hikes. only matters what the South Boston Call us or visit our website This is a new administration and it Allied War Veterans want- period. to make an appointment should shake off the bad habits from It’s their parade, it’s their permit and the old one. Holding out for the best the US Supreme Court affirmed their price on good equipment is one way sole right to make all the decisions to keep costs down and prevent the on the theme and the content of the 4 SOUTHBOSTONTODAY • January 9, 2014

CONTINUED FROM front page 1 At the swearing in ceremony and after the vote for council president took place, Linehan addressed the crowd in attendance and then went on to thank his supporters and his fellow councilors for their confidence in him and for the work they have done on his behalf and on behalf of the entire City of Boston; especially the residents of District 2. President Linehan’s told South Boston Today the following after winning the vote: “It’s an honor to be elected to the presidency of the . I want to thank my colleagues for their support and show of confidence. I also want to thank my family, friends and supporters both from my district and from the entire city. I look forward to partnering with our new mayor, Marty Walsh and his administration to continue to improve our city together. I will conduct an open, transparent and inclusive process regarding committee Congratulations to Commissioner Bill Evans. assignments and those same principles will guide SOUTH BOSTON TODAY my decisions and priorities as president over the South Boston’s Own Staff Report next two years.” here was no nationwide search conducted large police department like Boston’s it’s almost Supporting his quest for the Council to find a new permanent Boston Police unheard of. What brings so much admiration and presidency, Linehan received the votes of the T Commissioner. It wasn’t needed. Boston’s respect from so many experienced cops? The following councilors: Michael Flaherty, who new mayor, Marty Walsh apparently knows a responses we got were that he is an honest guy and was recently returned to the council with a good man when he sees one; at least in this case can be trusted, he has an incredible work ethic, and strong vote for an at-large position, Frank and decided to appoint Bill Evans permanently to he is fair almost to a fault among other virtues. Baker, Mark Ciommo, Sal LaMattina, Tim that post. There is a lot to be said for a dedicated police McCarthy, Stephen Murphy, and Michelle South Boston Today spent Tuesday evening and officer who has worked his way up through the Wu and Bill Linehan himself. Opposing Wednesday morning speaking with members of ranks. This is a man who actually started as a police Linehan’s presidency were Matt O’Malley, the BPD; current and former rank and file cops, as ‘cadet’ and went all the way to Commissioner Josh Zakim, Charles Yancey, Tito Jackson well as brass and what we learned confirmed what on his own merits. He has an excellent record of and Ayanna Pressley. we already suspected. To a man and woman; these achievement to show for it. As most know, Bill It was noted in last week’s SBT publication that veteran as well as rookie law enforcement personnel Evans’ brother Paul Evans was Boston police Councilor Michelle Wu withstood outrageous have nothing but high praise for Commissioner Commissioner from 1994 till 2003. But even verbal attacks from the far left progressive wing of Evans. By his experience, his achievements on brother Paul will tell you that Bill got to where he the democratic party for supporting Linehan, who the force and by the way he does his job and lives is on his own, with no help from Paul and probably is a councilor she has worked with before being his life, he commands their respect and has their got there in spite of him. With 32 years on the elected and trusted for his fairness and dedication. admiration. And every current police officer we , there is no doubt he During his five terms on the City Council, spoke with said that they look forward to working knows his job and his track record shows he does Linehan has been working on a number of issues for him. This is rare in any organization. But in a CONTINUED ON page 6 important to the people of Boston as a whole and in District 2 in particular. High among those issues are direct constituent services. Whether you live Martin J. Walsh is the in South Boston, the South End or Chinatown, parking, clean streets that are properly paved and 48th well plowed after a snow storm are important to all. elcomed by Lorrie Higgins. During Making sure there are enough street lights and in thousands a ceremony filled with good repair is also important. Safe neighborhoods, of family local, state and federal W where people can feel free to walk day and night members, relatives and dignitaries, Walsh, a without worrying about being victims of crime friends from Ireland, son of Irish immigrants has also been an issue that Councilor Linehan has friends from the from County Galway been active in pursuing. neighborhoods, union who made their way to There still are the hot topics of over-development, brothers and sisters and Boston’s Dorchester education and attracting good job creating nearly all campaign neighborhood, was businesses to the city that are so important Boston’s supporters, Marty Walsh inaugurated as the future. Having a South Bostonian and a District 2 of Taft Street Savin Hill 48th mayor of Boston City Councilor as the council president is a positive Dorchester took the oath on Monday at Boston thing that should bode well for this neighborhood of office flanked by his College’s Conte Forum. and with a good relationship with the new mayor mother Mary and partner CONTINUED ON page 16 get down to work on behalf of the city. January 9, 2014 SOUTHBOSTONTODAY • 5 ReadingBetween TheLines “We Need It” SOUTH BOSTON TODAY Brian R. Mahoney Note: talk back to Brian by email at [email protected]

ave you ever seen the cops history. It can and has happened both. Adequately arming the police then, as now. We were playing catch and robber movie “Heat” with here. We have seen too many of is not radical or revolutionary. It is the up with the bad guys, who had been HDeNiro and Pacino? There’s a our own acts of domestic insanity to normal advancement we’ve always using them for 20 years prior. wild shootout in downtown LA between dismiss the reality of heavy armored followed. Look no further than the The whole argument can be machine gun toting robbers and LA mad men on lengthy killing sprees, switch, twenty years ago, from six summed up in the expression “it is Police. That scene is based on an actual while local authorities are forced shot revolvers to 15 shot automatic better to have it and not need it, than LA event you may have also seen in a to defer response to “specialists” hand guns. The reason was the same need it and not have it”. cop documentary. In the actual event, coming from too long a distance. two robbers in head to toe body armor I’ve been to some countries where If you can imagine it….. armed with multiple machine guns the police all walk around with we can create it for you. hold off hundreds of LA cops. They machine guns on slings. It makes you actually attempted to walk away and appreciate home a little more. That, almost made it. Finally after about an however, is not what’s being proposed hour, members of LA SWAT arrived in Boston. A unit, known only to the with their own automatic weapons and police, would have AR-15’s and the ended it. During the fire fight the original police trained in their use. Otherwise NURTURE responding patrol officers had to resort to they would be completely the same as salon and spa commandeering a nearby sporting goods any other patrol officers with the same store and appropriate rifles and shotguns duties. They only would be activated from the store in an attempt to counter with the heavy weapons on already the bad guys fire power. mentioned incidents and where time is It was after this incident LA began of the essence. Many false arguments equipping certain patrol officers with such as, “a bullet from these weapons Open 7 Days a Week! AR-15 automatic weapons. The can travel as far as two miles and experience showed heavy weapons kill”, have been raised to emphasize teams of officers couldn’t always the danger of an errant shot Don’t respond in a timely manner. The those hit by an “errant” pistol shot at LA Sheriff’s Department already only a half-mile matter? carried such weapons with certain The point is neither is likely to officers due to a similar episode. happen. These are trained officers - Again, heavily armed bank robbers rigorously trained. In a split second, H A I R C A R E S K I N C A R E B R I D A L in a suburban bank were able any police officer weighs the danger to shoot their way out of police to the public, the victim, themselves, Nurture Salon and Spa encirclement and make their way to what kind of background there is, 127 L Street the footlight of a national forest. The in case they should miss - even the NURTURE South Boston, MA 02127 Sheriff’s deputies were held at bay danger to the suspect. If anything, salon and spa 617.269.0638 until provided with rifles by local officers trained in these heavy inhabitants of a hunting lodge. weapons would have much more Boston is neither of these places. time to decide on an action. They Nor is it Mumbai, India or Nairobi would never be in a position where where machine gun armed terrorists they would have to draw these had to be forced from shopping malls weapons cold and shoot. They are by armed troops, when they had been not deployed until authorized. killing shoppers. It also isn’t Russia Citizens have a right to be where Chechen Terrorists just blew concerned by overbearing police. SBT up bombs downtown. On the last They also have a right to be safe. The score, Russia’s sorrow is our recent best efforts should be made to provide 6 SOUTHBOSTONTODAY • January 9, 2014

CONTINUED FROM page 4 the audit will be conducted, it well. It’s not difficult to see why focus will be on the system Mayor Walsh chose Evans to lead and guidelines for awarding the force. An excellent decision. tax credits, the commitment to As Superintendent, Bill Evans is offer affordable units on-site said to have conducted his work day and not off-site and a legitimate with “military like discipline”. He voice regarding concerns of the is up each morning at 4:30 am and neighborhoods being affected goes for a run; a long run. He has by development decisions. finished many Boston Marathons Quoting from the article, and has the medals to show for it. In ‘Walsh has been silent on fact, he is a familiar face to any local who will be named to replace South Bostonian up early enough former BRA chief Peter to see him run along Pleasure Bay Meade. John Barros, a former and Carson Beach. He arrives at his mayoral candidate who later job no later than 6:30 am and does endorsed Walsh and sits on the not stop until late in the day or well mayor’s transition team, has into the night; depending on what been rumored as a possible problems arise. As commissioner candidate, as has former he will no doubt be spending even Mayor Walsh Promises candidate Charlotte Golar more time guarding the city and will Richie, who is also on the of course, still be on call 24 hours Department Audits Including transition team.’ a day like he has been for so many Mayor Walsh stated, “If years already. During his time as the BRA tax credits work to spark superintendent and captain before s reported in the Boston Walsh’s commitment to audit development, but in some that, Evans has worked to create Business Journal, the Boston Redevelopment developments people get tax good working relations with every A Thomas Grillo’s article Authority. Although light on the credits while other people community in the city and has a comments on Mayor Marty particulars about who and how don’t get tax credits, there reputation of being responsive and has to be consistency there.” accessible which has won him the He added, “Developers praise of many neighborhood leaders Let Our Family Help Your Family have to know predictability throughout Boston. Bringing in a when they walk in. Just like new Commissioner who is already on the other side with the a respected and accepted entity is THE CASPER community. Neighborhoods definitely an advantage. Funeral & Cremations Services have to understand that if It would be safe to say that most Established in 1930 someone is going to come in South Bostonians are proud that one and do a development in their of their own is once again Boston’s Serving Families with Dignity and Respect neighborhood and there are police commissioner. With the through the toughest of times for supposed to be 15 percent elevating to City Council President over 80 years affordable on-site, then that of Bill Linehan, the return of another means 15 percent on-site, son of Southie to the council Mike Home of Personal Service not built in someone else’s Flaherty, the congressional seat held Pre-Planning Specialists neighborhood. There’s no by fellow resident Stephen Lynch, the consistency.” state rep’s seat held by Nick Collins Casper’s specializes in With the appointment of Bill and another South Bostonian Mike Evans as Police Commissioner, Donovan in the Clerk of Court’s Cremation Services & Mayor Walsh has signaled that office, the future is in good hands for Veteran Services the plan for public safety is all residents of South Boston as well ‘keep a steady hand’. The call as all of Boston. Please visit our website for for a nationwide search for a And now we have another South information you may find Superintendent of the Boston Bostonian, Bill Evans as our helpful during a time of need Public Schools suggests that a police commissioner. It’s all very major shake-up is on the way. encouraging. And though Bill With the call for a BRA audit, it Evans is the commissioner for ALL appears that Walsh intends to be of Boston, it’s still nice to know The Casper Funeral Home cautious, making it unclear when that one of our neighbors will be 187 Dorchester Street David Casper or if Walsh intends to follow the ‘top cop’. Congratulations to through with dismantling the you Commissioner Evans and the South Boston, MA 02127 Funeral Directors: 617-269-1930 Joe, Dave & Ken Casper BRA. He is getting advice from best of luck at your new job. You every corner, but time will tell. have certainly earned it. January 9, 2014 SOUTHBOSTONTODAY • 7

sales tax holiday in an effort to boost The House also passed legislation sales for local businesses. and enacted numerous provisions to The transportation finance help residents secure safe and stable bill is designed to solve long- housing, including a $1.4 billion standing financial problems housing bond bill which modernizes through continued reforms and public housing and allows for home a future, stable funding source modification for elderly or disabled without placing too great a burden homeowners. In the midst of the on working families. The bill federal government shutdown, the continues on the promise of the October finance legislation allocated 2009 transportation reform law by additional and immediate funds supporting necessary infrastructure, for the Low Income Home Energy providing revenue to initiate Assistance Program. economic growth and enhancing This fall the House passed two efficiency and accountability. bills related to the military and Following the 2012 meningitis veterans. The 2013 VALOR Act outbreak linked to contaminated provides increased property tax drugs, Massachusetts became the relief and enhances employment, first state to pass comprehensive educational and healthcare support legislation on compounding services for veterans. The House pharmacies. The House also passed a military bond bill unanimously voted on a bill that which funds projects at military will help the Commonwealth better installations around the state. regulate the industry by improving Other session accomplishments include: oversight, licensing and quality •Increasing the maximum penalty standards, addressing a previous for corporate manslaughter from Rep Nick Collins 2013 lack of consistent standards. $1,000 to $250,000; Regarding welfare, the Economic •Passing legislation to ensure that Legislative Wrap Up Independence Act enhances the students with disabilities have tate Representative Nick Legislature in 2014 as we continue efficacy of the state’s welfare Individualized Education Plans (IEP) Collins joined his colleagues to push policies that create jobs, system through new initiatives and that include short-term objectives and Sin the Massachusetts House increase public safety and support reforms, including the Pathways benchmarks, the inclusion of which of Representatives in reviewing our society’s most vulnerable.” to Self-Sufficiency program which is important in measuring the impact recent session accomplishments This past session the House passed provides resources to help recipients of special education instruction and as the Legislature prepares for the two major finance bills, the FY14 achieve financial independence. services; and 2014 session. As of December, 2013, budget and the transportation finance The bill also increases resources •Expanded efforts to require the House passed major legislation bill, both of which are designed to for the Department of Transitional national background checks through pertaining to economic development, stimulate economic growth. The Assistance and expands the scope of fingerprinting of teachers, daycare transportation, education, welfare and FY14 budget, a $34 billion plan, prohibited actions to include foreign providers, and persons living or compounding pharmacies. allocates essential funds to advance transmittal agencies in order to better working on facility premises. The “In the 2013 session, my the growth of the local economy and safeguard the integrity of the welfare new law, which stemmed from the colleagues and I in the Legislature support the Commonwealth’s essential system. These measures follow Federal Bureau of Investigation worked hard to pass common services and programs, including local the electronic benefit card reforms recommendations, also requires sense policies that create economic aid, education, housing and health and made in the FY13 budget and two address-based sex offender checks growth and expand economic human services. subsequent supplementary budgets. of early education and care facilities. opportunities to residents across Additionally, the budget the Commonwealth,” said Rep. prioritizes education-related Collins. “By investing in our items by bolstering funding for The FREE ride to Need an Eye Exam? state’s transportation and education state universities and community good vision is at Please Call For An Appointment infrastructure, affordable and public colleges, including a $478.9 million your door! Introducing housing and in our veterans, 2013 allocation for the University of We are now partnered Dr. Rae R. Huang O.D. was a year we invested in our Massachusetts that will prevent with SOUTHIE state’s future. By passing reforms tuition and fee increases in the shuttle to the Commonwealth’s welfare upcoming school year. system, oversight for compounding The budget also provides funding pharmacies and reforming how we and resources for programs enacted under the 2012 economic development perform background checks on those 394 W. Broadway, So. Boston, MA 02127 educating and caring for children, legislation in order to foster job we have made our state safer and creation for employees of all skill 617.268.9999 more accountable. I look forward to levels across numerous industries. The working with my colleagues in the House also created another August 8 SOUTHBOSTONTODAY • January 9, 2014

Mayor Walsh Makes Key Appointments To His Administration SOUTH BOSTON TODAY Staff Report ollowing his earlier appointments Walsh named two former key in the 2000s. on moving to Boston in the near future. of Daniel Arrigg Koh, a former campaign advisors to critical roles: Walsh appointed current Assistant Trinh Nguyen is leaving her FMenino adviser and assistant Dorchester’s Joyce Linehan and Director of Neighborhood Services position as chief of staff in the Boston to Arianna Huffington as his Chief of Norwell’s Joe Rull, to chief of policy Keith Williams to the position of Housing Authority and moving to Staff, as well as Felix Arroyo, former and chief of operations, respectively. interim director of the Office of Small interim director of the Office of Jobs Boston mayoral candidate and former Linehan’s position will revolve & Local Business Enterprise and and Community Service in the Walsh Boston city councilor, to head a newly- around the implementation of the 42 Alejandra St. Guillen, the leader of the administration. created Boston Department of Health policy papers she primarily authored Latino advocacy group Oiste, as Interim Walsh said that he is looking to and Human Services, Mayor Marty during the course of Walsh’s Director of the Mayor’s Office of New appoint an interim director to the Boston Walsh filled several key positions in mayoral campaign. She currently Bostonians. Current Chelsea State Redevelopment Authority sometime in his new administration on Tuesday at a runs Ashmont Media, a public Representative Eugene L. O’Flaherty the near future. Walsh needs to make press conference at City Hall. relations company. Rull, a former is leaving his post as chairman of permanent appointments to open To the high profile position of Police director of labor in the the House Judiciary Committee to positions of school superintendent and Commissioner, Walsh appointed administration, is moving from join Walsh’s administration as the fire commissioner. Superintendent Bill Evans, who Norwell to Boston to join Walsh’s corporation counsel, the chief legal The new mayor is balancing new was interim commissioner elevated city hall team. Rull worked in former counsel. O’Flaherty’s district includes appointments with some holdovers by Mayor Tom Menino upon the Mayor Thomas M. Menino’s office portion of Charlestown and is long from the past administration to insure departure of Ed Davis. as a special assistant for eight years time friend of Walsh’s. He is planning a smooth transition.

Johnson‘s injuries have been reported as being not too serious or life threatening. He was shaken up quite a bit and emotionally upset. He said he could not understand why anyone would attack him for no reason. Johnson indicated he was not only angry with his assailant, but also with

the fact that there were bystanders who witnessed the attack and did not make any attempt to stop it or intervene. It seems no one even bothered to call police. Transit Police Superintendent in Chief Joseph O’Connor stated Suspect Arraigned For Andrew Sq. ‘T’ Station Attack at this time he is not sure what SOUTH BOSTON TODAY Staff Report people nearby saw of the attack n what has been described the Andrew MBTA Station last The video of the assault was and stated that if people feel as a ‘senseless and Saturday at about 11pm. Video shown on FOX 25 news and uncomfortable about getting I unprovoked attack on surveillance cameras seem to viewers called police with involve personally, he would Chris Johnson, age 44 who is show Johnson standing at the tips about where the alleged at least hope that they would disabled, an arrest was made station having his cane ripped assailant could be found. report an incident like this to and the suspected assailant, from his grasp and then showed ‘T’ Police, following those the police. Law enforcement Miguel Valesquez, age 20 was his assailant swing the cane like tips were able to locate and officials urge the public to arraigned in South Boston a baseball bat hitting Johnson in arrest Valesquez on Tuesday immediately call 911 no matter District Court on Wednesday. the chest. Johnson suffers from in Watertown. Valesquez is a what the location whenever they The alleged attack took place at cerebral palsy. Dorchester resident. witness a crime of this nature. January 9, 2014 SOUTHBOSTONTODAY • 9

of blackberry, currant, violet, licorice Apartheid rule and its re-emergence as and menthol lifted by hints of herbs an exporter of fine wines, tremendous and pepper. Supple, ripe and nicely progress in grape quality and wine- concentrated, with mid-palate sweetness making technique offer consumers a restrained by vigorous, harmonious great array of tasty choices: acidity. Finishes thicker than the 2010 -Ken Forrester, Old Vine Reserve cabernet, with fine-grained tannins and Chenin Blanc, Stellenbosch,(~$9.99) lovely lingering fruits and herbs.” is a rich and refreshing example of the There’s nothing else that needs to exotic flavors that are derived form be said, except that it’s a great wine Southern Hemisphere terroir - citrus, for this time of the year, along with honey, pineapple and notes of vanilla a nice beef stew, hanger steak, or a combine to offer real enjoyment with Santa Fe Black Bean burger from The any white meat, smoked cheeses or Paramount on East Broadway. your favorite spicy Thai dish. Best had Whether you’re an adamant white very cold. (Shouldn’t be a problem wine drinker, or you’d just like a change with the current weather.) from the cold weather/red wine pattern, Las Perdices, Malbec, Agrelo one varietal you might take a look at (Mendoza), Argentina, (~$13.00) is Chenin Blanc, because there’s a lot is a wine that is aged in French and more to look at than there used to be. American oak for eight months, with Chenin Blanc is a grape that got its the taste of plumb, blackberry and start in France’s Loire Valley, where some cocoa on the palate. Soft tannins it was made by itself in both still and nice acidity make for a very and sparkling versions and was also pleasant finish in a wine which will blended with other regional whites for pair very nicely with Bolognaise, Wild centuries. About 100 years ago, it found Mushroom ravioli or Beef Tenderloin its way to various growing regions in with a bourbon reduction demi. the country that is today’s South Africa Send comments and questions for Jamie and in the last 20 years, since the end of to [email protected]

The Red and the White of it. SOUTH BOSTON TODAY By Jamie Driscoll, the Wine Guy Franc, to make those fantastic wines. ver the last decade, one of That, along with being blended the great success stories has with other local grapes of its region, Obeen the “discovery” and was pretty much its role in the growth in popularity of two great wine scheme of things, until the 1860s, varietals- Malbec and Chenin Blanc. when a Frenchmen, an Agricultural Both have had to make a journey far Engineer named Michel Pouget, from where they originated in order to brought plantings to his new home in re-established and really re-invented Argentina. The grapes really took to by their new home soils and climates, their new home and today, the Malbec in order to become the popular wines wines of Argentina produce elegant they are today. wines, with soft tannins, deep, inky- Malbec, known to most American purple color and a range of flavors consumers as a wine that comes from and tones. If you like Malbec, here are Argentina, got its start as a “workhorse” some that I would suggest: grape- one that was used primarily as a Durigutti Malbec, 2011, blending grape –in the Cahors region Mendoza, (~$12.00) -This wine is a of Southwest France. For centuries, it nice expression of everything that’s was one of only six grapes that could attractive about a good Malbec-here’s be used in the making of the famous what the International Wine Cellar Clarets of the Bordeaux region and is said about it in its 90-point award: still used today, along with Cabernet “Bright dark red. Perfumed aromas 10 SOUTHBOSTONTODAY • January 9, 2014

Stepping Up and Stepping Out: Your Guide to the Southie Scene and the “Southie Senses” South Boston Today begins a regular series about life in South Boston and all that it has to offer. Southie is a vibrant and growing community and By: Laela there are so many ways for residents to become connected and involved. Here are some of the best ways to see, hear, taste, touch and smell all that is Southie. From City Point to Fort Point to the South Boston Waterfront, there are so many opportunities to put your senses to good use!

Stepping Up: #GoGreen2014 Resolutions. Even the most put- flashbacks of sea birds choking on leading sustainable community, question why. But how do we strike together, eco-friendly and centered plastic six-pack rings I didn’t split with a focus on minimalist living, a balance of continuing to welcome of us have the occasional snag in the and covered in sludge from some sort environmentally efficient energy usage new people here and not forcing the fabric of our lives that can turn into a of toxic cleaner I didn’t dispose of and sustenance sourced locally. Many OFS out with high prices and quick tear with very little time passing. Sure, properly. Since reduce/reuse/recycle restaurants, buildings (both residential sales? The emergent workforce in a some of our decrees seem superficial; came on the scene, I have salvaged and commercial) and residents do their place like the South Boston Waterfront the most common and repetitive anything that could possibly, maybe part to participate in this practice. On where businesses are building and declarations made before the clock be utilized in another way. I covet my January 16th, 5:30-8:30pm, DMS is buying land to grow their companies strikes midnight on 12/31 consist Camelbak and Sigg water bottle line-up holding the opening reception for Green upon also wants to have access to these of losing weight/getting fit, cutting with the same vigor that some women Patriot Posters, serving food provided conveniences as well. The answer: down on vices like drinking/smoking/ have for their shoe collection and have by Blue Dragon, with the event held at micro-housing. On January 16th at caffeine and saving some dough. almost passed out from dehydration 315 on A. The event is free for members 5:30pm, join the IFMA (International Remember though, there is nothing due to the refusal of consuming H2O so sign up today and get access to Facilities Management Association) wrong with wanting to be the best me I via plastic bottle. That being said, I witness firsthand all the amazing at District Hall for a forum discussing can be. Over the next first month of our am over-the-dumpster-happy about advances Southie is making. eventbrite. this very topic and how it helps with new year, Stepping Up and Stepping how South Bostonians keep their com/e/green-patriot-posters-member- the environment: urban, neighborly Out will show how you can follow neighborhood clean and continue to opening-reception-tickets-9985963285 and globally, respectively. Three guest through with determination and give a move toward the future. Here are some , speaks will introduce the wide spectrum little guidance on how to achieve some events that will give you an insider’s This isn’t Small Change of concerns and questions pertaining to of ourpromises, with some merriment look into where the future of a greener It’s no secret that South Boston is one this subject; ask away. The only way to and humor sprinkled throughout. and cleaner Southie is going. of, if not the most desirable place to find out is to ask. I am a self-proclaimed recycling Green, Lean and on the Scene… live in the City of Boston. With it’s fanatic. Some nights I wake in a cold The Design Museum of Boston is amazing views, quick access to the city who-needs-it-and-who-will-use-it- sweat, ripping me out of my slumber, introducing Fort Point as Boston’s and warm, neighborly feel, no one can tickets-10023852613

Stepping Out: Cheap Thrills Markdown Matisse Salvatore’s is offering a special menu somewhere. Sam’s at Louis, Lounge and Blue Dragon both host The Urban Art Bar located on Old to compliment the event. Check Del Frisco’s, Morton’s, Legal an industry night and offer special Colony Ave is chock full of fun out too: a PaintNite Harborside, Sportello and Strega on menus at a great price; industry painting parties this month, just Groupon is available for a limited the Waterfront all dish up smaller, night usually caters to those in the check out their calendar of events. time. Get ‘em both. You will be the but just-as-delish, versions of their restaurant biz because Monday is And for a few more days, UAB newest Picasso on the block. dinner menu. Mmm mmm good! typically their Friday night, but ALL is offering a discounted voucher , , , , are welcome. Want to warm up this on and Travelzoo. , legalseafood. cold January? Grab some Mexican com. It’s also B.Y.O.B. so don’t com , , delights at Salsa’s; $2 Taco Tuesdays worry about others judging you Ladies Who Lunch and $19 margarita pitchers are on the and your magnum-sized Barefoot There are plenty of delicious and menu. Barlow’s also offers up a great Sauvignon Blanc. PaintNite is also fancy places that serve lunch. It’s Dine on a Dime $2 Taco Tuesday and $1 oysters. The holding sessions at the Stadium and an alternative to a more expensive If noontime is a little too early for price makes it taste that much better! Salvatore’s on the Waterfront; check dinner, and a little earlier in the you, give some local joints a try on , their website for dates and times. day, but hey, it’s five o’clock the weekdays. Monday nights Empire

Go to our facebook page to vote on our weekly poll. January 9, 2014 SOUTHBOSTONTODAY • 11

Southie Senses:Things to touch, see, taste, smell and hear in Southie

Touch: Get Caught in the Act Calling all thespians. The Fort Point Theatre Channel is holding auditions for its 2014 productions on January 12th, 3-7pm and January 14th, 7-10pm. There are three shows looking for actors; send an email along with your resume and headshot and a description of the part you would like give a try. Read between your lines.

See: Be the Change You Want to See Create with care. The Urban Art Bar has dedicated yet another of their painting events to be partnered up with a charity. On Saturday January 11th, 12-3pm, $10 of each ticket sold to the event will be donated towards the Avon Walk. Use your talents to transform the canvas and the future of others.

Taste: Drink It All In These aren’t small town sips. The Paramount South Boston is kicking down the doors of 2014. They have revamped their Twitter account (@ParamountSouth), are delivering and hosting our hometown beer heroes, Harpoon, for a 5 course pairing dinner on January 14th. The cost is $40 and you just need to give the Paramount Southie a call to save a seat. I’d say that’s palatable. 617-269-9999

Smell: Eager Beakers Change is in the air. Don’t let this cold weather keep you and the kids cooped up. This month at the BSA Space, their family day addresses the evolution of mobility in our city and urges you to use recyclables to concoct your own versions of future style transportation. Contact BSA Space to reserve your spot to participate in the event. Get the kids out and blow the stink off them.

Hear: “Why? Why? Why?”- Nancy Kerrigan “The whack heard ‘round the world.” Twenty years ago, an unfortunate and unfair attack during the U.S. Figure Skating Championship in Detroit 1994, of Nancy Kerrigan, put her career on hold and Tonya Harding in jail. On a much more positive note, some events of the U.S. Figure Skating Championship being held in Boston are going on at the Boston Convention and Exhibition Center, January 9th& 10th. Check out the event, grab a bite to eat at one of the Westin Waterfront’s spots or make a weekend out of it: you won’t be skating on thin ice.

Who is Laela? Born and raised in this town, Laela believes that contributing to your neighborhood through volunteer work and socializing within the community are inborn in the people of South Boston. Those innate characteristics are interwoven into every fiber of a South Bostonian’s being. Continuing the traditions that the South Boston community has always practiced, the features Stepping Up and Stepping Out are two ways in which old AND new residents can find opportunities to do what Southie has always done: give back. Both “born and raised” and the new Southie generation will be able to carry on these practices. ADVERTISEMENT · ADVERTISEMENT · ADVERTISEMENT · ADVERTISEMENT · ADVERTISEMENT · ADVERTISEMENT · ADVERTISEMENT · ADVERTISEMENT · ADVERTISEMENT

2014 To Break MCCA Record for Economic Impact and Hotel Room Nights New Year packed with groundbreaking meetings and conventions in Boston

BOSTON – The Massachusetts Convention Center Continuing our efforts to attract multicultural Authority is predicted to break two major records conventions, Boston will also see a significant in 2014, hosting events generating more hotel number of diversity-based events in 2014, room nights and more economic impact than ever including Sigma Pi Phi Beat Boule (1,300 before in the city's history, according to MCCA attendees), the National Association of Black Executive Director James E. Rooney. Journalists (2,400 attendees), and the Delta Sigma Theta Sorority Eastern Regional Conference (2,400 2014's meetings and conventions are projected to attendees). generate a total of 629,000 hotel room nights throughout Boston and the region, and $680 International rotating events – events that choose million in economic activity, the most since the one American city to visit during their worldwide Boston Convention & Exhibition Center (BCEC) annual rotation – coming to Boston in 2014 opened in 2004. The New Year is expected to break include the World Congress on Biomechanics 2006's record of 616,000 hotel room nights and (2,500 attendees), the World Congress on 2012's economic impact record of $656 million. Treatment and Research in Multiple Sclerosis occurred in another city if not for our public (5,000 attendees), the Society for Worldwide Split between Boston's two convention centers, investment in the BCEC,” said Rooney. Interbank Financial Telecommunications (SIBOS) 2014 will generate 390,000 room nights from BCEC (8,000 attendees) and the International Society for events and 239,000 room nights from events at the 2014 kicks off in a major way in January as Boston Computational Biology (2,000 attendees). These Hynes Convention Center. hosts the Prudential US Figure Skating Championships Jan. 5-10 at the BCEC, where a full- knowledge-based global events bring thought “Breaking these records in 2014 is more proof that size competitive skating rink will be constructed, leaders and scientists from around the world to Boston has arrived as a premiere convention followed by the Professional Convention Boston. destination in the world,” said Rooney. “This record Management Association (PCMA) Jan. 12-15, a “ 2014 for hotel room nights in Boston number of hotel room nights will generate another group representing more than 6,000 meeting and all of our other robust activity points to the record in new taxes and revenue that benefit industry leaders and decision makers from around growing need to expand our capacity in the Boston and the Commonwealth, as well as record the world – a “marketing home-game” for Boston. meetings and convention industry and secure our opportunities for our events to connect with the future role,” said Michelle A. Shell, chair of the engines that drive our economy. These are not just In addition, 2014 marks the debut of two Boston MCCA Board of Directors. “With the hopeful heads on beds. These are people and businesses events that will be co-owned by the Massachusetts passage of legislation next year to expand the from around the world looking to connect and do Convention Center Authority, a first for the MCCA BCEC without the need for new fees and taxes, business in Boston and Massachusetts.” and Massachusetts. On June 10, the MCCA and Intelligence Summits LLC will launch the Culinary and the push to build more hotel space around the Events generating the largest hotel room nights Intelligence Summit, a conference at the Hynes BCEC, we're on firm ground to break even more next year include: focused on managing food allergens for large-scale records in the coming years.” Ÿ 38,358 American College of Rheumatology food service operators. September 23-24, the About the Massachusetts Convention Center (Nov. 16-19 @BCEC) MCCA and Sitarian Corporation will launch the Authority (MCCA) Ÿ 35,475 American Society of Cataract & Advanced Audio + Applications Exchange (A3E) at Refractive Surgery (April 26-29 @BCEC) the Hynes, an international trade show, conference The Massachusetts Convention Center Authority Ÿ 33,450 International Foundation of and social network exchange focused on new owns and oversees the operations of the Boston Convention & Exhibition Center, the John B. Hynes Employee Benefit Plans (Oct. 12-15 technologies that are transforming the music Veterans Memorial Convention Center, the @BCEC) industry. MassMutual Center in Springfield, MA and the Ÿ 32,850 American Bar Association (Aug. 8- Annual events in Boston continue to thrive in 2014, Boston Common Parking Garage. The BCEC and 12 @Hynes) including the amazing PAX East (April 11-13 Hynes have earned a rare gold standard from the Ÿ 27,780 National Science Teachers @BCEC), which sold out in November. Yankee International Association of Congress Centres Association Annual Convention (April 3-5 Dental Congress brings 26,000 attendees (January (AIPC), making Boston only the fourth city in North @BCEC) 30 – Feb. 1 @BCEC), and the International Boston America and the 12th worldwide to have been Ÿ 23,325 American Academy of Physician Seafood Show (March 16-18 @BCEC) and Anime awarded this top standard, the highest Assistants (May 27-28 @BCEC) Boston (March 21-23 @Hynes) are both expected to certification level a convention facility can achieve Ÿ 23,220 Society for Worldwide Interbank draw 18,000 attendees each. New England Grows under strict AIPC guidelines. takes place Feb. 5-7 at the BCEC, the largest and Financial Telecommunication (SIBOS) (Sept. In 2013, the MCCA hosted 254 events at the BCEC most popular horticultural and green industry event 29-Oct. 3 @BCEC) and Hynes with 770,000 attendees, generating in the Northeast with nearly 13,000 attendees. The 462,000 hotel room nights and $620 million in June of 2014 will mark the 10-year anniversary of New England International Auto Show arrives Jan. economic impact. The MCCA is currently in the the Boston Convention & Exhibition Center, around 16-20 at the BCEC with an estimated 32,000 midst of its Top 5 campaign to launch Boston into the same time the center is expected to generate attendees, and the Progressive New England Boat the top five convention destinations in North its 1 millionth taxi trip from the front door of the Show runs Feb. 22 to March 2 at the BCEC with an America. For more information, go to BCEC on Summer Street. “One million taxi trips estimated 41,500 attendees. Finally, HubSpot's means about $30 million has been spent wildly popular Inbound 2014 conference moves transporting people to and from the BCEC by our from the Hynes to the BCEC from Sept. 15-18 with taxi industry, economic activity that would have 12,000 attendees. January 9, 2014 SOUTHBOSTONTODAY • 13 Recent South Boston Real Estate Sales Price Sale Date Rooms Baths Sq Ft

734 EastProperty/Type Eighth Street $1,210,000 12/20/13 4 Baths3 2760 Single Family

342-346 Dorchester Street $950,000 12/20/13 22 4 5191 Two Family

615 East Sixth St UNIT 6 $781,500 12/23/13 5 2 1400 Condo

9 M St UNIT 1 $735,000 12/20/13 6 3 2100 Condo

9 M St UNIT 2 $735,000 12/23/13 6 2.5 2100 Condo

9 M St UINIT 5 $715,000 12/20/13 5 2 1143 Condo

125 F Street $650,000 12/23/13 12 4 2401 Two Family

610 East Sixth St UNIT 2 $615,000 12/19/13 5 2.5 1262 Condo

12 Mohawk St UNIT 6 $560,000 12/20/13 4 2 1262 Condo

157 West Third St UNIT 1 $535,000 12/19/13 4 2.5 1321 Condo

629 East Sixth St UNIT 2 $470,250 12/19/13 4 2 935 Condo

270 Bowen St UNIT 2 $434,000 12/20/13 4 1.5 912 Condo

58 Story St UNIT 1 $422,500 12/20/13 6 2 820 Condo

17 Winfield St UNIT 2 $392,000 12/23/13 5 2 970 Condo

761 East Sixth St UNIT 14 $385,000 12/20/13 4 1 905 Condo

21 Sanger St UNIT 1 $385,000 12/23/13 4 1 785 Condo

30 Story St UNIT 2 $359,000 12/20/13 4 1 782 Condo

137-139 D St UNIT 6 $332,500 12/20/13 3 1 615 Condo


Seaport Realty Group

711 East Broadway, South Boston, MA • 617-464-7320 14 SOUTHBOSTONTODAY • January 9, 2014



To all persons interested in the estate of Evelyn M. Wagner late To all persons interested in the estate of Evelyn M. Wagner late of of Boston, in said County, deceased in testate. A petition has been Boston, in said County, deceased in testate. A petition has been presented presented to said Court for license to sell – private sale – private – to said Court for license to sell – private sale – private – certain real estate certain real estate of deceased. – and that the petitioner may become of deceased. – and that the petitioner may become the purchaser of said the purchaser of said real estate. If you desire to object thereto you or real estate. If you desire to object thereto you or your attorney should file your attorney should file a written appearance in said Court at Boston a written appearance in said Court at Boston before ten o’clock in the before ten o’clock in the forenoon on the 23rd day of January, 2014, forenoon on the 23rd day of January, 2014, the return day of this citation. the return day of this citation. Witness, Joan P. Armstrong, Esquire, First Judge of said Court, this 23rd day of December, 2013. Patricia M. Campatelli, Register. Witness, Joan P. Armstrong, Esquire, First Judge of said Court, this 23rd day of December, 2013. Patricia M. Campatelli, Register. Commonwealth of Massachusetts The Trial Court Commonwealth of Massachusetts Probate and Family Court Department The Trial Court Division Suffolk Docket No. SU13P2160EA Probate and Family Court Department SALE OF REAL ESTATE ADMINISTRATOR Division Suffolk Docket No. SU13P2160EA SALE OF REAL ESTATE ADMINISTRATOR Name of Deceased Evelyn M. Wagner. Date of Death September 22, 2004 Domicile at Death 159 Gold Street, South Boston, 02127 Name of Deceased Evelyn M. Wagner. Date of Death September TO THE HONORABLE JUSTICES OF THE PROBATE AND 22, 2004. Domicile at Death 159 Gold Street, South Boston, 02127 FAMILY COURT TO THE HONORABLE JUSTICES OF THE PROBATE AND RESPECTFULLY represents Holly A. Wagner administrator/trix of FAMILY COURT the estate of Evelyn M. Wagner that she gave bond for the faithful RESPECTFULLY represents Holly A. Wagner administrator/trix of performance of her duties on September 6, 2013; that the deceased was the estate of Evelyn M. Wagner that she gave bond for the faithful at the time of her death the owner of certain real estate situated in South performance of her duties on September 6, 2013; that the deceased Boston in the County of Suffolk bounded and described as follows: was at the time of her death the owner of certain real estate situated in Land, with the buildings thereon, on the northeasterly side of Gold South Boston, 02127 in the County of Suffolk bounded and described Street, numbered one hundred seventy-four(174) in the numbering as follows: SOUTHWESTERLY by said Gold Street, twenty nine of said Gold Street, between an estate now or formerly of Lawrence and 60/100 (29.60) feet; SOUTHEASTERLY by a passageway G. Berry and another (numbered 176) and an estate now or formerly as shown on said plan, twenty-five and 75/100 (25.75) feet; of Martin F. Smith (numbered 168) and supposed to contain about NORTHEASTERLY by a lot five(5) on said plan, twenty-nine seven hundred forty- nine (749) square feet. Said land is situated in and 60/100 (29.60) feet; and NORTHWESTERLY by lot three Block71, in the South Boston District shown on the Board of Assessors’ (3) on said plan, twenty-five and 75/100 (25.75) feet. Containing Plans of said City, filed in the office of the Board of Assessors. For title 762 square feet of land, according to said plan. Being the same to the City of Boston see Land Court #33756 T.L. foreclosing May 27, premises conveyed to Eveylyn M. Wagner by deed dated August 1954, all rights of redemption. Being the same premises conveyed to 11, 1970 and recorded with the Suffolk Registry of Deeds Book Evelyn Wagner by a deed dated November 22, 1972 and recorded 8382, Page 743 the same being part of the real estate of the deceased. With the Suffolk Registry of Deeds Book 8584 Page 156 the same being part of the real estate of the deceased. That it is for the advantage of all parties interested that the same be That it is for the advantage of all parties interested that the same be sold; sold; that an advantageous offer for the purchase of this real estate has that an advantageous offer for the purchase of this real estate has been been made to the petitioner(s) in the sum of 123,000.00 dollars. made to the petitioner(s) in the sum of 40,000.00 dollars.

Petitioner(s), named in a petition dated December 16, 2013 and on file Petitioner(s), named in a petition dated December 16, 2013 and on file in this County, requesting authority to sell certain real estate belonging in this County, requesting authority to sell certain real estate belonging to the estate of the deceased and therein described, certify/ies under to the estate of the deceased and therein described, certify/ies under the the penalties of perjury that the names of all persons known to me/us penalties of perjury that the names of all persons known to me/us as as having or claiming any interest in this real estate derived from any having or claiming any interest in this real estate derived from any deed or deed or conveyance or mortgage, through or under any of the heirs or conveyance or mortgage, through or under any of the heirs or devisees of devisees of the deceased are as follows: the deceased are as follows: I certify that the estate of the deceased does exceed $1,000 in value. I certify that the estate of the deceased does exceed $1,000 in value. Moreover, the petitioner(s) certify/ies that MassHealth is not an interested Moreover, the petitioner(s) certify/ies that MassHealth is not an interested party in this matter due to: Notice of this petition has been sent to party in this matter due to: Notice of this petition has been sent to MassHealth, P.O. Box 15205, Worcester, Massachusetts 01615-0205 MassHealth, P.O. Box 15205, Worcester, Massachusetts 01615-0205 January 9, 2014 January 9, 2014 January 9, 2014 SOUTHBOSTONTODAY • 15

L Street Brownies New Year’s Day Polar Plunge Draws Huge Crowd SOUTH BOSTON TODAY this year, the crowd was as big or maybe a blast and into the water the crowd Joey Fund and others all do great work Staff Report even bigger than it’s ever been with charged. Some turned and bolted back and their participation is welcome and hink it was cold on New Year’s over 1000 swimmers and spectators to shore as soon as they felt the frigid encouraged.” Day while in the warm confines and more than 600 who actually went water, while others actually stayed in The fundraising part of the event Tof your home? Maybe you into the water. And what an ideal and for a while and swam around like the holds special meaning to Kevin Conroy ventured out to the store on this holiday perfect day to have such an event said numbing water really had no effect as his sister; Liz Lombard has been after a night out to get a , a Fred Ahern: “The air was icy, the water on them at all. Cold as the weather suffering with Scleroderma for many coffee or pick up a few items at a local was icy; all of it just right to make it not and water was, it was plain to see that years. Liz is a wonderful person and a corner store. Or maybe, just maybe you only fun, but also a challenge.” everyone, whether they jumped in or loyal South Bostonian and one of the were one of the several hundred brave Included in the festivities was of course not was having a great time and loving nicest people you could ever hope to and hearty souls who actually went the fundraiser for the Scleroderma the fun atmosphere that was in the air meet. It would be an understatement to swimming – in the ocean, in the frigid Foundation; a disease that victimized along with quite a bit of excitement. To say that Kevin was especially pleased at Atlantic Ocean water off the L Street quite a few South Bostonians over the quote one local enthusiast shivering in the great turnout and support. Bath House/Curley Community Center years. Kevin Conroy, the local organizer the wind “Yes I’m freezing but it’s all In all, New Year’s Day 2014 was Beach. Just the mention of doing this for the fundraiser not only plays the good.” another great success for the L Street on the first day of January would make bagpipes but also plays a major role After the plunge into the water, many Brownies New Year’s Day Polar Plunge; most people shiver. But not if you want getting the word out about this affliction returned to Woody’s L Street Tavern to a longtime South Boston tradition to feel what it’s like to get a total brain on this day and has made this fundraiser have a bite to eat, indulge in a few more which by the ever growing turnout and freeze while having a blast with your a major component of this New Year’s beverages and pretty much hang out for enthusiasm of the participants, will neighbors and visitors alike. Day celebration. He has many of the a while to savor what is always one of the most likely go on forever. Great job by Yes, this amazing tradition called the participants gather at Woody’s L Street most unique social events of the year. Is all. See you next year. L Street Brownies New Year’s Day Tavern and march to the beach led by the this a great way to start each New Year (Note: If you would like to contribute Polar Plunge, organized by the great Boston Fire Fighters Bagpipe and Drum or what? And to make it even better, to what is truly a worthy cause and staff at the Curley Community Center/L Unit, after some, possibly tossing back a funds were raised for good causes. As charity, the Scleroderma Foundation, Street Bath House continues each and beverage or two for good measure and Fred Ahern told South Boston Today: you can send those checks to Kevin every January 1st to the delight of so of course to help stay warm. “Over the years, we’ve welcomed many Conroy, 169 W. 8th Street, South many who would not miss this for Once the massive crowd gathered at charitable organizations to participate Boston, MA 02127. You can also view anything in the world. Fred Ahern, the beach and made ready for the plunge and use the day to raise funds. Groups the Foundation’s website at www. director at the Curley Center said that at the shoreline the signal horn let out like the Scleroderma Foundation, The ) 16 SOUTHBOSTONTODAY • January 9, 2014

St. Peter Academy News appy New Year from St. now starting their “Warm up for Peter Academy. The St. Winter” clothing drive. From H Peter Academy Student January 6 –January 31, gently Council collected brand new used warm winter clothing for toys for St. Vincent’s Parish for adults and children can be dropped Christmas. The students are off at the school from 8 – 2 on Monday – Friday. If you know of any family who may need winter clothing please call 617-268- 0750 or email spacademy2004@ Looking forward, the Student Council will be collecting new items for babies in February as well as old towels, blankets and sheets for the animal shelter!

Toys – Student Council members donated close to 100 toys to St. Vincent’s Parish. Pictured with some of the donated toys are Sarah, Madison, Henry, Zach, Terry, Molly, Saoirse, Declan and Peter.

CONTINUED FROM page 3 missing. Record cold temperatures tradition. Again, only the Allied War everywhere; ships are even getting Vets can make the decision on who stuck in the ice in Antarctica and its participates. And our vets should summertime down there. Gore and Has Jasper returned? Several years ago, a Harbor Seal swam up on the sand at Carson Beach and get the unwavering backing of this other so called experts who cannot stayed for a week. Local kids named him ‘Jasper’ and he became quite the neighborhood. They went to war to predict if it will rain on Friday told attraction during his stay in South Boston. Last weekend, a local resident protect our country; we should stand us twenty years ago that by this time, spotted what looked to be Jasper sunning himself once again on the cold sands with them when exercising their the climate would be so warm that our of Carson. Could this be Jasper come back for another vacation stop or perhaps constitutional rights. coastal cities would be under a foot of a cousin who heard about Southie’s fine beaches? Whatever the case, the seal Now a quick comment on the water. I’m guessing a couple of more just stayed a few hours and decided to head back out to sea. weather. Still no statement from cold waves like we had last weekend Al Gore; Planet Earth’s Global and people would be glad to have a CONTINUED FROM page 4 not seek an unprecedented sixth Warming guru. He’s still among the climate that’s a bit warmer. The inauguration capped a term. In September, Walsh fascinating rise for Walsh who, finished first in a 12-person at one time, battled alcoholism field in the preliminary election Quality Heating Oil & and cancer, rising through before going on to defeat former Expert Heating Services the ranks of Boston’s rough At-Large City Councilor John and tumble union world all Connolly in November. the way to the State House. In his prepared remarks Customer service is our business As one of Dorchester’s state during the inauguration, Walsh representatives in 1997, he beat touted Boston’s achievements, - Heating Oil Discounts current Attorney General Martha past mayors, and resilience - Automatic Delivery Coakley among others in a seven in the wake of the Marathon - Budget Payment Plans way race. bombings. Filled with a pledge - Complete Heating Service After serving in the legislature to “listen…learn…and lead” the for 17 years, Walsh announced city, Walsh said his priorities 641 East Broadway, South Boston, MA 02127 • 617-268-4662 his campaign for mayor not long are clear: grow the economy, after former Mayor Thomas M. create jobs, and make the city a Menino announced he would safer place.

SBT South Boston Today! January 9, 2014 SOUTHBOSTONTODAY • 17

Religious Education News n the 4th Sunday of Advent, the year they raised money for Sydney. Ochildren in the Gate of Heaven, The children enjoy reaching out to the St. Brigid, St. Monica and St. community and helping those in need. Augustine Religious Education Congratulations to all the students who Program took part in the 10:30 AM did such a wonderful job participating Family Liturgy at St. Brigid Church. in this Family Liturgy and to the third All were welcome to come. graders efforts to help others. Father Eric Bennett was the Thank you to all teachers and celebrant of the Liturgy. The children aides who worked so hard to put participated as greeters, altar servers, this Liturgy together, as well as, the readers and gift bearers. They also parents, guardians, grandparents sang a beautiful song about baby and all the families who brought Jesus in the Manger. A reception refreshments that were enjoyed by all was held in Cushing Hall after the in attendance. A Blessed Christmas Liturgy to celebrate Jesus’ Birthday! and a Happy New Year to all from The third graders sold hot chocolate all of us in the Gate of Heaven, St. and raised $45.00 at this celebration. Brigid, St. Monica and St. Augustine The money is going to the Philippines Religious Education Program. Relief Fund. The third graders look Jim Fowkes, forward to this fundraiser and last Director of Religious Education. 18 SOUTHBOSTONTODAY • January 9, 2014

Gate of Heaven CYO SOUTH BOSTON BOYS & GIRLS League Standings LACROSSE REGISTRATION South Boston Lacrosse will be holding registration for the 2014 Boys Cadet League Won Loss season for the Boys & Girls teams at the following location, Jack McDonough Club 4 3 date and time. P.S. Deli 4 3 Metro Energy 4 3 Date Saturday January 11th at the Murphy Hockey Nick Collins Club 2 5 Rink 8:00am – 10:00am Date Saturday January 18th at the Murphy Hockey Boys Midget League Won Loss Rink 8:00am – 10:00am Dennis Donovan Club 3 1 Date Saturday January 25th at the Murphy Hockey Mt. Washington Bank 3 1 Rink 8:00am – 10:00am John Connolly Club 1 3 Blasi’s Café 1 3 There will be 5 Boys & 3 Girls teams this year. Ryan Club 1 3 •15 and under - Boys - U15 Player is Under 15 years of age as of Girls Cadet League Won Loss January 1st prior to start of season. Hoop Dee Doo 5 1 •13 and under - Boys & Girls - U13 - Player is Under 13 years of 3 3 age as of January 1st prior to start of season. Olson/Caputo Club 2 4 •11 and under - Boys & Girls - U11 - Player is Under 11 years of Kelly Collins Club 2 4 age as of January 1st prior to start of season Travel Teams •9 and under - Boys & Girls - U9 - Player is Under 9 years of age as of January 1st prior to start of season. •7 and under instructional Boys team - U7 - Player is Under 7 Boys Won Loss years of age as of January 1st prior to start of season 3rd Grade – Sister Pat Club 0 6 4th Grade – Boston Home Inspectors 2 6 We will be charging the following fees for the 2014 season. Boy’s 5th Grade – Massport 2 5 U15, U13, U11 - $150.00 and U9 - $75.00. U7 instructional - 6th Grade – Seaport Realty Group 4 2 $50.00, The U7 instructional will be a house league team, 7th Grade – Joey Evans Club 0 5 no travel, practice and games on Saturdays. Girl’s U13, U11 - 8th Grade – Bill Linehan Club 4 2 $100.00, U9 - $75.00. The fee will pay for uniforms, insurance 9th Grade – Iron Worker Local #7 5 0 and the cost of the officials for the season. You will need to make 10th Grade – O’Brien’s Funeral Home 4 2 the full payment at the time of registration to hold a spot on the 9th & 10th Grade 0 6 roster. Each team’s roster will have a maximum of 22 players per 11th & 12th Grade 3 4 team, after the 22nd player you will be put on a waiting list. The 18 & Under 1 5 deadline for registration is February 1, 2013. If you are paying by check make the check payable to South Boston Lacrosse. The Girls Won Loss program is still in need of coaches for both the Girls and Boys 5th & 6th Grade 2 3 teams. If you have any questions you can contact Pete Lisiecki at 7th & 8th Grade 3 2 [email protected]. High School 3 2

South Boston Youth Hockey League News On Friday, December 27, 2013, SBYHL President Tom McGrath along with VP Teddy Cunniff, Treasurer John Picariello and four members of the program presented a framed SBYHL jersey to Mayor Menino. #20 was framed and presented as a gift from the league to thank Mayor Menino for his years of service to the city and his commitment to the youth hockey programs. A special guest, Shawn Thornton of the , was also in attendance.

SBT January 9, 2014 SOUTHBOSTONTODAY • 19

Smith Quickly Becoming Major Factor for Black and Gold SOUTH BOSTON TODAY By Conor Ryan

career, it seemed like few people 27. “So he’s come in here and he’s believed that the Mimico, Ontario been given an opportunity to play native could be a top-six forward. on a regular basis in the NHL and Originally starting the season on the he’s starting to showcase what he’s third line, Smith has slotted into the capable of doing.” second line with Brad Marchand and Perhaps Smith’s biggest contribution Patrice Bergeron after the Eriksson to the team has been his help on the injury and has been a game-changer. man advantage, as his four power- In 42 games played this season, Smith play goals rank second on the team has recorded 31 points, second on the and is part of a unit that is currently team, while leading the club with 15 sixth in the NHL in power-play goals. Smith’s scoring output has been percentage. With Smith continuing to even more impressive considering the surprise many in Boston and Seguin fact that the 22-year-old forward is establishing himself as one of the top not even in the top-five on the team scorers in the league down in Dallas, in shots. “I don’t think he was ever it seems like, just as it was with the looked upon as just a throw in because Phil Kessel deal to Toronto in 2009, if you look back at his college years, both teams seem to have gotten he was a pretty good player,” said considerable benefits from a massive, Bruins coach Claude Julien on Dec. franchise-changing deal.

SOUTH BOSTON FLAG FOOTBALL LEAGUE uly 4, 2013: A date that could from the move. Seguin has been potentially impact the future of one of the most dynamic scorers J the Boston Bruins for the next in the league, recording 41 points 10 years. On that day, the Bruins over the first 39 games of the year, GM Peter Chiarelli traded 21-year while both Eriksson and Smith old , the second-overall have helped the Bruins to a 28- pick of the 2010 NHL Draft, along 12-2 record, good for first place with Rich Peverly and prospect in the Atlantic Division, as of Jan. 2014 Flag Football League Ryan Button, to the 6. Eriksson, who had averaged 72 Non-contact Recrea�onal flag football program in exchange for and points over his last three seasons designed to teach fundamental skills, prospects , in Dallas, was viewed as the major Teamwork, Fair play, and fun! League includes; 8 games and . chip going to Boston in the deal. He League will provide everything. It was a major gamble for the has been limited to just 24 games All you need to bring is a good a� tude and willingness to learn!!! Bruins, as Seguin was one of the while battling concussion issues. most talented young players in the He has unfortunately been sidelined At the Condon Gym, Wed nights 6-8 league with a near-limitless ceiling for most of the year. Starts Wed Jan 15th; Sign-ups at the Condon School at 5pm on offense. However, while Seguin Smith, considered just a throw- Only One Age Group; Ages, 9, 10, 11, 12 showed flashes of brilliance in in during the July deal, has been a Teams will be made up of 7 players per team Beantown, including winning a revelation for the Black and Gold Stanley Cup in 2011 and leading in 2013-14. Drafted 69th overall in League format will be 5 on 5 Air it out style the team in scoring (67 points) the 2009 NHL Draft by the Stars, No Cost,FREE , Just need to sign up! during the 2011-12 season at just Smith had a successful three-year 20 years old, concerns regarding run with Miami University, Ohio, YOU CAN ALSO SUBMIT YOUR OWN 7 MAN TEAM Seguin’s maturity both on and off in which the winger scored 122 We are trying to get at least four teams the ice helped lead to the promising points in 121 games. Smith finally 8 full weeks session forward’s departure. made it to the NHL level during the Outdoor league will start back up in March Now, over three months into the 2012-13 season, scoring three goals 2013-14 NHL season, it seems in 37 games. Needless to say, while Any Ques�ons you can contact Bob Ferrara at [email protected] like both franchises are benefiting Smith had shown potential in his 20 SOUTHBOSTONTODAY • January 9, 2014

Pats Score First Round Bye in Postseason SOUTH BOSTON TODAY by David Pollard Talk back to David at [email protected]

he 2013 New England on 1st and 2nd downs, and Shane surrender more to their opponents. others were properly prepared Patriots overcame a Vereen looked to be a great 3rd The difference in the Pats offensive to enter seamlessly into a very T multitude of obstacles and down target coming out of the prowess with and without Gronk complicated system - and many of have now secured a first round backfield for Brady. was staggering. Without Gronk they them were able to thrive. bye in the NFL postseason. This As the season started, the good were a middle of the pack offense For one, Julian Edelman emerged Patriots unit seemed doomed news for a Patriots team lacking at best, with a Red Zone efficiency as ’s true replacement, from the get-go losing vital pieces offense - was that the defense just above 40%. With Gronk, the catching 105 passes for 1,056 of their roster for one reason or looked as though it had become Pats were the best offense in the yards this season. He stepped up another, but still managed to end a top-ten unit. A litany of injuries league, and had the highest Red when Danny Amendola was not their season with a 12-4 record, would change what may have been Zone efficiency, close to 70%. producing. Shane Vereen made his and the number 2 seed in the AFC. an elite defense in the NFL. The Pats would lose some players mark as a go to 3rd down back, Turn the page back to last season The injury bug hit right away. here and there over the next few and the combination of Stephen when the Patriots were still a In week 1, Danny Amendola had weeks, Steve Gregory and Alfonzo Ridley and Laguarrette Blount developing defense, perhaps a year a terrific game, it was perhaps his Dennard both went down against the had its ups and downs, but was away from being a true top-ten best performance of the season Steelers, Michael Hoomanawanui overall a steady running combo defense in the NFL - Tom Brady against the Buffalo Bills - he would was injured against the Panthers, that provided the Pats offense with had real weapons on the field in tear his groin in the game and miss Aaron Dobson, Marcus Cannon, and much needed balance. Wes Welker, , the next three weeks. To deplete Kenbrell Thompkins all missed time Of course, at the helm is Tom Rob Gronkowski, you can throw the offense further, Shane Vereen before week 14 against the Browns. Brady, who didn’t have the in Brandon Lloyd and Danny suffered a broken wrist and was Week 14 is significant because statistics this year, just 4,343 Woodhead as well. place on short term IR, missing 8 Rob Gronkowski took a hard hit to yards, 25 TDs, 11 interceptions, During the offseason the Patriots games. In week 2, Matthew Slater the knee against Cleveland which and a rating of 87.3. But he was a could not come to agreeable terms would go down with a broken wrist tore is ACL and MCL, ending his huge part of the reason the younger with Brady’s number one target and miss 4 weeks of play. season and potentially threatening players on the offense were able to in Wes Welker, who has become a It wasn’t until week 4 that the his playtime in the 2014 season. develop as quickly as they did. part of Peyton Manning’s arsenal defense caught the injury bug - a Some injuries are more apparent The Patriots will go as far as Tom in Denver. To replace Welker’s defense that was the main reason the than others, such as the loss of Rob Brady will take them in the playoffs, slot presence, the Pats brought in Pats got off to a 5-0 start this year. Gronkowski or Vince Wilfork. but if there is one intangible the Danny Amendola, who entered DL Vince Wilfork sustained a torn Others become more apparent Pats may have over every other with a history of injuries. achilles against the Atlanta Falcons as more players go down. Some postseason contender, it’s their The Patriots knew they would and was placed on IR, he would have impacted the way the player mental stability in tight games. The be playing for some time without miss the remainder of the season. performs upon returning - as was Pats pulled off a number of come tight end Rob Gronkowski due The loss of their defensive leader true in the case of Aqib Talib. from behind victories even early in to back surgery he underwent was a big blow - but more pieces With so many losses one might the season. They also had a string of in the summer, but did not would fall in subsequent weeks. think they were reading about a three straight weeks coming back worry about getting production Tommy Kelly went down with team who struggled to win games from 24-0 down against the Denver from that position with Aaron a knee injury against the Bengals this season. While at times it was Broncos, coming back twice in the Hernandez returning for his third in week 5, he would miss the indeed a struggle, the Patriots 4th quarter against the Houston year as a Patriot. Then Hernandez rest of the season. The following were one of the league’s most Texans to win 34-31, and coming became the subject of a murder week against the Saints, the Pats consistent teams this season - and back from 12 points down with just investigation which swept the lost LB Jerod Mayo for the year have positioned themselves to host under 2 minutes left against the football world and captivated and CB Aqib Talib for 3 weeks. a playoff game in Stadium Cleveland Browns. Patriots fans at the season’s onset. The following game against the in round 2 of the playoffs. In the final two weeks, the The Pats went from having two Dolphins, RT Sebastian Vollmer This was made possible by Bill Pats clinched a postseason berth Pro Bowl caliber tight ends to suffered a broken leg, he was Belichick and Tom Brady. It’s no against the feared Baltimore none, leaving Tom Brady with a placed on IR, and would miss the secret to New Englanders that Ravens - when the Pats went down group of rookies to throw to, led rest of the season. Bill Belichick is a terrific football to Baltimore and spanked the by Aaron Dobson and Kenbrell The Pats scheme flipped as Rob coach and a brilliant football mind. Ravens 41-7. They then locked up Thompkins. The scheme for the Gronkowski returned to add some He instilled a focus in this team home-field advantage in week 17 Pats would have to become more offensive firepower to a team that that allowed them to persevere against the Buffalo Bills with a balanced. Stephen Ridley would now was in need of more points through all the adversity they 34-20 victory. need to emerge as a go-to back as the defense was now prone to faced. When players went down, Now the Patriots look forward January 9, 2014 SOUTHBOSTONTODAY • 21

to this Saturday when the been bumpy, although it has been where you expect them to be every play the Cincinnati Bengals. The Indianapolis Colts will visit for every team in the NFL this year, hosting a playoff game in Patriots will relax, and await the Gillette Stadium after pulling off year - but the Patriots have put Foxboro. Wild Card week in the results of those to games which an unlikely comeback of their own themselves in a great position to AFC will see the Kansas City will determine their opponent against the Kansas City Chiefs. succeed, and despite their losses Chiefs face the Indianapolis Colts, when they play Sunday January The road to the postseason has and roster gaps, they’re right back and the San Diego Chargers will 19th at Gillette. 22 SOUTHBOSTONTODAY • January 9, 2014

*Every week, we will run part of an interview from Danny Picard’s daily sports-talk show “I’m Just Sayin”, which can be heard LIVE every weekday Noon-2pm on the new DigRadio at, and on the TuneIn app, with every show available on iTunes. He can also be heard hosting “The Danny Picard Show” weekends on WEEI-93.7 FM. This week, Danny gave his NFL Playoff predictions:

Before the season began, I picked Philadelphia Eagles -- as banged up as they are -- will Denver Broncos the over --The Saints are about as tough a take full advantage of the bye --I’ve said it for weeks, if the Pats the San Francisco 49ers in Super Wild Card opponent as you’ll get if week, and will take care of Cincy can get to Denver for the AFC Bowl XLVIII. Knowing what we you’re a division winner and a No. 3 at Gillette Stadium. The Patriots Championship, they’ll advance to know now -- 17 weeks later -- my seed in the NFL playoffs. And while will not lose to the Bengals, at the Super Bowl. Not just because NFL Playoff predictions are a little the Eagles have won seven of their home, in the playoffs. It just won’t I’m from New England, but because different. But one thing remains the last eight entering the game, Drew happen. Not while Tom Brady is the it’s just a fact: Bill Belichick owns same: Brees and the Saints are a better quarterback and Bill Belichick is Peyton Manning. Belichick will AFC WILD CARD ROUND: team, and are only a No. 6 seed coaching. come up with a defensive gameplan (3) Cincinnati Bengals over (6) because the Carolina Panthers won NFC DIVISIONAL ROUND: -- regardless of personnel -- that San Diego Chargers the division as one of the best teams (1) Seattle Seahawks over (6) New will confuse Manning at the line of --At 11-5, the Bengals are better in the league. Philly’s magic will run Orleans Saints scrimmage and force him to turn the than I thought they’d be, entering out in the first round. --Consider me to be absolutely ball over. If New England doesn’t the season. And while the Chargers (5) San Francisco 49ers over (4) wrong about Russell Wilson and the fumble early on like they did a few have big wins over Kansas City and Green Bay Packers Seahawks. The kid is a legitimate weeks back against the Broncos, Denver, I’m still saying Cincinnati --Aaron Rodgers is back, but the star quarterback, and should get Tom Brady and the Patriots will be wins it in their own building. San 49ers enter the playoffs winning six some MVP votes. And I never going to MetLife Stadium on Feb. 2. Diego is just one of those teams that straight, including a win over the thought I’d say that about him. At NFC CHAMPIONSHIP: can’t get over the hump. And I can’t top-seeded Seattle Seahawks. San times, he seems unstoppable, as (2) Carolina Panthers over (1) get over the fact that the Chargers Fran might not get back to the Super does the entire Seattle team in their Seattle Seahawks lost to teams like Houston, Oakland, Bowl, as I had originally predicted, own building. The question has been --The Panthers’ defense is the only and Washington in the regular but they are too good to be out in the asked many times this season. Wo thing that puts them over the top season. I’ll give Philip Rivers a shot first round, against a Packers team can go into CenturyLink Field and with this pick. Will I be surprised in this one, but if you’re asking me that isn’t a powerhouse. win in the playoffs. The answer is if Seattle wins this game? No. But to put my money on him, I just can’t AFC DIVISIONAL ROUND: not the New Orleans Saints. I’m putting my money on Carolina do it. (1) Denver Broncos over (5) (2) Carolina Panthers over (5) San making some noise with a game- (5) Kansas City Chiefs over (4) Kansas City Chiefs Francisco 49ers winning touchdown drive that will Indianapolis Colts --If this was in Kansas City, maybe --The Panthers are a title contender. silence Seahawks fans. Cam Newton --Alex Smith is one of the more it would be a different story. But Cam Newton has turned into the will lead the way in a 17-14 win. underrated quarterbacks in the Peyton Manning will show up Alex big-game quarterback and leader And he may even do it with his legs. league. And at 11-5, Kansas City Smith in a shootout. The Broncos that I never thought he’d become. SUPER BOWL XLVIII: is no joke. Indianapolis boasts the are just too good to not advance to And the Panthers defense? Maybe NEW ENGLAND PATRIOTS same record, but the Chiefs rested a the AFC Championship. And being the most dangerous in the playoffs. over Carolina Panthers lot of their key players in Week 17, at home in the Divisional Round is The Panthers may be the only team --When this happens, all the knowing that they had secured the something that will benefit Denver. that has a shot to win a playoff game “experts” will ask, “Who would fifth seed. So KC will be fresh, fresh (2) New England Patriots over (3) in Seattle. They’ll have a shot to do have thought the Patriots would enough to send Indy home early. Cincinnati Bengals so after they beat San Fran. even be here, with all the injuries NFC WILD CARD ROUND: --The Bengals got their playoff win AFC CHAMPIONSHIP: they’ve had this season?” You can (6) New Orleans Saints over (3) against San Diego. But the Patriots (2) New England Patriots over (1) tell them I thought so. It’s not a January 9, 2014 SOUTHBOSTONTODAY • 23

homer pick. It’s reality. When Rob when Gronk went down: When are Gronkowski went down for the you going to learn? “Next man up” season, people hung their heads. isn’t just a philosophy in Foxboro. When they then lost to Miami, they It’s reality. Guys step up, and under lost even more faith in the Patriots. Belichick’s defensive gameplan, All the while, I told you that the they execute. And oh yeah, Tom mistakes in the Miami game were Brady is still the quarterback. Rob correctable. You saw that when they Ninkovich will have a fumble went on to defeat Baltimore and recover and an interception, but Buffalo and capture a first-round Shane Vereen will win MVP for his bye. My overall message to those three touchdown receptions. in New England who lost all hope Follow Danny on Twitter and Facebook


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