Morgan's Partner Tells How He Cut His Tax Payments

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Morgan's Partner Tells How He Cut His Tax Payments y*‘V . ;••• , ■'i,.^ >.:, .■,, •■'i?,'i . f . .^- ‘ -V . • ■ ■ ■ - - V ■, - •■ ■; r -' . I *-^ •: >; ^ v : ;■ < . ' f r a A l V P B A.VKE4C9I -OAILT CSBOULAnOIf Focoeaat of 0. S/WaatfeM ttr ^ llflirt^ of May. IMS OooBoetleat: IW r i eirftht Saturday; not much ehaago la y 5.251 p eratore. IT of the Audit Boreait of Oirciilatioiis. PRICE THREE CENTS MANC&ESTES, CONN., FRIDAY, jyN E 9.1988 EIGHTEEN PAGES VOL. U L . NO. 214. BOARD E a U D iS HOUSE TO TAKE As Referee Halted Baer-Schmeling Battle MATTERNHOPS MORGAN’S PARTNER FOR C M A ON nSURANCE COST ADMINISTRATION TELLS HOW HE CUT PLAN ^SET-DP PEIMPLAN WORLD GIRDLE Ainkican FGer Recovers HIS TAX PAYMENTS Committee Gave Freely of Its Compromise Offer Accepted | fron Effects of G u Fames Time to Get Facts and by Vet Cc CERMANT mm Thomas S. Lamont Testifies -^idieres Be Can Re­ Speed Policies Eqmtably to Go to Conference To­ P A R i m MITCOME He and His Wif e Exchang* Among ^ en ts. morrow, Leaders Expect gain dm Tmie Lost ed Stock Directly and b - Washington, June 9.—(AP)— B U U J B H Iff! Hopes Economic Confermice directly, Allowing a Deilrioua of giving the people of President Rooeevelt's compromlee Manchester the complete detailed propoeal on veterane cuts has been Moeeow, Jniia (AP)-^Jlni- in London Next Week W31 ^114,807 Loss for m story of the study of the cost of In­ accepted by the special Houee vet­ my Mattern round the world surance to the Town of Maacheste erans committee with darlfjdng filer, landed at Beloye, Siberia, Ease Debt Borden. in 1930. the Board of Selectmen In charge of modifications. • ^ about fifty milce from Irkutsk the project today gave the facts In The committee approved the at 3:45 p. in. today Moscow the case to The Herald for publica­ compromise today at an executive ttoae, (7:45 it m., e. a. t.) Washington, June 9. — (A P) — tion. A discussion of the proposed sessiem. It was subject to approval Berlin, June 9.— (A P )—Germany piftTi between the com m lttM mem­ of tbe Democratic steering com­ B e iatends to remain there hopes her economic burdens will be Stock transactions whmeby partners bers and the insurance agents ef­ nntil tomorrow. N o details were mittee, however, which was to lightened by world economists and to J. P. Morgan and Co., greatly fected was held Tuesday night and meet later in tbe day to consider a v ailable here but the av iato r reduced their income tax paymento a Jangle ensued. The committee Jf financiers next week so she wUl not the proposal. presumably waa In good health were reviewed today by the Senate the Selectmen loaUng the stuoy Representative Lea, (D., Cal.), and his plane was tonctioBlng have to Invoke a partial moratori­ Investigating committee. consists of W. A. Strickland, W. of the Democratic caucus w elL um on credits July 1. George Glenney and John Lb Jenney. that set up the special committee, Well qualified observers to ex­ First Thomas S. Lamont and then William Ewing detailed the Mr. Jenney, hlmselt an agent,, has said: Moscow, June 9.— (A P )—Jimmy pressing this viewpoint today, said given much of bis time to the pro­ T!te dramatic climax of Max Baer’s decisive and surprising t^umph over Msg Behmellxxg In their sch ^ means by which losses were r»> “I believe t^ House wUl accept Mattern, American round-the- the suq>ension of foreign ca rie a cy blem and most of the facts brought Bled 16-round bout at Yankee. Stadium, New York, Is strikingly depicted here as the German, badly corded against their taxable in­ the compromise. It is better for the world filer, passed over Nizhni payments on 80 per cent of tbe out in the study can be credited to beaten by Baer’s two-fisted attack, sank to the canvas in the 10th round to be Mimted out on a teen- comes. veterans than the ConnaUy amend­ Udinsk, in eastern Siberia, at 2:05 Reich’s foreign indebtedness, as de­ bis diligent work. nlcal knockout.. The former, in a statement pre­ ment to the independent calces ap­ r. m., Moscow time (6:05 a. m., cided last night, means (^rmany is Named In October pared after the committee bad met propriation bUl. It is bett^ eastern standard time) today. sparring for time in the hope con­ Last October tbe Board of Select­ challenge of its authority by thought out and worked out. Nlzbnl Udinsk is about one- cessions will be granted at tbe men at its organization meeting ap­ third of the distance between Kras­ getting wider power, told bow he “It ie quite an improvement over world economic conference. and his wife bad exchanged stocks pointed an Insurance Committee to noyarsk, Mattern’a last taklng-off the ConnaUy amendment.” SENATE DIVIDED . Unable To Pay both directly and indirectly,, allow­ investigate tbe entire Insurance place, and Chita, apparently his Opposed by Roosevelt SECRETARY HULL RAPS The moratorium wii’ be on cred­ in g a 8114,807 loss fo r him to 193p. program with the objects in view of n ext ob jective. I t is about 1,300 The CtonnaUy amendment, oppos­ its gran ted b efore July 1931 and in­ lAtar he repurchased the stocks economy and adeijuate protection. ed by President Roosevelt, would miles from Krasnoyarsk to Chita. The several types of Insurance are OYER SALES TAX volves Interest and amortization at about tbe same prices Mrs. Lsr have Increased veterans outlays charges on about 17,300,000,000 mont bad paid. as follows: Are, automobile, steam 8170,000,000 and cut the savings WORLD TROUBLEMAKERS CONTINUES FLIGHT marks, currently about 84,824,000,- Feredlnand Pecora, committee boiler, robbery and burglary and under the economy act from 8420,- Moscow, June 9.— (A P ) — Jimmie bonds. These will be discussed in 000, which Germany admitted she counsel, estimated the deals re­ 000,000 to 8250,000,000. Mattern continued bis round-the- could not pay. Debts owed the duced the young Morgan partner'a order. It would have prevented • more world fiight today by bopping off Is Major Obstacle to a Vote United States treasury are includ­ tax liability that year by 820,000. Fire Insuranoe thun a 25 per cent cut in allow­ Declares Hioority Greop in from Krasnoyarsk, Siberia, a little survey of all policies disclosed LABOR BHIS AH) ed. Morgan toterested ances for service connected and more than tour hours after be had “I don’t believe it could th a t: OD the Big Industrial-Re­ Dr. HJalmar Schaebt, president presumptive cases. arrived there from Belovo, Siberia. of the Reichsbank who announced have been as mu'^h as th at,” Lam e 1. Certain property carfied no Under the compromise agree­ Every Nation Are Trying The American aviator, who be­ tbe holiday, has long considered commented, while J. P. Morgan and protection. ment, service connected cases are WOMEN, mm N lieves he still has a chance to estab­ 2. Policies were written for one, covery Measure. the moratorium necessary. John W. Davis—Morgan counsel — reduced not more than 25 per eent, to ffiid w Soecess of Eco- lish a globe-girdling record despite paid close attention in the uncom­ three and five years there being a and at an average of 18 per cent i of consistency In this respect. setbEicks by sickness, rain and plane fortably warm and sparsely filled Presumptive cases are to be cut 8. Hiere were 140 pcfiiciea expir­ trouble, arrived at Krasnoyarsk at hearing room. 25 per cent, instead of being strick­ Washington, June 9.— (A P)— Davis read a statement upholding ing at ai^roadmately as many dif­ omnic Parley. Assembly Provides New 7:30 a. m., Moscow tim e,.ni:30 p. en off the rolls as provided under With a contest over a sales tax the MINIMUM PRICES the legality of the Lamont tzansao- fere n t In tervals up to 1937. m., Thursday, Eastern Standard f^fulations previously ' nied. major obstacles ahead, tbe Senate time.) He was away api^Jtor an tions, declaring “to all the revenue The fcUowing steps were taken in today' moved slowly toward a vote All presumptive cases are to re­ London, Juhe 0—(A P ) —Secre­ Weapeos io Sweat- unreported destination 'st 11:55 acta from 1918 to 1932, indlviduala the studjf: main on the rolls until eitiier Sep­ on the colsssal industrial-recovery* have been allowed onilixilted deduo* L A complete list of all policies a. in. (3:55 a. m.. Eastern Bta&uard OFMILKiffiESEr tember 1 or October L to the tary of State Cordell Rull,^ chairman public worlu mesinwa' destgued to tions irpm theit toeomes oo aoeoaxft was earefulty coxmdled. rim e), after q hurried attenq>t to meanOma, tba President is to set at the a driegaticm to the sbeps Ctmaig Iqto spe^ bettM times. * .gC losvM actually auatatned on the 3. An ai^raisal of an property •e,'-dU repair the' dktoage bis red, white apd up boards to revieur.the With a worid abooomlo conference,'struck ^Reemutogrconrideratlon of the ad- blue "Centfury of Progress” suffered sajejpf securities or other property." was made hy Bliss anA ONp of ixtolstraaon-pfoposed bOl, the Sen­ 'Lamont testkled that the repfl^• egjjealaw iff- thb v iew to eftm inatlng thafea n o t en­ out vigorously today at /^iSt be during the forced landing at Belovo titled to remato cm tbe ndls. Hartford. June. t,^ (A P )— Now ate adopted an aweudmant itoovld* State Cmtrri Boaiff Hxe* chase of tbe stodu from hla wito same that will be used in the Ik jjia l- described as a1tompto'lty;‘‘mlnortty aSrly Wednesday morning.
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    Lightning-induced shock metamorphism at depth Li-Wei Kuo1,2*, Chien-Chih Chen1,2, Ching-Shun Ku3, Ching-Yu Chiang3, Dennis Brown1,4, Tze-Yuan Chen1 1 Department of Earth Sciences, National Central University, Taoyuan 320, Taiwan 2 Earthquake-Disaster & Risk Evaluation and Management Center, National Central University, Taoyuan 320, Taiwan 3 National Synchrotron Radiation Research Center, Hsinchu 30076, Taiwan 4 Institute of Earth Sciences "Jaume Almera", CSIC Barcelona, Spain [email protected] Abstract Minerals with planar microstructures, referred to as shocked minerals1-4, have been shown to form at pressures of several gigapascals. Shocked minerals are diagnostic criteria for evidence of meteorite impact4-6. Nevertheless, recent reports of shocked quartz in lightning-induced metamorphic rock7, called rock fulgurite, indicates that planar microstructures are also developed during lightning strikes. Here, we describe two rock fulgurites from Kinmen Island, Taiwan, that demonstrates that shock metamorphic features found at the surface are also developed at depth, within fractures. The surface fulgurite is characterized by an up to 100 μm thick glassy crust overlying fractured grains whereas within the fractures the glassy melt is patchy and it is intermingled with brecciated rock. We document planar microstructures within alkali feldspar (sanidine) from both fulgurites. Synchrotron Laue diffraction analysis indicates that the planar microstructures in sanidine are parallel to the (l00) plane. We interpret these to be shock features. These grains record a residual stress of up to 1.57 GPa, well above the 0.38 GPa recorded in grains that are not affected by lightning. We carry out 1-D numerical modeling to simulate a lightning strike on rocks with subsurface, fluid-saturated fractures.
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