2017 THE GREAT LAKES BOTANIST 177 JOE PYE, JOE PYE’S LAW, AND JOE-PYE-WEED: THE HISTORY AND EPONYMY OF THE COMMON NAME JOE-PYE-WEED FOR EUTROCHIUM SPECIES (ASTERACEAE) Richard B. Pearce James S. Pringle 1025½ 4th Street Royal Botanical Gardens Galena, Illinois 61036-2609, U.S.A. P.O. Box 399
[email protected] Hamilton, Ontario, Canada L8N 3H8
[email protected] ABSTRACT Published accounts have differed greatly with regard to the origin of the common name Joe-Pye- weed, which is applied to Eutrochium spp. (Asteraceae: Eupatorieae). Discrepancies have long ex - isted as to the race of the man for whom Joe-Pye-weed was named, the century and the part of the country in which he lived, and even whether the plant name was derived from the name of any per - son, real or fictional. Our investigation has indicated that this plant name is from the cognomen of Joseph Shauquethqueat, an 18th- and early 19th-century Mohican sachem, who lived successively in the Mohican communities at Stockbridge, Massachusetts, and New Stockbridge, New York. KEYwORDS : Eutrochium, common name, Joe-Pye-weed, Shauquethqueat INTRODUCTION The common name Joe-Pye-weed is applied collectively to a group of closely related North American species in the family Asteraceae, tribe Eupatorieae, his - torically included in Eupatorium L. but now generally segregated as Eutrochium Raf. , following studies by Schilling et al. (1999) and Lamont (2004). Several other vernacular names have been applied to these plants in the past, but, as noted by Borland (1964), the name Joe-Pye-weed is the only one that remains in common use.