Experimental Study and Statistical Calculus of Efficiency Techirghiol Lake Mud

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Experimental Study and Statistical Calculus of Efficiency Techirghiol Lake Mud Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Environmental and Geological Science and Engineering Experimental study and statistical calculus of efficiency Techirghiol Lake mud PANAITESCU MARIANA Environmental and engineering Protection in Industry Department Maritime University Constanta, Mircea street,104, CP900663 ROMANIA [email protected] http://www.cmuedu.eu SURDU OLGA Faculty of Medicine, Ovidius University Constanta, Mamaia str.124, [email protected] http://www.univovidius.ro ONCIOIU IONICA Finances and Bancks Faculty, Tomis University Constanta, Petru Vulcan street,100, CP 900628 ROMANIA [email protected] http://univtomis.ro Abstract: - In this paperwork are presented the results of an experimental study realized on a batch of 20 subjects: 10 men and 10 females, made in Techirghiol Balneal and Rehabilitation Sanatorium, between February – June 2009. During this study were measured the body temperature, the radial pulse, the blood pressure and the oscilometric index before and after the hypertherm mud application (mud pack/wrapping) in first, fourth, eighth and twelfth days of the cure. In this paper we present the variation of the temperature before and after mud application.In order to evaluate the range of efficiency were made statistical calculus on medium variation of obtained data. The results show that in first and fourth days determined parameters present important variation and at the end of cure - twelfth days – they are in physiological limits. The high level of determined parameters are explained by effects of mud and salt water on the thermoregulation and blood circulation function. Key-Words: - body temperature, hyperthermia, peloïde, mud wrapping/pack, efficiency. 1 Introduction resulting from chemical analysis performed. Over time, coastal lakes were subject specialists from These changes have important repercussions on the different research areas. Also, specialized institutions hydrochemical regime of quantitative and qualitative surveyed including lifting topometric complex, analysis component of biocenoses those important elements for hydrochemistry, hydrogeology studies. maintaining ecological balance and mud sludge The motivation of this choice stems from the formation. awareness of research subjects given the special Peloidul is a mixture of organic and inorganic importance of Techirghiol lake water and mud with substances in the state of aggregation and various mud and therapeutic value in the socioeconomic area structural forms. The definition of "International for which the lake was considered unique in Europe. Society of Medical Hydrology, sludge (peloidele) are" I discovered through study materials paid special natural substance formed under the influence of attention to this issue since the early twentieth century geological processes and finely divided state and mixed (p. Bujor, A. Pascu, I. Tuculescu), but the problem is with water are used in medical practice as a bathroom and currently a topic of interest to hydrologists and or local procedures . others as having a weak hydrological balance (growth After geological origin, describes two groups of level), while Lake has gained a high mineralization sludge: sediment treatment and land treatment). ISSN: 1792-4685 110 ISBN: 978-960-474-221-9 Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Environmental and Geological Science and Engineering Techirghiol lake bottom deposit contains a sediment of Patients distribution by pathology was: 55; 55% lumbar rotting curative biolitic. spine affections, 30% poliarthrosis,10% rheumatoid In current medical practice using a simple arthritis, 5% spastic hemiplegy (fig.2). classification peloidelor: sapropelic sludge, peat and sludge mineral spring. age distribution 1.Sapropelic muds are Sulfide deposits which Dist ri buti on by pat ol ogy are black coulor, very oily and with a great plasticity 41- 49; 15% 70- 79; 20% r heum at oid ar t hr itis spast ic hem iplegy 1 poliar t hr osis 10 % 5 % 30 % and which indicates their therapy. 2 3 60- 69; 25% 2. Sludge organic peat deposits are brown. 50- 59; 40% 4 lum bar spine af f ect ions 3. Sludge sedimentation mineral salts are 55; 55% formed from certain sources soda, calcium, ferruginous or sulfur. Fig.1.Age distribution Fig.2. Distribution of patology Deposit on the bottom of the Techirghiol lake is The treatment applied consists in mud wrapping at a sapropelic mud . 420 C and salt water bath in swimming pool [2], [3] Sludge application on the entire surface of the associate with 2 – 3 procedures adjuvant of skin tissue declanază local reactions and general electrotherapy, kinetotherapy and massage function, inhibiting or activating certain enzyme systems and intermediary metabolites. Bioand histochemical changes produced by the sludge, 3 Results and discussions observed in laboratory animals are nonspecific side fits The measurement of body temperature before and after in the overall functioning of the body adaptive mud application was made in the 1st, 4th , 8th and 12th modulation and consists of general responsiveness to day of treatment and the result are presented in table 1 optimal parameters. and figure 3: Balnear cure mud favorable effect persisting for Table 1.The variation of body a long time by modifying the adaptive capacity of temperature response to various stimulis. Lake Techirghiol Is part of the Dobrogea Sub/ region, is located 15 km SE of Constanta. is located on the Black Sea, between localities Techirghiol Eforie Gen tz1 tz4 Nord and Eforie Sud. Can be considered as consisting der age tz1i p2 tz4i p tz8i of two pieces, which are inclined towards each other S1-f 73 36,8 36,2 36,2 36,1 36,1 with 55 ˚, first is the main body of the lake, between South and resort Eforie Techirghiol Urlichioi other arm S 2-f 76 36,4 36,2 36,4 36,2 36,4 is constituted. They are different from the axis oriented S 3-f 70 36,2 36,2 36,3 36,0 36,1 NS. NW-SW oriented first and second SW- NE.Techirghiol lake region is composed of limestone S 4-f 58 36,6 36,3 36,6 36,3 36,4 samatian. S 5-f 61 36,4 36,2 36,3 36,1 36,8 The balneotherapy has a great therapeutic S 6-f 65 36,3 36,2 36,1 36,1 36,3 potential being a holistic application. Physiologic and therapeutic effects of mud application are generated by S 7-f 57 36,8 36,4 36,4 36,2 36,2 the physical properties and biochemical composition of S 8-f 59 36,2 36 36,4 36,3 36,2 peloides and depend of application methods. Thermal properties of mud make possible the application S 9-f 62 36,4 36,2 36,4 36,2 36,5 between 160 C and 450 C. [1] S 10- f 51 36,4 36,2 36,1 36,2 36,4 S 11- 2 Materials and methods The study was made on an experimental batch including m 76 36,3 36,1 36,4 36,3 36,1 10 male and 10 females during 12 days in Techirghiol S 12- Balneal and Rehabilitation Sanatorium, between February June 2010. m 55 36,0 36,2 36,1 36,0 36,1 Age distribution of patients was: 4149 years old - 15%; S 13- 5059 years old - 40%; 6069 years old - 25%; 7079 m 41 36,6 36,4 36,2 36,1 36,6 years old 20% and it is shown in fig.1. ISSN: 1792-4685 111 ISBN: 978-960-474-221-9 Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Environmental and Geological Science and Engineering S 14- increase t1-12 [%] m 52 36,2 36 36,3 36,1 36,6 1,5 S 15- 1 m 64 36,4 36,3 36,2 36,0 36,2 0,5 S 16- 0 Cresterea t1-12 [%] 3 nt9 t11 m 43 36,2 36,1 36,4 36,2 36,2 nt 1 nt 3 nt 5 n nt1 nt15 nt17 nt19 ie ie ie ie c ie acie c ie pa -0,5 pac pac pacient7 Pac pacie pacie p pa pac S 17- -1 m 49 36,4 36 36,4 36,3 36,3 -1,5 S 18- m 65 36,6 36,2 36,3 36,2 36,4 Fig.3. The variation of the body temperature during the peloides S 19- application m 59 36,1 36 36,6 36,2 36,4 The variation of the body temperature before and after S 20- application on the female batch during the treatment is shown in the fig.4 and for the men batch in the fig.5: m 51 36,6 36,3 36,4 36,3 36,0 Cont.Table 1 Variatia temperaturii inainte de aplicatie, sex feminin 37 Variation Sub/ Gen 36,8 36,6 tz8i tz8p tz12i tz12p t1-12 [%] der 36,4 Ziua 1 Ziua 4 Ziua 8 Ziua 12 36,1 36,2 36,2 36,1 0,28 S1-f temperatura 36,2 36 36,4 36,2 36,3 36,1 0,277 S2-f 35,8 35,6 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 36,1 36,1 36,3 36,0 0,55 S3-f pacienti 36,4 36,3 36,4 36,2 0,276 S4-f Fig.4.The variation of the bt at female batch 36,8 36,6 36,3 36,2 0 S5-f 36,3 36,1 36,4 36,2 0 S6-f Variatia temper aturii dupa aplicatie, sex masculin 36,2 36,0 36,1 36,0 -1,1 S7-f 36,6 36,5 36,2 36,1 36,5 36,4 +1,1 S8-f 36,4 36,3 Ziua 1 36,5 36,4 36,2 36,2 0 S9 -f 36,2 Ziua 4 36,1 Ziua 8 epratura temper 36 Ziua 12 36,4 36,3 36,4 36,1 0,277 S10-f 35,9 35,8 36,1 36,1 36,0 36,1 0 S11-m 35,7 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 36,1 36,1 36,6 36,5 -0,88 S12-m pacienti 36,6 36,3 36,2 36,1 0,831 S13-m Fig.5.
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