
Page 16, The PALMETTO, Fall 1993 Grafting as an Aid to Growing Native by Steve Riefler Over the years, the avid native these will be suppressed by a suc• low the epicotyl (cotyledonary buds). enthusiast will inevitably find cessful graft. This is then bound with a rubber him/herself hopelessly enamored of Sometimes I use seedlings as • band and placed in a wardian case certain subjects that will appear to be stocks (my preference); sometimes I (or under a white plastic bag, or even impossible to grow. use rooted cuttings (not preferred); under an inverted Mason jar). Place True scrub species almost always sometimes I use 7.6-cm (3-inch) root the grafted rootstocks in their protec• possess a high degree of susceptibili• fragments (the easiest, fastest way). tive case in an area out of direct ty to root pathogens, succumbing to sunshine, such as on the north side of these on all but the deepest and A home-grown technique. a wall, for six to eight weeks. They driest of sandy soils. These very same Rootstocksare prepared by planting will then usually be sufficiently cal• species also make some of the finest seedlings 4 cm (1.5inch) high (so that lused to remove them from the pro• of horticultural subjects. Most urban the first bud is well above the soil tective case and begin hardening; soils and flatwoods soils are inimical line) in 6.4-cm (21h-inch)rose pots, eventually these grafts should be to the health of these species • and growing them for one season (or placed in full sun. plants such as Persea humi/is, Primus until fall or winter). Rootstocks 3 to 6 When the scion begins active geniculata, Quercus inopina, Pinus mm (0.1-0.2 inch) in diameter are growth, the top of the rootstock clausa, var. arenicola, Ilex suitable for accepting a graft. should be pruned just below its first ambigua, etc. A strong, 10-em (4-inch) leafy slip bud. After one season of growth in a Despair not! Grafting is a technique of the scion is given a V-shaped base 1S-cm (6-inch) pot, these grafts will that offers the means to grow these with a sharp knife or razorblade, and be ready to plant in the yard. species on heavy soils as well as in this is inserted into a vertical slit that Steve Riefler is a nurseryman for Green nursery mixes, often increasing has been placed in the rootstock be- Images. growth rates by 200% to 300% over self-rooted individuals. Moreover, selected clones may be grown in this way, such as spineless Bumelia ten ax, or scrub of a deep green color rarely encountered in seedlings. In the author's experimental home landscape, there are ten-foot scrub grafted on and pygmy fringe (Chionanthus pygmaea) grafted on pop ash (Fraxinus caroliniana) growing in a hardpan type of flatwoods soil. Over the years I have developed criteria and methods for grafting difficult scrub species. Two factors appear to be important: The rootstock must be: 1. a normally strong-growing spe• cies that is native either to wetlands, 1C Old shriveled flatwoods, or riverine floodplains. ~ First buds (cotyledonary buds) 2. compatible physiologically with the scrub species, capable of forming ~ Cut here after union has healed a strong enduring union. and hardened Usually rootstocks should be of the same genus as the stock to be grafted (the scion). The rootstock species must not characteristically be capable of producing adventitious shoots upon or root fragments, as this will ultimately frustrate the integrity of the scion. Some genera such as titi (Cyrilla), twinberry stopper (Myrcian• thes), and pawpaw (As imina) are noxious in this regard. Others, such as elm (Ulmus) and haw (Viburnum) can produce adventitious shoots, but