European Union Training Mission

PRESS SUMMARY 02 January 2019

“In ‘Media’ stat virtus”

EUTM - SOMALIA 02/01/2019

SUMMARY TITLE PAGE Selects only one Female Parliamentarian 2

President Farmajo signs 2019 financial government budget 3

Somalia Military Executes 6 Militants Without Trial 4

Arab Parliament Speaker Welcomes Establishment of Group of Red 6 Sea States Appoints New Envoy to Mediate in Somaliland/Somalia 7 Talks Puntland swears-in a new assembly in Garowe 9 Attack on UN compound in Somalia may be 'violation of 10 international humanitarian law UN confirm 2 staffers, 1 contractor injured in mortal attack in 11 Somalia Somalia declares U.N. envoy as persona non-grata 12 UN Envoy Ordered to Leave Somalia 13 15 NEW YEAR: Somalia ‘boots out’ UN country chief 17 Puntland Publishes List Of 66 Mps That Will Elect Regions Humanitarian Bulletin Somalia, 1 - 31 December 2018 19


Puntland Selects only one Female Parliamentarian

Hiiraan Online Tuesday January 1, 2019

GAROWE (HOL) - Condemnation has marred the election process in Puntland, after the dispute resolution and approval committee of Puntland State of Somalia selected 66- member state parliament made up exclusively of men to sit in Puntland's House of Representatives.

Only one female member was selected to the region’s parliament which will be responsible for picking the next President and speaker of the Somalia's arid, semi-autonomous region of Puntland on January 8, 2019.

The 66 members of parliament represent each sub-clan in the region. Clan elders are most exclusively male, and clans themselves struggle to accept changes to this.

Elections in Puntland are usually unique as the selected clan representatives who are MPs chose who leads the region as President.

The representatives are always picked by clan leaders who are now at the center of the condemnations e_female_parliamentarian.aspx


January 1, 2019 President Farmajo signs 2019 financial government budget

President Mohamed Abdullahi Farmajo has today signed the financial government budget of 2019 after the lawmakers of the Federal Parliament have approved on Sunday.

The president praised the lawmakers of the Federal Parliament for approving the government’s budget of 2019.

Farmaajo has also praised the increase of budget the Federal Government of Somalia and urged the government to focus on accelerating the social services, enhancing employment opportunities of the youth and ensuring the safety of Somali citizens.

“The growth of the country’s revenue is testifying the fact that we are actively fighting with the corruption, so we have to make clear changes in the social services, security and economic infrastructure so that our people have a better life.” Said president Farmajo

The President has also indicated out that the budget reflects the collective efforts of the Somali people and the Government of Somalia to restore the sovereignty of their country.

The Lower House of the Federal Parliament of Somalia has last Sunday approved a $340 million budget for the financial year 2019.

The Federal MPs unanimously voted in favour of the new budget submitted by the Ministry of the Finance, giving the Federal Government a go-ahead to continue its operations.

The cabinet has also last October approved a $340 million budget for the financial year 2019, the largest in recent years tripling the 2013 budget which stood at $114 million.The budget which is also an increase of $70 million from last years $274 will see its financing drawn from the domestic market. Goobjoog News budget/


Somalia Military Executes 6 Militants Without Trial

WASHINGTON/ — The Somali military has executed six al-Shabab militants without a trial, according to officials and rights activists.

"The men have been in prison for the last five months. They were part of an assassination unit. One of them was caught red-handed as he killed a government soldier, and his arrest led us to the arrest of five others, and finally we executed them," Farah Mohamed Turba, a Somali military commander told VOA's Somali Service on Tuesday.

The militants were executed Sunday by firing squad in the town of Bardhere, about 300 kilometers southwest of .

Bardhere, an important agricultural town, was once the main stronghold of al-Shabab in the region, but the group lost control of it to Ethiopian troops in 2015.

Relatives of those executed, who contacted with VOA from the town, described the incident as "a summary execution" carried out by military forces without a fair trial.

Turba said the military was following orders from the Somali defense minister.

"Recently, when the militants killed two Somali senior military generals in a blast, our superior military commanders and the defense minister said al-Shabab militants should be killed (on) sight," said Turba.

There has been no official statement from the Defense Ministry or the Somali National Army's chief on these latest executions.

In 2017, Somali military courts and al-Shabab executed about a dozen people, all of them

EUTM - SOMALIA 4 EUTM - SOMALIA 02/01/2019 killed in public settings before crowds of between 30 and 300 people.

While executions in Somalia are nothing new, the nature of these latest executions, of taking militant prisoners out of jail and executing them in public without a military court trial, has drawn the attention of human rights activists in Somalia. Al-Shabab has been known not to allow defendants due process before carrying out executions.

"We are criticizing such executions carried out by the military, which are trying cases beyond their jurisdiction and failing to give defendants a fair legal process," said an activist in Bardhere, who asked for anonymity, fearing reprisals.

VOA's Kadar Hared contributed to this report from Nairobi. trial/4724579.html


Arab Parliament Speaker Welcomes Establishment of Group of Red Sea States

Monday, 31 December, 2018 - 11:00

Cairo - Asharq Al-Awsat

The Speaker of Arab Parliament, Dr. Mishaal bin Fahm Al-Salami has highly appreciated the initiative of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia to establish a Group of Arab and African Coastal States of the Red Sea and the Gulf of Aden (AARSGA) and the launching of the joint naval drill "Red Wave 1" with the participation of seven Arab countries, namely the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Jordan, , and and observers from the Federal Republic of Somalia, SPA reported.

He praised, in a statement Monday, the appreciated efforts being exerted by the Custodian of the Two Holy King Salman bin Abdulaziz Al Saud and Crown Prince in calling for holding and hosting of the meeting which led to the establishment of such important group and the pivotal role being played by the Kingdom in light of critical circumstances being witnessed by the Arab world to enhance cooperation and coordination among Arab countries and maintain security, peace and stability regionally and globally.

Dr. Al-Salami described the establishment of this group as an important strategic step to protect the territorial waters of Arab countries and to secure navigation in the Red Sea, which is of great importance to the Arab countries' economy and international trade, where 13% of the world's trade flows through it. establishment-group-red-sea-states


Turkey Appoints New Envoy to Mediate in Somaliland/Somalia Talks

Date 12/31/2018 7:34:48 AM

(MENAFN - Somali Land Sun) Turkey Appoints Dr Olgan Belarus to Mediate in Somaliland/Somalia Talks

Somalilandsun- The Turkish government has named a new ambassador to mediate in the stalled Somaliland/Somalia talks. This information was leaked to the Horn Newspaper by unidentified diplomat. The former Turkish envoy to Somalia Dr.Olgan Bekar upon completing his tenure to Mogadishu was reposted to become the new ambassador overseeing the Somaliland/Somalia talks. Somalia's envoy to Turkey Mr.Jama A. Mohammed congratulated Dr.Olgan for his new role in the Somali fiasco. The Somalia ambassador stated in a post to his twitter account that the Somalia government will support him in his new role. "It is an honor to welcome Dr.Olgan in my Ankara residence." "He brought substance into Somalia/Turkey relationship and we shall forever be indebted to him for his good work to uplift the lives of the Somali people." Ambassador Jama said.

Somaliland is dumbfounded about the new Turkish government role in Somaliland/Somalia talks since the people of Somaliland feel cheated by Turkey which was openly supporting Mogadishu in previous talks.

Before the collapse of the talk, early this year president of Somaliland H.E Musa Bihi Abdi and his Somalia counterpart Mr.Farmajo decided to meet in Djibouti to initiate a curtain raiser for the talks.

The two head of states who were being linked by some foreign dipolomats decided that the talks should be shifted from Turkey to Switzerland.


Turkey was not pleased by the relocations of the talks from her territory. It is not yet clear Turkey intension and her new strategic plan to return as a mediator or a meddler. SomalilandSomalia-Talks?src=Rss


Puntland swears-in a new assembly in Garowe January 1, 2019

The 66 lawmakers of Puntland regional assembly were sworn in Garowe, the administrative capital of the state on Tuesday.

According to sources in the town, sixty-six members who were vetted and approved by the state’s Dispute resolution Committee have gathered in Puntland assembly building in Garowe town to elect interim speaker after swearing.

Shortly after they were sworn in, the lawmakers selected Hussein Hajji Yassin who is the oldest member in the house.Yassin will deliberate the business of the assembly until a new speaker is elected.The members will also elect the presidential Electoral Committee who will preside over the upcoming presidential election slated for next Tuesday. Over 20 candidates have declared their interest to run for Puntland State Presidency.

Security of election hall and its environs has been stepped up as more soldiers were deployed in Garowe town.


Attack on UN compound in Somalia may be 'violation of international humanitarian law'

EUTM - SOMALIA 10 EUTM - SOMALIA 02/01/2019 injured-in-mortar-attack-in-somalia


Somalia declares U.N. envoy as persona non-grata

1st January 2019 John Snow Featured, Somalia news

MOGADISHU – Somalia has declared U.N.especial envoy Nicholas Haysom of South Africa as persona non-grata, according to a statement seen by Mareeg Online. In a statement by Somalia’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs said UN envoy to the country Haysom would not be welcomed any longer to operate in the war-revaged nation of Somalia. The Ministry accused him of “violating protocols” and “deliberately interfering” in Somalia Mr. Haysom was appointed just last September as Special Representative for Somalia and Head of the United Nations Assistance Mission in Somalia (UNSOM).

The move by the Somali government followed after Mr. Haysom asked the government about whether UN-supported forces were involved in the shooting of demonstrators in Baidoa last month. UN envoy to Somalia, Haysom also asked about the government’s legal basis for arresting , former Al Qaeda linked Al Shabaab founder, who was detained from Baidoa, a town some 250km south west of Somali capital Mogadishu.


January 01, 2019 7:27 PM Mohamed Olad Hassan UN Envoy Ordered to Leave Somalia

Nicholas Haysom, Special Representative of the United Nations Secretary-General for Somalia, has been asked by the Somalia government to leave the country.

"The decision came after the highest U.N. diplomat in Somalia violated the agency's standards and the international diplomatic norms by intervening the national sovereignty of Somalia," according to the statement published by the government-controlled media.

The statement gave no further details.

Human rights a concern

On Monday, the U.N. ambassador urged the Somali government to safeguard human rights.

In a letter, Haysom urged Somali authorities to "exercise its authority in conformance with the law and provide explanation about the atrocities committed in Baidoa last month and the detention of Mukhtar Robow."

Robow, a former al-Shabab leader, was arrest by the Somali government security forces last month. He also was excluded from elections in the South West Region of Somalia.


During his arrest, and the protests that followed, allegations came up that U.N.-supported regional police forces were involved in violence that left 15 civilians dead.

Analysts believe Haysom's earlier letter and the subsequent Somali government decision to expel him shows the relationship between the two sides has been unstable.

U.N. Secretary-General António Guterres appointed Haysom as Special Representative for Somalia and Head of the United Nations Assistance Mission in Somalia (UNSOM) in September 2018.

UN compound attack

On Tuesday, just hours before the Somali government's letter of expulsion was released to the media, two U.N. staff members and a contractor were injured after seven mortars landed inside the U.N. compound in the Somali capital, Mogadishu.

The staffers' nationalities were not immediately available, but the officials at the compound said none of the injuries were life-threatening.

"Today's indirect fire attack on the main U.N. compound in Mogadishu may amount to a violation of international humanitarian law, and I deplore this unwarranted act of aggression against our personnel," Haysom said in a statement issued in Mogadishu.

In a statement posted on a pro-al-Shabab website, the militant group has claimed responsibility for the attack."No political agenda can be served through violence that deliberately targets staff members of international organizations who are supporting the consolidation of peace and the strengthening of governing institutions in Somalia," Haysom added. /4725210.html


NEW YEAR: Somalia ‘boots out’ UN country chief Government accuses Nicholas Haysom of breach of diplomatic rules and violation of country's independence

January 1, 2019

File: New UN envoy for Somalia Nicholas Haysom . Photo: UN In an unprecedented move, Somali government Tuesday evening ‘kicked out’ newly appointed UN chief in the country Nicholas Haysom accusing him of violation of diplomatic rules on UN engagement with member states barely 24 hours after Haysom demanded explanations from the government over arrest of Mukhtar Robow and civilian killings ahead of the presidential polls in South West last month.

The country’s foreign ministry issued a statement Tuesday evening also accusing him of ‘violating the independence of Somalia.’

“On the basis of international diplomatic relations, the United Nations Secretary-General’s Special Representative for Somalia Nicholas Haysom cannot work on behalf of the UN Secretary General,” the statement read in part.

Coming barely few hours after seven mortar shells hit the UN compound in Mogadishu injuring staff, the statement marked a new low in relations between Haysom and Villa Somalia in what could be a battle of uncertainties as 2019 begins.



But in what sounded like a sign of things to come, National Security Advisor Abdisaid Ali sent out a statement via Twitter suggesting an upcoming backlash from Villa Somalia.

“If you rattle a snake, you must be prepared to be bitten by it.” John Michuki (the late internal security minister—Kenya)” said Ali. The statement was attributed to former Kenyan Internal Security Minister in 2006 in defense of government’s raid on the Standard Media Group.In a hard-hitting letter addressed to internal security minister Mohamed Islow at the close of 2018, Haysom pointed fingers at the government for what he termed as violations of human rights, alleged killings of civilians by security forces and also demanded to know the role of AMISOM in the arrest of former presidential candidate and ex-Shabaab deputy Mukhtar Robow.Haysom said the arrest of Robow ‘may amount to serious crimes under Somali law’. The UN chief also put to task the government to explain why there have been no charges filed against Robow. In addition, Haysom demanded the government explains on what terms the government granted Robow amnesty.“The terms and conditions for the amnesty granted to Mukhtar Robow are unknown, and his arrest on the grounds that he has not completed the terms of his rehabilitation may amount to an arbitrary arrest,” Haysom said.Meanwhile, the EU, Germany and the UK suspended support to the South West state police under the Joint Police Programme (JPP) over the development in the lead up to the December 19 elections which resulted in the death of 15 people among them a state MP.“Given the nature of these concerns, it is with regret we have taken the difficult decision to suspend our support to the police in South West State for the time being and have instructed UNOPS , as the JPP fund manager, accordingly,” a letter signed by envoys of Germany, UK, and EU dated December 21 read in part.Haysom, an appointee of UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres started duty in Somalia at the beginning of October and already ran into an ongoing row between the Federal Government and Federal Member States. His first assignment was a whirlwind tour of mediation in the federal states.



Puntland Publishes List Of 66 Mps That Will Elect Regions President On Jan 1, 2019

Somalia’s northwesterm semin autonomous Puntland state has published names of the Members of Parliament who will vote in the January elections. The list released on Monday has 66 nominated parliamentarians who will elect the new president of Puntland on the 8th of January 2019. So far 29 candidates are vying for the presidency including the incumbent. They are as follows: 1- C/risaaq Cabdulaahi Jaamac (Janna-gale) 2- Abduqaadir Yaasin Abdule 3- Siciid C/llaahi Maxamed (Deni) 4- Cabdiwali Maxamed Cali Gaas 5- Assad Cismaan Cabdullahi (Diyaano) 6- Cali Cabdi Awaare 7- Daahir Mire Jibriil 8- Dr. Bashiir Maxamed Xuseen 9- Gen. Khaliif Ciise mudan 10- Cabdi Faarax Siciid (Juxa) 11- Siciid Maxamed Xirsi (S.Dheere) 12- Dr. Aadan Maxamed Ciise (Gaadaale) 13- Faarax Cali Shire Jaamac 14- Jibriil Maxamed Yuusuf (Saajin) 15- Cali Xaaji Warsame Axmed 16- Maxamed Cismaan Cali Maad 17- Maxamud Cabdi Yare (Garlibaax) 18- Cabdisamad Maxamed Gallan 19- Maxamed C/llaahi X. Xuseen Shoortaaye


20- C/wali Cabdiraxman Geyre 21- Cali Axmed Gamuute 22- Maxamed Siciid Xirsi Moorgan 23- Maxamed Axmed jaamac Shaaalle 24- Xaaji Maxamed Yaasiin Ismaaciil 25- Maxamed Salaad Cali (Qoryooley) 26- Xuseen Axmed xasan fiqi 27- Dr. Saadiq Maxamed Axmed (Eenow) 28- Maxamed C/laahi Xuseen 29- Maxamud Khaliif Xasan (Jabiye) Puntland administration last week introduced measures to ensure a smooth election and at the same time avert what it terms as possible interference from the federal governement. Federal government officials have been banned from travelling to the state during preparation for the elections and the poll day. Puntland jas conducted indirect presidential and parliamentary elections in 1998, 2001, 2005 and 2014. is the fifth president of the region and is seeks another five year term mps-that-will-elect-regions-president/


Humanitarian Bulletin Somalia, 1 - 31 December 2018


• Deyr rainy season performs poorly, risk of drought in parts of Puntland and Somaliland; early Action needed to prevent a deterioration of the situation.

• The nexus between nutrition and food security;

• Disability and stigmatization in Somalia;

• Insecurity continues to hinder assistance efforts;

• Sustained donor support required in early 2019.

Deyr season poor, risk of drought in the north

Drought conditions expected in the north

The 2018 Deyr (October-December) rainy season was below average to poor in many parts of Somalia. Drought conditions are expected to develop, mainly in most parts of northeast and central regions of the country, and situation is expected to worsen until the Gu rainy season in April 2019, according to the FAO-led Somalia Water and Land Information Management (SWALIM) and Food Security and Nutrition Analysis unit (FSNAU). Areas such as Sool, Sanaag, Bari and Nugaal are among the worst affected by the poor rains.

The Deyr season started off well in the northern areas but ended early. Most parts of Somaliland received poor rains, with the eastern areas recording no or insignificant rains. Mild to moderate drought conditions are now expected in these areas. Below normal to poor rains were received across Puntland and some areas in .

Vegetation conditions in these areas have already deteriorated. Earlier than normal livestock migration in search of pasture and water trucking have also been reported in parts of Bari and Nugaal regions of Puntland. The situation is expected to deteriorate further by the next Gu rainy season.

Good rains were recorded in December in the south, particularly parts of Bay, Shabelle and Juba areas. However, the rainfall amounts were not sufficient to compensate for rainfall deficits experienced in October and November, especially in agro-pastoral livelihoods zones. This has had an adverse impact

EUTM - SOMALIA 19 EUTM - SOMALIA 02/01/2019 on crop production and pasture conditions, particularly in Bay, and Hiraan regions.

The short-lived rains in the upper catchments of Shabelle and Juba rivers in the Ethiopian highlands led to reduced river flow compared to the previous two rainy seasons. By the third week of December, the water levels were below normal along the two rivers in Somalia and are expected to decrease further with a high likelihood of dry river beds in the middle and lower reaches of the Shabelle river as early as late-February 2019. This declining trend of the river levels will affect riverine activities, including off-season planting and pump irrigation.

Meanwhile, the prices of local cereals (maize and sorghum) remained relatively stable across the country and lower than the same time last year, which has been attributed to the improved Gu season harvests this year. On the other hand, the prices of imported food (rice, sugar, vegetable oil and wheat flour) slightly increased in most central and south areas compared to last year. Livestock prices were higher in most regions due to improved livestock body conditions this year compared to last year.

Early action required to prevent deterioration in the north

The need for the immediate early action and targeted scale up of humanitarian response has been recommended by the inter-agency mission to Somaliland and Puntland in early December, in order to prevent the deterioration of the humanitarian situation, due to the poorly performing 2018 Deyr rains.

The deficit or absence of Deyr rains, followed by a longer-thanaverage dry season (Jilal) is likely to lead to the deterioration in food security for the most vulnerable households in the rural areas, particularly in the north-eastern parts, that rely heavily on agricultural and livestock production. The shift of the population from IPC 2 to IPC 3, and IPC3 to IPC 4 might occur in the first months of 2019, prompting further displacements.

The poor 2018 Deyr season follows several consecutive below-average or failed rainy seasons, mainly in the north, and has severely affected some areas since the onset of the 2015 drought. The most affected areas include the Northern Inland Pastoral livelihoods zone, stretching through the conflict- affected southern Sanaag and northern Sool, the southern Bari and northern Nugaal, as well as Guban (Awdal), Togdheer Agropastoral and parts of Deeh (Bari, Nugaal) livelihoods zones.


The 2018 Gu rains only provided temporary relief in some areas. Multiple cycles of drought, other climatic shocks and environmental degradation, as well as inter-clan conflict and political tensions, have decimated communities’ income and livelihood opportunities, and deeply eroded their ability to resist to shocks.

Humanitarian partners and the authorities are working jointly to identify the high-priority areas, but the available resources will not suffice to ensure the immediate sufficient scaleup in assistance. The currently available funds from the Somalia Humanitarian Fund (SHF) are being prioritized for the immediate response as partners are also working towards identifying other resource opportunities and scaling up the advocacy, including to secure support for more resilience and longer-term interventions.

UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs: To learn more about OCHA's activities, please visit december-2018