454 Streatfield Street, Dutywa Mbhashe Eastern Cape Province Tel: 047 489 5800 Local Municipality Email:
[email protected] Willowvale | Dutywa | Elliotdale www.mbhashemun.gov.za RE-ADVERTISEMENT (01) BIDDERS ARE HEREBY INVITED TO BID FOR THE TURNKEY FOR THE UPGRADE OF STREETLIGHTS IN ELLIODALE, DUTYWA AND WILLOWVALE TOWNS FOR A PERIOD OF THREE (03) YEARS AS PER THE FOLLOWING DESCRIPTION: Project Name Bid Number Briefing or Site Closing Date Enquiries Availability of bid documents Inspection Date Turnkey Proposals for MBH/INFR/ Not Applicable 31st March 2021 not later than 11h00 SCM Related Queries: 17th March 2021 at Mbhashe Local upgrade of streetlights 0005/2020-21/ All completed bids must be in a sealed Ms. N Platyi: Municipality Budget and Treasury in Elliotdale, Dutywa Re-01 envelope marked “Proposals for (047) 489 5810 Cashiers’ offices, 454 Streatfield and Willowvale towns upgrade of streetlights infrastructure Technical Queries: Road, Idutywa upon payment of a for a period of Three in Elliotdale, Dutywa and Willowvale, Mr. Z Msipha non-refundable deposit of R650.00 (3) years Bid No: MBH/INFR/0005/2020-21 / (047) 489 5847 per document. Re-01–and the Bidders Name” During 07h30 to 16h30 Only cash or EFT will be accepted. from Monday to Friday When paying by EFT please use the name of the company as a reference BIDDERS SHALL TAKE NOTE OF THE FOLLOWING: • The Validity period of Bids is 90 days from the closing date of bids. • Bidders must submit a Tax Compliance status document with Pin issued by South African Revenue Services