Mandela Landscapes

A tour designed and offered by Edgeworld Tours Tour guide: Rob Prentis (a seven day tour to the land of the great man, ) Day 1: The Wild Coast • Arrive in East London • Visit the world famous East London museum (if weekday) for a perspective of the region • Travel to the famous wild coast and spend a day of relaxation at the 5 star Prana Lodge at • Sunset horse ride on the beach • Overnight at Prana

Day 2: The Mandela story • Travel through the Transkei (the region where Mandela was born and travel to his birth- place and Qunu where he grew up. • Visit the Mandela museum at Qunu, the famous sliding rocks that he played on as a boy, the village where he was born, the church where he was baptized and the family grave yard. Enjoy a traditional Xhosa meal at Qunu. • Return to Prana lodge for sundowners and overnight

Day 3: The culture of Mandela’s youth • Early departure from Prana • Arrive at Morgan Bay on the wild coast for breakfast • Cross the Kei River on the ferry into the Transkei. Travel through the Transkei landscape where little has changed over the years • Travel up the Kologha River with Xhosa guide, walk through the forest and learn about Xhosa traditions & medicines all of which would have been common knowledge to Mandela • Enjoy a seafood lunch at Trennery’s Hotel • Visit a Sangoma (a traditional healer) and learn about Xhosa beliefs which would have influenced Mandela during his life. • Return to Morgan Bay hotel for sundowners on the cliffs & overnight.

Day 4: The crucible- where the struggle for freedom began

• Depart for the battlefields via • Breakfast at Eagles Ridge Hotel • Visit St Matthews mission (learn about the role of the missionaries in Mandela’s life and in the history of the • Picnic lunch at Hogsback • Visit the battlefields of the Thumie valley • Visit Fort Hare and (Fort Hare University was Mandela’s alma mater) • Overnight at Cavers Country guest house on a colonial farm

The Wild Coast Qunu Village, Mandela’ birth place Mandela Museum Qunu Day 5: The collective memory; the Africa of our dreams. • Depart for Samara Private Game Reserve via Bedford (learn about the life works of Sir Andries Stockenstrom) • Tea served at Somerset House in Somerset East. • Enjoy all the pleasures of one of the most famous game reserves in Africa • Overnight Samara Private Game Reserve

Day 6: • At Samara Private Game Reserve • Discover Samara where time stands still, inviting you to pause, breath & reflect while you enjoy spectacular sunsets and starry skies whilst surrounded by an amphitheatre of Mountains and breathtaking landscapes. • 2 Game Drives • Walk & stalk with Cheetah. • Overnight Samara Private Game Reserve

Day 7: • Early morning game drive from Samara Private Game Reserve, return for brunch • Depart late flight from Port Elizabeth for Johannesburg or other destination • An extra day can be arranged to drive through to Addo Elephant Park

Samara Private Game Reserve Typical Xhosa hut

Xhosa women and child selling baskets Sibella, one of Samara’s iconic cheetah