Cumberland. Penrith
DIRECTORY.] CUMBERLAND. PENRITH. 221 Braithwaite, :Mungrisdale, Mosedale, Newton, OU<lby, Unthank, L'nthank. End, Watermillock, Whinfell" Penrith, PlulDpton Wall, Renwick, Great Salkeld.,Littie Wet Sleddale, Whale, near Lawther, Wickerslaok. Salkeld, Skelton, Skirwihh, Staffield, Watermillock Wind~r High, Wham, Winder Low, 1Yinskill, 'Wood side YanwatJhJ &:; Yanwath Moorside URBAN DISTRICT OOUKCIL. For Bankruptcy purposes this court is included in that ChairIDan, John Scott. of Carlisle, John Errington, Carlisle, official receiver North Ward. East Ward. Certified Bailiffs appointed under the" Law of Distres~ Elected Elected Amendznent Act," Nathan Todd, St. Andrew's church yard, Penrith; Gem-ge Houghton, Old LDndoo rOMp 1ameB Sectt 1895 TholDas G lasson 1895 H. D. S. Ingledew Richard B. Neville Penrith; Janles Ha.rd'ing, King street, Penrith " .. Fire Station, The Shambles, Jonathan Thompson, acting William Seatree 1896 James Altham 1896 South Ward. West Ward. captain, &; 13 men Rowland Walton Slack 1895 Christopber Fairer Inland Revenue Office, Publ:ic offiC'es, Sandgate, Thomas Young Cotter, supervisor; Geoffrey T. G'rank &; John Henry Winter " James l"lcming 'rhos. Thistlethwaite 1896 Henjamin Sweeten 18" 6 Geoghegan, officers 9 Police Station, Hunter lane, .loon BodgsOD, sup-erinten Eiections take place annually early in April, one third dent; Joseph Booth, inspector; the local force COD'sists retiring each year of the superintendent, 1 Insp-ector, 2 se<rgeant9 &; 5 Meetings are hcldl at the Public Offices, Sandgate, on the constables first thursday in every month at 6 p.m. Public Weighing Machine, Great Dockray, James Payne. Officers of the Council. manager Clerk, George Wainwright, Public offio&8, Sandgate PENRITH UNION. Trea.!mrer, JaIDes W.
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