Cumberland. Penrith

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Cumberland. Penrith DIRECTORY.] CUMBERLAND. PENRITH. 221 Braithwaite, :Mungrisdale, Mosedale, Newton, OU<lby, Unthank, L'nthank. End, Watermillock, Whinfell" Penrith, PlulDpton Wall, Renwick, Great Salkeld.,Littie Wet Sleddale, Whale, near Lawther, Wickerslaok. Salkeld, Skelton, Skirwihh, Staffield, Watermillock Wind~r High, Wham, Winder Low, 1Yinskill, 'Wood­ side YanwatJhJ &:; Yanwath Moorside URBAN DISTRICT OOUKCIL. For Bankruptcy purposes this court is included in that ChairIDan, John Scott. of Carlisle, John Errington, Carlisle, official receiver North Ward. East Ward. Certified Bailiffs appointed under the" Law of Distres~ Elected Elected Amendznent Act," Nathan Todd, St. Andrew's church­ yard, Penrith; Gem-ge Houghton, Old LDndoo rOMp 1ameB Sectt 1895 TholDas G lasson 1895 H. D. S. Ingledew Richard B. Neville Penrith; Janles Ha.rd'ing, King street, Penrith " .. Fire Station, The Shambles, Jonathan Thompson, acting William Seatree 1896 James Altham 1896 South Ward. West Ward. captain, &; 13 men Rowland Walton Slack 1895 Christopber Fairer Inland Revenue Office, Publ:ic offiC'es, Sandgate, Thomas Young Cotter, supervisor; Geoffrey T. G'rank &; John Henry Winter " James l"lcming 'rhos. Thistlethwaite 1896 Henjamin Sweeten 18" 6 Geoghegan, officers 9 Police Station, Hunter lane, .loon BodgsOD, sup-erinten­ Eiections take place annually early in April, one third dent; Joseph Booth, inspector; the local force COD'sists retiring each year of the superintendent, 1 Insp-ector, 2 se<rgeant9 &; 5 Meetings are hcldl at the Public Offices, Sandgate, on the constables first thursday in every month at 6 p.m. Public Weighing Machine, Great Dockray, James Payne. Officers of the Council. manager Clerk, George Wainwright, Public offio&8, Sandgate PENRITH UNION. Trea.!mrer, JaIDes W. Little, Cumberland Union Bank, The Guardians meet at the Board RooID, Public office~,' Si. Andrew's place Sandgate, every alternate tuesday at 1 o'dock. Medical Officer of Hearth, Daniel Gibson Pearce Thomson The union compr-;ses the townshipB of Ainstable, Berrier M.D. Bishop yard & MUl'ra.h, Bawscale, Ca./Stle Sowerby, Catterlen. Collector of Rat-es &; Market Inspector, Jonabhan Thomp­ Croglin, Culgaith, Dacre, Edenhall, GamJ1:Jlesby, Glas­ S()n, Public offices, Sandgate sonby, Greystoke, Great Salkeld, Resket-in-the-Forest, Surveyor, Inspector of Nuisances &:; '\Vaterworks Mana- Hunsonhy &; 1Vinskill, Hutton-in-the-.Forest, Hutton ger, WilliaID Spedidy, Public offic~ _ John, Hutton. Roof, Hutton Soil, Kirldand &0 Blen­ Gas Works Manager, Edwardl Slhaul, Old London road cairn, Kirkos-wald, Langwathby, Lazonby, Little Sal­ keld, M a tterdall"l, Melmerby, M'iddlesceug'hJ &; Braith­ Penrith Rural District Council. walit-e, Moseda.]e, MungrisdJale, Newton, Ousby, Penrit~ Meets at Public offices, Sandgate, every alternate tues- Plumpton 'WaH, Renwick, Skelton, Skirwith, Staffield. day at 11.30 a.lll. 'l'hrelkeM &; W aterlllt~Jock Clerk, Charles Nathan Arnison, 1 St. Andrew's place The art"-a of the union is. 188,261 a=eJl; rateable value in Tcoosurer, 'rhos. MacheB, Whit~haven.Toint Stock Bank 18<)6, £192,079; the population in 1891 was 22,576 'Medical Officer of Health, .TOM Fran<:is HasweU M.B., Clerk to the GnardianlSl &; Assessment Oo.mmittee, Oharles e.M. The l"ria.I"'dge Nathan ArnisoIl, I St. Andrew's place, Penrith Inspectors of Nuisances &; Highway Surveyors, East dis­ Trea.snre<r,Thomas Machell,Whitehaven JOOnt Stock Bank, trict, Thomas Watson, Kirkoswald R.S.O.; ·West. die­ Pen,rith trict, William Lee, Brougham street Relieving &; VaccinatioIlJ Officers &; School Inquiry Officers, Greystoke district, John Watson, Motherby; PUBLIC ESTABLISHMENTS. Kirkoswald district, Joseph Watson, Laz<mby; Penritb Cemetery, TholDas LDngley, supt.; Christopher Fairer, district, Philip Turner, Public office~, &ndgate,Penrit'h clerk to the burial board Collector to the Guardians,Thomas Garnett Thornborrow. C<mnty Court, His Honor David Fenwick Steavenson St. Andrew's place, Penrith LL.B. judge; Christopher Fairer, registrar &; acting Medical Officer & Public VaccinatoI's, Greystoke No. 1 high bailiff district, Peter Rankin M.B. Greystoke; Greystoke NO'. A Oounty Conrt is held, here monthly at the Court house, 2 district, Ambrose Williaan Mortlock MLR, C.M. Skel­ St. Andrew's hall, &; com.prises within its jurisdiction toIII; KirkoswaJdJ No. 1 district, Alexander MeDonald the following places, viz. :-Addingham, Ainstable, L.R.C.P.Edin. Kirkoswald; KirkoS'Wald No. 2 district, Askham, Balllpton, BaIDpton Grange, Barton, Barron .lames Mitchell M.D. Southwaite; Penrith No. 1 dis­ Wood Cottage~, Bennet Head, Berrier, BirlLs, Bleawick, trict, .Tohn Francis: Ha-swell M.B., C.M. rrhe, Blencam, Blencow, Blunderlield, Bowscar, Bowscale, Penrith; Penrith No. 2 district, WilliaID AIgernon Brackenrigg, Braithwaite, Brougham, Brow, Butter­ Winship, Langwathby wick, Calthwaite, Caberslack, Carn Head, Carleton, Sup-erintendent Registrar, CharlCill Nathan Arnison, St. Ca.stlerigg, Carlisle Brow, near Penrith,Oastl.e Sowerby, Andrew's place, Penrith Catterlen, Cliburn, Clifton, Clifton Dykes, Cowrigg Deputy, 'DhDmas Garnett Tharnborrow, St. Andrew's (Castle Sowerby), Croglin, Culg-aith, Dacre, Dale­ place, Penrith main, Dockwray, Dowthwaite, Dolphenby, Eamont of Births &; Deaths, Greystoke district, John Bridge, Ed'fmha.ll, Eden Lacy, Egdale, Ellonby, Watson, :Motherby; K:irkoswald sub-district, Joseph Forrest Hill, Gamblesby, Gill, Glassonby, Greystoke, Watson, Lazonby; Penrith sUb-dlistrict, Henry New­ Greystoke Head, Greena Cragg, Greensid~, Hack­ ton, Middle-gate, Penrith; deputy, John Edwin New­ thorpe" Hardingda~e, Haresceugh, Ca.stle Hartsop, ton, Middlegate, Penrith Helton, HeltDn Dale, Hewer Hin, How Town, RE'gistrar~ of Marriages, WiLlia.m Marshall, N orcroft bo. Bunsonby, Hutton End, Hutton Roof, Hutton Soil, Graham street, Penritlh &:; Joseph Watson, :Lazonby; Button John, Hutton Moor, Hyde Park Fal"Ill, Johnby, deputy, George Watson, jun. 3 St. Andrew'a pl.Penritb KeId' Shap, Kirkland, Kirkoswald, Kirkstone }<'oot, The Workhouse, on the Greystoke road, erected in 1838, Knipe Laithes, Laill!monby, Lazonby, Lightwater, is a building of stone, available for ahout 130 inmates, Longdales, LoIllgwathby, Long=eg, Lowcowrigg, Low adjoining- is a. hospital; Thomas Lowthia.n, master; Plains, Lowther, Marda-Ie, :Maiden. Hill, Marke1. Gate, Mrs. Mary C. Lowthian, matron; J. Francis HasweU Martindale, Maughanby, Matterdale, Melkinthorp-e,Mel­ M.B., C.M. medical officer; Rev. Canon T. P. Monning- merlby, MiifhUesceugh, Mill Hou~, Moorhouses, Mose­ ton M.A. hon. chaplain dale, MOOTside, Motherby, Mungrisdale, Murrah, Newbiggin, New Church, New Rent, Newsbam, SCHOOL ATTEKDANCE COMMITTEE. Newton, Nord View, NOrIDan Oragg, Norman Meeh at Public offices, Sandgate, on tuesdays monthly Bank, Ouseby, Outhwaite, Patterdale, Pa.rk Head, Pen­ at 2 p.m. ritlh, Penruddock, PlumptoIl Foot, Plumpton Wall, Clerk, Charles Nat,ban Arni!lon, St. And-rew's pI. Penrith Pooley Bridge, Raulps.beck, Rough Hill, Renwick, Atwndance Officers, Philip Turner, Public offices, Sand· Robbel'by, Rosgill, Ruckcroft, Round Thorn, Rong-ham gate, Penrith; Joseph Watson, Lazonby &0 John Wat­ High, Salkcl.d (Great), Sulkeld- (Little), Salkeld Dykes, son, Motherby Sandw:ick, Scale Houses, Scale, Sceugh, SC1"3.khmere _~_ Scar, Sewen Houses, Shap, Sh~ QuarriCill, Shap Sum­ __ YEOl\lA1"VRY CAVALRY. mit, SkeltmI, Skelton Wood Endl, Skelton Pasture, Westmorland &; Cumherland (forming part of the 14th Skirwith, Skelling, Sockb-ridge, Sparket, Spring­ YeolDanry Brigade), Orderly room, 20 King street; field, Staffield, Stoddah, Stoney Beck, Southernby, Lieut.-Col. &0 Hon. Col. H. P. Senhouse, commanding; Stonehill, StaintDIL, Soutby, Sowerby Row, Sfuoickland Earl of Lonsdale, major; Capt. E. W. N. Pedder, (Great), Stricklandi (Little), SW'inda1e, Th~kmire, brigade adjutant; Lieut. C. E. Fisher, asslst,mt ad­ 'I'hacldhwaite, Thornship (Shap), Thomas Oose, jutant; Surgeon-Capt. J. E. Bowser M.B. medical ThrJnbv, Thulbanow, Tirril, Troutbeck, Towcett, officer; Rev. G. E. HaselI, hon.. chaplain •.
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    Ninth Annual Report for year ended 31st March, 1974 Item Type monograph Publisher Cumberland River Authority Download date 01/10/2021 20:47:13 Link to Item CUMBERLAND RIVER AU TH O RITY NINTH ANNUAL REPORT FOR YEAR ENDED 31st MARCH, 1974 NOTE The Report is published as required by Section 110 of the Water Resources Act, 1963. The Constitution of the Authority is governed by the Cumberland River Authority Constitution Order, 1964 (S.I. 1964 No. 1014). This is the last Report of the Cumberland River Authority. As from 1st April, 1974 the powers and duties of the Authority will be taken over by the North West Water Authority. CUMBERLAND RIVER AUTHORITY NINTH Annual Report YEAR ENDED 31st MARCH, 1974 Chairman of the Authority: P. J. LIDDELL, Esq., D.S.C., M.A., F.Z.S.,* G. N. F. WINGATE, Esq., O.B.E., D.L. t Vice-Chairman: G. N. F. WINGATE, Esq., O.B.E., D.L.* E. H. FLEMING SMITH, Esq., T.D., J.P., F.R.I.C.S., F.L.A.S. t * To July, 1973 t From July, 1973 CHERTSEY HILL, LONDON ROAD, CARLISLE, CA1 2QX. Telephone: Carlisle 25151 CONTENTS page Part I General—Membership ..................................................... 3 Statutory and Standing Committees ....................... 6 Part II Particulars of Staff ..................................................... 9 Part III Water Resources................................................................ 11 Part IV Land Drainage ................................................................ 21 Part V Fisheries .......................................................................... 25 Part VI Prevention of Pollution ........................................... 47 Part VII General Information ..................................................... 65 Part VIII Expenditure and Income ........................................... 67 2 PART I GENERAL Chairman of the Authority: P.
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