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Link to Full Text ~~~\\\!" l . ,.,._,_ .., ~~-"' !Z''·,;,.~""'~{ ~... "~· ........: ~----,.! .':"' . t------.':r ~~· IC"il!III.P ~u>!l.'.if"' ~ ....... .l. -· c J 0 25 (") en~ Index C-o 0~ 9 (")0 .-+-· National Park System ~m c: ::s U'-1 and Related Ar&as m~ () 3 ~~ 2::0 (I) 0 :J -· 0 as of June 1, 1982 -i(l) .-+ :J r;;;;, z .-+ uuu 03(')~ ~' c < fOol 3 (I) ~ 2-;()' C" ~ ~ -t 0 .x...J (I) c: nr;:., jJ ........ ~ 0 (I)@ I @ :;:;. n Contents Nat.lonai Park System Background 5 Nomenclature of Park System Areas 6 Designation of Wilderness Areas 3 Parks in the Nation's Capital 9 Large Additions in Alaska 9 Administration 10 Statistical Summary 10 ·> Descriptive Listing of National Park System Areas by State 12 •.·.; ,c Related Areas Affiliated Areas 65 Wild and Scenic Rivers System i 0 National Trail System 78 .. ~~ ~ ' ~~ <" Alphabetical listing National Park System and Related Areas 82 . ~':.' 0 1r c 1- ~ ' ,,i Z' ~ ' ' l . IT n ~. l n j n L .. { r ' I I I .~ I '' . I I . ! i. i I I \ ; :r.' I ' 'I • I 1. ' ~ . il I;' ! l ,j t ~ ... : I ! . : . ! {' l I l I lr l '.1 l; f l ,L.. i l I l j J 1 I :.-t, ...... .,.,.iii!~ ~ ~ . ~~~ --<::'~ ~t""""' - - - ~ "'"""""' - - National Park System The National Park System of the United States, now in the early years of its second century, comprises nearly 333 areas covering some 79 million acres in 49 States, the District of Columbia, Guam, Puerto Rico, Saipan, and the Virgin Islands. These areas are of such national significance as to justify special recognition and protec­ tion in accordance with various acts of Congress. By Act of March 1, 1872, Congress established Yellow­ stone National Park in the T errilioriies of Montana and ll Wyoming "as a public park or pleasuring ground for the be~e1it and enjoyment of the people" and placed it "under exclusive control of the Secretary of the Interior." The founding of Yellowstone National Park began a worldwide nath')nal park movement. Today more than 100 nations contain some 1,200 national parks or equiva- lent preserves. In tne years following the establishme~t of Yellow- stone, the United States authorized additional national parks and monuments, most of ·them c::arved from the Federal lands of t~1e West. These, also. were adminis­ ·l J { tered by the Department Qf the Interior, while other monuments and natural and historicai areas wen; admin­ istered as separate units by the War Department and the '" ·~ ···~- ·: .. ~r: :. .::1! ' -~~J~::t·~-::: ..; ., .. t ;· • I Forest Service of the Department of Agriculture. No 0 I single agency provided unified management of the varied I ! Federal parklands. ... In an Act signed on August 25, 1916, Congress estab- ! "!t•. lished in the Department of the Interior the National Park Service to provide cohesive administration of such areas C..) . ;·:· ::: ,:~.~ :: ~;:.. .. ; under the Department's jurisdiction. The Act says: The 1 . 'i ·•. : t!t~·· - ·.. :: ·# ~ I service thus established shall promote and regulate the use of the Federal areas known as national parks, monuments and reservations . by such mecms and ~~·§t~.;::·>'.: :1 measures as conform to the fundamental purpose of the • .~.t. • •·t I 't , .. \ .. > ' said parks, monuments and reserv.r1tions, which purpose i is lo conserve the sceneJy and the, natural and historic \ • ,: I .t• ~:~~~~~,;~ rsbjects and the wild life therein and to provide tor the :·~' "njoyment of the same in such manner and by such i ~:, I ... -. m9ans as will/eave them _unimpaired for the enjoyment ~ \· ;. ~ .. ... • I of future generations. ! l An Executive Order in 1933 transferred 63 national 3 monuments and military sites from the Forest Service 'l and the War Department to the National Park Service. ..• 1 This action was a major step in the development of today's truly national system of parks-a system that ·'' '· •. !J ' t~· ,, includes areas of his.torical as well as scenic and scientif- .. ' . ic importance . Daniel Chesler French's colossal marble st&tue of Abraham Congress declared in the General Authorities Act of - Lincoln commands the east entrance to the Lincoln Memorial In Washington, D.C. 1970 '\hat the Park System, which began with 5 hJ' . - •, _/ . ;, -' • > • • • I - .......---- ~ z..~ ....~..fl~ ~~rl'llll ~~~ ~,,... ...~ ~~::-:::~ ~··~ ~·· ............... .. -~ • *'"~'"""'! r=~ =o::~ - - """'"'"~ the establishment of Yellowstone.National Park in 1872, A national monument is intended to preserve rat least has since grown to include superiative natural, historic, one nationally significant resource. It is usually smaller and recreation areas in every region ... and that it is the than a national pmk and lacks its diversity of attractions·. purpose of this Act to include all such areas in the In 197 4, Big Cypress and Big Thicket were authorized System .•. .'' as the first national preserves. This category is estab­ Additions to the National Park System are now gener­ lished primarily for the pfotection of cert~in resources. ally made through acts of Congress, and national parks Activities such as hunting and fishing or the extraction of, can be created only through such acts. But the President minerals and fuels may be permitted if th~y do not has authority, under the Antiquities Act of 1906, to jeopardize the natural values. proclaim national monuments on lands already under Preserving shoreline areas and off-shore islandz, the Federal jurisdiction. The Secretary of the Interior is usual­ national lakeshores and national seastiore.s focus on ly asked by Congress for his recommendations on pro­ the preservation of natural values whilo. ac: the same time posed additions to the System. The Secretary is providing water-oriented recreation. Although national counseled by the National Park System Advisory Board,, lakeshai'es can be established on any natural freshwater composed of private citizens. which advises him on' lake, the existing four are all located on the Great Lakes. possible additions to the System and policies for its The national seashores are on ~he Atlantic, Gulf, ahd management. Pacific coasts. National rivers and wild and scenic rlverways pre­ serve ribbons of land bordering on rree-flowing streams ,-~ i which have not been dammed, channelized, or otherwise Nomenclature of Park Service Areas altered by man. Besides preserving rivers in th~ir natural The diversity of the parks is reflected in the vanety of state, these areas provide oppa1rtunities for outdoor activ­ titles given to them. These include such designations as ities such an hiking, canoeing. and hunting. national park, nationa! preserve, national monument, na­ Although best known for its great scer.1ic parks, more tional memorial, national historic side, national seashore, than half the areas of the National \Park System pmserve and national battlefield park. places and commemorate persons, events. and activities Although some titles are self-explanatory, others have important in the Nation's history. These range from been used in many different ways. For example, the title archeological sites associated with prehistoric Indian 14 national monument" has been given to great natural civilizations to sites related to the lives of modern Ameri­ reservations, historic military fortifications, prehistoric ru­ cans. Historical areas are customarily preserved or re­ ins, fossil sites, and to the Statue of Liberty. stored to reflect their appearance during 1he period e>f In recent years, Congress and the National Park Serv­ their greatest historical significance. ice have attempted, with some success, to simplify the In recent years, national historic site has been the nomenclature and to establish basic criteria for use of the title most commonly applied by Congress in authorizing different official titles. Brief definitions of the most com­ the addition of such areas to the National Park System. A mon titles follow. wide variety of titles-national m.Jiitary park, nation31 Areas added to the National Park System for their battle!lield par-k, national battlefield site, and national natural values are expanses or features of land or water battlefield-has been used for areas associated with of great scenic and scientific quality and are usually American military history. But other areas such as na­ designated as national parks, monuments, preserves, tional monuments and national hlstorlca'l parks may seashores, lakeshores, or riverways. Such areas con~ain, include features associated with military history. National one or more distinctive attributes such as forest, grass­ historlca~ parks ,ue commonly areas of greater physi:.,;al land, tundra, desert, estuary, or river systems; they may extent and complexity than national historic sites. contain "windows" on the past for a view of geological The title national memorial is most often used for history, imposing landforms such as mountains, mssas, areas that are primarily commemorative, But they need thermal ar.eas, and caverns, and they may be habitats of not be sites or structures historically associated with their abundant or rare wildlife and plantlife. subjects. For example, the home of Abraham Lincoln in Generally, a national park covers a large area. It Springfield, IIi., is a national historic site, but the Lincoln contains a variety of resources and encompasses suffi­ Memorial in the District of Columbia is a national memorial. \cient land or water to ensure adequate protection of the Several areas administ·ered by National Capital Region \; f9sources. whose titles do not include the words national memoria! 6 7 '"' 4 Q •• • ,-
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