Southern Shores Association Annual Meeting Update

The “Wood Badge Association Annual Meeting and Brunch” was attended by 66 people on April 6, 2013, at Camp Teetonkah. Many of these individual indicated they were not aware of the purpose of this meeting. An e-newsletter was sent out announcing the “Meeting and Brunch”. The documents listed below were posted on the Southern Shores FSC calendar registration site under “Resources” and “Related”.

1. 2013 Annual Wood Badge Meeting (Resources) 2. Woodbadge Association Brunch April 6… (Related)

Briefly – All Wood Badgers from across our Southern Shores Council were invited to attend the anticipated last meeting of the Association of Wolverine Woodbadgers (legacy ) and the Southwest Council's Wood Badge Association (legacy Southwest Michigan Council). Dissolution of the existing associations is the first step in facilitating the creation of a single association within our Southern Shores Council - only one entity will be supported by the Council.

The idea of a single Woodbadge entity within each FSC came as a result of a meeting with the Program Chair of MCC, Brad Bowersox, the FSC Head Executive, Dan Busby, and members from all FSC discussing the issue. It was determined that unity cannot be gained by separation. We have one goal and we need to work to do it together.

The membership from the “Association of Wolverine Woodbadgers” (legacy Great Sauk Trail Council) present at the meeting voted to dissolve the AWW. The membership from the “Southwest Michigan Council Woodbadge Association” (legacy Southwest Michigan Council) present at the meeting voted not to dissolve the SWMCWA. The Wood Badge members present at the meeting voted to create the “Southern Shores Wood Badge Association”.

A registration site for those Wood Badgers wishing to pay dues and become members of the “Southern Shores Wood Badge Association” can be found on the Southern Shores FSC calendar on November 2, 2013.

The documents listed below may be reviewed on the Southern Shores FCS calendar (Wood Badge Association Fall Breakfast, November 2, 2013) under “Related”.

1. AWW Bylaws Revised (2-25-2012) – Displayed for attendees to review at Wood Badge Brunch/Meeting.

2. SWM Woodbadge Association Bylaws – Displayed for attendees to review at Wood Badge Brunch/Meeting.

3. Guidelines (3-10-2013) - Displayed for attendees to review at Wood Badge Brunch/Meeting.

4. Annual Meeting Minutes – prepared by Mike Peterson.

Questions and comments may be sent to Larry Kowalski at: [email protected]