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TITE MORNING OREGONIAN, TUESDAY, AUGUST 1, 1922 15. rifle. Gardner. Morton. Double plays, 0 DIED. IT" VERA I. CARS. ACCTIOJT SAI.ES. Wamhsganea to J. Sewell to Mclnnis. LIMOUSINES for funerals, weddings, CHICAGO AGAIf LAYS Peckinpaucn to Harria lu Judge, liases CLARK In this city, July 30, Elsie Livery. Mar. 114. on balls, Brillheart 3. Young-bloo- 2. Clark, aged 17 years, beloved wife of shopping. Jones Auto Morton 4. Innings pitched. Zachary Meal Clark. Funeral notice later. Re- 2 Brlllheart 3 Youngblood 2. mains at the residential parlors of Struck out. Brillbeart 1, Morton . los- Miller Jfc Tracey. FLORISTS, U. S. Shipping Board YANKEES TO REST ing pitcher. Zachary. UOOVEIt TO BEIEM) CtP FUNERAL 3TOTICBS. HARNETT In this city. July 31st. Kate $25 SO Har- $25 aged years, of Patrick F.. wife Cliampion Soulier to Meet All nett of Fairvale. Or., mother of Mrs. AUCTION Catherine Patton of Portland, Joseph Comers In Labor Day llegatta. Harnett of Marshfield. Or.. Maurice. Robertson Wins Pitching Agnes, Margaret and Timothy Harnett ALAMEDA DULUTH, Minn- - July 31. Walter of Portland, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Duel With Shawkey. Hoover, world's amateur sculling Martin Conavan, and sister of Mrs. Ed cha;-leng- e ward Hearty, George and Martin J. Liberty champion, will defend the gold Canavanr The remains will be at 405 cup in a special regatta here Broadway "West until Wednesday morn- Labor day, he announced today. The ing, when the funeral cortere will Concentration leave at 8:30 A. M. and proceed to St. florists champion lowered the bar for all Sherman-sts.- Tyl Lawrence church, Third and prospective challengers before leav- mass will be celebrated at 354 Washington St., Warehouse FIELDING WORK PERFEC1 $30 $30 where Main 0269.
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