Addison-Wesley Advanced Book Program MAKING DECISIONS a Multidisciplinary Introduction SCIENCE and 1'I-Rrv II
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Addison-Wesley Advanced Book Program MAKING DECISIONS A Multidisciplinary Introduction SCIENCE and 1'i-rrv II. Mill. S.M.. ETHICAL RESPONSIBILITY . Based on the First U.S. Student Pugwash Conference, held at the<l A. Chit hili-. I'h.l)., University of California, San Diego, June 19-26, 1979 Kilitfil In S.mlnrd A. I.aknil, Strphrn f'.. I'iiukiT. M.I).. \li Susan I'. I'iiukiT. M.I)., IViin, |cfln>v S. Kul)in. I'h.l).. I'MI "The book under review is an attempt to provide a A collection of addresses and papers by eminent rational understanding of the ways in which critical scientists and scholars as well as undergraduates and decisions are made and also the application of various graduate students addressing the general issue of the tools and techniques .... This particular publication ethical responsibility of scientists in a variety of will be of considerable interest and value to all practical contexts, including arms control, bio-medical those who are involved in the processes of research, development assistance, and the role of decision-making -and particularly to the graduate scientists and engineers in political controversies. A students in management profession." Curren| Scjence select bibliography by the editors is included. Contents: Contents: Introduction (Objectives of the book; distinction Science, Ethics, And The Aims Of The Student Pugwash Conference The Origins and Objectives of between descriptive and prescriptive decision making) Student Pugwash, Jeffrey fi. Lei/er. Encouraging Scientific The Case of Dear Aunt Sarah (A multidisciplinary Responsibility, Alexander Morin. Ethical Responsibility introduction to case analysis—approaching a given and the Scientific Vocation. San/ord A. Lakoff. problem in different ways) The Decision-Making Process (A detailed presentation Science, Technology, And Arms Control The Case for of the steps involved in effective decision making) SALT II. Herbert Scoville. /r. The Case Against SALT Ethical Decision Making (Taking into account the II. William Van Cleave. SALT II and Beyond: Toward moral point of view) a Common Platform for Hawks and Doves, Jeremy ]. Stone. Reflections on Arms Control. George B. Individual and Social Decision-Making Processes Kisliakowsky. SALT II and European Security. Hans- (Conflict and decision making: irrational decisions: Gerd Loehmannsroeben. The Qualitative Arms Race cooperative and competitive business decisions) , subject to the Cambridge Core terms of use, available at and the Role of the Scientist. Freiser Homer-Dixon. The Decision Making in Politics (Deciding who gets what; Qualitative Arms Race and the Problems and Prospects deciding who decides; deciding according to rules; of a Missile Test Flight Limitation. Craig B. Glidden. decision making in organizations and small groups; The Comprehensive Nuclear Test Ban, Herbert F. voting behavior) York, /r. and G. Allen Greb. Utility and Decision Making: Individual and Group Biomedical Research And Applications Toward A Choice (Economic decision making; utility theory; risk New Epoch, lonas Salk. Whither Bioethics. George H. and uncertainty) Kieffer. Social Priorities in Biomedical Research. Craig Decision Matrix (A tool for enhancing decision- Shapiro. Allocations of Scarce Medical Resources. Diane Le/ebvre. The Regulation of Recombinant DNA 01 Oct 2021 at 09:34:37 making effectiveness) Decision Making Under Conditions of Uncertainty Research: A Critique. Stephen L Reiss. The Regulation of Recombinant DNA Research: A Defense, fames M. , on (Probabilistic decisions; decision trees) Murtagh. Genetic and Epigenetic Intervention: Decision Making in the Practice of Medicine (Clinical Fanciful and Realistic Prospects, Clifford Grobslein. decision making; patient participation in the decision- Scientists And Political Issues Scientists and Political making process) Activity: Insiders, Outsiders, and the Need for a New Linear Programming (The technique explained as well Ideology, /oel Primack. Scientists as Lobbyists, /eremy as the circumstances under which it should be used) /. Stone. Scientists as Whistle Blowers. Rosemary Mathematical Models and Forecasting (Decisions Chalk. The Recombinant DNA Debate and the based on expectations for the future) Precedent of Leo Szilard. Christopher Chyba. Appendix (Seventeen cases representing each of the Controlling Science and Technology: The Limitations several disciplines) of Health and Environmental Laws. Curt Biren. The . IP address: Index Mechanization of Agriculture: Costs and Benefits. 1979. 262 pp.. illus. Paperbound 03103 $14.50 Barry L. Price. Energy and Development: The Case of Asia. Roger Revelle. Arms Control in the Era of Limits, Edmund G. Brown, jr. Prices quoted in U.S. dollars. Outside tl.S.A. prices may vary somewhat from those listed, reflecting distribution costs and currency fluctuations. Prices are subject to change without notice. December 198U. 345 pp.. illus. Paperbound 03993 Si 7.50 Addison-Wesley PuUishingCompany^nc. Advanced Book Program, World Science Division Reading, Massachusetts 01867, U.S.A. K BvReld Street. North Ryde. New South Wales. 2113. Australia* 53 Bedford Square. London WCIB 3 DZ. U.K. Oe Uiressestr. 90. Amsterdam 1071. The Netherlands* 36 Prince Andrew PI.. Don Mills. Ontario M3C 2T8. Canada Downloaded from The New Leaders in American Government and Politics... . AMERICAN GOVERNMENT Institutions and Policies James Q. Wilson, Harvard University 1980 Cloth 683 pages Student Handbook / Instructor's Guide / Test Item File A significant achievement in American government education, this text answers the questions "Who governs?" and "To what ends?" in a remarkably judicious and timely manner. James Q. Wilson's skillful, comprehensive, and analytical coverage of governmental institutions and processes is incorporated in the text's lucid explan- ations of how and why major policy decisions are made. A useful Election Supplement will be available in May 1981 for a thorough analysis of the 1980 presidential election and results. , subject to the Cambridge Core terms of use, available at A winning complement to AMERICAN GOVERNMENT... 01 Oct 2021 at 09:34:37 CONTEMPORARY READINGS , on IN AMERICAN GOVERNMENT Edited by Byron W. Daynes, DePauw University and Raymond Tatalovich, Loyola University of Chicago 1980 Paper 352 pages . IP address: Fifty-two articles, essays, and Supreme Court cases reflect up-to-the-minute political issues from a number of perspectives. Downloaded from Fro• • m D.C.9 ••HEAT• H AMERICAN POLITICS Policies, Power, and Change . Fourth Edition Kenneth M. Dolbeare, University of Massachusetts, Amherst and Murray J. Edelman, University of Wisconsin, Madison 1981 Paper 592 pages Student Guide / Instructor's Guide Completely updated and expanded, this text takes a - -.;• . «" critical look at American political institutions, values, and issues. It questions our government's public POLITIC• "IFBJH • •V4BS7 policies and their consequences, while challenging iuwfCHUwi IWBBOTION i •• familia1 ^11 1 1 1 1 P b*rP mvth1 II f p^|s R J% cliche%/ 1 P \^ P sP ^J J%an VPrdl 1stereotvDe \aV ^ t^^/P ^r^^ V T s1^ \/^ • A PREFACE TO POLITICS / Third Edition uavia ocnuman, university or iviassacnusetts, nmnerst POLITICAL 1981 Paper 272 pages I\LJL/\1\^RESFARCIH 1 dL?? A Mi.l/»x**.p« ,il Sampler A witty and enticing approach to fundamental J*»? S»' Bmrll.M political questions. POLITICAL RESEARCH A Methodological Sampler Betty H. Zisk, Boston University January 1981 Paper 352 pages A lively thorough introduction to the broad range of Ill i£&f~ I•V J^ techniques used in political science research. , subject to the Cambridge Core terms of use, available at 1 IDD A M A Hjirni/1* A i iir\ URBAN AMERICA AND PUBLIC POLICIES / Second Edition Marian L. Palley, University of Delaware and i - , m Howard A. Palley, University of Maryland January 1981 Paper 304 pages 01 Oct 2021 at 09:34:37 5 , on The authors argue convincingly that America's urban problems are national problems—unseparable from the whole of American politics and society. , - I Coming in August... POLICY ANALYSIS, EDUCATION, -"••'-" """''' AND EVERYDAY LIFE . IP address: u U An Empirical Reevaluation of Higher Education in America • !••••• •• • David Schuman, University of Massachusetts, Amherst 1981 Paper 250 pages This provocative text presents an empirical study of public policy analysis using the policy area of DJS. HEATH AND COMPANY higher education as a model. College Division • 125 Spring Street • Lexington, MA 02173 Downloaded from . DORSEY FOR '81 SCOPE AND METHODS OF POLITICAL SCIENCE An Introduction to the Methodology of Political Inquiry, 3rd Edition (Paperbound) Alan C. Isaak, Western Michigan University This text introduces students to the basic methods and approaches of con- temporary political science. The overall approach of the book is one which assumes that politics can be systematically analyzed; but the assumption is not accepted uncritically. Thus, some attention is paid to some of the philosophical, technical, practical, and ethical problems that must be faced by practicing political scientists as well as