In 2048, with Earth on the brink of ecological collapse, one family must sacrifice everything when Planet Reset, an altruistic mega-corporation, unlocks time travel.


PLANET RESET is an hour-long, scripted, grounded sci-fi drama set on an environmentally- ravaged Earth in the year 2048. In every major American city that remains, Doomsday Clocks countdown to the irreversible moment when our planet will become uninhabitable. With less than four months remaining, and with the world on edge, survival rests on the shoulders of Planet Reset, a powerful mega-corporation focused on sustainability. They’ve unlocked “Timelining,” a breakthrough that allows select people to be sent back in time to preempt events that have led to our environmental demise, all with the purpose of extending our future.

This serialized show, which follows the three members of the Mitchell family in the future and the past, hits on key themes of power, dystopian corporate dominance, and their effects on the environment — all which will only become more urgent in the future. As each season will take viewers to different places in the past, while showing our planet’s possible future, the scale, scope, stakes, and story possibilities of PLANET RESET are virtually limitless.

Season 1: (2048) & New York City (1893). Centered on the Mitchell family — Audre, leader of the World Sustainability Commission and right-hand to the U.S. President; Jackson, a disillusioned ex-college football star and stay-at-home dad; and their daughter Miyah, a snarky teenager who’s close with her father, but more like her mother than she’d ever admit.

With the earth on life support, and only months before human life is no longer sustainable, Planet Reset teams with the U.S. Government. Together they launch a nationwide search to find DNA matches capable of timelining. Jackson is shocked to find he’s a match — literally one in a billion. He becomes part of the “Savior Seven,” a planet-saving team tasked with traveling back to 1893. His mission: befriend celebrated inventor Nikola Tesla, prevent his bankruptcy, and stop him from negotiating a bad deal with tycoon George Westinghouse. Soon Jackson learns that a return to present day is impossible — meaning he’ll be leaving his family behind forever. And once Jackson arrives in 1893, he finds himself alone, as the other members of the Savior Seven perished in the journey. Alone and overwhelmed, Jackson discovers his mission is fraught with complication and peril. While in 2048, his wife and daughter discover Planet Reset — for all their altruistic messaging — isn’t what it seems, and that the mega-corp will stop at nothing to protect their vision of the future.


Split between two time periods, PLANET RESET takes place in 2048 and 1893. In 1893, New York City was the center of the world in the midst of “The Gilded Age,” a colorful era defined by rich-get-richer profitability while crime and poverty battered the working class. Burgeoning financial titans like J.P. Morgan, John D. Rockefeller and George Westinghouse competed for financial supremacy while superstars of invention Thomas Edison and Nikola Tesla fought for investor dollars and cultural prominence. In 2048, the entire world population is on edge, as panicked people cram into landlocked urban centers. The melted ice caps have coastal cities underwater, hazardous air quality has people locked inside their homes, and drought has caused mass food shortages, so it’s all eyes on Planet Reset, whose headquarters are set in a waterlogged New York City. Run by CEO Imani Sett, considered the brightest physicist of her time, her public mission is to extend the world’s clock, and preserve humanity. All while Uproot, a hyper- religious fringe movement, dead set on the world’s end, threatens her mission.

PLANET RESET exposes the effects of greed and power across two distinct, linked generations, and the oft-ignored and overlooked forces of good that quietly sacrifice, behind the scenes, to save the world.


• JACKSON MITCHELL — 37. An ex-college football quarterback and stay-at-home dad. In a rocky marriage with Audre. He’s very close to his daughter, Miyah, and the two often align against Audre. • As one of only a handful of DNA matches for timelining, Jackson becomes one of Planet Reset’s “Savior Seven,” tasked with going back in time. When he learns he’ll never see his family again, Imani Sett strong-arms him into going. He reconciles with Audre, he’s devastated to leave his daughter behind. • Jackson is thought to be the only survivor of the Savior Seven who makes it to 1893 alive. A fish out of water, he soon discovers that gaining Tesla’s trust isn’t easy. As he learns that he and Tesla are in grave danger, and that Thomas Edison will stop at nothing to win the electricity war, Jackson is forced to outwit Edison and his band of muscle- headed henchman, to extend the planet’s future. • AUDRE MITCHELL — 36. Leader of the World Sustainability Commission and right- hand to the U.S. President. Married to Jackson; mother to Miyah. Cheated on Jackson with Planet Reset’s Director of Timelining, Arto Hämäläinen. A hero of the ecological movement in the 2030’s, Audre’s focus is on giving the planet, and her family, a future. • After Jackson is the lone survivor of the Savior Seven, Audre, in 2048, becomes the public face of the mission. She soon learns, with Arto’s help, that Sett’s goal is to seize control of the Doomsday Clocks by manipulating them, so she can hold the fate of the planet in her hands. • Realizing the President is no more than a puppet for Sett, Audre and Arto team-up to destroy Timelining to keep it out of Planet Reset’s hands. She’s shot while protecting Miyah by helping her travel back in time. The gunshot isn’t fatal, and Audre escapes with Arto. They’re forced to team up with Uproot’s leader to undermine Planet Reset, and save the world on their terms.

• MIYAH MITCHELL — 15. Daughter of Jackson and Audre. Has her father’s athleticism and level-headedness, and her mother’s laser focus and concern for the environment. She feels neglected by her mother, often siding with her father. • With Jackson gone, Miyah rebels, meeting , a handsome 21-year-old, who introduces her to an underground party scene. There she’s shown reports of Planet Reset’s suspect history, and learns her father will soon die because of an implant. In grave danger, Miyah is kidnaped by a Planet Reset operative before Jareth saves her. While hiding out at Arto’s lab, Planet Reset agents infiltrate with order to kill, forcing Miyah to timeline back to 1893, but not before she sees her mother shot, and presumably killed. • In 1893, Miyah finds a weakened Jackson, keeping Audre’s fate a secret from her father. As time ticks away, the two push Tesla to invent the electric car, until Miyah gives the inventor the missing key to unlocking his wildest invention yet: a time machine that can send them years into the future.


• NIKOLA TESLA — 37. Legendary Serbian inventor. His Tesla coil has made him a star in America. Expected to become one of the richest men in the world. An eccentric genius who loves attention. Celebrated at parties, featured on magazine covers, he dines at all the hot spots and hangs out with celebrities like world-renowned author Mark Twain, while living at the Waldorf-Astoria. • A tireless worker with hundreds of projects on the go at once. Relies on assistant Dorothy Skerritt to keep distractions at bay. Once Jackson flatters himself into Tesla’s inner circle, Tesla listens to Jackson’s advice, but never takes it. Always at odds with his villainous rival Thomas Edison, who blows up his studio. • Miyah’s arrival changes everything for Tesla as she inspires him to turn a once-shelved theory into reality: a time machine that can launch people decades into the future.

• IMANI SETT — 48. CEO of Planet Reset. The world’s top physicist, considered the smartest woman in the world. Fierce environment and sustainability advocate. The only three-time Nobel Prize Laureate. • As the leader of the world’s most powerful mega-corporation, she believes the planet’s ill health demands a paradigm shift, and she intends to save the world and shepherd it into a new era. • When Audre goes rogue, and Miyah disappears into the past, Imani’s meticulously cultivated plan is at risk, but she soon manipulates the U.S. President to give her unprecedented power.

• ARTO HÄMÄLÄINEN — 35. Planet Reset’s Director of Timelining. Relativity expert, Einsteinian scholar and leading authority on DNA. A scientist to the core, he uses DNA to unlock timelining, making time travel safe for humans. • Arto learns Planet Reset is using timelining to manipulate the Doomsday Clocks, and increase mega-corp’s influence. He finds Sett’s end goal is to overtake the U.S. Government, taking advantage of the people she’s promised to protect. • In love with Audre, he works with her to destroy timelining, expose the truth about Planet Reset, send Miyah into the past with a warning that the tracking device in Jackson’s arm is poisoning him. When Audre is shot, Arto saves her and the two are forced to seek shelter in the most unlikely of places.

• DOROTHY SKERRITT — 29. Secretary and lab assistant to Tesla. A brilliant young scientific mind devoted to his work, she gives Tesla around-the-clock support for his many, evolving inventions. Kept from advancing because of her gender, Tesla treats her as an equal. • When Jackson arrives in 1893, Dorothy spurns his attempts to get close to Tesla, protecting the inventor from distraction as he tirelessly preps for the World’s Fair. But later she and Jackson team up, and she risks her life to save Tesla’s greatest ideas, escaping with an armful of his notebooks, and becoming the sole protector of his legacy.

• THOMAS EDISON — 44. Famed inventor and businessman. Celebrated for inventing the light bulb when he was only thirty-two. Creator of Direct Current electricity. A ruthless pioneer notorious for cycling through assistants and stealing their best ideas. Hired Tesla when he first arrived from Serbia. Will stop at nothing to add to his legacy and his fortune, and decimate his competition. • As Jackson works with Tesla, Edison steps up his attacks, and partners with Henry Ford to hasten the creation of the combustion engine, knowing of its negative environmental effects. • As Tesla’s lab burns, and the Serbian inventor dies, Edison escapes into the last remaining time machine, appearing in 2048, where he’s greeted by Imani Sett. • JARETH ZEPH — 21. Estranged son of Javier Larsen. Indoctrinated from a young age to be an Uproot extremist. Rebelled, changed his last name, and has lived on his own since age 16. Lives in fear that his father will find him. • Cassie’s field producer and cameraman. Meets Miyah while filming Savior Seven propaganda and invites her into a world of disheartened youth. When Miyah goes missing, Jareth teams up with Audre and Arto to recover her. • Hunted by Planet Reset, Jareth seeks refuge for himself, Audre and Arto, landing him on his father’s doorstep for a tense reunion.

• ELIZABETH HARRIS — 60. Historian. One of the Savior Seven. Thought to be dead after timelining launch. Arrives in 1893 disfigured and having lost her arm (which held the Planet Reset tracker). • Living in the shadows as a leper, she finds Jackson at low point. Using her extensive knowledge of the era, she guides him along his journey, offering key information that spurs him to take audacious action that will change the world.

• CASSIE JONES — 37. Investigative journalist and News anchor. College roommate who dated Jackson before Audre and he got together. Always put together, always digging for the truth. A thorn in the side of the U.S. President and Imani Sett, as she’s relentless with her reporting. • When Audre brings new revelations to Cassie about Planet Reset, the two put aside their rivalry to tell the ground-shaking story of the truth behind Project Gaea, and what it really means for the future of the planet.

• JAVIER LARSEN — 50. Radical leader of Uproot, a hyper-religious terrorist organization. Hell-bent on bringing the world to its ecological end. • An infrastructure mastermind who was the architect of Planet Reset’s failed underwater colony, which killed his wife and radicalized him. Has devised a way to live in the tunnels below , making him impossible to root out. • Father of Jareth, he takes in his son, Audre and Arto. Everyone is suspicious of one another, but after they align on one shared goal: bring down Planet Reset.

• PRESIDENT MCCARTHY — 46. President of the United States of America. Ex-actor. Very comfortable in his skin. A hopeful, jovial man who’s ultimately weak when it comes to making the right decisions. Great at making people feel good, but ill-equipped at actually making them safe. • As the planet veers towards its certain end, he’s willing to do anything right now to save it, without considering the consequences. Signs $3 trillion deal to align with Planet Reset, which will soon allow them to usurp the U.S. Government.

• GEORGE WESTINGHOUSE — 55. Railroad magnate. Tesla’s earliest financial backer. When Westinghouse’s company faces money troubles, he tries to renegotiate with Tesla, which Jackson discourages. But Tesla’s won-over by Westinghouse’s promise to make A/C the standard for electricity.


In 2048, most of Manhattan is either underwater or on fire. As the Doomsday Clocks tick down to human extinction, the Mitchell family — Jackson, Audre and Miyah — join the President of the United States at Planet Reset, a hub of sustainability, set in the center of a lush Central Park.

As usual, Audre and her daughter are at odds, as President McCarthy readies to announce a three-trillion dollar partnership with Planet Reset’s brilliant founder and CEO, Imani Sett. Before Imani arrives, POTUS and his team watch a promo about Imani’s rise to prominence, centered around her 2026 mission to place Doomsday Clocks in major cities worldwide, to count down to the irreversible moment when the planet would become uninhabitable.

Imani appears with Arto Hämäläinen, Planet Reset’s Director of Timelining. While the President questions Arto’s incredible invention — a portal that can send humans back in time — the scientist assures him timelining will work. On the way to the briefing room, Imani leads them down “The Hall of History” — a display of Planet Reset’s incredible achievements and colossal failures. A lab assistant interrupts to give Arto the DNA tests for the presentation, which will help identify who is capable of timelining. The President jokes that he’s eager to see if he’s one in a million, but Arto corrects him, saying they predict one in every 100,000 tests will be a match.

In the briefing room, before the presentation starts, Jackson is approached by a Facebook reporter who recognizes him from his playing days as ex-quarterback of the LSU Tigers. The reporter laments that the NFL shutdown months before Jackson was able to debut for the Miami Dolphins, until Miyah makes a snide remark that scares him off. Meanwhile, Audre is approached by investigative journalist and Amazon News anchor Cassie Jones. Cassie and Audre are old college roommates, and Cassie is frustrated that she wasn’t given a preview of this announcement. No love lost, Audre says she’s lucky she got invited at all, considering Cassie’s negative coverage of both Planet Reset and the President. Annoyed, Cassie snidely tells Audre to say hello to Jackson, as the two dated in college, before Audre and Jackson got together.

On stage, the President and Imani announce Project Gaea, their historical partnership that features timelining, which allows them to send people back in time to undo ecological disasters in the past. They announce mandatory testing all through the United States for people ages 18-65. Cassie interrupts to ask hard questions, but is met with the President’s rhetoric. After the press conference is done, Cassie asks about the possibility of catastrophic ripple effects, and while the President loses his cool, Imani steps in to explain their Guardrailing process, which includes using predictive A.I. to protect the current world from unraveling.

Three days later as the Mitchells watch news reports from their hotel suite, testing has been a flop. Only a fraction of people have bothered doing it. A deadly bombing happens a block away, done by the extreme religious-terrorist group Uproot. In response, Audre tells the Mitchell family they’re all going to Times Square to get tested as symbol of persistence. Jackson and Audre have a blowout over how this will risk Miyah’s safety, but Audre insists they all go.

In the safety of armored Tesla Juggernauts, the Mitchells are brought to Times Square, a practical war zone where tensions run high. Riots derail their initial route, as does Uproot’s violent capturing of a testing center, but the convoy soon arrives at the TKTS booth to be tested. Joined by news anchor Cassie Jones and Jareth Zeph, the young upstart producer, Audre, an environmental celebrity, is applauded as she approaches the testing center. After a negative test, Audre insists that Jackson — eager to get to safety — is tested. Everyone is stunned when he tests positive. Then comes sniper fire aimed at the Mitchell family, before Jackson narrowly survives a point-blank assassination attempt. In a panic to escape, Jackson ends up in a different Juggernaut than his wife and daughter. And while they speed away, his Juggernaut is rammed and flipped, knocking Jackson out.

Jackson awakes at Planet Reset three days later, in quarantine. Separated by a glass barrier from his family, he’s told that he’s the poster child for Project Gaea, and that Audre’s bold action to get tested, and his testing positive, changed everything. People came out in droves to defy Uproot’s savage acts, and now Jackson is considered a national hero. He’s told he’s one of only a handful of positive tests, and will be a member of the Savior Seven, the team that will travel back in time.

The next day, Jackson meets the rest of the Savior Seven, a ragtag team of misfits that includes Elizabeth, a 60-year-old historian with whom Jackson bonds. After being told they’re going back to 1893 to influence Nikola Tesla, and extend the Doomsday Clocks indefinitely, Audre — watching through a two-way mirror — is furious. She knows the further back in time they go, the more unstable and dangerous the journey. But Imani and the President agree that this is their best shot to save the planet.

As the Savior Seven prep around the clock for their journey, Jackson tries to calm Miyah, and engages in an intimate heart-to-heart with Audre, the first time they’ve really talked in years. They’re able to bond after the airing of grievances. Then Audre discovers one of Planet Reset’s mounting lies around Project Gaea: that Jackson’s timelining journey is one-way, and he can never return. Jackson is heartbroken and Miyah melts down, until Imani and Planet Reset agents intervene, and Jackson is told he has no choice but to go back, and his family will suffer if he objects. Demoralized, Jackson is forced to participate in a photo shoot to hype the launch. He peps up, knowing it’s the best way to protect his family.

On launch night, Times Square is jammed with people and security as if it’s New Year’s Eve. Cassie’s on the ground covering the event as the Savior Seven are brought to the lab, forced to say goodbye to their families through a glass barrier. Miyah makes Jackson promise that he’ll see her again, which he reluctantly does. The Savior Seven step through their respective timelining portals. It’s a disaster as the world watches, and mourns, as they die, one by one, in transit.

Except Jackson, who lands in 1893 in a New York City alleyway, naked and alone, amidst dismembered body parts of the Savior Seven, knowing he’s humanity's last hope.


Episode 102: Whole New World Jackson’s trip back to 1893 couldn’t be off to a worse start. Every one of the Savior Seven is dead but him, he’s naked when he expected to be clothed, and he can’t remember the address to the safe house. Needs to get it together fast, so he can find Tesla, he’s forced to steal ill-fitting clothes, which gets him chased by the police, he breaks into the wrong apartment before being chased off by the rightful tenants, and ends up cowering in an alley, alone and afraid. Until he’s terrified by a leper who crawls towards him, whispering his name. His terror turns to relief when he sees its his close colleague Elizabeth, disfigured but alive. In 2048, Miyah is inconsolable after Jackson arrives safely, as all the emotions around his exit hit her at once. Audre tries to comfort her daughter, but she soon loses it, realizing she will never see her husband again. While they try to grieve, the President and Imani want to put a positive spin on losing six of the Savior Seven, and callously pivot towards a new message: “Jackson is the planet’s only hope.” Audre and Miyah are commanded to go on national TV to be interviewed by Cassie Jones. Audre, fearing for the safety of herself and her daughter, hits a series of talking points, while Miyah despondently delivers one-word answers. After the interview ends, Miyah storms out, sickened that her mom spewed propaganda instead of talking honestly about what’s happened. Jareth, the young producer, goes to comfort Miyah, giving her his number if she ever wants to talk, as Cassie intercepts Audre, jolting when she asks, “What do you know about Project Protos?”

Episode 103: Delmonico’s In 1893, Jackson’s on edge as he only has 36 hours to meet and influence Tesla, and has to carefully navigate around the city-wide manhunt, as the Savior Seven’s body parts have inspired newspaper headlines like: “Jack the Ripper in Manhattan!” Once he finally makes it to Nikola Tesla’s studio, he’s turned away by the inventor’s protective assistant, Dorothy Skeritt, who threatens to call the police if he doesn’t leave. After hitting a series of Tesla’s fabled hangouts with no luck, Jackson arrives at Delmonico’s where he’s told by legendary author Mark Twain that Tesla will be there soon. But the moment Tesla walks through the door, Jackson’s spotted through the window by police, forcing him to run out the back. Racing away, Jackson has to find a new way to access the inventor. In 2048, Audre finds comfort where she always has: by disappearing into her work. Mystified by Cassie’s mention of Project Protos, she does a research deep-dive using her high-level government clearance. Soon she uncovers the beginnings of a disturbing Planet Reset conspiracy that seems to affect the highest levels of government. She leaves to follow-up on a lead, not realizing she’s being followed by a Planet Reset agent. Miyah, struggling to cope without her father around, sneaks out of the house to meet up with Jareth. He shows her a scary-but-magical side to a crumbled, drowning New York City. Feeling empowered by her newfound sense of independence, everything turns sour when she meets Jareth’s male friends at the now dilapidated Delmonico’s who mock her for being a privileged brat. When they say her dad’s probably already dead, she runs out in tears. Apate, a girl that’s a her senior, follows Miyah out to console her. It puts Miyah at ease, though it shouldn’t: Apate’s not who she seems.

Episode 104: The City that Never Sleeps In 1893, the night before Tesla’s pivotal meeting with Westinghouse, Jackson finally spots Tesla walking in Manhattan alone. Nervous as he approaches the notoriously paranoid inventor, Jackson wins Tesla’s trust by fending off an attack by Edison’s goons. The two men talk late into the night at Tesla’s studio, giving Jackson time to appeal to the inventor’s ego, and convince him not to renegotiate the deal. Anxious after the attempted attack, Tesla — seeing Jackson as muscle — insists he escort him to the vital meeting. As Jackson paces outside of the meeting, his confidence that he’ll save his family, and the future, dwindles with every passing second. Finally Tesla exits to tell him what happened, as the fate of the world hangs in the balance. In 2048, as the New York City streets fill up, anticipating the outcome of Tesla’s meeting with Westinghouse, Miyah wakes in Apate’s bed, feeling relaxed and happy. Soon her heart sinks as Apate reveals who she really is. Audre confronts the President about Project Protos but is told to stop digging, and that Planet Reset has her daughter. Arto returns to Planet Reset, where he uncovers a goldmine of incriminating information about how the company abused timelining without his knowledge. Imani enters and suggests he keep his mouth shut, unless he wants to be blamed for the murder of the Savior Seven. Audre, Miyah, and Arto are reunited in Times Square, where they’re compelled to put on a happy face for the cameras for the purpose of a photo opp.

Episode 105: Phase Two In 2048, once Jackson’s failure to influence Tesla becomes evident, a full-city riot breaks out. While it frees Audre, Miyah and Arto from their captors, they’re recognized by everyone they see, and anyone could be a threat. Fearing they’ll all be captured, they escape with Jareth and Cassie in the Amazon News transport. Too easy to recognize, they have to ditch their ride, and rely on Jareth’s vast knowledge of the city’s very frightening underground to survive. In 1893, Jackson’s distraught over his failure, certain it will cost his family their lives. But once Elizabeth manages to rally him, she and Jackson brainstorm an all-new plan centered around spurring the invention of the electric car by introducing Tesla to Henry Ford at the Chicago World’s Fair.

Episode 106: Truthcoming At the 1893 World’s Fair, Jackson starts to feel violently ill, but fights through it to track down Henry Ford. Ford is blown away by Tesla’s mega-presentation, but when Jackson tries to take him backstage to meet Tesla, Thomas Edison swoops in. Jackson looks on helplessly as Edison, Ford’s idol, pitches him the combustion engine, and the two men become partners on the spot — three years before they originally met, which Jackson knows will have dire consequences for the future. In 2048, as Audre, Miyah, Arto, Cassie and Jareth arrive at Arto’s private workshop in Brooklyn, they lay out all they’ve learned about Project Protos. A dark, disturbing picture arises. They realize timelining has been used before, without Arto’s knowledge, for dastardly reasons, and discover the truth about “guardrailing”: Jackson’s implant is poisoning him, and he’ll soon be dead. As Planet Reset mercenaries break into the workshop, Miyah — intent on saving her father’s life — leaps into a timelining portal seconds after seeing her mother shot, believing she’s been killed.

Episode 107: The White City On the train back from Chicago, Jackson is deathly ill as Miyah arrives in 1893. Devastated by the loss of her mother and desperate to reunite with her father, she sees his apartment is occupied by Edison’s goons who have tied up Elizabeth, so she’s forced to break into Tesla’s studio. Emotionally exhausted, she falls asleep, woken by strange sounds. When she goes to investigate, she sees her sickly father approaching with Tesla and Dorothy. As she runs out to meet her father, he collapses. Then Tesla’s studio explodes behind her. In 2048, Arto and Jareth escape with a quickly-fading Audre in tow. Desperate, Jareth says there’s one place he knows they can go, and leads them to his estranged father who is the leader of the extremist religious cult Uproot. While Audre teeters on the edge of death, Jareth works to get the Project Protos files to Cassie, while Javier tells Arto that his Uproot army will give their lives to bring down Planet Reset.

Episode 108: End of the World as We Know It Jackson wakes in Wardenclyffe, Tesla’s secret Long Island workshop, recovering after Dorothy removed his poisonous implant. His reunion with Miyah is bittersweet, as they’re all being targeted by Edison. Jackson and Dorothy go to save Elizabeth, only to be captured by Edison who demands to be taken to Tesla’s lab, or else. Meanwhile, Tesla and Miyah bond as he gives her a tour of Wardenclyffe, a fun-house with trap doors and tunnels and loads of weaponized gadgets, like walls made of electricity. After he anxiously asks her about his legacy, she gives him the bad news that he’s “just a car brand.” Crestfallen, he dusts off his abandoned invention, believing Jackson’s implant is the missing piece: a time machine. In 2048, Arto leads a squad of militarized Uproot disciples into Planet Reset to destroy timelining forever. Audre, alive but seriously ailing, risks her chances of a full recovery by teaming with Cassie Jones to deliver a media onslaught meant to expose Planet Reset and the U.S. Government’s dark secrets.

Episode 109: Stunted In 1893, while Tesla puts the final touches on the time machine, Dorothy and Jackson lead Edison and his goons to Wardenclyffe. Once inside, Dorothy triggers the workshop’s electricity- based defenses, which leads to a deadly game of cat and mouse, that results in the workshop in flames. With Tesla’s legacy on the line, he helps Dorothy escape with a folder full of his most important, unfinished inventions, and returns to launch Jackson and Miyah into the future, and sacrifice himself to make sure Edison can’t escape. But as Tesla dies, Edison enters the final time machine, shooting himself into the future. In 2048, Uproot’s suicidal efforts to destroy timelining pay off, though they intentionally kill Arto in the process. Jareth uses his tech expertise to co-opt satellites so Cassie can disseminate information about Project Protos, focused on Planet Reset’s corrupt manipulation of the Doomsday Clock, and they’re intention to become the U.S. Government. With Planet Reset exposed, Javier executes his master-plan of sealing all the exits, so Uproot will no longer interact non-believers on the Earth’s surface, which traps a recovering Audre underground. At a low-point, Imani Sett — who was so close to pulling off a government coup — is ready to turn herself into the authorities, until there’s a blip from an implant in 2048. Certain it’s Jackson, Imani leads a team of mercenaries to intercept him, but what she sees is a time machine like nothing she’s seen before. Thomas Edison steps out. With unlimited time travel now at her disposal, she's the most powerful person in the world and the only people that can stop her — Jackson and Miyah — have just landed in Egypt in 1913.


Manhattan in 1893 is vivid and rollicking as the future feels infinite, though the era’s power players will stop at nothing to come out on top. While in 2048, New York City, like the rest of our severely-weakened planet, is plagued by distress and pessimism, and those in power will do anything they can to maintain it. PLANET RESET is a time travel-fueled 24 (built around a family in peril) meets THE BOYS (those we rely on misusing their power for their own gains) meets CHILDREN OF MEN (a bleak, crumbling world) set in New York City, past and future. Driven by character/behavior. The Mitchell family interacts with iconic personalities of the past who dare to make their dreams a reality, and power players in the future who look to control the world around them.


The series follows the Mitchell family — Jackson, Audre and Miyah — and their last-ditch efforts to save the world, and one another. As they risk their lives to do what’s right, they’re forced to team up with, influence, and stand against powerful egomaniacs across generations. Their dream of living in a better world often puts them up against a harsh truth: any misstep could lead to the ruin of their family and the end of life on our planet.

The Mitchell family’s efforts to reconnect across time, their race to save the planet from certain death, and their work to hold power to account are the main drivers of the show. In both 1893 and 2048, the Mitchell family encounters iconic individuals who are shaping the modern world, with their colossal aptitude, gigantic egos, and a brazen drive to do whatever it takes to win.

Knowing their decisions will impact the world for generations to come. Jackson, Audre and Miyah work to influence and limit these powerful figures, and each of their paths is fraught with peril, as they discover that trusting anyone is a risk and nothing is what it seems.

As Planet Reset reveals itself to be a manipulative force that uses citizens as little more than fodder for their vision of the future, the Mitchell’s resolve — amidst setbacks, deception, and fatal consequence of failure — make PLANET RESET an electrifying story of sacrifice, audacity, love, and doing what’s right at all costs.

-Jackson’s desire to save the planet and his family forces him to evolve into a bold hero.

-Audre’s passion for positive change pits her against Planet Reset, as she works to undermine the mega-corporation’s massive power.

-Miyah sheds her youthful naiveté and comes of age, learning that as long as there’s a world, she can make a difference.

Season Two picks up with Jackson and Miyah arriving in Cairo, Egypt in 1913. They reunite with Dorothy, now twenty years older, and seek out inventor Frank Shuman to keep him from abandoning his invention of the “Sun Machine” — a.k.a. solar panels. In 2048, Thomas Edison becomes Imani Sett’s right-hand man, and leads an initiative to snuff out Jackson and Miyah. All while Audre, now a wanted criminal, works to escape Uproot so she can undo Planet Reset’s strengthening hold on the world.

Season after season, PLANET RESET follows the Mitchell family as they try to reunite, save the planet, and intersect with geniuses across different cities and eras who had a massive impact on the planet’s ecosystem, culminating in the destruction of Planet Reset, a sustainable future, and the realigning of power in the past and future.