The Foreign Policy of Czechoslovakia 1918-1935
\ THE FOREIGN POLICY OF CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1918-1935 llY FELIX JOHN VONDRACEK, A. :M. A11sooiate Pt·ofUMW" of History Uni~ty of North Dakota SUBMITTED IN PARTIAL FULFILME~'T OF THE REQUIREMENTS FOR THE DEGREE OF DOCl'OR OF PHILOSOPHY IN THE FACULTY OF POUTICAL SciENCE CoLUMBIA UNIVERsnv NEW VORK 1937 THE FOREIGN POLICY OF CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1918-1935 BY FELIX JOHN VONDRACEK, A. M• .A880t:i.ate ProfuBOr of History Unit.oemty of Nortl Dakota SUBMITTED IN PARTIAL FULFILME!I.'T OF THE REQUIREMENTS FOR THE DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF PHILf?SOPHY IN THE FACULTY OF POUTICAL SCIENCE CoLUMBIA UNIVERSITY NEW \'ORK 1937 CoPYRIGHT, 1937 BY COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY Puss l'lliNTED IN THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA lto MY WIFE OLGA MARIE VONDRACEK. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS ALTHOUGH it is not possible to mention individually all who have assisted in the preparation of this work, the writer wishes to express his gratitude particularly to certain members of the Faculty of Political Science of Columbia University, to Professor Carlton J. H. Hayes, to the late Professor Parker Thomas Moon, under whose direction the work was begun, and to Professor Walter Consuelo Langsam, under whom the work was completed. In addi tion, the writer desires to thank also the various members of the Czechoslovak Consulates-General at New York and Chicago~ and of the Legation at Washington, D. C., who, periodically for over a decade, have generously placed at his disposal materials not readily accessible to the general reader. Similar appreciation is felt for many favors received from the Svornost (Chicago) and from the Congressional Library, the library of Columbia University, and those of the Uni versities of Chicago, Iowa, and North Dakota.
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