llY FELIX JOHN VONDRACEK, A. :M. A11sooiate Pt·ofUMW" of History Uni~ty of North Dakota



BY FELIX JOHN VONDRACEK, A. M• .A880t:i.ate ProfuBOr of History Unit.oemty of Nortl Dakota


NEW \'ORK 1937 CoPYRIGHT, 1937





ALTHOUGH it is not possible to mention individually all who have assisted in the preparation of this work, the writer wishes to express his gratitude particularly to certain members of the Faculty of Political Science of Columbia University, to Professor Carlton J. H. Hayes, to the late Professor Parker Thomas Moon, under whose direction the work was begun, and to Professor Walter Consuelo Langsam, under whom the work was completed. In addi­ tion, the writer desires to thank also the various members of the Czechoslovak Consulates-General at New York and Chicago~ and of the Legation at Washington, D. C., who, periodically for over a decade, have generously placed at his disposal materials not readily accessible to the general reader. Similar appreciation is felt for many favors received from the Svornost (Chicago) and from the Congressional Library, the library of Columbia University, and those of the Uni­ versities of Chicago, Iowa, and North Dakota. TABLE OF CONTENTS PACK ACKNOWLEDGMENTS •• 7 CHAPTER I THE PROBLEMS OF INDEPENDENCE General Considerations • • • • • 13 The New Government ••.••••• 14 Peace Conference Preliminaries . 24 The Territorial Settlement . . 27 Other Peace Conference Problems • • • 43 CHAPTER II DOMESTIC STABILIZATION Interdependence of Foreign and Domestic Policies • • • 6o Financial Policy • • • 6o Economic Policy • • 76 Social Reform • 8g Religious Policy • 9I

CHAPrER III THE GREAT PowERS, 1918-1923 Objectives of Foreign Policy !)8 Germany. • . ••• 98 The Western Powers . • 100 The League of Nations . 105 rhe Russian Problem . • 113 The Sib~rian Campaign •. 114 Intra-Slav Cooperation 'liS. a" Western Orientation" 129 The Genoa Conference 139 The Rapprochement with Russia • • . . • • . . . . 144 CHAPTER IV THE RECONSTRUCTION OF CENTRAL EUROPE, 1918-1923 Benes' Central European Objectives . 147 Boundary Disputes with Poland • . . 148 The Formation of the Little Entente 162 9 10 TABLE OF CONTENTS

PAGE The Problem of Austria • . . . . • • 173 The Attempted Rapprochement with Poland • • • 178 Friction with Hungary • • • • • . • . • • 181 Central European Economic Cooperation ISQ The Reconstruction of Austria • • • 192 Early Little Entente Conferences . • . • 197 The Reconstruction of Hungary • . . . . 205 CHAPTER V

THE SEARCH FOR SECURITY, 1924-1926 " The Treaty of Mutual Assistance " • 209 The French Alliance . . . · 2II France, Italy and the Little Entente •. ·. 220 The ltalo-Czechoslovak Treaty . . . • 224 The Praha and Ljubljana Conferences . 226 The Geneva Protocol 227 Locarno . 229 Security to the East •. 241 CHAPTER VI

EFFORTS TO MAINTAIN THE NEW STATUS Quo Commercial Treaties . • ...... 247 The Debt Settlement with the United States •. 248 The Catholic Question • 249 Fascism ...... ••...•••. 257 Minority Reconciliations • • • 258 Better Relations with the Soviet Union 259 Friendship with Poland • • . 263 Franco-Italian Rivalry ••.. 265 "Irreconcilable Hungary" . • 271 The Austrian Problem Again . . + 2]8 Little Entente Conferences, 1925-1929 •• 288 Germany and the League of Nations • • . 297 Peace, Security and Disarmament • • . . 299 CHAPTER VII

THE DEPRESSION Economic Conferences • • • • • · • • • • • • 305 The Proposed Austro-German Customs Union ••• 312 Politics vs. Economics within the Little Entente .• 318 Hungarian Revisionism •.•• 326 Italo-C1:echoslovak Friction ...... 330 TABLE OF_ CONTENTS II

PAGE The Ur S. S. R. and Poland 334 Revisionism 11s. the Status Quo . 336 Reparations and Debts • 341 CHAPTER VIII

THE NAZI CRISIS The Causes and Importance of Hitlerism. ;_ •• ..... 351 Strengtbenhig the Little Entente • 356 Italy and Poland , • • • • • • • • • • • • 300 1933 Little Entente Conferences • • • • • • 364 The Franco-Soviet Non-Aggression Pact • 368 Disarmament Negotiations •••••• 369 The Germano-Polish Rapprochement • 373 Debt Default ••••••..••• 376 The Revival of Hungarian Revisionism 377 Austria • • • . . . • •••• 38o Friction with Germany . . . 383 Attempts to Isolate Germany . • J86 The Henlein Movement • . • • • 407 GOring's Balkan Tour~ .•••• 4Il Amplification of the Modus Vivendi •• 412 Solidarity of the Status Quo Bloc • • 413 Renewed Friction with Poland 418 Italy vs. Ethiopia •.•. 420 Masaryk's Resignation • 423 BIBLTOGRAPBY 426 INDEX •••• 445 BIBLIOGRAPHY


CZECHOSLOVAKIA Documents diplomatiques relatives au.r cowventitmS d'allimsce conclsu tar la Repuhlique Tchlcoslovaque avec le Royaume des Serbes, Croat~s et Slovenes ef le Royaume de Roumanie, Prague, Republique Tcheco­ slovaque, Minisb~re des Affaires :ti:trangeres, Recueil des Documents Diplomatiques no. 2, 1923, 198 p. Documents diplomaliques concenKJtl.t les tentatives de restauration des Hapsbourg sur le trone de Hongrie, Prague, Republique Tcheco­ slovaque, Ministere des Affaires Etrangeres, 1922, 169 p. MesieiN piehled aahranicniho obchodu (Monthly survey of foreign trade) Praha, The Czechoslovak Government Statistical Office, Monthly. Narodnl Shromtiidinl Ceskoslovenske v Prv~a.im roce Repuhlik;y (The Czechoslovak National Assembly during the first year of the Re­ public), Praha, Pfedsednictvo Narodni Shromazderu, 1919. 377 p. Obchodn$ smlouvy me.ristatm (International Commercial Treaties), Praha, Orbis Pub. Co., 1923-1925, 19~ (J. Dvoracek and Z. Konecny, eds.), 3 vols. Peace Conference Delegation, I9I9, Memoirs (Official claims of the Czechoslovak Delegation), Paris, 1919. No. I, Les Tchecoslovaques, leur histoire et civilisation, leur lutte et leur travail, leur role dans le monde. No. 2, Les revindications territoriales de la R.epublique Tcheco­ slovaque. ·No. 3, Le probleme des Allemands de Boheme. No.4. Le probleme de la Silesie de Teschen. No. 5, La Slovaquie -le territorie- revendique en Slovaquie. No. 7, Les Serbes de Lusace. No.9. Le probleme de Ia region de Glatz. No. III, La R.epublique Tchecoslovaque et son droit ala repara­ tion des dommages de guerre. Republika Ceskoslovenski. Narodni Shromazderu, Poslaneck& Snemovna, Tisnopisecki apravy o schrlsich Poslanecke Snlmovny Narodniho Shronu1idenl Republiky Ceskoslovenske (Stenographic Reports of the Meetings of the Chamber of Deputies of the National Assembly of the Czechoslovak Republic). 426 BIBUOGRAPHY 427 Republika Ceskoslovenski, Narodni ShromaZdeni, Poslanecka Snemovna, T£sky k tesnopiseck;Vm :zpr6:uam o schu:zkh Poslanecke SnimD'llny Narodmho Shromazdem Republiky Ceskoslovenske (Documents on the Stenographic Reports of the Meetings of the Chamber of Deputies of the National Assembly of the Czechoslovak Republic). Republika Ceskoslovenski, Narodni Shromazdeni, Poslanecloi Snemovna, Z6pisy o schu:zich Poslanecke Snimovny Narodniho Shromaidim Republiky Ceskoslovenskl (Minutes of the Meetings of the Chamber of Deputies of the National Assembly of the Czechoslovak Republic). Republika Ceskoslovenska, Narodni Shromaide¢, Sen!t, Tesnopisecke :zpr4f131 o schusfch Senatu Narodniho Shromaidem Republiky Cesko­ slovenski (Stenographic Reports of the Meetings of the Senate of the National Assembly of the Czechoslovak Republic). Republika Ceskoslovenski, Narodni Shromazdeni, Senat, T£sky k tesno­ piseck;Vm sprtklam o schu:zkh Senatu Narodniho Shromaiden$ Republiky Ceskoslovenske (Documents on the Stenographic Reports of the Meetings of the Senate of the National Assembly of the Czechoslovak Republic). Republika Ceskoslovenski, Ministerstvo Narodni Obrany, Osobm 'Distmk (Personnel Journal), annual. Resultats preliminaries du recensement de Ia population du ts fhlrier, I92:t, Prague, L'Office de Statistique, 1921, 63 p. Rocenka N6rodniho · Shromliidim Republiky Ceskoslovenske (Yearbook of the National Assembly of the Czechoslovak Republic), Praha, "Politika" Pub. Co., annual. Sbirka :z6konu a nafi:zem statu leskoslovenskeho (Compilation of Laws and Proclamations of the Czechoslovak State), Praha, Statni Tiskarna, annual. Slovenski Poslanci a re'Dizia miero'V;Vch .smlu'D (Slovak Deputies and the Revision of the Peace Treaties), Slovenska odboCka Ceskoslovenskej narodnej rady v ·Bratislave, 1934. 8 p. . St6tni zavereln;V ulet republiky leskoslMJmSke m rok :1924- (The State Debt Account of the Czechoslovak Republic for the Year 1924-), Praha, Statni Tiskarna, Nejvyssi ucetni kontrolni urad, 1926-, annual. U mluva a po:Sto"Dnich stycich tnezi Rakouskem, llfad'arskem, I talii, Rumun­ skem, Kralovsh!fm Srbu, Charvatfl'l! tJ Slovincu a Ceskoslovenskem, sjednan6 v Porlorose 23 Listopadu, I921: (Treaty concerning Postal Service between Austria, Hungary, Italy, Rumania, the Kingdom of Serbs, Croats and Slovenes and Czechoslovakia, negotiated at Portorose on November 23, 1921), Praha, Statni Tiskarna, 1923, 24 p. Zahranicn4 Politika (Foreign Policy) (Sbornik pro studium mezinarod­ nich otazek politickYch, pravnich, hospodarstcych a socialnich), Ufedni Vestnik Ministerstva Zahranicnich Veci, Praha, Orbis Pub. Co., monthly. 428 BIBLIOGRAPHY

FRANCE Annale..r de Ia Chambre des Dejmte..r. Conference economique internationole de Gines 9 tl'IJ1'il-I9 tfllli, I922, Paris, Imprimerie Nationale, 1922 (Ministere des Affaires fitrangeres, Documents diplomatiques), 186 p. · Document..r diplomatique..r relatives aux negociation..r concernant les gara,.._ tie..r de securite cantre une aggression de f Allemagne (10 janvier, 1919-7 decembre, 1923), Paris, lmprimerie Nationale, 1924. 271 p. Document..r signe..r 011 paraphes d Locarno le z6 octobre, _I925, precedes de sis pieces relatives aus negocWtions preliminaires (20 juillet-16 octobre, 1925), Paris, R.epublique Fran~se, Ministere des Affaires fitrangeres, Pacte de Securite ii, Imprimerie des Journaux Officiels, 1925. 39 p. Neuf pieces relatives d Ia proposition faite le 9 fCvrier, I925, par le Gouvernement Allemand el Ia reponse du Gouvememenl Fran{aise (g fevrier-16 juin, 1925), Paris, Republique Fran~se, Ministere des Affaires fitrangeres, Pacte de Securite i, Imprimerie des J ournaux Officiels, 1925, 31 p.

GREAT BRITAIN Agreement for Guaranteeing a Loan to Austria, signed by Representatives of Great Britain, France, Italy, Czechoslovakia and Austria, October 4, 1922, London, 1922, His Majesty's Stationery Office (Parl. Rep., 1922, Cmd. 1765), 29 p. Agreement..r Concluded at the Hague Conference, /am~ary, I9JO, London, 1930, His Majesty's Stationery Office (Pari. Pap., 1930, Cmd. 3484), 17'2 p. Convenlian Instihlling the Definitive Statute of the Danube, Signed at Paris, July 23, 1921, London, 1922, His Majesty's Stationery Office (Treaty Series no. 16, 1922, Cmd. 1754), 31 p. Correspondnw:e betwee• His Majesty's Government and the French GOfl­ ernmenl respecting the Genoa Canference, London, 1922, His Majesty's Stationery Office (Misc. no. 6, 1922, ,.Parl Pap., 1922, Cmd. 1742), 10 p. Final Act of the Lausanne Conference, july 9, 1932, London, 1932 (Misc. no. 7, 1932, Cmd. 4126), 16 p. Final Protocol of the Locarno Conference, London, His Majesty's Station­ ery Office, 1925, 61 p. Paper..r relating to the Hague Conference, June-July. I922, London, Igzl, His Majesty's Stationery Office (ParL Pap., 1922, Cmd. 1724), 18 p. Papers respecting Negotiations for an Anglo-French Pact, London, 1924. His Majesty's Stationery Office (Pari. Pap. France no. I, 1924. Cmd. 216g), 175 p. BIBUOGRAPHY 429 Papers respecting the Proposals for a Pact of Security made by the German Go~nt on February 9, I925, London, 1925, His Majesty's Stationery Office (Misc. no. 7, 1925), 51 p. Reply of the German Government lo the Note handed fo Herr StresemanPJ by the French Ambassador at Berlin on June z6, I925, respecting the Proposals for a Pact of Security, London, His Majesty's Stationery Office (Misc. no. 9, 1925), 9 p. Resolutions adopted by the Supreme Council at Cannes, January, I922, fJS the Basis of the Genoa Conference, London, 1922, His Majesty's Stationery Office (Part. Pap., 1922, Cmd. 16~1), 7 p.

LEAGUE OF NATIONS Arbitration, Security and Reduetion of Armaments, Geneva, 1924. League of Nations, 378 p. Arbitratitm and Security, Geneva, 1926, League of Nations Secretariat, 200 p. Rapport sur les tr~ de la commi.fsion de reparations, Paris, Librairie F. Alcao, 1923. vol. i (192o-1922). The Financial Reconstruction of Austria, Agreement approved by the League of Nations on September 16, 1924. Geneva, 1924. 16 p. The Financial Reconstruction of Austria, General Survey and principal documents, Geneva, xg26, 312 p. Financial Reconstruction of Austria, Termination of the Functions of the Commissioner-General (League of Nations, 1926, ii, 22), 8 p. The Financial ReconstructioPJ of Hungary, General survey and principal documents, Geneva, 1!)26, :.a-48 p. Tenmnahon of the Functions of the Commissioner-General (Hungary), Resolution adopted by the Council of the League of Nations on June 10, 1926 (League of Nations, 1!)26, ii, 23), 8 p. League of Nations Official l ournal. League of Nations Monthly Summary. League of Nations Treaty Series, supplemented by Nouveau recueil general de trait:is et autres actes relo.tifs tJIU" rapports de droit inter­ national {continuation du grand recueil de G. F. Martens par H. Triepel), Leipzig, Librairie H. Buske, iii serie. Permanent Court of International Justice, series A, B, C and E. Publications of the League of Nations, ii, Economic and Financial vii, Political ix. Disarmament. The World Courts Advisory Opiniors oK tlu Austro-Gernwn Customs Union, The American Foundation, Foreign Relations Bulletin no. 9, SeptemberS, 1931, 8 p. 430 BIBLIOGRAPHY

THE NETHERLANDS Conference at the Hague, June 26-July 20, I9ZZ, Minutes and Documents, Department of Foreign Affairs, Government Printing Office, the Hague, 1922, 235 p.

THE SOVIET UNION Memorandum of the Russian Delegation to the Genoa Conference, Genoa, 1922. Les Reclamations de Ia Russie aus iitats responsable de fintervennon e1 du blocus, Materiaux et documents sur !'intervention, le blocus et les dommages causes par eWt a la Russie, vol. iv, Edition de Ia Delegation de Russie a Ia Conference economique internationale de Genes, Ig22.

Reply of the Russian Delegation to the Memorandum of May 21 I922, Genoa, 1922. Soviet Russia (official organ of the Russian Soviet Government Bureau in New York). UNITED STATES Final Protocol of the Locarno Conference, I925, and treaties between France and Poland and France and Czechoslovakia, New York, Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, Division of Intercourse and Education, 1926, 93 p. Papers Relating to the Foreign Relations of the United States, I9I7-I9I8, I920, Washington, D. C., United States Government Printing Office, I9I7, Supplement 2, 2 vols., 1932; I9I8, Supplement I, 2 vols., 1933; I9I8, Supplement 2, 1933; I9I8 (Russia), 3 vols., 1931-1932; I920, 3 vols., 1935. " Reply of President Wilson to a Senate Resolution concerning the American Troops in Siberia, June 26, 1919 ", State Department, Russian Series, no. 4. p. 5. Russian-American Relations, March, I9I7-March, I920, New York, Harcourt, Brace and Howe (League of Free Nations Association), 1920. 375 p. ~ United States Congress, Senate, 65 Congress, 1919, "Hearings on Bolshevik Propaganda before a Sub-committee of the Judiciary", p. 24-

NEWSPAPERS AND PERIODICALS Allgemeine Zeitung, weekly, Litomerice. Arbeiter Zeitung, daily, Vienna. Berliner TageblaU (Wochenausgabe fiir Ausland und Uebersee), weekly. The Bohemian RevieUJ (later The Czechoslovak RevieUJ), Official organ of the Bohemian National Alliance of America, monthly, Chicago. Cas, twice daily, Praha. BIBliOGRAPHY 431 The Central European Observer, fortnightly, Prague. Ceske SlO'IJO, twice daily, Praha. Ceskoslownski Kores"pondence, Paris, published irregularly during the Peace Conference. Ceskoslownsk6 Samoslotnost, Paris, published on behalf of Czechoslovak independence. Corriere della Sera, daily, Milan. Current History, monthly, New York. Deutsche Allgemeine Zeitung, twice daily, Berlin. Deutscher Reichsanzeiger und Preussischet Staatsanzeiger, daily, Berlin. L'EuroPe nouvelle, weekly, Paris. · Frankfurter Zeitsmg, daily. Gazeta Warszawska, daily. LtJ Gazette de Prague, semi-weekly. International Conciliation, monthly, except July and August, Worcester. Massachusetts (Carnegie Endowment for International Peace). I srvestia, daily, Moscow. Lidovi Noviny, twice daily, Brno. Manchester Guardian, daily. Le Matin, daily, Paris. Le M orule slav, monthly, Paris. N twodni Li.sty, twice daily, Praha. Ntwodm Politika, twiCe daily, Praha. La Nation tcheque, bimonthly, Paris. Neue Freie Presse, twice daily, Vienna. The New York Times, daily. Prager Abendblatt, dai:ly. Prager Presse, daily. Prager Tagblatt, twice daily. Pr6vo Lidu, twice daily, Praha. RO'lJif()st, daily, Brno; StsmOstatnost, weekly, Olomouc. Swrncst, daily, Chicago. Le Temps, daily, Paris. The Times, daily, London. Volkischer Beobachter, daily, Berlin. V orwaerts, daily, Berlin. Vossische Zeitung, daily, Berlin.

BOOKS AND p AVPBLETS D'Abernon, E. V., The Diary of an Ambassador, New York, Doubleday, Doran & Co., 3 vols.; Versailles to Rapallo, I920-I922, 1929, 335 p.; Rapallo to Dawes, I922-I924, 1930, 350 p.; Dawes to Locanw, Z924- I926, 1931, 317 p. 432 BIBLIOGRAPHY Anon., Deset let ceskoslovenske zahranilm polinky (Ten Years of Czechoslovak Foreign Policy), Praha, Ministerstvi ZahraniCnich Veci, 1!)28, 213 p. --, Dr. Edvard Benes, sPoluzakladatel nove S'Vobody a tviirce zahra­ nicm politik:y ceskoslovenske (Dr. Edward Benes, Co-founder of the New Freedom and Creator of the Czechoslovak Foreign Policy), Sbornik Stati, Praha, Cin Pub. Co., 1924. 283 p. --, The Evolution of Socialism in Czechoslovakia, Prague, Executive Committee of the Czechoslovak Social Democratic Workers Party, 1924,45 p. --, The Lausanne Agreement, New York, Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, no. 282, 1932, 43 p. --, Prehled linnosti z fJrve pitileti Republiky Ceskqslovenske (Survey of the Activities of the First Five Years of the Czechoslovak Re­ public), Praha, G. Herman, ed., 1923, 141 p. --,President Masaryk in Paris, Brussels and Landon in October, I92J, Prague, 1924. 141 p. Ashmead-Bartlett, E., The Tragedy of Central Euro;e, London, T. Butterworth, 1923, 320 p. Ausset, ]., La Quesnon Vaticane, Paris, Sirey, 1928, 175 p. "Autonomist", Slovakia's Plea for Autonomy, Middletown, Pa., Jednota PrinterY, 1935, 120 p. Baerlein, H., The March of the Seventy Thousand, London, L. Parsons, 19z6, 287 p. Baker, R S., What Wilson Did at Paris, New York, Doubleday, Page & Co., 1920, 113 p. --, and the World Settlement, New York, Double­ day, Page & Co., 1922, 3 vols. De Balla, V., The New Balance of Power in Europe, Baltimore, Johns Hopkins Press, 1932, 2o8 p. Basch, A. and Dvoracek, J., Austria and Its Economic Existence~ Prague, Orbis Pub. Co., 1925, 1o6 p. Bassett, J. S., The League of Nations, New York, Longmans, Green & Co., 1!)28, 415 p. ,. Bauer, F., Hitlerow Tieti Rise a naJ Stat, Praha, Osveta, 1933. Beaumont, A., Heroic Story of the Csechoslovak Legions, Prague, _The Czechoslovak Foreigner's Office, reprinted from the Daily Telegram, 1919, 84 p. Benes, E., The Foreign Policy of Czechoslovakia, speech of Januazy 27. 1921, Prague, edited by the Gll3ette de Prague, 1921, 35 P. --. Five Years of Csechoslo'Uak Foreign Policy, Prague, Orbis Pub. Co., 1924, 39 p. --. Problemy nove Evropy 1J zahraniln£ politika leskoslO't!ensk6, Praha, Melantrich Pub. Co., 1924, 3o6 p. BIBLIOGRAPHY 433 --, The Diplomatic Struggle for Erwopea~~ Securi~ and the Stabilisa­ tiota of Peace, spe«;ch of April I, 1925, Prague, Orbis Pub. Co., 1925, 31 p. -.-, Les Accords de Locanw, speech of October 30, I925, Prague, Orbis Pub. Co., 1925, 30 p. --, M:v War Memoirs, New York, Houghton MifHin Co., 1928, 512 p. (trans. from Czech by Paul Selver). --, La Situatiota internationale et Ia Politique etrangJre tchecosl(}'l/(J(/.tu!, expose du 6 juin. 1928, Prague, Orbis Pub. Co., 1928, 25 p. --, Les ProbUmes des reParations et Ia liquidation de Ia guerre mcm­ dialed Ia Haye, expose du 30 janvier, 1930, Prague, Orbis Pub. Co., 1930 (Sources et documents tchecoslovaques no. 12), 67 p. --, Vers Ia liquidation de Ia guerre: traites de la Haye et de Paris, expose du 20 mai, 1930, Prague, Orbis Pub. Co., 1930 (Sources et documents tchecoslovaques, no. 13), so p. --, La Situation de fEurope, Ia Societe des Nations, et Ia Tcheco­ slo'Vaquie, expose du IS octobre, 1930, Prague, Orbis Pub. 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Prague, Orbis Pub. Co., 1934. 66 p. --, Rec o problemu podkarpatoruskem (Speech on the Problem of Sub­ carpathian Ruthenia), Praha, Orbis Pub. Co., 1934. 56 p. --, Une nouvelle phase de Ia lutte pour l'equilibre europeen, expose du 2 juiliet, 1934. Prague, Orbis Pub. Co., 1934 {Sources et documents tchecoslovaques, no. 25), 62 p. --, Vers "" regroupement des forces en Erwope!, expose du 6 novembre, 1934. Prague, Orbis Pub. Co., 1934 (Sources et documents tcheco­ slovaques, no. 26), 33 p. --, Le Sens politique de Ia tragedie de Marseille, discours du 1 et IO decembre, 1934. Prague, Orbis Pub. Co., 1935 (Sources et documents tchecoslovaques, no. 27), 47 p. 434 BIBliOGRAPHY

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Stolfer, G., "European Kaleidoscope", Foreign Affairs, vol. xiv, pp. 216-226, January, 1936. Vochoe, V., "Nas spolek s Francii ", Zahranicni Politika, vol. iii, pp. I-6, 1924- WiJliams, M. 0., "The Fighting Czechoslovaks ", Asia, vol. xviii, pp. 722-728, September, 1918. Winkler, M., "The Investor and League Loans", Foreign Policy Asso­ ciation, vol. iv, supplement 2, pp. 15-18, June, 1928. Young, R. F., "Czechs and Slovaks", New Statesman, vol. xiv, pp. IS5-IS6, November 8, I9I9- Zimmerman, M. A., "Americkj projekt paktu proti valce ", Zahranicni Politika, vol. vii, pp. 427-432, 1928. INDEX

Albania, 25, 248. z66, 372, 421 Beck, 361, 373, 400, 400, 418, 420 Alexander I, 198, 324, 367, 388, Belgium, 2II, 212, 232 391-~ Benes, Alexandro:vskY, 404-405 and Austria, 1'713-178. 1~197, Allied High Command, 33, 35 282:..288 Anschluss, 47-49, 148, 173. 177, becomes Foreign Minister, 16 282-283, 28s-286, 287, 290, and Central European economic JIZ, 324. 366, 3&1, 388, 391 cooperation, 79, 189-192 Apponyi, 164n. and disarmament, 44. 181, zto- Archangel, IIS, 127, 128, 132 2II, 299-394. 345, 352-354. Archimbaud, 393 37o-371, 398 Austria, early life of, 14-15n. Armistice of November, 1918, 34 elected President, 423-425 Bank of Austria-Hungary, so, and France, 24. 105. 141, 2II, 212- 53. 63'-69. 76 zt6, 217, 22o-224. ~ 231, and Little Entente, 174. 193, 284- 236-240, 265, 376 287, 312-318, JSo-383 and Germany, 298-299. 316-317, Protocol of Venice, 104. 183 409 . reconstruction of, 192-197, 278 and Great Britain, 24. 105, 127.;, Republic recognized, 52 128, 141, 211 Treaty of St. Germain, 32, 43n., and Hungary, 163, 164-165, 169- sz. s6. s8, 59, 68, 71, 82, 110, ISI-189, 204, 205, 207- 173. 224, 225, 279. 342. 401 2o8, 286-28;, 326. 329-330, war debts, 50-54 356-357, 36o, 392 war finance, 62-63, 64 and Italy, 24, 104, 2II-212, 223, and Western Powers, 173-174. 224-227, 265, 356-357. 362- 175, 192, 195, lgO, 284- 363, 367. 42D-423 285, 314. 38o-381, 397 and League of Nations, 105, 100, see also, Anschluss, Austr~r- 107, III-'II3, 20!)-211, 227- man Customs Union, .229, 229, 307, 3'H-J.I2, 352- Danubian Confederation 3'54 Austr~rman Customs Union, and Little Entente, 162-173, 198, 287, 311, 312-318, 322, 323, 201, 202-203, ZII, 221-222, 324. 337. 398 224. 226-227, 230, 26o, 28g, 291-292, 296, 319, 322, 325, Baldwin, 268 339. 341-342. 348-350, 357- Balfour, 127 358, 371-372, 395. 414' Balkan Entente, ,368n., 372-373, 397, and Peace Conference, 26-27, 401, 407. 414. 422 J7fi., 45.59 " Balkanization of Europe", 44- and Poland, 134-135, 150, 152- 45. 58 154. ISS-100, 178, 242-246, Banffy, 182, 185 263 Baranya, 183-184 and reparations, so, 207, 343, 345, Barthou, 375, 376, · J8o. 386, 387- 349-350 388. 390. 391-392, 394 and Rothermere, 267-269 Beaumarchais, de, 267 and Russia (U. S. S. R.), IIJ- 445 INDEX

II4, ;114-129, 131-135, 136- and Hus, 92, 250, 253 138, 145-146, 241, 259-200, land reform, go-91, 251 261-262, 386-387, 404-406, and Masary~ 92, 96. 250, 256-257 414 Modus Vivendi with Czechoslo- speeches: vakia, 254-257, 412-413 September 30, 1919, 59. 6o Praha riot, 92 · January 31, 1920, 134 separation of Church and State March II, 1920, 136, 26o (Czechoslovakia), g6 April 2, 1920, 137 and Slovaks, 96-97, 249-250, 255- August 4, 1920, 158-159 256 September I, 1920, 166-167 St. Vaclav, 251 January 27, 1921, 190 see also, Hlinka April I, 1925, 244 CecH, 127, 209 October 30, 1925, 239 Celjabinsk, II], II9 January 5, 1928, 291-292 Cermak, II7 April 23, 1931, 314"'"31'5 Chamberlain, 231, 268 October 20, 1931, 345n. Charles, ex-Emperor-King, see March 25, 1932. 339 Habsburgs November 7, 1932, 351 Chicherin, 121-122, 135-136, 137, January 14, 1933, 383 145. 154 March I, 1933, 358 China, 107-108, 337, 345 April 25, 1933, 362-363, 378 Ciriaci, 256 October 15, 1933, 365 Clemenceau, I 52 October 31, 1933, 367, 370-37'1 Conference of Ambassadors, xs&t., March 21, 1934, 381 · 159~161, 182, I8J, 186-I87 March 23, 1934, 382 Council of Four (Big Four), 30, November 6, 1934, 392 3 I, .32, 40, 1$3 November 5, 1935, 416-417, Curtius, 3I3, 314 418, 419 Czechoslovakia, and war debts, 51 Allied recognition of, IS and Wilson, 44 area of, 78 Berger-Waldenegg, 397 army in World War, 22n. Bethlen, 230, 329-330, 331, 341, 343, bankruptcies in, 86 359, 377n. commercial treaties of, 87-89. 102, Bibra, von, 385 103, 171-172, 176, 1]8-1]9, Bradac,36o 205, 244, 247-248, 26o-263, Bratiano, 198 263-265, 277-278, 279-28I, Bratislava, 32, 37, 40-41, 82, 85, 190 293-294, 319-320, 328-329. Brest-Litovsk, treaty of, II5-n6 404 Briand, .140, 232, 272, 3IG-3II, 3'15 conduct of foreign affairs, 21, Bruning, 354 22-23 Bulgaria, 172, 203, 230, 248, 266, constitution: 321, 336, 347. 349. 4o6-407 '1Jel'lllanent, zo-2In., II2-II.3 Neuilly treaty of, 2Q4U., 224, 225 provisional, 20 Burgenland, 182-183, 184 cooperation of Benes and Masaryk, 21, 326 Cannes, 140 " costs of liberation", 53. 342-343 Carol II, 319, 322, 324, 367, 413 customs duties, 8~1, 84-85, 88 Catholic Church, Czechoslovak National Council, and Benes, 251, 257 14 Concordat of 1855, 91 Declaration of Geneva, 16 Czech national revival, 91 disarmament, see Benes, and dis­ Czechoslovak National Church, armament 93-94 and Fasdsm, go, 257-258, 385, Free-Thinkers, 95 4o8n., see also, Gajda INDEX 447 Foreign Affairs Committees, 23 population of {192r), 78 Foreign Trade Bureau, 81, 84. 87 Provisional National Assembly Import and Export Commission. 16 • 8o, 81 religions of, 94n. . industrial inheritance of, 77 return of Legions, 16, 129, 133 land reform, 90-91 social reform, 89-90 Liberty Loan, 64 stability of, 97, 408 military policy, 19-20, 4I4-4'IS, tariff barriers against, 87-!!9 416, see also, Little Entente, see also, France. Great Britain, military conventions Italy, League of Nations, minorities, 17, 18, 45. 46-47, 61- Little Entente, Russia, 62, '/I, 79, Io8-1IJ, 240, United States 314. 384-385, 407-411 nayy, J27 Danubian Confederation, 58, I8o, occupation of Slovakia, 18-19 z82, 283-288, 292, 316-317, at Peace Conference: 339-341, 347. 364-368 Anschluss, 47-49 DavidoviC, 227 · boundaries: Diderichs, 119 Austrian, 31-32 Dmowski, 153 Bohemian, 24, 28-31 Doleial, 419 Hungarian, 32-42 Dollfuss, 365, 367, 38o-382, 385, Polish, 43, 1:50-154 390. 391 Ruthenian, 42 Doumergue, 38o corridor, 31-32 Dousmanis, 203 Czechoslovak territorial com­ Duca, 198, 201, 22'/, 292, 372 mission, 27 economic outlets, 54-58 Eden. 398, 399-400 Inter-Allied Commission for Einstein, J02 Tesin, 27 Englis, 71-73, 74 Lusatian Sorbs, 32 Estonia, 134. 248 reparations, 49-51 Ethiopia, 407, 42o-423 summary of, 58-59 war debts, 51-54 Fierlinger, 380 political form of, IS Finland, 2.¢8, 321, 376 political parties of: Flandin, 338, 339 Agrarian, 69, 137, 241, 252, 253, Foch, 38. 130, 216, 219-220, 270 309, 320, 329, aSsn. Four Power Pact, 36o-364, 400 Christian Social, 258, 385n. France, Oerical, 252, 253 · and Czechoslovakia, 22, 24, 31, Communist, 334. 424' 34. 37, 102, 122, 2n-:220, Fascist, 4o8, 410, 424 231-239. 270, 338-339 German Agrarian, 258 debt default, 339, 376-377 German National Socialist, at Peace Conference, 24. 25, JO, 384-385, 407 41 German Nationalist, 385, 407 and Poland, 135. 152, 179. 212, National Democrat, 253. 332, 216, 233. 236-238, 243, 335. 334 337. 364, 366-367, 389. 399 National Socialist, 251, 253 see also, Italy, Little Entente. National Unity, 424' Russia Petka, 74. 25o, 252-253 Fran<,;ois-Poncet, 369-370 Popular (Slovak Catholic), 258, 379, 4o8 Gajda, u8-n9, 123, 125, 129, 257- Socialist, 70, 251, 252, 424 258, 4o8n. Sudetendeutsche Partei, 407- Garbai, 35 4II Gasparri, 254 INDEX

Gazik, 258 Hoare, 421 Geneva Profocol, 227-229 Hodac, 300 Genoa Conference, 14o-145, 199, HodZa, 424 200-201 Hoover, 44. 344-345, 346 Germany, Horthy, 39, 169-170 and Czechoslovakia, 18, 88, 98- Hotowetz, 84 99, 215, 382-383. 397. 407- House, 120 4II, 416 Hrusovskj, 378 reparations, 341-342, 345-346 Hungary, Saar plebiscite, 396 ex-prisoners in Russia, 1'17, 119 Versailles, treaty of, 43n., 48-49, forgeries, 271-274 49-50, 56, 57, 59, 79-80, So- Hirtenberg affair, 356-357 81, 351-352, 355. 396. 397, and Italy, 183, 266, 274-278, 290, 400.402 319, 331, 333, 356-3'57 Weimar constitution, 48-49 reconstruction of, 205-2oS, 271 see also, Anschluss, Austro­ revisionism, 17, 18, 42, 134. 165, German Customs Union, 259. 268-269, 326-330. 336- Hitler, Locamo, Poland, 341, 372. 377-379. 392. 400, Russia 414 Ghiczy, 330 St. Gotthard affair, 274-278 Ghika, l

N ~urath, von, 369, 398 war against Hungacy, 34. 36-39 Nicholas, Prince, 322 see also, Carol II, Little Entente Nincic, r6s, r98, 200, 221, 223, 224. Russia (U.S.S.R., Soviet Union) 227,240,289 and Czechoslovakia, II4. 133, 138~ 139. 1'44-146, z6o..263. 334- Omsk, IIS, II9, 128 336, 368, 386-387. ~389, Osuskj, 107, 16411., 336, 379n., 384 39S. 402, 404-405, 415-4I8 Otto, see Habsburgs and France, roo, I r8, 125, 136, 139, 22'1D., 243, 335, 368- Paderewski, 157, ISS, 1S9 36<}, 390. 393-394. 402-404 Palmieri, 333 and Germany, II5-II6, 120, 142- Papen, von, 36S 143, 368. 386 Pasic, 163, r98, 201, 227 and Great Britain, 100, n8, 125, Paul, Prince, 413 140, 221n. Paul-Boncour, 374 New Economic Policy of, 140 Pedrazzi, 332, 333 see also, Little Entente, Poland Peidl, 39 Ruthenia, 17, IS, 42, 378, 379 Petain, 270, 2g6 Pichon, 41 Sacharov, 262 Pilsudski, 361, 373-374. 400, 418 Salgo-Tarjan, 36, 41, 206, 2o8 Piltz, 201 Sapieha, I79 Pittsburgh Agreement, 17 Satoralja-Ujhely, 41, 274n. Poincare, 140 Schanzer, 104, 193, I95 Poland, Schober, r]8, 182, 192, 3II Amendments to League Covenant, Schuschnigg, 397 1()9-II3 Seba, 334 and Baltk states, 179, 200, 389 Seipel, 192-193, 285-286 boundary disputes : · Serbian Orthodox Church, 94 Javorina, IS9-I62, 242 Simon, 398 Orava, 43. 1S9-162, 244 Sirovj, 128 SJ.>iS, 43, 1s9-162, 244 Skirmunt, 179-180 Tesin, 43, 149-1S9. 244. 418-42o Skoda munition works, 36, 358-359 and Germany, 1SS-157, 200, 242- Skrzynski, 232, 242, 246, 263 243. 373-376, 394. 395 Slavicek, 164n. and League of Nations, 1o6-II3, Slovakia, 16, 17, 61, 95-96, 163, r6s, 309 2SS. '577-379 . and Little Entente, '144, 168, 179- ).>rovincial government inaugur­ 18o, 189, 194. 199-201, 222, ated, 19 242, 246, zSg, 291, 292, 319, war over, 34-42, 77 342. 366-367 see also, Hlinka, Hungary, re­ and Russia, 130, IJI4, 135, 139, visionism 154-IS6, 222, 243, 336 . Stl'lith, 207, 271 see also, France Smutny, 420 . Politis, 228 Smuts, 41 Portorose Conference, 190-192, 194 Sokols, 257, 332 Pospisil, 338 Soukup, 318 Potemkin, 402 Soviet Union, see Russia Spain, 161, 248, 297, 390 Ra8in, so, 63-6g, 70, 71, 74, 7S- Spina, 258, 4o8, 410 76, 79 Stalin, 399 Renner, 174 Starhemberg, 391 . Requin, 209 Stefanik, ISn., 16, 4Jn., 101, I26-I27 Rothermere, 267-269, 330 Stodola, 307 Rumania, Stoyadinovic, 41 r ll!DEX 451 Stresemann, 230 368-369. 376-377. 379 Stribrny, 424 and Germany, 318 Succession States, at Peace Conference, 24. 3o- economic and financial relations 31, 41 of, 63, 65, 67n., 68-69. 71, and war debts, 248-249, 339, 344- 85,8;, I89-IQ2 34'5, 346 and the peace settlement, 44-45, U. S. S. R., see Russia 46, so-54 and reparations, 341-350 Vaida-Voevod, 164 see also, Austria, Czechoslovakia, Veverka, xg8, 261, 347 Hungary, Poland, Rumania, Vienna, 32, 36, 48n., 6o-6x, 165, 176, Yugoslavia 197,27~ 285,286,313, 38o Supreme Council, .26-27, see also, ViskovskY, 319, 332 Council of Four Vladivostok, II5, II7, U9, 127, Suvich, 381, ,398, 4o6 1z8, 129 Svehla, 253, 2,58 " Western orientation ", 82, 85, 86, Tardieu, 339-340 Teleki, 181-182 g8, 105, 1!3, 129, 137 The Hague, conferences of, 143 Weygand, 154 Tiso, 258 Wilso~ 30, 44, 101, I2o-I2I, 122, 123, 130, 158n., 16o Tittoni, 109, IIG-III, II3 Windischgrii.tz, 271-273 Titulescu, 343. 348, 357. 362, 367, Wiseman, 121 378, 393. 395. 397-398. 399. World Economic Conference, 300- 413 Tokaj, 33, 41 307 Trotsky, II7 TrumbiC, 163 Yeftic, 348, 357. 367, 395, 397, 411 Tureanskj- Sv. Martin, 17n. Yugoslavia, Turkey, 203, 248, 266, 318, 368, 390, and Austria, 177 392, see also, Balkan friction with Italy, 100, 103, 168, Entente 391 Tusar, 70, 355 see also, Alexander I~ Little Entente Ukraine, 139. 146, 265 Unger, 379 Zaleski, 336, 340 United States, Zimmerman, 196 and Czechoslovakia, 101, 105, 122, Zita, ex-Empress, see Habsburgs 248-249. 344-345. 346-347. Zolger, 16411- Scale 1 ; 3,000.000 48 En ~!l lh Molt l :10 30 40

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THE writer wa born in Cedar Rapids, Iowa, on September J, 1901. He wa raduated from Washington High School of that city in ne, 1919, and in September received a scholarship from e College. At that institution he was a Reader in Ameri an History for Professor S. G. Pattison. After two and a ha' f years at Coe College, he transferred in January, 1922, to the State University of Iowa, where he obtained his A.B. in 1923 and his A.M. in 1924. At Iowa he was Undergraduate and, later, Graduate Assistant to Professor Louis Pelzer in the freshman classes in American History. In Septembe~, 1924, he went to Columbia Uni­ versity, , for graduate work and research for the Ph.D. degree. Here, he had three seminars under Professor Carlton J. H. Hayes. Since September, 1928, he has been at the. University of North Dakota as Assistant and Associate Professor of American History. 453