Clan Macleod Societies Canada National Council Newsletter # 56 Spring, 2012
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TheThe LeodLeod VoiceVoice Clan MacLeod Societies Canada National Council Newsletter # 56 Spring, 2012 Congratulations to Malcolm & Karen MacLeod, CMS Vancouver Island who can boast that their tent has received the Best Display at the Games for the second year in a row! Spring, 2012 Page 1 President’s Report and St. Anne’s to feel the ancient wisdom around the stones. The Gaelic College is always a treat and a reminder to me that I still can’t speak Gaelic. If I don’t try to learn the language, then how can I expect the next generation to give it a sec- ond thought. The “Tartan Dinner” By Dr Donald McLeod attended with Betty McLean from Halifax was a highlight and the Happy Tartan Day Past (April 6), entertainment shone. Tom Wallace nce again the warm weather spoke and piping and poetry kept is here and I know it pervades the ears ringing. CanadaO because I was in Halifax Nova Scotia is a special place this morning and now in the Oka- and everyone knows the MacLeod nagan it is a similar 27 degrees C. of Lewis tartan there. Nowhere Christine and I went to Halifax else in the world, besides Japan mostly to see our new granddaugh- and Scotland, can there be a claim ter by Magnus and Jodianne. We to that kind of interest in a pat- suggested a potpourri of names tern. Emails were collected for that are from the clan but young Ian MacLeod (Richmond) for people have their own ideas. I think more Internet Society members. I have squeezed Annabelle into the It seems that many of the young proper name mix after Brayenda. people are paperless and want only All sorts of tartan gifts and Celtic email newsletters (no magazines!) adornments followed. “C’est la Vie” as they say from the I had a terrific time with Don- “Auld Alliance”. We will discover ald Roy MacLeod (our great-great the spark that stimulates the young grandfathers were brothers) fol- clan members into action. lowed by a visit to Gordon McLeod For now I wish all of you at the Pictou farm and then time continued MacLeod Luck and with Sandy McLeod at St. Anne’s. Longevity and hope to see all of All the other visits were impromptu you in Alexandria for another ex- and didn’t quite materialize. traordinary event for all the Clan I did my wanderings through June 28 to July 1. the cemeteries of Englishtown Hold Fast the Shine CMSC Newsletter # 56, Page 2 News from Halifax - Scottish Cultural Festival of Nova Scotia by Betty MacLean ver the past few summers, officers, several committees and and again in 2012, the Hali- by-laws to be drawn up. To allow faxO Highland Games have been time to achieve approval, organize, postponed. For many years, this formulate plans and contact many event brought highland games, agencies, the first annual Scottish dancing and music competitions Festival is tentatively scheduled and displays to entertain the public for September 2013. Meanwhile, in Metro. The Games also offered committees will be actively seek- exposure to all Clan Societies, al- ing volunteers, corporate sponsors lowing clans people to learn about and obtaining information on legal their heritage, as well as to view requirements. This event will be historical displays and associ- held indoors, and booths will be ated materials. This exposure also available for Clan Societies, retail brought new members to various outlets, art and handcraft displays, Clan Societies. etc. Among events will be special The Antigonish Highland activities directed toward youth Games are scheduled; however, participation, as well as demonstra- with the loss of the Halifax High- tions of Scottish piping and danc- land Games, our Scottish culture ing by various groups. has no collective exposure in the As of this writing, a meeting is Metro area. Our Scottish culture, to be held early in June. Please keep to remain in the forefront, needed this new Scottish Festival in mind. to find a new annual major event to If you have a bit of time to spare remain in the public eye. and would like to support this ini- Jean Watson, past president of tiative, your help will certainly be the Federation of Scottish Culture appreciated. Further updates will of Nova Scotia (FSCNS) sug- be provided as time goes on. gested that a new and separate For persons interested in at- organization be formed to promote tending individual Clan Society a Scottish Festival in our area. events in Nova Scotia for 2012, it is On April 28, eighteen persons at- suggested you view the website for tended a meeting to discuss the the Federation for Scottish Culture matter, to elect an executive, and of Nova Scotia to barnstorm for ideas. Thus, the The schedule of events across our “Scottish Cultural Festival of Nova province are posted and updated as Scotia”, (name pending approval) received. Have a safe and happy was established with a slate of summer. Spring, 2012 Page 3 CMS VANcouver ISLAND by Malcolm MacLeod Jim Maxwell, the Games presi- e had a great weekend at the dent gave a short welcoming Victoria Highland Games, speech and we were piped off. Had whichW started on Friday night, we been 45 minutes later it would May18 with a torchlight parade have been gloamin enough to get in front of the Provincial Legisla- the full effect of the torches. They tive buildings in Victoria. Most of plan to make this an annual event the Clans that attended the Games and next year the pagaent will start took part. The ceremony started later. off with the Canadian Scottish The representative of the Clan Regiment’s Band (Princess Mary’s) MacNicol claimed as their tradi- marching in and playing several tional territory, “The lands that the tunes. Each Clan representative MacLeods stole from us on Skye.” took a torch (propane on a 4-foot I visited their tent at the Games and pole), went in front of the micro- asked to buy their book but was told phone and identified their Clan. I that I would have to join their clan proudly stated that “I am Malcolm in order to get a copy. I declined MacLeod of Clan MacLeod repre- but curiosity has since given me a senting Clan MacLeod Vancouver change of heart. Island. Our Motto is Hold Fast, Most of the participants ad- plant badge is the red whortleberry journed, to the Bard and Banker and our traditional lands are Skye, pub - which is a beautiful ex-bank Lewis and Harris, Assynt, and and is very Victorian in its wood- Raasay.” We then took our place work. Karen and I returned to our in the formation of a St. Andrew’s hotel for a nightcap with friends cross. visiting for the games. I was up and at the field at 6:15 the next morning setting up our tent and helping others as needed. The Victoria Games are now held at Topaz Park, a very suitable venue and is a two-day event billed as Highland Games and Celtic Festival, incorporating more Irish piping, singing and dancing events and in my opinion, exceedes the BC Highland Games Malcolm on the right, holding his torch held in Coquitlam (a Vancouver CMSC Newsletter # 56, Page 4 judged throughout the day. The outer field is used on Sun- day as a Pipeband warm up field. I feel that you can’t get better entertain- ment value for your money at $12 per day for adults, suberb). Topaz Park has four large $10 for youth and fields on three different levels. The seniors and under twelve free. A upper field hosts the Heavy Events very full weekend of entertainment accompanied by a beer garden so if you can take it all in. that the spectators have their choice Sadly, we missed our usual of watching either from the stands Clan members that help us out or the beer garden. This year the (Dr. Don and Chris from Merritt, Canadian championships had a Ian C from Richmond, and Judy field of 10 athletes at an average Tipple from Saturna.) This meant age of 32 years and an average that Karen and I were tied to our weight of 248 pounds. The oldest Clan tent for the two days with was 48 and the youngest 24. Two only short breaks individually. Clan years ago Victoria hosted the World MacLeod had a steady stream Heavyweight Championships, you of visitors and we were flabber- likely saw several photos of the gasted to be awarded the Best Clan athletes in the Fall 2010 issue of Display for the second year in a the Leod Voice. The athletes love row. We were apparently judged it here, treated well with first class by persons unknown to us who hotel accomodation and all found. visited the different displays and The middle field has all the differ- who unanimously selected us best, ent tents featuring entertainment, based not only on our display, but vendors, culture groups, heritage more on knowlege, enthusiasm and organizations, piping associations, our interaction with everyone who dancing clubs, the Ceremonies stopped by. I thank the judges and stage, food vendors, beer gar- a special thanks goes to Karen! den, kids area and Clan tents. The As is true of all of our societies, lower field has Sheep Dog Trials we have people that join and pay and Shearing Demonstrations. dues for a year or so and then drop On Saturday and Sunday Pip- out. Typically Scottish? Whatever! ing and Dancing competitions are We don’t hold that against them Spring, 2012 Page 5 but invite and welcome them to Next year is the 150th anniversary our gatherings.