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D I do programming 0 I do not do any progra mming Attention microcomputer software writers! Sha re Data, In c. is aggressively seeking high quality software for Apple, Co mmodore, Atari and IBM co mpatible bra nds of microcomputers. ShareData, In c. has pioneered the high quality, affordably pricC'd soft ware marketing concept. With one of the largest distribut ion channels, ShareData's softwa re is sold a ll ove r the world 1 If yo u have written a unique program and would like to have it published, send it to ShareData for review. If accepted, yo ur software will receive international market exposure while yo u enjoy co mpetitive royalties. To have yo ur software reviewed for publishing, send it to: Product Licensin g Dept. ShareData, Inc. 7122 Shady Oak Road, Minneapolis, MN 55344. ENTERTAINMENT SERIES ™ featuring Spider-Man™ Listen up, True Believer! The world's premier comics company has joined with the originator of Adventure games to bring you the awesome QUESTPROBE'" Serles: an epic group of home- computer Adventures by and Scott Adams In which YOU become the greatest Marvel Super Heroes'" .

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MARVEL SUPER HEROES, SPIDER-MAN, , , THE , , , , HY DRO- MAN, , DOCTOR CONNORS, J .J. JAMESON and their distinctive likenesses are trademarks of the Marvel Comics Group and are used with permission. The OUESTPROBE"' trademark is registered as co- owned t:fy the Marvel Comics Group and Scott Adams, Inc. Copyright © 1984 Marvel Comics Group and Sc ott Adams, Inc. Artwork & tex t : Copyright © 1984 Marvel Comics Group. All rights reserved. Game design: Copyright © 1984 Scott Adams, Inc. All r ights reserved. LOAD 'N' GO! SOFTWARE OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS XAG - 0746 Tum off machine. Insert disk in drive. Tum on machine

Another quality software product LOAO'N'GO!. from Green Valley Publishing A d1v1s ion of ShareOa1a , Inc. SOFTWARE Minneapolis. MN 55344 0 84895 22076 Apple is a registered trademark of Apple Computer. Inc. Printed in U.S.A. Copyrigh~ t985 Green Valley Publishing All rights reserved