US Confirms 'Backwater'

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US Confirms 'Backwater' baseball Pages 15 & 16 Page 14 THE FIRST ENGLISH LANGUAGE DAILY IN FREE KUWAIT basketball Established in 1977 / SUNDAY, APRIL 4, 2021 / SHABAAN 22, 1442 AH emergency number 112 NO. 17654 16 PAGES 150 FILS US confirms ‘backwater’ Iran talks Oreibi lauded for courage ‘First step’ WASHINGTON, Apr- il 3, (Agencies): The COVID kills Saddam trial judge White House has con- firmed that the US BAGHDAD, April 3, (AP): A retired Iraqi judge who He shot to fame after he was named an investiga- death; he was executed on Dec. 30, 2006. “agreed” to participate presided over the trial of Iraq’s late dictator Saddam tive judge in the trial of Saddam and his regime in Oreibi, a Shiite, replaced Judge Abdullah al-Amiri, in talks with European, Hussein has died after battling COVID-19, the coun- August 2004. He later took over as the lead judge in who was removed amid accusations he was too soft on Russian and Chinese try’s top judicial body said Friday. Saddam’s trial for genocide, which also included Sad- Saddam during the trial. Oreibi tolerated very few dis- In this Sept 26, 2006 file photo, Judge partners “to identify Mohammed Oreibi presides over the According to Iraq’s Supreme Judicial Council, dam’s cousin Ali Hassan al-Majid, known as Chemi- ruptions from Saddam and his co-defendants during the issues involved in trial of former Iraqi president Saddam Judge Mohammed Oreibi al-Khalifa, 52, passed away cal Ali, and five other defendants on charges related to the trial – even throwing the deposed Iraqi leader out Hussein, inside the fortified Green in a hospital in Baghdad where he was being treated their roles in the bloody 1987-1988 crackdown against of the courtroom several times amid fiery exchanges a mutual return to Zone in Baghdad, Iraq. Judge Oreibi for complications from the coronavirus. Kurdish rebels, known as the Anfal campaign. between them. compliance with the passed away in a hospital in Baghdad Oreibi graduated from the Faculty of Law at Bagh- The prosecution alleged that around 180,000 peo- The statement from the judicial council lauded where he was being treated of compli- dad university in 1992 and was appointed a judge in ple died, many of them civilians killed by poison gas. Oreibi for his what it said was courage in handling the JCPOA with Iran.” cations from the coronavirus. (AP) 2000 by a presidential decree. Saddam was subsequently convicted and sentenced to trial of Saddam and the former regime. “This is a welcome and potentially constructive early step even if the diplomatic road ahead may be long, as Newswatch it was during the first nego- tiations around the JCPOA,” White House Spokesperson WASHINGTON: US and Ger- Jen Psaki told reporters. many’s companies producing She added, “We are very clear the coronavirus vaccine Pfi zer- eyed about the hurdles that re- BioNtech have affi rmed that the main,” and that “we don’t antici- vaccine gives immunity against pate presently that there will be the virus for six months by 91.3 direct talks between the United percent. The vaccine was 100 percent States and Iran through the pro- effective in preventing severe cess though we certainly remain disease as defi ned by the U.S. open to them.” Centers for Disease Control and Meanwhile, State Department Prevention and 95.3 percent ef- Principal Deputy Spokesperson fective in preventing severe dis- Jalina Porter told reporters “this ease as defi ned by the US Food is a healthy first step forward. and Drug Administration. “When it comes to issues that They added that it is also 100 are discussed, we’re going to percent effective in preventing talk about nuclear steps that Iran COVID-19 cases in South Af- would need to take in order to rica, where the B.1.351 lineage return to a compliance with the is prevalent. (KUNA) terms of the JCPOA,” she added. ❑ ❑ ❑ She underscored that “obvi- DUBAI: Kuwait’s Council of ously the goal is a mutual return Ministers has approved a deci- to compliance of the JCPOA.” sion extending the ban on entry This comes as the US and of foreigners to the country until other signatories of the 2015 Iran further notice, local media re- nuclear deal are expected to meet ported. in Vienna on Tuesday. This means foreign nationals will still not be allowed to enter Accord Kuwait with an exception of few President Joe Biden came into categories. Medical workers and office saying that getting back their families as well as diplo- into the accord and getting Iran’s mats and domestic workers will nuclear program back under in- continue to be allowed to enter ternational restrictions was a the country as per the protocol laid out in the previous ruling. priority. But Iran and the United ❑ ❑ ❑ States have disagreed over Iran’s demands that sanctions be lift- KUWAIT CITY: The Amiri Di- ed first, and that deadlock has wan on Friday mourned death of threatened to become an early Sheikha Munira Saud Al-Jaber foreign policy setback for the Al-Fadhel Al-Sabah who passed A Christian carries a cross as he walks along the Via Dolorosa towards the Church of the Holy Sepulchre, traditionally believed by many to be the site of the cruci- new US president. away at the age of 73. fixion of Jesus Christ, during the Good Friday procession in Jerusalem’s old city, April 2. (AP) Administration officials The deceased will be laid to played down expectations for rest at 8:30 a.m. (Kuwait local next week’s talks. State Depart- time) on Saturday. (Condolences Bill crafted on dismissal of Speaker ment spokesperson Ned Price by texting for men on the follow- called the resumption of negotia- ing phone number: 66445598. For Women: 99017169). tions, scheduled for Tuesday in (KUNA) Vienna, “a healthy step forward.” ❑ ❑ ❑ But Price added, “These remain Constitution violated minutes after oath early days, and we don’t antici- LONDON: The British govern- pate an immediate breakthrough ment is gearing up to ban inter- as there will be difficult discus- national arrivals from four more By Saeed Mahmoud Saleh sions ahead.” countries - Bangladesh, Kenya, Arab Times Staff “This is a first step,” Biden Pakistan and the Philippines Islamist rise Iran envoy Rob Malley tweeted. - amid concerns over new virus Curfew cut, extended KUWAIT CITY, April 3: Article 135 of the National Assembly Decree states that a grilling motion must be included in the agenda He said diplomats were now “on variants but opted against includ- the right path.” ing European nations that are fac- KUWAIT CITY, April 3, (Agen- Third: of the session following the day when the motion was submitted, ing a resurgence of the virus. in, for Israel while the concerned minister has the right to request for a two- Trump pulled the US out of the cies): Kuwaiti Cabinet held an Assigning the concerned par- accord in 2018, accusing Iran of The Department for Transport extraordinary session Thursday, ties to implement the decisions. JERUSALEM, April 3, (AP): The week postponement of the grilling or more subject to the approval said Friday the number of coun- of lawmakers through public voting in which a special majority continuous cheating and opting tries on its “red list” will reach 39 chaired by His Highness the Deputy Prime Minister and leader of an Arab Islamist party for what he called a maximum- Prime Minister Sheikh Sabah Minister of Defense Sheikh Ha- in Israel delivered a prime-time vote must be achieved, says MP Musaed Al-Ardi. when the latest restrictions take Al-Ardi was surprised when he found out that the grilling mo- pressure campaign of stepped-up effect in England beginning April Khaled Al-Hamad Al-Sabah. mad Jaber Al-Ali said he expects address in Hebrew on Thursday US sanctions and other tough After the meeting, Foreign the partial ban to continue during that was carried live by major TV tion he filed against His Highness the Prime Minister Sheikh Sabah 9. The other nations of the UK - Al-Khalid has been excluded from the agenda of the upcoming actions. Iran responded by in- Scotland, Wales and Northern Minister and Minister of State for the next stage until the number of networks, calling for coexistence tensifying its enrichment of ura- Ireland - have similar lists. (AP) Cabinet Affairs Sheikh Dr. Ahmad infections decrease. between Arabs and Jews in a stun- session of the Assembly. He said he thoroughly checked the Constitution and Assembly nium and building of centrifuges ❑ ❑ ❑ Nasser Al-Mohammad Al-Sabah He added, “We are on the ning display of the community’s in plain violation of the accord, Decree but he did not find any article on postponing a grilling mo- made the following statement. verge of the month of Ramadan newfound political influence. while maintaining its insistence JEDDAH: The Arab coalition to The Cabinet thanked all of the where customs and gatherings Mansour Abbas’ United Arab tion which has yet to be submitted. He urged Assembly Speaker that its nuclear development was support legitimacy in Yemen said medical cadres, headed by the in the holy month can lead to an List won just four seats in last Marzouq Al-Ghanim to show him the article that the latter used as it has intercepted and destroyed for civilian and not military pur- Minister of Health Sheikh Dr. increase in the rate of infections week’s parliamentary elections. basis in allowing the postponement of grilling motions which have poses. two explosives-laden drones Basil Al-Sabah, on the Interna- with the coronavirus, so our rec- But in Israel’s fragmented po- yet to be filed against Sheikh Sabah Al-Khalid until the next round launched by the Houthi mili- of the current parliamentary term.
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