1 Public Hearing

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1 Public Hearing 1 PUBLIC HEARING 2 BEFORE THE COUNTY OF VENTURA 3 PLANNING COMMISSION 4 5 Approval of the Master Tract Map ) for Phase A of the Ahmanson Ranch ) 6 Specific Plan area, Tentative Tract ) Map Number TT5206, ) 7 ____________________________________) 8 9 10 REPORTER'S TRANSCRIPT OF PROCEEDINGS 11 VOLUME I 12 THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 21, 2002 13 8:39 A.M. 14 15 16 17 HALL OF ADMINISTRATION 18 800 SOUTH VICTORIA AVENUE 19 ROOM 256 20 VENTURA, CALIFORNIA 21 22 23 24 Reported by: M. PATRICIA WARD CSR No. 7605 25 Page 1 DEVINE-HALL & ASSOCIATES * CERTIFIED COURT REPORTERS SERVING ALL OF SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA 805.658.2777 * 805.963.4770 * 800.660.2778 www.devine-hall.com * [email protected] 1 APPEARANCES: 2 PLANNING COMMISSION: 3 CHAIRMAN: 4 MICHAEL WESNER, District 4 5 COMMISSIONERS: 6 DARYL REYNOLDS, District 2 7 BILL BARTELS, District 3 8 SELMA DRESSLER, District 5 9 LEO MOLITOR, Ph.D., District 1 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Page 2 DEVINE-HALL & ASSOCIATES * CERTIFIED COURT REPORTERS SERVING ALL OF SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA 805.658.2777 * 805.963.4770 * 800.660.2778 www.devine-hall.com * [email protected] 1 I N D E X 2 SPEAKERS: Page 3 STEVE WESTON ................................... 42 4 GUY GNIADEK .................................... 45 5 DICK KAKU ...................................... 50 6 MARIE CAMPBELL ................................. 54 7 ROSS BARKER .................................... 62 8 MRS. GEORGE KALEMKARIAN ........................ 66 9 BOB BRAITMAN ................................... 68 10 MARC CHARNEY ................................... 72 11 JEFF FARBER .................................... 75 12 VICTOR FRANCO .................................. 77 13 CAROLYN CASAVAN ................................ 79 14 MARIBEL DE LA TORRE ............................ 82 15 VICTOR GRIEGO .................................. 86 16 BRENDAN HUFFMAN ................................ 88 17 SCOTT TEPPER ................................... 90 18 TOM COULTER .................................... 93 19 DEBBIE ARONSON ................................. 96 20 SALLY BELLERUE ................................. 98 21 JERRY MILLER ................................... 101 22 JAY SEASHORE ................................... 102 23 BARBARA WATKINS ................................ 103 24 ROBERT TAYLOR .................................. 104 25 RICHARD PUZ .................................... 107 Page 3 DEVINE-HALL & ASSOCIATES * CERTIFIED COURT REPORTERS SERVING ALL OF SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA 805.658.2777 * 805.963.4770 * 800.660.2778 www.devine-hall.com * [email protected] 1 SPEAKERS (Continued): Page 2 JIM BARROCA .................................... 108 3 ROSS HOPKINS ................................... 113 4 JOYCE PRAGER ................................... 114 5 DON FACCIANO ................................... 120 6 STAN HEIRSHBERG ................................ 123 7 AL PONAMAN ..................................... 125 8 MICHAEL EWING .................................. 127 9 TOM LOMBINO .................................... 128 10 LISA ANN ROWE .................................. 129 11 ROBERT WELLER .................................. 129 12 HAROLD SHAPIRO ................................. 132 13 BRAD GOLDEN .................................... 134 14 RHONDI GUTHRIE ................................. 135 15 ED LYON ........................................ 136 16 WAYNE TANAKA ................................... 138 17 FRED FERRO ..................................... 140 18 JILL MARTINEZ .................................. 142 19 MONTY MEDINA ................................... 145 20 TRACY HOCUTT ................................... 148 21 LAURA PLOTKIN .................................. 152 22 DENNIS DICKERSON ............................... 154 23 MELINDA BECKER ................................. 159 24 SUSAN NISSMAN .................................. 161 25 LOUISE RISHOFF ................................. 163 Page 4 DEVINE-HALL & ASSOCIATES * CERTIFIED COURT REPORTERS SERVING ALL OF SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA 805.658.2777 * 805.963.4770 * 800.660.2778 www.devine-hall.com * [email protected] 1 SPEAKERS (Continued): Page 2 JANICE LEE ..................................... 166 3 JESSICA ZAKRIE ................................. 170 4 STACEY RICE .................................... 174 5 JASCH JANOWICZ ................................. 176 6 RICK HARLACHER ................................. 182 7 DAVID MAGNEY ................................... 186 8 DOUG HAMILTON .................................. 190 9 ROB DAYTON ..................................... 194 10 LESLEY DEVINE .................................. 204 11 THOM SLOSSON ................................... 208 12 MARC CHYTILO ................................... 213 13 KEITH PRITSKER ................................. 218 14 CHESTER KING ................................... 222 15 MARIANNE KING .................................. 231 16 ROSI DAGIT ..................................... 232 17 ALYSE LAZAR .................................... 236 18 LINDA PARKS .................................... 240 19 SUSAN CASHMAN .................................. 244 20 TIM CASHMAN .................................... 246 21 SHELLEY LUCE ................................... 248 22 RONALD DE LA PENA .............................. 253 23 MARK ABRAMSON .................................. 257 24 JOHN BUSE ...................................... 265 25 JAMES WRIGLEY .................................. 269 Page 5 DEVINE-HALL & ASSOCIATES * CERTIFIED COURT REPORTERS SERVING ALL OF SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA 805.658.2777 * 805.963.4770 * 800.660.2778 www.devine-hall.com * [email protected] 1 SPEAKERS (Continued): Page 2 A-LULKOY LOTAH ................................. 272 3 MATI WAIYA ..................................... 278 4 ERIK PONTOPPIDAN ............................... 281 5 ELSA PONTOPPIDAN ............................... 283 6 BOB WILSON ..................................... 286 7 MARGOT FEUHER .................................. 290 8 EVE WAGNER ..................................... 293 9 HUNTER ALLEN ................................... 296 10 ANDREW WETZLER ................................. 299 11 GINGER POLLACK ................................. 302 12 LOUIS MASRY .................................... 307 13 JEFF MESSENGER ................................. 311 14 JANET BRIDGERS ................................. 315 15 SUSAN LACEY .................................... 316 16 SUJATHA JAHAGADAR .............................. 318 17 JIM NELSON ..................................... 322 18 SHARON MIRET ................................... 323 19 ALAN SANDERS ................................... 326 20 SIEGFRIED OTHMER ............................... 331 21 22 23 24 25 Page 6 DEVINE-HALL & ASSOCIATES * CERTIFIED COURT REPORTERS SERVING ALL OF SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA 805.658.2777 * 805.963.4770 * 800.660.2778 www.devine-hall.com * [email protected] 1 VENTURA, CALIFORNIA 2 THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 21, 2002 3 8:39 A.M. 4 -oOo- 5 6 CHAIRMAN WESNER: Before we go to item No. 4, 7 since the previous speaker brought up the rules, let's go 8 through the rules real quickly. 9 Based on a resolution by the Board of 10 Supervisors in 1976, the Planning Commission is a quasi 11 judicial body set underneath the California Government 12 Code. We are to take testimony and receive evidence and 13 render a decision, whether it's the final decision in some 14 manner like we did last week with the Simi Valley Landfill 15 CUP or make recommendations to the Board of Supervisors. 16 The policy has been established, and it's -- the hearing 17 will be held in this manner: 18 First, there will be a presentation by the 19 staff. Then there will be questions of the staff by the 20 Commission. Then the public hearing will be open. The 21 applicant will be allowed to speak and present, with no 22 time limitation. However, the Commission would hope that 23 it will be succinct. Then there will be presentation of 24 the persons in favor of the requested action, followed by 25 the persons in opposition to the requested action. And Page 7 DEVINE-HALL & ASSOCIATES * CERTIFIED COURT REPORTERS SERVING ALL OF SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA 805.658.2777 * 805.963.4770 * 800.660.2778 www.devine-hall.com * [email protected] 1 then rebuttal by the applicant, and then closing comments 2 by the staff, and then the chair will close the public 3 hearing or continue it or whatever's the wish of the 4 Commission. 5 Now, before we move forward, I have had a 6 request, due to certain individuals in our audience, that 7 they be allowed to be taken out of order. These 8 individuals are elected officials, et cetera. Due to time 9 constraints, the Commission does have a right to reorder 10 the agenda. 11 What is the pleasure of the Commission? 12 Commissioner Bartels. 13 COMMISSIONER BARTELS: Mr. Chair, given the 14 weight of this hearing and its longstanding movement to 15 now, I would be more comfortable maintaining our 16 longstanding rules, understanding that the public 17 officials have full calendars, but also understanding that 18 the public is here to speak. I would not support taking 19 reordering the agenda. 20 CHAIRMAN WESNER: Okay. Any other commissioner? 21 COMMISSIONER REYNOLDS: I would agree with 22 Commissioner Bartels. 23 CHAIRMAN WESNER: Any other commissioners? 24 All right, then, we will take it in the order in 25 which we normally take policy. That's the way the speaker Page 8 DEVINE-HALL & ASSOCIATES * CERTIFIED COURT REPORTERS SERVING ALL OF SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA 805.658.2777
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