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FOLIA ENTOMOLOGICA HUNGARICA ROVARTANI KÖZLEMÉNYEK Volume 71 2010 pp. 203−212 New records of Heleomyzidae (Diptera) with description of a new genus and two new species L. PAPP Department of Zoology, Hungarian Natural History Museum and Animal Ecology Research Group of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences Budapest, Baross u. 13, H-1088 Hungary. E-mail: [email protected] – New records of Acantholeria, Gymnomus and Schroederella spp. are reported from Mongolia. Additional first records for other Palaearctic countries: Orbellia myopi- formis (ROBINEAU-DESVOIDY, 1830) from Croatia, Eccoptomera emarginata (LOEW, 1862) from Iran, Neoleria maritima VILLENEUVE, 1921 from Malta and Gymnomus ceianui (MARTINEK, 1985) from Austria. Paramorpholeria gen. n. (type species Paramorpholeria vietnamensis sp. n., Vietnam) and Schroederella stylata sp. n. (Mongolia) are described. With 12 figures. – Heleomyzidae, Paramorpholeria, Schroederella, Austria, Croatia, Iran, Mon- golia, Vietnam. INTRODUCTION In the course of a routine selection of the newly collected material of Heleomyzidae into genera in the Diptera Collection of the Hungarian Nat- ural History Museum, several new species and unpublished occurrence data have been found. It seems reasonable to publish at least the more inter- esting ones in a paper. Below I describe two new species, one of them in a new genus of Heleomyzinae, here named from Vietnam. PAPP (2007) when describing two new species of Schroederella, used the term ‘subepandrial process’ for the same structure as ‘editum’ in GORODKOV’s works. This usage seems to be correct, but having analysed genital structures of other genera of Heleomyzinae it turned out that there Folia ent. hung. 71, 2010 204 L. Papp are species with two or even three pairs of subepandrial processes. So I do not see a problem with using the term ‘editum’, for species with one pair of subepandrial processes. All the specimens (incl. types) whose data are listed below are pre- served in the Diptera collection of the Department of Zoology, Hungarian Natural History Museum, Budapest (HNHM). BORBOROPSIDAE/HELEOMYZIDAE Orbellia myiopiformis (ROBINEAU-DESVOIDY, 1830) – 2 males, 1 female: Hrvatska, Stirovaca, 1000 m, Piceetum excelsae velebiticum, rókatrágyáról [on fox dropping], 1996. X.27., leg. ÁDÁM L. New to Croatia. – After a quick examination of male genitalia in Or- bellia ROBINEAU-DESVOIDY, 1830 and Oldenbergiella CZERNY, 1924, it seems probable that they belong to the family Borboropsidae (as the tribe Orbelliini GORODKOV) rather than to Heleomyzidae. However, I think such a decision is improper to make without a ge- neric revision of Heleomyzidae. HELEOMYZINAE Eccoptomera emarginata LOEW, 1862 – 1 male: IRAN, Prov. Mazandaran, Elburz Mts, 30 km W of Balade, 36°14’N 51°25’E, 2600 m, 16.V.2001, leg. B. BENEDEK &G. CSORBA. – It seems highly probable that this specimen represents an undescribed subspe- cies of E. emarginata but I refrain from describing it here (male genitalia studied). Eccoptomera longiseta (MEIGEN, 1830) – 1 male: Austria: Hochschwab, Aflenzer Sta- ritzen, 1800–2150 m, hóról [on snow], 29.09.2008, L. DÁNYI & Á. VÁRI. Eccoptomera pallescens (MEIGEN, 1830) – 1 male: Austria: Hochschwab, Aflenzer Staritzen, 1800–2150 m, hóról [on snow], 29.09.2008, L. DÁNYI &Á.VÁRI. – These two species live in cool or even cold places in North and Central Europe, known formerly also from Austria. They are not rare in caves, particularly so for E. pallescens. Neoleria maritima VILLENEUVE, 1921 – 1 male: Malta: Gozo, Gharb, Wied Il-Mielah, 30.xi.1991, M. J. EBEJER. – Described from France, in the Fauna Europaea there are addi- tional records from Great Britain, Belgium and Spain only. New to Malta. Schroederella brevisetis (CZERNY, 1932) – 3 males: Mongolia, Baruun-Urt, talaj- csapda [pitfall traps], 11–18.VIII.1972., leg. MÉSZÁROS; 1 female: Mongolia, Öndörhántól 80 km Ény-ra [80 km NW Öndörhaan], Mörön river, 1979.VIII.22., leg. PEREGI. – For- merly regarded as a junior synonym of S. iners, later as a subspecies of S. iners (MEIGEN, 1830) by PAPP & CARLES-TOLRÁ (1994). Now I think it deserves the rank of species. Acantholeria desertorum (CZERNY, 1932) – 9 males: Mongolia, Baruun-Urt, talaj- csapda [pitfall traps], 11–18.VIII.1972., leg. MÉSZÁROS. – It seems to be widespread in Mongolia and known also from East Siberia (Russia). Folia ent. hung. 71, 2010 New records, genus and species of Heleomyzidae (Diptera) 205 Gymnomus ceianui (MARTINEK, 1985) – 1 female: Austria: Hochschwab, Aflenzer Staritzen, 1800–2150 m, hóról [on snow], 29.09.2008, L. DÁNYI &Á.VÁRI. – Formerly known from Romania, Slovakia, Poland, France, Spain and Hungary. It lives in higher mountains, so it is not a surprise to find it also in Austria. Gymnomus gorodkovi PAPP et WO¯NICA, 1993 – 1 male: Mongolia, Baruun-Urt, ta- lajcsapda [pitfall traps], 11–18.VIII.1972., leg. MÉSZÁROS. 1 female (sex questionable): Mongolia, Chemdij aimak, Öndörchaan (Lager), 28.VIII.–8.IX.1980 [? pitfall traps], leg. PEREGI. – It was described from the Chövsgöl aimak, based on a single male. Now it proved to be more widespread. Gymnomus mongolicus PAPP et WO¯NICA, 1993 – 1 female: Mongolia, Baruun-Urt, Ény-ra 120 km [120 km NW], 15–18.VIII.1972., [?pitfall traps], leg. MÉSZÁROS. 1 male: Mongolia, Chemdij aimak, Öndörchaan (Lager), 28.VIII.–8.IX. 1980 [? pitfall traps], leg. PEREGI; 2 males: ibid., 65 km NW of Lager, 1980.IX.9.–X.5.1 male: Central aimak, Tsagan Dawas, Bayan Tsadmani, 18.VII.1988, leg. PEREGOVITS. – It was described from Chentej ai- mak (PAPP &WO¯NICA 1993), the above data are important additions to its distribution. New taxa gen. n. Type species – Paramorpholeria vietnamensis sp. n. Gender – Feminine. Description – First flagellomere (Fig. 1) much longer than broad, apex widely roun- ded, in contrast to the rather globular one in Morpholeria GARRETT, 1821. Anterior fronto- orbital seta minute, facial keel, though broad, distinctly emerging. Peristomals not ar- ranged (more or less in 2 rows). Arista long. Thorax with a sagittal row of acrostichals. No prosternal setae, 1 postpronotal, 1+4 dorsocentral, 1 supra-alar, 2 postalar and 1 katepisternal pairs of setae. Anepisternum bare. Only 2 pairs of long scutellars. Wing normal, costal setae not very long. Legs without modifications. No dorsal setae on mid tibia, 2 pairs of apico-ventral setae on mid tibia plus a long anterior pair. Abdominal sternites quadrate with comparatively long setae. Sternites 6 and 7 in la- teral position, both with several setae. Sternite 8 not large. Male genitalia extremely small, particularly the epandrium, which is only 0.13 mm dorsally. Epandrium with long setae. Insertion of hypandrium just dorsal to the base of surstylus; in contrast to the very highly inserted hypandrium of Morpholeria spp. Sub- epandrial sclerite (Fig. 7) rather small, broad V-shaped, without any appendages (!). Cerci (Fig. 3) longer than epandrium, rather narrow in lateral view, broad liguliform in ventral view (Fig. 7) with numerous rather long bristles. Editum not developed at all (Figs 3, 6–7). Surstylus (Figs 3, 5) about as long as height of epandrium, rather narrow in lateral view, broader in its widest extension with narrow apex, thick black peg-like setae on its medial surface in its apical third. Gonopods fused to aedeagal apodeme, which seems to be a Folia ent. hung. 71, 2010 206 L. Papp shared character with a number of heleomyzine genera. Rather distinct pair of parameres present (Figs 4, 6) as a pair of plates around the basiphallus. In addition, there is a horizon- tal quadratic plate (a black rod on Fig. 6, a shaded plate on Fig. 4 (see also in Discussion). Basiphallus short, not strongly sclerotised, distiphallus – as in the other genera of Heleo- myzinae – composed of 2 long ribbon-like sclerites, slightly broadening on an apical sec- tion (Fig. 3). Aedeagal apodeme short, apical part curved up, membranous, aedeagal apo- deme rather wide in dorsal/ventral view (Fig. 4). Ejaculatory apodeme large (Figs 3–4, 6), but its duct short, consequently it cannot move far from basiphallus. Female unknown. Discussion – Presently I cannot determine the sister group of Para- morpholeria gen. n. It will not run out to any point in CZERNY’s (1924) key, or in other keys published later for Heleomyzidae (e.g. PAPP 1998). Al- though I think the sagittal line of acrostichals to be strong synapomorphy of Acantholeria GARRETT, 1821 and Morpholeria, details of male genitalia make questionable a close relationship to any of them. This is why I com- pared male genital structures to several heleomyzine genera, as follows. Eccoptomera LOEW, 1862 spp. male genitalia: cerci most ventral, very large and fused, and they fused to subepandrial sclerite (this forms their in- ner wall) surstylar base vertical, consequently apical parts much closer to each other than basal parts, phallapodeme distinctly long; parameres large, as well as epiphallus (metaphallic plate). Morpholeria (Spanoparea) ruficornis (MEIGEN, 1830), the type species of subgenus Spanoparea CZERNY, 1924: hypandrium joins very high on epandrium, two pairs of appendages of subepandrial sclerite, plus an addi- tional pair of setose processes (medially directed, anterior to the appenda- ges and basal to surstyli) over the basiphallus. Phallapodeme rather short, distiphallus not particularly long, ejaculatory apodeme’s duct particularly long. Morpholeria dudai (CZERNY, 1924) male, det. K. B. GORODKOV,a species close to the type species Morpholeria tristis (LOEW, 1862): one huge pair of appendages of the subepandrial sclerite, hypandrium joins very high on epandrium, distiphallus very short, phallapodeme very short. Morpholeria kerteszi CZERNY, 1924: first flagellomere rather large but globular, rather than longish, hypandrium joins epandrium very dorsally, 2 pairs of appendages of the subepandrial sclerite, phallapodeme very small. The genus Morpholeria GARRETT, 1921, as presently treated, is of 3 li- neages based on male genitalia (cf. GORODKOV 1972: fig. 11): Folia ent. hung. 71, 2010 New records, genus and species of Heleomyzidae (Diptera) 207 1.