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14 Mar 1944

The Missouri Miner, March 14, 1944

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The larg est s inzle op iu m hau Writes Words For MSMSong in the city's hi story was made i n im Editor 's No le:-"T he Old Bell " at MSM is th e subj ect Washington. But t he most st ill wil aro und whi ch Prof. M. H. Cagg ha s writte n word s for a so ng. port.ant wartime dope so meon e wou ld set t hese words to mu sic, effective ly, ~1SM m ight come from the capital. to nrg ht find it se lf wit h a fin e i nstrument with w hich to carry on the • THE MISSOURIMINfR tr adition s of th e schoo l. RACK THE 11.TTACK! The Old Bell at the Missouri School c~,-~o·sCOLDS of Mines ER 1 33 ~.f ~ 8- '-:, I -without "dosing."' ~ - of.~ (By M. H. CAGG) m~~ ------r~_/~y VICKS- Tt is the bell, yes, t he gra nd old bell! RUBON+ v A Po R u e VOLUME 29 (Fea turing Activities of Students ancl_Faculty of MSM) NUMBER 90 lts sober chimes I hear. ------"T he MinC'l'S have won!" it loves to tell, I'.YOU WOMENSUFFER WHOFROM._ - THE MISSOURI MINER As it has for many a year . Lt. Fred Finley,_ A SONG FOR THE BEL L, THE GRAND OLD BELL! Independentsto TH E MISSOURI MI NER is the public at ion ol AS 11' RTNGS FO R CAMPUS A!'ID TOWN , · HOlflASHES I! you suffer from hot flashes , the Stude nts of ~he Missouri Schoo l of Min es and Ex-Miner Editor,WHILE ITS LARGO SWfNG WORKS A MAGIC SP E LL weak, nervous irritable feeli ngs, are AS IT SHOWERS IT S MELODY DOW N. a bit blue at times-due to the tune. Meta llurgy, managed by the Student s. tto nal "middle- age " period peculla r t o women-try L yd ia E. Ptnkham·s Honor-Patro n Saint And what do it s iron tones recall Vegetable Compound to relleve suc h It is publi shed every Tu esday for the regular term. Gets SilverStar symptoms. It helps na tur e/ Follow ~------To some who sojourn here? label directions . Lt. Fred Finle y, '41 and ex -edi tor The ccme-back days, the good football their locally famous drop-ins. Member of t he Miner , ha s been awarded LYDIAE. PINKHAM'Sm,W3~~ ltl!:P~l!:Sl!NTl!:0 POA NATIONAi ADVl!:RTl91NO BY ln the g::,mes of yesteryear; , St. ouisL Band The highlight of the week encl the Silver Star for gallantry in comes Sat urday with th"e Inrle­ J:hsocialed Colle5iale Press NationalAdvertising Service, Inc. action, according to news from the ~ College Publishers Rep-resen/ali ve .,, The snake-dance spir3ls, the great band-play, pendent's "Shamrock Frolic 11 in Dis tri butor o f 420 MADI SON AV E. Jt NEW YORK. N . Y . War Departm ent to his parent s. With the festal joys and song, featured at the Jackling Gymnasium. This is ,.he Collee,ialeDi5est CHICAGO ' BOSTON • LOS ANC[LfS ' SA N FRANCI SCO He was awarded the medal last Th e revelri es of the too-short day, Rolla Garbage -nnd-e arlv f!1·st d~nce in J ack ling Gymna­ spring , but thi s is the first infor ­ And th e ga la night Soon gone. the wi,;. 'Shamrock Frolic'sium th i s year, and i t is expected THE STAFF rna t.ion as to the cir cumst a nces lo be " lik e old times .n ~ Service lps of hol; Editor-in-C hief .. ... C. E. FINLEY Iprompting the award . Our precious friends , whose forms arc gone, The bigges t, fun-fill ed week ;e, Rolln's . From 9 p. m. 'til 1 p. m., dan c­ Bu siness Manag er J AMES CHAN EY Lt.. F inl ey r eceived hi s comm is­ Whose li ves were eterna l spring s, Jenkins Bros. eked off'' end of the yea 1· has beeh planned rng to Jul es Blattner and his or­ ion in the Corps of E ngineers up­ on Circula t ion Manager FRED SC H MITZ s Their words and smiles in our hearts live ' her e thi ~ by the Indepe ndent s for th e com­ chestra is the order of the evening on graduation from the Adv a nced In rncm'r ies the old bell brings. J. M. Jenkins, R.. 2, Phone 2804 ing week end o f March 17-18. Re­ Blattn er, although little known Sports Editor . .. RAY JUERGE~S I R. 0. T. C. Course her e. He was or Phone 2720 ,Ila's par t lnclant to let the birthd ay of -om here, is highly popular in enter­ I Cadet Major in t he Regiment here . Thr oug h heat and cold of fif ty year s, P. 0. BOX No. 79 Pafron Saint pass unnoticed, the tainment circles in St. Loui s. In $1G,800) , 11 1 Twi ce wounded and holder of the With magic born of sun and fr0st, most or Independe nt s se lected this date in the past he has been feat ur ed at The Chief1 Purpl e Heart, Lt. Finley is a vet­ Thi s sweet -toned bell ha s calmed our fears ,fast hm·­ ~pecial com memoration of St. Pat­ the Veiled Prophet's Ball, and has eran of the North African ancl Tha t the Miners' game was lost. e instru c­ r:~k; and any re se mblance of this a lso been featured at var ious .3t. The Sc hool of Mines and every Miner who Sic ilian campaigns, and has been ~Y, count y affair to for mer St . Pat' s celebra­ Louis night clubs. Ten pieces a ever attended MSM lost a friend and s taunch overseas si nce September 1942. Sometimes, perhaps, in a thoughtle ss day >rank L. tion~ is purely int en tion al. vocalist, and great difficulty' in Wou nded severely in Sici ly, he re ­ From the tower where long it 's stood , PHOTOGRAPHS ·man, amt Lambda Chi fraternity gets the booking attest to Blattner's pop­ support er. Th e sudd en and shocking death of cuperated in North Africa and is Men , wanting for metal, will haul it away, week end underway Frida y eve­ ularity. Dr. H. A. Bue hler this morning came as a great now statione d in England. But neither for gain nor good. ning at 9:30 p. m., with one of THAT LIVE out sig- Sigma Pi fraternity will ho!d campus. An officer in General George blow to his many friends on the For lon g as foe sens of the School of Mine s 1t.a her e open house at Int ermi ss ion. Pr e­ Pa tton's fam ed Second Division, Are amor.g the children of men, greate1 · sa le tickets a ,·e $1.60, stag or drag For man y yea rs associated with the School Finl ey was a leade r of one of the FOREVER The and $2. 00 1s the door charge . Tic­ as head of the Geological Survey, Dr. Buehler much publicized "Hell Squads" of They' ll thi nk of the days when they "held the lines" ~ donn• ROLLA, And th e bell that p1'oc1'1imed it th en. • Port raits in the Home . ,e larg ­ ket s may be sec ured frim Dick Company D,, 1st Engineer Battal­ MO. Car1 Finle y, ·Gus had on many occasions cheerfull y given his valu ­ :VERY- Piasecke, Sieg le, ion. Th e action of t his Comp an y • Family Groups . RITZ Savu, or Er nie Massard. Pr e­ able time and adv ice for th e promotion of th e has been imm ortali zed in Captain THEN , A SONG FOR THE BELL , TH E GRA D OLD BELL! , • Commercial Photos. YOUR FA VORITE THEATR E sa le dead lin e is Saturday noon . school. He always was willing to boost a School In gerso ll' s recent book, "Th e Ba t­ AS rr RINGS FOR CAMPUS AND TOWN cont acte d, From all indications lhis af f air ofMines student in the engineering profe ssion, tle is t he Pa yof _f." WHILE ITS LARGO SWING WORKS A MAGIC SPELL •e whole­ Tues. -Wed. , March 1'1-15 promises to be tlie dance of the The citation from Lt. Finley's AS IT SHOW ERS ITS MELODY DOWN. I by the author) ;he chai r• Req uest P rog ram year; and the A . S. T . is askea :o Unsurpassed as an engineer, Dr. Buehler 's commanding officer, Lt. Col. H. (Copyright ROLLA ·oss WA R Presto n Fosler -W m. Ben dix in join the Miner s, in one last splurge contri. m. 6.2516,50-16 Two Bi g Feature s! All of the so ld ier s exte nd their VISIT OUR FOUNTAIN and STANDARO STORE Marth a O'Dri scoll and Noa h Berry, heart; • thank s to all the men 7.00-16 y our Patronage Jr. in women of Rolla who help ed make 5.2515.50-17 the dance the succ ess it was. lay for Appreciated " WEEKEND PASS " 5.2515;50.1s CAMPUS SWEATERS, COOPER SOCKS and plu s Basil Rathbone , Nigel Bruce in ,e snow Eaves' Drug Store 4.7515,00-19 "SHERLO CK HOLMES FA CES very se­ STETSON HATS. Skull From Pacific 4.4014.50-21 mi ted if College Texts and Supplies DEATH______" 702 Pine Phone 1081 'Has Museum Guessing t discov­ Excellent Fountain Service Fri.- Sat., ~la rch 17-18 : of tho Sat. co nt. shows from 1 p. m. MINNEAPOLIS , Minn . ...:..(UP) Get t he sy nthetic lire with 3 ROLLA 0 as she Su san Peter s. Mary Ashe r & - ,Vhose skull ?" is t he que st ion yea rs' extra experie nce. ving by. SW Corner of 9th and Pine Herbert Mar sha ll in the Univer sit y of Minneapo lis an ­ the fir e tiropology department.is aski 11g. "YOUNG ID EAS'' THE a s need- , BAKERY Not long ago a former st udent brought 1>lus Tex Ritt er in stat ioned somewhere in the Pacific 8. F. GOODRICH 1 1 SERVING " MARSHALL OF GUNS~JOl{E" sent the ,,sku ll to the university, SILVERTOWN th e roof Grade A but until the War Departm ent re- Mar. 1e third ROLLA STATE ~Iidnight Owl Show Sat., 18 veals where he was at the time the at 11: 30 p. m. r cau sed Pasteurized ROLLA AND sk ull was sent it will r ernn in a of e urke , Elyse Knox & Complete Stock ore than Billi my ste ri ous part of t.h'e mu seum Donald Woods in Truck Tires MILK BANK VICINITY WITH c9llection . d in the Member ot "SO'S YOU R UNC LE '' ~ to fi x. EXCELLENT FEDER;\L DEPOSIT IN SU RANCE CORPORATION Sun. & Mon ., Ma r. 19-20 JAQUES AND S un. matin ees l & a p. m. Rent a "Juke Box" PRODUCTS for your next dan ce. Large Enough To Serve You ~ ite s how s 7 and 9 p. m . of St. Errol J,'lynn in VERY R:C:ASONAB LE PRI CES of this Ph. 437 Strong Enough To Protect You LIERMAN Small Enough To Know You 7th & Rolla Phone 412 "NORTHERN PURS U IT " Rolla Novelty Co. Highway GG West Phone 44 Phone 10 -l-W Rolla, Mo. PageTwo

The DAILY Newspaper of the Fort Leonard Wood and Ozarks Area World THE WEATHER Tf News • ROLLA DAILY NEW ERA Light ra i11 so uthea st, mu ch colder. By UNITED PRESS United Press Wire Service - NEA Picture, and Features-Exclusive NEA Telephotos-Largest Circulatiop m Phelps County - Today'• Headline Events in a Nut, VOLUME 69 15c Per Week by Carrier Publi shed Every Evening 5c Sing le Copy NUMBER 138 ROLLA, MISSOURI, TUESDAY, MARCH 14, 1944 Except Saturday and Sunday VOLUME 29 ahell for Our ~uay ---- Readers - . Craft ShopIAbout Rolla Death to Axis, Aid to Yanks, Mission B-25of NAVY NEEDS MORE MEN . People ... 'Chief' BuehlerAST F WASHINGTON - Mount inir FAHWELL PARTY FOil manpower requirements of a Na\'y MISS EMILIE PERRON . expanding at the rate of nearly 12 Here Invites · . MSM A farewell dinner . party was seagoing s hip s a day , the 80,000· g iven for Miss En1ilie Perron at landing barge program and othe r the Houston House in Newbu rg phases of the industrial war effort. Dies Unexpectedly.. ~:~~.,~:.::-: i\Ionday even ing. Miss Perron i~ call for enactment of "so me sort Membership * • * ~ • Forces that. the _!J being transferred from the Bu­ Dean of Geologists • the School of Mi of national service law," Secretary On January 31. 1943, the \VPA reau of Min{'s in Roll a to Junea11, H t continued. The t of Nan • Frank Knox said today. discontinued its projects over the .-\lash~. Guests at the pm·ty in­ Succum bs T o ear snident-trainees, ~ '' It is my personal view and that country. Among its projects in cluded a group o.f Miss Perron' s Attack Early Today cal Bng inee ring of lhe Secretary of War and the Rolla were the Fort Wood Region­ trn OPATO HELP American ln sti tute of Mining a nd North Mi ss ouri. Lown where their husband s have Vichy. Ea ch maid wi ll ch?os_~ ~1,c!· the -icy snow storms of Ja nuary I' LONDON, Mar. 14.-(U P) Metallurgical E ngin eers in 1936, own escort. Corporal Cox s bR I C - and February.") -Hundreds of HA F heavy been stationed. fol lowing Herbert Hoover, the Supp lementi nl! the lea dership o/ Dr. Buehler, McQueen bombers disrunted Naz i anti ­ Band from Fort Leonard Wood Lale front dispatche s reported latter becoming President of the wrot e or To Hd1> Preserve Art will furni sh music for t.hc Ball. , STRIPPER OIL SW invasion preparations last new .a:2ins throug h crun~bli11g en­ United Stat es. helped w ri te a book on the geo­ night with a thunderbolt at­ "Now, is the call for all citizens Miss Lippies Retiring Quee n emy defenses all the way from Po- For four years precedi ng his log y of Northwest Missouri , a W ASHI NG'.['ON, March 14.- land book which oil tack on railway targets at Le of Rolla, men , women, and chil­ Miss Lorraine Lippies, the re­ to the Black Sea as the t hr ee term as pres ident he was vice­ men from the (l,;P)-T he Office of Price Ad- Rus sian Mans, 110 so uthw est of Pari s. dren thos e who enjoy weaving and tiring "Queen• of Love and Beau­ ukrainian armies intensi­ prcsident, and for man y add itional Southwest consulted conslanth· mini stration thi s week will recom- f ieUblican Gov. Fo rr c t C. "We arc also happy to report partment today, according to MARRIAGE Donn ell's administration-con­ that our Sect ional fe llows hip drew Spies from Tangiers, S pani sh take an examination in April London which will qualify them to hold M. H. Buckey, fire m a rsha l, Leave Rolla Scon venes to morrow noon to con• a large atte ndan ce at the loca l North Afr ican territory opp osite from Mr. and Mr.. Clarence s ide r revampinc- Missouri's church last Saturday. Gibra lt ar. state jobs. Thi s is the first time Missouri state night at the !led LICENSES. Tomorow is the last day the Trenke), whose home was so ldi e r vote la w, a r>JJl"OJJriaL­ " Jt was ou r privil ege to have 4. Elimination fr om Argentin a ii.hat girls in high schoo ls have Cross was celebrated by 160 so ld­ boys in the Army unit at MSM threatened by fire la st Thur s­ March 7, Anthony Semas of ing new fund s fo r old age as our afte rnoon speaker Rev. of pr o-Ax is elemcT)ts, and rr ~ been able to take these tests, ac­ iers recently according to word re­ will attend classes . A f ew day s day . . " \Ve want to ta ke thi s Fort Bragg, N. C., to Viola Jul ia 1>cns io11s and oth er item s. 13crt Webb who is Superintendent straint s on Axi s dipl omat::, who cording to superintendent B. P. ceived from Dean Paul Martin, iater lhe boys w ill leave Rolla to means o f expressing our Schultz, Rolla. of t he Sout hern Mis souri distrkt st ill move throug h the countr y nt Lewis . Thi s will be a great al­ husband of Mrs. Patsy Martin. In join other mil itary units. Col. vantage for the girl thanks ,'' a letter with the March 7 , Harold L. Hall of Fort counci l of the Assemblie s of God. w ill despite the fact t hat Ar~·c11Li11c s that pa ss a card written just before the din ­ Mask sa id t here wou ld be on ly 39 11 check sa id, '' for your exce l• Leonard Wood, to Ada Mae Ruby, If you have any blood left afte;· For the closing day of " Rolla ha s broken diplomatic rela tion s the tests. Several girls made ap­ ner party Mr . Martin boys lef t here in AST and those sa id, the lent work in combating the Coshocton, Ohio. yo u'v e paid your income tax, g ive Goes to Ch urc h Crusade let our with Germany an d J a pan. plication through Mr . Steinbicker Missourians expected to be enter­ fe llows wo uld be in advanced elec­ fire at our hom e. It could March 12 , Ruda If J un gk of Fort iL Lo the Red Cross! at.Lendance be at its hig hest peak. " today while he was at the school tained in true Red Cro s sty le. He trica l engi neerin g train ing. Hull made cl ea r to lhe Vatican have been much mor e ser ious. Leonard Wood, to Jeannette Lor­ These girls will take the te st in a lso £aid that it was gl'eat to. see and to the wo ,-Jd yeste rd ay llrnL But for th e efficient work of etta Wieland, St. Paul, Minn . April when it will be l(iven stat,e. men from our own state and to the Allies hop e that Rome w ill l,c the Rolla Fire Departm ent , o ur March 12, Paul Lane of Rolla, It 's no Apl'il Fool joke thaL Peop le do a poor job of gro w- wide in high schools. talk about things back home. Hav e You Read th e Cla ss ifie ds spa1·ed, but that milit a r y and noL home was saved." and Dorot hy Grayson, Springfield. liquo1· prices go up on t he fi rst. ing old • unle ss they take their I TODAY? It's not even a joke. time at it . se ntimental grou nd s would pr 0 .. vid e the final a nswe r .