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Spain and Great Britain will face off at Puente Romano tennis club this weekend P4&50

The teams line up with the mayor of Marbella at Thursday’s draw in San Pedro. :: JOSELE-LANZA

The train to Marbella is on the agenda again but political squabbles rage Gale force winds and rough seas on over the best way to connect the town P6 claim Costa beaches as victims Former Marbella mayor Julián Muñoz is back behind bars after video Gales and rough seas battered the on a lamppost. footage emerges of him Storm defences are again being Costa del Sol last Sunday and Mon- As the clean-up continues, the day as wind speeds of up to 95 focus returns to storm defences to dancing at a party P16 questioned after sand was km/h were recorded, the highest protect the coastline. Malaga and since 2007. Much of the damage Torrox suffered especially as the stripped away from beaches in was felt in Malaga city as branches, waves stripped Huelin and Ferrara Exposed text messages walls and lampposts were felled by beaches of their sand. There is bet- from ex-Catalan leader Malaga, Torrox and Benalmádena the inclement weather. A woman ter news for Benalmádena though, shed doubts over the was rushed to hospital in the city as plans to extend an existing on Sunday after being blown off breakwater have been approved future of the independence her bicycle and hitting her head by the central government. P2&3 movement P22

SPORT Hectic deadline day concludes a busy January for Malaga CF

Deals for Brown Ideye, Maxime Lestienne and Isaac Success bring the window total to seven P53 Brown Ideye, Maxime Lestienne and Isaac Success. :: SUR 22222222 February 2nd to 8th 2018 NEWS SUR IN ENGLISH

Rough seas near Malaga city on Monday. :: SALVADOR SALAS Huelin beach in Malaga has lost sand again. :: S. SALAS Ferrara beach in Torrox after the stormy weather. Beaches in Malaga and Torrox stripped of sand in this week’s stormy weather

Considering the :: I. LILLO / A. GÓMEZ 4.5 metres. Despite the height, how- MALAGA’S STRONGEST GALES ON RECORD (AEMET) MALAGA. The high winds and ever, experts explained that the force strength of the wind rough seas that hit the Costa del Sol of the waves hitting the shore was and waves the last Sunday and Monday could have smaller and the beaches retained 1st 132 km/h 3rd 108 km/h done much more damage. The Span- their sand more than in other rela- Recorded in Puerto Banús, 15 De- 7 March 2007. province’s coastline ish meteorological agency issued an tively less fierce storms. cember 1975. came out of the storm amber weather warning when gusts Exceptions, however, are the Hu- 4th 104 km/h of up to 95 km/h were recorded, the elin beach in Malaga city and Ferrara 2nd 130 km/h 2 March 2001. quite lightly strongest since 2007, when wind in Torrox. In Huelin, where the waves Recorded at Malaga Airport, 27 speeds of 108km/h were measured invaded the promenade, the main- January 1948. 5th 95 km/h The government has in Malaga. tenance of the beach is the respon- 28 January 2018. The amber warning was also in sibility of the ports authority, which promised to extend place due to the sea conditions with already has plans in place to distrib- beach defences in waves of more than five metres in ute some 25,000 cubic metres of sand has only partly solved the problem. Wednesday to extend an existing height battering the shores. In Mar- along the worst-hit stretch. The town hall has called this week offshore breakwater in Benalmádena Benalmádena to bella and Manilva wave heights of In the case of Ferrara, which of- for the central Coasts authority to to provide greater protection to reduce wave damage six metres were recorded, while the ten bears the brunt of the weather build a second defence barrier. beaches such as Las Gaviotas, which figures for Mijas and Malaga show fronts, the breakwater built recently The government agreed on has suffered particularly in recent February 2nd to 8th 2018 3 SUR IN ENGLISH NEWS Sunday’s strong winds caused over 250 incidents across the province

Malaga city activated its emergency plan after fallen walls, trees and lampposts affected traffic

:: J. HINOJOSA / I. LILLO MALAGA. The gale force winds that hit the province of Malaga on Sunday led to over 250 incidents, said the emergency services. At half past three in the afternoon the state meteorology agency (Ae- met) measured a wind speed of 94 kilometres per hour at its station at Malaga Airport and raised the severe weather warning from yellow to amber, both for gales and rough seas. The most serious incident the :: EUGENIO CABEZAS emergency services dealt with was the case of a 67-year-old tourist who storms. Damage has also been caused was blown off her bicycle into a to Malapesquera and Santa Ana. lamppost on the seafront near the The fire brigade had to intervene when a beach restaurant’s awning blew down in Huelin, Malaga. :: Ñ. SALAS The breakwater project has been Sacaba Beach roundabout on the approved, said the central govern- western edge of Malaga city. The ment representative Miguel Brio- woman was rushed to Carlos Haya nes, although work cannot start un- hospital with serious head injuries. til the general state budget has been The majority of calls were related passed by parliament and the envi- to fallen branches and lampposts ronmental impact report has been causing damage to buildings and submitted. cars. The plans, to cost more than half Diners in a beach restaurant in a million euros, involve an 80-me- Huelin were taken by surprise when tre extension of the current break- the awning covering the seaside ter- water, “a more than definitive so- race blew down and the fire brigade lution” to the beaches’ lack of sta- was called in to help pick up the bility, said Briones. pieces. Part of the wall around the The mayor of Benalmádena, Víc- playground of the García Lorca pri- tor Navas, said that the project mary school, in the Soho district, could be carried out sooner if the was blown down, falling onto a ve- government approved the town hicle on the adjacent street. hall’s proposal to finance the work In Fuengirola, a man was injured using municipal funds, an invest- after being hit in the head by the lid The wall of the García Lorca school, in Malaga’s Soho, was pulled down in the gales. :: FRANCIS SILVA ment he said the local authority of a water tank which was blown could manage. loose by the wind. He was taken to While local councils assess the the Costa del Sol hospital in Mar- In the same area, the collapse of In Benalmádena Costa, a glass into Torremolinos. damage caused by this most recent bella. This was one of several inci- a hoarding, as well as fears over the roof was blown off a restaurant on The weather conditions carried storm, “there is time” said the dents registered in the Fuengirola safety of another, halted the Cer- the promenade, while fallen over into Monday and the regular Coasts authority to have the beaches area, including the partial collapse canías train service between 3 and branches caused the partial closure ferry service between Malaga and ready for the Easter holidays. of a wall onto a van in Los Boliches. 5pm. of the main Avenida Manuel Fraga Melilla was cancelled. 4 February 2nd to 8th 2018 NEWS SUR IN ENGLISH

tunity to increase loyalty among the Costa’s most frequent visitors. The British are certainly taking this seriously. The Spanish Tennis MÓNICA The Davis Cup PÉREZ Federation have confirmed that the matches will be broadcast live on [email protected] the BBC and that the Lawn Tennis brings high season Association would be sending “high- The tennis fixture, which level representation”. starts today, promises to What’s more, the British royal boost local hotels and to Marbella early family will be present in the form of the Duchess of Gloucester, ac- businesses as well as cording to SUR sources. promote tourism to the An influx of people area This weekend’s matches are ex- pected to be a sell-out with just a MARBELLA. President of the few hundred tickets still available Spanish Tennis Federation, Miguel going into the final week. Díaz, said a few weeks ago that the With centre court at Puente Ro- choice of Marbella for the first mano being expanded to accommo- knockout round Davis Cup clash date 9,000 spectators, tickets for between Spain and Great Britain some 8,500 seats (whether for the had the unanimous backing of the whole tournament or individual side led by Sergi Bruguera - in spite days) went on sale to the general of competition from Granada. The public with the remaining 500 go- fact that the tie could be played at ing to the Federation. sea level and on the team’s favoured To this total, you also have to add clay all played a big part in the the between 800 and 1,000 people decision. involved in organisation, the coaches However, the decision came and technicians behind the compet- down to a number of other factors, ing teams, as well as the 300 accred- including the climate, the services ited journalists from 50 countries. available and Marbella’s past expe- Thanks to initiatives launched rience of hosting the Davis Cup. by the town hall, many more peo- The first occasion was in 1989 ple have been flooding into Mar- when Spain took on Mexico at the bella to participate in a number of Puente Romano, the venue for this tennis-related events at various week’s action beginning today, Fri- points around the town. “We want day. The most recent was in 2009, everyone to feel a part of the Davis but at the bullring in Puerto Banús Cup, especially off the court,” said when Spain faced Germany in one mayor Ángeles Muñoz. of the arena’s last public events. On that occasion, the tennis was Ease of access worth around ten million euros to The centre court has been refurbished and its capacity increased to 9,000 . :: JOSELE-LANZA With 1,400 new parking spaces the town; this time, though, it will around the Golden Mile and 25 be difficult to reach that figure This is in addition to the cost of Marbella mayor Ángeles Muñoz in the town expect to be 70 per cent free buses laid on to ferry tick- given that the match-up of nine hosting the event itself for which believes that this chance to host the full, with high occupancy especially etholders to Puente Romano every years ago took place in July and was the council had to pay a 484,000- prestigious competition is “an op- in four and five-star hotels and those 15 minutes from both Marbella also a quarterfinal. euro fee (IVA included) to the Span- portunity” to make this an atypical offering packages including tickets. and San Pedro, it is hoped that the ish Tennis Federation, as well as a February in terms of hotel occu- town will show to the watching The cost to the coffers further 536,727 euros to temporar- pancy and profits for businesses. An affinity with the Costa outside world that it is capable of Throughout Marbella, residents and ily increase the capacity at Puente Likewise, Luis Callejón, president President of the Centre for Touris- hosting further large-scale events visitors will have noticed changes Romano. of the Association of Hoteliers (AEH- tic Initiatives (CIT Marbella), Juan like this in the future. including repairs to uneven walk- These costs were covered in part COS), said: “Without doubt we need José González, is optimistic that Now, the rest is up to players on ways, spruced-up green areas, new by regional and provincial govern- an event of this scale every month businesses will do increased trade: the court. parking spaces and bus stops, as well ments and the Mancomunidad of the on the Costa del Sol to combat sea- “We now have a great chance to pro- as British and Spanish flags lining western Costa del Sol - each supply- sonality. It’s important to have cul- mote the Marbella brand,” he said, the streets. These improvement ing 150,000 euros. The town hall will tural or sporting events to ensure that explaining that with the matches · For more about the British works have set the town hall back also get 50 per cent of revenue from the town is full all year round.” almost certainly attracting scores and Spanish tennis stars’ an estimated 150,000 euros. ticket sales and advertising. Early figures suggest that hotels of British fans, it was also an oppor- preparations, see page 50. February 2nd to 8th 2018 SUR IN ENGLISH 5 6 February 2nd to 8th 2018 NEWS SUR IN ENGLISH

use on the western Costa del Sol Minister confirms government’s commitment failed to allow for a future fast train line to Marbella, currently the only town in Spain with more than to extend local train service to Marbella 100,000 inhabitants that has no rail- way service. On Monday the Junta described the minister’s proposals launched at The Socialist party has istry predicts that in the year 2024 the weekend as “insufficient” and called for the national PP between 4.6 and 5 million passen- said that Marbella needed a “more gers would use a new stretch of rail- ambitious” railway plan. government to scrap the way from Fuengirola to Marbella and Local PSOE MP, Miguel Ángel Here- idea of extending the between 7.44 and 8.15 million would dia, and former Socialist mayor of Cercanías and build a use the entire line as far as Estepona. Marbella, José Bernal, went one step It is estimated that slightly more pas- further on Tuesday and filed a mo- faster train instead sengers would use the version of the tion with parliament calling for the line under the A-7 dual carriageway government to give up its plans to :: HÉCTOR BARBOTTA as this would run through more extend the local Cercanías railway MARBELLA. Spain’s minister for densely populated areas. and invest in a faster line instead. Public Works, Íñigo de la Serna, came The next step, explained De la The proposed line, said the Social- down to Marbella on Saturday, 27 Serna, will be for the ministry to put ists, would leave the journey time be- January, to reveal the first phase of the two initial proposals through a tween Malaga and Marbella at one the central government’s study con- public consultation period, and then hour and 15 minutes. This, they said, cerning extending the province’s ex- submit the report to the Environ- would be no competitive alternative isting Cercanías (C1) local railway line ment ministry for an impact assess- to road travel as “you can cover the as far as Marbella and Estepona. mment. Then the plans could start to same distance in just over half an hour The project would cost between be drdrawn up, explained the minister. on the AP-7”. 2.3 and 3.8 billion euros depending De la Serna’s visit to Marbella, They also said that the C1 local line on the route chosen. Two are cur- Minister Íñigo de la Sernaa and wherewher he walked through the old between Malaga and Fuengirola was rently on the drawing board: one, mayor Ángeles Muñoz. ::: J-L town with the Partido Popular already overcrowded and De la Serna more expensive, would run almost (PP) mmayor, Ángeles Muñoz, PP admitted on Saturday that with the entirely underground following the already under way, explainedained MP forfo Malaga, Carolina España, government’s plan changes would A-7 dual carriageway closer to the the minister. In either case and thet president of the PP- need to be made to the existing line coast; and the other cheaper option the lines would have signifi-gnifi- run pprovincial government, to absorb the extra passengers. would run mainly above ground fur- cant technical difficulties.ies. Elías Bendodo, came just three What the area needs instead, said ther inland, parallel to the AP-7 toll “We have very compli-mpli- days after the Junta de Anda- Heredia, is a faster international gauge motorway, going underground only cated terrain, a highly popu-opu- lucía was at the centre of a con- railway line, with a direct link to Mar- to approach stations in built-up ar- lated working area with a lot troversytrove concerning a possible bella from Malaga via the airport. eas, with a separate branch to the of residential developmentsments traintrain service to Marbella. The Socialist MP criticised the min- Costa del Sol Hospital. and areas that, while still unde- TheTh Socialist-run regional ister for coming to Marbella with an A more exact estimate of the cost veloped, are designated for urbani-rbani- authorityautho had to rectify on Thurs- “empty” promise and a half-finished José Bernal and of the proposed lines depends on the sation,” said De la Serna. day lastla week after a preview of the study for a local line that lacks the Miguel Ángel Heredia. :: SUR results of the geotechnical surveys The study carried out by the min- contentcon of a long term plan for land features the town needs. February 2nd to 8th 2018 7 SUR IN ENGLISH NEWS

ing different venues to hold its serv- HERE AND THERE Work to start soon on new Russian ices on the coast but it has long had a dream of owning a dedicated build- Junta considers ing in the traditional onion-domed national park report Orthodox church near Estepona Orthodox style. Only the third in Spain MALAGA The foundation behind the plans :: F. T. The Junta de Andalucía’s Funds are still being raised for what will be the first Russian environment minister, José Fis- for the striking onion- Orthodox church building in An- cal, has presented to other re- dalucía and only the third in Spain gional ministers a favourable re- domed building that will has only recently turned its sights port on the bid for the Sierra de have a cultural centre and to Estepona after reaching an agree- las Nieves mountain range to be- is a scaled-down version of ment with the town hall there over come a national park. The move a land grant. In 2013 Marbella coun- marks the first step in the bu- an earlier planned project cil had offered a site at Azalea Beach, reaucratic process to have the in San Pedro San Pedro, however local residents designation approved by minis- objected. ters in as well. Ministers :: CHARO MÁRQUEZ The budget for the construction in the central government are ESTEPONA. The town hall in Este- on the new site is over 1.1 million also simultaneously studying the pona has recently approved the use euros, less than the original four- proposal, said Fiscal. Once ap- of a council-owned plot of land for million-euro project proposed for proved, the Unesco-protected the Costa’s first purpose-built Rus- Marbella, and the money is being range will be the third National sian Orthodox church. The build- raised through donations. Park in Andalucía after Sierra Ne- ing, which will also have a cultural Estepona town hall has granted vada and Doñana. centre alongside, will be put up in rights to use to land for 75 years free the Arroyo de las Cañas area, east of charge as the foundation is a Council sets sites on of the town near the A-7 motorway. Artist’s drawing of the Costa’s first dedicated Orthodox church. :: SUR charitable organisation. The charitable foundation that running Cabopino port is coordinating the project and is still raising funds has said the build- MARBELLA ing plans “are urgently being fin- :: M.P. Marbella council has asked ished” to meet a strict timetable the Junta de Andalucía’s permis- imposed by the town hall. sion to take over running the ma- The council says that the foun- rina in Cabopino, which has been dation has a month from when the without any formal management building licence was granted (11 for two years since the last licence January) to start work and that con- agreement expired. Currently the struction has to be finished within previous licencee is carrying on 18 months. A statement by the basic maintenance work while the group of Russian-speaking residents Junta, that owns the port, is yet and businesses backing the church to officially ask for new tenders said: “We are doing all we can to to run it long-term. The entrance implement the project.” is now silted up, blocking access The church and cultural centre, for larger boats. which will be built on the 5,844- square-metre plot of land, will also arrange special events to promote Russian and Orthodox cultures and host Russian language classes. The Orthodox church congrega- tion on the Costa del Sol is the only one in Andalucía and is made up of Russians, Ukrainians, Belarusians, Georgians and Moldovans. For many years it has been rent-

Golf courses work Popular Cabopino. :: J-L with water supplier to optimise More disabled facilities resources while for Estepona beaches drought risk persists ESTEPONA :: C.M. Estepona council has an- nounced that it will install extra :: MÓNICA PÉREZ facilities on the resort’s beaches MARBELLA. Representatives of for people with reduced mobil- some 40 local golf clubs met with ity next summer. Canopies to western Costa water supplier, Aco- give extra shade will be put up cosol, and the Andalusian Golf Fed- on Arroyo Vaquero, El Saladillo eration last Friday to discuss ways and Casasola beaches and the ex- to keep their golf courses green as isting shades on El Cristo, El Pa- the risk of drought restrictions con- drón and La Rada beaches will be tinues. It was the latest in a series replaced. These will be larger, of meetings to ensure continued measuring some 25 square me- cooperation leads to the best use of tres, and will be put up alongside increasingly scarce water supplies. the shower units on the beaches Almost 90 per cent of Costa clubs which have been adapted for lim- already use treated wastewater from :: JOSELE-LANZA ited mobility use. All chosen sewage plants rather than normal WET AND WINDY Some 300 runners in the third annual Centro Plaza fun run de- beaches have disabled access. The water to irrigate their courses, a point fied the elements in Marbella last Sunday in aid of a good cause. council will also continue to of- that club managers said they wished RUN IN SUPPORT The strongest participants even covered an eight-kilometre fer its assisted-bathing service to make the general public more route that started from Hotel Pyr, Puerto Banús and ended at this summer using special equip- aware of. Investment in new irriga- OF RED CROSS the well-known shopping plaza in Nueva Andalucía. ment acquired in 2015. tion technology was also promised. February 2nd to 8th 2018 8 SUR IN ENGLISH February 2nd to 8th 2018 SUR IN ENGLISH 9 10 February 2nd to 8th 2018 NEWS SUR IN ENGLISH New MRI machine signifies end of HERE AND THERE referrals for Axarquía patients

The hospital is one of five in the province to receive the latest generation version of the magnetic resonance imagining equipment Fewer people visited the Nerja in 2017. :: J. R.

:: AGUSTÍN PELÁEZ Nerja caves visitor according to manager of the caves, TORRE DEL MAR. Regional health Luis Diáz, it was the first fall af- service managers accompanied Nerja numbers dropped by ter four years of growth in num- Mayor, Rosa Arrabal, on a visit to the 10.4 per cent in 2017 bers. The timetable and visitor Axarquía hospital in Torre del Mar numbers change was put into on Wednesday to see its new MRI NERJA practice at the end of 2016 follow- (Magnetic Resonance Imaging) ma- :: E. CABEZAS. A fall in visitor ing advice from scientists work- chine, which was first used earlier numbers at one of Malaga’s most ing there in order to better con- this week. popular tourist attractions, the serve the caves. However, the The new equipment, which cost Nerja caves, has been attributed town’s museum saw a 16 per cent 1.1 million euros, means that patients to a change in visiting rules and growth in numbers, which Diáz living in the Axarquía will no longer hours. attributed to the ‘cuevatren’ have to be referred to Malaga hospi- A 10.4 per cent drop in num- which takes visitors between the tals for scans. bers was recorded last year, but caves, town and Maro. As well as investment in the ma- The Axarquía hospital’s new MRI machine. :: SUR chine itself, the hospital has also First sewage treatment spent 100,000 euros on modernis- with improved precision and for MRI scans. However, with the ar- ing facilities related to the MRI de- quality.” rival of this latest generation equip- plant protest planned partment, including patient waiting The MRI machine will be used to ment all such appointments can now and changing rooms as well as staff help detect diseases related to the be given in the hospital in Torre del NERJA preparation areas. brain and heart, as well as prostate Mar. :: E. C. The first demonstration over Spain’s national health represen- and breast cancer. It will also allow The other four new MRI machines delays to the completion of Nerja’s tative for Malaga, Ana Isabel surgeons to plan surgery and medi- are located in the Hospital Universi- sewage treatment plant is due to González, said during Wednesday’s cal professionals to carry out studies. tario Virgen de la Victoria, Hospital take place tomorrow, Saturday, af- visit that the new equipment would In 2017, the Axarquía hospital ref- Valle del Guadalhorce and Hospital ter authorisation to organise the allow for “faster and better results ered 7,342 patients to other hospitals Universitario Regional de Málaga. event was given by the national gov- ernment. The protest will start at the town hall at 11am and head to- wards the main treatment plant, PORTUGUESE near the Fuente del Baden residen- One of the rescued horses. :: PN tial area. All residents and organisa- GUITARIST WINS tions are invited to take part. Man arrested for ill- ANDRÉS SEGOVIA treating five horses COMPETITION Spanish citizenship talk to be held in Nerja VÉLEZ-MÁLAGA :: A. P. A 65-year-old man was ar- 24-year-old Joaquim Santos NERJA rested on suspicion of ill treating Simöes from Coimbra, Portugal :: J. R. An event is to be held on the five horses he kept at his finca won first prize at the 33rd An- Wednesday 7 February about how in Vélez-Málaga last week. The drés Segovia International Gui- to apply for Spanish citizenship. alarm was raised by local animal tar Competition held in La Her- The talk will be given by local lan- rights groups who reported the radura last week. Santos guage academy, Aprendo Idiomas, conditions of the animals to po- Simöes won 10,000 euros and and will be aimed at British resi- lice. When officers arrived at the a professional standard guitar dents who may be considering finca the animals were found to made with materials from Can- becoming Spanish citizens in be malnourished and there was no ada and Madagascar by the view of Brexit. The talk will cover evidence that they had access to Granada luthier, Aarón García how to start the application proc- food or water. Two of the horses Ruiz. The winner will go on to ess, requirements and level of required urgent medical attention perform at the Úbeda 2018 in- Spanish needed. It will take place and were suffering from chronic ternational music and dance in the Salon de Actos at the town illnesses. The animals were taken :: SUR festival. hall starting at 11am. to nearby animal rescue shelters. February 2nd to 8th 2018 SUR IN ENGLISH 11 12 February 2nd to 8th 2018 NEWS SUR IN ENGLISH

Soroptimists HERE AND THERE launch guide to Mijas council passes assist foreign victims of 2018 budget at last domestic abuse Spending plans were had said they wouldn’t support the agreed with the help of plans. In the end, one councillor, a :: IVÁN GELIBTER Podemos member but non-aligned MIJAS. An international one opposition councillor’s in the chamber, changed her nega- women’s organisation has abstention, but the plan tive vote to an abstention in return launched a guide to assist foreign ‘to improve’ IBI tax for a verbal promise on additional residents on the Costa del Sol and spending, and so the budget went Malaga province faced with ex- collection was voted down through. It was seen as a surprise suc- The beer is now made in Malaga again. :: ÑITO SALAS periences of domestic violence. cess for Juan Carlos Maldonado, who Presenting the new guide by :: IVÁN GELIBTER holds the mayoralty with just five New Victoria brewery for a design award by Archdaily, a the local branch of Soroptimist MIJAS. Mijas council approved its Ciudadanos councillors. Mijas is the leading architectural website. The International recently were Mi- 2018 budget at last on Monday largest municipality in Spain with a up for design award brewery was designed by Malaga jas’s councillor for Equality and against the odds. Ciudadanos mayor. studio, Gana, and will compete with Social Services, Máría del Car- The town hall, which is run by a There was less success for the mo- MALAGA 60 others for the title ‘Building of men Carmona, and councillor for minority coalition of Ciudadanos and tion to move IBI local tax collection :: N. T. The new Victoria brewery, the Year 2018’. The brewing of Vic- Foreign Residents, Roy Pérez. Socialist councillors, was facing a dif- to the centralised department run located between the airport and toria beer returned to the city last Mijas is one of the municipali- ficult challenge ahead of the coun- by the Diputación provincial author- Malaga city, has been nominated year after a two-decade absence. ties in Malaga province with the cil session as the opposition parties, ity in order to improve efficiency. highest proportion of foreign Partido Popular and CSSP-Podemos, This move was voted down. Plaza Mayor to add food Animal-rights groups to residents and the guide, ex- plained the councillors, is use- outlets in 16m revamp march against hunting ful in breaking down the lan- guage barrier when victims are MALAGA MALAGA faced with the distressing situa- :: N. T. Plaza Mayor shopping cen- :: SUR. Representatives of some tion of making a complaint tre, near the airport, is to remove 60 groups campaigning for animal against domestic violence. some of its cinema screens and rights are expected to take part in a The presentation was part of open an improved variety of food march in the centre of Malaga on a project working group called outlets as part of a 16-million-euro Sunday, 4 February against hunt- Viogenex that meets every three revamp that will be carried out in ing and, in particular, the conditions months in Mijas to coordinate tandem with the ongoing construc- that hunting dogs have to live in. measures against domestic vio- tion of a new designer outlet vil- The protest will also be carried out lence. The new guide includes, lage next door. The owners will at the same time across 30 other among other things, a transla- also improve the entrance area provincial capitals. The march starts tion of the forms that need to be next to the railway station. in Malaga at 12pm. filled in when reporting abuse. Mijas councillors meeting in the council chamber on Monday. :: I. G.

Town hall says Urbaser will The galleon Andalucía opens to keep rubbish clearing contract visitors in La Línea this weekend

:: IVÁN GELIBTER it will continue carrying out serv- FUENGIROLA. The mayor of ices until the end of its contract. Fuengirola, Ana Mula, told a coun- “It will be for the initial four- The ship is a replica of the cil meeting this week that the cur- year term, because the option to 17th-century Spanish rent owner of the concession to renew beyond that is voluntary,” galleons that made collect rubbish and carry out some she added, “We are going to keep street cleansing in the municipal- insisting that the contract is car- Spanish trade with the ity will see out the full four years ried out to the letter.” Philippines and the of its contract after all. The dispute with Urbaser was Mula’s reassurances come after said to be centred on unexpected Americas possible the company, Urbaser, told street costs and uncertainty over land cleaning workers’ representatives the town hall was said to have :: BEN CLARKE two weeks ago that it wanted to promised the company use of to MALAGA. In the early hours of give up its contract, citing breach carry out its services. The council Tuesday morning, the galleon An- of contact by the town hall, caus- says that Urbaser has no grounds dalucía left the port of Alicante ing uncertainty for employees and to cancel its contract on that bound for La Línea de la Con- residents across the town. basis. cepción. It arrived in the town’s Councillors at the meeting at Sources at the council said that main marina on Thursday morn- Fuengirola town hall agreed a mo- one of the reasons that Urbaser ing and will remain there until tion to refuse Urbaser a “negoti- cannot give in its contract is that Sunday, 4 February. ated exit” from its four-year re- it would make it harder to tender The ship is a replica of a Spanish newable contract, which started for work at other local authorities galleon, which for over three cen- in 2016. in the future. A Socialist party turies traversed the Caribbean, the The mayor also took the oppor- councillor has also said that the Atlantic and the Pacific, uniting tunity to issue a message of calm company’s action could be linked continents and cultures and trans- to residents of Fuengirola: “So that to negotiations over working con- porting fantastic merchandise from Spanish galleons were among the nation’s largest ships. :: SUR we all stay calm, Urbaser has said ditions with staff. all corners of the globe. The 55-me- tre vessel returned recently to Spain the vessel travels the world to coast, the Great Lakes and more from a world tour and visits La spread word of its special history. than 70 cities. Línea for the first time, putting an It has already travelled over During its stay in La Línea the end to a voyage which it began last 50,000 nautical miles via oceans replica galleon will be open to the spring. and seas, including the Atlantic, Pa- public every day until Sunday, 4 The ship is made of iroko and cific, Indian Ocean, Chinese Sea, February. Visitors will gain a unique pine wood, has five decks and its the Caribbean and the Mediterra- opportunity to view the vessel, sails have a surface area of nearly nean. It recently returned to Spain learn about life aboard, the way its 1000 square metres. A floating mu- from the United States and Canada, sails work and even what to do in seum of Spanish maritime culture, where it had visited the entire east the case of a pirate attack. February 2nd to 8th 2018 SUR IN ENGLISH 13 14 February 2nd to 8th 2018 NEWS SUR IN ENGLISH Cockerels take centre stage during Landscaping work ahead of Coín’s annual bird show schedule in Torremolinos The town hall has and Calle Cauce. This week work released a 3D video that also began in Calle La Cruz at the The fifth edition of the opposite end of the main square. shows how the centre popular poultry fair During an inspection of the will look on completion work, mayor of Torremolinos, José brought together more Ortiz, met with local traders to en- than 600 stunning birds, :: TONY BRYANT sure that the work is not prevent- half of which had been TORREMOLINOS. The landscap- ing normal commercial activity. ing of the new pedestrian area in The pavements have been unaf- bred in Coín the centre of Torremolinos is cur- fected at this stage, and the town rently ahead of schedule and the hall reported that there have been :: TONY BRYANT first stage, which began on Janu- no major problems so far. COÍN. Coín celebrated its popular ary 8, is set to meet the May dead- “The work is moving forward Feria de Gallinas Andaluz Sureñas line, municipal workers confirmed at great speed and therefore our last weekend. The fifth edition of this week. deadlines will be met,” the mayor the southern Andalusian poultry The first stage began in the Av- explained. fair moved its location to the La enida Palma de Mallorca and saw A computerised 3D video that Trocha shopping park this year, the installation of new under- shows how the Plaza Costa del Sol where hundreds of visitors mar- ground infrastructure, and munici- and the new boulevard will look velled over more than 600 stun- pal workers have now reached the on completion can be seen on ning birds, more than half of which junction of Avenida Isabel Manoja had been bred in Coín. The fair in- cluded some of the finest looking cockerels and hens, all bred purely for show. The three-day show was organ- ised by the poultry association, Re- More than half the cockerels on show were bred in Coín . :: SUR cryme and Coín town hall. The event, which also presented as size, weight, plumage and day, when trophies were awarded specially bred doves and turkeys, colour. to the winners of the different was opened by the mayor of Coín, All exhibits were pure breeds of categories. Fernando Fernández and the presi- a type recognised by the poultry There was also a poultry paint- dent of Recryme, Francisco association, and it is the points al- ing competition involving art stu- Alfonseca. located for each feature which de- dents from the local college in The jury of the morphological cide the quality of the bird and ul- Coín. The winners of the compe- competition took into account the timately it’s placing. tition will have their work dis- different aspects of the breed, such The exhibition finished last Sun- played in Coín town hall. The mayor inspects progress on the work in Torremolinos. :: T. B February 2nd to 8th 2018 SUR IN ENGLISH 15 16 February 2nd to 8th 2018 NEWS SUR IN ENGLISH

Mother of missing Ex-mayor of Torremolinos man Julián Muñoz back inside Torremolinos appeals for help criticised over from the after footage of him ‘anti-gay’ general public dancing in a bar emerges comments :: A. GÓMEZ :: SUR TORREMOLINOS. The mother TORREMOLINOS. The former of Antonio Ortega, a 32-year-old PP mayor of Torremolinos, Pe- man who went missing last week The former mayor of lows prisoners to leave the jail dur- dro Fernández Montes, who is in Torremolinos, has appealed for Marbella, who had been ing the day to work, or carry out in a dispute with his own local help from the general public. In a another approved activity, and party, which is currently split video published on social media released from prison spend the night in their cells. His into two factions, drew criticism she asked for anyone with any under electronic poor health (Muñoz has terminal this week from his own col- clues to surveillance due to poor cancer) had led to him being al- leagues, rival politicians and gay- her son’s lowed to live at home but con- rights groups over a statement where- health, was recalled trolled by an electronic tag. he has published that suggests, abouts Last week the website El Español among other comments, that the to come :: JUAN CANO / published the video of Muñoz danc- current PSOE council is encour- for- ÁLVARO FRÍAS ing with a friend at a party in the aging “cheap” gay visitors to the ward. MALAGA. Former mayor of Mar- Trafalgar bar in Calahonda. increasingly LGBT-friendly “We’re bella, Julián Muñoz, who has been resort. desper- convicted in several cases of cor- New sentence After widespread protests over ate,” she ruption and embezzlement, has That same week he had been his perceived homophobia, belea- fin- been taken back into custody this handed a new sentence of six guered Fernández Montes then ished. Antonio Ortega. :: SUR week after a video showed him in months in prison for corrupt prac- took to Facebook to defend his Anto- a pub dancing ‘Sevillanas’ with a tice and embezzlement in the Mi- views, adding that he once had nio, who needs medication for a certain degree of agility. Julián Muñoz. :: EFE nutas II case. gay councillors on his team. mental illness, is 1.80 metres tall, Muñoz was called back to the CIS weighs around 72 kilos and has (Social Integration Centre) that had short dark hair. He was last seen been supervising his release under when he left his home in Calle electronic surveillance, a privilege sibility for the crimes committed Murillo Bracho (near Avenida del that was granted in February 2017 Malaya ‘mastermind’ granted and has shown regret in public. Lido, the road down to Bajondillo on the grounds of his poor health. Roca has offered to work as a beach) to walk the dog on Mon- When he arrived at the centre day release from prison to volunteer with the NGO Cáritas day 22 January. He was wearing in Algeciras, his electronic tag was Málaga’s Nuestra Señora de la black tracksuit bottoms, a white taken from him and he was told to Merced centre that works towards sweatshirt with a red hood and remain in a room at the centre un- work with charity the reintegration of prisoners. blue trainers and had not taken til further notice. Roca has been convicted of cor- his keys or his ID card with him. ruption-related crimes in several The dog is also missing. “A judicial outrage” :: EFE the penitentiary surveillance cases, Saqueo I and II, Minutas, Relatives and friends have spent His lawyer, Antonio García Cabrera, MADRID. Juan Antonio Roca, the judge, José Luis Castro, against the Belmonsa, Urquia and Malaya. He the last few days giving out flyers has appealed against the decision mastermind of the Malaya urban criteria of the prison authorities. was first arrested and jailed in 2006 with Antonio’s photograph and calling it a “judicial outrage”, stat- planning corruption ring in Mar- Castro cited a number of rea- and has been behind bars without more than 65 people joined a ing that Muñoz had “not violated bella, is to be allowed to leave prison sons for his decision: Roca will soon a break since 2008. He still has search party coordinated by the any [condition of his release]”. during the day to work for a charity have served two thirds of his sen- more than 100 cases waiting to go emergency services at the end of Muñoz had been granted the after more than a decade behind bars. tence, his conduct in jail has been to court, however his sentence last week. “third grade” privilege which al- The privilege was granted by “excellent”, he has assumed respon- would not exceed 20 years. February 2nd to 8th 2018 17 SUR IN ENGLISH NEWS


Five people have been arrested over the alleged theft of four tonnes of oranges in the Seville municipality of Carmona. Two vehicles were stopped after their driving aroused suspicion Officers entering the caravan. :: SUR and both were found to have had large quantities of oranges, without paperwork. The vehi- Drugs and weapons recovered cles’ occupants claimed to have “found them on the ground” from caravan of man accused and that they were for their of corruption of minors own consumption. :: EFE 112 REPORTS Soldier reports drugging Two homes raided by A 62-year-old was possible victims to whom he alleg- arrested in Benalmádena edly offered presents (from clothes Teen arrested over and sexual assault Guardia Civil imposters to mobile phones), drugs and money on Tuesday in connection to gain their trust. He seemingly Carrefour Alameda fire ANTEQUERA MIJAS with supplying drugs and used this technique to enable him :: J. C. / Á. F. The military court has :: J. C. The Guardia Civil are inves- having sexual relations to maintain sexual relations with MALAGA opened an investigation after a fe- tigating two cases of homes being some of them. :: J. C. / Á. F. Police have identified male soldier reported being drugged raided in Mijas in the past week. with minors Following his arrest, officers two teenagers as the suspected per- and sexually assaulted. According to On both occasions, the perpetra- seized two shotguns, around a kilo petrators of a fire at a Malaga branch her report, the beer she was drink- tors, wearing balaclavas, entered :: J. C. / A. F. of marijuana, a set of scales, arch- of Carrefour on Sunday. ing at a celebration on 10 January the properties, posing as armed MALAGA. National Police officers ery equipment, a mobile phone, a The youths, 15 and 13, were traced had a “funny taste”. She was then Guardia Civil officers. have seized drugs, weapons and camera, a tablet, various CDs and a to the incident, immediately sus- taken back to the barracks by a su- The first, in Las Lagunas, was computer material from the cara- memory card. Investigations are on- pected to be an act of arson, because perior who slept with her. She, how- thwarted by neighbours who dis- van owned by a 62-year-old man, going to see if there are any images of a video of the incident that they ever, only knew this because he told covered what was happening; the who was arrested in Benalmádena of the minors on the devices. allegedly uploaded to Instagram. her the next day. She also has “vague second was more successful, with on Tuesday accused of the corrup- Investigations started after a 14- The older of the pair was placed recollections” of another man “hold- the occupant tied up and beaten tion of minors and drug offences. year-old was reported missing be- under arrest. ing” and “moving” her. and property stolen. Investigators have identified 15 fore being found in his mobile home. 18 February 2nd to 8th 2018 NEWS SUR IN ENGLISH

Investment in the 4,895 residen- tial properties approved in 2017 to- New housing projects have increased by talled 825 million euros, according to the Colegio. Of these, 1,145 were houses, with an investment of 259 nearly 60% to the highest level since 2008 million euros; 3,625 were apartments, at 555 million; and 125 of the plans were for subsidised housing, which Figures refer to number of homes Last year architects NEW PROPERTIES APPROVED Source: Colegio Oficial de Arquitectos de Malaga Sarabia warns that a new property had almost disappeared from the prop- approved plans for 4,895 bubble cannot be ruled out, because erty market. MUNICIPALITY 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 % CHANGE properties to be built in “this would not be the first time that The number of residential proper- MALAGA 303 166 712 878 1,214 +38% people have failed to learn from a cri- ties completed in 2017 doubled, to the province, with an sis,” but the president of the associa- 2,583. In this sense, last year was the investment of 825 Torremolinos 5 41 203 102 143 +40% tion of builders and developers ACP, best since 2012, when 2,755 homes Benalmádena 63 66 158 119 159 +34% Emilio López, doesn’t agree. In fact, were finished. Francisco Sarabia at- million euros Fuengirola 81 2 95 141 291 +106% Mijas 12 86 105 282 516 +83% he thinks it is unlikely. tributes this to the fact that the first Marbella 80 143 492 173 252 +46% “Prices are going up moderately developments planned after the cri- :: NURIA TRIGUERO Estepona 46 12 24 487 800 +64% and they are starting from levels sis are now being completed. MALAGA. Figures issued last week Manilva 1 5 0 17 73 +329% which are 30 per cent lower than be- by the Malaga Colegio de Arquitec- COSTA WEST 288 355 1,077 1,321 2,234 +69% fore the crisis. Also, developers used The coast is the attraction tos confirm the recovery of the con- to be able to obtain a loan without The growth in new projects applies Rincón de la V. 14 15 59 111 276 +149% struction sector in Malaga province. Vélez-Malaga 80 35 73 91 168 +85% having to put any money down, be- to nearly all the municipalities in the Last year the association, which has Torrox 1 2 5 27 18 -33% cause banks were financing every- province, apart from a few excep- to approve all construction plans be- Nerja 5 5 92 55 69 +25% thing. Now, a developer has to pro- tions such as Ronda and Torrox. fore permission can be granted, put COSTA EAST 100 57 229 284 531 +87% vide money, have a good project and Malaga city heads the list, with its stamp on 61 per cent more resi- have sold some properties if they plans being approved for 1,214 homes: Antequera 15 24 53 11 21 +91% dential properties than the previous Campillos 4 1 2 3 1 +67% want a loan,” he said. an increase of 38 per cent compared year: a total of 4,895, the highest fig- Cártama 8 9 1 4 20 +400% López is pleased about the way the with last year. It is followed by two ure since 2008. The rate of growth is Pizarra 1 1 2 4 11 +175 construction sector is reviving, and towns on the western coast: Este- almost three times that of 2016, Álora 5 1 1 3 4 +33% believes that this year, barring any- pona, with an increase of 64 per cent when it was 24 per cent. Coín 5 1 10 10 14 +40% thing unusual happening, the fig- (800 properties) and Mijas, where Ronda 14 19 13 32 21 -34% For the head of the association, Alh. de la Torre 11 19 65 65 139 +114% ures will be even better. the figure practically doubled to 516. Francisco Sarabia, these figures re- Alh. El Grande 7 10 6 10 20 +100% Francisco Sarabia, however, offers In Marbella the increase is more mod- flect “sustained growth” - they have Archidona 19 3 7 10 9 -10% a note of caution: the regional gov- est, with 252 properties of which increased for three consecutive years INLAND 89 88 160 152 260 +71% ernment’s reform of planning laws, half are houses. - so it can now be said that the sec- which is being prepared at the mo- Construction is also recovering on tor is coming out of the economic REST 124 132 276 406 656 +62% ment, could mark a “turning point” the eastern Costa, where almost crisis. However, he stressed that the PROVINCIAL TOTAL 904 798 2,454 3,041 4,895 +61% in the evolution of the construction twice as many plans were approved numbers are still small compared sector, he said, because information in 2017, with Rincón de la Victoria with the pre-crisis period. obtained by the Colegio shows that in the lead. Most municipalities in “In 2006 we approved plans for was disproportionate and that 20,000 rate of growth is maintained, he ex- urban growth will be restricted as the inland region of the province also 45,000 homes in Malaga,” he said, to 25,000 a year would be reasonable pects that level to be reached in four part of the aim of creating “consoli- saw an increase last year, although although he believes that number for the province now. If the present or five years. dated towns”. the figures there are much lower.

Qatar Airways confirms its plans to launch a route from Malaga to Doha

The airline will increase its investment in the Spanish market, expanding on its bases in Madrid and Barcelona

:: PILAR MARTÍNEZ MALAGA. Qatar Airways recently announced its plans to launch a di- rect route from Malaga to Doha this year at the International Tour- ism Fair in Madrid (Fitur). In the presentation, Senior Vice President for Europe, Jonathan Harding, and Jonathan Harding and Marimar Laveda at Fitur. :: SUR the Country Manager for the Ibe- rian Peninsula, Marimar Laveda, said that the company was encour- aged by the growth of the Spanish market and would be launching 19 Scandinavian airline SAS will new routes, one of which will be Malaga-Costa del Sol. create a new hub in Malaga The representatives confirmed that the route to Doha would launch in May of this year, but no :: PILAR MARTÍNEZ in London. further details have been given, MALAGA. The strong growth of Data shows that SAS flew 31.5 and it is not yet possible to book the Scandinavian market on the per cent more flights to Malaga flights. Among the other new con- Costa del Sol has encouraged in 2017 compared to the previous nections offered by Qatar Airways Scandinavian Airlines System year - around 105,000 passengers. are Pattaya, Thailand; Penang, Ma- (SAS) to strengthen its presence Air France is due to launch a laysia; Canberra, Australia; San Fran- at Malaga Airport. new route between Malaga and cisco, USA; Chittagong, Bangladesh; The company presented its tax Lyon, and triple the number of Mykonos, Greece; Accra, Ghana and balance this week and confirmed flights between Malaga and Paris- Lisbon, Portugal, among others. that it will also open a new hub Orly. February 2nd to 8th 2018 SUR IN ENGLISH 19 20 February 2nd to 8th 2018 NEWS FOCUS ON FINANCE SUR IN ENGLISH

THE EURO ZONE Malaga’s exports beat the MARK NAYLER two-billion-euro mark in one A ROUGH year for the first time DEAL

Agricultural produce, electrical equipment and t’s hardly been the most crossed under the table - to tackle auspicious start to 2018. In corruption within its own ranks. textiles are the goods what is surely a sign of This was one of the conditions most exported from the I things to come, Mariano Ra- upon which Ciudadanos agreed province where overseas joy’s minority government is to support Rajoy in congress and once again having trouble secur- marked “the beginning of a love trade has grown 52% in ing approval for this year’s affair” between the two parties, a decade budget. If this sounds all-too fa- as a PP spokesperson gushed miliar, it’s because last year Spain when the deal was signed. :: SUR had to wait until June for a Since then, you’ll have no- MALAGA. The ‘Made in Malaga’ la- spending plan to be approved. ticed, numerous PP politicians bel is gaining strength as the prov- The circumstances responsible have been fired over corruption ince beat the two-billion-euro mark for causing 2017’s delay have not allegations, and the scandals in exports last year. Between Janu- changed: Rajoy’s Popular Party have stopped breaking. ary and November 2017, Malaga sent Ruiz Espejo offered the figures at the GE XXI headquarters. :: SUR (PP) is still hamstrung in con- Wouldn’t it be refreshing if that products to the value of 2.05 billion gress and depends on the sup- were true? Instead, the “love af- euros out of the country, 216.8 mil- of firms based in Malaga that regu- fats and oils, 324 million to fresh port of other parties, some of fair” between Ciudadanos and lion more than in the same period larly export their products overseas fruit, 217 to electrical equipment, which are openly hostile to- the PP has long since exited its of 2016. has risen by 62% to more than 4,400. 181 to meat products, 116 to knit- wards the conservatives. If back- honeymoon period and corrup- This record figure was announced “Ninety per cent of the Malaga and ted garments and 106 million to ing for the 2018 spending plan is tion still plagues the PP. at the end of last week by the Junta Andalusian [exporting] firms are non-knitted apparel. not forthcoming by 31 March, The Basque Nationalist Party de Andalucía’s delegrate for Malaga small and medium-sized enterpri- The main markets for Malaga’s says the government, this might (BNV), meanwhile, is refusing to province, José Luis Ruiz Espejo, dur- ses,” he added. exports, according to Ruiz Espejo be a budget-less year. back the proposed 2018 budget ing a visit to the firm General Ele- The Malaga products that are are in the European Union: France The reasons for the current because of the PP’s handling of vadores GE XXI, in the Andalusian most sold outside Spain are olive oil, with 355 million euros, Italy (326 hold-up illustrate the deal-based . BNV president Andoni Technology Park. fruit and vegetables, meat products, million) and Portugal (170 million nature of modern Spanish poli- Ortuzar stated back in December Ruiz Espejo also said that the electrical equipment and textiles. euros). Germany is in fourth place, tics, and how ineffective such a that Rajoy won’t have his vote province’s exports had grown by Of the 2.5 billion euros in ex- followed by the US, UK, Morocco, method of government is. Ciu- “until Catalonia has legitimate 52% in the last decade. The number ports, 378 million correspond to China, and Japan. dadanos, the centrist newcomer and legitimised institutions” - a that has now overtaken the PP call for the central government to in the polls, is withholding sup- hand back control of Catalonia to port for the 2018 budget over the Catalans. Right now, that from 81st to 92nd place. corruption. Party leader Albert seems as unlikely as the PP decid- Zara and five other Spanish BBVA (11.6 billion dollars) rises Rivera has told Rajoy that he can ing to do something about its from 177th to 131st, Movistar (11.4 forget Ciudadanos’ backing un- more questionable senators. brands among the world top 500 billion dollars) from 136th to 132nd less PP senator Pilar Barreiro, As far as this year’s spending and Repsol (four billion dollars) who is under investigation in a plan is concerned, it looks like from 483rd to 443rd; Iberdrola (3.9 cash-for-contracts case, is re- we’re in for another delay of at :: SUR highest valued Spanish brand is billion) fell back from 407th to moved from office. least six months, a zombie gov- MADRID. Zara, Santander, BBVA, Zara, with a value of 17.5 billion 468th position. He is right to do so, even ernment unable to pass new fis- Movistar, Repsol and Iberdrola have dollars (14 billion euros) and an an- Department store group, El though the Barreiro case is but a cal policy, and an economy on kept a place within the Brand Fi- nual increase of 21.2%. Santander Corte Inglés has entered the list small part of the corruption that cruise control. Cristóbal Mon- nance annual ranking of the world’s is close behind, increasing 1.7% to for the first time in 434th posi- taints Spanish politics. Indeed, toro, Spain’s budget minister, 500 most valuable brand names. El 16.2 billion dollars (13 billion euros). tion, with a value of 4.1 billion dol- when the PP and Ciudadanos might as well start working on Corte Inglés has entered the list, Within the ranking, Zara, which lars “due to its employees and cus- made a pact in August 2016, the 2019’s spending plan: maybe that which is headed by Amazon, for is part of the larger Inditex group, tomer service” and for being “one older party pledged - obviously way it has a chance of being the first time. is number 82, rising eight places of the country’s biggest wealth with its fingers collectively passed sometime next year. According to the survey, the in the year, while Santander falls generators”. February 2nd to 8th 2018 21 SUR IN ENGLISH GIBRALTAR NEWS Gibraltar’s first sewage plant is due to open in 2020

This week saw a major in Gibraltar. much-needed project has been wel- step forward in this Once these are completed, work comed by the government. John can begin on the overall project, Cortes, the Minister for the Environ- much-needed but highly which will not only treat the whole ment, Energy and Climate Change, complicated project, of Gibraltar’s sewage but also han- said he was delighted at the an- which has taken several dle storm flows. nouncement, which fulfilled a com- Modern Water will be responsi- mitment made by the government years to plan ble for the design and build portion several years ago. “On a personal note, of the contract. Once that phase of as an environmentalist, I take pride :: DEBBIE BARTLETT the project has been completed, in being a part of leading the further GIBRALTAR. An important step Northumbrian Water will run the developments of Gibraltar’s environ- forward was taken towards Gibral- plant for 20 years under a sub-con- mental credentials and the delivery tar’s first sewage treatment plant this tract with AquaGib. of Gibraltar’s wastewater treatment week, with the announcement that If all goes according to schedule, works,” he said. the government has awarded an Ad- the on-site works will begin within Meanwhile the chief minister, vanced Works Contract to a joint ven- the next few months and the plant Fabian Picardo, said he was very Densely-populated Gibraltar has never had a treatment plant. :: SUR ture company formed by NWG Com- should be completed in 2020. happy to see that following the de- mercial Services Limited (Northum- The new plant will be located at tailed work carried out so far, there ing,” he explained. has criticised Gibraltar for its out- brian Water) and Modern Water. the Brewery Crusher site near Eu- was now going to be progress on treat- One of the difficulties in treating dated - almost historic - sewage sys- The company will carry out the ropa Point. It will be odourless and ing Gibraltar’s wastewater. sewage in Gibraltar is the fact that, tem. No fines were imposed, but the design and survey work which is covered, so it will not have a nega- “It has taken us time to be able to unlike most countries, the lavatories authorities on the Rock were required required for final planning and en- tive impact on views in the area or progress this as we had to start liter- are flushed with sea water and there- to provide a proper means of treat- vironmental approvals and will the Gorham’s Cave World Heritage ally from scratch and the technical fore special bacteria are needed which ing its waste. also carry out preliminary site Site. aspects of the work required was ex- can survive in sea water and break The new plant will cost in the re- works for the treatment of sewage This major step forward in a traordinarily complex and challeng- down the sewage. In the past the EU gion of £22 million.


Dr Garcia addressed the Friedrich Naumann Foundation. :: SUR

“Gibraltar shouldn’t be quences of Europe’s wider disagree- ments with the United Kingdom. used as a whipping boy”, He also said that nobody had any- deputy CM tells think tank thing to gain by excluding Gibraltar from the transition or the future re- GIBRALTAR lationship agreement between the :: D. BARTLETT. The deputy chief European Union and the United minister of Gibraltar, Dr Joseph Gar- Kingdom, at the talk called ‘Gibral- cia, addressed the Friedrich Nau- tar: The Other Brexit Land Frontier’. mann Foundation think tank in Although over 96 per cent of Gi- Brussels this week and told them braltarians voted remain in the 2016 it would be manifestly unfair to use referendum, as a British Overseas Gibraltar as a “whipping boy” who Territory Gibraltar will be leaving was made to suffer the conse- the EU alongside the UK. Schools closed due to Extended bus timetable stormy weather on Mount Alvernia route

GIBRALTAR GIBRALTAR :: D. B. Several schools closed and par- :: D. B. The number 7 bus route has ents were asked to keep their chil- been extended so the last bus from dren at home if possible earlier this Mount Alvernia residential home week when the Rock was hit by gale now leaves at 7.30pm, following a force winds which brought down scaf- change to the evening mealtime at folding and tree branches. An inves- the home: this used to be at 5 and tigation is being launched into scaf- is now 5.45pm. The improvement folding which became detached from to the bus service has been made in Ocean Spa Plaza. Some roads had to response to requests from visitors be closed to traffic, and the Upper to the home. All bus routes in Gi- Rock Nature Reserve and Gorham’s braltar can be tracked in real time Cave viewing point were closed as a using the online Bus Tracker Web precautionary measure. App ( ). 22 February 2nd to 8th 2018 NEWS SPAIN SUR IN ENGLISH

that Puigdemont couldn’t be voted Message 1. “We’re living Message 3. “I suppose that in remotely and had to appear in the through the last days of the you know that this is over. Barcelona chamber in person. Catalan Republic again...” Our followers have sacri- This would only be possible, the ficed us. Me at least. You ruling said, if the Supreme Court Message 2. “The plan from will be regional ministers (I judge investigating Puigdemont and Moncloa [Spanish PM’s resi- hope and wish) but I’m al- other separatist leaders gave per- dence] has triumphed. I only ready sacrificed, just as mission. The resolution, which was hope that it’s true and Tardà [a separatist politi- sought by central government, in thanks to that everyone can cian] said”. effect cut off Puigdemont’s options. leave jail, because if not this The speaker said that the debate ridiculous story is historic...” Message 4. “ I don’t know would be reconvened once “the how long I have to live (a lot proper guarantees” were in place I hope!), but I will dedicate for Puigdemont to attend, without it to putting some order into specifying how that would happen. these two years and protect In the private mobile phone texts my reputation. They have broadcast across Spain, Puigdemont hurt me a lot with slurs, ru- said, “This is over. Our followers mours, lies that I’ve put up have sacrificed us” and the Spanish with for the common goal. government’s plan had won. That’s now expired and it’ll There was delight among pro- be my turn to dedicate my Spain politicians and central gov- life to defending myself.” ernment, seeing Puigdemont’s pri- vate thoughts as proof that their strategy to remove him from front- line politics had succeeded. Some said that the texts exposed in pub- lic a view about the impossibility of investing Puigdemont that the independence parties had held in private for some time.

Possible legal action Both Puigdemont and Comín com- Photos of Toni Comín (l) and Carles Puigdemont superimposed on the image caught by chance by the television channel. :: SUR plained on social media about the publication of the texts and legal ac- tion may follow, according to their lawyers. However the immediate ef- fect of the publication was to open Text messages reveal climbdown by up more division between the sepa- ratist parties that together hold a ma- jority in the Catalan parliament af- Puigdemont in Catalan presidential bid ter December’s election. Some sepa- ratist supporters told reporters that another pro-independence candidate for president should be proposed to The regional parliament’s exile in Brussels, took an unexpected ingness to give in his fight to be lan government but his exile in Brus- regional MPs as soon as possible so speaker had postponed a turn on Wednesday morning with sworn in as president again. sels complicated the situation. Up the Catalan government can return revelations on a television show. to the last moment nobody was sure to normal and Madrid’s temporary vote on the new leader of The programme on Telecinco pub- Debate postponed if he would try to return to Spain, suspension of some devolved pow- the Catalan government lished details of private mobile The mobile phone texts from Puig- and face certain arrest in ongoing ers can end, amid an emerging con- after a ruling by the phone messages sent on Tuesday demont to Comín in Belgium came investigations over the illegal dec- sensus that declaring independence evening by Puigdemont to one of soon after the speaker of the Cata- laration of independence in Catalo- unilaterally wasn’t working. Constitutional Court the other Catalan MPs ‘exiled’ in lan parliament had postponed Tues- nia last October, or if regional MPs At the time of going to press, the Belgium with him. A TV camera had day’s planned debate in Barcelona would try to vote him in by video speaker of the regional parliament, :: SUR inadvertently picked them up when over who should be the next regional conference link from Brussels. Roger Torrent, maintained that Puig- BARCELONA. The ongoing saga of the MP, Toni Comín, was scanning president. In the end, neither scenario hap- demont was still the only candidate whether the ex-president of Catalo- his phone in the audience at an As reported last week, Carles Puig- pened as speaker, Roger Torrent, de- to be Catalan president and no new nia, Carles Puigdemont, will be voted event in Leuven, near Brussels. The demont, as leader of the largest sepa- cided to postpone the investiture date had as yet been fixed to sum- in as president again by regional MPs, images revealed the supposed frus- ratist party, had been proposed as debate in reaction to a declaration mon MPs for the debate on his in- even through he is in self-imposed tration of Puigdemont and his will- the only candidate to head the Cata- from Spain’s constitutional court vestiture. February 2nd to 8th 2018 23 SUR IN ENGLISH NEWS Interim Brexit report Guidelines aim to Brits encouraged to write to explain lengthy MPs ahead of second highlights concerns EU and UK Brexit negotiations reading of Votes for Life Bill Professor Karen O’Reilly has published a :: J. RHODES :: J. R. rent law that UK citizens who have MALAGA. The organisation Brit- MALAGA. Groups campaigning lived outside the country for more document following her ish in Europe has published guide- for the rights of Britons living abroad than 15 years do not have the right conversations with Brits lines explaining how the agree- are encouraging citizens to write to to vote in UK elections, has been living in Spain on the ment reached by the UK govern- their UK constituency MP to ask part of the Conservative Party’s ment and the EU negotiators, fol- them to back the Votes for Life bill. manifesto for the last two election impact of the referendum lowing the first round of Brexit The second reading of a Private campaigns (2010 and 2015). How- negotiations, which concluded in Member’s Bill, which is being led ever, they have failed to act on the :: JENNIE RHODES December 2017, affects Britons liv- by Glyn Davies, Conservative MP pledge. MALAGA. Following her research ing in other EU countries. for Montgomeryshire, is due to be Ninety-six-year-old World War trip to Malaga in October 2017, Pro- “Where does the December heard in the House of Commons on II veteran, Harry Schindler, who fessor Karen O’Reilly has published agreement leave me?” (www.brit- Friday 23 February. lives in Italy , is well-known across an interim report on the initial find- picks out the most While Private Members’ Bills do Europe for his long-running cam- ings of the Brexit Brits Abroad re- relevant areas of the paper and ex- not generally form part of planned paign to get the law changed and search project. plains what was agreed in clearer UK government legislation, Votes has been an active voice in the cur- The report, ‘What Does Brexit terms than the terminology used For Life, which would scrap the cur- rent mobilisation. Mean for British Citizens Living in Prof. O’Reilly in October. :: J. R. in the original document. the EU27?’ can be found on the The first round of negotiations Brexit Brits Abroad website “Brexit is affecting people now both prioritised citizens’ rights, in par- ( It financially and emotionally.” ticular over continued access to highlights the initial themes from The project will continue through- healthcare and pensions, which O’Reilly’s conversations with Brit- out this year and O’Reilly plans to be have been guaranteed, in princi- ons living in Spain with regard to back in Malaga later in 2018 to pro- ple. What the summary does not Brexit. Over the course of the pro- gress with her research, which is fed allude to is the fact that the issues ject so far, the professor has gath- back to the UK in a Changing Europe agreed on so far are only agree- ered opinions from pro-remain and and to government departments. ments in principle and that the pro-Brexit camps about the UK’s de- The professor of sociology and an- UK/EU document states that parture from the EU and its impact thropology is currently employed “nothing is agreed until everything on them. part time by Goldsmiths, University is agreed”. There was no clear con- Some of the key messages rom her in London, to work on the Brexit Brits clusion at the end of the first round work include, “The British abroad Abroad research project, which is re- of negotiations as to continued are a far more diverse group than are searching the impact that Brexit is freedom of movement and as such represented by the mass media, poli- having on Britons living in other EU British citizens’ rights to move to ticians and commentators,” and countries. another EU country post-Brexit. UK and EU flags outside the Houses of Parliament. :: SUR 24 February 2nd to 8th 2018 COMMENT SUR IN ENGLISH

LETTERS TO THE EDITOR Seeing stars We accept letters by email ([email protected]), post or fax, but they must include identification and a telephone PETER EDGERTON number, and be exclusive to SUR in English. We do not publish THERE IS A PRIZE FOR THE BEST MUSIC MAKER WWW.E-PETER.COM anonymous letters. Opinions expressed by contributors to this and other pages of SUR in English do not necessarily reflect CONTRIBUTION TO THIS PAGE those of the publishers. No part of this publication may be reproduced without written permission from the publishers. SO PLEASE INCLUDE YOUR ADDRESS

ripAdvisor is very use- from a rival business owner at- they’re posted without a review Money wasted ful if you own a busi- tempting to drop a spanner in the to accompany them. Three stars? ness. I’ve lost count of works. We’ve had two one-star That’s like somebody saying your Torre del Mar used to have a ble with public money T the number of custom- ratings so far, the first from some- concert was “very nice” after rudimentary fenced off dog knowing that it would only ers, especially tourists, who have one who was very angry about you’ve played for two hours solid beach facility which last year’s take one high tide to do simi- visited The Shakespeare after hav- being rudely spoken to by a bloke and had to change your t-shirt January storms swept away. lar damage. ing read our online reviews and in a red shirt who he presumed four times because of the effort Such was the power of the wa- Sure enough, this week has we’re very grateful for that. worked for us. Unfortunately, it involved. You’d much rather they ter, which completely swam- seen strong winds, high tides For those readers unaware of turned out it was just a random said, “I didn’t really like it, I’m ped the whole beach and re- and huge waves. When I went the mysterious workings of such rude bloke in a red shirt - so that afraid. Nice t-shirts, though.” If moved all traces of the facility, to check on the dog park, it was things, it goes like this: you visit was just a misunderstanding. The these customers were to put up that I said to my wife at the gone. Completely washed away. an establishment and then, ac- second one-star wonder was, reviews next to their three-star time, “Well, it will It is such a shame that this cording to your level of satisfac- frankly, mad as a box of frogs. His ratings what on earth would they THIS be pointless repla- forseeable event could not have tion, and as a member of TripAd- behaviour was wholly obnoxious be? “Lovely beer but, blimey, the WEEK’S cing it because the been considered before they visor, you post a review of your all evening until he took umbrage landlord’s let himself go since the WINNING same thing will put so much time and effort experience and rate the place from at being asked to put a sock in it last time we were here”? Or “Per- LETTER happen the next into creating this facility. one to five stars. Some people and leave (I’m paraphrasing) by fect cosy lighting but I’m afraid time we have a Can we be assured that the don’t even bother with the cri- staff and other customers alike. I distinctly heard Kenny Loggins storm surge.” authorities will not do the tique and simply offer the star He must have decided to take re- on the playlist”? However, over the summer same thing again? I don’t think rating. Lazy lumps. venge by posting his rambling ti- No, TripAdvisor needs to take of 2017 the authorities decided that stretch of beach to the Obviously four or five star rat- rade of fictional criticisms online. out the two and three-star op- to create an even better dog west of the town will ever be ings are most common if your Neither of these examples was tions and leave just the fours and park on the beach, which I safe from the waves. business is any good but, even worrying because we hadn’t done fives for satisfied customers plus, must admit was very impres- then, you’ll get the odd one star anything wrong in either case. of course, the one-star option - sive. But I continued to think ANGUS SILVIE from someone with a perceived Three-star ratings are the in- for any random boxes of frogs that it was taking a massive gam- TORRE DEL MAR grievance or sometimes, sadly, teresting ones, especially if might care to pass by.

PACHI Hamburgers love the support of your read- ers. We are looking for used and Peter Edgerton’s article “Too new postage stamps from the cool for fuel”(26 January) ap- UK and overseas. pears to make the assumption Please save your new and that the word Hamburger re- used stamps; whether you get lates to ham. Not so! The ori- a few stamps a year for your gin of Hamburger comes from birthday or you get lots from the workers in the meat indus- your friends from all over the try in Hamburg who emigrated world, or you can even save DEAR READER, LEARN to Chicago to satisfy the de- them from the bin at work! TO DRAW PUIGDEMONT mand for labour in the rapidly Instead of throwing away AND DO YOUR OWN growing meat industry around your stamped envelopes, we CARTOON - THIS ILLUSTRATOR IS the buffalo in the surround- can raise vital funds to help us THOROUGHLY FED UP ing area. continue with our research, WITH THE SUBJECT The workers were permit- providing information and rais- ted to take the less appetising ing awareness as well as offer- meat without charge. This ing support to those who need meat was minced and placed it. in buns to make a wholesome Primary bone cancer can oc- ciate being able to hop onto the meal and the result was called cur at any age, but affects train every morning. Hamburger after the home mostly children, teenagers, What’s harder to digest is the idea town of the workers. No ham young adults and the elderly. Getting there of the local train being used by tour- was involved. On average 12 people every ists landing at Malaga Airport and I have worked in Hamburg week are diagnosed across the heading for Marbella, instead of hir- and Chicago so have the story UK and Ireland. The survival RACHEL HAYNES ing a car or taking the bus. First of from both sides. rate for this disease is just over all, where would they sit? The trains 50% and this has not changed to Fuengirola are already packed, HARRY PETERSON in the last 25 years. With your and then their journey, much of it BY EMAIL help we can work towards holding onto a pole clutching a suit- changing this, so more people aving the car you take The conservative government’s case between their legs, would take Stamps for charity have a chance to live. for granted suddenly half-finished preliminary study con- well over an hour, nearly double the Stamps can be sent to: BCRT forced off the road for cerning a possible extension of the journey time by car. I’m looking for support for my Stamp Appeal, 20 Bowers Road, H several weeks sheds a C-1 Cercanías local line was offered So both parties have a point; in stamp appeal to raise money Benfleet, Essex, England, SS7 whole new light on how we move up as a major step forward by the fact both their projects are neces- for the Bone Cancer Research 5PZ. from one place to another. Forced minister on Saturday in Marbella - sary. But if we’re only allowed to Trust, the leading charity dedi- to find an alternative to just grab- and immediately criticised by the have one (you can’t have your cake cated to fighting primary bone TERRI BUSH bing the keys and running out the socialist opposition who want a and eat it, even in Marbella), the cancer in the UK, and would APPEAL COORINDATOR, UK door, I’ve recently had a nostalgic faster, more direct alternative. debate could go on for years and the reunion with the Fuengirola train The minister’s billion-euro western Costa has already been line after several years’ absence and scheme, especially the expensive waiting too long for a railway line. discovered that the wonders of the version that would tunnel under I hope it’s not too naïve to sug- Published by: PRENSA MALAGUEÑA S. A. Malaga city bus service stretch far the coast road, allowing for sta- gest that politicians decide based Director General: JOSÉ LUIS ROMERO beyond my imagination’s capacity. tions in most built-up areas along on the general interests of the area So with all the fuss in the last the western Costa del Sol, is cer- and give up what is turning into a Editor in Chief: Publications Director: Advertising Manager: week over who has the best idea tainly attractive (except for the game of political oneupmanship. MANUEL CASTILLO Pedro Luis Gómez Emma Vera Editor: Commercial Director: for a train to Marbella I have been view). Commuters who make the Meanwhile, thank goodness for Rachel Haynes Jorge Artero able to look at the issue with the daily journey between Calahonda, wonderful friends who lend you interest of a public transport user. say, and San Pedro, would appre- their car to drive to Marbella. February 2nd to 8th 2018 SUR IN ENGLISH 25 26 February 2nd to 8th 2018 LIFESTYLE SUR IN ENGLISH Learning about the area’s ‘liquid gold’ in English

Over 70 people attended Riogordo’s first olive oil tour and tasting in English last Saturday


Envero. Spanish word given to JENNIE the optimum stage of maturity of RHODES the olive. There are three stages of maturity and the envero stage is  [email protected] the optimum one for extra virgin olive oil. RIOGORDO. Foreign residents from across the Axarquía attended the Verdial de Vélez. Is the variety event which started off at the town’s of olive indigenous to the Axar- Agro-olivarera cooperative. Partici- quía; the area to the east of pants were able to see first-hand how Malaga province. the olives are sorted upon arrival when they are brought in by local ol- International Olive Council. ive growers, through to the mixing Established in Madrid in 1959 to process and finally bottling and la- control standards and quality belling. The tour was given by a rep- resentative of the cooperative and English interpretation was provided the United Nations, keeping a check by Leila Lawson, who has lived in on standards. A panel of 11 experts the town for 16 years and provides a must taste each batch of olive oil and link between the town hall and for- it goes through a process of rigorous eign residents. chemical testing before it is bottled Visitors learned how none of the and sold. olive is wasted: the fruit itself obvi- While participants tasted the ‘liq- ously goes into the olive oil but the uid ggold’ as olive oil is known in the stones are also separated and crushed area, theyt were taught how to iden- by machines before being used in Visitors are shown how to taste the olive oil. :: J. RHODES tify goodg quality oil, through its pellets for heaters and the leaves used taste,taste which they were told for animal feed among other things. variety of olive is only grown in the the fruit is still green inn Oc- shoushould be peppery and slightly Following the tour, participants Axarquía and grows more organically tober, when it is beginningning bittbitter,e but not acidic. moved onto Riogordo’s ethnographic on the mountainous terrain of the to turn black, betweenn the ThThe English-language event museum where an explanation of area, while other varieties can be end of October and earlyy No- was oorganised by the town hall, the different varieties of olives that grown “intensively” on flatter areas, vember, which is considereddered etethnographichn museum, coop- are grown in the region, as well as with trees planted in long, straight the optimum picking time eratierative and Leila Lawson, as a when the olive harvest takes place, rows. Ribero pointed out the diffi- and when the fruit hasas al- precursorprecu to the town’s annual was given in English by Alfredo Rib- culty of this method in the east of ready turned black whichich is MolinMolinda festival which celebrates ero, Director of Labsur - where olive Malaga area and added that the olive later in December and into this importanti industry. oil from the area is sent for testing oil produced here is “more organic” January. He pointed out thatat the ThThis year’s event will be on 23, and tasting before it is sold. due to the very nature of the land word ‘envero’, which is sometimesetimes 24 anand 25 February, when visitors The expert compared olive oil to and collection methods available. seen on olive oil labels, is the Span- Olive oil production. :: J. R. will be able to see how olives were fruit juice, explaining that like buy- While big machinery can be used on ish term to describe the optimummum traditionallytr milled in the past, us- ing orange juice, consumers have the flatter land, olive harvesting in the stage of maturity of the olive. ing a mule to turn the wheel that choice between 100 per cent freshly Axarquía still relies on fairly tradi- pressed the fruit. squeezed or brands which use con- tional methods of collecting the fruit Tight controls There will be tours of the coopera- centrate or even add chemicals, which from the ground after using hand- Nowadays, Ribero explained, olive Olive oil is one of the most tive (in Spanish), tastings and other is essentially the difference between held machines to ‘shake’ the olives oil is one of the most controlled prod- controlled products in activities mainly based at the town’s extra virgin olive oil, virgin olive oil from the trees. ucts in Europe, with the Interna- Europe through the ethnographic museum. Further in- and just olive oil. The audience learned that olives tional Olive Council which was es- formation: Facebook: La Molienda He also explained that the Verdial have three stages of maturity; when tablished in Madrid in 1959 through International Olive Council de Riogordo February 2nd to 8th 2018 27 SUR IN ENGLISH LIFESTYLE

LEGAL ADVICE International Lawyers answers readers’ queries We speak English, German, French, Spanish and Russian

Please send your questions or No, it isn’t. Insurance compa- ming pool. However, each year contact us directly to arrange nies are obliged to face the we have to pay the community a personal appointment on: payment of the damages fees, which even though it is caused by the insured in an ac- not high (around 150€ a year), Ilagoson International cident, normally at no cost to we don’t receive anything in Lawyers him/her. Nevertheless, in cer- return. I think that having a tain cases, as when the driver community that offers noth- The passionate performance stole the audience’s hearts. :: EFE Avda. Playas Andaluzas 38 is under the influence of alco- ing is nonsense and I would (Exit ‘El Rosario’) hol, it is considered that it is a like to know if there is a possi- 29604 Marbella clear negligence on the part of bility of leaving the commu- Amaia and Alfred will Tel: 952 77 12 13 the driver, and therefore, the nity renouncing the services Fax: 952 82 68 61 companies usually oblige the that it supposedly offers (and [email protected] represent Spain in Eurovision insured to pay the expenses. that are nonexistent). Offices in Málaga, Marbella Therefore, in this case, the in- and Cádiz surance company is obliged to If your property is an integral pay you the corresponding part of the complex and there- The ballad Tu Canción love composed by Raúl Gómez and compensation, irrespective of fore part of a Community of (Your Song) was chosen Sylvia Santoro. whether they later claim it Owners, it is not possible to “I think that we’ve experienced REF. G.U.M. from the insured. But that is “leave”. Take into account that by 43 per cent of something real and this had been While crossing a zebra cross- between them and does not you do not only pay for the serv- audience votes on the appreciated by the public. They’re ing, a car ran into me and I affect you. ices that the Community might reality TV programme a delight,” Gómez said of the young suffered various injuries. A offer, but also for the common singers, who are favourites to win police patrol car was nearby REF. R.O.T. elements that it has, such as the Operación Triunfo the final of the talent show this com- and they breathalysed the Two years ago I bought a house road, pipelines, lighting… There- ing Monday. driver, with a positive result. in a complex made up of thirty fore, all the owners of the com- :: MIGUEL ÁNGEL ALFONSO Operación Triunfo was first aired A friend has told me that due properties, all of them identi- munity have to pay for the MALAGA. Alfred and Amaia will in 2001 and became one of the most to this, the insurance com- cal. The complex only includes maintenance of these common represent Spain in the next Eurovi- popular Spanish television pro- pany can refuse to pay me a road with fifteen houses ei- elements. Your community fee sion Song Contest, which will take grammes of all time in its first few compensation for the inju- ther side, and there are no is low precisely because you place in Lisbon between 8 and 12 May. seasons, but later struggled to com- ries I suffered. Is that true? communal gardens or swim- hardly have any services. The duo gained 43 per cent of the pete with other shows such as The audience’s vote at a special edition X Factor and The Voice. It was can- First Assessment Consultation FREE of Charge of Operación Triunfo, a music real- celled in 2011. However, its 2017 re- ity television programme, with Tu boot has seen a huge resurgence in Canción, a piano ballad about first its popularity. 28 February 2nd to 8th 2018 LIFESTYLE SUR IN ENGLISH

TONY BRYANT IN THE FRAME  [email protected] Making music to assist cancer care

Steve Hughes Musician and composer something in return. The song did quite well and we raised around 3,000 pounds,” Steve says. One Wish Steve has Steve and his wife, Sandie, came to the Costa del Sol in 2001, recorded songs for after falling in love with the area the Macmillan during several holidays, and it wasn’t long before he began per- nurses and the forming at the clubs and music Cudeca hospice bars along the coast. “My music has always been im- portant and I think I have achieved he Costa del Sol is my goals, although it has been my home to numerous wife, Sandie, who has been a driv- expat musicians, ing force and long suffering inspi- singers and com- ration. I owe such a lot to her,” posers, some of Steve points out. T whom have been at One of the venues that Steve the forefront of the British music began to perform in regularly was scene, and others who have spent the Millenium bar in Calahonda, their lives on the boundaries of it. and it was at this time he began Some of these people have re- his association with Cudeca. It tired to a quiet life on the coast, was also the period that he while others have dedicated their started using the stage name time and experience as perform- One Wish Steve, the name ers to raise funds for, and aware- Steve has lived on the Costa del Sol since 2001. :: TONY BRYANT that most people know ness of, certain worthwhile causes. him by today. Steve Hughes, a Calahonda- Steve has enjoyed a based expat singer-songwriter, has A name to honour a long and lasting associa- rubbed shoulders with numerous tion with Cudeca and he iconic artistes of the 1960s and young boy’s wish is currently preparing this 70s, yet he is bettwe known as an year’s fundraising event at artist who has dedicated most of the Millenium Bar, which his adult life to helping others :: TONY BRYANT youngster lost his battle with takes place on 31 March. with his music. MALAGA The stage name, One the disease. Steve had prom- The 68-year-old musician, Born in a small village in Wish Steve, derived from the ised the boy that he would start who still wears his hair styled Northamptonshire in 1949, Steve musician’s involvement with a using the stage name in order in the classic mod fashion, has On stage. :: SUR grew up in Milton Keynes. He UK- based cancer charity called to keep his cause alive, a prom- recently become involved with became a mod in 1965 and grew One Wish. Steve recorded a song ise that began in Spain. a project that will take him back obsessed with the new craze of to raise funds for a young boy “I decided to use this name to his roots. He has teamed up music and fashion that was called Mitchell, who was in need because I had promised Mitchell “My wife has been a with Steve Seviour, another well- emerging in Britain. of treatment for neuroblastoma that I would continue to raise driving force and long known local musician, and they Steve was just 13 when his par- cancer. The musician struck up awareness of this dreadful dis- have recently written and re- ents bought him his first guitar a friendship with Mitchell and ease; it keeps Mitchell’s name suffering inspiration. I corded a track which has been and he soon formed a group at a was heartbroken when the alive,” Steve says passionately. owe such a lot to her” submitted for a forthcoming film. youth club in Milton Keynes. His The song is called Brighton and band began gigging in cinemas is based on Steve’s experiences and dance halls, and their break eral members got married, Steve others who were applying, but I eral of them were then doing the on the British mod scene of the came while playing at the Palace included, and so his musical ca- was given the job because the holiday club circuit. 1960s. The film is a follow up to Ballroom in Wolverton, where reer was put on hold for a while. manager thought I had the per- The year before moving to the 1980s blockbuster mods and they were spotted by a music It was a career change some fect personality and character. It Spain, Steve recorded a single rockers movie, Quadrophenia. manager. With his help, the band years later that rekindled Steve’s was an absolutely incredible time,” called No Good Blues for the Mac- “It’s not a sequel, but a follow went on to support many Tamla passion for live performance. In Steve says, smiling as he remem- millan nurses in the UK, and this up to what happened to the char- Motown artists who were gig- 1992 he became the oldest Red bers the period. was to initiate his passion for rais- acters of the original film. We ging in Britain at the time, in- Coat in the UK, after gaining em- During his time at Butlins, ing funds for cancer research. will have to see what happens, cluding Edwin Starr, The Stylis- ployment at the Butlins Holiday Steve was reunited with some of “Macmillan did a wonderful job because the film isn’t finished tics and The Foundations. Camp in Minehead. the musicians he had been asso- with my father before he died of yet,” Steve says with a hint of The group disbanded after sev- “I was a lot older than all the ciated with during the 60s, as sev- cancer, and I decided to try to do optimism. February 2nd to 8th 2018 29 SUR IN ENGLISH LIFESTYLE

ciate dance”. “The idea is to create a high qua- Delivering dance, from Germany to Malaga lity performance, but one that will be inclusive, to attract people who previously haven’t previously enjo- yed live dance.” Marina Miguélez returns to Málaga ready to introduce the public to her artistic discipline Miguélez wants to break down the barriers that separate her vocation from the wider public, sometimes :: FERNANDO TORRES med part of the Nuremberg State Ba- THE SHOW due to lack of information, someti- MALAGA. Many artists have left llet and in 2016 she debuted in the mes due to prejudice. “We have to Spain for a whole host of reasons. equivalent in Staart. While there she Two pieces. ‘Within’ and ‘No se stop the attitude of ‘I don’t unders- Some leave for their vocation, others received a prize from the German mi- baila en la cocina’ comprise tand dance, so I won’t enjoy it;’ we out of necessity. Ten years ago a nister of Culture for her contribu- Miguélez’s performance. have created a powerful performan- young woman from Malaga went to tions, but Miguélez wants more, and ce to capture the attention of the au- Germany in search of stages where she wants to achieve it on home turf. Where. In the Sala Gades, on Fe- dience, and we’re sure that they will she could display her passion: con- This Saturday she will launch ‘No bruary 3 at 9pm. It will be perfo- enjoy it and want to share the enjo- temporary dance. se baila en la cocina’ (Don’t dance in med every Saturday and Sunday in yment that dance provides.” Marina Miguélez has been a dan- the kitchen), her own production February. This is the first time that the cho- cer in Interdans (Belgium), choreo- through which she hopes to relate to reographer puts on her own show in grapher at the Cultural Festival of the public: “Dance can be enjoyed by The aim. To bring contempo- her native city of Malaga. The perfor- Bad Homburg (Frankfurt) and at the everyone.” rary dance into the public imagi- mance is made of two parts, ‘Within’ International Sola Dance Theatre She wants to establish a connec- nation, including those who know and ‘No se baila en la cocina’, which Festival (Stuttgart). tion between her discipline and her nothing about the discipline. will demonstrate the range and in- Between 2008 and 2015 she for- city, whose residents “rarely appre- Marina Miguélez. :: SUR tensity of modern dance.

New reality show to focus on English-speaking property owners in Spain

HGTV is looking for ers across North and South Amer- energetic couples and ica, Asia, Europe, Australia, the Mid- dle East and Africa. families who are “If you and your family are plan- searching for a new home ning to, or are in the process of, relo- on the Costa del Sol cating to the idyllic Mediterranean coast, we would love to hear your story. We are currently casting for :: TONY BRYANT Mediterranean Life and we are look- MALAGA. A new ing for energetic individuals, couples series aimed at expats living along and families who are passionate about the Mediterranean coast is to be their search for a new home or vaca- filmed on the Costa del Sol next tion property. We are always on the month. Mediterranean Life will tell lookout for upbeat personalities and the stories of native English speak- we will begin filming in Andalucía in ing families who are renting or buy- the second week of March. If you are ing a property in Mediterranean interested in being on the show, please Europe. get in touch, Barbara Kaczmarczyk, The HGTV satellite television of HGTV, told SUR in English. company is currently casting for the Anyone interested in being on the new series, which is similar to popu- show should send an e-mail with lar television show, House Hunters their story to mediterraneanlifecast- International. [email protected]. Make sure to includ your Filming of the show will begin e-mail, name, phone number, loca- in the second week of March and tion and a photograph. the on-line channel is looking for The show will be broadcast in the energetic people who are in love USA on HGTV and the producers are with the Mediterranean lifestyle. hoping it will create an opportunity A leading developer of engaging to promote the region and show that lifestyle content in the home, food it is not as hard as it may seem to re- and travel categories for television, locate to Mediterranean Europe. the internet and emerging plat- HGTV, which reaches over 40 mil- forms, HGTV’s global networks and lion households in the US, is owned web sites reach millions of consum- by Scripps Networks Interactive.

HGTV presenters will be on the Costa del Sol in March. :: SUR 30 February 2nd to 8th 2018 LIFESTYLE SUR IN ENGLISH


Round purple buds open into dainty pinwheel white flowers in the evening releasing a pungent scent of marzipan, vanilla and honey :: TOM MCCLENAGHAN ::DENISE BUSH or Nightscented Phlox, is native It is a member of the Scrophu- Exquisitely fragrant in the eve- to South Africa and can be used lariaceae family (fig wort) of SHOW STOPPING CYMBIDIUM ning, Zaluzianskya capensis, com- as a container plant or for ground which there are around 60 spe- monly known as Midnight Candy cover. cies. The stems are brittle and sticky, as are the aromatic, nar- This amazing Cymbidium orchid belongs to Tom McClenaghan row leaves and the white, who says he has had it for seven years and apart from watering it pinwheel flowers occasionally and repotting it, he hasn’t paid it much attention. It only open when produced some long stems before Christmas and has been flow- the sun goes ering ever since. They say orchids thrive on neglect... down, releasing their dense perfumep all GARDENING HINTS nightn long. TheT flowers closec up as Fascinating facts about thet tempera- ture rises dur- carnivorous plants ingi the day. Midnight Candy is usually Most people are familiar with gest rodents. grown as a container at least one carnivorous plant, One of the Nepenthes species plant on a patio but it can the Venus Fly Trap made fa- of Pitcher plants acts as a also be grown as ground cover, mous by Seymour’s Audrey II shrew’s toilet; it provides a forming a compact mound be- in the Little Shop of Horrors. shrew sized perch and a sup- tween 45 and 60cm high. It is The Venus Fly Trap grows in ply of nectar the shrew can not hardy and should be brought boggy areas where the soil is enjoy while doing its business. indoors in the winter or given short of nitrogen so the plant The plant extracts the nitro- protection from frosts. Although looks for another way of get- gen it needs from the faeces. it is fast growing, flowering in ting the nutrients it needs. Sundews trap insects by the summer from a spring sow- Pitcher plants attract crea- slowly embracing them with ing, it is not long lived. tures looking for a drink. They sticky arms while they are Dead heading will encourage fall in and are digested by the feeding on the nectar. They Midnight Candy to continue liquid in the ‘cup’. Some of the then slowly digest the flowering and after a light shear- biggest species can even di- trapped prey at their leisure. ing, it may produce a second flush of blooms. It needs full sun or par- tial shade and a rich soil. It is not drought resistant and will bene- PHOTOS fit from regular watering but the soil must be free-draining. Calling all Email your photos to eng- Propagation is relatively easy; gardeners [email protected] or send producing new plants either from them to SUR in English, the prolific seeds that can be col- Avda Dr Marañón 48, 29009 lected from the dried seed cap- We know that many of our Malaga, with a caption and a sules, or from stem tip cuttings. readers have lovely gardens, few words of explanation, Zaluzianskya is named after a or enjoy growing plants on or upload them to Bohemian botanist from the six- their terraces or balconies, http://readersphotos.suri- teenth century called Adam so why not share them with, and we’ll do Zaluzianskya capensis with the reddish buds (inset). :: SUR Zaluziansky. others? the rest! February 2nd to 8th 2018 31 SUR IN ENGLISH LIFESTYLE

JENNIE RHODES WHAT HAPPENED TODAY? LANGUAGE FOOTNOTE E2 FEBRUARY 1497 Our Lady Nuestra Señora Canarias Canary Islands Celebración Celebration Celebrations start in Leyenda Legend Candela / Vela Candle Estatua Statue Tenerife for Our Lady Pastor Shepherd / Goatherd Ermita Shrine / Chapel Piedra Stone of the Candelaria Cueva Cave Indígena Indigenous / Native Peregrinaje Pilgrimage ur lady of the Cande- goatherds tried to throw a stone at Dedo Finger laria is celebrated every the statue, but his arm became Brazo Arm 2 February in a number paralysed and the other tried to Canarias Canary Islands Oof towns and villages stab the finger of the statue with Reconquista Reconquest across Spain, South America and a knife but it was his own finger Agradecimiento Gratitude even in the Philippines. that was stabbed instead. Marinero Sailor The celebration is particularly Antón, a Guanche who had been Sustituir To replace important in the Canary Islands enslaved and converted to Chris- Shrine of Our Lady of the Candelaria, Colmenar. :: SUR and notably in Tenerife, where the tianity during the Spanish Recon- legend of Our Lady of the Cande- quest, returned to Tenerife after washed away during a storm in patron saints. According to legend, vento de la Santísima Virgen de la laria comes from, but also in Col- his release and recognised the 1826 and replaced with the replica a shrine in her honour was built Candelaria. menar in the Axarquía, and the statue as that of the Virgin Mary. in 1830. on highhigh grgroundou as a sign of grati- A procession takes place through two places are linked through her. She became widely acknowledged The image is the most im- tutudede ffromrom sailors from the Ca- the streets of the town, terminat- Legend has it that two Guanche as a Catholic symbol by the Guan- portant in Tenerifee and nary Islands whose lives ing at the shrine with a fireworks (native Berber people of the Ca- ches, who moved her to the cave even today the cavee is had been saved by local display. nary islands) goatherds discovered of Achbinico (also known as San one of the most impor-or- pepeople during a violent Our Lady of the Candelaria is a statue of a woman bearing a child Blas) and the first celebration of tant pilgrimage centresres stostorm that hit their ship also patron saint of Benagalbón in one hand and holding a green Our Lady of the Candelaria took on the Canary islands.ds. jusjust off the coast of and Genalguacil, as well as villages candle in the other (hence “Can- place on 2 February 1497. Candelaria is widelyely MaMalaga during the 17th in Seville, Cordoba and Granada. delaria”), on the beach of Chimi- Our Lady of the Candelaria was prayed to for protectiontion centcentury. Ever since then In Jaén the festival is known as La say, Tenerife in 1392. This was be- declared patron of the Canary Is- against epidemics, plagues,lagues, Our LaLady of the Candelaria Virgen de las Roscas. fore the island was conquered some lands in 1559 by Pope Clement VIII. droughts and eruptionsns of Mount hahass bebeenen ccelebratede on 2 Febru- years after the Spanish Reconquest, The original statue was a me- Teide and other volcanoes. ary in the town. in 1496. dieval gothic sculpture with dark In Colmenar, Our Lady of the The Colmenar shrine is known · Bilingual crossword The legend goes that one of the colouring and clothing, which was Candelaria is one of the town’s two as Ermita del Santuario or Con- inside back page 32 February 2nd to 8th 2018 LIFESTYLE SUR IN ENGLISH

SOCIETY SCENE Fundraising, fencing and photographs

Parachute jumps, Shutterbugs Photographic Group dinners, book sales and check races are just a few of For information on the Museo the ways the Grand Lodge of Andalucía has ADANA Shutterbugs leader John Campbell at the museum in Mollina. :: LANA CAMPBELL raised money for charity Dog charity goes mushing The team from the Adana animal shelter accepted an invitation re- :: SUR IN ENGLISH cently to take part in a “mushing” event organised by a group of local T.I.M.S. choir canicross enthusiasts and Manilva Christian unity service town hall. President Mary and treas- T.I.M.S Choir took part in a special urer Reg, accompanied a team of service at Malaga Cathedral on 21 volunteers with ten Adana dogs. January. The service was organised Mushing, a sport involving dogs by Lux Mundi Fuengirola as part of running with their owners on foot, a week of special services for Chris- sledges or bikes, is fast becoming a tian unity and featured readings very popular. After the event a re- from church leaders from the many ception and prize-giving was held local Christian churches. The choir in Manilva and Adana had a table was led by musical director, Mar- with information leaflets advertis- garet Williams and accompanied ing its work. byDawn Boardman. Members re- hearse in Fuengirola on Monday Provincial Grand Lodge mornings and at 7pm every Cheque presentation to Wednesday in St Andrew’s Church butterfly skin charity Hall, Avenida Jesús Santos Rein, Los Since 2015 the Provincial Grand Boliches. The choir members are al- Lodge of Andalucía has raised a to- ways happy to welcome new mem- tal of 61,480 euros for Butterfly The fencing club with the cheque from the La Cala Lions Club. :: SUR bers. Call the president Gilly: 654 Skin (EB) sufferers and their fami- 891 790. lies. To raise the funds, the Masons of Andalucía organised different terial, licences and grants. The mem- Shutterbugs Photographic Group events across the region such as bers’ ages range from 8 to 58 and Focusing on nativity scenes charity dinners, book sales, con- they are all in training for the cham- The new Museo de Belenes in Mol- certs, races and even a sponsored pionships in May, which are being lina was the destination for the lat- parachute jump. Nieves Montero, held in La Cala. The Club was started est Shutterbug shoot. The photog- president and founder of DEBRA, 12 years ago and plays a vital role in raphers were pleasantly surprised the butterfly skin charity, said that the local community. by the nativity displays that cov- it not only values the financial help The funds were raised through ered a vast area. The general opin- but also recognises the efforts the many Lions events and by the vol- ion was that the displays themselves Masons have made towards spread- unteers in the shop in Calle Torre- were very artistic, each containing ing knowledge and awareness about molinos, La Cala de Mijas. The shop small cameos through windows or the condition. is open Monday to Saturday 10am doors using numerous well crafted to 2pm. Volunteers and donations figures and creating views with per- La Cala Lions are always welcome. Call: spective. All agreed there was a Help for the local fencing 677059061. bountiful supply of material for the club photographer and said they would The President of the La Cala de Mi- What are you up to? If you are involved in a club or associa- certainly make a return visit with jas Lions Club, Julie Barry, recently tion and planning events, trips or activi- friends and family. They ended their presented a cheque for 1,000 euros ties that would be of interest to other visit with a typical Spanish lunch to Luis Hernanz, coach for the Fenc- readers of SUR in English, we would love served in the museum’s restaurant. ing Club in La Cala de Mijas. The to hear from you: Email: [email protected] For more information regarding money will be used to purchase ma- T.I.M.S. choir perform in Malaga Cathedral. :: SUR February 2nd to 8th 2018 33 SUR IN ENGLISH FOOD&DRINK

Miraculous moringa: a A. J. LINN NOUVELLE OR new product from Malaga NOUVEAX?

Malaga company Nature’s Best Moringa Spain is ouvelle Cuisine. The braced 20 restaurants from USA to phrase needs no transla- Japan. promoting this little tion into any language. Internationally recognised as a known health product N French master chef Paul great chef, he also had a reputation Bocuse (1926-2018), generally ac- for vanity. His restaurants exhib- :: ESPERANZA PELÁEZ / knowledged as being its originator, ited life-size Bocuse figures and DENISE BUSH died last week. Born into a restau- photographs all over the walls. MALAGA. New beneficial health rant-owning family in the Lyon Things started to go sour in 1976 products arrive on the market every area, his first star dish at age seven when he was quoted as saying that year, and moringa is one of the most was veal kidneys with creamed po- women were good cooks but never acclaimed. The problem is how to tatoes. Although World War II in- good chefs, and when it was re- incorporate these unknown foods terrupted his career, he fought at vealed that during his 30-year mar- into the diet and, above all, how to the front and was decorated. riage he had shared his wife with use them in the kitchen. Bocuse’s formative years started two mistresses and many lovers, he The Malaga company Nature’s with a stint in Paris but, returning famously said “Food and sex have Best Moringa Spain, has found a to his beloved Lyon, he decided to much in common.” The revelation format that is also trendy: pow- turn classical French cuisine inside that he had hidden undeclared dered moringa leaves, which can out. Bearing in mind that nothing funds in a Swiss bank’s numbered be used to make green smoothies, had changed in restaurant kitchens account did not help his image, but in salads, pastry or bread, vinai- for centuries, and Escoffier’s meth- when he died in the same bed in grettes, tortillas, pasta and various ods using cream and butter to make which he had been born, and slept seasonings. sauces masked the flavours of the for most of his life, many French But what exactly is moringa? meat and fish, it was probably hearts went out to him. Moringa (Moringa oleifera) is a tree about time. Bocuse’s lighter touch native to India, related to the hum- achieved a massive following, but WINE OF THE WEEK ble cabbage. It is commonly called precisely because his imitators took the drumstick tree (because of the matters to ridiculous extremes, he Garnacha Mítica shape of the seed pods), horserad- Moringa oleifera. :: WIKIMEDIA finished up criticising the “minute ish tree (because the roots are said portions, almost raw vegetables Campo de Borja is not a well- to taste like horseradish) or ben- minerals and protein. and confusion of exotic tastes”. known region, which is why its zoil tree (from the oil extracted It is said to improve the immune Rather surprising, when he had wines are great value. As its name from the seeds). system, regulate blood sugar lev- earlier declared his own innova- suggests this red is made from Gar- It was first grown in the prov- els, act as an antioxidant and have tions to have been like a “young nacha grapes, once ince of Malaga in 2007 in the Ax- anti-inflammatory properties. girl wearing a see-through blouse the reigning champi- arquía as a possible ‘superfood’ of It was first commercialised in compared with a beauty of the ons in Spain before the future. capsule form, but being a Brassica, 1900s heavily corseted”. Tempranillo took It is credited with innumerable its flavour is similar to that of cab- Bocuse’s Auberge du Pont de over. No pretensions nutritional properties and health bage but with a spicy touch, so the Collonges achieved its first Mich- of being a great wine benefits and is extremely rich in firm Nature’s Best opted for a pow- elin star in 1961, and the third in but at under two euros (mainly at iron, calcium, potassium, vitamin dered format which is easily dis- 1965. In its heyday his empire em- Mercadona) it’s not to be sniffed at. A, vitamin C and E, amino acids, solved into foods and beverages. 34 February 2nd to 8th 2018 HEALTH&BEAUTY SUR IN ENGLISH

Healthy lifestyle habits could prevent Over 7,000 new cases of cancer were diagnosed four out of ten cases of cancer in Malaga province in 2017 WORLD CANCER DAY The incidence of cancer is In Spain the most still increasing, and so is the common tumours are cure. Last year 7,406 new cases were diagnosed in colorectal, prostate, lung, Malaga province, which was breast, bladder and slightly higher than the stomach 7,334 diagnosed in 2016. These figures are from the Observatory of Cancer in :: DANIEL ROLDÁN Spain, which was presented MADRID. A diet rich in vegetables, by the Spanish Association fibre and fruit and low in red meat; Against Cancer (AECC) ear- getting regular exercise, not smok- lier this week. In Malaga ing and drinking alcohol in modera- there are 455 cases of cancer tion, or preferably not at all. If peo- per 100,000 inhabitants, ple followed these recommendations which is below the Spanish for a healthy lifestyle, four out of ten :: EFE average of 491. cases of cancer could be prevented, QUEEN LETIZIA Queen Letizia was guest speaker at the 6th Forum Against Cancer in Of the 7,406 cases diag- according to the Spanish Society of Madrid on Thursday, organised by the Spanish cancer association, nosed in the province last Medical Oncology (SEOM). However, SPEAKS AT MADRID AECC. She is pictured above with the presidents of the AECC and its year, 4,478 were men and people need to be persuaded to fol- Scientific Foundation, the Health minister Dolors Montserrat and di- 2,928 women. Nationally, low this advice, just as in the battle CANCER FORUM rectors of the Reina Sofía museum which hosted the event. 228,482 new cases of tumors against smoking. The report was pub- were diagnosed (not includ- lished ahead of World Cancer Day, ing non-melanoma skin can- which falls on Sunday 4 February. cer), of which 137,234 were “Spain is one of the countries cause other cancers, such as in the last year 228,482 new cases were di- The report shows that cancer is the in men and 91,248 in where people smoke the most, de- mouth, stomach and oesophagus. To- agnosed, but the number of patients second most common cause of death women. spite the anti-tobacco laws,” says Dr bacco causes one-third of all tumours. who survive cancer has continually in the world, and 8.8 million people In both sexes, the most Ruth Vera, president of SEOM. Sta- “A healthy lifestyle is very impor- increased in recent years. Nowadays, died from it in 2015, according to the common cancer among the tistics show that nicotine addiction tant, and we also have other preven- 53% survive at least five years. “There World Health Organisation. The num- Spanish population was co- is now 24% in Spain; this is lower than tive tools such as the vaccine against are more people with cancer because ber of deaths caused by tumours is lorectal (15 per cent of the a decade ago, but is still high. “Increas- cervical cancer, and screening for they live longer,” said Dr Vera. expected to rise to over 14 million by total), prostate (13 per cent), ing the price of cigarettes and ban- breast and colon cancer. We are also The most common types of can- 2035. In Spain, within 17 years there lung (12 per cent) and breast ning smoking in more places are the finding out more about the molecu- cer (for both sexes) were colorectal will be 315,413 new cases of cancer, (11 per cent). two best ways of fighting this addic- lar changes associated with the ap- (34,331 cases), followed by prostate according to the WHO. Tumours were In Malaga province last tion,” says Dr Luis Paz-Ares, presi- pearance of tumours and there are (30,076), lung (28,370), breast also the third cause of hospital stays, year there were 1,092 colo- dent of the National Technical Com- new drugs to block those changes, as (26,370), bladder (14,677) and stom- after illnesses of the circulatory and rectal tumors, 983 prostate, mittee of the Spanish Association well as to regulate the immune sys- ach (8,284). The incidence in Spain respiratory systems. However, fig- 935 lung, 878 breast and 468 against Cancer. tem,” explained Dr Vera during the is similar to other European coun- ures show that tumours are the prin- bladder. These five were the Dr Vera also says there is a lack of presentation of the report 2018 Can- tries. Globally, the most common are cipal cause of death in Spanish hos- most common. awareness in Spain that smoking can cer statistics. This study shows that colorectal, prostate, lung and breast. pitals (24%). February 2nd to 8th 2018 SUR IN ENGLISH 35 36 February 2nd to 8th 2018 HEALTH&BEAUTY SUR IN ENGLISH

world. A huge number of people sent messages to him and his fam- Everyone behind Adrián ily wishing him a fast recovery. So far, Adrían has received mes- sages of support from the local ac- tor Antonio Banderas; from the sin- gers Rosario and Natalia Jiménez; likewise the president of the coun- cil, Elías Bendodo; the mayor of Vé- lez, Antonio Moreno Ferrer; and the AGUSTÍN PELÁEZ presenter Don Francisco from Te- letón Chile. Banderas posted on his  [email protected] Twitter: “Come on champion. You’re a tough guy, you’ll recover The Vélez youngster quickly! We want to see you on whose singing made him stage again!” a celebrity and won him a New operation Grammy nomination has Natalia Jiménez said she hopes that received international he will recover quickly, “so that we can keep singing together and you messages of support and can keep blowing me kisses like you encouragement wishing always do! I love you a lot and I hope him a quick recovery that you recover quickly.” Sources from his family told SUR that they are surprised and incredibly grate- The young singer from Vélez-Má- ful for the many displays of support laga, Adrián Martín, who turned 13 and affection that he has received. on Sunday, has been in the Hospi- “We would never have imagined tal Materno Infantil in Malaga sin- that our son was so well loved ce 21 January, due to a complication around the world,” said his father, with his condition of hydrocepha- Rafael. lus, or water on the brain. He un- Adrián’s singing went viral af- derwent a third surgical interven- ter his sister uploaded a video of tion to replace the valves that he An archive image of Adrián Martín with his first CD. :: ÑITO SALAS him singing ‘Qué bonito’. Since that had in his brain for more modern pivotal moment nearly three years ones on Wednesday (his current tests, the doctors confirmed that further surgery. In this second in- operation, Adrián was taking a ago, his career has escalated dra- valves were six years old) and to that the catheter of one of the val- tervention, the surgeons used an course of painkillers, recommended matically, culminating in his nomi- help drain the accumulated liquid. ves had broken, and so they opera- external drainage system to better by his doctors, so that the ventri- nation for a Latin Grammy award. Adrián was taken to the Malaga ted in order to replace it. However, control the pressure in the skull be- cles in his brain would be as open His family said that he was do- hospital early last week after fe- the surgeons were not satisfied with fore the next operation that the boy as possible for surgery. ing well after his last operation, but eling “unwell, with intense heada- the result of the operation, and the was scheduled for. The news of the hospitalisation was still suffering from frequent ches and vomiting”. After several following day Adrían underwent In between his second and third of Adrián Martín spread around the headaches.


When making the decision to pur- cancel my contract regardless of – Policy 34.518. chase health insurance, several the age or policy usage. Moreo- factors must be studied, such as ver, there is no age-related pre- CUSTOMER SERVICE coverage, price, medical direc- mium increase, which is fair «Customer service is exceptional. tory and customer service. In ad- enough from my point of view». There is no language barrier and dition to the information pro- Erk Petersen - Policy 31.273-02. this is very helpful to me». Ker- vided by the insurance company, «I cannot emphasise enough stin Lübke - Policy 31.465. it is very useful to know the opin- how essential it is to have the an- «What makes the difference be- ion of the customers, especially nual checks which are offered by tween one insurance company if it is the first time they purchase ASSSA». Marion Poole-Policy and another is having a profes- a health insurance. 22.411. sional, compassionate person who ASSSA has the confidence and is willing to help». Rosemarie To- satisfaction of their policyhold- MEDICAL DIRECTORY bler - Policy 14.808. «I would like ers, proof of such is their testi- «The medical service I received to emphasise the swiftness with monies: was second to none. Everything which ASSSA managed my treat- went smoothly, both in terms of ment before and after my surgery LIFETIME COVERAGE AND PRICE appointments and medical care». and the importance of relying on «I was very pleased when I found Monika Krupica – Policy 16.977. their professional support». Stuart ASSSA. It was very important to «The hospital and staff were J.Cohen - Policy 31.812. me to have the peace of mind from excellent. The operation was car- the very first day, that my health ried out by a first-class profes- ADVERTORIAL insurance company would never sional». Geoffrey Roland Smith February 2nd to 8th 2018 37 SUR IN ENGLISH HEALTH&BEAUTY Specsavers Opticas raises €6,000 for the deaf-blind

The donation will fund 407 hours of interpretation for the deaf and blind across Spain

The meeting was attended by twenty patients and relatives. :: SUR :: BEN CLARKE MALAGA. Eyecare company Specsavers has announced that it First English-speaking Cancer collected over €6,000 for the char- ity Fundación ONCE para la Aten- Support Group in Marbella ción de Personas con Sordoceguera (FOAPS) between July and Decem- ber 2017. The meetings, around the course of the patients’ The donation will fund 407 hours supported by Cudeca, treatment and what the patients of interpretation for the deaf and and their relatives do to maintain blind. As well as funding, the cam- will be held on the last a good quality of life. paign has raised awareness of the Friday of every month Further meetings will be hosted issues that the deaf-blind face and on the last Friday of every month the outstanding work that FOAPS :: BEN CLARKE at 5pm. Future discussion topics does. Specsavers pointed out that MARBELLA. The first meeting of will include depression, the side ef- as a company it is well aware of the The cheque was presented at the ONCE offices. :: SUR the Cancer Support Group in Mar- fects of medical treatment and al- issues faced by sensory impairment, bella took place last week on Friday ternative medicine. and it is delighted to help in what- encouraging integration into wider 6,107€ donated by Specsavers Op- 26 of January in the cafeteria of the Marion was pleased to inform at- ever way it can. pubic life. FOAPS provides inter- ticas to FOAPS, which will hugely Hospital Costa del Sol. The event tendees that the scheme has re- FOAPS is a branch of the charity preters who help the deaf-blind to benefit the 400 people that we sup- was hosted by Marion Winter, the ceived sponsorship funds from the ONCE formed in 2007 to develop communicate and interact with port in Spain. We hope that we can group’s coordinator, and Susan Han- local British consulate. Thanks to programmes to help deaf-blind peo- the world. continue this work in the future nam from the local Cudeca Foun- the funding, free coffee and cakes ple. It has a strong focus on facili- FOAPS’ Director Esther Requena as your financial support and the dation, and was attended by around will be provided in future. tating education and employment, Olea expressed her gratitude: “We awareness that you have raised has twenty people. For more information call Mar- improving their quality of life and would like to say thank you for the been invaluable.” The discussion was focused ion on 952 863 926. 38 February 2nd to 8th 2018 HEALTH&BEAUTY SUR IN ENGLISH TV is stealing our sleep

People in Spain stay awake longer because prime viewing time here is one of the latest in Europe. Doctors are calling for scheduling to be changed

:: ANTONIO PANIAGUA ing sleep and it means the body can- the peak viewing time is nearly al- Here in Spain, television is keeping not carry out its repair work at a psy- ways after midnight. us awake at night and affecting the chological, immunological and car- quality of our sleep. People who en- diovascular level. Children’s programmes joy spending their leisure time in Spain has one of the latest prime Strange though it may seem, in Spain front of the TV are often likely to stay times in Europe. In theory, the chan- even programmes aimed at families up until 2am to watch the end of the nels broadcast their star programmes and children are broadcast late in the latest reality or chat show. But why at 10pm, but in reality none of them evening. For example the Junior Mas- should that be that the case in this do so until after 10.40pm. terchef show that finished recently The popular shows never begin before 10.40pm. :: V. ALEXANDR / FOTOLIA country and not others? In Germany, the peak viewing started at around 10pm and ended in One reason is to do with the pro- time is from 8pm until 11pm. In the early hours of the next morning, gramming strategy. The TV compa- France it is even earlier: from 7pm to on a weekday. nies want to keep their audience fig- 10pm. Here in Spain, it is normal for Some time ago TVE and the Min- ures high, so they design their sched- viewers to still be watching at 11pm. istry of Health signed an agreement ules between the news and their most In fact, when something like Gran that children’s programmes would popular programmes in such a way Hermano VIP (the Spanish version not be shown late at night, but that that people will remain fixed in their of Celebrity ) or the finals didn’t last long. The broadcaster seats until the early hours. This is not of La Voz (The Voice) are being shown, stopped complying with the agree- innocuous, however: it seriously af- ment, once it realised that its audi- fects people’s sleep. In the UK, for ex- ence figures at that time of day were ample, people tend to go to bed dropping rapidly. around 11pm, but in Spain they do so PEAK VIEWING The Union of Associated Commer- an hour later. cial Television Channels (Uteca) ar- Spain is not a good country for Spain gues that the TV stations adapt their sleeping, and doctors at the Spanish schedules to people’s own timeta- Sleep Society (SES) are among those Nearly every TV channel bles. “The programmes are shown who are calling for television sched- shows its most popular pro- when people want to watch them, ules to be reviewed. gramme after 10.40pm. and that reflects the working hours This institution, which is formed ‘Gran Hermano VIP’, the fi- here in Spain. Prime time doesn’t de- by 400 specialists in different fields nals of ‘La Voz’ or ‘Master- termine people’s behaviour: it is the of medicine, has raised the alarm Chef’ often end in the early time with the highest audience be- about the problem. hours of the morning. cause it has adapted to people’s be- Its president, pneumologist Joa- haviour,” say sources there. quín Terán-Santos, warns that put- Germany The CEO of Telecinco, Paolo Va- ting off the time of going to bed is a In Germany, peak viewing sile, once went even further and criti- type of ‘self-harm’ which has a seri- time is between 8 and 11pm. cised this form of “dictatorship which ous effect on health. Staying up late wants to tell people what time to go on a regular basis raises the risk of France to bed”. obesity, hypertension, inflammatory In France peak viewing time Two years ago Ana Mato, the then processes and ischaemic cardiopathies. is even earlier: from 7 till Minister of Health, tried to persuade “In our country there is a chronic 10pm. TV stations to bring their news pro- lack of sleep and many people are grammes forward by between half only sleeping between five and six UK an hour and an hour, but she was hours a night,” he says. He also points In UK peak viewing time is unsuccessful. out that children’s performance at between 8 and 11pm. Another factor that extends the school suffers if they spend too long Spanish viewer’s time in front of the watching television. Agreement TV is the length of the different TV Although some people claim that TVE agreed to bring its prime series. In Spain the number of chil- television can induce sleepiness, Dr time scheduling forward but dren watching TV betwen 10.30 and Terán-Santos rejects the idea. He ex- reneged when series such as 11.30pm is higher than at 6pm. plains that, just like alcohol, TV just ‘Cuéntame’ and ‘Águila Roja’ This is considered so serious that produces a “fragmentary” somno- began to lose viewers. in 2013 the European Commission lence which is not compatible with took action against Spain for failing a healthy lifestyle. It is not recom- to guarantee the protection of chil- mended because it is not a refresh- dren’s interests. February 2nd to 8th 2018 SUR IN ENGLISH 39


A general view of Lucena, surrounded by olive groves. :: Sur The ‘pearl’ of Sepharad Moorish mill in Jauja. :: SUR QUICK GUIDE What to see in Lucena TWO DAYS IN LUCENA ew places in Andalucía the time of Al-Ándalus. This Royal Sanctuary of La Virgen de are able to boast such complex contains more than Araceli. Car + walking cultural and scenic 300 Jewish tombs which were 18th century chapel dedicated Journey time: 1 hour and 10 minutes Fwealth as Lucena. This built between the years 1000 to the patron saint of Lucena. from Malaga. Exploring Lucena: 4 hours. historic town in the Sierra to 1050; it was found more Carretera CO-6218, Exploring surrounding area: 4 hours. Subbética of Cordoba has a than ten years ago, during the 14900 Lucena. special link with the Jewish works to build a bypass around culture, to such an extent that the southern part of the town. Olivina wine and gastronomy Cordoba it is known as the ‘pearl’ of Se- One of the emblems of Lu- centre. pharad. In fact, this town en- cena, the Castillo del Moral A wine and olive oil information Seville Lucena Huelva joyed a wealth of cultural castle, is also from the same centre. splendour between the ninth period; it now houses an ar- Calle Navas, (the old station and 12th centuries, because it chaeological and folk museum. building), Las Navas de Selpillar, Malaga was home to several Jewish No visitor to Lucena can fail 14511 Lucena Cadiz communities. to notice its ecclesiastical heri- There are still some impor- tage, and among the most im- Banditry Museum. An exhibi- tant remains from that period, portant churches are those of tion centre about romantic JAVIER ALMELLONES such as one of the many Jew- Santiago, San Mateo, Santo banditry in Andalucía. ish cemeteries dating back to Domingo de Guzmán and San Calle Iglesia 51, Jauja, Pedro Mártir de Verona. 14911 Lucena. Special mention should also be made of one of the most Castillo del Moral. Now the Ar- emblematic religious buildings chaeological and Folk museum of the region, the Royal Sanc- of Lucena. Pasaje Cristo del tuary of María Santísima de Amor, 14900 Lucena. Araceli, which is in the Sierra de Aras. Jewish cemetery: Dating back This chapel, which was to the year 1000. originally built in the early Ronda Sur-Ctra. Santuario, 17th century, has one of the 14900 Lucena. most amazing views in Anda-  lucía, because from there you can see five different prov- inces: Cordoba, Malaga, Seville, Granada and Jaén. Other tourist attractions also lie outside the town, such as the Olivino Wine and Gas- tronomy Centre, in the small village of Navas de Selpillar. Nor should visitors miss the chance to explore the outlying village of Jauja, the birthplace of the bandit El Tempranillo. There, the Romantic Banditry Information Centre stands op- posite the San José church, and just a short distance away you can see a Moorish flour mill, which still stands beside the View of the castle and the town. :: SUR Genil river. 40 February 2nd to 8th 2018 WHAT TO DO SUR IN ENGLISH

gain a better view over the area. Montes de Málaga Contadoras-Pocopán As well as its dense pine forest, the Montes de Málaga mountain park has a wide range of other trees. One of them is the almond tree, which is prolific in certain areas of the park. Malaga-Almogía Junta de los Caminos-Almogía The Camino Mozárabe, a pilgrimage route that runs from Málaga towards Santiago de Compostela, is sur- rounded on both sides by an abun- dance of almond trees. Malaga Ciudad Jardín-Puerto de la Torre In the foothills of the Montes de Málaga, there are several routes very near to Malaga city from which visi- tors can enjoy almonds in flower. Cártama-Alhaurín de la Torre Torrealquería circular walk The circular route from the town of Cártama to the border of Alhaurín de la Torre offers not only several vineyards and olive groves, but also The almond tree flowers over the course of the last days of January and the first days of February. :: FERNANDO GONZÁLEZ almond trees which follow the route right up until Torrealquería. Guaro Puerto Chiribenítez Malaga, in white and pink In the Sierra de las Nieves moun- tains there are several interesting routes in villages like Guaro or Monda. One of the best is the hike The flowering almond tree changes the local landscape at this time of year to the Chiribenítez pass. Between Cártama, Almogía and Álora ince, such as the Axarquía, Valle Arenas Ermita de las Tres Cruces del Guadalhorce and Sierra de las The top of the Bentomizmiz At the edgeed of the village of Almogía Nieves areas. This seasonal spec- castle is a ppath replete with almond tacle is a good excuse to amble From this small village in the treetrees. Another option is the JAVIER ALMELLONES around the local countryside in or- Axarquía province there arere roroute that runs from the Es- der to enjoy its natural beauty. In many walks for visitors too ttación de Cártama to the  [email protected] fact, there are several routes that see almond trees in flower. chapel (ermita). Once are particularly well suited for The old Arab fortress of there, it’s worth going for This striking colour viewing almond trees in flower. Arenas affords an excel- a stroll to enjoy the beau- contrast is a good excuse Here are some of them. lent panoramic view of tiful almond blossom. both the almond trees and to visit the Axarquía, Valle the local hiking paths. Ardales del Guadalhorce and Sierra Casabermeja Valle del Turón de las Nieves areas Torre Zambra Totalán One of the best views in Ar- A good way to get close to the al- Cerro Corona ascent dalesd is from the path that mond trees or to gain an interest- Olives and almonds in flowerwer runsru to El Burgo on the Turón MALAGA. During the last days of ing perspective is to follow the hik- currently form a surprising cocon-n- river.rive From there each winter January and the first days of Feb- ing trail that runs from the village trast in most of the area aroundround almondalmo trees in flower and olive ruary the colours white and pink to Torre Zambra, an Arab watch- Totalán. Hikers can walk thehe circu- trees cacan be viewed in the fore- dominate the countryside of tower that gives a panoramic view lar route of the Paseo de la SSaludalud aandnd ground, with a backdrop of the Valle Malaga province, thanks to the over the local area. From this van- stop at the Mirador del Algarrobogarrobo to del Guadalteba.Gua It’s worth walking flowering of the almond tree. This tage point you can also see as far enjoy their surroundings. Anyone An almond tree in flower. a bit further and enjoying one of tree offers a powerful contrast of as the cranes in Malaga port on a who visits the village should climb :: F. GONZÁLEZ the stages of the Gran Senda de colours in many parts of the prov- clear day. the Cerro Corona burial mound to Málaga long-distance footpath. February 2nd to 8th 2018 SUR IN ENGLISH 41


MORE EXCURSIONS AROUND MALAGA ‘La Matanza’ A village with something festival Ardales Guadalteba Valley. magical about it The village of Ardales, in Malaga province, pays tri- bute to its local gastro- Almargen is especially famous for its prehistoric Goddess nomy on the first Sunday in February each year, of Fertility and its river with medicinal waters with the ‘Fiesta de La Matanza’, the traditional pig slaughtering festival. At this event, visitors can not only enjoy all sorts of pork dishes but also watch how the meats are cured by hand. Lunchtime will bring the The first treat of the day chance to sample the lo- will be ‘botones’ (bread cal-style meat stew. rolls) filled with some lo- cal specialities such as sa- On Sunday, from 11am in the lami, black pudding or main square of Ardales . chorizo sausage.

‘La Candelaria’ celebrations

Colmenar and Benagalbón Axarquía region. This weekend two villages in La Axarquía, Colmenar and Benagalbón, will be A general view of Almargen with its backdrop of wind turbines. :: J.A. holding their Candelaria celebrations. Although these are not the 1 day in aters that cure and a prehistoric icon Where to eat only places which pay tri- Almargen which makes miracles. There is no El Coto. This roadside res- bute to the ‘Virgen de la Car and walking. doubt that Almargen has a certain taurant is a good place for Candelaria’, which origina- day they will be carried in Journey time: 50 W magic. The name of this village means lunch before or after visi- ted in the Canary Islands, procession through the vi- minutes from Malaga. ‘the two meadows’ in ancient Arabic and nowadays it ting Almargen. There is a they are among the most llage streets. Exploring: 4 hours is still a haven of tranquility. Although it was first menu of the day on spectacular. On the same evening the documented in the Middle Ages, its territority was weekdays, including many In Colmenar this is the end people of Benagalbón will inhabited long before that. In fact, archaeological re- traditional local dishes of a week of festivities take their images of La Location. Between mains have been found from the Copper Age on- featuring meats, fish and which began last Sunday Candelaria and San José in the Serranía de wards. These include the artificial caves of El stews. It is also good for when the images of the procession. Ronda and the Almirón and very valuable items such as swords and breakfasts, especially virgin and San Blas were Guadalteba Valley. a stone icon of the Goddess of Fertility, carved more toast with lard or ham. carried from their shrine to The festivities take place from than 3,000 years ago and still visited by those who the church, and this Sun- today till Sunday in both places. want children. These and other remains can be seen Carretera Jerez-Cartagena in the municipal museum, which bears the inscrip- km 121, tion ‘A frontier in the first kingdom of the Iberian 29330 Almargen. Prehistory. The Peninsula’. Telephone: 952 182 151 The Day of municipal In the centre of the village is the church of In- museum houses maculada Concepción, which was origi- Where to stay San Antón the stone icon of nally built in the 16th century al- El Cuarterón. This hostel, the Goddess of though its present appearance which also has a restau- Fertility. is due to the remodelling it rant, is one option for Árchez underwent at the end of the accommodation in this Axarquía region. 17th. It is a simple building charming village. It is Two weeks after the Day with traces of a variety of situated in one of the ave- of San Antón the village Nature. Just styles, such as Mannerist, nues leading into Almar- of Árchez holds its own outside the villa- Baroque and Mudejar. The in- gen but is close enough to special tribute to the ge is the source terior houses one of the most walk into the centre of the saint with music, a pro- of the Salado valuable Gothic altarpieces in village, which is where the cession and other tradi- river, which has Andalucía. most traditional architec- tional activities. medicinal waters. Beside the church, the buildings around the vil- ture is to be found. One of the highlights lage square are fine examples of the traditional style will be a horse race which Architecture. The of the villages of the Vega de Antequera and the Avenida El Saucejo 111, takes place from 4.30pm. from different entertai- main church, countryside of Seville province. 29330 Almargen. Another is the ‘romería’, ners including the win- dedicated to the The Salado river passes through Almargen, known Telephone 952 182 162. or pilgrimage, which be- ner of the ‘Yo Soy del Sur Inmaculada Con- for its medicinal waters thanks to its high iodine gins around midday. Peques’ children’s TV ta- cepción, is in the content. The source of the Salado is in the area The day will be comple- lent competition. village centre. known as Casa Blanca, just a few metres outside the ted by a meal of rice and village. There you can see how these miraculous wa- meat, an artisan craft The celebrations take place on Countryside. ters burst from the ground. They are recommended market on the esplanade Sunday, in different parts of Mainly agricultural. for all types of digestiveand degenerative problems. beside the Turvilla river, Árchez village. and music performances 42 February 2nd to 8th 2018 WHAT TO DO SUR IN ENGLISH


Artist. Stephan Balkenhol. Balkenhol Where and when. CAC Málaga. Until 22 April.

Opening times. Tuesdays to moves Sundays, 10am to 8pm. Entry. Free.

indoors background to give his work a ‘stage’ and the leading figure sometimes looks straight at the spectator. “I like there to be continuity, but I believe my work is more complex now. It covers other themes and rep- resentations,”said Balkenhol. Fer- nando Francés, the director of the CAC Malaga, describes these sculp- tures as “symbols or metaphors” of common man, and the artist as some- one who “thinks about life on the Balkenhol, surrounded by his street, a creator who is difficult to de- works ‘Schmerzensmann’ fine within one aesthetic trend.” (2009), ‘Mann mit dunkelblauem Hemd’ (2012) Religion and sexuality and ‘Frau mit blondem Haar’ Balkenhol’s work travels “from the (2012). :: ÑITO SALAS intimate to the political” in search of the interior conflict in what he is looking at. For example, in the cen- tral area of the main room, several metres above the ground in a type of The artist who created ‘Moving man’ at the entrance to the Romanesque altar are several relig- Contemporary Art Centre is holding a powerful retrospective exhibition ious-type sculptures: a man with a naked lacerated body in ‘Schmerzens- mann’ (2009), is displayed beside The display features ‘Maria’ (2012) holding the character wooden sculptures in white shirt and black trousers in her arms like Baby Jesus. A middle- which German artist aged couple dressed in contempo- ANTONIO Stephan Balkenhol has JAVIER LÓPEZ rary clothes in ‘Mann mit dunkel- created during the past blauem Hemd’ (2012) and ‘Frau mit blondem Haar’ (2012) also form part ten years them. It’s not down to me to reveal of the composition. what that is; it’s for the spectator to One of the most suggestive pieces MALAGA. Some outdoor works of discover it,”explained the artist, who is the naked couple lying on their art become such a part of everyday is a contemporary benchmark for backs, legs and arms apart, in two half- life that they end up as emblems of European figurative sculpture. More circles, as if they are on an altar for their location. In Malaga, one of these than 30 pieces of his work from the sacrificing or relaxing post-coital plea- is ‘Moving Man’ (2002), Stephan Bal- past ten years are now on display at  Evolution. The exhibition sure. There is more sensuality with kenhol’s sculpture of a man which is the CAC until 22 April. However, features works from the past ten ‘Hermaphrodit’ (2013), while ‘Trep- outside the entrance to the Contem- about half were completed during years, during which time Balkenhol penrelief’ (2009) offers a type of vis- porary Art Centre (CAC Malaga). the past year, so the common thread has explored new ways of represent- ual game with wood in the form of The figure has been looking into and the subtle evolution of his work ing characters:: ÑITO SALAS an accordian. Looking from one side, the building for 15 years now, and it are evident. you see a woman. From the opposite has just watched some of its fellows For example, the man in black trou- side you see her male companion, and being taken inside. They feature in a sers and white shirt carved in bas-re- from anywhere else the bodies seem powerful retrospective of this Ger- lief in ‘Raumkörper, silber, Mann’ to intermingle. man artist’s work, which opened this (2010) seems the same as the one “I’m interested in the figure it- week. swimming in ‘Man with fishes’ and self, not in beauty,” says Balkenhol, As Balkenhol explained at the who stands amid houses and empty so visitors should know what to ex- opening, ‘Moving Man’ is unusual: streets in Relief Mann vor vier pect. Some sculptures are like his work normally focuses on upright, Häussern (both from 2017). They have wooden mirrors; there are many inexpressive, mysterious and absent the same attire, the same flat colours static characters. There is silence. figures, almost forced out of blocks in the polychromy, the same rustic For noise and movement, you have of wood. “My sculptures don’t tell finish in the carving but, neverthe- to go back into the street, where stories. There is something secret in less, Balkenhol abandons the neutral Moving Man is waiting. February 2nd to 8th 2018 43 SUR IN ENGLISH WHAT TO DO

EXHIBITIONS ings and engravings. Alberto Tarsicio Torre del Mar. Until 12 February. Posters Tr3s Puertas, Avda Andalucía Bola Barrionuevo Mijas. Until 12 February. Casa de la The exhibition is entitled Una Malaga. Until 8 February. Galería Cultura de Las Lagunas. Revolución. www.face- Benedito C/ Niño de Guevara, 2 An exhibition consisting solely of A local artist, Barrionuevo has cap- posters created by artist Antonio tured the city of Malaga from a Suárez-Chamorro between 1997 Prisca Sinay bird’s eye view. and 2017 for the Instituto Superior Vélez-Málaga. Until 27 February. de Economía Local. Sala El Pósito, Plaza de la Constitu- Museum Jorge Rando ción. Malaga. Until 25 February. Cruz Salvador Madueño Dutch artist Prisca Sinay will be ex- del Molinillo, 12. Mijas. Until 26 February. Casa hibiting a selection of her mixed A temporary exhibition entitled Museo de Mijas. media works. ‘Nacerán Nuevas Auroras’ (the An exhibition of sculptures. Birth of Colour) is currently on dis- Taylor and Martín play. Email: kontakt@museojorger- Nerja. Until 17 February. Sala de Ex- posiciones Calle Cristo. Brendon Taylor and Maribel Martín Rafael Heredia are holding a joint exhibition of Malaga. Until 27 February. Alfajar their works. Sala, C/Cister. An exhibition entitled ‘Medi- The “Indaliano” Movement terráneo’ by Rafael Heredia. Antequera. Until 16 March. Centro Unicaja de Cultura. Axel Miret ‘Paso’ An exhibition of works by several Malaga. Until 2 March. El Retorno influential artists from this mid- de Lilith, C/Cobertizo del Conde twentieth century movement, in- 6, in Plaza de la Merced. cluding José Gómez Abad, Antonio Belgian artist Axel Miret will be ex- López Díaz, Miguel Cantón Checa hibiting a selection of his works. and Jesús de Perceval.

Homes Real Estate and Art Salvador Madueño, Mijas. Jaime Pimentel: Sculptor Fuengirola. Until 23 February. Avda Benalmádena. Until 10 June. Los Boliches, 86. Robert Hardy Centro de Exposiciones. Miguel Angel Barri, Swedish na- Mijas. Until 6 March. Centro de The icon of the town of tional of Mexican origin and Daniel Arte Contemporáneo. Benalmádena, the statue of the lit- Del Valle, Cuban, are holding a ‘Robert in Sepia’ is an exhibition of tle girl, was created by Jaime Pi- joint exhibition of colourful paint- works by Robert Hardy. mentel. The Tabacalera’s new exhibition of Russian art

MALAGA. The Russian Museum in Malaga is in the process of chang- ing its annual and temporary ex- hibitions which means that until 10 February the art gallery part of the museum is closed. The new annual exhibition is entitled ‘Radiante Porvenir. El Re- alismo Socialista Soviético’ and con- sists of 132 art works of which 108 are on loan from the Museum in Saint Petersburg and are valued at more than 30 million euros. The collection covers the period from the 30s to the 50s, an extremely controversial time in Russia’s his- tory. The artists whose work is shown in the exhibition include Isaac Brodsky, Aleksandr Gerasi- Isaac Brodsky’s Lenin on a Tribune. :: SUR mov, Olga Yanovskaya and Valetín Serov. The museum’s temporary exhi- INFORMATION bition is also being changed and from 10 February until 26 August  Where. Colección Museo the space will feature works by Rus- Ruso San Petersburgo, Tabacale- sian artists around the world. ra building, Malaga. The collection ‘La Mirada Via- jera. Artistas Rusos Alrededor del  New main exhibition. ‘Radi- Mundo’ will consist of 105 pieces ante Porvenir. El Realismo So- including works by Joseph cialista Soviético’. Soviet So- Krachkovsky, Clement Redko, cialist realism. 10 February Konstantín Makovsky and Alek- 2018 to February 2019. sandr Deineka among others. The collection’s third exhibi-  Temporary exhibitions. Rus- tion, also open until August, in- sian Artists around the World cludes 13 works by Mikhail and Mikhail Schwartzman. 10 Shvartsman. February to 26 August 2018. Vasnetsov, temporary exhibition. 44 February 2nd to 8th 2018 WHAT TO DO SUR IN ENGLISH

CHARITY turias; 35€. The 24th edition of this four-day festival includes performances Torremolinos Charity Gala from Chris Montez of ‘Let’s Dance’ Torremolinos. 3 February, 8pm Punk rock revival party fame, as well as performances from Centro Cultural Pablo Picasso, 10€. Wayne Hancock, James Intveld, This charity gala, hosted by Noval Kim Lenz, Deke Dickerson, Big David, Tomás Rivera and Natalia :: TONY BRYANT Sandy and his Fly Rite Trio, Si Barone, is raising funds for BENALMÁDENA. Those who Cranstoun and Scotty Baker. The Malaga’s Multiple Sclerosis Char- took part in the revolution of ticket price includes a free CD. ity. Call: 658976852. dyed-hair, ripped jeans and of- fensive T-shirts in the mid-1970s Hair to Care 2018 might be interested in a special Jonathan Santiago Fuengirola/Benalmádena. 10 punk rock revival night that is Mijas. 10 February, 9.30pm. Las February. Petros in Los Boliches, being staged in Benalmádena Lagunas Theatre. The Salon in Benalmádena Pueblo Costa next week. The artist presents his new album, and Cecilia Rossi in Arroyo de la The event, which will be held a tribute to Juan Gabriel Miel. in the Bonanza Bar on Saturday The three hairdressers’ salons will 10 February, will include a special be donating their day’s takings guest appearance by legendary FLAMENCO Cudeca Cancer Hospice. They will Spanish punk band, The Castro also be holding a charity raffle. For Zombies, and UK rockers, DC 4€ (which will go to Cudeca), Bal- Spectre. Pepe Flores dos restaurant in Los Boliches will The Castro Zombies perform a Almuñécar. 9 February, 8pm. be offering paella. style of thrash-rock made famous Auditorio Casa de la Cultura. by the Ramones and The Misfits, ‘Entre Amigos’ dance performance. Age Concern Concert while DC Spectre, who perform Castro Zombies will perform in Benalmádena next week. :: SUR Tickets: or Estepona. 6 March, 7.30pm. Huber underground punk/rockabilly, or Viajes Palataforma de Arte, C/San will be launching their new CD, The show, which is free, begins at Ecuador / Casa de la Cultura. Antonio. 10€. which was produced by Rat Sca- DETAILS 9pm, and the night promises to The concert is being organised by bies, member of 70s icons, The be a must for live music lovers. Clarice Williams with her newly- Damned. What: Punk rock concert. Old punk rockers will be able to formed choir, The Good Vibrations Other bands to appear at the relive their youth while pogoing Singing Sessions. Reservations: gig are UK punk band, The Ac- Where: Bonanza Bar, the night away to the music of Tony 654179279 or call 951318234. cused, voted number 14 in the Benalmádena Costa. The Sex Pistols, The Clash and The world in the Record Collector Buzzcocks.. MUSIC & DANCE Magazine punk chart, and The Re- When: Saturday 10 February. The punk revolution, which infected, a high energy English shook England with the ferocity punk revival band based on the of a native uprising, began in the Costa del Sol. summer of 1976 after The Sex Pis- The music will continue be- Disco and there will be chance to tols hurled a string of four-letter tween acts with top punk sounds buy nostalgic punk memorabilia abuse at Bill Grundy on live, presented by the Punky Reggae from the collectors series, DIY. prime-time television .

Touldrà and Fernando Obradors. Pablo Alcázar Bianca Morales Jazz Trio www.orquestafilarmonicademala Nerja. 2 February, 9pm. Centro Nerja. 3 February, 9pm. Centro Cultural Villa de Nerja. 10€ Cultural Villa de Nerja. 10€ Pepe Flores, Almuñécar. Malaga. Auditorio Edgar Neville Spanish guitar player Pablo Alcázar Bianca Morales - half Afro-Cuban, 9 February, 8pm. The orchestra presents his new album ‘Medi- half Finnish - is a renowned record- Flamenco recital will be playing pieces by Guridi, terráneo’. ing and performing jazz vocalist Almuñécar. 10 February, 9pm. Sarasate, Turina and Jiménez. and composer. She will team up Auditorio Casa de la Cultura. With Jesús Reina on violin. with two Spanish jazz masters: Di- In memory of the ‘desbanda’ (the Rob Sas Band. Estepona. ego Suárez (piano) and José A. Ser- flight of people from Malaga Municipal marching band rano (bass) and will perform origi- during the Civil War) with paco Rob Sas Band Caleta de Vélez. 3 February, nal songs from the When in Rome- Moyano vocals and Antonio de la Estepona. 3 February, 11.45pm. 7.30pm. Caleta church. CD and jazz tunes from The Great Luz guitar. Louie Louie Bar. A concert by the municipal band. American Songbook. The Rob Sas Band in concert. Noche Flamenca Enrique Oliver Trio Blues Band de Granada Nerja. 16 February, 9pm. Centro Malaga Philharmonic Nerja. 9 February, 8.30pm. Hotel Almuñécar. 3 February, 8pm. Cultural villa de Nerja. 12€ Orchestra Plaza Cavana. Teatro Casa de la Cultura Granada dancer, Agustín Barajas, Malaga. Auditorio del Museo The Enrique Oliver jazz trio con- Almuñécar. 10€. presents a flamenco dance show Picasso sisting of Victor Ross (double bass), Tickets: Viajes Ecuador, Casa de la with the different styles of 6 February, 8pm. Recital with Marius Rivier (drums) and Enrique Cultura or call 603822827 flamenco. Accompanied by singers María Espada and Kennedy Oliver (sax) will be in concert. Fita Heredia, Manuel Heredia and Moretti. Music by composers Bookings and tickets from Ventana The Rockin’ Race Jamboree Asunción Heredia; by dancer Kika Richard Strauss, Brahms, Abierta, C/Pintada 8. Tel: 690 073 Torremolinos. Until 4 February; Quesada and by guitarist Marcos Schumann, Fouré, Poulenc, 871 Bianca Morales, Jazz Trio, Nerja. 7pm; Auditorio Príncipe de As- Palometas. February 2nd to 8th 2018 45 SUR IN ENGLISH WHAT TO DO Prepare to let your hair down for carnival

:: TONY BRYANT tumes, flamboyant wigs and tee- MALAGA. Towns along the Costa tering heels. del Sol, as in the rest of Andalucía The ball will be held in the Plaza and Spain, are gearing up for car- del Alguacil, Benalmádena Pueblo, nival, the first major festival of at 6pm on Saturday 10, followed the year after the Three Kings by the election of the carnival wind up Christmas. Traditionally prince and princess in Plaza celebrated in the week before Ash Mezquita at 1pm on 11 February. Wednesday, carnival is an oppor- The grand parade through the tunity to let off steam before the streets of Arroyo de la Miel takes prohibitions of Lent. place on 17 February, followed by Carnival events in Malaga are the burning of the lizard on the gaudy and ostentatious and the Santa Ana beach at 1.30pm on Sun- main purpose of the proceedings day. is to poke fun at the government, Carnival in Marbella starts this the church, or anyone currently Sunday and continues until Sat- in the news. The preliminary urday 17 February. Satirical musi- rounds of the Concurso de Agru- cal groups will entertain in the paciones (satirical singing group streets throughout the week, contest) have been taking place Satirical song routines are a major part of carnival events in Andalucía. :: SUR while various competitions and since the middle of January, with performances will be held in the the grand final in the Cervantes the Battle of the Flowers, a brightly take place on the beach in La Cari- Teatro Ciudad de Marbella and the Theatre on Friday (today). coloured parade with confetti and huela on 25 February. The Gran Outrageous costumes, Palacio de Ferias. Marbella’s ex- Tomorrow, Saturday, the carni- streamers in Calle Larios at 7.30pm. Gala de Carnaval will be staged in travagant carnival parade will val god and goddess will be cho- The carnival ends on 11 February the Principe de Asturias audito- flamboyant wigs and leave the Parque de la Represa at sen and the colourful parade takes with the burning of the giant ‘bo- rium on 9 March at 9pm. teetering heels are all 5.30pm on Saturday 17 February. place on Sunday. Celebrations con- querón’ on the Malagueta beach. Cártama Estación holds its car- part of Carnaval Carnival is celebrated in Vélez- tinue in the Plaza de la Constitu- Torremolinos celebrates carni- nival on 10 February. Along with Málaga on 2 and 3 February while ción and the surrounding streets val later, between the 16 Febru- street performances, there will be Nerja will be partying from 8 un- throughout the week, while the ary and 9 March. The main parade a competition with prizes for the Carnival in Benalmádena is til 11 February with parades, live hugely popular carnival drag queen will leave the Plaza La Nogalera most original costumes. The fol- celebrated from 9 until 18 Febru- music and dancing. contest will be held on 9 Febru- at 7pm on Saturday 24 February lowing Saturday carnival is cele- ary. The Drag Queen contest in More information and pro- ary. Saturday 10 February sees the and embark on a journey through brated in Cártama Pueblo, with the Plaza Mezquita in Arroyo de grammes of events in other towns display of the “gods and goddesses” the streets of the town. The tradi- a parade from the town hall at la Miel at 9.30pm on Friday is full and villages can be found on town fantasy costumes from 6pm, and tional burning of the sardine will 5pm. of glamour, with outrageous cos- hall websites and Facebook. 46 February 2nd to 8th 2018 WHAT TO DO SUR IN ENGLISH

LECTURES Lovers’ Dinner Mijas. 10 February. Restaurante Valparaíso. 35€. U3A Lectures Russian opera stars There will be live music and 4 Fuengirola. Lux Mundi reference different menus to choose from. Library, free to members, guests 5€. Email: u3afuengi- Coach excursion to Gibraltar [email protected] Torre del Mar. 15 February. Various Art History ‘David Hockney’s departure points. 12€ Secret Knowledge ‘(film).. Transport, travel insurance 7 February, 11am-12.30pm. included. Passport necessary. Lux This film screening ties in with Mundi Torre del Mar. Tel:952 543 previous lectures on Hockney. 334 or e-mail: luxmundi@lux- History’s Greatest Women : ‘Katherine Swynford and Isabella of Spain.. Trip to Arcos de la Frontera 6 February, 11am. Fuengirola. 7 February departing Treasures of the World ‘Japan to 8am from bullring and 7.55am Bollywood dance classes. Alexander Zakharov. :: SUR Marina Konovalova. :: SUR China’. Feria ground. 36€ 2 February, 11am. Full details contact Fundación Lux Maze Runner: The Death Cure: This talk includes the Forbidden Mundi Fuengirola, C/Nueva 3. Tel: 16.00 (Mon, Tues, Thurs). City and Ming Porcelain. 952474840 The Pentagon Papers: 16.30 9 February, 11am. (every day). India to Sri Lanka, including the Art trip Phantom Thread: 12.05, 16.00, Giant Buddha, Cochin spices and Torre del Mar. 13 February. Various 18.35, 21.10, 23.45 (every day). the Taj Mahal. departure points. 5€. Three Billboards Outside Ebb- Visiting La Galería at Villa Olivia in ing: 17.55 (Mon, Tues, Thurs). Periana by coach to see Martin Darkest Hour: 16.00 (every Tatlock’s paintings as well as those day). of other artists. Cines Teatro Goya Lyutsiya Italyanskaya. :: SUR Vladimir Vorobyev. :: SUR Book launch For tickets and information call Órgiva. 8 February 6pm. Sierra Ne- 951196665. www.cinesteatro- :: SUR IN ENGLISH THREE CONCERTS IN vada Outdoor shop. MALAGA. Three principal solo- MALAGA PROVINCE Launch of Walking and Trekking in Darkest Hour: 20.00 (Mon); ists and an accomplished pianist the Sierra Nevada with its author 20.20, 22.45 (Fri-Sun); 22.30 from the Moscow Opera will be Richard Hartley. (Mon-Thurs). in concert in Antequera, Estepona  6 February, 8pm. Maze Runner: The Death Cure: and Granada next week. Tenor Al- Antequera: Teatro Municipal Tor- O. V. FILM 16.00 (Sat, Sun); 17.30 (Thurs); exander Zakharov, soprano Ma- cal, Calle Cantareros, 8. 17.40 (Mon-Wed); 17.50 (Fri- rina Konovalova, mezzo soprano SUR in English advises calling Sun). Lyutsiya Italyanskaya and the pi-  7 February, 8.30pm. cinemas to check for any last Fifty Shades Freed: 17.00 anist Vladimir VoroByev will per- Granada: Teatro CajaGranada, minute time changes. Lun- (Thurs 8 Feb). form works from the operas of Avda de la Ciencia, 2 chtime and late night screenings The Post: 20.15 (Mon-Thurs); Tchaikovsky, Verdi and Puccini. weekends only. 20.30 (Fri-Sun). Hockney documentary, Cinesa. Tickets from Sonar Discos (An-  8 February, 9pm. The Greatest Showman: 11.45 tequera); www.venta.enter- Estepona: Teatro Auditorio Felipe Cine Albéniz (Sun), 18.00 (Fri-Sun); 17.45 (Estepona) and www.en- VI, Calle Juan Benítez. C/Alcazabilla 4, Malaga. Tel: 902 (Mon-Wed). Speaking Spanish and Spanish (Granada). 36 02 95 or visit www.cinealbe- Ferdinand: 11.45 (Sun); 15.50 Nationality or (Sat, Sun). Nerja. 7 February. 11am, salon de Three Billboards Outside Ebb- Three Billboards Outside Ebb- actos, town hall. ing: 18.15, 20.15 (every day). ing Missouri: 17.30 (Thurs); The conference, organised by get together and enjoy a morning Bollywood Dance Classes Call Me By Your Name: 16.00, 17.40, 20.00 (Tues, Wed); 18.00, Nerja’s Foreigners Department, of training workshops given by Torremolinos. 20.15, 22.15 (every day). 20.15, 22.30 (Mon); 18.10, 20.30, will be attended by Nerja language ELT professionals from all over 10 February, 24 February, 6pm. The Pentagon Papers: 18.15, 22.45 (Fri-Sun). school “Aprendo Idiomas” who will Spain. More information: Caseta Fitness. 22.20 (every day). Early Man: 11.45 (Sun); 16.00 be giving information on Spanish Indian dance classes. Anyone (Sat, Sun); 17.50 (Fri-Mon); 17.30 courses and how to obtain Spanish interested should sign up in the Cinesur El Ingenio (Tues -Thurs). nationality if you have been resi- EVENTS office of the Palacio San Miguel Avda. Juan Carlos 1, Vélez- dent for over ten years. Sports Centre. Málaga. Tel. 667 77 31 87. Yelmo Cines, Plaza Mayor The Pentagon Papers: 12.00, Centro de Ocio Plaza Mayor, ACEIA ELT conference Rastro Cultural 16.05 (every day). Avda. Alfonso Ponce de León. Malaga 28 February. Hotel Serco- Malaga. 2 February, 9 March, 7pm Valentine’s Day singles’ dinner Darkest Hour: 12.15, 16.25 Tel: 902 902 103 or visit tel, Calle Héroe Sostoa, 17. until midnight. La Térmica, Av de Mijas Costa. 14 February. Hotel Ta- (every day). www. The Asociación de Centros de En- los Guindos. misa Golf. Three Billboards Outside Ebb- Early Man: 14.00 (Sat, Sun); señanza de Idiomas de Andalucía Stands selling all kinds of Solo Sol will be hosting a dinner for ing: 19.00, 21.20 (Tues). 16.00 (Tues). is holding its annual conference collectables as well as home singles at Hotel Tamisa Golf. Maze Runner: The Death Cure: offering the opportunity for Eng- decor, vintage clothing etc. Also Bookings: email Cinesur Miramar 15.50 (daily except Thurs). lish Language Teaching profes- live music and a afashion show, [email protected] or call: Avda. de la Encarnación, Fuengi- Phantom Thread: 12.00 (Sun); sionals from all over the region to skating rink and more. 722336978. rola. Tel. 952 19 86 00. 16.30 (Mon-Thurs). February 2nd to 8th 2018 47 SUR IN ENGLISH

Kitchen page 47 Glass curtains page 49 Removals page 48 Kitchen 48 February 2nd to 8th 2018 SUR IN ENGLISH Removals February 2nd to 8th 2018 49 SUR IN ENGLISH Glass curtains 50 February 2nd to 8th 2018 SPORT SUR IN ENGLISH

The Spain team training on the Puente Romano centre court. :: JOSELE-LANZA Feliciano López, with team captain Sergi Bruguera. :: JOSELE-LANZA

nis club in Marbella were drawn at midday on Thursday at the Tra- piche de Guadaiza cultural centre Spain, strong favourites in San Pedro Alcántara. With Edmund and Murray both out, Spain captain Sergi Bruguera reserved his top-ranked player, Pa- blo Carreño for Saturday’s doubles for Davis Cup victory fixture (2pm). He will partner Fe- liciano López -at the expense of David Ferrer- against Jamie Mur- ray and Dominic Inglot in what is In-form Kyle Edmund has been ruled out for Great Britain through injury likely to be Great Britain’s best shot at picking up a point. This means that today’s fixtures, Marbella’s Puente DAVIS CUP DRAW which get under way from 11am, Romano is ready to host will see Albert Ramos and Liam Friday 2 February. Albert Ra- Broady, and Roberto Bautista and the Davis Cup clash mos-Vinolas v Liam Broady; Rob- Cameron Norrie face off. between Spain and Great erto Bautista-Agut v Cameron The fixtures on Sunday are bat- Britain this weekend Norrie. tles between Ramos and Norrie, and Bautista and Broady, but Spain Saturday 3 February. Pablo coach Bruguera will be hoping they :: SUR DEPORTES / Carreño Busta / Feliciano López v will be of little consequence. DARYL FINCH Dominic Inglot / Jamie Murray. Should the scores be 3-0 after MALAGA. The Spanish team re- the doubles match on Saturday, ceived a welcome boost on Thurs- Sunday 4 February. Albert Ra- Sunday’s games will be the best of day afternoon as the draw for the mos-Vinolas v Cameron Norrie; three sets instead of five, and the Davis Cup first round fixtures this Roberto Bautista-Agut v Liam fifth game won’t be played at all if weekend revealed that Great Brit- Broady. there is a four-point lead. ain would be without Kyle Ed- Bruguera, speaking at one of a mund, ruled out through injury. number of community commit- The British number two (26th Edmund joins Andy Murray on ments during the week, said: “Eve- in the ATP ranking) had trained the treatment table for Great Brit- rything is going very well. The with the team during the week but ain whose side comprises Dominic players are looking great, they are has been not able to overcome the Inglot, Jamie Murray and Davis in good form and we are all look- minor hip injury he suffered in his Cup debutants Liam Broady and ing forward to Friday. semifinal defeat to Croat Marin Cameron Norrie. “The court is perfect and the in- Čilić at the Australian Open at the The fixtures for the weekend’s stallations are spectacular, as is al- weekend. Top-ranked British player Kyle Edmund has been ruled out. :: J-L action at the Puente Romano ten- ways the case in Marbella.” February 2nd to 8th 2018 51 SUR IN ENGLISH SPORT

ROB PALMER Commentator, Sky Sports A LOOK AT @robbopalmer A difficult transition

Success in one league can never guarantee it elsewhere

It can be quite mystifying why some colours of West Ham yet he’s re- character in the Las Palmas story footballers can’t transfer their skill- corded an average of one in every and Sandro Ramírez the undoubted set from one country to another, two games at Valencia alongside star of Malaga. their talents getting lost somewhere Rodrigo, who boasts a single goal There can be so many obstacles in customs. against Wigan Athletic as his best to overcome and talent can be way This week Sandro Ramírez and moment at Bolton Wanderers. Cris- down the list. An unsettled family Roque Mesa fly back in the direc- thian Stuani was a little more pro- is often high on the agenda; lan- tion of the sunshine hoping they lific with five goals in his one Pre- guage difficulties too. have left the grey skies that had mier League season at Middles- Often it is the sudden change of enveloped their careers back in brough; now he’s the goals-man at climate and culture. Nolito claimed Britain. Girona. his daughter’s face changed colour They’re not he first to have to re- They follow other talent like Rob- in sunless Manchester. Gerard Pi- Diego Forlán: A flop in Manchester, a star in Spain. :: AFP build their reputations after a failed erto Soldado, Víctor Valdés and Clau- qué joked that his Manchester attempt to make an impression in dio Bravo who didn’t translate their United team mates survived on a kicked off at 3pm. parently, it was our coming together the Premier League. In fact, they abilities. There’s Álvaro Negredo, diet of burgers and beer; his coun- At a less elite level, I played foot- that sent him theatrically rolling. are in esteemed company. Nolito and arguably Jesús Navas tryman Ricardo was ticked off for ball in America and was scalded by It’s a busy pipeline these days, if If you take a look at the top ten who made little impact at Manches- bringing a leg of Spanish ham into the coach for tackling during prac- not a really successful one both scorers in La Liga, you will discover ter City. the club canteen. tice. Apparently tackling is reserved ways. Diego Forlán is the striking that half of them have also played Now Aymeric Laporte has to live It works the other way too. Rafa for match days only! example of a so-called failure in in the Premier League; only Luis up to the reputation that persuaded Benítez tells me how, during his Once I played in a high-level England who was a hit in Spain. Suárez was a success in both. the same club to part with £57 mil- spell as Osasuna boss, he once game against Spanish opposition It works both ways. Michael Iago Aspas is the top-scoring lion this week. fined Englishman Jamie Pollock and brushed an opponent. He went Owen never lived up to his Ballon Spaniard, yet was a player devoid These are all footballers who have for missing a game because he rolling to the floor, I genuinely D’or billing at Real Madrid and of confidence at Liverpool. Simone proven to be top class at their Liga overslept. The Englishman’s ex- thought he was suffering some kind there’s enough said about Gary Nev- Zaza didn’t score a single goal in the clubs. Roque Mesa was the main cuse was he thought all games of seizure and rushed to his aid. Ap- ille’s spell in Valencia.

ken when an incredible pass from Marbella fight to the Chus Hevia found Corpas, whose shot flew inside the far post. The home side didn’t let Marbella death for all three points lead for long. A ball from Galindo fell at the feet of Pedro Ríos who, un- marked, fired the ball past Wilfred to Triumphant in San most important players were the two level the score. goalkeepers. From then on, the match became Fernando, Marbella are The match started out with an at- frenetic, as the attacks from both sides now second place, four tacking onslaught from San Fernando, were constant. In the 69th minute a points behind leaders who came onto the pitch full of en- brilliant move from Corpas, Chus He- ergy. They would certainly have scored via and Carlos Julio led to a shot that Cartagena then had it not been for the brilliance was saved by Miguel. of Wilfred. After Wilfred denied a thumping SAN FERNANDO 1 MARBELLA 3 After just three minutes, the Mar- Óscar Martin shot in the 83rd min- bella defence looked all but beaten Corpas, amid the action of the first Marbella goal. :: OPTA ute, just when it seemed as if the :: OPTA SPORTS until the goalkeeper rushed to sweep match would end a draw, Marbella’s SAN FERNANDO (CÁDIZ). Mar- the ball out from under Óscar Martín’s In the 30th minute, Marbella had utes at the Marbella goal were both pressure forced Nano Cavilla into scor- bella gained all three points from an feet. The striker managed to get a shot their first major opportunity. A close- kept out by Wilfred. Corpas had a real ing an own goal, and a well-placed exciting and hotly contested fixture away, but it was saved. range shot was repelled by Miguel chance just before the break, but it Luis Rioja shot put the game to bed in San Fernando on Sunday. The rebound fell to Carri, whose Guerrero, the home goalkeeper, who was saved by Miguel. in the final play of the match. In spite of the weather, both teams shot from pointblank range was, in- also put in an impressive display on The second half maintained the The result of Marbella’s tenacity tried their hardest to win the game, credibly, saved by an outstretched the day. rhythm of the first, as it became clear is second place in the division. Los and this made for a match that was hand. The second rebound fell to San A long-range shot from Carri, and that both teams were vying for the Blanquillos sit just four points off full of opportunities and where the Fernando, but the shot was well wide. an attempt by Pau Franc after 40 min- three points. The deadlock was bro- leaders Cartagena. 52 LAS PALMAS-MALAGA February 2nd to 8th 2018 SPORT MONDAY 9PM SUR IN ENGLISH

LINE-UPS STATISTICS TABLE & FIXTURES MALAGA GIRONA BALL POSSESSION MATCHDAY LEAGUE TABLE 44% 56% Champions League Europa League Relegation TEAM PT. P W D L GF GA MALAGA GIRONA 0 0 21 1. Barcelona 57 21 18 3 0 59 10 2. At. Madrid 46 21 13 7 1 32 9 0 Goals 0 4-2-3-1 5-2-3 3. Valencia 40 21 12 4 5 42 25 Ricca 7 Total shots 7 Results 4. Maffeo At. Madrid - Las Palmas 3-0 Real Madrid 38 20 11 5 4 43 19 Chory 2 On target 1 MALAGA - Girona 0-0 5. Villarreal 37 21 11 4 6 32 24 Miquel Borja García 5 Off target 6 Athletic - Eibar 1-1 6. Sevilla 33 21 10 3 8 27 29 Sevilla - Getafe 1-1 Ramalho 5 Corners 4 Leganés - Espanyol 3-2 7. Celta 31 21 9 4 8 38 30 Recio 3 2 Barcelona - Alavés 2-1 8. Eibar 29 21 8 5 8 26 33 Adrián Offsides Villarreal - Real Sociedad 4-2 Pere Pons 9. 18 Fouls committed 7 Deportivo - Levante 2-2 Getafe 28 21 7 7 7 26 21 Stuani Valencia - Real Madrid 1-4 10. Girona 28 21 7 7 7 29 29 2 Yellow cards 1 Roberto Bernardo Bono Celta - Betis 3-2 11. Leganés 28 20 8 4 8 20 21 Bastón 1 0 (En-Nesyri, 59’) Red cards 12. Athletic 27 21 6 9 6 24 23 Iturra Granell Fixtures (Douglas, 88’) 13. Betis 27 21 8 3 10 35 44 At. Madrid - Valencia Portu Goals: None. Las Palmas - MALAGA 14. Espanyol 24 21 6 6 9 18 28 Hernández Keko (Olunga, 83’) Muniesa Girona - Athletic 15. Real Sociedad 23 21 6 5 10 36 40 (Samu, 73’) Referee: Eibar - Sevilla Alberto Undiano. Sent off Getafe - Leganés 16. Levante 19 21 3 10 8 18 30 Rosales Chory Castro for a second yellow card Mojica Espanyol - Barcelona 17. Alavés 19 21 6 1 14 17 31 (78’). Alavés - Celta 18. Deportivo 17 21 4 5 12 24 46 Betis - Villarreal 19. Las Palmas 14 21 4 2 15 16 50 Unused substitutes: Unused substitutes: Venue: Real Sociedad - Deportivo Prieto (GK), Diego Iraizoz (GK), Planas, La Rosaleda (22,125 Levante - Real Madrid MALAGA González, Rolón, Juanpi, Bueno. Aleix García, Timor, Kayode. spectators). 20. 13 21 3 4 14 14 34

Samuel García - the latter receiving a warm welcome on his return An opportunity missed for Malaga ‘home’. The game started to open up for both sides. A powerful Granell strike from the edge of the box was de- flected off the back of a Malaga de- fender, but the resulting corner was then wasted. Malaga broke on the right wing in response, but Roberto Rosales’s cross to En-Nesyri was BEN CLARKE headed over under pressure. At a time when they had the game  [email protected] where they wanted it, Malaga’s search for the winner was dealt a severe blow Malaga controlled in the 78th minute when Chory Cas- tro picked up his second yellow for a Saturday’s tie against bad foul on Marc Muniesa. Girona but couldn’t get the However, despite the setback, the breakthrough before home side controlled their oppo- nents well with their organisation Chory Castro’s red card and shape. Though they conceded two chances, a long-range effort MALAGA. It was a close affair on from Borja García and a curling shot Saturday night as José González led from Stuani, neither were allowed his new side at La Rosaleda for the sufficiently close to goal to trouble first time. With the team’s defence the keeper. reliable throughout, it was the usual A foul on Recio in stoppage time shortcomings which meant that gave Malaga a late chance, but Ad- Malaga couldn’t find the break- rián’s block on the defender, which through goal and claim all three Youssef En-Nesyri couldn’t find a winner after replacing Borja Bastón. :: ÑITO SALAS turned into an inadvertent shot, points as they failed to create much saw the ball float across the face in the way of an attack. The creativity of the duo allowed the pressure they imposed in their his pace to create a lot of chances for of goal as Malaga’s supporters be- La Rosaleda had an excitement Malaga to exert pressure on Girona’s own half ensured that most of Girona from the left wing. It was from hind the goal tried to suck it over to it, despite the windy and rainy defence, which was desperate at Malaga’s chances were off target. that side that they fashioned their the line. conditions. Malaga started well; times; Jonás Ramalho received a yel- The visitors looked dangerous on best chance of the match when Cris- A point isn’t the worst result given Keko narrowly missed the bottom low card for a cynical challenge on the counter-attack, especially when thian Stuani beat keeper Roberto to the circumstances, but having con- left corner after nine minutes and Adrián on 33 minutes. Malaga committed too many men Álex Granell’s free kick, but lifted his trolled the game so well, Malaga will this was quickly followed by a Keko again came close with a forward, but they struggled to show header just over the crossbar. be left ruing the two points that es- thumping effort from José Recio header that was palmed away by Bono this until the second half, when they Girona’s rise worried González on caped them. on the edge of the box, which flew in the Girona goal, low to his right. re-emerged particularly energised. the Malaga bench and he moved to The Blue and Whites remain bot- wide of the left post. However, Girona held firm and Johan Mojica was effective, using bring on both Youssef En-Nesyri and tom of the table on 13 points. February 2nd to 8th 2018 53 SUR IN ENGLISH SPORT Malaga go all out in a record-breaking transfer market in bid to avoid relegation

The Blue and Whites recruited seven new players in the January transfer window, one more than their record of six in the 2010-11 season

:: DARYL FINCH MALAGA. With their top flight fu- ture hanging in the balance, Malaga have moved to further strengthen their attacking line with the dead- line day signings of Maxime Lesti- enne and Isaac Success. These signings were announced on Wednesday, hours after the club formally presented forward Brown Ideye who finally completed his move following a lengthy delay. Sporting director Mario Husillos has been a busy man this month, bringing in a club record seven sign- ings in the January window. This eclipses the record set in the 2010-11 season when the club recruited Ser- gio Asenjo, Martín Demichelis, Julio Baptista, Willy Caballero, Enzo Maresca and Ignacio Camacho. However, this time round the out- look is very different. Malaga sit bot- tom of the table and have moved Maxime Lestienne. :: MALAGA CF Brown Ideye. :: ÑITO SALAS Isaac Success. :: ÑITO SALAS quickly in an attempt to preserve their La Liga status. “I am a goal scorer and I hope to erates from the left, joins on loan un- Having already brought in Ignasi help the team as much as I can.” til the end of the season from Rus- Miquel, Manuel Iturra, Alberto Bueno sian side Rubin Kazan. and Samuel García, many thought Last-minute surprises Despite his age, Lestienne is well that the signing of Brown Ideye would Just as it looked like Malaga’s busi- travelled. After a successful spell in be the last. His loan move from Chi- ness was done, there was still frenetic his native Belgium with Club Brugge, nese club Tianjin Teda was formally activity behind the scenes at La Lestienne completed a big-money announced on Monday. Rosaleda. move to Qatar with Al-Arabi. How- The Nigerian, 29, whose move to It was known that the club wanted ever, he never played for the team China didn’t pay off, returns to Europe to bring in a wide player, but that was and after consecutive loan spells with where he has had something of a no- dependent on offloading the likes of Genoa and PSV, he joined Rubin in madic career, representing the likes Javi Ontiveros, Cifu, Alex Mula and the summer of 2016. of Dinamo Kiev and Olympiakos. Cenk Gönen. Forward Success, who can also op- Known for his strength, Malaga In the end, the first three secured erate on the wing, joins on loan from hope he will be able to lead the line, moves away (to , Al- English side Watford until the end of once he returns to full fitness. bacete and Tenerife, respectively, on the season. The former West Bromwich Al- loan) while Gönen was released, free- At Malaga, the 22-year-old will be bion forward passed his medical last ing up space in the squad for the Blue reunited with coach José González. Wednesday but many feared the deal and Whites to bring in their remain- The pair coincided at Granada in the would fall through after negotiations ing targets. 2015-16 season during which Success took longer than expected with the After moves for Sandro Ramírez scored six goals as the Andalusian side player’s numerous representatives. and Michael Krohn-Dehli didn’t ma- avoided relegation. Ideye said at his presentation on terialise, Malaga still managed to se- Though Malaga now have ample Wednesday: “I am very grateful to be cure the high-profile arrivals of Isaac cover in all areas, it should be noted here. I had many sleepless nights wait- Success and Maxime Lestienne. that the latest arrivals join on the back ing for this deal to go through. Lestienne, 25, who normally op- of long spells out of action. 54 February 2nd to 8th 2018 SPORT SUR IN ENGLISH All-British final at the International Inline Hockey Tournament in Fuengirola

Scape Goats from the south coast of England lifted the trophy after a weekend of close action at the Sante Fe rink in Los Boliches Pau Quemada scoring on Wednesday against the US. :: I. GELIBTER :: DARYL FINCH FUENGIROLA. British side Scape Goats ran out winners as the Fuen- Strong start for girola Lions hosted the ninth In- ternational Inline Hockey Tourna- ment last weekend at the Santa Fe Spain in the 5 Nations rink in Los Boliches. For this event, four teams came from the UK, one from Finland and tournament three from southern Spain, of which two were the Fuengirola- based teams: Barona and Lions. The Spanish team have United States. All of the match-ups were ex- won their first two On Tuesday Spain faced Ireland tremely tight; none more so than in a hotly-contested match which the last game on Saturday when matches and take on was settled in the final few min- Scape Goats beat the Lions with Scotland and Canada utes. Spain won 3-2, with Mi- just a fraction of a second left on The winners presented with their trophy on Sunday. :: SUR this weekend in ralles, Iglesias and Lleonart the the game. The Fuengirola team goalscorers in a team that has were winning until just 30 seconds At the end of play the final was a strong attendance both at the Benalmádena been growing in both condifence to go, but the side made up of play- disputed between Londoners The rink and across the globe with and ability in recent years. ers from the south coast of Eng- Others and Scape Goats, after the more than 20,000 people tuning :: IVÁN GELIBTER Wednesday saw Spain play the land equalised and bagged the win- former saw off Blizzards in the semis in to watch the final online. BENALMÁDENA. The Spanish United States. Beltran scored an ner just before the buzzer. 3-1 and the latter beat Stokemon, One of the organisers, Jari Ny- men’s hockey team have won excellent field goal after a strong At the end of the first day, two from Stoke-on-Trent, 2-1. Scape Goats man, said: “We are pleased with the both of their matches so far in Spanish attack. Four minutes British sides, Blizzards (from Not- claimed the trophy with a 3-1 win. numbers so for the April tourna- the 5 Nations hockey tourna- later, a well-rehearsed penalty tinghamshire) and the aforemen- The trophies were presented by ment, we plan to announce the pro- ment, which is hosted between corner fell to Quemada who tioned Scape Goats, topped group Fuengirola town hall’s councillor gramme well in advance and do live Malaga’s Carranque sports com- brought the score to 2-0. A and group B, respectively. for Sport, Pedro Cuevas. streaming as much as possible.” plex and the Retamar hockey cen- Spain will face Scotland at Sunday’s match day signalled the Despite the inclement weather Next weekend the Fuengirola tre in Benalmádena. 12pm on Saturday and Canada at start of the quarterfinal stage which ripping one of the hall doors off, Lions will be in Liga Sur action in The other participants are Can- 11am on Sunday. Both games will was competed at a high intensity. the event was a huge success with Murcia. ada, Ireland, Scotland and the be played in Benalmádena.

Spain’s handball stars make history with first European win

Los Hispanos bagged goal, and managed to save the ma- Spain’s victory. jority of shots from a Swedish side Spain’s triumph has secured the their first European in very fine form. However, Cor- team places in both the World Cup championships win as rales, who was called up at the last in 2019 and the European competi- they beat Sweden in the minute, played a vital role in tion in 2020. final in Zagreb, 29-23

:: VÍCTOR BORDA ZAGREB. It was fifth time lucky on Sunday as Spain’s men’s handball team won their first European title in a close battle in Zagreb. They secured the win in the sec- ond half of an incredible game. Swe- den, who won the first half by two points, were only able to score nine more in the second. The Spanish team’s defensive 5-1 formation was crucial to achieve the result. Álex Dujshebaev, as the striker, caused the Swedes a lot of problems. One of the key turning points was the goalkeeper substitution, when Corrales came on for Sterbik. Sterbik had been sensational in Captain Viran Morros lifts the trophy: :: ANTONIO BAT / EFE February 2nd to 8th 2018 55 SUR IN ENGLISH CLASSIFIED YOUR CLASSIFIED AD, READ BY MORE THAN 260,000 PEOPLE EVERY WEEK

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Phone Nigel 678808837/952669701 or email on the Coast. All areas covered. All Malaga. Garden maintenance and PLUMBER: All plumbing work un- 606008940. Credit cards accepted [email protected] work is fully guaranteed. www.en- more. 22 years on Coast. 951088851 dertaken, fully qualified. 625702772 UPHOLSTERY including leather info@enviroca- cleaned as well as all carpets. 952663141/ FOR ALL your garden & pool needs. JUST Leaks: Leaks detection serv- 670409759 Marbella. WhatsApp 627698051 ices. Latest state of the art equip- Repairs 685524921 UPVC and Aluminium windows and doors direct from our factory. ment. 625702772 CARPETS, Sofas and mattresses AIR-CONDITIONING by Cool and GARDEN and pool maintenance. WASHING Machines, refrigerators, We measure! We make! We fit! Cosy. The family company that Private villas and communities. Pro- boilers, cookers, ovens... Profes- cleaned. Reliable fast service. Fam- 952587482/ 678768454. gene- ily-run. Cleansol. 952930861- cares. 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Heated towel rails. 678808837/952669701 or email Coast, 1st class job. Phone Robbie: 952455551 Also repair, grinding marble. Clean, seal aterraces. 25 years experi- Solar heating. Instant gas heating [email protected] 679646185 DECORATING, painting, wallpaper- ROLLER shutter repairs 7 days a ence. Cover all Costa. Tel: 0034- systems. Central heating systems. RUGS, fitted carpet and upholstery ing, walls repaired, skimmed, etc. week. Conversion from manual to HMS PROFESSIONAL builders. 671244683 All work fully guaranteed. All areas including leather cleaned on site. Free estimates. 634355214 motorised. New installations. Also General reforms, extensions, covered. 21 years on the Coast. 685524921 pools, damp specialist...We im- EXPERIENCED painter. Efficient, blinds, awnings, mosquito screens. 952663141/ 670409759 www.en- prove on any competing quote. clean and tasteful. Call 607693536 All areas covered coast and inland. Windows and Glass info@enviroca- Any size job.610502623 655825931 Curtains CONSTRUCTION in general, all ROLLER shutter repairs 7 days a SOL SISTEMAS solar energy: Hot types of reforms. Quality building Drain Repairs week. Conversion from manual to REPLACEMENT of discoloured, plas- water. Electricity. Plumbing. Un- at the right price. Stuart 648153718 motorised. New installations. Also tic jointing, strips between the glass derfloor heating. Swimming pool DRAINS blocked? Call David heating, and Air Conditioning. Call blinds, awnings, mosquito screens. curtains. Also repairs. 655825931 COSTADIGGERS & Construction. 952568414, 661910772. HP Jet- All areas covered coast and inland. 618622272 Mini digger hire, 35 years experi- ting, CCTV survey. Drain- tech So- 655825931 ence, building projects. 678450051. lutions [email protected] Air Conditioning / Elec- Carpenters Heating WINDOW Cleaning. Don Jose Pro- trician, plumbing, construction, fessional, Reliable, Affordable. Tel: painting. Innovation Sotogrande AIR CONDITIONING fully installed 629769136 www.windowcleaning- to Marbella, 648712530 ALL CARPENTRY doors, floors, wardrobes, shelves, decking, kitchen from 575 Euros. Repairs and serv- BUILDER, plumbing, electrician, and bathroom. Decorating, etc. Tel. icing. Martin. 650067389 OVEN cleaning domestic commer- painter, steel, carpenter. Reason- 664385610 AIR CONDITIONING installation. cial professional cleaned from 40 able prices. 952917930/635913885 CARPENTER. Doors, wardrobes, Service & repair to any make or euros. 632569282 CONCRETE- OZBUILD The spe- rotten wood repaired, own work- model, also repair fridge/freezers, cialist imprinted concrete. Re- shop, 13 yr. Marbella. 666269751 SUNSHINE blinds , awnings shut- VENTANAS Arcoplan quality UPVC bottle coolers, car A/C & A/C on General Services seals, brickwork, tiling, plaster- ters repairs motorized cheap toldos windows at unbeatable prices, check boats. All work guaranteed. All ar- ing, screeding. 14 years persianas fix electrify cheap awn- out our offers and new product lines eas covered including campo. Con- STORAGE Lowest price guaranteed! coast/campo. Competitive prices, Gates ings shutters repair motorized cheap at, we will beat tact Williams Refrigeration: Packaging materials. Selfstorage quality finish. 952426074/ 952467783/ 680323969 any genuine quote by 10% call to- 952596404/679284959 Marbella 952811311 606745920 www.ozbuild- ELECTRIC Gates & Garage Doors. day 952 667 559 Intercoms and access control sys- BEST service engineer. PRONTO Build Multi Services Spe- building company: Maintenance. ALL BUILDING works and mainte- tems. New installations and re- www.acair,com Established 1986. pairs, for all your gate and garage cialist manufactures, installers. High- Fujitsu inverter 999 Euros fully Plumbing. Painting. Carpentry. nance services. 20 years on the Coast: est quality UPVC windows, doors, Kitchens /bathrooms. Floor til- Call 649335566 door requirements call The Ga- inclusive. 952486287/ 654762993 rage Door Company & 2 Way Gates. enclosures, persianas. Glass replace- ing. Electricity. Exterior /interior BUILDER Property maintenance [email protected] www.the- ment fully guaranteed. Trade/ pub- AIR CONDITIONING installations, design. Plastering /drywalls. Mi- contractor. Fully legal. Competed lic. Showroom. 952667761/ repairs and servicing. Airflow crocement. Free quote, Eduard: rates. Phone 677079704 952786178 / 605356469 680828000 952443222 [email protected] 618622272 February 2nd to 8th 2018 57 SUR IN ENGLISH CLASSIFIED

SEWING Services. Curtains, uphol- Translators Business MOVING LOCALLY? Call 15 METRE VAN LEAVING SPAIN Antiques stery, soft furnishings indoor/ out- 952426463/ 660563131. Best FOR UK FEBRUARY 9TH. SPACE door. Made to measure rails/ poles OFFICIAL translations. All languages. Opportunities prices. Fully legal. British Removal AVAILABLE BOTH WAYS. WANTED! ALL TYPES OF AN- and foam to order. Sensible prices.Re- 952789204. Mobile 654613094 Company 639928090. LOCAL REMOVALS TIQUES, PAINTINGS, JEWELLERY, pairs / alterations. Call 672800887 SALE due to retirement: Commer- TOO!! [email protected] STORAGE Clean dry secure ware- WATCHES, SILVER AND GOLF. [email protected] cial premises in Calahonda, 100m , MEDALS, JADE, CHINESE ITEMS 125.000 Euros. Possibility of pay- housing Marbella. Container, Pallet VANMOVES. Small removals, Ikea or Loose. Guaranteed best rates. Fo- AND THE UNUSUAL ANY CONDI- Mortgages ing in several years. Tel. 606191939 collections. Clearances, experienced TION AND IMMEDIATE CASH SET- Mosquito Screens cus Transport 952816582 friendly 20Eur hourly 603257612 MISLAID your payslips/ P60 or BUSINESS Development opportu- [email protected] TLEMENT. SEE MAIN ADVERT. WE nity. 5 storey block for sale in Crete, MAN WITH van local removals, 20 BUY MORE, WE PAY MORE, WE MOSQUITO Screens. Sliding. Pull- other paperwork? Recovery docu- ment service available, fast con- 19 s/c apartments + 4/5 commer- Euros/ hour. Also house clearance. PAY CASH. ANTHONY'S AN- down. Pleated. Colours. Call Nick cials, suitable for large retail/ Bou- Ikea runs. 609321958 TIQUES, C/ RAMON Y CAJAL, 40, 647072861, fidential, reliable.TL 617910147 [email protected] tique Hotel, 2nd line Marina/ beach FUENGIROLA. PLEASE EMAIL dia- Aghios Nikolas. Possibility of Euros NATIONAL and International Trans- monds@anthonys-dia- FLUENT Finance Abroad. Are you grants. Pictorials on request. 4.2 port regular loads to the UK LWB OR CALL TEL. looking to raise funds against your million Euros negotiable. Email: Van Focus Transport 952816582 952588795-609529633 home in Spain for property reforms, [email protected] PROFESSIONAL [email protected] COLLECTOR buys watches, pocket debt consolidation or liquidity pur- VAN LEAVING UK Midlands for Mur- poses? We have alternatives to high VENDING machine route. 40,000 watches and coins of all kinds. Tel SERVICES euros net cash per year. Machines cia Malaga 7th February returning 651187549 street Banks which offer bespoke end February space both directions solutions! Call us or visit www.flu- and sites fully guaranteed. Only need [email protected] We Lawyers one day per week to service. Sell 00447867525300 Email for more in- [email protected] buy collections of stamps, porce- formation.+34 952 961 952 or email 55,000 euros. 697834934 lain, paintings, bronzes, etc... Call LAWYER: Arroyo Miel/ Malaga. [email protected]. Visit VENDING machine route. 40,000 618090073 Legal advice conveyancing, wills, our San Pedro office euros net cash per year. Machines inheritances, contracts, divorces, RE-MORTGAGE Spain, Fluent Fi- and sites fully guaranteed . Only HIRE SERVICES criminal defense, any litigation, need one day per week to service. nance can offer a free, no obliga- tion Spanish mortgage review to see Sell 55,000 euros. 697834934 MOBILITY Scooters, electric wheel- MOTORS [email protected] chairs and wheelchairs for sale or 952964591 if you can SAVE MONEY or better your terms by changing Spanish lend- rent. Same day delivery! Scooters PRIVATE investigator, debt collec- ers. Do you have an old interest only Others also bought for cash!! New batter- Buy / Sell Cars tion. Discreet and professional. mortgage which needs to be refi- ies supplied & fitted. 609581139. 697834934 nanced? Contact Marc 952 85 36 STORAGE Lowest price guaranteed! www.mobiltyscootersdi- WANTED all cars, any registration, 47, melliott@fluentfinance- Packaging materials. Selfstorage runners or non runners. Embargos PRIVATE investigator, debt collec- or visit www.fluentfi- Marbella 952811311 & finance no problem. Call now, cash tion. Discreet and professional. waiting. 687049592/ 622156022 697834934 WORLDWIDE SHIPPING, door2door service. British Re- CARS WANTED, UK or Spanish best LAWYER: Providing quality legal BUY / SELL Loans moval Company SL. 952426463 prices, also embargos/finance/ lost advice in different law aspects. Prop- REMOVALS papers. Problems solved. Call erty conveyancing, any litigation, MISCELLANEOUS PAWNBROKERS. LICENSED SINCE AND STORAGE 678808837 disputes and mediation. Personal HOUSE clearances specialist. injury claim (accident compensa- 1983. WE BUY! WE PAY MORE! WE WANTED Cars & vans. Free collec- MAN & VAN Small removals, clear- Houses, gardens, garages cleared. tion). Family law, divorce, wills, pro- PAY CASH! ALL TYPES OF tion same day. 685524921 WATCHES, JEWELLERY, DIA- ances. 100% reliable. Ikea collec- Cash on collection . Man & van re- bate and lasting power of Attorney. moval service. Fast and reliable. Rich Residence card and NIE. Domestic MONDS. ANY CONDITION! AN- tion/ assembly. 20E hourly. CARS & Vans any registration, in- THONYS ANTIQUES, SEE MAIN 622020856 639229607 Joanne 649977723 re- stant cash. Finance/embargo UK Violence. Criminal defence, and at- [email protected] tendance at Police Station. ADVERT. WE BUY MORE, WE PAY or Spanish.. 685524921 MORE, WE PAY CASH. ANTHONY¿S 2 MEN & Van. 30 Euros/hour. Al- +34636029345 dolores@orlex- FURNITURE wanted same day col- WANTED: Best prices paid for ANTIQUES, C/ RAMON Y CAJAL, ways on time. 651081610 lection. Cash waiting. 675357575 40, FUENGIROLA. PLEASE EMAIL proper cars, same day collection. diamonds@anthonys-dia- BRITISH Removal Company SL. WANTED all furniture and house- 678808837 OR CALL TEL. Regular service Spain, UK includ- hold items. Best prices. 697511071 ALL CARS/ Commercials wanted Accountants 952588795-609529633 ing Scotland and Ireland. any age, any condition. Cash. Buyer 952426463 WANTED 50s, 60s, 70s Rock re- BORROW Cash on your house. Any cords, singles and LPs. 650509035 collects. Transfer included. property. Any amount. No monthly WWW.SPAINUKSPAIN.COM Vehi- 605109796 ACCOUNTANTS. English and Span- Man van re- CASH for your unwanted furniture. ish Accountants for all accounting/ payments. No credit checks. Pay cle leaving Spain 9th-19th-29th, SIMPLY The Best. Top prices paid movals from 20E/ Hr. Local & Euro- House/ garage/ bar clearances. Also bookkeeping jobs. Tax and company back ONLY when you sell. returning 10th-20th-30th.Prices removals. Steve 722306194 for any second-hand cars. Jeff formation. Professional, reliable, 617333777 express4finance@ya- from 90 pounds per m3. Cars 525. pean. Storage containers in Este- 639416333 confidential. Tel: 952440773 Bikes 325. Dogs 395. Cats 295 in- pona. David 696810618 BUY RECORDS, record player and radios. Tel. 651187549. CLASSIC Cars Restoration ¿ 30 years' REGISTRATION of holiday proper- cluding vet checks/ travel with your SPAIN/ UK, UK/ SPAIN. Part full experience in simple repairs and up- ties, company formations, business Investments pets. Various vehicles cater for your loads. Pet transport. WE CLEAR houses, garages, bars, grades to ¿ground up¿ restoration, start-ups, bookkeeping, taxation needs. 952596213, 665150227 [email protected] storage units. Tel. bodywork, upholstery etc. Classic EARN upto 17.5% per annum from and translations. Malcolm Green- 637980655 Cars Marbella. www.classiccarsmar- wood. 699780389 our premium UK asset backed in- MAN & VAN. Anything considered. Tel. 697980431 come opportunities. For informa- No job too small. FROM 15Euros STORAGE Lowest price guaranteed! BRAND NEW MEMORY FOAM MAT- per/hour+ fuel (IVA credited). tion visit www.mstinvestments. Call Packaging materials. Selfstorage TRESSES, ONLY 69 EUROS EACH, Insurance 951204139 605215917 Marbella 952811311 CAN DELIVER. s.bajerski@hot- OR 00447982029966 (WHATSAPP NO PROBS) FURNITURE bedroom, three chest of draws and two bedside cabinets Eur.200 Tel. 00447502207585 The undisputed market leader and favourite read*, reaching more than 260,000 expats every week in Malaga alone (*IPSOS independent research) 58 February 2nd to 8th 2018 CLASSIFIED SUR IN ENGLISH

WANTED, wanted, wanted!! All cars, FORD KA 2003, low kms, good con- UK MOT Car collected and deliv- NEW JOB? At jobfinder Spain we LOOKING FOR AN ENGLISH ACCOUNT Manager: We are look- all years, all models...from exotic dition. 1,650 Euros. 687474407 ered by transporter, GBP400. Email meet with you, identify your key TEACHER FOR FUENGIROLA. ALL ing for passionate German and French [email protected] LEVELS QUALIFIED. SEND CVS TO to classic. Spanish, English, Dutch VAN FORD Fiesta 1.4 TDCI. Immacu- strengths, build you profile, then speaking Account Managers who (0044)7553367285 [email protected] plated. Call us on 951977329 late condition. ITV Dec 2018. 2,895 guide you through the selection and will partner with and ensure the interview process for that perfect long-term success of our hotel cus- Euros Poss p/x. 687474407 UK MOT Car collected and deliv- EVENT organizer Advice Group Spain ered by transporter, GBP400. Email job!.Call 951400234 www.jobfind- tomers, taking responsibility for de- is looking for commercial talent with livering excellent customer service. [email protected] very good PC skills to promote the Car / Van Hire (0044)7553367285 Training will be provided. Experi- Home Fair Costa del Sol and Golf ence with Internet technology and Expo Marbella fairs. Full time job, advanced office computer skills are partly sales visiting potential ex- an advantage. Candidates must have CARAVANS hibitors in Marbella, partly admin- English at a high business level plus istrative follow up from Estepona German and or French, other lan- based office. Must be team player guages are a plus. Full time posi- Storage and fluent English and Spanish ab- tions available in our Mijas office. solute necesity. Send your CV to Submit your Curriculum to nico- [email protected] PARKING, storage & sales.Caravans, [email protected] motorhomes, cars and boats etc. LOOKINIG for a new start for the Short/ long term. Safe & secure. Ex- New Year? Would you like to earn cellent rates. 5 minutes from Fuen- more money in a proper job with a girola. [email protected] contract and nomina? We are look- 679786669/ 606101807 ing for you, we need native English speaking telemarketers to work part time in Fuengirola, the hours are 4- 8.30pm Monday to Thursday and 4- NAUTICAL 7pm on Friday. Please call 952586140 after 11am WANTED JetSki's, Boats, Quads..etc RECRUITMENT!! Need work? or working or not. Telf. 609521166. looking for the right people? We can [email protected] help. [email protected] PUERTO Banus 8M mooring for rental Tel 630614252 HOMESIT Timeshare claim appoint- Repairs BOAT and 3x10mtrs mooring in ment setters required, for busy, lively, EXPERIENCED, committed native AMBIENTJOBS 12 years as Malaga's successful office in Las Lagunas. Estepona. Could be sold separately. Recruitment Market Leaders. Em- English teacher needed by a well es- Contact 657646705 Hours are flexible / part-time. Fan- tablished language school in Málaga ployers gain access to our extensive tastic reward package. Happy of- TRANSMATIC Automatic gearbox live database of hand- picked and (West part of the City and Univer- fice. Great Data! Experience essen- sity area). 19 hours a week, all with specialists. All models including clas- fully referenced candidates, and dis- tial. Call Nick. 632641185 sic cars, serviced, repaired and re- RECRUITMENT cuss our tailor made Recruitment adults (in-company). Own trans- conditioned. Also 4x4 transfer boxes strategies. Candidates consult with port would be important advantage. and power steering. Call/Fax: us on our career management ad- Net monthly income app 950 Euros. 952796166/ 952805804/ vice and access our top jobs and un- Employment contract. Starting mid 615834322. transmatic2005@ya- Situations Vacant advertised vacancies. Contact Su- February. Please send you CV to: sana on 34665774400 susana@am- teachenglishin- [email protected] QUALITY staff? With over 5000 can- www.ambient- didates and 400 new registrations English teacher required for busy language school in Marbella. Part Paperwork monthly, we can help you hire and DOCTOR (of cosmetics or GP) and keep the best staff quickly and cost time position. Must have TEFL quali- Dentist required for a well estab- fication and experience with chil- effectively. Find out how at www.job- lished Clinic in Calahonda. Call dren, adults and Cambridge exams. or call 951400234 952934857 Please send cv and covering letter to [email protected] CDS PROPERTY are recruiting for our busy office in San Pedro. We require experienced Sales peo- ple, Swedish, Flemish, English and familiar with resales online and Info Casa. Lots of Quality Leads and Clients. High commission. Email: info@cdsproperty- Call: 645194826 CAR REGISTRATION registration I AM seeking a part time PA for MD hassle free. Don't drive illegally. Ask who travels extensively and to pro- WE BUY your car or motorhome. specialists before buying & regis- vide good PA services on business State and year no matter. Pay fair in tering to save tax. More info and some personal properties in Mar- cash. 651187549 R.Theiss 952490028 bella Hours to suit and discuss. 00447802246386 February 2nd to 8th 2018 59 SUR IN ENGLISH CLASSIFIED

EXPERIENCED Telemarketers re- SALES staff needed in various lo- ENGLISH speaking cleaners under ALHAURIN El Grande: Looking for SOFTWARE Sales Consultant. Are SALES Representative Required at quired for bright & lively office situ- cations, immediate start. Email: 45. Own car and vacuum cleaner. sales staff for our Alhaurin office, you a great sales person who is com- Rapido Claims SL - San Pedro de ated in Benalmadena. Tried and [email protected] Torremolinos to Estepona. the position is outbound sales to the fortable selling software systems to Alcántara, Málaga. Contract with national associations and govern- basic of 1000 euros per month and tested easy to sell product. Great SEEKING Out-of-this-World Sales +34646253040 UK. The company has been on the opportunity for the right candidate. coast for a number years. Previous ment councils through online meet- good commission package with at- Professionals. We're expanding LOOKING for native interviewers ings around the world? Excellent tainable OTE of 4,000-5,000 euros Experience preferred but not nec- our retail investment sales team sales experience is a bonus, how- essary. Drive & Determination is a (any languages except Spanish and ever we provide you with training product, good basic + sales com- per month. A constant flow of new and are looking for the very best mission. Office close to Puerto Banus. potential customers. Great team at- Must. All applicants should have NIE sales professionals the Costa Del English) to perform market research you will need. You will be on con- by telephone. Send your CV to: tract from day one, so you will need Send CV to [email protected] mosphere, working closely with the & Social Security. Please send CV to: Sol has to offer to work in our Mar- support and legal team. Sales expe- [email protected] or call bella office. You'll be on the front [email protected] Social Security, NIE and photo id. REAL ESTATE Agency located in Mi- Any further question please arrange rience is needed, and ideally a good 618040159 line of the most exciting invest- jas Costa and operative on the en- understanding of finance related ment products in the market, an interview for day and time that tire Coast is looking for experienced suits you. Email on jcjobsal- products i.e. mortgages. The ma- working alongside a developer sales agents and telemarketers. The jority of customers are from the UK with huge brand stature, credi- [email protected] Or phone candidates must speak English flu- 604270827 & Ireland, so native English speak- bility and financial strength which ently and preferably one of the fol- ing is necessary. The successful can- will be at the heart of your pitch. DUE TO the success of our existing lowing languages: French, German, didate will have good sales experi- You'll need credibility and integ- telemarketing offices in Andalucia Nordic. Great conditions and high ence, computer skills and be a na- rity to deal with clients world- we have now opened a 3rd office in commission scheme for the right tive English speaker. Please send wide, naturally full product train- Elviria and require 2 more additional candidates. Please send CV CV´s to [email protected] ing is provided. To hire the best staff for immediate start. NIE and [email protected] and/or we pay the best. Five figure earn- Social Security essential as this is a call 951484500 ings per month are common place contracted position. Please call Benny CLARITY Communications SL are Situations Wanted among our talented team, have on 604131684 contracted to UK Blue Chip telecom- you got what it takes to join them? munications company with a state GERMAN lady offers caring and ef- Send your CV today to ca- of the art Call centre in Elviria. We ficient assistance for elder people, [email protected] require experienced qualifiers for including full board. Marbella immediate start to support our grow- 687660902 ing team. Successful applicants will be rewards with Euros 1,000 sala- CARER experienced UK looking for ried contract, plus commission. For clients needing companionship, dis- more information and interview call ability and/ or elderly support. Can Neil 604241131 and send your CV live in. Fluent Spanish. Contact Jo to [email protected] 658633026 RESPONSIBLE woman with expe- ADMINISTRATION Administration rience, English/ Spanish, for clean- PART- time/ full time administra- Manager: We are looking for an ex- ing, looking after children, love pets, SALES Executives required. We are tremely organized and focused per- looking for enthusiastic, dynamic tion assistant for a leading events own car. 634455454 company. English native tongue and son to work alongside and manage Sales Executives to join our offices our admin and logistic team. The GERMAN Carpenter cabinets, kitch- in El Rosario. The ability to speak a fluent Spanish required. Excellent candidate must be self-motivated ens, drywall, repairs, paints, Mar- second language is preferable but communication and writing skills and initiative. Preferable you will bella area. 674945844 not essential. You will receive on and a good working knowledge of be coming from an accounting and CARER experienced companion- going professional training in a new Excel essential. Please send CV to administrative background but you forward-thinking company. The right ship, elderly support, domestic job, [email protected] should be used to work under pres- responsable, references. 604120912 candidates will receive a contract, sure and towards deadlines. Logi- basic salary and excellent commis- cal forward thinking, ability to multi sions after an initial trial period. Suc- RELIABLE sales person required task, Confident, Organized and ef- cessful applicants can expect an OTE for long established real estate in ficient with excellent communica- PERSONAL of Euros 30,000 to Euros 100,000 Calahonda. English/Ger- tive skills & the personality to man- p.a. If you are ready for a new chal- man/Scandinavian preferred. CV age a team effectively is a must. lenge and joining our team, in the RECRUITMENT assistant required. to [email protected] Also, to be be-lingual (English and Meeting Point first instance please call 951660916 Excellent telephone skills essential. Spanish) and proficiency in Micro- or send your CV to info@johnson- Must be computer literate. 20 hrs LOOKING for real estate agent flu- soft Office Package. If you think you AN ASSOCIATION of physically im- p/w, 10 euros p/h. Telephone ent in English, MSOffice, driver's li- are up for this challenging job please peded persons in the area of Benal- TELESALES: We are looking for 663900416 cense, own car. isabel@costa-holi- send your C V to andreab@ambi- madena is required. We need to cre- homebased telesales people to join LOOKING for native interviewers ate it in order to exchange and learn our team. Sales experience essen- (any languages except Spanish and both from one another as well as tial, native English speakers only. English) to perform market research from third parties. Do you want to OTE earnings 1,500 per month. 1 by telephone. Send your CV to: be part of this? In which case con- month training at our Fuengirola of- tact [email protected] or fice. For full job spec, send CV to [email protected] call 699300539 [email protected] or call I AM seeking a part time PA for MD 951203002. Start date 22-02-18 BACHELOR, 62, attractive. Living who travels extensively and to pro- alone in Finca, Fuengirola. Speak FILIPINOSUR Marbella, domestic vide good PA services on business various languages. WLTM attractive, service and cleaning company. Low and some personal properties in Mar- affectionate woman. Whatsapp commissions and good services. bella Hours to suit and discuss. 606763000 00447802246386 663612830 VALENTINES Night Singles Party - Hotel Tamisa Golf Mijas Costa 14th February 7.30 PM. Make new friends and have fun. Welcome drink, 2 Course meal plus enter- tainment only 23 Euros. Call 722336978 email: solo- [email protected] ELDERLY open minded gentleman WLTM an active contemporary who lives within a 1 hour drive of Fuen- girola, for lively conversations, lei- sure, sports, and close friendship. [email protected]


AFRICAN Spiritualist. Love issues? Separation?Destroy Black magic? etc... Ibra 600290072 60 February 2nd to 8th 2018 CLASSIFIED SUR IN ENGLISH

TRADITIONAL Thai massage. Reiki TNT SAT 50 chaines francaises sans DRIVERS licence in English. Dis- PETCARE Pet Hotel: Alhaurin El Pet Transport Therapy. Tatami or couch. Muscle abonement Jose Sotto depuis 1973, count with this advert. Autoescu- Grande. Holiday accommodation massage by professional. Offer 25 952443838, 670443838 ela Urbano. Calle Maestro Angeles for dogs & cats. Individually LOOK no further for your pet trans- Euros per session. Usui method. Ap- Aspiazu, Fuengirola. Manual or auto- port. We offer a service to travel pointments. 634181891 BEST sales repairs all tv sat José matic. 687070256 Sotto 952443838, 670443838 heated/aircon kennels. with/ without your pets/ furniture. SELECT Marbella. Massage center. DRIVER licence in English with 952112284/ 685400216 Pets from 295 pounds including vet Amazing results. 30 minutes: 50 discounts. Also with AUTOMATIC checks. Various vehicles cater for euros; 1 hour: 100 euros. Flexible car! Fuengirola/ Mijas. 657325808 Follow your needs. 952596213, timetable. 620366817 us on Facebook at Petcare Spain 665150227 MUSIC BODY, Mind, Qabalah - The Tree of LIVE CELLO Music Cellist Gorka Life. Individual/ Groups/ Retreats. EURODOG, Boarding Kennels & Cat- PET-COURIERS com. If you love PREDICTIVE pyshic readings Contact: [email protected] your pet try us first. We are the best. Mobility Onraita is performing beautiful tery, fully licensed & sanitary ap- 952932600 smooth jazz and romantic classi- Door to door services throughout Europe. Specialised vehicles - be- PREMIER Mobility Spain. We repair cal music for night clubs, restau- proved, safe, secure and loving en- rants, hotels and exclusive pri- spoken service. Full legal service, all types of Scooters, stairlifts, elec- PETS vironment. Large kennels & play ar- including documentation if required. tric bikes, pool pumps, TV's, mobil- vate events. 677115150. HEALTH & BEAUTY [email protected] eas. Fully refurbished, inspections For further information call or email ity batteries etc. Tel 603263157/ us. Tel. or WhatsApp (0034) welcome. 663956018/ 951502184 Buy / Sell 651033670 Email: info@pet-cou- Chiropodists 952464947 -679786669 COMPUTERS / Paul Others & Elaine Curtis-Turner. Tel. 2 MALTESE pups for sale 9 weeks, MALE/ female Viagra, kamagra jel- INTERNET / PHONES 619547636 male & female, 800 Euros each. lys, cialis, delivered or mail order 697599250 [email protected]. 672883025 Buy / Sell SHIH TZU puppies. 1 boy and 1 girl. Therapists Gold/ white. Ready to go now! I also DAYTONA Computer: Computers, have young adult Tzu that could be mobile phones and accessories in available to the right family. Call ITEC Diploma courses in massage, VIDEO / TV your language. Sales and repairs. Candice 619306462 or email anda- reflexology and others. weekly, in- Agents Masmovil & TIEKOM. Estab- [email protected] Also www.face- tensive or online. 951311216. lished 1999. Los Boliches. info@day- or call 952667395 PUPPIES German Shephards, Ken- MARBELLA Counselling and Psy- Satellite Installation nel Coroninas, excellent pedigrees, chosexual therapy. COSRT and vaccinated, microchip, info BACP accredited. Individuals and Repairs 619464515 or 609535857, couples. www.sextherapymar- Richard 608 594 608 UK TV Fully installed from 295 Euros COMPUTER problems solved! Er- with all BBC's and ITV 1. Call Mar- ror messages fixed, viruses removed. CHIHUAHUA pedigree puppies tin 650067389 Hardware/software upgrades avail- with passport. All year available. Massage able. Kindle, iPad & Android help. 951312860/ 654285667 TV REPAIRS, Plasmas, LCDS, digi- Laptops in English. Also one-to-one boxes, video, hi-fi, microwaves. Free training. Experienced, reliable serv- estimates. Can collect. 35 years ex- DE-STRESS full-body 2 body mas- ice, no callout charge. Paul, perience. John 952491723 / 630652338/952493859 Kennels / Cattery sages. Tantric, Nuru, Kyokuero... In- 600706201 calls/ outcalls. Elena 635290724 BBC1/2 uk full uk pack 80 cm dish SHAVING secret zone by experi- no internet needed no contract. LAGUNA Kennels & cosy cattery. enced mature Japanese masseuse. Wacht tv all rooms no cables. Sky CLASSES 20 Euros. Fuengirola. 610396186 Your pets lovingly cared for by full pack iptv internet from only 199 English mother & daughter. Coín. FUENGIROLA: Classic full body mas- euros no contrat no dish. Satellite HOLA! Speak Spanish from first Tel 952112021/ 606838983 or la- sage, Thai, Shiatsu, Sports. Home improuve reallignement bbc sky and [email protected] visits. 645131273 all europeens tv. Pave as you go. lesson. Experienced qualified na- same day service. José Sotto Since tive teacher. One-to-one, groups. CAT & DOG World Kennels and Cat- THE BEST Sport massage, 60E/ 1973. 952443838, 670443838 Fuengirola. 661159330 tery. 952112978/ 630197435. 90min. Free home visit. 622297221 Email [email protected] [email protected]


EMERGENCIES Taxi Service 952471000 Town Hall 952548400 CRUISE SHIP MOVEMENTS (SOURCE: MALAGA PORT AUTHORITY) Emergency operator 112 Tourist Office 952467625 Foreign Resident Dept. 952548401 Ship Date From Next port Docks Sails National Police 091 Town Hall 952589300 TORREMOLINOS Local (municipal) Police 092 Foreign Residents Dept. 952589440 Aidacara 03/02 - - 08.00 18.00 Medical 061 Bus Station 902143144 MSC Orchestra 08/02 Funchal Civitavecchia 08.00 14.00 MALAGA Fire 080 Taxi Service 952380600 Norwegian Spirit 11/02 Funchal Alicante 07.00 17.00 Guardia Civil 062 Bus Station 952350061 Tourist Office 952371909 Sea Rescue 900202202 Railway Station 902240202 Town Hall 952379400 Crime report 902102112 Taxi Service 952345693 Foreign Residents Dept. 952374231 Tourist Office 951926020 ENGLISH-SPEAKING HELP BENALMÁDENA MARBELLA Samaritans in Spain 900525100 Bus Station 902450550 Alcoholics Anonymous 600379110 Bus Station 955038665 Taxi Service 952441545 Age Care 952933409 Taxi Service 952774488 Tourist Office 952442494 Age Concern (Estepona) 608458555 Tourist Office 952768760 Town Hall 952374231 Town Hall 952761100 Foreign Residents Dept. 952442494 ANDALUSIAN HEALTH SERVICE Foreign Residents Dept. 952768760 VÉLEZ-MÁLAGA Salud Responde (doctors’ appointments & MIJAS advice) 955545060 Bus Station 952503162 Town Hall 952485900 Taxi 952540016 ESTEPONA Town Hall Las Lagunas 952473125 Town Hall 952559100 Bus Station 952800249 Taxi 952478288 Tourist Office 952541104 Taxi Service 952802900 Tourism Office 952589034 GIBRALTAR Tourist Office 952800913 Foreign Resident Dept. 952589010 Town Hall 952801100 General emergency 199/112(mobiles) NERJA Foreign Residents Dept. 952809031 Fire/ambulance (emergency) 190 Bus Station 902422242 Tourist Office (00350) 20074950 FUENGIROLA Taxi Service 952520537 Taxi (00350) 20070027 Bus Station 952475066 Tourist Information 952521531


Great Britain C/. Mauricio Moro Pareto 2- 2. Málaga 952352300 France 1, Plaza de Santa Cruz, Seville 954293200 USA Av. Juan Gómez 8. Ed. Lucía 1-C. Fuengirola 952474891 Italy Calle Lagasca, 98, Madrid 912106910 Belgium Avda Ricardo Soriano 20-3C, Marbella 951516019 Austria Alameda de Colón 26, Malaga 952600267 Denmark Calle Córdoba 6 404, Malaga 952211797 Finland Calle Blasco de Garay, 7, Malaga 952212435 Norway Avda Los Boliches, 60, Edf Rosenkranz, Fuengirola 952667955 Saudi Arabia Mauricio M. Pareto 2 bloque Sur 2º, Malaga 952310358 Canada C/Cervantes, Edif. Horizonte, Malaga 952223346 Greece Salitre, 16, Malaga 952311847 Germany Mauricio Moro Pareto 2, Malaga 952363591 Iceland Paseo Marítimo 91, 29640 Fuengirola 952661200 Sweden Calle Córdoba 6, 5th floor, Malaga 952604383 Philippines C/Marqués de Larios 4, 2º, Malaga 952222757 Ireland Avda. Los Boliches, Fuengirola 952475108 Hungary Av. de Andalucía 26 29007 Malaga 952308393 February 2nd to 8th 2018 61 SUR IN ENGLISH CLUBS CLUBS

ROYAL BRITISH LEGION INTERNAT. LABOUR GROUP COSTA CHORDBUSTERS CALAHONDA BRIDGE CLUB 616679453. Puerto de la Duquesa: 634717317 / Fuengirola: Alf Brewer 952449408 Anne Bowles. 952464184 Club Naranja. 952198789 / 670593 232. LODGE EUROPEAN FRATERNITY 52 [email protected] ASSOC. FRANCÓFONOS THE INTERNATIONAL MUSIC SOCIETY ACE BRIDGE CLUB Mijas Costa: 615758959. Fuengirola: Tel:658655511 or 646436967 952468106. Costa del Sol-Torre del Mar: All French speakers welcome. 951087994 Gilly: 952573983. Fuengirola. Deanne Mutter: 747771404. NERJA CHICK-LIT BOOK CLUB 628343198 Nerja: 952526423. Los AMERICAN INTERNATIONAL CLUB COLLEGIUM MUSICUM COSTA DEL SOL NERJA BRIDGE CLUB Romanes: 618293749. Torremolinos: New friends, great books! 693373530 952112141 Welfare 654254799. Coín: Almuñécar to Torrox [email protected] International choir/orchestra. 952775492. Joan 952520579 or Trevor on 952524743 LIONS CLUBS 663157776 Marbella: or CANTOLIBRE CHOIR LOS BOLICHES BRIDGE CLUB 952774572 Malaga Ilusion: May Ramirez 616613705; NEDERLANSE CLUB COSTA DEL SOL branches/marbella Alhaurín el Grande: Amateur singers Estepona. 692558 041 Leos: Gonzalo 627712351; University: Dominiques. Mon & Fri. 645684756 952112118/637134616. Albox: Tel: 952473545. Various Costa locations Sara 626835485 NEW SAYDO SINGERS C C MARBELLA BRIDGE etgoodey@yahoo Benajarafe: Marbella Costa del Sol: Jacqueline Dueñas AMERICAN CLUB OF COSTA DEL SOL 685413642. Mollina: 957535211. Riders’ Every Tuesday: Kate: 685563764 619755031; Marbella Francófono: Wed, Thurs, Sat, Sun. With Bridgemate. Tel: branch: 952514226 /653108415 President: R. E. Parmiter [email protected] Rosalyn Bakker; 952884340; Marbella 636 673 372 or German: T. Heyden 667760230; Marbella BRITISH CHAMBER OF COMMERCE R.T.’S LINE DANCE CLUB CASTILLO BRIDGE CLUB Fuengirola, Mijas, Benalmádena: Decano: M. Álvarez 619414119; Mijas La [email protected] 951203094 David Kylen 653274392.Malaga: Calahonda / Fuengirola / Benalmádena. Cala: Julie Barry 608315704; Mijas: Jose Tel: 655459576 Rosella Parmiter 952400006. Marbella: Bob 952931754 or 697441313. Guasp Borreda 639 080 569; Nerja: Elke ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS ST ANDREW’S BRIDGE CLUB Carol Lewis 951778717. Estepona: Lange 693706900; Puerto Banús BOOGIE SHOES LINE DANCE CLUB English-speaking groups. 600379110. Frazier Gardella 952804693. Cosmopolitan: Egidia Ingels 68032009; Los Boliches. 697769170 / 952667861. Estepona, The Roadhouse Bar. Thurs 19.45 Rincón de la Victoria: Doris: 952407824 AL-ANON FAMILY GROUPS ACE AMERICAN CLUB OF ESTEPONA COSTA DEL SOL CRICKET CLUB MISSISSIPPI COASTERS TOASTMASTERS PUBLIC SPEAKING English meetings: 602553470 Calle San Roque. Tel: 952793059. League cricket. Previn: 606526618. Line dance.Fuengirola.Bob 697441313. Al-Andalus Toastmasters Club #1788: POSITIVELY PINK ASSOCIATION ENGLISH-SPEAKING CLUB MALAGA MARBELLA SURF CLUB Donna 956 840 497. Rota, Cadiz. JIVE DANCE CLUB Breast cancer. English/Spanish conversation. The Achievers Toastmasters Club #5183: Avda. Independencia, 17, Tel:952778617. [email protected] 635717211. Nueva Andalucía, Percy 646533112. INTERNATIONAL TABLE TENNIS CLUB Gibraltar: Luis 606460025. Malaga: PTA DIABETIC SUPPORT GROUP WELSH SOCIETY MODERN JIVE English / Spanish, Claudia 685965867. Benalmádena Costa. 952373813. Fuengirola. Anne Bowles: 607879450 Arroyo de la Miel. Debbie 626292707 Benalmádena/Fuengirola.Howard FREEMASONS MIJAS LAWN BOWLS CLUB [email protected] 631813877 THE BRITISH SOCIETY Fuengirola: Norman Hay 674755024. Tel: 952 466 038. MY WEIGH, WEIGHT LOSS JJ’S COSTA DEL SOL DANCE CLUB Sandra Addison 952 568 291 Benalmádena Calahonda: Mike Williams 644133186. SUNDAY TABLE TENNIS CLUB Pueblo. [email protected] Ballroom, Sequence & Latin 627658925 Los Boliches: Paul Clueit 667156806. 952583907/ 663674804 Mijas Costa: David Mantle 952934193. Sunset Beach Hotel, Benalmádena BRITISH ASSOCIATION MARBELLA FOTA, FRIENDS OF THE THEATRE Coín: Ian Bushnell 611020641. 663138062 [email protected] OVEREATERS ANONYMOUS Meets weekly. Jan/Joan 952835947 Desk open Mon/Wed/Fri 11.30am-1.15pm. Alhaurín: Vic Dean 952450678. MARBELLA SINGLES SOCIAL GROUP Estepona: Janet 69445754/Ben 7557048 Salon Varietés, Fuengirola. 952584268. ENGLISH PHOENIX CLUB ROTARY CLUB 006. Bar Cristobel, Thurs 6pm. Over 45s. [email protected] INTERNATIONAL THEATRE STUDIO Torre del Mar: Gael: 951067723 Benalmádena: 952441440 Benahavís: CUDECA SUPPORT GROUPS COSTA DEL SOL FREETHINKERS San Pedro district. Tel 952884034 670604392 Estepona: 952800999. INTERNAT. CLUB OF SALOBREÑA 952 564 910 or [email protected] Fuengirola/Mijas: 696494492. Marbella: [email protected] THESPA-ENGLISH SPEAKING PLAYERS Estepona: ACE Club 11.30am 1st Thurs. [email protected] 952821121 San Pedro: 951318381 PAINTING GROUP Nerja: Cáritas 11.30am 2nd Thurs. Dinner and Drama. Los Boliches. Marbella - Guadalmina: 952888077. ASOCIACIÓN IRLANDESA Cómpeta: 11.30am 3rd Thurs Axareducación. 622454422. Fueng. - Marbella. [email protected] OVER 40S SINGLES CLUB President Finola Sloyan: 607340523 MABS CANCER SUPPORT GROUP NERJA HISTORY GROUP THE ART CLUB Estepona: El Limonero Tel: 952806759 IRISH ASSOCIATION OF SPAIN Fourth Tuesday, Miraflores Club, Marbella, Talks/trips. Christina Sinclair 687602057 San Pedro ARROYO SOCIAL & WELFARE CLUB 11.30 a.m. 952833568/ 647054945 618680148. Facebook. email: [email protected] KITCHEN CLUB Arroyo de la Miel. Jean 952563580. CANCER SUCKS SPAIN SCOTTISH COUNTRY DANCING ESTEPONA FLORAL ART CLUB [email protected] 697883717 TORREMOLINOS & DIST. SOCIAL CLUB Cancer support group. 662446388 Arroyo. Martin 952383883/654859075 [email protected] YORUBA ASSOCIATION OF MALAGA Facebook & [email protected] Wed am. Rosaleda Bar. Mike 626880722. INTERNATIONAL CLUB ESTEPONA Aluko 691314576 [email protected] AGE CARE ASSOCIATION FLOWER ARRANGING CLUB ARROYO FRIENDLY CLUB 952802549. SOTOGRANDE WRITERS CLUB Coffee mornings: from 11am-12.30 pm. Venta Platero (Coín-Cartama road) Benalmádena. 952446935. OUT OF AFRICA CLUB Benalmádena: Mon, Bar Pitanza; THE ANDALUCIAN GARDEN GROUP SOROPTIMIST INTERNATIONAL Calahonda: Tues, Thurs, Calahonda Int. Trish: 952668081 COMMUNITY PRESIDENTS CLUB Baptist Church; Fuengirola: Wed, Bar Salon Alh. el Grande. 952119767/952455213 653771625 U3A LEARNING FOR PLEASURE Varietés; Coín: Thurs, Pépe’s Bar; Los Marbella:645784718/Fuengirola: THE AXARQUÍA GARDEN CLUB HASH HOUSE HARRIERS Boliches: Frid, Hogar de Jubilados. Advice: U3A Fuengirola, University of the Third Age, 952591071 635407255 [email protected] learning for pleasure. Joining fee of 30 Mijas: 606761942. Malaga: 654633430. ASTOR RESIDENTS ASSOCIATION euros. For more information: AGE CONCERN ANDALUCIA BIRD SOCIETY AMIGAS DE CASA Torreblanca: Tel Brian 609 548 656 Also Estepona and Manilva: Lifeline 608458555 on Facebook U3ACostadelSol 952817843 Vva del Trabuco. 952751424/952751304 BENALMÁDENA HEALING GROUP [email protected] Spiritual Group Tel Liz 951947480 BRITISH SCOUTING MOVEMENT COSTA PRESS CLUB rg / CLUB CHARITY AND PLEASURE CLASSIC CARS CLUB Fuengirola:Los Bolichos, Thurs 11am- 1st Fuengirola Scout Group. 1pm. Pensionista building near station. Robert Troost 610755995 Estepona. President Mary 952896820 Mijas. 3rd Sat each month. 607690057 COSTA WOMEN Mijas: Mijas Pueblo, Thurs 11am-1pm. COLMENAR DISTRICT SOCIAL CLUB FERRARI OWNERS CLUB Oasis Bar. La Cala de Mijas, Fri 11am-1pm 677251058 NADFAS Bar Conrisa. Lifeline (Fuengirola and Marjorie 951163071. TANGENT CLUB & EX-LADIES CIRCLERS Mijas):652537615. Costa del Sol: TENNIS CLUB ‘EL CAPITAN INT’ PORCHE OWNERS’ CLUB Nerja: 952533373. 952886772 [email protected] ANREM - RESIDENTS & FOREIGNERS [email protected] De la Frontera: San Roque Club. Torre del Mar. Patrick 675391967. 41 CLUBS & EX-ROUND TABLERS [email protected] 630927226 Gibraltar: SPANISH/ENGLISH INTERCAMBIO THE GOOD COMPANIONS CLUB Benahavís: Costa del Sol: 952818772 / 627462410 Malaga. AlCasa Bar, C/Pozo del Rey. Tues FOREIGN RESIDENTS’ ASS. ANDALUCIA 9pm until late Tel: 951106311 David. 663459103. Nerja: 952529611 / 677090665 Los Boliches. Tel: Tony White 951661201. [email protected] 658426227 INDIAN COMMUNITY MARBELLA BUSINESS NETWORK MIJAS ARTS CENTRE CLUB DE BÉISBOL COSTA DEL SOL B.B.C. [email protected]: LUX MUNDI ECUMENICAL CENTRE Joe 694442331 [email protected] Classes 952485867, 952202940 / 952464468. Mijas 952477171 / 627108987 Torre del Mar: [email protected] THE SENDERISTAS PATCHWORK AND QUILTING AIKIDO TOMIKI SHODOKAN THE IMAGE GROUP 952543334.Fuengirola: 952474840 Photographic club. Multi national walking group. Different levels. Tel: 952131670, Malaga ROYAL AIR FORCE ASSOCIATION GAMBLERS ANONYMOUS COSTA PHOTOGRAPHIC SOCIETY TAEKWONDO CLUB [email protected] Tel:620786772 Costa del Sol, THE FIELD CLUB Fighting Dragons Club Benalmádena. Mike Send any corrections or details of new CONSERVATIVES ABROAD Walks. Fuengirola. 618149373 clubs by email marked ‘For the clubs ASTRONOMY COSTA DEL SOL [email protected] page’. [email protected] 6262626262626262 February 2nd to 8th 2018 PASTIMES SUR IN ENGLISH


THE STARS CRYPTIC CROSSWORD Nº 11280 Aquarius January 21 - February 19 The possibilities for being a bit mad and enjoying yourself are many this week. Take the chance to indulge yourself.

Pisces February 20th – March 20th Making a splash is right up your street. THE WORDPUZZLER Enjoy getting out and about and seeing some pretty quirky people.

Aries March 21st – April 20th At this dynamic time of the year we tend to revisit past mistakes. Then we determine not to repeat them!

Taurus April 21st – May 21st Wanting to give happiness to others is a strong desire right now. Could this have been triggered by contact with someone you admire? Across Down Gemini May 22nd – June 21st Clearing the decks is no bad thing if a new start is needed. Just don’t throw out something that you will miss later!

Cancer INTERNATIONAL RADIO June 22nd – July 23rd Taking up a new activity may mean spending a few pennies. There could be Talk Radio Europe Spectrum (105.5 FM, Costa big results in satisfaction though. You 105.5 Axarquía Almeria/Mojácar 92.6 FM) need something to get your teeth into. 91.5 Costa del Sol East 24 hour music and entertainment 91.9 Costa del Sol West Leo 98.7 Gibraltar/Sotogrande Radio Mijas (107.7 FM) July 24th – August 23rd News, interviews, lifestyle, sport and 3 p.m. News, views and music Loving Venus is a strong influence on BBC World Service. you right up to next weekend. Why not Radio Sol Almijara (99.1 FM) arrange something special? Global (93.6 and 96.4FM) Nerja radio in English and German and All week round the clock music and night time World Radio Network Virgo entertainment August 24th - September 23rd Heartfmspain (88.5 FM Costa, 96.1 Have fun but stay grounded is the Radio Radio Network (96 and 98.3 FM inland) Music, entertainment, news message. Things can move quickly FM). Music 24 hours. when your heart and mind are engaged. Lick FM (103.6 FM Marbella) Central FM (98.6 FM, 103.8) Urban music broadcast between Gibraltar Libra All week, classic tracks and today’s music and Calahonda September 24th - October 23rd broadcast to the Costa del Sol Love may set your mind spinning in all Rtv Puebla (107.7 FM) directions, cuddling and dreaming SUDOKU BY HANZO ACE FM (106.8 FM) Monday evenings, Rock music memories. together can ground those thoughts. Inland radio, news and music 7 - 9pm. email: The Beat fm (106 FM) [email protected] Instructions Scorpio Complete the 928124 hours, music and entertainment Fb: Radiotelevision Peubla de Cazalla October 24th – November 22nd square making Family members may be keeping quiet sure that every 57 about needing some help, so investigate row of nine and read between those lines. numbers includes 68435 all digits from 1 QUIZ Sagittarius to 9, every 781 956 November 23rd – December 21st column includes QUESTION 1 QUESTION 2 As friends flit in and out of your life, all digits from 1 to 9 and every 3 82 make the most of their way of seeing by 3 subsection Cynophobia is fear of According to the proverb, things and their experiences. includes all digits 345 what? when should you not from 1 to 9 change your horses? Capricorn 67 9 December 22nd – January 20th 1. Dogs 1. Mid season Invite round someone who is fun to be 25 4 with. Make the conversation 2. Cats 2. Midsummer interesting by asking some humorous 5316 3. Swans 3. Midstream questions. 4. Horses 4. Mid race February 2nd to 8th 2018 63 SUR IN ENGLISH PASTIMES


Across Down

ANSWERS Clockword solution Language Crossword

Quiz answers

companion that it was not best to swap horses when crossing a stream.” a crossing when horses swap to best not was it that companion

but I am reminded of a story of an old Dutch farmer, who remarked to a a to remarked who farmer, Dutch old an of story a of reminded am I but

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the then president Abraham Lincoln, to step down. He replied to his critics:”I critics:”I his to replied He down. step to Lincoln, Abraham president then the

Of interest: interest: Of At the height of the American Civil War, there were demands for for demands were there War, Civil American the of height the At

Answer 2: Answer Midstream Midstream

Sudokudi solution the fear of dogs. Most Cynophobics generally fear large dogs. dogs. large fear generally Cynophobics Most dogs. of fear the Wordpuzzler solution

Of interest: interest: Of Cynophobia (from the Greek: ký Greek: the (from Cynophobia ō n “dog” and phóbos “fear”) is is “fear”) phóbos and “dog” n

Answer 1: Answer Dogs

Cryptic Crossword

BOOK OF THE WEEK THOUGHT FOR THE SUR IN ENGLISH CORNER Walking and Trekking THE WEEK We want you to be snap happy Richard Hartley The best In recent times, the region has- see your photo become the cover Richard Hartley a local guide who has been subjected to a number of photo on the SUR in English lived in the Alpujarra since 2002 has lack all natural phenomena: icy weather, Facebook and Twitter pages. written this guide with 38 walks and snow, flooding, terrifying gale- As always, there are a number beautiful images of the Sierra Nevada conviction, force winds and even more re- of ways you can get in touch with Mountains, in Granada. The format cently, several earthquakes. us. You can send your photos by is a pocketguide, which makes it while the Nowadays, with no one ever email to easy to carry. The guide includes some too far from a smartphone, we or, for those of you who easy walks and others which are de- worst are full can capture these moments al- are using social media, you can manding treks, some over several most instantaneously and send Tweet them at us @SUR_English days. All walks are illustrated with of passionate them off to whoever or load them onto maps and beautiful photos. This guide we want. our Facebook page is essential for everybody who loves intensity We would love to (/surenglish). to discover the Sierra Nevada Moun- see your photos so As always, we tain range. www.sierranevadaout- send us your snaps look forward to hear- W. B. YEATS and you could even ing from you! February 2nd to 8th 2018 Nº 1748 FREE DISTRIBUTION / Reference price: 1.30€ Head office: Avda. Dr. Marañón, 48, 29009, Málaga. Telephone: 952649600. Email: [email protected] Published by Prensa Malagueña, S. A. MA-1279-96 Circulation controlled by PGD/OJD. Advertising: Telephone 952649669 Email: [email protected] U.K. Representative: Global Media Sales Ltd PO Box 1126, Bromley, BR1 9TX Internet address: E-Mail: [email protected] Telephone: +44 (0)20 8464 5577 in English

Crown princess given Order of the Golden Fleece

King Felipe VI presented the award to his eldest daughter as he celebrated his fiftieth birthday

:: M. E. ALONSO MADRID. Felipe VI celebrated his “Always stand by the fiftieth birthday this week with a Constitution” ceremony in the Palacio Real in Ma- drid in which he awarded his twelve- year-old daughter, Leonor, the Col- The king, with an acknowledge- lar del Toisón de Oro (the Chain of ment to recent events in Catalo- the Order of the Golden Fleece), nia, reminded his daughter of the which once belonged to his own importance of the Constitution grandfather, the late Juan de Borbón. in modern democratic Spain. “All “I have chosen to share this special of your actions should be guided day with you to emphasise, with the by ththe greatest sentiment of dig- utmost solemnity and symbolism, nity and exemplariness, by hon- our personal and institutional com- esty and integrity,” Felipe told mitment to Spain,” he said. Leonor,Leonor who listened atten- Following recent political turmoil tively tto her father. in Catalonia, the king drew atten- In hhis speech, the king tion to the Spanish constitution and discusseddiscus the lessons reaffirmed his support for the coun- he had learnt both as a try in the face of its current prob- father and as head of lems. His commitment was symbol- state, advising his ised by the figure of Leonor, who will daughterdaugh to be now begin her official activity as heir guidedguide “always by apparent to the Spanish throne. the constitution,co im- “Today there might seem to be a The Spanish royal family at the ceremony. :: EFE plementingpleme and ob- lot of demands and responsibilities,” servingservin it” and tak- explained Felipe to his eldest daugh- tle, the traditions and duties” of the los and wife Queen Sofía. ing “the“t concerns and ter, “but you should remember that Crown and the responsibilities that King Felipe’s and Queen feelings”feelin of Spain’s you have the support of many peo- of her position as the future queen. Letizia’s diary next weekeek in- citizenscitizen into her heart. ple who want the best for Spain, for It is a task that she has been pre- cludes an official visit to MalaMalagaga He also praised his fa- the Crown and for you.” pared for from birth and for which on Tuesday, 6 February foror a cul- King Felipe smiles at his ther’s pivotalp role in the The king expressed his hope that she will be also supported by her tural awards ceremony at thehe Cen- eldest daughter. :: EFE transitiontransiti to democracy. the princess will learn “little by lit- grandfather, King Emeritus Juan Car- tre Pompidou.