Mandr June Layout 1
Vol. 36-No.5 ISSN 0892-1571 May/June 2010-Iyyar/Sivan 5770 1010TH ANNUALANNUAL SPRINGSPRING LUNCHEONLUNCHEON OFOF THETHE AMERICANAMERICAN SOCIETYSOCIETY FORFOR YADYAD VASHEMVASHEM ore than 200 people attended the Annual Spring Luncheon, which took place May 27th, 2010, at the Grand Hyatt in New York City. This year’s Luncheon theme was M“Continuity.” Lili Stawski, Spring Luncheon Chairwoman, opened the event. Honoree and survivor Doris Gross was introduced by her daughter Lili Gross Barasch, and Honoree and Young Leadership Associate Yonina Gomberg was introduced by her grandmother and Yad Vashem Benefactor Gladys Halpern. Marilyn Rubenstein, a Yad Vashem Benefactor and longtime supporter of the American Society, introduced this year’s guest speaker, Professor Joseph Kertes, recipient of the Canadian National Jewish Book Award and the U.S. National Jewish Book Award for Fiction for his latest novel, Gratitude. The luncheon’s theme of Continuity was evident throughout the entire event as we saw many third-generation participants take their place among the guests. As a member of the Young Leadership Associates, Yonina pledged on behalf of the third generation to assume a leadership role in the American Society for Yad Vashem and continue the mission of Re- membrance so that the world may never forget. Doris Gross, 2010 Spring Luncheon Honoree, Eli Zborowski , Chairman, American Society for Yad Sam and Gladys Halpern; Fred Halpern; Yonina Gomberg, Honoree; Eric Gomberg; Cheryl Vashem; Yonina Gomberg, 2010 Spring Luncheon Honoree. Halpern; and Estelle and Rabbi Avrum Feldman. Members of the Young Leadership Associates. Lionel Barasch, Andrea Moneton, Fela Moncznik, Carol Moneton, Doris Gross, Lili Barasch, Kim- berly Barasch, Nicholas Barasch and Gene Moneton.
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