OHIO STATE UPSETS STANFORD ROUTES NotNl lIa nMl ('a,.r hy Hcor6 Anny Eleven In FInII Half ., May or !t·t!, StOfY Score of 31· J3, 8101')' "n Pac 5. 011 Pale 5 • Driv r • In ured VOI. UME XXIX I PAGES FIVE CENTS NUMBER 182

Iowa ud Repre cntatives Borah Makes Sigma Xi EleclI JU. S. Agrees John D. Dance3 Report Comes ' ..I to ational Convention of New Attack George H. Stewart Jig Then SOOol.3 , National Pre3ident to Settlement Victory in Goll From Captain ·ienti t at De Moines on Dry Law DES MOINES, Dec, 28 (All) - With Germany ORMOND BEACH, Fta., Dec, 28 Prof. George II, Stewart ot tho Unl' (AP)-Dam'lng a jig on nlmole teet of Steamship ve!'slLy of 10wll, was today elected at his ow n ChrIstmas pnrty la.st Thirty Prol or, Many A8sistanl From 13 Says Practically Open p!'osldent of Sigma Xl, honorary Countries to Clear Up night did not In the least ImpaJr scientific society having 22,000 90·year·otd John D: Roc kefeller's Natives in Vicinity of Ot'llartmen18 Will Pr ent Papcr members and chapters In 65 coun· Saloons Running in Reparations Claims gal r game, He demonstrated that Tehukotsky Bay Give I 8 .. fore Individual celion tdes, thIs morning when In ll:u'tner8hlp Some Sections Other ofticers named Include From War wIth M!'s, " t, T. Bovard, at Or· lnIormation Dean Edward Ellery at Union col· mond, he shared In a Victory ovcr 'rh re'li no r t ror tlw I'tltwlltt'lll WAS1TING1'ON, Dec, 28 (AP) legc, Schenectady, N. Y., &ccretary; WASIUNGTON, Dec, 28 (AP}-An his niece, Mrs. George CueV'Vas, Dean Oeorge B. Pegl'am ,at Colum· nnd a Mr, Sheparcl of Lowell, Ma.,., iUOSCOW, Dec. 28 (AP)­ Whill' lUll t IIfh"n! ('OJlIl( ltd Ililh tit!' lIuiVt'l'~ity or lown R I '~ F!'esh outbl'eakR on PI'ohlbltlon on· bill. university, New York. treMur· agreement has been reached be­ 'Xhe jig wns d an~d at the an· The captain of the soviet steamer njoytnR II holitlay I.ralion, nf'arly 7ri rlll'ulty Jnl'1ll1rt'H nncl grud tore ment sta,·tled Washington to· or, Pro!. L. J, Cole, University ol tween tho United Statcs al)d Ger· nua l Hock flier yule fete laBt night by IIltt "tWIt'lIt /lr tlmtl'iitlltiJlIt to till' Am!'l'icnll Axs(wililion fot tlw night wllh senate d"'Y8 splitting Wisconsin, was elected a member many for settlement of all Amer· when tho "oil kinG''' seemingly l:;ta vropol reported radio to· day that Carl Ben Eidson. miss. Ad\'lll IUt'II1 lit Hrien' program at Dr. Moinl', J. ,ions will ll8und r a nd Senator Dorah, at ol the executive commlttec. lean reparation claims 1LI'Ising out could not resist 8. BJllrlted tune Five now chlLrters were granted pillyod On the pla no whllo gltts were ing American aviator, was be· ('nel W dnt' I y. idaho, charging In a now Lll tack that at the Universities at Wyoming, Ok· of thc war, a nd will bo submitted to congress for approval. being dlstl'lbuted, trom a Chrl8tmas Ii ved to bave be"en sighted by na· lo;t.rtin~ 'I'hUn;t\IIY, til( nnivl'l'Iltty hR . 111'1'11 moving 10 tlte Klatt' "praCtically opcn 8aloons 11.1'0 run· lahoma, a nd Rochester, and state tl'ce In the corner ot the main 11v· college of Washington and Penn· A statement' tonight by Ogden tives in the vicinity of Tchukot· r pit 1 in lion t.h dppattmrnt 'nt rrprt"l'lItlllh'(,R to n nlng tn the jurisdiction of district Mills, ncllng secretary the trea· Ing rOOm at "the casement." sylvanJa. of ~ky Bay. 'I'ltlr I,. pr.,( r------=------allorney Iltter dtstrlct attorney In sury made a cter announcement at this country." Baril n that ncgotllltions had been The Stavropol is frozen in off The Idnhoan Jumped Into the dIs, concluded explained lhat t he ar· the coast ncar North Cape. The l"Ilngement would ca.rry out the Stock Breaks flute again after two ndmlnlstratlon radio message was sent to Chair· French, Stand terms of the Young plan tor set· man Kanenev or the Arctic com· dry leaders-Senators, Jones of t1ement of a ll reparation claims "Vashlngton, and Gapper at K a nsas against Germany and that It con' Fail to Hurt m i tlee here. -hod Issued stlltemcnls Maurlng on Conference templated nn abate mont at tho Otch ukotsky or hukotski for reaching action by President American government's portion at U. S. Industry Bay opens off the southern part Copyright. HOlteUer Studio HooVN' In an appeal to the pro· tho total, of Bering Strait near s t. Lawrence During tho Young I)lan discus· courteKy ot Davenport pailI' Tlmcs hlblUonlsts to sUCk together and Taken Lightly Ialand. help him, sions last May. the Mills statement Borall Thunders pointed out, tho an'IJ.ngements tor Lamont Says Reports Other reflort. relayod hy lhe steam· ship captain In the bellet that the In· "The Cry 'stand by the president' Washington Gets Note dealing with the subject and tor Bi hop Rites has nothing to do wIth this ques· the remission of a small portion of Show December formallon might Aid In tho • arch lion," thundered Borah as word Giving Attitude the American claims were submit· Trade Good wcre thnt natlvell bad soon smoke In !'M.ched him of the aPllcals at the ted to a white house conterence at tho vicinity at Vankarem, WOllt ot Next Tuesday other rcpubllMn drys, a nd tho as· of France members of congress and officials. Kollutchln.ky Bay and that Russian suranco by Senator Jones that " the Converse With Genna.IIY WASHINGTON, Dec, 28 (APl­ hunt ra had elghted an airplane II. "The state department a.nd the rew mil a weat of thoro, The \llallO pre"ldent will remove quickly an)' WASHINGTON, Dec, 28'" (AP)- Malntennnco or a gencral high level tl'eIl8ury department have tor some waH suhl Lo have circled twice OVer man In a responsible posltlon who of buslncss In the United State. duro Fun ral Services Will he Is convinced Is not doing his With the doUvery at the state de· weoks past conducted conversations tholr cnmll betol'e dleappenl'lng to' be in Davenport duly." pnrtment tonight ot the French with the German governmcnt with Ing December was vIewed today by wnrd lhe wcst. Senator Borah said that "I pre· note giving tho allltude ot that a view to dra fting a proposed agree· S~creta.ry Lamont all an Indication ment covering paymenlll by Ger· GALE WJlIP OA\'J;;r-:ronT, Dec, 28 (AP}­ sumt', ot course, tllat tbe pr sldent govornment toward the London lhat Amel'lcnn Industry had reachcd many to the U nI ted States on ac· SIUE IU I\N eO;\ T wants clean an~ frlclent service, a point where a brenk In New York "'un ml services rOl' lII"hotl Theo· and I 8IIy to those senators thnt nnval conference, a conviction was count of army costs and mixed JIIO~1E, AIMka, D c, 28 (A P)-A dort' Nevin • forrlson, 79 years old. we have not got that at the pres. expressed In oCflclal quarters that cta lms In the annual amounts rec· stock prices docs not necessarily freezIng 60 milo gate today was whip· ommended by the Young commit· 1':111 ••.pal bishop or Iowa who WIUl rnt time. thc Frcnch position would not con· mean a national depressIon, 1)lng the Slbel'lan cOMt line along the tee or experts," It said , "The two Arctic ocean, where the tlYors, carl Lull 13 k!lIcol II hl!n • tru~k hy an automobile \Vants the Facts sutute an Important obstllcle to the After a eonrerence with Presldont "'Vashlng your handA with sight· parley. governments are In accord u.s to Ben Elelson and Earl Borland have lToover, tho comm rce dellllrtment last nl 'ht, wllJ be held next Tuos,lny lC8R soap In the presence at the tile form and terms at such an IK'cn lost for nearly soven wceIlng made Lo stop It, calls for companies to plaro heavy orders fOI' Sackett Gets whl'ff' tho uo'I'iMnt o"curr~d and Asldo from Intimating that the reparations r epresented by army of discussion, That, In my judgm nt, geods at anyone Urne. 'fhls, h~ rnBrll to ~c anyone In the path of IK the best way to h elp the presl· French note caused no fears for the occupation costs will be reduced 10 h r car, success at the London parley, slate pcr cent by Lho a ppllclltlon of the .said, hM kept down tendencies to denL and especially to help Lhe en· overslock. German Post 11I.hol' l.onRI~y, who srr\,Nt 12 COI'Crment ot the law." department officials decllned to dis· Young plan but that the mixed Yf;lrR n ~nnj"tor nl~holl o[ Iowa cuss the communication, claims will bo paid In full, and that The weak SilO Is In naliona! bllsl· The statements of Senators Jones ness, In the opinion or Secrotnry 1000(nl' th" d 11th or hl~ colleague tlu· and capp r were linked with tho Committee Members Talk Interest at the rate of 3 3·8 pel' cent WASHINGTON. Dec, 28 (AP) - tmnflUrully !'al,prl him til hi. nrW Mcmbers ot the house naval Ilf· wlU bc paid dudng the Ume that Is LamonI, a re the automObile and Ure Senator Frederick M, Sackett ot r!'Cent demand by Borah for IL Inrlustrles and the hulldlng tradcs, Kentucky, Me bt>e n selected by .... nk. C IIllP to O'lvrnpnl't I()(lay 10 rleanlng til) or <'nrorcemcnt OW CIH ls rall's committee, however, were not consumed In cancelling the ontlre l! ~ waio oC thc opinion ther~ might Prcsldent Hoover to be ambassador '"~"lll charJ:e of th(' dll/(''''''' and fl'om "top to bottom ," and came so reversed In their opinions with obligation. ('egard to the French posillon. Rep· be a general slowing ulI In tho mAn· to Oermany, milKl' lLrTIlIlJ,;f"mNltR (or thf" run~rnl nrt r announcements arll l' In the ufacture of automobiles and auto· Th ~ namo ot Sena.tor Sackett. reo Whpthrr hr wltl move the hr,HI/Juar· day by Attorney neral Mitchell resentatlv" Britten, repUblican, lIU· a mobile tlt'es dUI'lng tho next six publican, was forwarded to Oer' It r~ to) Dt·~ Mnlnr~, hi. pres~nt llnd Chairman Wickersham of the npts. chairman. od tllle 'committee readily expressed the view that the Officers Hold months. many early toda.y by the pl'ellident hom ... III' h'a.\r'~ it btll'C I~ stili un ~ Hoover Ia.w enforcem.ent commls· ConstrurliOIl Work Beller fo r tho usual procedure ot accept· known. . Ion , Thcse developments com· FI'onch attltude should not result Construction work, whtch has been a n e by that government, Ill"hofl l.ongl~y tJe<'ome "u(f"ngan In a breakdown of lhe con terence, blned to pl'Ovlde th most bllter day Olson Suspect While Mr, Hoover made no an· HI.hnll of De" f"lnp~ III 1 1~, com· yet In the IntenslCylng controversy A similar view was eXllrcssed by under tho ha ndlr."11 at high money Troop Aidin Representallve McClInllc, democrat, rales, he believes probably will 1m· nouncement ot the choice of the IllK I,,'r(' CI'onl 1\ fln.tomtr M St. which l)romtses to l'C~tve Bome Oklahoma, a member Of the com· prove someWhat Imm edlaLcly due to Kentucky senator for tho BerUn post MIll k'" ('hlll'rh, Evan"ton, 111 . )10 enrly aLtenLlon whcn congress con.. mlttee, who &'l.ld he could seo nO Alihi Pitted Against the .starting of state and fe(\eml It wns learned tonight at the state " "nn mrlS been up to publican senator trom New Jereey, Dubuque Lad Who Candy Factory tram the parley. day as authorities sought to connect the h igh lovel of last year. H o also recently resigned to become ambaa· a suspect with the bafCllng murder sald that 1'0POl'ts tram sta te gover n· sador to France, hot BroLhpr GClil or Clara Olson, whose body was ors Indicated that a pproximately Senator Sackett Is an Inllmate eLI [CAGO, Dec. 28 (AP) - Fear Shotgun Duel Over found In a shallow gmve a few $825 ,000 ,000 In stille publi c works fl'lend of the prestdent. He eerved thlLt ""veml employees or a candy In the food 'admlnlstrallon organlsa· n .... tl''" IIh th.. ""nl'('h (or two or Parole to Father Custody of Canine days aCter the disappearance of her would be sJ)ent In 26 states, lie Ih~ Ihr hAntllt. who held up the factor), WN'e t!'upped when the Uon at Mr, Hoover during the World building was pal·tlnlly destroyed by ",,"ccthonrt, Erdman Olson. oxpects Lo tabulfllc the probable war, o kllM, Ky" hank allrl 1Iltl'f ~hnl nVnT'QlIA, n"c, 28 (AP}-John Ends in Injuries A young ma n who gnve his name expenditures of all 48 stntes by' rlre late today Wwl allayed when a Senator Sackett Is jUlt complet· .nd kill< d J , Roh~rt Kilhy. !lmlth" nl hoI', 1 yrant olrl, 'T'hur ~· L r. wllo poli ce check showed a ll porsons be· as Rodney Kollehor was arrested In Jan, Ing hie tll'St term In the senate and Orove bll nk lit Itl nt ,11\1' ~hot n nrl killed hla brother, ll"ved 10 hllve been In the structure PITTSl<'IElLD, 111" Dec. 28 (AP) - a lumber camp nellr hero aftor hav· r ocently announQOd hili candidacy Th r flue t for the troops h l1l1 \\'llIhuH, 10 )'rlll'M old, IJ('Cll.usl' h wh n the fit' broke out were safe A shotgun duel today between a hllnd IlI g ~!e n under survelliunce for sev· ror renomlnallon. hN'n mnrl~ hy llrllf' Ocn, IT. n. Den. Attorney for Bond "IlII l",lng torm('ntl'rl, tod"), WM P!\· lLnd accounted for, mnn and a nelghool' ovor the cus· eral days, 'rho extreme slmllarlty l'Il ••elocllon by Mr. Hoo.. er to the hArdt ot thll natlon I RUlrd, ,,·100 Wllft rnl II to the rufttody ot hiM Inther MIs~ Anno. Klnson, found by fire· Lady at II. dog sent the rorme!' to 1,1 III the appearance of tho suspoct a nd Important Berlin poet 801 ..el a men· told Ihcrl' [II po""IIt1tlty or moll hy ,1 U!lll'l!' n. 11, Ml\l!ulr In dl~trlct Association Shoots men a. 811 e groped blindly through Plttetteld hasp Ito I with wounds that Erdman Olson, sought !IS tho sla.yer, a.clng republlClUt sltuallon In Ken· It thr two m~n wpro CliP' court. the smok e filled building, told her may causo hIs doath a nd sont the lat· led Shel'm MItes Davis to hold him Secretary of Firm tucky all well as the fulfilment of ne> mlln, Elm r Orll)/80n. Tit judlf ~ 1,1 that h e paroled l'eBcuers 8h feared tour or il ve oth· tel' to jail on a chargo ot aHilau lL with ·there until definite Identlflcatlon lln Important vacancy In the co.".. r old, I h~ld for earek~rll' Iho' youth Ull"n Ih" rerommendallon er employees had \)(len traJ)l)od by Intent to kill. Both mon llve at neal'· Tho KentuoJey aenator In hili one InlC' at Nu hvlllo', T nn, or ('nunly A ttorll"y John ,V. KtnL· could be made. BALTIMORE, !'tid .. Dec, 28 (Al'l- the flames on the third tloor, by Pearl. Late today the suspect produced O. Parker Baltcr, Io.w ycr for the term had attaJnet!, membenblp on ('lov rnor Amplon WM told til t ~lnRrr, nrtrr cII''''cllng thllt tho elr· men H elmeted firemen searched tho J eff Ajlen, tho blind ma n, was keeJ)' fla pers to show he h ~d been In Haw· Firs t Mortgage )lond Homeslead as. the pOwerful fInance committee III tl: m n "flout!! rO\Xlrt ror Ilutv 1m· rUm"tAne ~ wllrrnnt~d ml'rcy, J ohn third fl oor, but found no one and Ing dog which W , 11. Hohannan all when Clara OIAon was murdered. soclatloTl, fatally wounded John F, tM senate. He also wall chalrman mMI t~l, I\luj, COOp~r n, Smith .h()~ hi" !lIdo I' hroUlPr wHh a .22 CA L· at tho republican steering commtt· thpr I'tn. when the old r boy I) r· pxprpssed bclle~ thnt the employeee claimed was hi., Ilecordln!; to l'OllOrl" a nd bllrled ncar Rising Sun, Wis. Stelnmet., se('reltlry ot the assocla. c;.\Ic h \\' III ~ In romllland, obtained by Sherif( Robol·t Shive. tee which In&PII out the Ieg\aIaUve widdy ~IRtC{l In Mhooting ncar th other had he n Ilbl to make their way to Authorities were skepticol however, tion, and then Idlletl hlmselt In the slltet)' doWn a rear stairway, Bohannan demanded the dog nnd program, with It "DB" gun, hclievlnS' thaL Lhe papel's constituted a,ll"oeiation's building tonight. N York l Tho lire bl'Oko out on the' thIrd Allen, the sherltt was told, dlll'ed him Representative Robison of Ken­ Ford to Introduce Tho ho ' Willi ohvlo""ly grief .tlek· a "prcllared alibI." Poll co Investigation Indicated they to come and get It. Thon, according tucky. has been regarded as a pOo ~n Over hl@ uN when 10 1' n flP ~!\ I ' Od floor a nd "prel\d rapidly as all a.vall. Identification Of the suspect Is s~l d, that aftor QUlll'reling In the tel phone tentlal candidate a.gaJnlt Bacllett N w ~tyle Bodics In rllsll'il't rou!'L todlt)', 'l'hero Wll! abl Ilpparatus was rushed to the Lo tho account plcced together hY' being lett to the Crawford county o(flce Bnker chtlsed Steinmetz Into J Shive, Bohannan went to Allen's for the t'tlpubllan nomlnatlon In the 5lr')OO,ooo no RU"PCIIII"d H"nt~nre. scene from west side flro stations, oWcll\l" who knew OI80n when he tho cellar And .hot him there, After Tuesday Morning prlmarleJl to be held next epriq. Mor than 26 ,000 persons jammed house armed with 1\ shotgun, a nd the attended Gale college durtng steinmetz staggered out onto the ~ tre e l8 neal' tho burning str u c tur~, blind m.an met him, similarly ormed. A8 a l'CIIult of the appoIntment It Ia !In,1 courtship with Clara, II. neigh· street, It npJ)eared tram 8hells 8trewn believed here Mr. RobJlon wlU en­ illT pitce, "Ill VBTltOl'l',]) c, 28 ( P) - Th Former Omaha Man llaralyzlng tra We, Allen was wounded I!Crlousty, HOmo boring tarmer's daughter. They about the cellnr thlLt Baker IIhol ter the senatorial race In KellluckJ'. Ch t orfl I" I "t trlllent of th", "pe· The tire wd subdued attor more of the slugs penetrating hie lungs, evinced doubt about the IdenUtlca· hlmselt ncar the sl)ot where lie had Dies in Cornfield than three hOurs tlghting and Mar· and bOwels. Bohannan WM wound· ue to kr: r "'fir • On ror recent t~mporory tlon since Erdman Olson has been lIhot Steinmetz, The wounded man ed In th hill, RBWARD FOR ARIU!8I' .huttlown. or branrh plant" or tho shal CorrIgan estimated damage at reported captured In various perts toll1 the orricers "Baker shot m e" nation, Mter Shooting Self $100,000, ST. LOUIB, Dee, 28 (AP) - 1"'­ P.ychologi.tI ..4uend. Fom Motnr CO mllnny Wllft mad lo· Each man Insisted, arter the shoot· of the country on many occasions. and ' with this Information police world "tlll h88 II caro for a dotJ even I. nllflll In Rn II JlII O Un r~ m nt thM n w The b)aze that marked tlnls for lng, th8.t the other tlrelt fh'.t. I The suspect told conWcllng storIes went to the building where they It'ortl bo1.1111 who IV a>! call (1 fo und Ii nolo oven OJ. P" ctty wOman "Creaming for ccrn said to pay 28 to 52 per cellt THE WEATHER galn control of the First Mortgage warda for arretIl of the pe.- who Jo lIlakltlg phll ngr" In nmchln()1 y Illld In ll"lInl'd'~ packet Hny lng Ihal he help from a smoke·clol!'8'ed room, dividends, to sta.nd trillIon a charge I :==;::;::=;::=;::=;::;::==J Bond Homcstead nssoclatlon, Arter tortured a lowly cur Iaat week lit' pl.nt rqulpm"nt. Th n w type had (\rcid d to lako hl ft lIf beca.use nnd a. man hanging from a wlnlSow of obtaJnlnl' money under false pre· .. a jury dlsa.gl'eement the case WIlS .ewing up the animal's mouth with. on \)()(\Ie~ will hav!' roomier Intrrlol's of fllmlly dltrlcultl~, He 18 Mid to ledge by his flngel' tlpe, just about tenl!e! by making an application to lOW A-MOIIlly fair Sunday dropped with the explanation tha.( the .trong cord and then tumiq It Iooee llnd n VarIety of new Col(lfS "nd hnv~ ,,·n Il wlf" and family tn Oma· .'eady 10 gtve Ut" Both IV I'. ree· Oov, John Hammill tor exlradltlon and Mon""';.no dl'C'ldl'd "hang" CallRP ot the trouble hnd been set· to "tarve. The dog W1UI put to death fol r ~oml) ln tllIQM. hll RO m tim PiO, cued b firemen. paper , , ___ . _ I In tl!lflptrat~"" \Ifll. b ' ~h" hllman~ ~I~, _ #- EGUN" PAGE TWO THE DAILY IOWAN, IOWA CITY

i'!Ivol'('d closer coopE'l'uliu ll with 8UI'Opea11 ---~------diplomacy have organized to assist in CI'P­ IRer. In U. fl. Pat~nt OWe.) By Ripleyl ating pnblicity toward pUttill~ the World Wat ~rho 'l PubUahEld ."erT mornlnlr except Monday by Student 1.=[ ===P=E==R:=:S=.O:=:N==Aj:=L:=:I:=:T:=:E=:;M::;;:S:=:;;;:;;;;;:.;;;J=.I11 BEUEJ'E IT OR NOT PubIlca,lIon8 Incorpor,l,tedL at 126:;130 Iowa avenue, Iowa eOLlrt resolution tbrough tht' senate. 'l'he tim!' I~IL,., Iowa. F •..,d)l[. Pownall, Director. fur the s{'natol'ial l)rimal'i '8 is not far off Dr. Leo J. Mlltnel' and DI'. Edmunil MI'. and irs. R. J, 1l'vlJIg, fOI ' m~r at 'V ] Board or Trustees: Frank L. Mott, E. M. MaoEwen, R. alld the1' are evidcnces that the Wol'ld court 8 . Kittredge, Sidney O. Winter, Herl.<1hel O. Langdon, M . COWltl'l or the OI'thopedlb depart· rcsldent" ot 10WI1 ill', now I'esldlng Leonard l'cteraon, Paul R. I:Itraln, Clayton B. Thompl>Oll. question lDay crop up liS an i,'8 l1e in sO llie of th('se con te ts. mcnt at chlldrcn's hos pital, hav left In Des MolneH a nnounell lIw blJ'lh of I' inl • HlU'ry S. Bunker, General Manager for un exlencled tl'lp covel'lng- (he 0. 80 n, Doc. 23. 'rhe Iml)y wus nam (I WlUlam 1'. Hll.geboeck, ASBI.tant General Manace. m!'(1l al c lhllc~ or th south, In chla· Wayne ~nlcoh .. Entered 08 lleCond clan mall matter at the Iloat otflce at Iowa Cit,., Iowa, under tho act of ConlrTe .. ot Maroll », ling " exaH, Ol for' n few dllYH at the Itom~ of • Mo ., I. a gU~ R t Ilt the home of hi. Ii I' puren t8, M l". and Mm. A. S. pli· wAs NOT AI>( AMtRItAN CITIZEN· TELEPnONl!l 290 ticll lly no possibility of evel' b'Ce ing daylight Branch elCchahl>e connecting 01\ departmehtl . . brother, M"gr. William P . Shanna· 101'S, 308 Muscatine Ilvenue. DID NOT COMI'IAI>(D A FLEET OF agalll, h~I1, paslor or St. Patrick's churCh. SUNDA Y, DECEMBER 29, 1929 Wc have cheated Iowa river $0 fill' this A, J. Ellett ot lTuml)hl'cy, Mo., I. a , AMtR.ICAH SHIPS -1 The Hev, LouIs Rohl'ct ot St. Am· vlsllor' at the hom ~ of his Ho n and • yeaI' . .1 ot a single canoe casuo)ty was record­ brose rclleg~, Dnv('nport, Is vlslllng daughler·ln.lllw, PI·Of. nn,l ~rl'" , Alex· AND HIS NAMf. WAS NOr ed-chiefly b eca lls~ pMplc chose to be earc­ his l'rlntlvcs in Cosgrove. andel' J..; 'lelt, si 6 Muscatine avenue. Our Own Heto ful. Canoeing went on liS u ~ unl , and the Ho will r'cmaln her for two weekH. ~ONEsl r(;JiE' worW has eulogized tho captain 01 ordinary pleasUl'('S wcrc d rived from it. Curl C I ~mR, (I. s tudent at Kenrick .£.tlie 'titallic be aUSe he went down with Seminary In W bater Grove, Mo., Is George Edwin Mumma or- Mexico Skating con go on thiR winter and we can vl.lllng "elaUves In Iowa City during City, Mex., I. vls1t1ng at the Ceorge h~s ship. It has glorified the nam!:' of the rest assured of the safety of our boys and tho Christmas holidays. CUrEO " home, 906 College . tl'eet. II. Rainbow diviiJion oC the World war because girls if-a skating pond is provided. 19 a s tudent at the United Sta tes nllvol Eldwal'd Lew, a Htudent at the ocademy at Annapolls. true to its colors that division pushed" over Sullllclfln Semlnnl'y In Washington, the top," battling armies of twice its size. D. ., visited yesterday at the home MrS, R. ,T. Phelps, 730 E. College " ~! cn are evel' ready to ]lOnor heroe, . Scouts in the Capitol of his b"other, lhe R ev. T . J. Lew, stl'eet, lett yesterday to Visit rOI' a '" AGE in the United States senaie have Uf;slstllnt pastor ot St. P!ltrlck's few days with her sis ter, ~rs. Ha rley We of Iowa don't have to read history to church. Stlpp ut Carbon Cmf, III. discover men of the hero calibre. We have Porganized a Boy' Scout troop o£, their own with us every day a man who has been and is and have tho distinction of beiltg the only Wn,'d Shontz, editor ot the New· troop in the country to hold meetings in the hall News, llt Newhall, WIlS In Towo continually battling against odds for the City yesterday on a business trip. glory of Old Gold. capitol building, 'l\vo senators, James Couz­ Vacation Finds 86 Rollie Williams started the basketball sea­ ens of Michigau ond William :E, Brock of Students Staying at A. S. Jackson oC Cedal' Ilaplds was In Iowa City on business yesterday, son with the greatest responsibility any Iowa 'I.'ennessee are among the sponsor~. Quadrangle, Currier Q:lJINNI£ HA~ coach has ever had thrust npon him. lIe was Tbc Boy Scout organization i~ moving Francis Foley of Chicago, I~ lea,,· SpAl'KIIW1 HIgh school there is still Ing today to return lo his work. He new to his po, ition as head bm ketball coach. into all parts of the world. ~ut Of the 700 men who live at the SCORE\) 109 I'OIKTS hll8 been vlAlting Cor the last week at much room for expansion. A move which Quadrnngle during the school year 11'1 A SINGLE. GAMt He planned for a scheduJe made up of Big the home of hI s mothel', Mrs. F. T . bas resulted in so much good to so many boys only 75 remain to Sllel1d tho ho]1· _ Of SASK(r8At.L I 'ren competition. Foley, 508 E. Bloomington street. ~ }t2t, .tnt r ..UIfW .,.... .,.It. I~. 0"... ".,. ,II" nit"*,- ._ • _ should not bc allowed to rest with lamels al­ dhyR. Mo"t of these m en elther ure As the time neared for the fil'st game, employed In the ('!ty, are slaying to William, waR working hard rounding a ready won. It should be pushed forward 80 a.~ Edward Walters of MU Bc1.lI ne, and to spread its good into as many nooks of the study, or are unable to go to their LeRoy Funck, J2 ot Muscatlne, were sterling team illto form, Tben the first blow homes because of the dIstance. week·end vIsitors I n the city. fell. '],he Big 'Pen suspended athletic con­ wodd as possible. Currier hllil Is a lso unusua lly quie t nections with Iowa. Coach Williams found ]3'oys are boys, and will be boys. So we as only 11 women out ot the usual Bruce Chase Of Chicago spent the hear from those who are wont to quote old 300 remained to s~nd Christmll8 \V ek-end at the SOli home on 311 :Fl . him ~'Clf in a peculiar position. He had a team there. The 11 girls represent seven !Davenport street. BOOI{ REVIEWS sayings. But the kind of boys the boys will and no schedule. No sooncr had the news of state-North Dakota, PennsylvanIa, b is largely determined by the kind of train­ Montana, W yoming, Connecticut, The Rev. J . J . Walsh ot W Hl Lib· Iowa 's condition reached campus ears than erly was In Iowa City yesterday. Edited by WANDA MONTZ Williams was busy getting into connection ing they recei ved. Io\va, and MIchigan. Mltry Allkln, with schools out of the Big Tine area. In a And we might ask, "Is the Boy Scout or­ Ai of Park River, N. Dak.; Anne The Rev. Harvey Flnefleld of OX. Bantleld, A4 of Canonsburg, Fa.; I..!.;======;;::===::;=::::::::======::J ganization in Iowa City receiving all the aid ford was In Iowa Cit), yesterday. doe$n't. Francol., a very )"Qunl:, week's time he prided him elf on the com­ Mary Catherine Bell, A3 of Billings, French Sympathy young man Is so Ilure (mil Innue nl pl etion of a presentable selection, and he felt it should receive Y" !>font.; Florence DanzIger, Al of "The Sword in lh~ Soul," by Roger Qnd views hi.> 'cr t love, .[me, somew]lat of a relaxation frdm the worries Ceuar Rapids; Alice Grosz, A2 ot ('h .. m' ir." ~r8nsluled by Enrllcst <\'Orgel, "0 hol1l)'. and hard knocks that were his after the Big Ashley, N. Dltk.; Dorothy Le ClaIre, Boyd; LoIII;llmn~, GreeJ\ & 0.; Keeping the Watch Some very p-oor! rhnrnctrrlz~tl"n I Nine dE'ci, ion. .1\2 or Blll1ngs, Mont.; Doris Po·ole, 2.5jJ O F.AR this year Iowa City motorists have A2 ot Bellpyue, Pa.; Ethel Sweedler, ,,~uy be tound n(1 sOInp "XI'CII.nt I,,· Hut !<'ate wa not content to let Williams I"ollowlng the French tradition ot ktanrps oC IJersons actlngfrom ml ,I S 110t A2 ot New Hnven, Conn.; Wllhel· 1\1. watched their garage d001'S arJd a sin­ frlc'ndllnp"s towarll Ireland, Chau· ",otives. The ~tyle II moolh and l'est for a while in peace. Six of his basket­ mlna JllcobSon, G of Laramie, Wyo.; We're III I'ecclpt of 110 must $:­ gle ca. uaIty has resulted from a~phlxiation vlre hne written ot that unfortunate slm\1l<\ lind the tran.lfllirm hy Cuw. eel'S were disqualified by tbe Iowa board. and Wlllamlne Powderly, J2 of Pills· rrll nt Chrislmas gl'ee ~ ing from Islnnd with an uncnnny depth ot due to a motor being run in a garage with ford, Mich., are the women atnylng. Itope, tlHlt poet It III mng from Iry, who translated ,"ulery'. ""ar. Tbis \Youlu have been the final blow to any 1I11el's." Yours HI"ry the qua1t1es o[ a grent traged)", Rollie Williams should have the highost 111'0 beIng , We WOUldn't want to ~ay, Ad ~IlM, -1\[, S. PARAGRAPHS OF COMMENT ON pl(l.yed. A fter the games were fIn· uut If one cracks wIse, 1M t1lat a good Foreign AI/airs Again Ished a lwo cO\ll'se luncheon was lJl"eul( ? OFFICIAL DAILY BULLET TOPICS OF THE DAY Re rvcd. );1l"st Indies' prize wus • • • TUE World court seems to be an American nwardccl 10 Mrs. Frnnk Kinney and Anyway, we maintaIn tll cr ri hould Ethan the G,'eat '"cond, 10 Mrs. 11 . E. L a mbert. Dr. issue that will not clOWll, It has bobbed Mexico 118 1'1 had several years of ,ocialistic pe no wise crocks from the hrolwn "1~lhan AII"II," by ,Juhn I'cll; Ilough. 111l1'I'Y Ol"'(lC'1l won first mellI'S prIze n]1 'ill thO po, t three administrations follow­ crock ry, Be that ns It ma y. . , tOil 1II1rrllll; $3.00, government. The schemes look well on paper, n"<1 socolHI Jll'lze 'went to Homer l'hlR i ~ the story of tile llCe ot ing the bitter League of Nations fight ill the and are suppo, cd to be in the interests of the Johnson. Jllt·s, l'eacock received a • • • In one small town ot this stnte we Jo:lh nn An"n, backwoo' so far as American adherence was concerned, hiM IIn(ju ~ lI e h ~ hl e Rplrllq, nnd the Lengue of ations.____. \Ylllsh IR ,~ freshman student a t the 10 provide some means or ke ~ plllg wlll close nt G l).m. DI> tor "The IIlInlhlll.' or Ihe IilltrAlo." by ate 'reseTVlltibn witbout mddifying the reser­ Clttes that crows must 11ave musical cars if the &lIp. It rellah like this, anil Is K IJllni:lu~ IJrnhd,; AI11. letolls; me"ely a mlltt~l' or a dn8h llnd '1 :1.00. ENGLISII Ll', 'lIIm \~ JoE \Ii 11:. va'tion mid 'provided that in case tbc United not musiaal voices. Th~ F.ngIlH)1 Lulhpran 1<'lIl1l)(O will holtllt .. "I'r u!l,hy \" nln lundl' Ladies Aid Meets hy))hott beln~ mixed sllghlly, A dlft('renl ulnalng !Jilt the same States and the 1'(" ,t of the nations could not con lind ijoclul hOllr !:lunduy, D 'C, 2U, at ~:30 (1.111. With M". D. Pile "'~ho you may b"lng lrito the nib Hl(lry "r hllCrtllo hunt", hunting ngree liS to whether we had an interest' in a An Alll1trillU hIlS invent/!d a. lvl"lol1 ot tho T.ndles' Aid socloty or any man who Is a PI'ospecUv/) whIch rnllH to ar('O mllllny (L work Manyauthodie claim that the Root pro­ sOllnds we Ileal' in our neighborhood. of tho Methodl8t church, Saturday member," IhM I~ " conglomerute ot wl'ltl n vi/jo will bo satisfactory to E\ll'ope and is not nCternoon. • • • O,. (oC"I'J Untfi of other nl('n. TRINITY CHURCH nt1 'elltangleroClht in the EUl'op an diplomacy, One New Year's l'esolution which was made A rogulal' business meeVng and ANt)' ll/)N'T FORO ..1/' WE 'fo those who hOve not re(ul ot tho The matter must go back to the sellatc, how­ by more people tbls time thol1 ever before election ot · orrlcers was held. lIfrs. WAN~ !';OME liE.,.... IN TlIJ IJurr.. lo the bool< wIll 11(' ot Inl I' ~t Jo), 1'. lIubbnrd wua electod chaIrman: (,OLVlIfN, Hlm'e It will 111'cRenl to them hlator. dYer, lL and it is aaid tbat a number or the scn­ wt\s not to buy stocks on margin, MI·s. B. H. Soper, nsslstlll1t chlllr· - Pl'. P . W . O. 100'ly Ih~ s tol'y ot tho burralo. '1'0 ators are not in agl'e"ement with the Root - man, a nd Ml' •. Charles S. Gllllher, til" old tlmel's wllo ,\rel'c hOys when for'tnulllaud ,"ill oppos it in tbe senate, Tboy Tllo mnhl'olla, we read, is 170 yC8rs old, secrotary nnd trensurer. Ibllfralo was being hUMtC(1 It wlll claim that tlie Root forl1111 la weakens tho sell­ 'rll figure must bc wrong, as several people Mrs. ,1. S. nough of Nehawka, II I hrlnll' bllek exciting Incldents or ate reservations aJ1d clecllll'(l thlLt otherwi e havo leit older umbrelllls than that at our Ncbr., who 18 n guest at the home "'SUI PROGltAM Ill oneel' doy ~. ' oC ho,' daughtor, 1111'S. II. J. Done, L:::::::::::::::::;;;;::::==::::==:;!.J Tile boole Is Inter ~stlnli' l y llIu ~lrn.. TODAY AT 10:15 there wou Id be no neccssity for it, bou,'c,-Springfield (Ohio) Sun. waH n vlslto.' at the mecilnA'. Re· t~8. and the II llt glng of the Chrlstrna.. hymn Mrs. Snyd l' wore a f"ock of pal the reception made public today was Mrs. W. EJ. Smith. 668 S. Summit ards set by man to be more valuable 8I1YS, " thnt is not e"cn a mineraI. but rormed by an oysler nround a piece " Silent Nigh t" In several la.nguages. green c"epe and the same a8 that In years past ex· street. He Is a member of Delta Tau than the rest of the family ot min. The whole company flret sang It in ~lIpper. and erals. ot sand that Irritates Hs solt spots." copt that It was signed by George Della fraternity. English. tlte Japanese students fol · or a harmon· The couple will make their home The proud owner of a diamond may Akeraon, secretary to the preSident. lawed thl8 with thl8 with the word. ng 8ho.(10. SilO until next June with Mr. Smlth's consider hlmselr lucky In more ways French Chamber in In their ' ~l1tfuage. , T,1\e German n'led a louquet Short directions a.t the bollom 01 parents. than one. because ot all the precious students. nded tho IIlnglng by glv· toacs alld babY the page Informed t he pubUe that stones this mineraI IS the most un· Vote of Confidence Mi Carmcne Ing tho song In Oerman. Her trav, "during the morning reception, per· common. However, to lho min· Students Who attended the party 80 ns to be received whether In car· c"aJoglsts the diamond, graphite, and to Premier Tardiell rlages 0,' on root will enter and 150 Per,om Make the 800t on the streets or Jowu City ($ NAVAL HERO were, Irom the following countries Bancroft Weds The Philippine 18lands. China. Ja· leave the White house by the ellSt are kin. Tltey are aJl carbon; they PARTS, Dee. Z8 (AP)-The chamber Re,ervatiom lor dlrter on ly In crystallization. -. . pan. Slam. G~rmany. Italy. and Aua· entrance." tonlg-ht voled con(fd~flc" In It", gov· 1ERICAN CITIZEN· tria. That direction, It was 88.ld at the New Year', Party Ruby, Sapphll1!, Corundwu e"nment of P"emler Anclo'o Tar"leu on Lloyd Bunker The h08t'8 mother, Mr•. B. 1. Lam· (tel' the wed. white house, evidently had beon Now show him your ruby or snp· Its altitude toward the r'l'Oposed bank 'NI> A fLEET OF OOrt. uBI.ted by Prof B. J. Lambert, g Dr. and Mrs. written during the carly adminls· phlre. those ornaments with which ior Int rnnUonnl settlement". 'rho One hundred and tlfty nersons YOU would not part for anything, M r8. W. J. Harter, and M r8. George lIolen Meyer Snydcl' loft tal' traUon of Theodore Roosevelt. poll was 3 J G to Z71. 'N SHIPS- hnve made reservations for the an· He will shaller the illusIon which YOu llev. John Gruy Rhind Mann lerved the rorreshment•. Waterloo whol'o The p,'ealdent wlll receive the It was the lhlrd victory ot thl' nltn· WAS th y were guests fOI' Hcvel'lLl (IlLY. at m'al New Year's "Whoopee" party have about them by telling you that Istry within two days. Y Atm'llay It ~£. /'lOT members or the cabinet and the to be given by the Elks lodge at RC(ld, Single Ring tho home of Mr. o.nd Mrs. rowcll Ray. (lIp lomatlc corps at 11 o'clock New your ruby and sapphire are COl·un· hnd s taked Its life twlc thallI might IES/ bu,·n. They went fl'om lhero til tho clubhouse Dec. 31. Several dum, a (orm of a lumnta., commonly en leI' Ihe approachln&, repnmUon con· Year's morning. Ten minutes Ia.ter prizes will be awarded for bridge Judge Kamrar Rites Cllewalllh, Wash.. where they wJII the chler justice ot the United States aluminum, tho second most nbundant (cl'cneo at th Hague n.nd Ihe London make their future home. and dancing which will be the main oxide In the crust of the e!trth. naval conle]'cnce on a aul' tooting. and assoclale justices 01 the s u' to be Held Monday 1111'8. Snyder attended the Unlver· diversions of tho evening. Your emerald. in his eyes, Is mere· TonIght Delluty l\1l1rj{llne lin I" .1 PORLER'S Helpers on heavy work, $1.00 per hour. E. C. IAlJI~ . Foremen on heavy work, $LSO per hour. Groceri • Meats J>ianos moved with fumiture, add $1.00 over hourly charge. DUBUQUE AT IOWA AVENUE E. COMMERCIAL HAULING ,llIhrnry nn~lf will • Freight to and from depols; L. C. L. shlpments:- 11, ·.. nll ... r 21. 'fllry ",.,t ••• """""" •• """ •• """"""" •••• st".ly h"" '1II !Jo, 2Sc per hundred, first hundred. tr tt, drlt:lrtuwntu..t 8c per hundred for each additional hundred or fraction thereof. 1>(1 d., ,.1 ,V .• lnp., A Pretentious New Year's Week Pr()gl'lUn Heavy freight requiring extra he.lp to be charged on the hourly basis (as R.K.O. STAGE SIIOW IIn:ul lI"y 101111 t'''' set forth in Section D) ICtll1tr dlrL'\'l r. Carload shipments: Sc to 10c a hundred. according to commodity and despo. A ZGth century Show or Shows II hl. Ilolman's Restaurant ~ sition. ~ o 1I1~ rnl on. I .rOnt 'r hll" F, BAGGAGE YOUTH and BEAUTY lI:l. IIEI pm• . Trunks, SOc to first floor from depot or house to house. 25c per flight stairs for each trunk. PECIAt SUNDAY MENU # REVUE IIhy 1'1' nln,lun h· 25c for roping each trunk. 25c for each grip. G. LONG DISTANCE RATES FOR HOUSEHOLD GOODS Gorgeous Roast Turkey $15.00 loading charge for loads 300 to 600 cubic feet • Glorious • . 50 per mile loaded way. Girls 7.50 loading charge for loads less than 300 cubic feet. 30 30 J5e .40 per mile loaded way. featuring H. STOCK HAULING ELMER CODDY - LEON MILLER $2.50 minimum charge load, up to 3 miles haul for 1 or 11·2 ton truck. ~onlinuo ,l. ' 4.50 minimum charge load up to 3 mile haul for 2 ton truck and over. ,- and PEeIAL MONDAY NIGHT .30 per ton mile over 3 miles haul. Transfer houses, under the new law, are required to put up a bond or carry DOROTHY COUDY insurance to the extenl of $1,000 for each truck. This insures the safe han· A Dazzling and Spectacular In. hlllln. Chicken a la King, on T088t dllng and arrival of your goods. According to the law no trucks, In cities Entertainment Treat in , or rural districts, are allowed to operate without a permit... Any trucker who f'W Eighteen Episodes 40c operates wilhout a permit is subject to a fine. Hhmer Your business Is courteously solicited on the basis of good service and fair R. K. O. Screen Show prices. 12 III. All Talking, Singing and Dancing HI.II\·WI. )).\11. ~. Transfer and Hauling Stock Hauling r..ao 10 7·00 "JAZZ HEAVEN" BARRY TRANSFER with 'II' 1),"'1\ HOLMAN'S Phone 123·W JOE MACE ' Sally O'Neil and Sobn Mack Brown 12 10 I 5.10 tn 7 :00 MAllER BROS. Phone 2385·1 Phone 1732 MID·NITE SHOW NEW YEAR'S EVE Town o'V)) 0.., TU.--GOI',I!OU8 OIr1&-RoIIkkln« Fun Restaurant SCHUMP TRANSFER MAHER BROS. .IolII tbe Me"., Tbmnr: 01 Pleallllre Seekers Phone 98 ' ALL SEATS R.ESBRVE~V IU.'TS 1Ge TeaRoom Phone 1732 Cheek 01' M_1 Order mast IM'COIIlPUIY all Mall Or6ml THOMPSON TRANSFER and Self AddreMed RtamilN Envelope. Phone 108 , ~rN'n Y. DE' THE DAILY roWAN j IOWA CITY " =- ~cientists Claim'Discovery TILLIE THE T.OILER~Tlte Heavy Mail GREAT, Man"s Skull One of Import ~COTT' ~ '- ~, ~ Cad t ~ f.1AI'- .AND Estimate "Peking Mall" Skull More Than ,Million NO ORDER.S; Years Old; May Clear Evolution nd [ • • PETPf NG, China, Dec. 28 (AP) - tho latter form Is provleler! with mnSR· In a Jlclenttsts who attended tho flnt pub· Ive ridges. "a feature to be CO "ell,t eI lie showing ot the newly·e]lscove,·e el with a powerful jaw tn Ac hllnIHm." "However, Slnanl\tI'OPlls Chlll'I\C' sk\lll of t he "Peking Mun" today terlsllcally differs from the .Iova Cllglt' G lI ur (1 ~ ~!llt1ed t he find ns possibly the mOllt tY I)e In tho following Impol'!allt fea· l1M Solclit ~ Import!!.nt in the history ot humnn tures: I' 'Iattvely well·devolopetl f,·ont· evolution. aJ emiJumcc8, well locu.lIzeu pllrttul Trimni 'I'ho scientists, who estlmllteel that eminences and th.) gl'Cotl'l' holgh t of tho skull was mOl" than [\ million the 8kull vuull," suld Dr. Blaelt. yeal's Old, wCl'e partlculnrly 1m· Roy Chopman AndrcwH, the nOlcd presHe,1 with the compnrlttlVl'ly lnrge explorer, told the corl'esllontlent thnt ,brnln capltelly Indicated hy the skull , the"e was " no question but thnt til slnllng that the well·dcvelopNI for . PekIng man I. the IIlost ImpOI·tant h ad nntl height of the skull In ell· discovery In the whole 11I8tory of hu· cated a n Increased volumo,o( I,,'nln by man evolution." A ndl'l'ws I~ not a which the Intelligence ot t ho 1! 1'ehIH' member ot lhe geological survey of tol'lc man mlgbl bo doduMd. Chl"'l, haYln!: "eslgn d some time , 0 ,·. Oa.v ldson Blfl.ck, formerly of ago. He did not attend thl' meeting SEEKS NEW MARATHON AUTO RECORD du>·. 11<1I'\"'\' hllll lo ... k,,11 tI", "1'11,,,, Toronto, who Is honoral'Y director oC totlay. hut had a prlvll t vi w ot the NEWS BRIEFSi , dOni', whlr'h h"" III I I., fr·I'" I .1111\'/1 the Cenozoic research lnboratory of sku ll IMt w e l< In the Hocl(etell or hos· FI yer Label ~ Lightning-as I~ OWA 1)"ful'O' lit' .'hlll.1 I", I., 1", 1. ,the geologloOI survey by which tho pital whore It Is kept In a snfe. fund was made, gave fu ll Cl'edlt for "The slmll ," he said, "will settlc "'Menta ' I Hazar d"" to A·VIator OIlSEJt ES I 05TI~ JlJlt" 'J/II .'\\' .)(' I)(;}<; 11",\11':"1 """UC \TIO the discovery to W. C. Pel, youthful onco und (01' an many polntN "bOil! (JI';~ MOl. '1", r.\l') ,\1'1'11 .tl.. " Chl nesQ member of the ~ur \'ey who the early humal) type which h eretn· , DIpr~1I (. (AI')-Ill 11'00.1 honllh , or Lt 'ru~' , ,~ )I:ItT." nlt4( 11111., H. }'ll's. Marie GlenapJlP tuday ent~I·(·d ullenrthotl It Oil Dec. 2 on the lnat dny fore have been In dispute, as It Is sO Brook" ur f)u4JUllw (II" IIJ'j'ulullllflllt Of Knows of No Case Where Airplane Has Been Hit h I' on(' bundl'cll and (Irth y('ar. /lorn the senson's work. nearly complete whIch fnct gives uc nn t)uttoihl,1 .If.slrff-t t'fllU t Ju.1 II lu Dr. Blll.ck called attenllon to the solentlsts much to wOI 'k Oil. Il Is In Oel'mnnr, she Cllm(> 10 th~ UrtllHI tr,Y n ('''''''' III \,",dd1 tlu)' IH'''' "Ia',.­ of the skull iorm a nd Its mns"· by Bo]t While ill Flight States wi,en she WaH 60 oltl. ' ~ll.lJ l t mOI'e complete 1hlln '",ythlng' of l1w I I y~arM tlrt. ElIotlllll I 1I,'rlild ('. 11 )". 11,1 Ive brow ridges. He recountcel the kind yet ell"covered." , th... J)uhuqut.· 1Iflf.·1 f'IIUlP:UIY W" .. Hy OSt'AR T,F, J/IJNG warm, we"e described before lhe ses· .excavations whloh had continued Tho skull was found dcpp In a la rge SENTEN(,B LIQ UOR 1'1() \'roll.. "! (I,lIll'd 10.1,,)! I.y (·hl.. t ,," (k., I:, n ·$In¢e 1921, when the first tooth was cave. N(,Dl'by were many other Aviatio)l EcI ltor ~!o n by Dr. W . J. Itumphl'('YR, pres' DES MOINgS, (A ('I ·>lenten(·eM A)I",rt. 'found of "Slnanthropus Pcklnensl." bones, chiefly anlmalH, bul 01'. lJIa~k (Assoriatcll J' r ~8S Fe:tlure ,"o"v(~n) Wen t 1" the Mctcol·ologlsts. t?ta1lng 478 monlhs nnll tllw' l,y Dr. J . O. Anderson, Swedish ~clen· expl nlord that thol'e wero no tool. D}~S MOINES, Dep. 28 (AP)­ otnountlng to $05,440 IV "e Ilwt{'(1 otl! mUlJ' (,O(IIT PIIO(,HI.III(,'" list. lIe explained that the newly. nOr signs of fire dlscove" ed Indlcut· liThe . radJntol's," ho su.hl, tlll.f'O T~lghlnlng to tho nvlato,·. like 0 l~ Violators O( the national p,·ohllll· KNOX. 11,1,1':. (A I') ('IIlIiI P CI!· ,round skull would seem to be of ap· Ing that the man PI'vbably IIv d In a formed by a thin blanket of VZOIIC , I ~ n~t In lhe Routherll 1011'11 (,'eI'l'al lIl1w tll(lIll1sl 11 .. , 1" Cll I h "II h pOl'lod prior to dlsoovel'Y of tools 01' waterholc to thc golfer, Is "only a that form of oxygen which gives Illt· r, .. 1lroxlmn.tely similar length to that of d strict thIs year, Ol~n A. DI'unMon, hOllr/l un 1I,lmhIJ.llln lIt ,,'n·'·o rhul1. the famous PHhecnnthrolHIR and like (frc. mental hazard," acco"dll)g to WeR' Its ft'esh odor after a thunder N10,'m . dIstrict prohlbltloJl admllllHtralol', ".1 1.1IJ111 tn ..i .....l "III I ,II 1'1 I, . Icy L . Smith, hlcago flyer and su· PcrhnpA thlnnel' LImn tI. sheet ot tl lHclmwd today. Nln.. flN'MunM wrrl' pcl'lntendent of National All' Trans· It WilY .,,101 hrrr' t,.11Y rulill \'h,' Il clll'dboarll and many miles nbov lh c~nvlcted In court /1I1U 213 1,ll'a.tPlI "NEW YORr{ STO CW~ mil"" III 1'1'1 I 1111' I 1I!Ilch III~II I)OI·t, Inr., who s)Joke beto"e the hIghest a1t1tude I' nched by man, It guilty. By the ASSOCiated . 1) , ·eA~ meteorologists, meeting with the mo(I<' ag.'ll"ot 1 ~ 'I"I'III J1< " ')' Radi'o Fight e~. rt " ,. t" emendous Influence on lIIgh Low los~ 1klll u( 1'111101 I'Ill1dn'n, American As~ocln.lIon for the Ad· lire. Am. Can ...... llG 1 14 ~ 115\ SEEK .JAIL BRK\ I\EllS vancement ot Science here todoy. "Without the blanket, the sun (A Am. Smelt & Ref . .. 73 72~ 72A ESTJIERVTLI,g, l')-Q(tkrrs It WI\8 so labeled today before mel· woule\ be 80 sttong that we would all Next Month Am. T I. & Tel...... 2In 21GU 217 orc sca"chlng for Frnnk 01'0)' and corologlHIH, meeting with the Amerl· gp blind. With a thlckct' hlanl( ct, Anaconda Copper ...... 74 72~ 13k Joe Steel. who broke jail Iwr l"st eQn I\8soclatlon far the advancemcII1 \'i~ would a ll have rickets, for the night wltb kpyS ma~p (rom knh.... Bait. & Ohio ...... l llia 1l4 ~ lHb of sclenoe, by 'Vesley L. Smith, ChI· IIF' el' hold bacle the rays of the Hun an,l fork~, The struotur". Irl)lII eourt to Argue Right Bethlehem Steel ...... 919 91 91~ cQ.go flyer and supel1ntondent of we necd." lV)llch prisoners have e",,"p,'d tllI'I'" Ches. & Ohio ...... 200.\ 200\ 200~ NaUonal Alt· Transport Inc. The Inyer acls as a "udlator be· to Close Channel Chteago & N W ...... 84 83~ 84 time In six m onthR, haH hpcn con· HI know or no case on recol'd," lie cause It absorbs raulaLlon from the C. R. 1. & P...... llH 113 113 demned. Halel, "where nn ulrplnn, in fllgllt ea,·th . It gives oU as much as It WASIlINGTON, Dec. 28 (AP) Chrysler Motol'S ...... 3G 34~ 3[,\ has b~en sU'uck 1.Iy 1Ightlllng. It gllfns, half G'QJng to the other all', DJij; 0'" BUR~S The crucial point In federal regula· Corn. Prod...... 89 87! 87L (lectl'lc storms were th,' p1l0l's ollly Dupont de Nem .... 1I5 113 114 and the rcmRlnder back to the rurth. COUNCIL BLllFFS, D( . 2 (API lion of , the pow· worry, he could he entirely Illdlftel'­ Over northern und Bouthcrn Ill.tI· -Burned wh n tiamea ahol out of Eric Hallroad ...... GG~ GO &G ent to wenther." tudes. the layer Is thiclcer than over the furnace door through which I... W . er of the radio commission 10 compcl Genernl Electric .. .232 229 2~91 •• le (ol'mallon was described as (t·o quator. 'fills extra. thlcicneM9 h(ul thrown 011 to hIDItpn Ihp morning broadcasting stations to go off the General 'lI!otors ...... 40~ 39~ 39, Above i ~ a map showjn~ tilt:' route being traveled by "Speed "tho gl'catest ha:rard to aviation." (lvel' the colder latitudes aets somr· hent, Harvey I~ugcno llI_hon, n ). AU-talking nautical com dy, G,·t. Not'l'n P't'd .... 95 95 9r. on Oil' during certain hours, will be Bradford, raeing dl'iv('r, who is attempting 1.0 establish a lIew l'CC-1 Solution ot the Ice p"olllem, unde," what as a protecting root to ke~p 01(1, son of MrA, Mabcl l'UI"/)/Il't, 'U,',I Hudson Motors ...... 54~ 54 54fi I JIlt of th year. o.rgued In the supreme court early corel for stock car marathon driving. Ile started fl'om \Vat('l'loo token by tho Guggenheim fund for them warmer than they would be today. Int. Harvester ...... 77i 76 7G next month. Friday mOl'nillO' to drive eO lltinuou ~ ly for four days and threc tI'e promotion of Il(,"onnullcs III co· otherwise. The accident occurred rarly Fri· Kennecott CoP ...... 581 57~ 586 • b • . • .• op~l'lI.tlon with air lines, was pre· no ID The General Electric company, Kl'csge, S. S...... 321 321 321 mghts and eovermg 1,040 mlles dally. By thl~ mOl'nmg he has dieted "for the ncar future." which r efused to obey an order of the Louis & Nash ...... 130 130 130 eov~red approximately 3,000 miles. The raee will end at \Vater- "Radlalors In lhe sky," which keep With an all- tar Ca.'l\. •• , A Mack Truck ...... 70 69. commission to close Its brou.dcastlng G9~ 100 Monday at 9 p.m. the northern ILnd southern latitudes gay (est \'ery man. oman atatlon WGY at Schenectady, N. Y., Mid . Con. Pet...... 2H 20J 27 and child will like .•. _ Lot' Mo. Pac. P't'd ...... 135~ 133i\ 134\ <,Iuril'lg certain hours at night to clenr of fun! the all' channels. ro~ tbe company's Mont. Ward ...... 47~ 451 461 State Board Makes station In California. todaY flied with Nash Motors ...... 58i 623 62~ Spirits Low One Person Killed AI the court a brief to be u.eU when the NUI'I Blscull ...... 172~ 169 172~ Promise to Better case Is reached fo,' oral argument. N. Y. Central ...... 1616 lGGII 1GGZ in Collisioll of Bus !\luSt Compensate Station Northern Pacl[lc .... 84~ 84~ R4~ in Germanv Prison Conditions . Holding that congress conferred Packard JIlotors ...... 15i 15~ IGt " lTAMII.. TON, Onl., Dec. 28 (AP) - authority exclusively on the presl· Pennsylvania ...... 73~ 72~ 731 DES MOINES, Dec. 28 (AP)­ One jler~OIl lVas. IllIIe(] null 10 oUlers dent to close broadcasting sutlons Raello Corp ...... 41 ~ 40~ 40~ Injurl'd, three or them seriously In Over Parley Promise of remedies In I'onditlons under extmordtnary conditions and Reading ...... 121 121 121 the colll"lon of n. truck and an In · InSisting that the commission had no Rem. Ra nd ...... 26 25~ 2:,D at th stale prison farm a t Clive was terurhnn bus today nt st~tlon 9, HOlm· such autho,·lty, the brief asserted Reynold s Tob. n .... 48~ 48 48g BERLIN, Dec. 28 (A P) - On the mode today by the slate bonrd of lIton Beal'll. lhat when a station was closed by Or. St. L. & Sa.n. Fran. 108 108 108 Marlon \I' IIRon of Hamilton Bench, eve of the ~econd lIague reparations control through Its chairman, A. HOOT del' of the prcsldent even fOI' " POl'· Sears RMbuck ...... 88b fin 8511 I\'IIS kJlIed Instanl1y. PhY9lcJan~ -aId conference, which opens. J an. 3, n ]\f. McColl. CriticIsms ot lhe eon· tlon of a (loy, just compensatloh must Sinclair Co n. 011 .... 26 24\ 23~ her skull was fractured. A Miss Ka· be paid by the federal gove,·nmcnt. South. Pacific ...... 118!! 1181 llS! "ph·1t of depression appea,'s to reign dltlons were made by n. Polk county Hn sky o( Burlington, anl] Miss Doro· 'Whrn the radio commission reo South. Railway ...... 135 135 135 ovtr German polltlcal circles. grand jury Ilfler two Investigations. thy CripPS of lIamllton Bpach, also Buildings used QS living Quarters GIBSON fused to renew the license 'COl' WCy ::ltand. 011 Cal ...... GOa 69~ 591 The cabinet chose the ",em hers of I\'~re Injurpcl abQut the he.nd uncI except upon conclilion tlmt it would Stand. 011 N. J . .... 646 63~ I)~~ at lhe fal'm wer dirty, and too theIr conditions were reporte<1 serl· the Germnn d legation to the confer· NowtlecJ, thl' grllnd jury charged. cellse broadcasting during certain Studebaker Corp ..... 4l!l 41 ~ 4tl ence, nnel the new. tllfll nellher OUS. hours, the General Electric com· Texas Corp...... 5G &5 A 56 'The board of control admitted that Chancello r Mu lIer nor Dr. lljalmnr tbe conditions were true, but said pany toole tho controversy to thc Dis· Tems & PnciClc ...... 118 1l~ 118 Schacht of tho l'elehshunk, would go INHEltl'rA"NCE TAX trlct oC Columbia court of appeals, U. S. Rubber ...... 24~ 231 24 that the dirt was ],rought In on lhe DE!'; MO[NE~, (Al')-Inherltanc~ In His First Talking to the H ague created [l feeling o( un· muddy boots of the Inmates and that which I'emoved all restrictions. ~'h e U. S. Steel ...... 16 5~ lG3 n 164 ~ easiness. tax pn.le] by the estate Of C. Jr. Me· lhe bui ldings were old and In bad Feature Comedy Drama supreme court recently consented, at Westing. Eloc.. _ ..... 134t 13 2l 1331 The delegates namod toehy were J'i'1I1er of Mnson C'lty amounted 10 condition. Today-J.(onrlu the request oC the government. to WlIIys Overland a.... 7~ 7 A 71 Foreign MInister urllus, Finance $95,498.00 while thnt from the cRtat pass on the case. The general l!: loo· Woolworth & Co ..... 70n 691 G9! Minister Moldenhauer, l\1inlslor of Lack of mon~y to p"ovlde for of A. B. Turner Of ornln~ totnlor prope,· care o[ the Inmates was also b ttlc chnllenged today the jurisdiction Ycl. Tr. & CoaC h .... U 6 13~ 14 Economics Robert Schmidt, and Ex· $4:;.~94.53. The funds were turned All t.lking. ' aut it J- or the hlghe"t court to act, In sisting -----,- Chancellor 'Wlrlh, minister oC the oc· ascribed us Il cause by ;I[cColl . ('\,er totlny to the "tate trpasury. thaI the decision ot the district court The Ilrlson farm houses trusties c n m,\ GO GHJU N CUI)ied arens. Ca" 1 M elchoit' nnd Dr. of appeals was final and not s ubject Vocke of the relchsbank, will be the [rom the state penal institutions. Me: DROWNS IN MI • I SlPJ'f CHICAGO, Dec. 2R (A P)-Cllsh to review. [(nnnclal experts. Colt said leglslatl ve action was the CMI::! \ tLLE, Wis., (Ap)-neturn· whent prices closed with a net gllin Overstepping Power The absence of Chancellor Muellet·, only means ot obtaining adequll.le Ing from Petersburg, la., where he o( ie. BaSis called unchanged. Offer· Conceding tlult congress In Its con· who had plan ned to hend tho delega· buildIngs. hnd taken his fiancee, MI 8 Marthn &tIlutlonal authority to regulate in· Ings continue small. Shll'plng Bllles tlon , was especia lly regretted In vi ew ORte"haus; J oB(mh Smull, 29 years LODo" terstate commerce, may have juris· 10,000 bushels: cancellations. 240. 79G of the fact that Premier 'rllrdleu ac. old, wRs drownNt today. llls aulo' diction OVe,. r adio broadcasting, the bushels No. 2 hard: a nel 03,000 hush· cepted the chairmanship of U;e I'cparations leCt by the ovcrlallping of mobile went through Ice on the Mis. campllny mlllntil1ned that this power els No.1 northern: dcllverlcs 180,0 00 Wren ch delegation. 'fho chancellor the Dawes and tho Youn!> plans. 8 1~"lppl r l v~r 50 ynl'(l~ from ~hOl'e. 10 regulate, did not convey tho rlghl bushels. Export business In all posl. Is said to be un noyed OVCI' the re.lg· to dcstroy. POinting Oll t Its pioneer· tions reported as mOderated. No fig· nation of lPlnance Mlnlkter Hllferd· Trail" Ing history In broadcasting, the Gen· urI's avnlll,llle. lng, which was practlc(,lly forced by eral E lectric IhslstM that tbe fed· Cash corn tone was casler clue to the people's pa,·ty anel' the publica· Entire New Sltow e,'al government must fully coml>en· heavier run fOr week·end. Pl'l ce~ t tlon of D,·. Sch aC ht' ~ "I)Ilck to the sllle It (or any losses 8u(ferec1 should 10 ~c el\8ler. Basis 1c higher to l~ Young pla n" memorandum. 1 KEN MAYN.!RD in An All-Talking Western Hi t­ It be "equlred 10 relinquish Its con· ensler, latte,' on poor graclOH. Shill· Dr. Schacht will p!l"ticlpate In the TODAY sUtutional l'lght to gO on tho 'alt· when ping sales 53,000 bushels and hook· negotiations when rectue8ted by the oj "SENOR AMERICANO" IS COMING TUE DAYl It ple(lHetl . Inga to arrive 22,000 bush()ls. DeUv. delegation, Ilartlcuhu'ly If [l conflict "Ends Tuesday" T ho radio com mlssloh wall aiming eries 97,000 bushels. should rise over the n('w bank for In· li.v regulation of the t ime of broad· ternatlonal settlements. Moviedom's ClIeli ng stntions on the all', It stud, to STOCK MARJ(m' AVJm AGFl!'l Pnl'Jlamentary clrclell said toda), • thlit he hac1 refu sed to go n..~ the chief Pa sionate Prince ,. . ,. rlenr the ehanMls anti Improve radio 50 I nd. 20 RaIJ R. 20 Utll. l . , , . ' ~. ., : ".' . *"'!. ' ~ •...r,l~ !lit;. 'f ,,''". \-4' :"'~' • )·crcpllon. The company suggested Yesterdny ...... 164. 1 127,\. lnS.8 export becauso the government re· of Romance • • • 1 '0" ~. • • ,r . \,.. ' ~ I. • ',' .. ". . "\ .~~". tb ls could be IlCCOmp llHhecl constltu· Pr'evlous

nlchnl'c1 Craton was <'lecled p resl· dent of the 10cIII barllel"s union Ilt th Now monthly meeting of the Towa OIty with a BANG! ba r bers Ft'ldny night. Other oW· , eel'S a rc L. G. Walters, vice 11rcsldent ; 1ft C. T homann, SCCI·c lllry·trCtlSlll·cr, MAYI~" I . Ilnd J . n. Wetr'leh, recorder. Good News to Thrifty Iowa City Ptopltl T he 10cILI union Is o.fCllIo ted with the s tate faderatlon ot labol', ILnll the While Police Seek 11 9/i.& C,uuERINE ' s lll te association of jO ll l'lleymcn bar· Criminals. , • Dan GLOR CASH AND CARRY PRICE ON- A DALE OWEN ~• r s. .Cupid ,wins 'noth­ M1S --- . er roond in tHe , game of hearts. VITAPHONE NOVELTIES • • 75C Hatll, S u Itll, and T6ped11t1 Cleaned and Pressed Anderson nnd, Graves Harry Rosenthal 0a8h ,.,00 "Collled, Coleh" "H I~ 11II III tllld Tennis Oreb o Ira" • • MOVIE'TONE Dry Cleaned and Pt(,.'8 cd Hint to Brides" . - Continuous All-Talking ~ . NEWS -Shows "Vital Subjects" ,.. "It ~1)C ak . " -TodIlY "Song Cartoon" • - LATE NEWS T. Dllll KEtLEY , R.C.A, 124 S. GlIbert -­ l.8'Cominw (We Also Do Pine Shoe Repairing) • PARIS CLEANERS. " rhoae 51 . . '. ., ',. '. , ~~ .

I , - "- ... - - - -: THE DAILY IOWAN, IOWA CITY PAGE FIVE HER 29, 1929- RlTND Y, DF.CRMBRR 29, 1929 Stanford Beats Down Stubborn Defence to' Crush Army GrlClders 34 to 13 Cadet ilt SOME SPORT CDRIOSITIES Richardson in General Pierce Will iawn Tennis Gala Crowd Attends Ohio Quintet Not Seek ReelectionI • Opening of Racing nde Dri e Quavter Final as Head of N.C.A.A. '29 Rankings Plant at Caliente Upsets Notre

NEW YORK, Dec. 28 (AP)-Brlg. .\OUA 'ALIF.NT],J, ~1exICO, DeC. ill La t Half of Tennis Play Oen. l."lllmer E. .l'l/ol're, pel'cnn4 al Announced 28, (AI')-.\ guln crowd, sprln'kled Duine, 29-22 Pl'esld nt of the n tl onal co ll ol:e nth· with sport~m n from all ll:1.rts of ,he " letl c association, a n nounced today country fiB well Os fashlonab!e l)lem· Cngll' Cunr.I.,.1 no .. ly Dartmouth Lad Downs t hlH he would no t he u rll ntil da te fop 'Mrs. Ma1lory Re;eives bel'S ot Ihe mOl'le colony trom Holly' Ramblers Drop Second I'eelcctlon a t the a nnual convcntlon wood, SIlW lhe new racing plant at aM • 'oMii'r Tnk.. N.Y.U. Player in hel' next week. First' for Women Agua Call nle open Its gotes In sen· Game of Season Trimming lIead of t he organlazUon contlnu· .nUonal fashlol\ today. Good Game ously sillce Its estnob tls hrnent In 1906 Ninth Time A rank ou lslder, Op~n Hand. hell)' to Buckeyes except for two years- I91. a nd lptc ed chrIsten the track by dashln~ n By 1'1';1) VOSllllRllII -wh n he w as In scrvlce In China NEW YO HK, Dec. 2R (A P) - W ith home (11·.t In the PI!Cond I'ace, a COLUMBUR, 0 ., DeC. 2 (AP}­ (A88~lnted Press Sports Writer) II nti l he P hI li ppine :, Oenel'l11 P;el'ce the familiar n811leS or I'rancls T . th1'~e yellr old claimIng event at n Xotre Dllml' unh'el1llty wns Iler~ol~ N0 W l'OHK, nee. ~8 (AP)-J Ohn .11 1<1 h. felt ho h" 1 hoen preshl pnl Hunter lin.] 1I1 1·H. Molla Bjurstedt mile a nd sIxteenth, to IlIly Its hack· by Ohio Stnt!' unl\'p""lty In !l basK· rt Ir i1111'(1 son. :l lanl'y 18·ye3l'·0Id long nough a nd shoulll mOI< e woy Mallory again toppIng the lists, the ers $1 10.00 for J2. Gr~eri !!Ills, nn· etball gam heM' tonight U to 2!. D flrtmouth floJ)honlOl'P, J)~oy{'tI 8U1'· fO I' ° youngel' man. 1~20 ..an"lng of th" ustpl'n Illwn ten· other long 8hot, ImM $17.20 (0 I.)oce, :-IOll'(' J)lllnc previously had tlf"f ~ l el1 PrIAlnglv gOOd t~nnls to(lllr to bl'lng Dr. Charles W . Kennelly or ]'t'ince· Il ls assocIation COml)J'lslng' Illayel's The ,<;an DIego handicap, feature Iowa nnd lost to NOt·thwe.tern, " Of the ol,enlng l'}'Ond the hundrro. One or two 11 M1!OLJ)T ASKS E I~"X'T ION rhmlelewHkl, g .. , ...... 0 0 0 Totals ...... 18 3 'I .Imllar rUnd wert' rellOrtecl In other I1UJltBOLDT, (AP)-BURlne"~ men Tolals ...... 8 n 10 26 Pos('r, g ...... _ ...... 2 0 ·0 Referee: North of Illghlan WRErH Ol'nnt, f ...... 0 0 I Clllcuj;o 2~; Carleton 20. TFX1UCI AGA I.PA, lTonc\ul·ttA, nec. Smith, c ...... ,~. I 0 , ST. LOUIR. Dec. 28 (AP)-D~\len(\· Iowa SLate 41; Centl'al Collegc 39. 28 (A'P)-Twenty l,a9S ngel'S und lhe Murphy, c ...... 0 I d The Game· . Play by Play Ing mostly on a goo(l bralld of pasH' Loyola 33; van.ler\)llt 7U. ntl l' crew of the schooner Beall·l .. M~I·p I', (r) g ...... ~ I 0 .! lng, St. Louis unlverslly detellten PennsylvanIa 33; Georgia Tech 23. Adela wel'e l' ported drowned tonIght O'D.-len, g , ...... 0 0 '4 St. LouIs U. 37; Nebru"klt 27. when the "(,H~el waH wr(lckccl neflr oce th" !leld, Suarez replacIng 111m. \I.. ill'n~k~ unlvpr~lty In a 110n·con· terence bnsketbnll lilt here tonight Danville, Ind., Centl'nl Normnl 40: Puel·to Castilla. No other details Totals 9 ':0 "I thr fj""t lud(), !I"Mk Th .. fir8t qUllrter ended with Army by a score of 37 to 27. Butler 10. were J:lvc n. Ut'f ret': Schommer, Chicago. the glIIlW . 'raylor, Huh.tltule cen· r e~l " tlng Stanford's th"URts nem' TlM vlillton rut up a stubborn tn. r \'Nln ('on'pr'" tllmhle or II mltlf1 .. I,l. Score: Army 6; Stanford C. tigh t and ten m inutes before the end Sec-ond Period punt ot m"IfI~I(L Tbp nllnal ~ had were tour points ahead of St. Louis. noth~rt kleke(l out of boun<1. on tK pn prf'JU4('d cianl(eroush" close to Army's two yard lIne. MUrI'el kick· I h ~lr own lIonl by n (umhl hy Fren· Gophers Nose Out Classified Advertising ed back from the "Mety .one, out trut' oM w ·re r~ rc I to ktck, of bOllndd~ on hIs o\\n 31 yUI'r! /lne. Arll1)' en 'n< ,I Olatter. when Mill r When Htanforu's attack wa~ stopp d Montana U., 27·24 Int rCt·ptPlt II "a, < amI r 'ln Ihe bo\l d ad, Rothert again kicked out of Call290 ,1 k to Army'" 40 }I.I·d line. Cagtl' '1/1 boll nds, lhls time on A nnY'H one MINNEAPOLIS, D~c 28 (A r)­ h.-ok,· awny on a U\~kle pmn.h fOr 7 yard IIn~ . ~llIrl'~1 rumhlrd It low naHs The UnJ verslty of Minnesota 11 d to yor"_ and !urn'lI hit re leI' for a J , m~'r ANn FOTTND n(l WM nallell (or a f<:l( ly by Mul· ~tnlggle desperately to come tht'ough ftr t down on Htonrortl '8 40 yor.1 I\m'. FOUNl):=PAIR OFlloRN-:aJ'II-: leI', ~I~inl( stanford two poInts and with its fourth straig ht practice v ic, ~ I)laMml~I9J91 lurr 11 b n~,'tI out fIve tflor (> ynrds tory against the Unlversly of Mo n· med gltUlses. Amber and b1n.e~ the lrad, 8 10 B. CilloI'. Amber 1'I0se piece, O... ner­ allit Cagle ':<>ll1 :,leted one ot hIs tam, Army frce kicked, Frenll'up taklilg lann. basketball team, 27 to 24, here SIN MOW roE WED DIU FlU W Want Ad (\ fMwar.1 po "" to put Ih e ball In rna:' have these by calling a.t u.. l1utchln~on ' " hoot hac\( 37 yards. H e tonight. Cllrlm rk'ft hand. on Htan(ord's 19 Iowa n a.nd paying tor tbla ad, then llroke away (01' 12 on n. tackle The Gophers led, 15 to ] 3 at the YO i'll line. smn..h. !'mamng travrlNI 18 Yllrd. halt. I 2. J 4 J 6, ., Rates FOUND-PAJR OF BHELlrRW: furf(,1 lind Cngle eraek",l the line through Armr'B lin .. 10 the 11 yal'o med glaeses In front ot yelt.... , rtr a fir. t .Inwn .(lVPII ~· anl. rrom mark. A IbertHon , Stanforcl third NORRIS GE'rS CONTUACT O UIII)L1 One or two da.n, 100 Ptr line Finder ma y ha.ve same by ca.l1J~ ,;ta Mor,\'s I. ('UIII ",nI'(1 14 , cl ub, It was announcecl today. Each word In the advertls~menl r ing, Owner may have these by, },llrd mark. Hothert ,UI'lll'd 'lround Cll.gle broke ciaI' after taking Il must be counted. The prefix•• call1ng a t the lowan oWce a nd pay· M... "lngpr's ~n.' for 5 yards but "FOr Sa.le," "For Rent," "Lost," SUtntol'd punt 0. (ew minutes later PROFESSION AL Ing tor lhls a d. Iltanfo",\' 1111 r g:lIM weI' mnrre<1 DrIscoll ot Stanford ' re~overed ca· and similar ones at tbe beginnIng nn<1 du.ht'rl H y:ll'd~ lo Stanfol'(l'R 44 Ity a. l'l'n Ity and llolhert kicked to gle's t umble on Ar rh y's ] 7 'ya rd \l ne. DANCI NG SCHOOL-BALLROOM. ot ads a.re to be counted In the yar(1 mark. Then th~ At'my captn ln LOST-SPE CrAL P OLICE BADU-"'t, .\I'my'. 11 yllrd lin ... b'mnll ing on successive b ucks borN! top a n d step da ncing. Call 114, total number ot wordll In tbe ad. shot one ot hl8 sensational pMse. ~o call 3521. Rtnnfnr.' tortrd an lIt1nell (I'om the Army line for a touchdown. The Burkley hotel. P rot. H oughton. The number and letter In .. bllnd H utchInson, who raced 26 YOi'll. to ,\rmy'_ 0 yOI'd \In on tnlelnll Mur· kick went wIde. Score: Atmy 13; ad are to be counted .. one F 0 U N !)- YE LI,oW FA HKEll score. HutchInson n(\(k(l unothel' Stn.nrMd rel'K punt. FI'~nl1'ull, on a .Iollhl(> rr 20. FOR RBNT-ArA~TMBNTS word, rountaln pell . Owner may oltta l'n point by a pN·tect kiCk 'mel l'hlY Stanfol'd on n t rIck play gaIned H~I' ~ f', f.tot rl(,ltr .lncl rom,.('<1 2n Yl\rd~, ClaMUled dlspla" 5Oc! per hleh. by calling at Iowa n om co and po)l:' trailed by only one point, 14 to 13. lhe ball a t midfield. Another attack FOR R El NT,.....3 n OOM FURNISH · ;\1(1 mnklnl\' th~ tackl ... I {c wn~ One Inch ~usht_ cards. per Ing tor Ihls ad. A m lnule luter Carvcl' Intercepted (ealUI"ed thc Stanfo rd fUll baCk !:lm lll· ed npal'tment with gnru(;c. Mille I' hUI·t hul 1'~"lInw(1 Piny, month, $5.00. ()a~" and ron 14 Yl\.rd~, ju t past Jlng , In IInc dl'\veS atter (I,lke r e v rg· LOST--CJl! OMEGA PIN. MARIOHI Army nil hut RluIIP('.l t1w Stnn' apartments, 2705. Classified advertlllnr in by • mtdrJeld, b ut Stantord tUl'net] the es. ne ploug hed tln'ol\gh the A l1YIY IJolll h. Phone 3436 , R cw:II'd. '. (or., or(~nlW when a [la,. fl'OI11 8mlll. p.m, will be publl.h~d the roup",· tohleN In shOl'l ord~r when Sma \lI ng IInl{ In 1ulln put the h<\11 on thp lIne to the 23 yard mWr k, )vhenl a FOR R ENT-FOUR R OOM APT., Ing mornlng, ~~~ __WANT.EJ) , bl'ok~ o.way on n 11M drive nnd dash. 15 yard pcnalty Check'/)(] the" ROtls. (',ulpt'. 10 yn.r(l IIn~ 1·'1 .. 18hhlu·k~r fu r nis hed, In (Iulet home, one WANTJllD-i~ T AND ]<'A&I· ed 4G Yllrds to Arnll"s 37 yard 7.0n~, Stanford's passing ' offensive was hor('c\ th 11M tnr 4, Fr('ntrup "kll't· block t rom b us Iln e. Adults only. lIy laundl·Y. Call for and deliver. Malloy nailing him rl'o m h~hlntl. In eftectlve agalnllt A'l1Tly's detertse. rtl en\! r I' ~, anll PI('I"hhnl'kt'l' .11'0v~ Phone 3621·W . FOR RENT-.ROOMS P hone 1609·W . ,unre~ "((,vl'd off the thl'rnt hy In· After Moffat t punt ~ d out 01 bO\lIl ds uvrr ror th(' ~eore, M~88lnger block· ,}'OR R ElNT- 1'W O HOOM F UR · t rccpUng Smalling'. \lUHR 20 ~n]'(]" on Army's 5 yard line, Murl'el br0rlA. Regards to Support DES MO INES, Dec. 28 {AP}- . C. 1111111' of the contesl a8 U1CY will bo :.\11'. N umnn, duot hy M,'. Jonrs and WAllllINtl'I'ON, V . 2M (A", 4:30 011'1 cout m otlngs, Troops A slwly of Ih III,".lhllll), uf r.,lrI·a l One and Seven. Moeller. faculty m m'Jer or Iowa a llowed only two stllt'UnA' trltll~ fltl I' MI~H Slever8. 5:30 11.m ., tho 1,1I11wr of Company loy t1~IlIlQn of 1'11111'0 ~ 1t •• 1,1Irur f·llIn· 6:00 Pl'lvate dinner party. Slate colloge, was e lected chllinnan the even t begins. Tho. contost will 1c-r'Rlt~ luncheon, 6:30 I' m., lhr LlIth · drll!. ot tllO educational council ot tho begin at 7:30 p.m. 1'hl1" sday III tho e" Irogur. l'hurRday 0:89 )I .m.. tlte 1111nll'B "UN t1l'nultltlrd 100Iny IIY ChaIr· Tho Iowa. City Clyro club has 7:30 Troop I , 113th Cavalry Tuet!chty Iowa State Teachers assodn.Uoll, at field houso. annual Co ngl'rgntlonal ~uPJlcr nnd II1lln ('olilon, or th .I' n·lt Inl~ ... lat. passed a rosolqUon In regard to the 0:00 Buslncss Men's practice, all Its r eOrganization meotlng here to· Judges rOI' the co nt e~ t will be AI" lI'eetlnll'. comm~r rommllt~, n a preliml. local canning fnctory, arlor makin g sports. da.y. J~ . A. Welsh, DeB MOines, thUl' Reldsal of the 10clll alr)lort, nnry to any ..·.1 . 1 lion 10 PUl IntlJ r(frrt thn • M'nntly nntt01HlC 1\ rOn · a study of the situation. The res· 7:30 186th Hospital company. drill. was reelected secretary. Paul Shaw ot tho Shaw Aircraft 1.lon Lllthtral1 "oll(lnlinn 111rtl1 of the Il1tNIU.t .. Ofl\· 7:80 BusIness Men's practlce. The cou ncil, In outlining plans tor comlJany, and Capl. Russelll'otts Of A. C. Proehl, prLMlor; n n Ill, Hu .... olutlon reads: mrreo cOll1ml~ " lon . 8:30 N'onparell New Yen,"s ove lhe ensuIng year, advocltted ellmlna· th U. S. Infantl·Y. ouUOlCJI ; JO ll • . nl.. ulJon Itself to use Its bost ~f[ort~ 10 of Lewis Snider, 602 S. Dubuque third oc thIs Slim will be available fol' McConnell, Mount Vernon. Thomp80n, In charge or the 2,245 at rlturch school: 10 :30 n.m .. mornlnll divllle lervlre; "ut I.uk 2, 13·40 prumote growlh or the Iowa CIty street caused a small amount or use during 1930. the time of the shooting: Ol'vlile La· worshIp nnd l!erltlon, "Life's Ren \. , ubj cl oC . rrmon, " J " . our Food Products compnay; that It dumage, a nd a chimney fire at 'V. In the debate today It was stressed Student Here DENVER, Der. 28 (AP}-Two long grant and AM Enncs-accompanlcd 1I1~ . " by the PM tor. Rolo "lJOw Down l'cu:e." to : ~ li a m., N w Y r' dllY take whatever steps may' be deemed G. Hughes, 430 E. Davenport street, that evacuntion of the RhIneland practlce session today put all star by Commander Martin W. Rasmus· '['hlne Ear. 0 Lord," by Mrl. CharI .... dlvlnp !'nloe Ie I I.uke 2, 21, aull­ necessary to obtain the support or made II Imperative to complete the was sllght. football squads of the Rocky Moun ""n of the dl"tt'lct, and CalJtaln FOI" 11 : Hnwley. Organ selectloM, ·'Beth· J(ct I'Crmon. "lA'l U. pnl r In lo defenses along tho northe,," border. at the Iowa City chamber at commerce. Arrestedfor taln and North Cenlral conferenceb ney, who otder"d them to duty on I ~ hem" b)' Mnlllng; "Angrlu." 1)y tbe Ne .... 1'r r In J AU ' lloly plrl\ The naval program calls to,' construc· local business men, and the citizens pre~cnt ~r li s8el1N : nnd "RrCe"810nal" hy Han. File Petition In readiness rOr the stage wber only Christmas day, were at the Qnd llll \\ III be wl\." or Iowa City and Johnson county. LIon of seven submarlnos, more than "cpented signal drill will be gone heal'lng. The lrio will continue un· ,,·n 1)y Lolln SklnnN·. The I'hlldN'n A petition, Fitzpatrick and Gatena In any other categories despIte the Advertise I owa. Olty Check Forgery over berore the!,' N'cw Year's game rIel' military arl'CHt In coast gual'CI "r I he church will participate In the EI,Ip,4' II ) VB . the Chicago, Rock Island, and recent talk ln Internlltionltl cIrcles O "A reporter was then sent to tho In Denver unlverslt), stadium. 'Iuarters until arraignment. c·ltlJdr~n'~ recessional, thr jltnlnr Paclflo railroad company, a corpora· limiting or doing away with that lJnrry l.nnr lry. r eltJr, • m . Th. omce of the Iowa City Food rroductij ot e'lurch, and thp klndrq:arten. 'l'hrre Leland J. Dolan wa" arrested on a tlon. was fIle~ Friday. The plaIntiffs type of war vessel. 1I0ly Communion; ' 0: 15 1. "'. Church company, where he Intervlcwed R. PLAN FL1'ING rUNIC be no cvrnlng _crvlcc.. Thill'.' allege that by reason Of the delay cr:lft 11efense nlso bulks large In tho \\111 choo t IJ gM nt and rultl r allullal D. CIIU, the manager at tlte com· charge of forgel'y at his home In Tho program or defense for whlrh SARASOTA, Fla. . Dec. 28 (AP)­ \VlIllnmsbul'g Fl'leloy. He was en· and bad handling fwdl ack of atten· funds wero voted loday Is a conllnu,,· plans. c1(,)/, 6 p.m .• ehurcb·nlght supper ond carc,1 In Ing. pany. Mr. Cmf has ~& employed Plans have been comploted for the rolled as a. freshman In the college tlon to said cattle some of them lion of the plans laid some years ago. Mlnlstc" of \Vlll' Andre Mnglnot In hfl slness meeting. l,y the local canning company tor medical clinic whleh wliJ fly "ltl or liberal arts at the university. He reached their destination In a bad The land detenses were made n~ce"· aRklng tor tho approprIation ex· the last two years. having been In Pan AmerIcan Airways o\l~r coun· Flnot ('hurrlt of ('ltrft.l, s.-Iplltl~t the employ or the Ames CannIng Is held In the county jail where he condltlon. sary In part by the new frontler" plalnod to the chamber that the or· .~ c awaits trial in the dlslrlct caul'!. given FranO" by the treaty of Versail· ganizatlon oC slrong defense of the trIes at Central and South America 9:30 Sunday ""hool : 11 IrMnn I1('r' .,USEA company nt Ames, four years pre' next month, Dr. F'red H. Albce of rnon; ~ubJ(,CI, " Chl'l tlqn Sclpnco." He was accuscd of forgIng 20 Two License(1 to Wed les. Tho planl! have beon studied tor [rontlers hnll been agre~d upon by vlous to his employment here. Ihe Pan·Amerlcan hO'pltal, NelV 8 I• . tn., Wednesdny, tt·"tlmonla l nt(,pl· WANT AD checks totaling approximately $100 on Two maniage IIc('nscs were issued the last nine yeal'S Ilnd whlle nalural· ali p""lles, and lltat even the socllll· ""'0 ha,'e In the pasl, bean 1·lIn· 1'01'1< , said here today. In ll' . VI ~ ltors cordIally Invll!'d to his roommate, John DO"fler, J,'., who yesterday by the county clerk's at· Iy surroun,lcrl by the greatest ~e· Ists when the It'nll'th ot compulsory nlng but one·halt at oUr capacity be· Is a fresbma n of Charter Onl< . They crecy lll'e sllPll0sed ul' mill tary cri· military Re"vlce WM reduced to one cause we lack the suppo,·t of tho tlce. Earl Shettle,' and MIlt·y Sla· ------roomed at 6013 Of th" quadrangle. He baugh both or Wellman, received a lic" oulslde thc French' army alld year hM argued th,ll It was betlot· to me"chants, and the civic orgunl· admlUed forgIng tho checks which government to comprIse a series of organIze the frontlers [01' ('[rcctlve I:;ltlons of Iowa City. We ~pond license. C. Lioy(\ Bunker 0/ Iowa were cashctl by the local mel'chants, City and Carmene Bancl'oft of Bur· works based on tho experiences of the dof~nse than to wn~to the lime at more annually to advertlse 10,,"a but docs not know the amount or the last war. young Frenchmon In service unde,' City. than the city spends to adver· lington, wem Issued a license. Grocer exact number of checks. Therefore It Is supposNl lhat there lhe flag. Sevel'tll orators agreed thai tlse It. Last year the Food Produ~l" will be a gooll <1pn.1 of underground cVllcu!llion of tho nhln~land makes ZaJ';er Fines MNlks company scnt 3,1~5,000 posters at work with less lI1usonry vlsllJle (L!! a ~xl'ClJtlon o[ the defense programs a cost at $6,790. advertisIng lawn Howard Meeks or West Liberty Hummer Co. target tor hostile arWlcr)'. Anll·alr· urgenL. City and Its productes. Rogers Gets was [lned $10 by Judgo Charles L. Ollen Evenings 803 South Clinton treel "Each year 140 people are ern· Zager yesterday mor'nlng on a charge of Intoxication. He will serve played: about 70 men and 70 'l\'om~n rive dflY8 In tho county jail In lieu - --ilnd only wOI'k two monlhs or the Prison Term year. Ir we were to receIve thr at .the fIne. Cash Sales lor 1'2,-$412,75'.73 proper Bupport we could easily ern· ploy 200 persons Ilnd work six "'nIter Rogers, who was arrested a Mother of Slain Our total sales for 1929, up td and including December 27th. amoun d months of the yea,', he stated: Cew days ago hy tho locn I pollee on a to $422,759.73. Our total sales for th3correspondingperiod in 1928 amount. Could InCI'CHse Payrull olllll'ge of rorgcry. was sentenced to Patrolman Goes to ed to $290,043, or an increase of 132,716,36 for 1929. There i a r' on for "The total amount ot wa<;es thllt I B years In lhe state reformRtory al were paId last year by the cllnnl ng AnnmoMa hy Judge H. D. Evans at Arrange for Burial this increase. cOl1lpany, nmounled to '37,GOO and the distrIct COlll·t yestenlRY mornIng. To our friends and patrons who have, helped make the }>