![Daily Iowan (Iowa City, Iowa), 1929-12-29](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
OHIO STATE UPSETS STANFORD ROUTES NotNl lIa nMl ('a,.r hy Hcor6 Anny Eleven In FInII Half ., May or !t·t!, StOfY Score of 31· J3, 8101')' "n Pac 5. 011 Pale 5 • Driv r • In ured VOI. UME XXIX I PAGES FIVE CENTS NUMBER 182 Iowa ud Repre cntatives Borah Makes Sigma Xi EleclI JU. S. Agrees John D. Dance3 Report Comes ' ..I to ational Convention of New Attack George H. Stewart Jig Then SOOol.3 , National Pre3ident to Settlement Victory in Goll From Captain ·ienti t at De Moines on Dry Law DES MOINES, Dec, 28 (All) - With Germany ORMOND BEACH, Fta., Dec, 28 Prof. George II, Stewart ot tho Unl' (AP)-Dam'lng a jig on nlmole teet of Steamship ve!'slLy of 10wll, was today elected at his ow n ChrIstmas pnrty la.st Thirty Prol or, Many A8sistanl From 13 Says Practically Open p!'osldent of Sigma Xl, honorary Countries to Clear Up night did not In the least ImpaJr scientific society having 22,000 90·year·otd John D: Roc kefeller's Natives in Vicinity of Ot'llartmen18 Will Pr ent Papcr members and chapters In 65 coun· Saloons Running in Reparations Claims gal r game, He demonstrated that Tehukotsky Bay Give I 8 .. fore Individual celion tdes, thIs morning when In ll:u'tner8hlp Some Sections Other ofticers named Include From War wIth M!'s, " t, T. Bovard, at Or· lnIormation Dean Edward Ellery at Union col· mond, he shared In a Victory ovcr 'rh re'li no r t ror tlw I'tltwlltt'lll WAS1TING1'ON, Dec, 28 (AP) legc, Schenectady, N. Y., &ccretary; WASIUNGTON, Dec, 28 (AP}-An his niece, Mrs. George CueV'Vas, Dean Oeorge B. Pegl'am ,at Colum· nnd a Mr, Sheparcl of Lowell, Ma.,., iUOSCOW, Dec. 28 (AP)­ Whill' lUll t IIfh"n! ('OJlIl( ltd Ililh tit!' lIuiVt'l'~ity or lown R I '~ F!'esh outbl'eakR on PI'ohlbltlon on· bill. university, New York. treMur· agreement has been reached be­ 'Xhe jig wns d an~d at the an· The captain of the soviet steamer njoytnR II holitlay I.ralion, nf'arly 7ri rlll'ulty Jnl'1ll1rt'H nncl grud tore ment sta,·tled Washington to· or, Pro!. L. J, Cole, University ol tween tho United Statcs al)d Ger· nua l Hock flier yule fete laBt night by IIltt "tWIt'lIt /lr tlmtl'iitlltiJlIt to till' Am!'l'icnll Axs(wililion fot tlw night wllh senate d"'Y8 splitting Wisconsin, was elected a member many for settlement of all Amer· when tho "oil kinG''' seemingly l:;ta vropol reported radio to· day that Carl Ben Eidson. miss. Ad\'lll IUt'II1 lit Hrien' program at Dr. Moinl', J. ,ions will ll8und r a nd Senator Dorah, at ol the executive commlttec. lean reparation claims 1LI'Ising out could not resist 8. BJllrlted tune Five now chlLrters were granted pillyod On the pla no whllo gltts were ing American aviator, was be· ('nel W dnt' I y. idaho, charging In a now Lll tack that at the Universities at Wyoming, Ok· of thc war, a nd will bo submitted to congress for approval. being dlstl'lbuted, trom a Chrl8tmas Ii ved to bave be"en sighted by na· lo;t.rtin~ 'I'hUn;t\IIY, til( nnivl'l'Iltty hR . 111'1'11 moving 10 tlte Klatt' "praCtically opcn 8aloons 11.1'0 run· lahoma, a nd Rochester, and state tl'ce In the corner ot the main 11v· college of Washington and Penn· A statement' tonight by Ogden tives in the vicinity of Tchukot· r pit 1 in lion t.h dppattmrnt 'nt rrprt"l'lItlllh'(,R to n nlng tn the jurisdiction of district Mills, ncllng secretary the trea· Ing rOOm at "the casement." sylvanJa. of ~ky Bay. 'I'ltlr I,. pr.,( r--------=-------- allorney Iltter dtstrlct attorney In sury made a cter announcement at this country." Baril n that ncgotllltions had been The Stavropol is frozen in off The Idnhoan Jumped Into the dIs, concluded explained lhat t he ar· the coast ncar North Cape. The l"Ilngement would ca.rry out the Stock Breaks flute again after two ndmlnlstratlon radio message was sent to Chair· French, Stand terms of the Young plan tor set· man Kanenev or the Arctic com· dry leaders-Senators, Jones of t1ement of a ll reparation claims "Vashlngton, and Gapper at K a nsas against Germany and that It con' Fail to Hurt m i tlee here. -hod Issued stlltemcnls Maurlng on Conference templated nn abate mont at tho Otch ukotsky or hukotski for reaching action by President American government's portion at U. S. Industry Bay opens off the southern part Copyright. HOlteUer Studio HooVN' In an appeal to the pro· tho total, of Bering Strait near s t. Lawrence During tho Young I)lan discus· courteKy ot Davenport pailI' Tlmcs hlblUonlsts to sUCk together and Taken Lightly Ialand. help him, sions last May. the Mills statement Borall Thunders pointed out, tho an'IJ.ngements tor Lamont Says Reports Other reflort. relayod hy lhe steam· ship captain In the bellet that the In· "The Cry 'stand by the president' Washington Gets Note dealing with the subject and tor Bi hop Rites has nothing to do wIth this ques· the remission of a small portion of Show December formallon might Aid In tho • arch lion," thundered Borah as word Giving Attitude the American claims were submit· Trade Good wcre thnt natlvell bad soon smoke In !'M.ched him of the aPllcals at the ted to a white house conterence at tho vicinity at Vankarem, WOllt ot Next Tuesday other rcpubllMn drys, a nd tho as· of France members of congress and officials. Kollutchln.ky Bay and that Russian suranco by Senator Jones that " the Converse With Genna.IIY WASHINGTON, Dec, 28 (APl­ hunt ra had elghted an airplane II. "The state department a.nd the rew mil a weat of thoro, The \llallO pre"ldent will remove quickly an)' WASHINGTON, Dec, 28'" (AP)- Malntennnco or a gencral high level tl'eIl8ury department have tor some waH suhl Lo have circled twice OVer man In a responsible posltlon who of buslncss In the United State. duro Fun ral Services Will he Is convinced Is not doing his With the doUvery at the state de· weoks past conducted conversations tholr cnmll betol'e dleappenl'lng to' be in Davenport duly." pnrtment tonight ot the French with the German governmcnt with Ing December was vIewed today by wnrd lhe wcst. Senator Borah said that "I pre· note giving tho allltude ot that a view to dra fting a proposed agree· S~creta.ry Lamont all an Indication ment covering paymenlll by Ger· GALE WJlIP OA\'J;;r-:ronT, Dec, 28 (AP}­ sumt', ot course, tllat tbe pr sldent govornment toward the London lhat Amel'lcnn Industry had reachcd many to the U nI ted States on ac· SIUE IU I\N eO;\ T wants clean an~ frlclent service, a point where a brenk In New York "'un ml services rOl' lII"hotl Theo· and I 8IIy to those senators thnt nnval conference, a conviction was count of army costs and mixed JIIO~1E, AIMka, D c, 28 (A P)-A dort' Nevin • forrlson, 79 years old. we have not got that at the pres. expressed In oCflclal quarters that cta lms In the annual amounts rec· stock prices docs not necessarily freezIng 60 milo gate today was whip· ommended by the Young commit· 1':111 ••.pal bishop or Iowa who WIUl rnt time. thc Frcnch position would not con· mean a national depressIon, 1)lng the Slbel'lan cOMt line along the tee or experts," It said , "The two Arctic ocean, where the tlYors, carl Lull 13 k!lIcol II hl!n • tru~k hy an automobile \Vants the Facts sutute an Important obstllcle to the After a eonrerence with Presldont "'Vashlng your handA with sight· parley. governments are In accord u.s to Ben Elelson and Earl Borland have lToover, tho comm rce dellllrtment last nl 'ht, wllJ be held next Tuos,lny lC8R soap In the presence at the tile form and terms at such an IK'cn lost for nearly soven wceI<B anrl morning at Trinity ('athedl'al hera, prcsldent will not hrtng errccllvo The French stand came as no agreement, buL It cannot be definite· hend sold thllt rCpol'ts being received where tho Amorlcan ship Nanuk I\"d surprise 10 oWelala h ~re, nnd thel'tl Iy concluded until the executive A lequlrm ~UC11l1l'18t cplehrated h)' ROI'vlce," he contlnued, "It Is ne' by his departmenl, showing that De· soviet ship Stavropot are Icebound. were Indlcallons that It had been branch Of the govcrnmcnt has been Pilot }<'rank Dorbandt reported here. 1;1 hop Unrry Rhprmnn T_onglpy, who cessary to stllte Lhe tacts and they cember buslnoss In general was expecLcd that the French would so authorized by the congress," as Dorbandt, who flow hero tram Tell· ur going to \)(I stated. good as It was a year ogo, woro uce NI~ BIshop MOI'I'lson, will ell "1 assert that the permit system maintain with regard to the forth· Treasury rocol'ds show that on cr, ""ld tho nrws of tho sto"m Wa9 comJng conference 0. slmllal' posl· Sept. 1 the Amel'lcan reparations hIghly gratifying, mn x th~ c~rrmnnle~ Mt.r th~ om~n Ithelt as It Is being corrled on Is !'ocel ved by lhe radio station there lion to that hcld during former can· claims against GOI'many wero con· 1I11'ootorles Small of tbe liurlnl ur the (leall I~ read at a rR ndol-thnt it Is being used In from the Nanuk, which 18 marooned Tho lack of lal'go Invenlorles, In· 10 H.m., rrum 6:30 tn 9 a .m., are· _urh a.
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