UNIVERSITY OF CAMBRIDGE Cambridge Working Papers in Economics How to create a financial crisis by trying to avoid one: The Brazilian 1999-financial collapse as “Macho- Monetarism” can’t handle “Bubble Thy Neighbour” levels of inflows José Gabriel Palma CWPE 1301 How to create a financial crisis by trying to avoid one: the Brazilian 1999-financial collapse as “Macho-Monetarism” can’t handle “Bubble Thy Neighbour” levels of inflows 1 José Gabriel Palma Faculty of Economics Cambridge University
[email protected] A shortened version of this paper will be published in the Brazilian Journal of Political Economy Key words: ‘Endogenous’ financial crisis, ‘Second generation’ models, Neo-liberal economic reforms, Ideology, Financial liberalisation, Capital controls, Systemic market failures, Latin America, East Asia, Keynes, Minsky and Kindleberger JEL classifications: D7, D81, F21, F32, F4, G15, G28, G38, H12, L51, N2, O16, 043 Cambridge Working Papers in Economics (CWPE) 1301 (Available at 1 This paper builds on previous work (Palma, 2000a, and Palma 2006). It was first presented at the Workshop on “Financial Stability and Growth” organised by the Center of Structuralist Development Macroeconomics of the São Paulo School of Economics, Fundação Getulio Vargas, and the Ford Foundation. I would like to thank Alice Amsden, Edna Armendáriz, Stephanie Blankenburg, Luiz Carlos Bresser-Pereira, Antonio David, Jonathan DiJohn, Paul Davidson, Jorge Fiori, Samer Frangie, Roberto Frenkel, Paulo Gala, Geoff Harcourt, Daniel Hahn, Jan Kregel, Arturo O'Connell, Nelson Marconi, Domna Michailidou, Ignês Sodré, Lance Taylor, my Brazilian Ph D students at Cambridge, and participants at various seminars for helpful comments.