Affective Timelines Towards the Primary-Process Emotions Of
AFFECTIVE TIMELINES TOWARDS THE PRIMARY-PROCESS EMOTIONS OF MOVIE WATCHERS: MEASUREMENTS BASED ON SELF- EXPERIENCE AND INTERACTION ANNOTATION AND AFFECTIVE NEUROSCIENCE Marko Radeta, Zhabiz Shafieyoun and Marco Maiocchi SIP Lab | Studies on Interaction and Perception | Desi!n Department, Politecnico di Milano marko@ siplab.or!, zhabiz@ siplab.or!, marco@ siplab.or! ABSTRACT The economic success of a movie depends on audience satisfaction and on how much they are emotionally en!a!ed while watchin! it. Our research is related to the identification of such kinds of emotions felt by movie watchers durin! screenin! movie screenin!. We endorse the model of 7 Primary-process emotions from A#ective Neuroscience (SEEKING, PLAY, CARE, FEAR, GRIEF, RAGE and LUST) and ask subjects to watch 14 movies and match them with these 7 emotions. We provide a self-annotatin! application and reveal “A#ective Timelines” of clicks with arousal scenes. We verify that it is possible to discriminate movie watchers’ emo- tions accordin! to their self-annotation by obtainin! 0.51 - 0.81 ran!e of accordance in an- notatin! 14 movies and comparin! them with the authors of this study. These timelines will be matched with physiolo!ical sensors in future research. KEYWORDS: A ect Annotation, Primary-process Emotions, Movie Watchers, Movie Analysis, A ective Computing. INTRODUCTION arousal scale by using the FEELTRACE (Cowie, 2000) emo- tion annotation tool. Participants viewed the films and, in Influencing the emotions is a key factor in satisfying a movie real-time, annotated their emotional responses by moving audience and for the overall success of the movie. Movies the mouse pointer on a square two-dimensional area rep- are art-forms that involve affective, perceptual and intellec- resenting the valence-arousal emotional space.
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