Bark and Partner Comments on Timberline Mt. Bike Park PA
Friends of Mt. Hood, Bark, the Mazamas, Northwest Environmental Defense Center, the Sierra Club, the Native Fish Society, the Portland Chapter of the Native Plant Society and the Federation of Western Outdoor Clubs April 4, 2011 VIA ELECTRONIC MAIL to Ms. Christy Covington Mt. Hood National Forest 70220 E. Highway 26 Zig Zag, OR 907049 Re: Comments on the Timberline Ski Area Mountain Bike Trails and Skills Park Preliminary Assessment Dear Ms. Covington: Please accept the following comments on the Preliminary Assessment for the Timberline Mountain Bike Park Trail and Skills Park dated March 2011. These comments are submitted on behalf of Friends of Mt. Hood, Bark, the Mazamas, the Northwest Environmental Defense Center, the Sierra Club, the Native Fish Society, the Portland Chapter of the Native Plant Society of Oregon and the Federation of Western Outdoor Clubs. These organizations represent tens of thousands of Oregonians who care deeply about the natural, historic, cultural and recreational resources of Mt. Hood. Together, our groups have decades of experience working to protect Mt. Hood for current and future generations, and we have a long-standing interest in the mountain, its ecology and its history. Our comments are motivated by our collective interest in preserving Mt. Hood, the crown jewel of Oregon, for Oregonians and all those who visit from all over the world. For reasons that we discuss below, the Draft Preliminary Assessment (PA) is a deeply flawed planning document that cannot and does not provide a legal or scientific basis for the Forest Service to approve the construction of a mountain bike trail system in the high elevation historic setting of Timberline Lodge.
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