2 AUSTRALIAN FIELD ORNITHOLOGY 2008, 25, 2–11 The Eastern Bristlebird Dasyornis brachypterus in East Gippsland, Victoria, 1997–2002 MICHAEL D. BRAMWELL Department of Sustainability and Environment, Bairnsdale, Victoria 3875 (Email:
[email protected]) Summary This paper presents results from surveys to determine the distribution and abundance of the Eastern Bristlebird Dasyornis brachypterus and its Ecological Vegetation Class (EVC) preference from Howe Flat (5 km east of Mallacoota, Victoria) to Nadgee Nature Reserve in New South Wales over the period 1997–2002. A total of 1055 ha was surveyed, yielding 50 Bristlebird detection sites. A clear preference for Riparian Scrub Complex was recorded, with 38 of 50 Bristlebirds being detected within that EVC. At Bristlebird detection sites, ground-cover sedge species were the plants recorded most frequently and at the highest cover/abundance values; shrubs >1.5 m tall were recorded with a higher cover/abundance than shrubs <1.5 m. Forty-six of the 50 detections were from Howe Flat, and an estimated 60–80 pairs at a population density of 15–20 birds/100 ha were found there. Habitat is mostly unsuitable over the 10 km between the eastern edge of Howe Flat and recorded Bristlebird habitat in Nadgee Nature Reserve. Hence, the southern population of Eastern Bristlebirds should be managed as two subpopulations. Six other areas throughout Gippsland were also surveyed for Eastern Bristlebirds, but no Bristlebirds were recorded at any of these sites. Introduction The Eastern Bristlebird Dasyornis brachypterus is one of four bird species in Victoria considered endangered at both a state and national level (DSE 2003).