ARCOD, 4/637, Road, Rayakottai – 635 116 Krishnagiri District Email: [email protected], [email protected] Web:


Annual Report - 2017

ARCOD entered in to the 30th year of serving the marginalized people. ARCOD continues to strive in achieving the objectives. The year 2016 - 17 was important milestone as ARCOD managed to continue carrying out the activities with the local support and domestic grants without much dependency on foreign grants.

Following activities were carried out during the year 2016-17.

Strengthening functions of SMCs and Anganwadis

ARCOD has been working to strengthen the functions of School Management Committees (SMCs) and Anganwadis to ensure quality learning by children of linguistic minorities by orienting them on the importance of their role. The project is supported by Literacy Project, USA.

The following activities were carried out under the project during the reporting period:

Meeting of Parents

120 meetings of parents were organized (twice a year). About 1200 parents participated in these meetings. We could see some of the parents were very enthusiastic in attending these meetings. They were motivated to get themselves involved in the process of learning by their children. The following aspects were discussed in the meeting:

 Regular attendance of children to Schools and Anganwadis  Cleanliness of School Premises especially during holidays  Spending quality time with the children by parents  Monitoring and Supporting children for their study at home

The School HMs, teachers, VHNs and Anganwadi workers also attended the meetings. An interesting thing to note was that the grand parents were much involved in the process of learning by children. They gave importance to attend the meetings and spent quality time with the grand children at home than parents.

Meeting cum Training for members of SMCs:

Meeting cum Training for members of SMCs were conducted during the months of October and November 2016. 1338 Members from SMCs and Parents & 153 Teachers participated in these meetings. Members of SMCs during the Meeting cum Training Important Outcome of Trainings:

 SMC members were made aware of the school development program, schemes and programs of govt. for development of schools & monitoring the school activities.


 The members were asked to motivate the parents to send their children to the school.  The SMC members took the responsibility to take care of celebration of national festivals. They also agreed to ensure zero dropout / reduce the dropout of children from schools by close monitoring.

Get to Gather of Anganwadi Workers

2 rounds of get to gather of Anganwadi workers were organized at cluster level. This was a platform to share their experience with each other in making the Anganwadis functioning effectively. 59 Anganwadi workers, 9 Anganwadi Helpers and 2 Supervisors gathered for these events. Functions of Anganwadis were discussed. The best practices were shared by the workers. A suggestion came out from the discussions that the Panchayath can depute a NREGS worker for the Anganwadi where there is no worker and helper. This will facilitate smooth continuity of the center. The focus was given to strengthen ALMS Committees, effective implementation of preschool syllabus, enrolment in ICDS and monitoring the school enrolment from ICDS.

Community Drive: Community drive was organized by the ICDS on 06.01.2017 at ICDS Centre, Kelamangalam. 180 members participated in the event. ARCOD was requested to facilitate a session in the event. Ms. Arthi, Project Coordinator facilitated a session on “Ensuring Community Participation”.

Celebration of Children's Day Week:

Celebration of Children’s Day Week was organized in all working schools during the reporting period. During the celebration sports, games and cultural activities and competitions were organized for the children in school and Anganwadis. 3261 Children actively participated. Those who performed well (1017) were honoured with prizes. The Head masters and leaders of SMCs distributed prizes and gifts to the Children playing games during Children's Day Week children.

Feedback from School Head Masters / Mistress:

 These kinds of activities will encourage and motivate the students.  This will help to get the cooperation of parents as they are very happy seeing their children performing in different types of competitions and exploring the talents.  Honouring children with gifts and prizes would motivate the children to participate in more competitions.  We will extend our support and cooperation in these kinds of activities in the future.

Inauguration ceremony of Multi – Dimensional Learning Space (MDLS): Multi – Dimensional Learning Space (MDLS) center was inaugurated on 21st November 2016 at Panchayath Union Middle School, Poonapalli, Kelamangalam Block by Mr. Sathyamoorthy who studied in the school in 1957. Mr. Harish, Ms. Arpitha from ILP, , Ms.


Pusphalatha, Supervisor, BRC, Kelamangalam and HMs from other schools, project managers of other projects of ARCOD also attended the event.

The Head Mistress of the school expressed her happiness and thanked ARCOD ILP for having chosen her school to establish the center. She and her teachers assured their cooperation An image during Inauguration of the Center in implementing the program successfully. The center is equipped with School Library, Computers, Laptop and LCD Projector for effective learning by children.

Reading assessment:

Reading assessment was done to the children of PUMS, Poonapalli, in the month of March 2017. The Hippocampus reading assessment method was used. The result of the assessment is as follows.

Results of Reading Assessment - March 2017

Class / Grade 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th Total Beginner 21 27 29 0 0 0 0 77 Green 0 0 0 10 7 4 1 22 Red 0 0 0 20 26 17 36 99 Orange 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 White 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Blue 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Yellow 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Total No. of Children 21 27 29 30 33 21 37 198

Holiday Camps

2 rounds of holiday camps were organized for the children studying 6th to 8th Standard. The first round of camp was organized for all the 12 Middle Schools in the working area during the month of September 2016. The one day camps were organized in 11 batches for 397 children. The second round of camp was organized in December 2016 in 11 batches. The camp was designed in such a way the children enjoy it and learn through games with fun. During the camp the following activities were carried out:

 Competitions for children (Essay Writing on “ My Leader” Drawing on “My Dream School)  Sports events (Kabbadi, Ko Ko and Running)  Body Mapping


 A Session on the Rights of Children as per the UNCRC  Good touch & bad touch  Anatomy  Child Rights.  Distribution of Gifts (Pen, Pencils, easer and Scales)

Learning Level Assessment

In the month of February 2017, the 3rd competency assessment was done in 60 Schools. The assessments were carried out for the students studying from 2nd to 5th standards. The following table shows the summary of results of the assessments: Children participating in assessment

Adolescents Development and Home Based Care for Ante Natal & Post Natal Mothers:

This is the 2nd year of this project which is supported by UNICEF.

Club Melas: The quarterly club melas were organized where the club members got an opportunity to show case their cultural talents in the forms of skit, singing, dancing etc. As a part of these melas, the club members painted labels on the important and ancient places, buildings. This helped the club members to understand the history and importance of their own village. The club members were also trained on making nurseries. They have raised seedlings and distributed them to the general public and schools.

Parents Meetings: Meetings of parents were organized by the club mentors. The academic performance (Results of

Club Members involved in Mapping Activities during Mela monthly tests) of the club members were shared with their parents during these meetings. The parents were encouraged and facilitated to contribute fixed monthly fees towards the club activities in order to ensure the sustainability of the clubs.

Monthly Tests for Club Members: Monthly tests for the club members were conducted. The results of monthly tests were shared with the parents concerned. It helped the parents to understand the improvement of the club members.

Stakeholders Meetings: The stakeholders like Head Masters and teachers of schools, parent, members of School Management Committees, Anganwadi workers attended in the meetings. The purpose of these meetings was to ensure their support in implementing the project effectively.


Exposure Trip to Club Members (Summer Camp): The core team along with Mr. T. Sivamurthi visited Agasthiya Foundation, Kuppam on 23.04.2016 to see the possibilities of organizing the camp where it was found that the campus does not have accommodation for the visitors. The management also said that the dates are not available for the next 6 months.

A planning meeting to discuss other possibilities of organizing the exposure trip (summer camp) was held on 27th April at

Club Members enjoying their travel in bus Rayakottai. The Executive Director, Finance Manager and All the Project Managers of ARCOD took part in the meeting. It was collectively decided that the camp would be arranged in Bangalore and all project managers should involve themselves and their team members in organizing the camp. It was also decided to organize the camp in two phases, the first phase starting from 6th to 12th May 2016 and the second phase from 21st to 27th May 2016. It was decided to have around 100 club members per batch for 12 batches. Following the meeting, a team consisting Mr. T. Sivamurthi, S. David, K. Loganathan and R. Venkatesh visited Bangalore on 28th April 2016 to identify the places to visit and arrange travel and A group of club members at VITM, Bangalore accommodation. The team recommended visiting of Banneghatta National Park, Visvesvaraya Industrial and Technological Museum, Kabban Park and Lal Bagh and stay at Visthar, Dodda Gubbi.

The trips started as per the plan on 06th May 2016. It was a 2 day camp, the first day the club members started from their village at early morning with bright faces and great expectation. They were very happy to wear the ID cards

Mr. Perumal, Project Coordinator facilitating a game session for the club provided to them with their members during the exposure trip name, club name, village name

6 and contact Nos of the mentor and coordinators on it. They had break - fast at Denkanikottai and left for Bannerghatta with a kit consisting of a water bottle and snacks.

They visited the Zoo and excited to see the Animals there followed by Lunch. They left Bannerghatta for Kabban Park where they spent the evening with lots of fun and games. They had dinner and stayed in Visthar, a nice and big campus. The 2nd day started with a small session to give inputs for the club members to make them internalize the idea of growing plants in their respective villages in which they decided to plant saplings and help them grow. After this they visited Visveswaraya Museum where they were exposed to various science experiments (Engines, Electro Club Members visiting the Science Exhibition at VITM technic, Fun Science, Space, Bio Technology, Electronics, and Science for Children. They also watched shows on 3D, Dinosaur enclave, and Science on a Sphere.

After having lunch at the museum they left for the Lal bagh where they spent time visiting the park and garden. They left Bangalore and reached their home in the evening.


 The staff team of other projects of ARCOD involved in the process of organizing the camp.  1242 Club Members participated in the trip in 12 batches  The club members were exposed to different experience which they never experienced before (Sleeping on Bed, usage of western type toilets and even a trip itself). They rolled over on the beds with lots of fun and laugh. Challenges faces during the camp

1. It was a challenge to organize lunch for the members at the museum as the canteen personnel were not able to give the lunch in time. There were no other restaurants nearby. We had to depend on the canteen. 2. There was a small accident on the last day of the camp in Visthar where a club member has hit a running ceiling fan unknowingly. Though there was no major injury, the child was immediately rushed to the Hospital nearby and treated for the minor injury. 3. The club members did not know how to use the western type toilets. They were given demonstration on proper usage of those type toilets. Follow Up: The club members took part in the camp shared their camp experience in their clubs during the month of June 2016.


Follow up of AN/PN Mothers: Anti Natal and Post Natal Mothers were given orientation on the importance of hospital care during pregnancy, preparedness for safe and institutional delivery, exclusive breast feeding, immunization and nutrition.

As of March 2017, the status of follow up as follows:

Ante Natal Mothers: 315 Post Natal Mothers: New born: 68

Follow up on Sanitation: Efforts were taken to include those who are interested to construct individual toilets under the schemes of the government. About 100 such applications were submitted to the offices of BDOs. Construction of toilets is under progress.

Health Coordinator visiting Post CHILDLINE - 1098 Natal Mothers and New Borns

The year 2016 – 17 has been significant for Childline. As a result of continuous mass awareness campaigns over the years, the No of calls is increased. Childline received a total of 539 calls during the year.

Awareness: Awareness being a routine work, Childline organized 298 awareness programs / campaign during the year. These awareness programs were conducted through Schools, SHGs, NREGS work spot, Religious

Children performing in a skit on Child Marriage places etc. During the program information on Childline and its services was disseminated through cultural programs, pasting stickers, group discussion, and issue of notices etc.

Open House: 12 Open house programs were organized during the year. This mass program was conducted once in a month in which the entire team of Childline involved to organize the program. Various cultural events, sport activities and quiz programs were conducted for the children during these awareness programs. Children performed well were honored with gifts. The children were given opportunity to A session during School awareness express their feelings and discuss the

8 issues affecting them. The general public was also given a chance to discuss about the issues related to children and found solutions for many issues themselves. 12 such programs were organized during the year.

Press Meet: The press meet was organized at Krishnagiri on 19.11.2016. The print and television media persons were briefed about the Childline Interventions during the meet. Resource Organizations Meeting: District Child Protection Officer, Chairman of CWC, NGOs and representatives from other organizations working for children participated in the meeting held 23.02.2017 at Childline office, Krishangiri.

Services provided at a glance:

Category No of cases

Medical 15 Missing child 64 School enrollment 8 Emotional Support and Guidance 195 Protection from Abuse 136 Referral to services 73 Shelter 27 Parents asked help 21 Total 539 Participants of meeting of Resource Organizations The project is supported by The Ministry of Women and Child Development Govt. of India through Childline India Foundation, Mumbai.

Children of Krishnagiri

This initiative to support the children infected and affected by HIV / AIDS was started in the year 2010 and supported by individual sponsors headed by Mr. K.G. Murali, Bengaluru.

Summer Camp – Light House 2016: The 2nd summer camp for the children (9 to 18 years of age) was organized during the month of May 2016 for in batches at Krishnagiri. The camp was for 3 days residential. About 100 infected children participated in the camp. Dr. Murugesan, Ms. Prasannakumari, Coordinator, Childline and Ms. Shanthi facilitated sessions on the rights of children, education, nutrition practices, drug adherence and life skills etc. They were also given opportunity to get exposure by trekking, watching movies, visit to a temple, restaurant and park. The children were excited and enjoyed the whole camp. They told during the feedback session that this was a better opportunity in their life to get exposed to many things.

Distribution of Nutrition Kits: The infected children need a balanced nutritious food. As decided in the previous year, the support for the children is being given as Nutritious Kits. Distribution of Nutrition Kits for the Children The kit contained Jaggery, green gram, Soya


Beans, Health Mix, Fried Gram, Black chenna, Karamani, Dates and ground nut. Apart from the nutrition packets the kit also included toothpaste, hair oil, soap and shampoo packets. Previously, the kits were distributed in the office at Krishnagiri. This year it was distributed at the clusters by the staff team.

Celebration of Deepavali: The 7th Deepavali Celebration was organized for the Children of Krishnagiri on 23.10.2016. About 275 children with their parents and care givers gathered for the celebration at Meenakshi Mahal, Krishnagiri. This year the majority Children enjoying and having good time during Deepavali Celebration of the programs were designed and performed by the children themselves with variety of events. As usual the children were distributed with dresses, sweet boxes and crackers boxes. This year’s special gift was School Bags with the Solar Lamp.

Medical Care: The children are encouraged to visit the Government Hospitals regularly at the local area to keep the health. Those who needed intensive treatment were admitted in the Govt. District Headquarters Hospital, Guests joined for Deepavali Celebration Krishangiri and St. John’s Medical College Hospital, Bengaluru.

Transition Home: It is proposed to establish a Transit Home for the children infected by HIV / AIDs to provide them temporary care with shelter and education. Land of 0.94 acre purchased for this purpose.

TANSACS – Targeted Intervention

The Targeted Intervention project is implemented in 6 blocks of Krishnagiri District with the objective of prevention of spreading of HIV through sex workers. This project is supported by TANSACS, .

DIC Level Meetings

Drop in Center level meetings were organized in all the working areas during the year. Total of 890 HRG Women participated in these meetings. ARCOD – TI Doctor, Program Manager, Nurse / Counselor, Monitoring & Evaluation Officer cum Accountant and ORWs of other blocks were present in the event to provide inputs when necessary. General health check - up was carried out among the needy HRG Women. BP and Anemic problems examined for HRG women. 68 women were examined for minor STI Problems. The community women entertained the gathering by singing and dancing. In another health checkup 26 women were treated for minor STI problems.


Community Events

2 rounds of community events were organized during the months of August 2016 and January 2017. The community members were motivated and encouraged to visit the ICTC and STI clinics to ensure their health and get treatment if needed. The role of peer educators was vital in mobilizing the community.

Medical Camp

A series of General Medical camps were organized for the target community at Singarapettai, Kaveripattinam, Bargur and Veppanapalli. The community members were screened for illness during these camps. The Medical Officer of ARCOD TANSACS TI Clinic screened the target people for illness.

Estate Workers Welfare Program

As decided , the inflow of funds has been stopped. The following activities were carried out during the year from the reserves of the previous years.

 Educational Scholarship  Home Appliances (LED Lamps, Water Purifiers, Steel Almirahs & refrigerators) for workers  Study Materials  Road Repair work  Medical Expenses  Pension for Workers  Summer Camp for Children

Gift a Future

Gift a future is an initiative of Altius Foundation, based at Chennai. The objective of the program is to provide financial support to poor children who are studying in private schools. This is implemented in Krishnagiri and Districts. 183 students were supported from 31 Schools with a support of Rs. 12.44 Lakhs during the year 2016-17 by paying their term fees to the schools directly. 3 leadership and personality development sessions were organized for these children during the year.


The 29th anniversary of ARCOD, Inauguration of Annex Building and Pongal were celebrated on the 11th of January 2017. The Annex building was inaugurated by Mr. K.G. Murali. The staff team organized Pongal celebration. Mr. J. Vimalanathan, Executive Director of NESA, Mr. Murugesan, Advocate and Mr. Rajagopal, Development Mr. K.G. Murali Inaugurates the New Annex Building


Consultant joined the board and staff members of ARCOD for celebrations. The staff got rejunavated after a daylong sports and games. It was most enjoyed and brought the team closer to each other and also turned out to be a team building event!

Board Meetings

3 Governing body meetings held to discuss the policy matters and one general body meeting held during the year.

Our Auditor

CA. M. Ezhil, Ezhil & Raj, Chartered Accountants, Chennai

Our Board Members

1. Mr. P. Chandrasekar, President - Chartered Accountant 2. Mr. R. Balarishnan, Vice President - Whole Sale Pharmacist 3. Mr. D.G. Venkatesan, Vice President - Pharmacist 4. Mr. V.R. Keshavraj, Secretary - Professional Social Worker (Community Development) 5. Ms. C.N. Prasanna kumara, Treasurer – Advocate, Child Sector Specialist 6. Mr. S. Senthil Kumar, Governing Body Member - HR Consultant 7. Ms. R. Christy Rajappa, General Body Member - Educationalist 8. Ms. Shanthi Sivamurthi, General Body Member - Entrepreneur 9. Mr. Balaji, General Body Member - Entrepreneur 10. Mr. N. Nagarajan, General Body Member – Teacher (Retd) 11. Mr. K. Ananth, General Body Member – Development Professional 12. Ms. Josephine, General Body Member, Development Professional 13. Mr. Sanjeevikumar, HR Manager

Our Gratitude to Donors

Institutional Donors

Fair Trade Labelling Organization, Germany Altius Foundation, Chennai UNICEF, Chennai TANSACS, Chennai Childline India Foundation, Mumbai India Literacy Project, USA Oak Foundation

Individual Donors

Mr. K. G. Murali, Bangalore Mr. Srikanth Chandrasekaran, Chennai Mr. Shankar Ram, Chennai Mr. Balasundaram Nagarajan, Bangalore Mr. G. Gopal, Chennai


Mr. Baskar Subramaniam, Bangalore Mr. Suresh Narayan, Chennai Mr. Srinivasan, Chennai Mr. Saranath Narasimman & Ms. Architha Subramaniam

The list of individual donors goes on and on….

And we thank all our other friends and well – wishers.

(V.R. Keshavraj) 09.09.2017 Executive Director Rayakottai