District Census Handbook, Dharmapuri, Part X-(A & B), Series-19

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District Census Handbook, Dharmapuri, Part X-(A & B), Series-19 CENSUS OF INDIA, 1971 SER.IES 19 TAMIL NADU PART X - ( A & B ) OISTRICT C~;_i'JSIJS HANDBOOK Village arM! Town DirecLJry and P.rimary CQiilSUS Ahstr;!ct DHARMAPURI K. CHDCKALINGAM of the lndian Admmistrative Service DIRECTOR OF CENSUS OPERATIONS, TAMIL NADU AND PONDICHERRY. 1972 , ;:>0 w~ tj ~ J , :c f \l- ~ e. > ~ ~ ... f i 0 g, tiC ... ~ ~ i ~ ~ .. 0 0 ! 1:1:1 ". ~ i 2! g g .. ....~ ~,... '" 2! I ~ '=' til 0 - ~ ~ :::0 i n- ~ ,. ~ g_ ~ r- rn i 3: a3 0 ~. ...~ ~ >-z 0 ::t: :;III >- 'Q :;III .{. - g>- tlJ J ::t: / \ \... ./ '}I 'r. \ ~ I . n 0 'yS.-....{ -.__ -I l><n ~8 \ S' ~ ~ In :;01 0 i ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ..,0 ~ i- a to· a~ ~ l i i... == c. s- r ::t: a ~ f ~ ~ ~. i .. D:II t:J ::t: '"6. i f ~. '< '< !!!. ~ ::t: l? g if ~ 5': g ~ t '"~ ! j; Ef 8. D:II G R ~ ". g ~ a- 0 0-... ifl ~ g- £r'" !; ~~ l! J S. 0 if ct C Eo ~ Q Vol ~ t;; ::s ~ -§ ~ ~ <> ~ i 2'l ~ -= ...:;: ~~ g. !: If j ~ '< ... V. 3. !! ... ~ o-g S ~ ~ g f D:II t i 'go 0 ";li D:II i '" ~ iii ~ -.:s It ~ g iii ":U ~ if 0 .. e. 0 0 ::s 9 tI! '8" !:. ... :;III .,..0: !::! .,.. f:)il; = ~ ~ g~ '" ~ .., §1 !"'" !" ;:;; '" ;.;~ ~ '< Co '" '" :g i Z ..... :0 ~ & ~ ~z ~ C> ~ ! C> 0 ~ 1:1:1 .... ~~ -----...-..-. ~ I § .... CiO '0 .,..::::; >: . ?' ~ ~ IN .... ~ . ~ !' "" ? x '" ~ ~ @@ ? H • l - - - ~ ~ • J~ II I ~ ~ N. J11 CONTENTS Pag~ No. Pr~face VII-X Figures at a glance XI-XII PARt-A. VILLAGE AND TOWN DIRECTORY Introductory Note: XV-XIX (i) VI/!age Directory Amenities and land use Appendix-l Land use particulars of Non-city urban area (Non-Municipal area) Appendix-II Abstract showing educational, Medical and other amenities available in Taluks. Alphabetical list of Villages. l~" Hosur Taluk 2- 26 2. Denkanikottah Taluk 28- 43 -3. _" Krishnagiri Taluk - 46- 74 ,.-p4. Uthangarai Taluk 76-109 5. Harur Taluk 112-156 6. Palacode Taluk 158-171 7. Dharmapuri Taluk 174- 191 Abstract showing educational, rVfedical and other amenities available in the District. ]92 (ii) Town Directory Statement: I Status, Growth History and Functional Category of Towns 194-195 II Physical Aspects and Location of Towns, 1969 196-197 111 Municipal F mance, 1968- 1969 198-199 I V Civic atld other amenitIes, 1969 200-201. V Medical, Educational, Recreational and Cultural Facilities in Towns, 1969 202-203 V I Trade, Commerce, Industry & Bankini, 1969 204-205 VII Populatlon by religion, 1971 206-207 iv PART-B. VILLAGE AND TOWNWJSE PRlMARY CENSUS ABSfRACT Distri(;t Primary Census Abstract 1- 5 1. Hoslir Taluk Villagewlse Primary Census Abstract 7- 50 Urban Block.wise Primary Census Abstract 52- 56 2. Denkanikotta Ta uk Yillagewise Primary Census Abstract 57- 83 Urban BlockWlse Primary Cemus A.bstract 84- 8~ 3. Krishnagiri Ta/uk Vlliageviise Primary Census Abstract 89-135 Urban Blockwise Primary CI!DSUS Abstract 136-154 4. Uthangarai Taluk Vlilagewisl! Primary Census Abstract 155-209 5. Harur Taluk VIlI;16cwisc Primary Census Abstract 210-292 U r Dan Hlockwlse Primary CensLls Abstract 284-213 6. Paiacode Ta/uk .. Villagewise Primary Census Abstraet 293-313 Urban Blockwise Primary Census Abstra;;t 314-341 7. Dlwrmapuri Ta/uk Villagewlse Primary Census Abs.tract Urban Blockwi~e Primary Cen:)us Abstract Maps District map of Dharmapun Prond,piece I. Hosur Taluk Facing 7 of Past B 2. Denkanikotta Taluk 57 " to 3. Krishnagiri Taluk 89 " " 4. Uthangarai Taluk " 155 •• 5. Raeur Taluk 210 " " 7. Dharmapuri Taluk (including 11. Palacode Sub-Taluk.) H 319 .. v ACKNOWLEDGEMENT It is my pleasant duty to acknowledge the able assistance given by the following officers and staff of my office in the preparation of this volume. 1. Shri. V. R. Chandran, Depu~y Director of Census Operations 2. Shri. M. Panchapdkesan, Investigator 3. Shri. Anser Ahmed, Tabulation officer 4. Shri. S. Ethlnij, Tabulation officer 5. ~hri. C. K. Son-,asuhdaram, Senior Technical Assistant 6. Shri. Govindarajulu, Statistical Assistant 7. Shri. T. N. Ajjaya Gowder, Statistical Assistant 8. Shri. N. L. Jagatheesan, Computor 9. Smt. R. Rukmani, Computor 10. Smt. R. Kamala DevI, C:omputor 11. Shri. A. Rdjamani, Draftsman 12. Shri. M. Kothaodaraman, Computor K. CHOCKALtNGAM Di rectur vi Census Opuations. PREFACE The District eensus Hand Book for each District containing all basic details or population for all villages and town~ in the District along with other administrative statistics, was first brought out by Census Organisation in 1951 and was published by the State G0vern­ ment. Till then the village statistics "howing merely the number of houses and population by religion in respect of each village and town were published as supplement. In 19'1, the General Population Tables, economic tables and vi11agewise and townwise statistics relating to taluks were presented as Part-I and Social :lnd Cultural Tables as Part-II. The contents of the Hand Book was improvea upon during 1961 Census and was found to be useful as a reference book for re.carch scholars, State and Central Government, Local Bodies and Private Institutions. In 1961, the Hand Book was brought out in two volumes, Volume-I showing all the Census Tables ,iving talukwise data with a narrative report and Volume-II containing villagewise and townwise popUlation statistics known as "Primary Census Abstract". During 1971 Census, it was decided to improve the contents of the District Census Hand Book still further and continue this useful pub] ication by the State Government. It bas been decided to present the District Census Hand Book in three parts during 1971. Part A: This contains the Village and Town Directory, which will show the land use pattern data, basic amenities available in the village and the conditions of the towns. Part -B: This Part furnishes the Village and Townwise Primary Census Abstract giving basic data like popul.ation, Literates, Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes and Industrial Classifications (Jf Workers and Non-Workers. Parl-C: This Part presents the Administrative Statistics, collected and combined from the various Departments of the State Government and Census Tables along with short Anal}tical Report. The present volume contains Parts A & B, while Part-C is being published as a separate volume. PART A: VILLAGE AND TO\VN DIRECTORY As the title suggests this contains certain baEic details of all Villages and Towns' in the State. Tbe VIllage Directory is presented at the taluk level and Town Directory at the District levd. The Vlllage Directory is presente;:d first followed by the Town Directory. In the Village Directory for each taluk. a statement showing the villages, their extent, the amenities like Educational, Medical, Drinking Water Supply, Communications, Postal and Telegraphs «ttc., available within each village and also the land use pattern are given. The staple food of the population of each village has also been indicated. In addition, to this, particulars in regard to land use data and certain other miscellaneous information such as the existence of Veterinary hospitals, Co-operative Societies, Banks, etc., are also furnished. An alphabetical list of villages has also been. prepared, indicating the Location Code Number of the village for purposes of qu[ck reft:rence. The Non-city urban areas (Non-Municipal areas) and the Municipal areas have been deleted from the Main Village Directory statement and particulars in respect of rural areas alone are furnished. rh~ land use particulars of places comprising of non-city urban units (Non-Municipal area) is given as Appendix-l. The Talukwise abstract showing the total number of institutions and number of Villages where such basic amenities like Educational, Medical, DriRking Water Supply, Communications, Postal and Telegraphs etc., are available has also been prepared and given as Appendix-II of Village Directory. The particulars relating to the Village Directory have been collected from concerned Tahsildars. viii The Town Oirectory presents important and useful information W~e Civic and other amenities available in all the Census Towns of the district. The details relating to the Towns have been presented in Seven Statements, as indicated below. Statement- I Status, Growth History and Functional Category of Towns. Statement- II Physical Aspects and Location of Towns (as on 1969) Statement- III Municipal Finance (as on 1968-69) Statement- IV Civic and other amenities (as on 1969) Statement- V Medical. Educational, Recreational and Cultural Facilities in Towns (as on 196>9) Statement- VI Trade, Commerce, Industry and Banking (as on 1969) Statement- VII Population by religion (as per 1971 Census) The scope of the Village and Town Directory as aiso {he notati0us u:;ed in the same are indi­ cated in the Introcluctory Note to Part-A. PART B: VILLAGE AND TOWNWJSE PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT This Part contains the basic population data for each village in lhe "Villa6ewise Primary Census Abstract" and for each "Enumerator Block" of a town in the" Urban r:loC'kwise Primary Census Abstract". The population data are given for the total population (including the ,house­ less and institutional population) Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes, Literates and Educated Pe:rsons, Total \Vorkers, Workers by nine industrial c3tegories and non-workers, by Sex. In addition. the area, number of occupied residential houses and number of households are also given. In the 1961 Census Handbook, the data for rural areas were pre,;ented Lr each Panchayat while figures were presented (or Villages alone wherlCver these were DOt constituted into a separate Panchayat. With a view to ensure comparabi,ity and to en.lble data U5ers to deri"e the figures either a Revenue Village or Panchayat according 10 their requ;n:nnnts, the d<Ha are now presented for segments of vilIag~s also wherever portions of one village: happen tu form part of two of more Panchayats.
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    District Statistical Hand book of Dharmapuri District for the year 2019-2020 presents the test Statistical data on Population, Agriculture, Prices, Education, Co-operation, Transport, Electricity, Banking, Local Bodies, Medical Services, Vital Statistics etc. It has been prepared by this office in accordance with the instructions given by the Department of Economics and Statistics, Chennai-6. Dharmapuri District Collector has shown enormous interest in guiding us to collect the data from various Departments to improve its quality in different dimensions. It is hoped that this Book will surely be useful for reference purpose in various fields. The co-operation extended by various Head of Offices, Public and Private Sector undertakings for the preparation of this Handbook is gratefully acknowledged. Appreciation is conveyed to the staff of Statistical Department who have collected the data and prepared this Statistical Hand Book with worthiness. Constructive suggestions for further improvement of this Statistical Hand Book are welcome. DEPUTY DIRECTOR OF STATISTICS DHARMAPURI. Dharmapuri District was bifurcated from the erstwhile Salem District and Dharmapuri District came into existence from 2nd October, 1965, consisting of Hosur, Krishnagiri, Dharmapuri and Harur Taluks. Subsequently, Dharmapuri District was again bifurcated into two districts viz., Dharmapuri and Krishnagiri on 9-2-2004 due to administrative reasons, more number of villages and vast area. LOCATION AND AREA After the bifurcation of Krishnagiri District from Dharmapuri District, the present Dharmapuri District is located approximately between 11o 47” and 12o33” of the North Latitude and between 77o 02” and 78o. 40’30” of east longitude. The total geographical area of the district is 4497 Sq.kms.
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