Guyana: a Tropical Catharsis a Special Tour Supporting the Red Siskin Initiative October 19–27, 2019

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Guyana: a Tropical Catharsis a Special Tour Supporting the Red Siskin Initiative October 19–27, 2019 GUYANA: A TROPICAL CATHARSIS A SPECIAL TOUR SUPPORTING THE RED SISKIN INITIATIVE OCTOBER 19–27, 2019 Red Siskin, Spinus cucullatus. Photo: D. Ascanio LEADERS : DAVID ASCANIO , MIKE BRAUN & RON ALLICOCK LIST COMPILED BY DAVID ASCANIO VICTOR EMANUEL NATURE TOURS, INC. 2525 WALLINGWOOD DRIVE , SUITE 1003 AUSTIN , TEXAS 78746 WWW.VENTBIRD .COM GUYANA: A TROPICAL CATHARSIS A SPECIAL TOUR SUPPORTING THE RED SISKIN INITIATIVE OCTOBER 19–27, 2019 By David Ascanio Photo album: A full day in Georgetown started with a boat trip to the Mahaica River, where we enjoyed dozens of Scarlet Ibises in flight, along with views of the unique and bizarre Hoatzin, Guyana’s national bird. We also spent some time in Georgetown Botanical Gardens, where Blood-colored Woodpecker and the small White-bellied Piculet were part of the birding menu of coastal Guyana. The following day we took an hour flight to the Kaieteur Falls, Guiana’s prime tour destination. Seeing the free water dropping about 400 meters was an unforgettable experience! After having a snack, we took a second flight to Rock View Lodge, located in the northern Rupununi savannas. There, along with the participants coming from the pre-trip, we took a walk around the road accessing the lodge and enjoyed a great afternoon with views of Toco Toucan, Fork-tailed Flycatcher (austral migrant subspecies?), the beautiful Finsch’s Euphonia, parrots, Buff-necked Ibis, Orange-backed Troupial, and several seedeaters. But the main reason to spend a couple of nights in the northern Rupununi was to spend a full day searching for a bird that was almost wiped-out due to the illegal bird trade, the Sun Parakeet. For that, Mike had set two plans, A and B. We left the lodge before dawn. As we drove along the main road, we observed pairs of Double-striped Thick-Knees and a few Least Nighthawks. After a detour to the village of Karassabai, we stopped for breakfast in an area next to a large wetland and found Purple Gallinule, a Peregrine Falcon, White-throated Kingbird, and Jabiru stork. A swirl of Tepui Swifts was observed (identified by having a clearly forked tail on a relatively large sized bird). Then we continued driving to the Ireng River where Black-crested Antshrike and White-fringed Antwren (Guianan type voice) were added to our list. We continued to a farmland and, after walking for about 25 minutes, Ron whispered, “the parakeets are calling!” We set the scope and got great views of about 4 individuals in a fairly distant tree. We were already celebrating having seen this beautiful parakeet, but we decided to try for a closer view. We walked and got much better views with the scope, and later we walked a little closer to Victor Emanuel Nature Tours 2 Guyana: A Tropical Catharsis, 2019 enjoy full scope views of three individuals that were foraging in the area. What an unforgettable moment! It was time for a late lunch and a long drive home, but we were satisfied and happy to have seen this wonderful parakeet at such close distance. Our second morning included a long journey, from the North to the South Rupununi. For that, we took a drive to Lethem that required a few bush-stops, and on one of these “technical stops” we walked to a pond to check the birdlife and found a wonderful Sungrebe and several Black-crowned Night-Herons. Continuing along the road, we kept our eyes busy with observations of Crested Caracara, Lesser Yellow-headed Vulture, and a few White-tailed Hawks. We also saw various Common Ground-Doves and a few Plain-breasted Ground-Doves. A break near Lethem allowed for lunch at Manari ranch and an internet stop in the town. After the internet break, we continued our journey along a road that crosses the lowlands surrounding the west side of the Kanuku Mountains, and eventually a second savanna opened to us: the Southern Rupununi. An afternoon break in Shulinab allowed us to add Brown-chested Martin to our checklist and also gave us wonderful views of a singing Eastern Meadowlark. Back at the vehicles, we continued riding east, with breathtaking views of grasslands and rounded hills and a wonderful sunset filled with orange, yellow, and red colors, along with Muscovy Ducks flying over a wetland. We called this day the best long day of the tour! Following that wonderful ride, we had reached the most anticipated day of the tour, the Red Siskin day. We left the lodge early with the support of the superb team of the South Rupununi Conservation Society (SRCS), who drove us to the Rupununi River. While they passed each vehicle using a pontoon, we explored the riverine forest on the west side of the river and had amazing views of Black-crested Antshrike, Blue-backed Manakin, Pale-bellied Tyrant-Manakin, Pale- legged Hornero, Tropical Gnatcatcher, Hooded Tanager, and secretive Chestnut-vented Conebill. Once on the other side of the river, we nailed White-fringed Antwren (Guianan form), White-barred Piculet Victor Emanuel Nature Tours 3 Guyana: A Tropical Catharsis, 2019 (seems to have an identical voice to that of White-bellied Piculet!), Pale-bellied Tyrant-Manakin, and a female Ruby Topaz. Continuing our drive (to a hilly area in the distance called Iiequtau), we nailed birds occurring in savannas and, despite our efforts, we failed to find the siskin. But, being with the superb team of the SRCS was a big plus, because they knew of another location to look for it and, like magicians pulling a big treasure from inside their sleeves, they took us the day after to another site where, after a bit of a search, we managed to see a pair, including a male in full breeding plumage. What a magical moment! Seeing one of the most threatened bird species in South America was not only a life-prize but an experience that will remain with us even as memories of others will fade. Having seen the crown jewel of the tour, we searched for more. Inside a patch of moist forest we added Flavescent Warbler and, with the aid of a pygmy-owl whistle, we provoked a mob containing about 15 bird species including Streaked Flycatcher, Tropical Parula, Burnished-buff Tanager, and Straight- billed Woodcreeper. Having seen our target species of the South Rupununi, we drove back to Lethem and then continued to Manari ranch. Along the road we nailed Brazilian Teal, Laughing Falcon, and the diminutive but wonderful (and endangered) Bearded Tachuri. As we reached the ranch, we were already enjoying another beautiful sunset with golds, oranges, and yellows, and a Moriche palm stand that allowed wonderful photo opportunities. Our last morning in the field found us along the road to the Ireng River. Here we added Red- bellied Macaw, Rufous-tailed Jacamar, and the beautiful Hoary-throated Spinetail to our list. Driving back to the lodge, and thinking that we were done with the birding, we were surprised with three great sightings: a Pinnated Bittern, a Nacunda Nighthawk, and a Giant Anteater. The anteater was found by our superb SRCS team! Once on the plane on our flight back to Georgetown, we admired the extensive tropical humid forest and realized how pristine Guyana’s forests are! I hope you have learned about and enjoyed the birds, culture, and richness of beautiful Guyana. From our side, a big thank you for joining us on this inaugural tour to support the Red Siskin Initiative. Please consider joining us in other Caribbean and Neotropical destinations, equally contrasting and hosting a unique flora and fauna. Some of these tours are: Cuba: Birds and People-to-People. Victor Emanuel Nature Tours 4 Guyana: A Tropical Catharsis, 2019 Photo album of a previous tour: Video: The Amazon Cruise Photo album of a previous tour: Video: Colombia: Magdalena River Valley & Western Andes. Photo album of a previous tour: Giant Anteater, Myemrcophaga tridactyla . Photo: D. Ascanio. Victor Emanuel Nature Tours 5 Guyana: A Tropical Catharsis, 2019 GUYANA SUPPORTING THE RED SISKIN INITIATIVE October 19–27, 2019 MAP OF LOCATIONS Source: Google Maps 1. Georgetown. 5. Karassabai 2. Mahaica River. 6. Lethem 3. Kaieteur Falls. 7. Wichabai 4. Rock View Lodge. ITINERARY: 19 October 2019. Arrival to Georgetown. 20 October 2019. Georgetown Botanical Gardens, Hope Channel, Mahaica River. 21 October 2019. Kaieteur Falls, Rock View Lodge. 22 October 2019. Karassabai. 23 October 2019. Drive to Lethem. South Rupununi. Wichabai. 24 October 2019. Iequtau. South Rupununi savanna. 25 October 2019. Wichabai. Drive to Manari ranch. 26 October 2019. Manari ranch, Ireng River. Flight to Georgetown. 27 October 2019. Departure. Victor Emanuel Nature Tours 6 Guyana: A Tropical Catharsis, 2019 KEY: GE: Georgetown and coastal areas including Mahaica River. KF: Kaieteur Falls. NR: North Rupununi (north of the Kanuku Mountains). SR: South Rupununi (south of the Kanuku Mountains). BIRDS: Tinamous / Tinamidae Undulated Tinamou - Crypturellus undulates. Heard only, SR. Ducks, Geese & Waterfowl / Anatidae White-faced Whistling-Duck - Dendrocygna viduata. SR. Muscovy Duck - Cairina moschata. SR. Brazilian Teal - Amazonetta brasiliensis. SR. New World Quail / Odontophoridae Crested Bobwhite - Colinus cristatus. NR. Pigeons & Doves / Columbidae Pale-vented Pigeon - Patagioenas cayennensis. NR, SR. Common Ground Dove - Columbina passerina. NR, SR. Plain-breasted Ground Dove - Columbina minuta. NR, SR. Ruddy Ground Dove - Columbina talpacoti. NR, SR. White-tipped Dove - Leptotila verreauxi. NR, SR. Eared Dove - Zenaida auriculata.
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    Open Research Online The Open University’s repository of research publications and other research outputs Exploring the links between natural resource use and biophysical status in the waterways of the North Rupununi, Guyana Journal Item How to cite: Mistry, Jayalaxshmi; Simpson, Matthews; Berardi, Andrea and Sandy, Yung (2004). Exploring the links between natural resource use and biophysical status in the waterways of the North Rupununi, Guyana. Journal of Environmental Management, 72(3) pp. 117–131. For guidance on citations see FAQs. c 2004 Elsevier Ltd. Version: Accepted Manuscript Link(s) to article on publisher’s website: Copyright and Moral Rights for the articles on this site are retained by the individual authors and/or other copyright owners. For more information on Open Research Online’s data policy on reuse of materials please consult the policies page. Journal of Environmental Management , 72 : 117-131. Exploring the links between natural resource use and biophysical status in the waterways of the North Rupununi, Guyana Dr. Jayalaxshmi Mistry1*, Dr Matthew Simpson2, Dr Andrea Berardi3, and Mr Yung Sandy4 1Department of Geography, Royal Holloway, University of London, Egham, Surrey, TW20 0EX, UK. Telephone: +44 (0)1784 443652. Fax: +44 (0)1784 472836. E-mail: [email protected] 2Research Department, The Wildfowl and Wetlands Trust, Slimbridge, Glos. GL2 7BT, UK. E-mail: [email protected] 3Systems Discipline, Centre for Complexity and Change, Faculty of Technology, The Open University, Walton Hall, Milton Keynes, MK7 6AA, UK.
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