Northern : Tumbesian, Marañon & Abra Patricia

Participants: Diane Henderson, Lucretia Grosshans, Christine Calish, Lynn Bergmeger Guide: Omar Diaz

February 15th: Arrive to Lima.

We picked up to Lucresia and Diana for their second time in Peru because they did a Machu Picchu & Manu years ago but this time for birding at northern Peru and they brought other friends to enjoin even better this trip.

February 16th: Drive up to Ticlio Pass and Lagoons

We drove up to almost 17,000 feet to get some Andean species; we have seen several Giant Coots, Crested Duck, Pun Ibis, White-winged Cinclodes, Yellow-billed Teal, Puna Teal, White-Tuffted Grebe, Silvered Grebe, Andean Flicker, Creamy-Winged Cinclodes, Andean Goose, Andean Gull, Band-tailed Seedeater and many others.

February 17th: Drive to Milloq bogs and Santa Eulalia Valley

We started early morning to get Casacalpa village to take different road for the rest of the morning. There we found: Buff-throated Earthcreeper, Peruvian Sierra-Finch, Bright-rumped Yellow-finch, Cordilleran Canastero, Streak- throated Canastero, Yellow-finch, Puna Ground-Tyrant, Rufous-Naped Ground-Tyrant, White-bellied Cinclodes (Endemic), Black Siskin, Hooded Siskin, Dark-winged Miner (Endemic), Grayish Miner, Black-throated Hillstart (Endemic), White-browed Chat-tyrant, Black Metaltail (Endemic), Giant Hummingbird, Bronze-tailed Comet (Endemic), Chestnut-breasted Brush-Finch (Endemic), Black-necked Woodpecker (Endemic), Peruvian Pygmy-Owl, Black-crested Tit-Tyrant, Pied-crested Tit-tyrant and many others. We back to Lima Hotel late in the afternoon.

February: 18th: Pucusana fishing port, Villa Marshes & afternoon flight to Chiclayo.

We did an introductory birding time at southern of Lima for: Humboldt Penguin, Red-legged Cormorant, Guanay Cormorant, Blackish Oystercatcher, Inca Tern, Peruvian Booby, Peruvian Pelican, Surf Cinclodes (Endemic), Blue-footed Booby, Many-colored Rush-Tyrant, Wren-like Rushbird, Great Grebe, Yellow-hooded Blackbird, White-cheeked Pintail, among others. Then we flew to Chiclayo.

February 19th: Drive up to Chaparri Ecolodge.

We started in the morning our trip to our next birding spot. We arrived there for Lunch there and we did our afternoon walk for some species surrounding the reserve: Savanna’s hawk, Pearl Kite, Tumbes Swallow, Chestnut-Collared Swallow, Northern-crested Caracara, Peruvian Meadowlark, Cinereous Finch, Parrot-billed Seedeater, Sulphur- throated Seed-finch, White-winged Guan (Endemic), Amazilia Hummingbird among other species.

February 20th: Drive to Pomac Reserve and Olmos Town.

We visit the Hummingbird bath before breakfast and then we walk one of the trail for the rest of the morning for some extra species before we leave the reserve: Purple-collared Woodstart, Tumbes Hummingbird, Short-tailed Woodstart, Elegant Crescentchest, Black & White Becard, Gray and White Tyrannulet, Tumbes , White-tailed Jay, Golden- bellied Grosbeak, Collared Warbling-Finch, Tropical Gnatcatcher, Collared Antshrike, Superciliared Wren, Necklaced Spinetail, Tumbes Sparrow, Tawny-crowned Pygmy-Tyrant, Red-masked Parakeet, Sooty-crowned Flycatcher among others. After lunch we drove to Pomac reserve for: Peruvian Plantcutter (Endemic), Rufous Flycatcher, Streak-headed Woodcreeper which we have seen really well. Then we drove straight to Olmos Hotel

February 21st: Drive to Abra Porculla and Jaen Town.

We early started our drive to Abra Porculla for: Piura Chat-Tyrant (Endemic), Henna-hooded Foliage-Gleaner, White- winged Brush-finch, Plumbeous-Back Thrush, Chapman’s Antshrike, Gray and Gold Warbler, Three-banded Warbler, Olive-stripe Flycatcher, Ecuadorian Piculet, Line-cheeked Spinetail, White-edged Oriole, Black-capped Sparrow among others.

February 22nd: Morning birding and drive up to Huembo Center

We started early for: Marañon Crescentchest (Endemic), Red-crested Finch (Rare) and Northern-Slaty Antshrike (Rare) others species on the valley, then we drove straight to Huembo Center for our favorite hummer! Marvelous Spatuletail (Endemic) and several others: Speckled-chested Piculet (Endemic), Speckled-breasted Wren, Sickle-winged Guan, Russet-Crowned Warbler (north sub-species), White-bellied Hummingbird among others. Then we went to our hotel.

February 23rd: Morning birding and drive up to Owlet Lodge (Abra Patricia)

We started early birding around the hotel garden for: Black-crested Warbler, Line-checked Spinetail, Rusty Flowerpiercer and then we visit Pomacochas lake for: Plumbeous rail and Oriole Blackbird! After nice morning we drove up the Utcubamba road to our next birding place “The Owlet Lodge”. We enjoin with our lunch and hummingbird time on the feeders.

February 24th: Morning birding along Venceremos feeders and Alto Nieva

We explored along the road and have great views of: Green and Black Fruiteater, Yellow-Scarface Tanager (Endemic), Lulu’s Tody-Flyatcher (Endemic), White-capped Tanager, Green Hermit, Tawny-bellied Hermit, Rufous-vented Whitetip, Greenish Puffleg, Royal Sunangel, Amethyst-throated Sunangel (laticlavius), Flame-face Tanager, Black- bellied tanager (Endemic) and we tried for Long-whiskered Owlet but this time did no cooperate.

February 25th: Morning birding and drive down to Moyobamba Town

Early started and birding along the road and we have seen some great species for our first stop: Inca Flycatcher (Endemic), Slaty-backed Chat-tyrant, White-capped Dipper, Golden-headed and Crested Quetzal, Red-ruffed Fruitcrow, Vermilion Tanager, Ornate Flycatcher among others. We Stopped at Arena Blanca Center located at Aguas Verdes village; a local family decided to help the conservation offering hummingbird feeders and excellent idea for Little Tinamou, Cinereous Tinamou and Rufous-Breasted Wood-Quail! Then we visited Waqanki hummingbird feeders in Moyobamba: White-chinned and Golden-Tailed Sapphires, Rufous-crested Coquette, Reddish Hermit, Rufous- breasted Hermit among others species.

February 26th: Birding at Morro de Calzada & Surrounding

Morning visit Morro de Calzada morning in the afternoon we explored other areas for our target species: we have found two Stygian Owl roosting, blue-crowned Trogon and others.

February 27th: Birding at Morro & drive to Tarapoto town

We explored again early morning the reserve and we turned back to our hotel for breakfast and we drove to Tarapoto hotel for lunch and then we explore a wetland for Comb Duck and other species around the area.

February 28th: Morning birding up the Tunnel (Cordillera Escalera) and flight to Lima

We drove to the mountains of cordillera Escalera and the hummingbird feeders, then we turned back to Tarapoto for our last lunch together to celebrate our amazing birding time! Then we flew together to Lima and sadly say good bye.

Thanks very much and we hope to meet again!

Photos: @ Omar Diaz

1: Red-legged Cormorant 2: White-bellied Cinclodes 3: Gray-breasted Seedsnipe 4: Rusty-bellied Brush-Finch.

5: Pacific Pygmy-Owl 6: Pied-crested Tit-Tyrant 7: Peruvian Meadowlark 8: Cinereous Finch

9: Elegant Crescentchest 10: Peruvian Plantcutter 11: White-edged Oriole 12: White-tailed Jay

13: Marvelous Spatuletail 14: Emerald-bellied Emerald 15: Collared Inca 16: Flame-faced Tanager

17: Long-tailed Sylph 18: Lulu’s Tody-flycatcher 19: Long-tailed Antbird 20: Crested Quetzal

21: Red-ruffed Fruitcrow 22: Golden-Collared Toucanet 23: Ornate Flycatcher 24: Rufous-crested Coquette

Bird List: This trip was not a hard Corp birding style, which we didn’t cover some areas instead we got some nice Photos and Endemic Species.

DATES: 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 DAYS: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 N° ENGLISH NAME ABUN Lim Mil Puc Chi Ch Po Po Po Ow Ow owl Mo Mo Tu a- loc- usa cla apa ma ma ma let- let- et- yo yo nn Ticl San na- yo- rri- c- c- coc Abr Abr mo ba ba el - io ta Vill Ch Po Jae po has a a yo mb mb Lim Pas Eul a apa ma n ma - pat Pat ba a a- a s alia rri c coc Ow rcia rici mb Tar - has let a a ap Lim oto a 1 Hooded Tinamou R 2 Gray Tinamou R 3 Cinereous Tinamou U H H 4 Little Tinamou U H H 5 Tawny-Breasted Tinamou R 6 White-Throated Tinamou R 7 Brown Tinamou R 8 Tataupa Tinamou R H 9 Ornate Tinamou R 10 Curve-Billed Tinamou R 11 Andean Tinamou R H 12 Comb Duck U X 13 Blue-winged Teal R 14 Puna Teal U 15 Cinanmon Teal U X X 16 Yellow-billed Teal U X X 17 White-Cheeked Pintail U X X 18 Ruddy Duck U X 19 Torrent Duck U 20 Sickle-winged Guan R H X 21 Spix’s Guan U 22 Speckled Chachalaca U H X 23 White-Winged Guan EN X X 24 Wattled Guan R 25 Rufous-breasted Wood Quail R H 26 Great Grebe U X 27 Silvere Grebe U X 28 White-tuffted Grebe U 29 Pied -billed grebe U X X 30 Peruvian Pelican U X 31 Humbolt Penguin U X 32 Peruvian Booby U X 33 Blue-footed Booby R X 34 Neotropical Cormorant C X 35 Guanay Cormorant U X 36 Red-legged Cormorant U X 37 Cocoi Heron U X 38 Striated Heron U X X 39 Capped Heron U

40 Little Blue Heron U X X X X 41 Fasciated Tiger-Heron U 42 Rufescent Tiger-Heron U 43 Black-crowned Night-Heron U X 44 Yellow-Crowned Night-Heron U X 45 Snowy Egret C X X 46 Cattle Egret C X X X X X X X X X 47 Great Egret C X X X X 48 Least Bittern R 49 Limpkin U X 50 Puna Ibis U X 51 Green Ibis U 52 Turkey Vulture C X X X X X X X 53 Greater Yellow-headed Vulture C 54 Black Vulture X X X X X X X X X X 55 Andean Condor C 56 King Vulture R 57 Swallow-tailed Kite U X 58 Pearl Kite R X X 59 Plumbeous Kite U 60 Hook-billed Kite U 61 Sharp-Shinned Hawk R 62 Bicolored Hawk R 63 White Hawk U 64 Slate-Colored Hawk U 65 White-throated Hawk U 66 Broad-winged Hawk R 67 Roadside Hawk C X 68 Variable Hawk C 69 Savanna's Hawk X X 70 Harris's Hawk U X X 71 White-rumped Hawk U 72 Black and White Hawk-Eagle R 73 Black-and-chestnut Eagle R 74 Black Hawk-Eagle U 75 Solitary Eagle U 76 Black-chested Buzzard-Eagle U X 77 Osprey U 78 Laughing Falcon U 79 Aplomado Falcon R 80 Orange-Breasted Falcon R 81 Peregrine Falcon U 82 Bat Falcon U 83 American Kestrel U X X 84 Cinereous Harrier U 85 Black Caracara C 86 Red-throated Caracara U 87 Mountain Caracara C X 88 Crested Caracara R X 89 Gray-necked Wood-Rail U 90 Plumbeous Rail U X 91 Blackish Rail R 92 Black Rail R 93 Spotted Rail H 94 Russet-Crowned Rail R H 95 Paint-Billed Crake U 96 Purple Gallinule U X 97 Wattled Jacana C X 98 Common Moorhen(Gallinule) C X X X X X 99 Giant Coot X X 100 Andean Coot C X 101 American Oystercatcher C X X 102 Blackish Oystercatcher C X X

103 Pied Lapwing U 104 Andean Lapwing U X 105 Black-necked Stilt U X X X 106 Peruvian Thick-knee U X 107 American Golden-Plover U 108 Collared Plover U 109 Snowy Plover U 110 Killdeer U 111 Semipalmated Plover U 112 Whimbrel U 113 Greater Yellowlegs U X X 114 Lesser Yellowlegs U X 115 Stilt Sandpiper U 116 Spotted Sandpiper U X X 117 Solitary Sandpiper U 118 Least Sandpiper U 119 Semipalmated Sandpiper U X 120 White-Rumped Sandpiper U 121 Baird's Sandpiper U 122 Pectoral Sandpiper U 123 Upland Sandpiper U 124 Ruddy Turnstone U X 125 Sanderling U 126 Suffbird U X 127 Wilson's Phalarope U 128 Belcher’s Gull(Band-Tailed) U X 129 Kelp Gull U X 130 Gray Gull U X 131 Laughing Gull U X 132 Franklin’s Gull U X 133 Gray-hooded Gull U X 134 Andean Gull U X 135 Inca Tern U X 136 Peruvian Terns U X 137 Yellow-Billed Tern U 138 Large-billed Tern U 139 Sandwich Tern X 140 Elegant Tern U X 141 Black Skimmer U X 142 Plumbeous Pigeon C 143 Ruddy Pigeon C 144 Band-tailed Pigeon U X X X X 145 Scaled Pigeon R 146 Peruvian Pigeon R 147 Pale-vented Pigeon U 148 Spot-winged Pigeon X 149 Rock Pigeon C X X X X X X 150 Bare-faced Ground-Dove U X X 151 Pallid Dove R X 152 Eared Dove C X 153 Ecuadorian Ground-Dove U X 154 West Peruvian Dove C X X X X X 155 Black-winged Ground-Dove U X 156 Plain-breasted Ground-Dove U X 157 Maroon-chested Ground-Dove X 158 Ruddy Ground-Dove C X X 159 Croaking Ground-Dove C X X X 160 Blue Ground-Dove U X 161 Gray-fronted Dove U 162 White-tipped Dove U X 163 Ochre-bellied Dove X 164 Ruddy Quail-Dove R 165 Sapphire Quail-Dove R

166 White-Throated Quail-Dove R 167 Military Macaw R 168 Chestnut-fronted Macaw R 169 Red-bellied Macaw R 170 Mitred Parakeet U X X 171 White-eyed Parakeet C X X 172 Dusky-headed Parakeet C 173 Andean Parakeet U 174 Scarlet-Fronted Parakkeet U 175 Red-Masked Parakeet U X X 176 Golden-plumed Parakeet R 177 Cobalt-winged Parakeet C 178 Rose-Fronted parakeet R 179 Bonaparte's Parakeet R 180 Mountain Parakeet U 181 Barred Parakeet R 182 Pacific Parrotlet U X X 183 Yellow-Faced Parrotlet EN 184 Scarlet-Shouldered Parrotlet U 185 Blue-headed Parrot C 186 Red-Billed Parrot R 187 Speckled-faced Parrot U X 188 Scaly-naped Parrot U 189 Mealy Parrot C 190 Yellow-Crowned Parrot U 191 Squirrel Cuckoo C X 192 Little Cuckoo U X 193 Striped Cuckoo U H X 194 Black-Billed Cuckoo U 195 Dark-Billed Cuckoo U 196 Smooth-billed Ani C X X 197 Groove-billed Ani C X H X X 198 Hoatzin C X 199 White-throated Screech-Owl R 200 Burrowing Owl C X 201 Vermiculated Screech-Owl R 202 Tropical Screech-Owl U 203 Rufescent Screech-Owl R 204 Peruvian Screech-Owl H 205 Band-Bellied Owl R 206 Black-Banded owl R 207 Rufous-Banded Owl R 208 Stygian Owl X 209 Striped Owl R 210 Barn Owl U 211 Andean Pygmy Owl R 212 Ferruginous Pygmy-Owl C 213 Peruvian Pygmy-owl U X H X X 214 Long-Whiskered Owlet EN 215 Common Potoo R 216 Great Potoo R 217 Rufous-bellied Nighthawk U 218 Sand-Collored Nighthawk U 219 Common Pauraque C 220 Oilbird U 221 Band-winged Nightjar U 222 Scrub Nightjar U 223 Swallow-tailed Nightjar U H 224 Lyre-tailed Nightjar U 225 White-collared Swift U X 226 Andean Swift U 227 White-Tipped Swift U X 228 Chestnut-collared Swift U

229 Gray-rumped Switf U X 230 Short-tailed Swift U 231 Tumbes Swift X 232 Chimney Swift U 233 Fork-tailed Palm-Swift U X X 234 Giant Hummingbird U X 235 Sword-billed Hummingbird U X X X 236 Violet-Headed Hummingbird U X 237 White-bellied Hummingbird U X X 238 Wedge-billed Hummingbird U 239 Speckled Hummingbird U X X X 240 Many-spotted Hummingbird U X X 241 Oasis Hummingbird U 242 Spot-Throated Hummingbird U X 243 Tumbes Hummingbird U X 244 Amazilia Hummingbird U X X X 245 Great Sapphirewing U 246 Green Hermit U X 247 Gray-Chinned Hermit R X 248 Rufous-brested Hermit U X 249 Reddish Hermit U X X 250 Black-throated Hermit R X 251 Tawny-bellied Hermit R X 252 White-bearded Hermit U 253 Long-tailed Hermit U X X 254 Koepcke’s Hermit EN X 255 Napo Sabrewing R X 256 Gray-breasted Sabrewing U X X 257 Golden-tailed Sapphire U X X X 258 White-Chinned Sapphire U X 259 Green Violetear U X X X 260 Sparkling Violetear U X X X X X X 261 Brown Violetear U X X X 262 Fawn-breasted Brilliant U X X X 263 Pink-throated Brilliant R X 264 Violet-fronted Brilliant U X 265 Shining Sunbeam U 266 Bronzy Inca U X X X X 267 Collared Inca U X X X 268 Sapphire-Vented Puffleg U X X 269 Greenish Puffleg U 270 Emerald-Bellied Puffleg X X X 271 Black-tailed Trainbearer U 272 Green-tailed Trainbearer U 273 Tyrian Metaltail U 274 Coppery Metaltail R 275 Purple-backed Thornbill R 276 Blue-Mantled Thornbill R 277 Rufous-capped Thornbill U 278 Sapphire-Spangled Emerald U X X 279 Andean Emerald X X 280 Blue-tailed Emerald U X X 281 Rufous-Crested Coquette C X X 282 White-necked Jacobin C X X X 283 Fork-tailed Woodnymph C X X X 284 Gould’s Jewelfront U X 285 Black-Throated Mango U 286 Wire-crested Thorntail R X 287 Green-fronted Lancebill R X 288 Blue-fronted Lancebill R X 289 Ecuadorian Piedtail 290 Royal Sunangel X 291 Andean Hillstar R X

292 Black-breasted Hillstar EN X 293 Mountain Avocetbill R 294 Chestnut-breasted Coronet R X X X X 295 Violet-throated Starfrontlet R 296 Rainbow Starfrontlet X 297 Long-tailed Sylph R X X X 298 Amethyst-throated Sunangel U X 299 Purple-Throated Sunangel U 300 Marvelous Spatuletail EN X X 301 Mountain Velvetbreast R 302 Booted Racket-Tail U X 303 Black-eared Fairy U 304 Long-billed Starthroat U X X X X 305 White-bellied Woodstar U X X X X 306 Little Woodstart U X X 307 Short-Tailed Woodstart U X 308 Purple - Collared Woodstar U X X 309 Amethyst Woodstar U 310 Peruvian Sheartail U X 311 Masked Trogon U 312 Blue-Crowned Trogon U X 313 Green-Backed Trogon U X 314 Violaceous Trogon U 315 Collared Trogon U 316 Black-Tailed Trogon U 317 Crested Quetzal R X 318 Golden-headed Quetzal R X 319 Highland Motmot C 320 Blue-Crowned Motmot C 321 Broad-Billed Motmot R 322 Rufous Motmot R 323 Amazon Kingfisher U 324 Ringed Kingfisher U 325 Green Kingfisher U 326 Bluish-fronted C X 327 Purplish Jacamar R 328 Great Jacamar R 329 Striolated PuffBird U 330 White-eared Puffbird R 331 Black-streaked Puffbird U 332 Lanceolated Monklet U 333 Swallow-wing U 334 White-Faced Nunbird U 335 Black-Fronted NunBird C 336 White-Fronted NunBird U 337 Rufous-Capped Nunlet U 338 Gilded Barbet C X 339 Lemon-Throated Barbet U 340 Versicolored Barbet U 341 Channel-Billed Toucan C 342 White-Throated Toucan C H 343 Black-Banded Toucan R 344 Golden-Collared Toucanet U X 345 Chestnut-tipped Toucanet R 346 Emerald Toucanet U H 347 Gray-breasted Mountain-Toucan U 348 Chestnut-eared Aracari C 349 Lettered Aracari U 350 Ivory-Billed Aracari U 351 Curl-Crested Aracari U X 352 Lafresnaye's Piculet R X 353 Speckle-Chested Picuet R X 354 Ecuadorian Piculet R

355 Rufous-breasted Piculet U 356 Yellow-tufted Woodpecker C X 357 Little Woodpecker C X 358 Red-stained Woodpecker C 359 Bar-bellied Woodpecker R 360 Smoky-Brown Woodcreepecker R X 361 Crimson-mantled Woodpecker U 362 Golden-olive Woodpecker U X 363 White-throated Woodpecker R 364 Spot-breasted Woodpecker U 365 Scarlet-Backed Woodpecker U X X 366 Black-necked Woodcreeper EN X 367 Andean Flicker U X 368 Cream-colored Woodpecker U 369 Crimson-bellied Woodpecker U 370 Powerful Woodpecker U 371 Lineated Woodpecker C X 372 Crimson-crested Woodpecker C X 373 Long-Tailed Woodcreeper U 374 Wedge-billed Woodcreeper U 375 Plain-Brown WoodCreeper R 376 Strreak-Headed Woodcreeper U X 377 Buff-throated Woodcreeper U 378 Tyrannine Woodcreeper U 379 Olive-Backed Woodcreeper U 380 Strong-Billed Woodcreeper U 381 Spot-throated woodcreecper U 382 Olivaceous WoodCreeper U X 383 Ocellated WoodCreeper R 384 Montane Woodcreeper U 385 Lineated Woodcreeper R 386 Cinnamon-Throated WoodCreeper U 387 Straigh-Billed Woodcreeper U 388 Brown-Billed Scythebill R 389 Red-billed Scythebill R 390 Greater scythebill R 391 Coastal Miner EN X 392 Wren-like Rushbird C X 393 Surf Cinclodes EN X 394 Bar-winged Cinclodes U X 395 White-bellied Cinclodes EN X 396 Rufous Spinetail R 397 Marañon Spinetail U 398 White-Chinned Spinetail U 399 Neckleced Spinetail U X 400 Azara's Spinetail C H 401 Plain-Crowned Spinetail C 402 Dark-breasted Spinetail U X 403 Ash-browed Spinetail U 404 Line-Cheeked Spinetail U X 405 Rufous-Fronted Thornbird U X X 406 Spotted Barbtail U 407 Rusty-Winged Barbtail U X 408 Pearled Treerunner U X X 409 Montane Foliage-gleaner U 410 Lineated Foliage-Gleaner U 411 Buff-browed Foliage-Gleaner U H 412 Henna-hooded Foliage-Gleaner R X 413 Buff-fronted Foliage-gleaner U 414 Chestnut-Crowned Foliage-Gleaner U 415 Buff-throated Foliage-gleaner U 416 Chestnut-winged Hookbill U 417 Streaked Tuftedcheek U

418 Buff-throated Treehunter U 419 Striped Treehunter U 420 Black-billed Treehunter U 421 Stripe Woodhunter U X 422 Gray-Throated Leaftosser U 423 Tawny-Throated Leaftosser U 424 Sharp-Tailed Streamcreeper U H 425 Streaked Xenops U 426 Ecuatorial Graytail R 427 Rufous-tailed Xenops U X 428 Plain Xenops U 429 Pale-Legged Hornero C 430 Pacific Hornero U X X X 431 Great Antshrike C X 432 Chapman's Antshrike R X 433 Barred Antshrike C H 434 Lined Antshrike R H 435 Collared Antshrike U X X 436 Plain-Winged Antshrike C 437 Rufous-Capped Antshrike U 438 Uniform Antshrike R 439 Variable Antshrike R X 440 Marañon Northern Slaty Antshrike R X 441 Dusky-Throated Antshrike C 442 Russet Antshrike R 443 Fasciated Antshrike U 444 Plain Antvireo U 445 White-backed Fire-Eye R 446 Stripe-chested Antwren U 447 Ornate Antwren U 448 Rufous-Tailed Antwren U 449 Foothill Antwren U 450 Gray Antwren U 451 Slaty Antwren U 452 White-flanked Antwren U 453 Yellow-breasted Antwren R 454 Rufous-Winged Antwren R 455 Dot-winged Antwren R 456 Blackish Antbird U 457 Black Antbird U 458 Gray Antbird U 459 White-browed Antbird U 460 Black-faced Antbird U 461 Yellow-Breasted Warbling Antbird U 462 Peruvian Warblimg Antbird U 463 Long-Tailed Antbird U H X 464 Chestnut-tailed Antbird U 465 Hairy Crested Antbird U 466 Spot-Backed Antbird U 467 Scale-Backed Antbird U 468 Black-faced Antthrush C 469 Rufous-breasted Antthrush R 470 Barred Antthrush R 471 Amazonian Antpitta R 472 Rusty-Tinged Antpitta R 473 Chestnut-Crowned Antpitta R H 474 Tawny Antpitta R 475 Undulated Antpitta U 476 Pale-Billed Antpitta EN 477 Scaled Antpitta R 478 Stripe-headed Antpitta R 479 Rufous Antpitta R 480 Ochre-breasted Antpitta R

481 Rusty-Breasted Antpitta R 482 Chestnut-Crowned Gnateater R 483 Blackish Tapaculo R 484 Unicolred Tapaculo EN 485 Tschudi's Tapaculo EN 486 Large-Footed Tapaculo EN 487 Rufous-Crested Tapaculo EN 488 Neblina Tapaculo EN 489 Trilling Tapaculo R 490 White-crowned Tapaculo R 491 Marañon Crescentchest EN X 492 Elegant Crescentchest R X 493 Ecuadorian Tyrannulet U X 494 Tawny-rumped Tyrannulet U 495 Ashy-headed Tyrannulet U 496 Plumbeous-crowned Tyrannulet U 497 Mottle-cheeked Tyrannulet U 498 Red-billed Tyrannulet U 499 Yellow Tyrannulet U X 500 Torrent Tyrannulet U X 501 Mouse-colored Tyrannulet U X 502 Mouse-colored Tyrannulet (tumbes) U X X 503 Gray and White Tyrannulet U X X 504 Rufous-Winged Tyrannulet U 505 Sulphur-Bellied Tyrannulet U 506 Southern Beardless-Tyrannulet U X X X 507 White-banded Tyrannulet U 508 White-throated Tyrannulet U 509 White-tailed Tyrannulet U 510 Yellow-crowned Tyrannulet X 511 Golden-Faced Tyrannulet U 512 Marble-faced Bristle-Tyrant U 513 Variegated Bristle-Tyrant U 514 Spectacled Bristle-Tyrant U X 515 Elaenia X 516 Pacific Elaenia U X 517 Yellow-bellied Elaenia U X 518 Mottle-backed Elaenia U X 519 Highland Elaenia U X X 520 Sierran Elaenia U X 521 White-crested Elaenia U 522 Lesser Elaenia U 523 Large Elaenia U 524 Small-billed Elaenia C X 525 Many-colored Rush-Tyrant R 526 Bronze-Olive Pygmy-Tyrant R 527 Rufous-headed Pygmy-Tyrant U 528 Short-Crested Pygmy-Tyrant U 529 Scale-crested Pygmy-Tyrant U X X X H 530 Tawny-Crowned Pygmy-Tyrant U 531 White-Eyed Tody-Tyrant U 532 Perly-vented Tody-tyrant H 533 Stripe-Necked Tody-Tyrant U H 534 Buff-Throated Tody-Tyrant U 535 Black-throated Tody-Tyrant EN X 536 Jhonson's Tody-Flycatcher U X X 537 Common Tody-flycatcher U 538 Rusty-fronted Tody-Flycatcher X 539 Yellow-Browed Tody-Flycatcher U H 540 Sepia-capped Flycatcher U 541 Slaty-capped Flycatcher EN X 542 Inca Flycatcher U 543 Twany-Breasted Flycatcher U X

544 Streak-necked Flycatcher U 545 Olive-Striped Flycatcher U 546 Ochre-Bellied Flycather U X 547 Ornate Flycatcher U X X 548 Cinnamon Flycatcher U 549 Yellow-Marginded Flycatcher U 550 Gray-crowned Flycatcher U X 551 Yellow-Breasted Flycatcher U X 552 Ruddy-Tailed Flycatcher U 553 Bran-colored Flycatcher U 554 Ochraceous-breasted Flycatcher U 555 Olive Flycatcher U 556 Euler's Flycatcher X 557 Olive-chested Flycatcher U 558 Alder Flycatcher U 559 Fuscous Flycatcher U 560 Olive-sided Flycatcher U X X X X 561 Vermilion Flycatcher U 562 Cliff Flycatcher R X 563 Rufous Flycatcher U X 564 Piratic Flycatcher U X 565 Sulphur-bellied flycatcher U 566 Streaked Flycatcher U X 567 Golden-crowned Flycatcher U X X 568 Baird's Flycatcher U 569 Gray-capped Flycatcher U X 570 Lemon-browed Flycatcher U X 571 Boat-billed Flycatcher C X X 572 Social Flycatcher U X X X 573 Gray-Breasted Flycatcher U 574 Crowned-Slaty Flycatcher U X 575 Brown-crested Flycatcher U 576 Short-crested Flycatcher U 577 Pale-edged Flycatcher U 578 Dusky-capped Flycatcher R X 579 Sooty-Crowned Flycatcher U X 580 Lesser Kiskadee U X X 581 Great Kiskadee X X X 582 Snowy-throated Kingbird U 583 Eastern Kingbird C X X X X X X 584 Tropical Kingbird U X X X 585 Sirystes U 586 Smoke-colored Pewee U 587 Eastern Wood-Pewee U 588 Western Wood-Pewee U 589 Tropical Pewee U 590 Blackish Pewee U X 591 Black Phoebe U X X 592 Slaty-Backed Chat-Tyrant U 593 D’orbigny’s Chat-Tyrant U 594 Rufous-Breasted Chat-Tyrant U X 595 White-browed Chat-Tyrant U X 596 Shor-Tailed Field Tyrant U 597 White-winged Black-Tyrant EN 598 Piura Chat-Tyrant U X 599 Andean-Tyrant U 600 Long-tailed Tyrant EN X X 601 Tumbes Tyrant U H 602 Rufous-Tailed Tyrant U 603 Andean Negrito U 604 Subtropical doradito U 605 Fulvous-breasted Flatbill U 606 Yellow-Throated Spadebill U

607 White-Throated Spadebill U 608 Bright-Rumped Attila U 609 Pink-Throated Becard U 610 Chestnut-Crowned Becard U 611 White-winged Becard U X 612 Black and White Becard R X 613 Barred Becard R 614 Black-Capped Becard R 615 Green-Backed Becard U 616 Masked Tityra U 617 Black-Crowned Tityra U 618 Black-Tailed Tityra U 619 Red-crested Cotinga U 620 Chestnut-crested Cotinga U 621 Barred Fruiteater U X X 622 Green & Black Fruiteater R 623 Band-tailed Fruiteater R 624 Scaled Fruiteater R 625 Scarlet-Breasted Fruiteater R 626 Fiery-Throated Fruiteater U 627 White-Browed Purpletuft U 628 Amazonian Umbrellabird U 629 Andean Cock-of-the-rock U 630 Peruvian Plantcutter EN X 631 Purple-Throated Fruitcrow R 632 Red-ruffed Fruitcrow U X 633 Bare-Necked Fruitcrow R 634 Green Manakin R 635 Jet Manakin R 636 Golden-Winged Manakin R 637 Blue-Rumped Manakin R 638 Blue-Crowned Manakin U 639 Fiery-capped Manakin U H 640 Round-Tailed Manakin U 641 Darw-Tyrant Manakin R 642 Brown-capped Vireo U X 643 Red-eyed Vireo U 644 Yellow-Green Vireo R 645 Slaty-Capped Shrike-Vireo U H 646 Rufous-browed Peppershrike U H 647 Dusky-capped Greenlet U 648 Lemon-chested Greenlet R 649 Tawny-Crowned Greenlet U 650 Green Jay U X X 651 White-Tailed Jay U 652 Violaceous Jay U 653 White-collared Jay U 654 Brown-chested Martin U X 655 Gray-Breasted Martin U X X X X X 656 Blue-and-white Swallow U X 657 Brown-bellied Swallow U 658 Pale-footed Swallow U X X 659 White-banded Swallow U X 660 White-Thighed Swallow U 661 Southern Rough-winged Swallow R X X 662 Bank Swallow R 663 Barn Swallow X X 664 Tumbes Swallow U X 665 Andean Swallow R 666 Cliff Swallow R X 667 Chestnut-Collared Swallow U 668 White-Winged Swallow R 669 Yellowish Pipit R

670 Paramo Pipit R X X X 671 Faciated Wren R 672 Thrush-Like Wren R H 673 Bar-winged Wood-wren R 674 White-breasted Wood-wren R H 675 Gray-breasted Wood-Wren R H 676 Chestnut-breasted Wren R 677 Gray-Mantled Wren R X X 678 Superciliated Wren R 679 Speckle-breasted Wren EN H 680 Peruvian Wren R 681 Sedge Wren U 682 Mountain Wren C 683 House Wren U X X X X X X X X X 684 Long-Tailed Mockingbird U X 685 Tropical Gnatcatcher X X 686 Marañon Gnatcatcher U X X 687 Black-Capped Donacobius U X 688 Andean Solitaire R X X 689 White-Eared Solitaire U H 690 Slaty-Backed Nightingale-Thrush U 691 Spotted Nightingale-Thrush U 692 Marañon Thrush U X X 693 Swainson's Thrush C X 694 Chiguanco Thrush U X X X X X X 695 Great Thrush U 696 Glossy-black Thrush R 697 Pale-Eyed Thrush U X 698 Plumbeous-Backed Thrush R X 699 Slaty-Thrush R 700 Pale-Breasted Thrush C X 701 Black-Billed Thrush U X X X X 702 White-capped Dipper C X 703 Silver-beaked Tanager EN X X X 704 Black-Bellied Tanager R X X X 705 Black-faced Tanager C X X 706 Masked-Crimson Tanager C 707 Magpie Tanager U 708 Black and White Tanager R 709 Guira Tanager R 710 Yellow-backed Tanager R 711 Rufous-Chested Tanager R 712 Yellow-backed Tanager R 713 Rufous-Chested Tanager U 714 Buff-Bellied Tanager U X 715 Red-Shouldered Tanager U 716 White-Lined Tanager U X 717 Yellow-crested Tanager U 718 White-shouldered Tanager U 719 White-winged Shrike Tanager U 720 Black-goggled Tanager R 721 Fawn-breasted Tanager R 722 Carmiol's Tanager C 723 Blue-capped Tanager C 724 Blue-and-yellow Tanager C X 725 Palm Tanager C X X X X X X 726 Blue and Gray Tanager C X X X X 727 Common Bush-Tanager U X 728 Yellow-throated Bush-Tanager U X 729 Gray-hooded Bush-Tanager U X 730 Short-Billed Bush-Tanager C 731 Hooded Mountain-Tanager R 732 Buff-breasted Mountain-Tanager R

733 Chestnut-bellied Mountain-Tanager U 734 Grass-green Tanager C X 735 Scarlet-bellied Mountain-Tanager R 736 Blue-winged Mountain-Tanager R 737 Lacrimose Mountain-Tanager U 738 Golden-collared Tanager U X 739 Yellow-throated Tanager EN X 740 Yellow-Scarfed Tanager R X X 741 Green-Throated Tanager U 742 Silver-backed Tanager U X 743 Flame-faced Tanager U X 744 Golden Tanager U X X 745 Blue and Black Tanager U X X 746 Beryl-Spangled Tanager U X 747 Safron-crowned Tanager U 748 Blue-Browed Tanager U 749 Metallic-Green Tanager U 750 Golden- Naped Tanager R 751 Golden-Eared Tanager C X 752 Blue-necked Tanager U X 753 Masked tanager U X 754 Spotted Tanager U X X 755 Bay-headed Tanager U 756 Yellow-Bellied Tanager U 757 Dotted Tanager U X 758 Green and Gold Tanager U X X 759 Turquoise Tanager U X 760 Paradise Tanager R X X 761 Opal-Rumped Tanager R 762 Opal-Crowned Tanager U 763 Burnished-Buff Tanager U 764 Swallow-Tanager U X X 765 Orange-Eared Tanager R 766 White-Capped Tanager U X 767 Red-Hooded Tanager U 768 Summer Tanager U 769 Hepatic Tanager U 770 Scarlet Tanager U X 771 Vermilion Tanager R 772 White-Winged Tanager EN 773 Oleaginous Hemispingus U 774 Black-eared Hemispingus U 775 Superciliaried Hemispingus U 776 Black-Capped hemispingus U 777 Drab Hemispingus U 778 Black-faced Dacnis U X 779 Blue Dacnis U X 780 Green Honeycreeper U X X 781 Purple Honeycreeper U X 782 Red-Legged Honeycreeper R 783 Golden-collared Honeycreeper C X 784 Cinereous Conebill R 785 Chestnut-Vented Conebill U 786 Blue-backed Conebill U 787 Capped Conebill U 788 Moustached Flowerpiercer U X 789 Black-throated Flowerpiercer U X 790 Rusty Flowerpiercer X 791 White-sided Flowerpiercer U 792 Deep-blue Flowerpiercer U 793 Masked Flowerpiercer U 794 Bluish Flowerpiecer U 795 Plushcap U

796 Yellow-browed Sparrow C X X X 797 Rufous-collared Sparrow R X X X X 798 Orange-Billed Sparrow R H 799 Black-Capped Sparrow R X X 800 Tumbes Sparrow U 801 Wedge-Tailed Grass-Finch R X 802 Mourning Sierra-Finch U 803 Ash-breasted Sierra-Finch U 804 Plumbeous Sierra-Finch U 805 Band-tailed Sierra-Finch R 806 Slaty Finch C X X X X X 807 Saffron Finch X X X 808 Cinereous Finch R X 809 Red-Crested Finch R X 810 Sulphur-Throated Finch U X 811 Collared Warbling- Finch U X X 812 Grassland Yellow-Finch U X 813 Bright-rumped Yellow-Finch U 814 Chestnut-bellied Seed-Finch R X X 815 Black-Billed Seed Finch R 816 Stripe-headed Brush-Finch R 817 Chestnut-Capped Brush-Finch U X X X 818 Yellow-Breasted Brush-Finch X 819 Tricolored Brush-Finch U X 820 White-Winged Brush-Finch U 821 White-headed Brush-Finch U 822 Plain-colored Seedeater U 823 Band-tailed Seedeater U 824 Chestnut-Throated Seedeater U X 825 Drab Seedeater U X X 826 Parrot-billed Seedeater R X 827 Yellow-Bellied Seedeater U 828 Black-and-white Seedeater U X X 829 Chestnut-bellied Seedeater R X X X X 830 Dull-Colored Grassquit C X X 831 Blue-black Grassquit C X X X X 832 Red-capped Cardinal U 833 Grayish Saltator U 834 Buff-throated Saltator U X 835 Golden-billed Saltator U X X X 836 Streaked Saltator U 837 Masked Saltator U 838 Black-Cowled Saltator U 839 Golden-bellied Grosbeak U X X X 840 Black-backed Grosbeak U 841 Slate-Colored Grosbeak C 842 Tropical Parula R 843 Cerulean Warbler R X 844 Blackburnian Warbler R 845 Canada Warbler C X X X X X 846 Slate-throated Redstart C X X X 847 Spectacled Redstart R X 848 Black-Crested Warbler R 849 Citrine Warbler U X 850 Gray and Gold Warbler U X 851 Three-Banded Warbler U H X 852 Russet-crowned Warbler U 853 Three-striped Warbler R 854 Buff-rumped Warbler U 855 Masked Yellowthroat C X X X X 856 Bananaquit C X X 857 Russet-Backed Oropendola U X 858 Crested Oropendola U X

859 Dusky-Green Oropendola U 860 Scarlet-Rumped Cacique C X 861 Yellow-rumped Cacique R X X X X X X 862 Yellow-Billed Cacique U 863 Mountain Cacique U 864 Ecuadorian Cacique U 865 Solitary Black Cacique U 866 Shiny Cowbird U X X X X 867 Giant Cowbird U 868 Scrub Blackbird U 869 Orange-Backed Troupial U 870 Yellow-Hooded Blackbird U X 871 Yellow-Tailed Oriole U X X 872 White-Edge Oriole X X X 873 Oriole Blackbird U X X 874 Peruvian Medowlark U X X X 875 Hooded Siskin U X 876 Olivaceous Siskin U X 877 Rufous-Bellied Euphonia C X 878 Thick-billed Euphonia U 879 Orange-bellied Euphonia U X X X 880 Purple-throated Euphonia R X 881 White-vented Euphonia R 882 Golden-Rumped Euphonia R X 883 Plumbeous Euphonia U X 884 Bronze-green Euphonia U 885 Golden-bellied Euphonia U 886 Lesser Goldfinch R 887 Chestnut-Breasted Chlorophonia U OTHER WILDLIFE Collared Peccary X Spectacled Beer X Sechuran Fox X Tayra X Saddle-Backed tamarin(north) H Black Agouti X San martin Titi-Monkey X