WG Photometry and Polarimetry of Asteroids
PHOTOMETRY AND POLARIMETRY OF ASTEROIDS: IMPACT ON COLLABORATION Abstracts The International Workshop -2 80 0 60 2 40 4 20 6 Relative Magnitude Polarization Degree 0 8 10 -20 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 Phase Angle June 15–18, 2003, Kharkiv, Ukraine Organized by Research Institute of Astronomy of V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University, Ukrainian Astronomical Association Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine Sponsored by Kharkiv City Charity Fund “AVEC” PHOTOMETRY AND POLARIMETRY OF ASTEROIDS: IMPACT ON COLLABORATION The International Workshop June 15–18, 2003 Kharkiv, Ukraine A B S T R A C T S The Organizing Committee: Lupishko Dmitrij (co-Chairman), Kiselev Nikolai (co-Chairman), Belskaya Irina, Krugly Yurij, Shevchenko Vasilij, Velichko Fiodor, Luk’yanyk Igor Kharkiv - 2003 2 Contents Belskaya I.N., Shevchenko V.G., Efimov Yu.S., Shakhovskoj N.M., Gaftonyuk N.M., Krugly Yu.N., Chiorny V.G. Opposition Polarimetry and Photometry of Asteroids 5 Bochkov V.V., Prokof’eva V.V. Spectrophotometric Observations of Asteroids in the Crimean Astrophysical Observatory 6 Butenko G., Gerashchenko O., Ivashchenko Yu., Kazantsev A., Koval’chuk G., Lokot V. Estimates of Rotation Periods of Asteroids Derived from CCD- Observations in Andrushivka Astronomical Observatory 7 Bykov O.P., L'vov V.N. Method of accuracy estimation of asteroid positional CCD observations and results its application with EPOS Software 7 Cellino A., Gil Hutton R., Di Martino M., Tedesco E.F., Bendjoya Ph. Polarimetric Observations of Asteroids with the Torino UBVRI Photopolarimeter 9 Chiorny V.G., Shevchenko V.G., Krugly Yu.N., Velichko F.P., Gaftonyuk N.M.
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