Rmk Annual Report 2016 Rmk Annual Report 2016 Table of Contents

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Rmk Annual Report 2016 Rmk Annual Report 2016 Table of Contents RMK ANNUAL REPORT 2016 RMK ANNUAL REPORT 2016 TABLE OF CONTENTS 4 AIGAR KALLAS: STORMY YEAR 5 TEN FACTS ABOUT RMK 6–13 ABOUT THE ORGANISATION EMPLOYEES CONTRIBUTION TO THE ECONOMY RMK HONOUR BOARD Toompuiestee 24, 10149 Tallinn, Estonia COOPERATION PROJECTS Tel +372 676 7500 www.rmk.ee 14–29 FOREST MANAGEMENT Texts: FOREST LAND OVERVIEW Katre Ratassepp CUTTING WORKS FOREST RENEWAL Design team: DF PLANT GROWING www.df.ee FOREST IMPROVEMENT TIMBER MARKETING Cover photo and section titles: WASTE COLLECTION Kaupo Kalda FOREST FIRES HUNTING Content photos: Silver Gutmann Tiit Hunt Rasmus Jurkatam 30 –37 NATURE PROTECTION Rando Kall DIVISION OF STATE FOREST Kaupo Kikkas PROTECTED AREAS Imre Malva NATURE PROTECTION WORKS RMK PROTECTED SPECIES PÕLULA FISH FARM Typography: Geogrotesque News Gothic BT 38–47 ACTIVITIES IN NATURE Paper: AND NATURE EDUCATION cover Constellation Snow Mosaico (Fedrigoni) MOVING AROUND THE NATURE content Munken Lynx (Arctic Paper) NATURE EDUCATION SAGADI FOREST CENTRE Printed by ELISTVERE ANIMAL PARK K-Print NATURE CAMERA CHRISTMAS TREES HERITAGE CULTURE 4 8 – 5 3 RESEARCH APPLIED RESEARCH PROJECTS SCHOLARSHIPS 54–59 FINANCIAL SUMMARY BALANCE SHEET INCOME STATEMENT AUDITOR’S REPORT 60 CREDITS 2 RMK ANNUAL REPORT 2016 RMK ANNUAL REPORT 2016 3 of Estonia is million forest of RMK’s most important STORMY YEAR 51% covered by forest. 20.2 plants made 5 tasks are the growing RMK maintains 45% of it. RMK’s state forest grow. of forest and the maintaining Aigar Kallas of natural values, earning Chairman of the Management Board of RMK a profit for the state through the management of state for- Momentum of this kind, as gained by the dis- ests, creating opportunities for cussions on forest topics at the end of 2016, moving around in nature, and has not been seen for a long time. Suddenly, providing nature education. the forests appeared among the ranks of topics that polarized society. Substantiated or not, but this is definitely a sign of the times. people are offices owned by The figures confirm that the current amount 6,000 employed in 39 RMK where the for- of forest in Estonia hasn’t been seen in a very the state forest each year – ests are growing. This means long time and that the forest here is growing there are ca 700 full-time that RMK is represented all at a rate that is faster than what we are able employees at RMK and more over Estonia and, for example, to cut. Still, views differ – scientists, politi- than 5,000 people work in only 7% of its employees are cians, nature conservationists, civic activists – the state forest via partner com- TEN working in the capital. everyone approaches the topic from their own panies or as seasonal workers. angle and the attitude may even differ within common language, the gathering of precise FACTS a single group. Against that background, data about the forest) and land use. The latter whenever a clear-cut area is noticed through focuses on ensuring that each plot of land in ABOUT a car window, it may indeed give reason for the care of RMK would be used in the best of Estonian of the state forest concern and this concern must be accepted. possible way for society, regardless of whether 19% forests are RMK 1% land is clearcut The search for social agreement and balance the goal is forest management, nature protec- strictly protected; although, each year. All clearcut areas must be continuous; however, I can confirm tion, relaxation or cultivation of land. protecting biodiversity is also are reforested. that it is the different roles of a forest – important in a forest that The new work organisation had just entered the ecological and socio-cultural, in addition is being managed. into force when a thunderstorm rolled over to the economic – that RMK takes into the forests of South Estonia. The new work account in its activity. Otherwise we would organisation was given a baptism by fire, not have obtained two international certifi- while RMK’s annual cutting volume increased cates for sustainable forest management; we by one-tenth, since the trees knocked down by would not be the largest performer of nature the storm had to be brought out of the forest. is the cost of every- km of forest certificates proving that protection works in Estonia, and we would The storm illustrated a truth that is already 0 € man’s right – camp- 8,700 roads are 4 RMK bases their activities not be hosting several million visits to our pro- clear to foresters – a forest is not a postcard, ing on RMK’s trails, spending owned by RMK. They make on high standards. There are tected and recreational areas. Yet, we have to remaining unchanged forever. No matter how the night in the forest cabins, possible forest and nature pro- the environmental and quality improve our dialogue with the communities. many plans man makes, nature will always or sleeping in a tent within tection works, but the roads management certificates In 2016, the structure of RMK was updated. be stronger. However, by acting in a wise and the recreation areas. are also needed for fire-fight- ISO 14001 and ISO 9001, New areas of activity added were nature pro- responsible manner, we will also be able to ers, berry and mushroom and the sustainable forestry tection, forest survey management (in more enjoy the forest and its benefits in the future. pickers and hikers. certificates FSC® and PEFC. 4 RMK ANNUAL REPORT 2016 RMK ANNUAL REPORT 2016 5 State land managed by RMK 1,322,881 ha ... of which forest land 971,615 ha Full-time employees 688 Turnover EUR 178.5 million Operating profit EUR 50.6 ABOUT million THE ORGANISATION Proprietary income to the state budget EUR 24.5 million Land tax EUR 4.7 million EMPLOYEES NEW WORK ORGANISATION As of 1 July, RMK’s structure changed: Instead of the Forest Adminis- The Land Use Department now In the Forest Management Activity tration Department, the Land includes 18 forest districts Area, the regional structure was Use Activity Area was created. instead of the previous 17. The changed and the unit with the most Area managed by RMK Forest district border Forestry region border Department’s task is to determine employees within RMK was estab- The former Forest Administra- the purpose of each RMK alloca- lished – the Silviculture Division. Visitor centre Information point Sagadi Forest Centre tion units of Forest Survey tion, to ensure more diverse use Management and Nature Pro- of state land, and to determine Under the Communication Depart- Nature house Plant management Elistvere Animal Park tection were made into sepa- the areas where heightened pub- ment, a development team started rate Operating Areas. lic interest must be taken into up, working to increase awareness Office Põlula Fish Farm account in managing them. about forests and nature. 8 RMK ANNUAL REPORT 2016 | ABOUT THE ORGANISATION RMK ANNUAL REPORT 2016 | ABOUT THE ORGANISATION 9 CONTRIBUTION TO THE ECONOMY Staff of RMK by counties (number of people) RMK’s economic indicators (EUR million) 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 Turnover 142.2 154.9 163.5 165.2 178.5 Operating profit 27,2 35,4 44,4 36,2 50,6 Proprietary income to the state budget 45.8 20 18.5 18.3 24.5 Land tax 4.0 4.3 4.5 4.6 4.7 Labour taxes 5.7 5.5 5.7 6.0 6.1 35,000 jobs in the forestry sector have a direct connection to the forest, and many jobs in the tourism, sports, transport and others sectors have an indirect connection to it. SOURCE: STATISTICAL YEARBOOK OF ESTONIA 2016 Number of people employed in the state forest Total number of people ... out of those, RMK employees working in the state forest in a principal job 10 RMK ANNUAL REPORT 2016 | ABOUT THE ORGANISATION HONOUR BOARD COOPERATION PROJECTS THE MOST PRESTIGIOUS MEANINGFUL FORESTRY AND THE USE OF TIMBER HEALTHY LIVING AND ACTIVITIES IN NATURE RMK earned first place in the ranking of Among the top 28 Estonian brands, RMK is MTÜ Vanaajamaja continued its cooperation The Kõrvemaa Quadrathlon took place under Estonian large enterprises based on their considered the most meaningful, as evidenced with the Heritage Protection Department to the flag of RMK. recognition and reputation. A year before, in the Idea Group’s survey Meaningful Brands. conserve a small wooden Orthodox Christian The interior architecture students from RMK placed fourth in that ranking, only rank- The survey explains not only the meaningful- church in Puutli Village, Vastseliina Rural the Estonian Academy of Arts built a unique ing first among state enterprises. RMK also ness of the brands but also their perceived Municipality, Võru County. The timber for floating stopover in Soomaa. ranks a very high third place in the reputation contribution to the people’s improved personal its replacement roof was provided by RMK. ranking of employers, having managed to and collective welfare. Forty seven per cent The Emajõe Barge Society is in the process Mushroom treks in Harju County were move up one place over the year. of Estonian residents, who are aware of RMK, of preparing for the construction of a two-mast organised in cooperation with the Maaleht claim that RMK helps them feel happier. newspaper, to introduce lesser-known species According to specialists from the survey Peipus barge; the suitable material was In the meaningfulness index, RMK ranks of edible mushrooms. company Emor, RMK’s trump card is good supplied from the state forest. higher than second place Telia by 11% concordance between the pleasantness and During Christmas, for the second year in a row, and the Estonian Nature Fund by 17%.
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