CURRENT PROJECTS Researcher Title Objectives Status E-mail name Home range analysis of African To investigate the spatial distribution of buffalo Abeare SM buffalo (Syncerus caffer): test of a relative to vegetation variables, distance to Current
[email protected] new method water, topography and visibility. Comparing grass biomass production Hypothesis: Grass biomass production is between sodic sites and crests in the higher on sodic sites than on the crests. Alard GF Current
[email protected] semi-arid granitic savannas of the lowveld A comparison of community dynamics To explore scale-dependence in the Andelman SJ in North American and South African relationship between biodiversity and Current
[email protected] savannas and grasslands ecosystem function. The potential for community-based To examine the nature of the relationship conservation in promoting biological between Hlanganani communities and the Anthony BP Current
[email protected] conservation and human rural Kruger National Park. development Vegetation monitoring in the Kruger Knowledge of vegetation distribution is crucial Aplin P National Park using multiscale remote to facilitate our understanding and Current
[email protected] sensing analysis management of the environment. To gauge different applications of a natural substance, gypsum (CaSO4) to the soil in Unnaturally eroded sodic soils order to verify its potential to be used for Basson S Current
[email protected] rehabilitation report reclamation and stabilisation of sensitive sodic soild in localities where anthropogenic soil erosion occurs. An examination into nutrient The investigation is primarily concerned with Bermeister distribution in soils around artificial looking into the nutrient contents of soils Current
[email protected] O watering sites on the northern plains around open and closed artificial watering of Kruger National Park points in the northern plains of the KNP.