1919. Congression.&L Record:-Hbuse

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1919. Congression.&L Record:-Hbuse 1919. CONGRESSION.&L RECORD:-HBUSE. 2489 ~ ance to Poland as long as she occupies invaded territories ; to By 1\lr. WHITE. of Maine: Petition of Frank ·whitney and the Committee on Foreign. Affair& othe1~, of Farmington,.Me., protesting against the so-called Lane By 1\Ir. HUDDLESTON: Petition of G. W. Adams and others~ bill fo~ the reclamation of land for soldiers; to the Committee customers of 1\Ir. Giodanes, 632 North Twenty-fourth Stree~ on t'he Rnbllc Lands. J Birmingham, Ala., for repeal of tax on soda, soft drinks, and ice By 1\fi·. YATES: Petition of Frank E. Fresel, W. F. Shorte, cream; to the Committee on Ways and :Means. John Bannler, and Fred Kleinkert, all of Chicago, Ill., protest- By 1\Ii·. JOHNSON of 1\fississippL: Petition o~ the· Ellisnlle.· . ing·ag.ainst the league of nations; to the Committee on Foreign· Congregational• Methodist Church, of Ellisville, 1\fiss., Sunday Affairs. school, Ladies' Aid Society, and visitors, protesting against the. Also, petition of Denton. & Anderson, of Chicago, protesting repeal of the prohibition law; to the Committee on the Judiciary. ' against any legislation for the repeal of the recent zone advance AI o, petition of sundry citizens of Se~y, Miss., and the on. magnzine advertising· pages as-class legislation; to the Com- Mississippi Association, protesting against the Federal tax: on •mittee on the Post Office and Post Roads. soda water, patent medicines, toilet articles, etc.; to the. Com.. Also, petition of the Biscuit & Cracker Manufacturers' Asso- mittee gn w:ays and Means. ciation of the United States; the American Hampshire Sheep By 1\Ir. KALANIANAOLE: Petition or 1\faui Chamber of Com- Association, C. A. Taylo-r, secretary; Chester (Ill.) Retail Mer­ mei·ce asking that the Federal good-roads act be amended to in- 1 chants' Associatio~ Fred :Middendorf, secretary, urging re­ clude the Territory of Hawaii; to the CDmmittee on Roads. tention of recent zone advances on advertising pages of periodi­ .AJ.so, petition of the Board of Trade of Hilo, Hawaii, asking cals; to the Committee on the Po.st Office and Post Roads. that the Federal'good.-ronds act be amended to include the Terri- Also, petition of the Tra.ffi.c Club of Chicag.o, urging the prin? tory of Hawaii; to tho Committee on Roads. ciples of the so-called Esch-Pomerene bill, now pending, and By l\Ir. KAHN : Petition of Christadelphian.s of Ridgewood, . suggesting an amendment,. and:· opposing the Poindexter long­ N. J., praying for exemption from military training; to the Com- and-short haul bill; to the Committee on Interstate and Foreign mittee on l\Iilitacy Affairs. Commerce. • By Mr. KT:.ECZKA: Petition of· 52 citizens of Milwaukee, Wis., Also, petition of the Up.ion Furniture· Co., of Rockford, Ill., requesting.the repeal of· tlie luxury-ta::c law; to the Committee on urging the passage of. legislation to compel magazine publishers Ways and Means. · to pay enough postage to protect the Government from loss in . By 1\Ir. LAl\.t:EERT : Resolution of the Common Council of the the carrying o.f the same; to the Committee on the Post Office city of Milwaukee, Wis., in favor of the amendment of the wire- and Post ROads. less ship act; t\1 the Committee on Naval Affairs. Also; petition off the ~ Centrnl Christian Church, of Peoria, Ill., By Mr. LONEltGAN: Petition. of Norden Lodge, No. 37, Ne:v urging enforcement of constitutional and war-time prohibition; · Britain, Conn., International Order of Good. TemplarS; fot• prohi- ro the Committee on the. Judiciary. bition enforcement la.w; to the ComJ!littee on. the Judiciary.. Also, petition of the National Confectioners' Association of By 1\fr. MeG LENNON: Petition of the Board of Commissioners the United States,. urging the repeal1of the 5 per cent excise tax: of the city of Hoboken, N. J., urging the adoption by the Con- on candy; to the Committee on Ways and Means. gress of the United.States of a resolution providing for the. recog- nition of the Republic of Ireland; to the Committee on-Foreign Affairs. · HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. By 1\Ir. NOLAN : Petition. ·of/ Retail Furniture Association of California favoring the exclusion of J"apanese; to the Committee 8-ATURDA·Y, July 1~·, 1919. on Immigration. By 1\fr. REBER: Petition ot John F. Hayes, past commander;. The House.. met at 12 o'clock noon. Timothy P. 1\lcCain, commander; \Villium H. Conry, senior vice 'l'he Chaplain, Rev. Henry N. Couden, D; D., offered the fol­ commander; William G. Bees, adjutant; and John \V. Fogel, lowing prayer : quartermaster, Colonel Theodore Roose'V'elt Camp, No, 25, Span­ Infinite Spirit; G<>d, our Heavenly Father, constant in Thy ish-American War Veterans, of Shenandoah, Pa.,. asking for do­ care over us, faithful in Thy ministrations unto the children of nation. of one German cannon or fieldpiece to be placed on a. plot men, we would draw near to Thee in prayer, that our minds of ground which the Spani;;;ll-American war veterans own in the may be illumined, our hearts purified, our conscience quickened, Annunciation Cemetery for the burial of deceased member.s; to that we may walk worthy of· the high calling of heaven, as re­ the Committee on Military Affah·s. vealed in the incomparabl~ life and character of Thy Son Jesus Also, petition of Joe Yakamavege,. of Tamaqua, Pu.; Charles Christ, the world's Great Exemplar. .A.:.men. Boches, of Shenandoah, Pa: .; and Thomas Kutskill, of Shanan­ The Journal of the yroceedings of yesterday was read nnd ap­ doah, Pa., urging the United States to demand the withdrawal pro\ed. of Polish troops from Lithuanian territory and..to give Lithuania TREA..T!\fENT OF OUR SOLDIERS. a moral support in her war against Bolshevists ; to the Com­ ·The SPEAKER. Under the order of the House the gentle­ mittee on Foreigu Affairs. man from Massachusetts [Mr. DALLINGER-] is recognized for Also, petition of Thomas Vilkuitis, Frank Wasilians, \Villiam five minutes. Walacavage, Paul Walacavage, all of Trunaqna, Pa., and Thomas ~lr. DALLINGER. 1\-Ir. Speaker, I ask unanimous consent to Kazlanska and Y. Kralikas, of St. Clair, Pa., asking the United extend my remarks in·the RECORD and to include a letter received States to demand the withdrawal of Polish troops from Lithu­ by me from a soldier. anian territory and to give Lithuania a moral support in her wa'l· The SPElAKER. The gentleman from Massachusetts asks against Bolshevists; to the Committee on Foreign Affairs; unanimaus consent to extend his- remarks in the REcoirn in the By Mr. SANFORD: Petition of residents of Troy, N. Y., op­ manner indicated. Is there objection? posing enforcement of the eighteenth amendment; to the Com­ There was no objection. mittee on the Judiciary. Mr. DALLINGER. Mr. Speaker, I hold in my· hand a letter By Mr. SINCLAffi: Petition of the Woman's Club· of Bot­ which I have received from Mr. .Tames W. Beckman, of New tineau, N. Dak., indt>rsing the Smith-Towner educational bill; to York City, a former sergeant major with our troops in France. the Committee on Education. It contains some of the charges against the officials of the Also, petition of citizens of De Sart, N. Dak., for the repeal provost marshal's office of the American Expeditionary Forces of tax on sodas, soft drinks, and ice cream ; to the Committee at Paris that are appearing daily in the New York Globe and on \Vays ·and Means. other papers of the country. I have met Mr. Beckman, have By Mr. SMITH of Illinois: Petition of sundry citizens of the read copies of affida:vits substantiating these charges, have seventeenth district of Illinois for the repeal of the tax on talked with men who served in the Army in France, who state candy, ice cream, etc.; to the Committee on Ways and 1\Ieans. that the conditions described were mutters of common knowl­ By 1\fr. VARE: Petition of Grand Lodge of Brotherhood of edge to the American soldier in France, and have become con­ Railroad Trainmen, supporting the league of nations ; to the 'inced that there is truth in these reports. Committee on Foreign Affairs. Briefly, it is charged that our soldiers who went to France By Mr. WASON: Petition of Charles W. Pierce and 97 other imbued with patriotism-the best blood of our land-sailed members of Charity Lodge, residing in Wilmot Flats, N. H., and across the sea to fight despotism and found a .species of despotism vicinity, urging the enforcement of the eighteenth amendment worse. than that for which we are going to punish the Kaiser. to the Constitution; to the Committee on the J'udiciary. Assertions. are made that our own loved ones were beaten, By Mr. WATSON of Pennsylvania: Resolution. adopted by cluhbed, starved, all in. the name of democracy ; that men the National Association of Sheet and Tin Plate Manufacturers caJUghtl in the web of the American military police system of to forbid the immigration of foreigners into this country; to the Paris were plhced in prison pens viler than those of -Anderson­ Committee on Immigration and Naturalization. ville; that our soldiers, some of them wearing wound stripes, 2490 OONGRESSION AL RECORD- HOUSE. JULY 12, some returning to duty after weeks and months of suffering in Another way men were trapped and betra~·ed uy the military police was when a man would arrive in Paris, say, at the Gare du Nord, a hospitals, were thrown into prison without trial and without rallway station of Paris, perhaps having come from a hospital and charges e'er being preferred against them for such offenses as not knowing just where to go, would go up to the provost marshal at failure to h::rve proper military travel orders in their possession.
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