™ Growing inFAITH Discovering hope and joy in the Catholic faith. F A I T H May 2021 St. Mary/St. Charles Rev. Duane Wachowiak, Pastor One Minute Who do you say that Jesus is? Meditations Jesus said to his Apostles, “But who and deluded when believing He was God is our strength do you say that I am?” (Matthew 16:15). God? Being out of touch with reality Life can be exhausting and we In Mere Christianity, C.S. wouldn’t have been confined to one can become overwhelmed by Lewis wrote that there delusion. The effects of mental illness what it takes to be good. It is are three ways to spill into many areas of a person’s life. important to remember that answer this question. Yet, the Gospels describe Jesus’ wisdom, we don’t struggle alone. “If Perhaps Jesus was intelligence, and practical God is for us, who is against us? a liar, deliberately good sense. He had He who did not spare his own misleading others an ability to attract Son but gave him up for us by claiming to be people who all, will he not also give us all God. Or, was He respected His things with him?” (Romans insane, deluded authority. 8:31-32). into thinking Lord: When He was Jesus asked, “But A new approach God? Finally, who do YOU say St. Paul said the whole perhaps He is what that I am?”, Peter law is summed up in love. He said He is – God. responded, “You are the Christ, the Son of While he was talking about Liar: If Jesus deliberately misled the living God.” It’s the only answer that Mosaic law, laws are given to others, He would have been evil. Yet, makes sense. preserve order. Jesus presented his friends wrote that He did incredible Ultimately, we each have to answer a new fresh approach. Out of acts of good, was honest, kind, and the question of who Jesus is for love, He came not to abolish compassionate. No one experienced ourselves. We can pray for the faith of the Law, but to bring it to Jesus as a bad man. Peter to declare Jesus our Lord and our perfection. The relationship Lunatic: What if Jesus were insane God. between heaven and earth is love.

“Whatever you ask in my Why do Catholics pray name, I will do it, that the Father may be glorified in the the Rosary? Son; if you ask anything in my name, Popes, , and Catholics over the the Rosary is I will do centuries have turned to the Rosary meant to still it” (John for miraculous help in seemingly our minds 14:13- impossible situations. The mysteries of and direct 14). the Rosary describe the events of Jesus’ our hearts to life, death and Resurrection. As we pray communion with the Rosary, we revisit these events. God, placing our focus The Rosary is deeply ingrained in on God and not on the our Catholic identity. The rhythm of world. © Copyright 2021 Success Publishing & Media, LLC All Rights Reserved Growing in Faith TM May 2021 Page 2

Mary brings us to the heart of her Son Jesus so loved his mother that his last thoughts on human and be crucified for our salvation. the Cross were of her. He gave her to us as our own Following her example means saying “yes” to mother, and wants us to honor her. “Since Mary is whatever God asks. rightly to be regarded as the way by which we are led For her sacrifice. Wouldn’t you be forever to Christ, the person who encounters Mary cannot grateful to someone who gave up her child so help but encounter Christ likewise” (Mense Maio, that you and your loved ones might live? Mary Blessed Pope Paul VI). loved her amazing child and she experienced For her “yes.” Without fully understanding unspeakable heartache as he was sacrificed for us. what God intended, she unhesitatingly Praying the Rosary regularly reminds us of agreed to become his mother. Her “yes” the life of Jesus and the desire of his Mother made it possible for God to become to bring us close to his heart.

from Matthew 28:16-20, The Holy Why are Catholics Q urged to pray? S cripture Trinity & Jesus appeared to the Apostles on the Holy Spirit – three Divine Persons A mountain top in Galilee, so they could united in love. The belief that God is St. Therese of Lisieux receive their final instructions. three, yet one, is distinct to Christianity. said, “For me, They were to go forth, baptize, When we became members of the prayer is a surge make disciples, and to Church, we were baptized in the of the heart; it is a teach what they had been name of the Trinity. simple look turned taught. The Trinity is a mystery toward heaven, it is a cry These are our instructions, we may not fully of recognition and of love, embracing too. Once we meet Jesus and understand, but we can still both trial and joy.” Practically speaking, experience his love for us, we live in its love and power. prayer is how we connect with God. can’t keep him to ourselves. We proclaim our faith in it Prayer helps us to hear God’s voice. By We must share him. whenever we make the Sign praying, we learn about Him, come to Jesus also revealed to the of the Cross: “In the name of the understand what He wants for us, and Apostles, and to the crowd Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy how we reap the blessings He wants to gathered with them, that Spirit.” Our ultimate goal is to follow give us. The more we pray, the closer to God is a Trinity —Father, Son, and Christ into the eternal life of the Trinity. Him we become. “Christian prayer is a covenant relationship between God and man in Christ” (Catechism of the Feasts & Catholic Church, #2564). Celebrations (1587). Born to poor, pious parents Through our Baptism, we are united in , St. Felix was called “ with Jesus. When we pray often and Deogratias” because he was always regularly, we create the habit of being in May 1 – St. Joseph the Worker. thanking God. As a young man, he His presence and in communion with Entrusted with the care of the Blessed joined the Capuchins, who sent him to Him. And, we tap into our Baptismal Mother and Jesus, Joseph was a to be the friary’s official beggar. connection. Through a healthy prayer carpenter dedicated to his family and He was also friends with Saints Philip life, we enjoy a personal and living obedient to God. Neri and . relationship with God. May 13 – Solemnity of the May 23 – Pentecost (1st century). God seeks to draw us each to Himself. Ascension of the Lord (1st Century). After the Resurrection and Ascension Prayer is our answer to Him. This solemnity marks the completion of Jesus, the Holy Spirit was Our Mission of Jesus’ mission of salvation and given to the Church at To provide practical ideas that promote his triumphant entry into Heaven. the first Pentecost. When faithful Catholic living. Success Publishing & Media, LLC Note: In many dioceses, observance the apostles received the Publishers of Growing in Faith™ and Partners in Faith™ of Ascension has been moved to the Holy Spirit, the “new (540)662-7844 (540)662-7847 fax http://www.infaithpublishing.com following Sunday. age” of the Church (Unless noted Bible quotes and references are from the May 18 – St. Felix of Cantalice was born. Revised Standard Version and the New American Bible - Revised) © Copyright 2021 Success Publishing & Media, LLC All Rights Reserved